• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,395 Views, 1,948 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 22 -Masquerade-


Luna's throat tightened up as her eyes watered. "I-I don't..."

Shattered Skies stood and watched as Luna tried in vain to say something, she swallowed hard a few times before a tear slowly descended down her cheek. Skies smiled, walking to her slowly, any reservations he had were now gone.

Luna gasped when Skies sat and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her upright and into a hug.


"How can you forgive me?" Luna asked, sorrow heavy in her voice.

Shattered Skies didn't say anything at first, he was just happy that Luna was back to being the same mare he watched grow up. He held her at arm's length and smiled. "Nightmares can be terrible things, but you're awake now."

Luna smiled, sinking into Skies’ arms once more. "Thank you."

For what seemed like an hour, Luna and Skies sat in eachother's arms, content with their reunion. The moon shined bright and it's beams peeked through the forest, giving the falling snow a light glow.

A stick cracked, grabbing Luna's attention. Skies didn't look because he knew who had arrived.

"You!" Sif growled.

"Sif?" Luna asked, unsure if she would lose air from a gripping hug or from vicious white teeth.

"Get away from him!" Sif snarled, signalling her kin to show their faces from the bushes to growl at Luna.

"Sif." Skies said.

"Sif, I know you may not trust me-" Luna tried to defend, but Sif was too enraged to listen.

"No! I'll eat you for what you did." Sif's fur kinked and stood on end.

"Sif." Skies asked again, slightly annoyed.

Luna's magic fluxed, but remained at a passive level, making it clear she didn't want to fight. "Please, Sif, I know you hate me, but please, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about the Nightmare."

Sif's eyes grew with her feral grin, stretching the skin until it strained. "The only thing left of you after tonight will be the prints of where you stood when I took you."

"Sif." Skies' eyes glowed with a brilliant golden light. He stepped forward with his wings stretched to the sides. With his magic the entire forest shook and the light faded while the cries and howls of woodland creatures echoed around them.

The wolflings trebled and backed up, but Sif remained, crouched and snarling. "No, Skies! I almost lost you once and I will not let that happen again."

Skies continued to stalk forward, his fur on end.

Sif's eyes broke contact from Skies' intense glare.

"Do you think me a fool?" Skies boomed, the trees amplifying his voice. "I understand in full what I'm doing."

Sif's snarling ceased and she looked to the side, indignant that she was being scolded.

Skies inhaled deeply and smiled before the forest went back to normal. He nuzzled Sif who returned his loving gesture. "I understand your overprotectiveness, but trust me, I believe Luna can be trusted."

"Okay." Sif said quietly in resignation.

"Go home and tell Cadance that I'll be at Farhaven."

Sif nodded and sauntered away.

"She hates me, doesn't she?" Luna asked.

"Yes, she does." Skies said solemnly as he stood, dragging both he and Luna into a tree to get to Farhaven faster. Luna stumbled when they emerged.

"Yep. Still hate that." Luna spread her hooves, trying to stabilize herself.

"Oh boo hoo." Skies chuckled as he walked towards the castle from the high garden. He stopped and looked back at Luna who refused to move away from the tree.

"Skies, I don't want to be here."

"We have to face the past eventually." Skies said, holding the door for her. "It's not like I'm going to stab you."

Luna looked off the ledge at the land, she saw tents dotting the landscape near half finished buildings. The mountain in the distance had a large bore in it with an ancient looking muraled wall being carved to look like Skies. "What is this?"

"Farhaven." Skies said as he approached Luna, letting the door close behind him. "It's going to be a new nation."

Luna gave Skies a sorrowful look.

"We should go and tell the others about you so they don't attack you the second they see you." Skies said, avoiding Luna's look.


"Getting attacked would be bad." Skies said in a sing-song voice.

"No, why are you building a nation? And why here?" Luna held her hoof out, gesturing to the land.

Skies sighed. "I know you know the state of the word, Luna. You were always the smarter one." Skies booped Luna on the nose, making her giggle. "Even you would like a second chance and that's what Farhaven will do for the world."

Luna's small smile fell. "You know when the world finds out, everypony-"

"Everypony?" Skies asked.

"Sorry. Every-one." Luna smiled nervously. "When everyone catches wind of this, the world will react and I honestly don't know what that will be."

"Well, I'm planning a big reveal, so hopefully it'll be somewhat humorous." Skies said to Luna's shock as he walked away.

"Big reveal?"

Skies ignored Luna's inquiry and continued walking and humming to himself.

Luna reared up and trotted after Skies. "Hey, wait up!"

Skies gave Luna a devious smile and sprinted away from her and down the spiraling steps. They darted around the castle, scaring the inhabitants; changeling, Diamond Dog, Wolf, and undead, alike.

Skies stopped at the base of the vault steps and Luna teleported above him and landed with a high pitched squeal. "Gotchya!"

The clanging of tools was heard throughout the cavern, gaining Luna's attention. She didn't realize where Skies was leading her, but the sight of the vault made her sick to her stomach and what's worse, Storm Front, Flowing Streams, and Feather of Truth were glaring at her from across the room. Innocence, not so much.

"What is she doing here!?" Storm Front roared, causing a loud thunder clap to crash outside, making Luna shy away.

"Easy, Storm." Skies rested his wing on Luna, shocking the others. "She's our friend."

Storm snarled and prepared a barrage of insults, but was stopped by Innocence when she stood to walk towards Skies. She looked a little sad, but continued walking.

"Why?" Innocence asked.

Skies looked down at her, fully aware of what she was asking. He was going to answer with a funny remark, but he sensed that the Spirits were on edge as it was. "I forgive her, that's why."

Innocence reached forward and lifted Skies' wing. "Even after she nearly killed you?"

Skies looked back at an ashamed Luna. "Yes, I can not hold her responsible for the events of that night."

Innocence smiled and nodded. She walked over to Luna and covered her in a soft, turquoise shawl she had been wearing. "Then I trust your judgement and forgive her as well."

Storm Front growled and exploded out of the room in the form of a bolt of lightning.

Honos and Streams calmly walked out of the room, clearly conflicted about Luna’s presence.

Luna wore a sad look as the Spirits left, but smiled when Skies rested his wing on her once again. "They'll come around, but like most things it will take time."

Luna sniffed. "Okay."

Skies slowly strode over to the vault door Storm and the others had been working on and pressed his hoof against it, igniting the text. "I assume you figured out the instant you knew where we were that my intentions for coming here weren't strictly altruistic."


Skies glanced back at his friend and former student. "You are by far the best magic user I've ever known and I will not be able to break this unless I have the key."

Luna cringed at the word, key.

"So the key is an action?"

Luna shook her head. "No, it's a memory."

Skies smirked. "So you were able to find a way to implement memory as something tangible to use in a seal."

Luna nodded.

"Professor Mnemosyne or Doctor Hypnos?" Skies asked.

"I found some of Doctor Hypnos' notes that lead to my discovery of sealing with memory keys."

Skies stomped his hoof in frustration. "Knew it."

Luna giggled before taking on a more solemn look. "Unfortunately, the memory is a bit difficult to remember."

Skies glanced over. "Explain."

Luna tried to say something, but failed. When Skies saw this, he knew what memory she was talking about. He nodded and touched the seal again to look at the runes. "So you used the memory of stabbing me as the key to this door, leaving you the only one that could truly open this door?"

Luna nodded. "I was sent to the moon shortly after sealing it."

"I take it once the Nightmare was torn from you, you lost part of that memory?" Skies asked.

Luna nodded. "I opened it when Tia asked me to the first time, but I had to force it open by tricking my own seal. I would try again, but the only problem with it is-"

"-that it's a self learning seal." Skies finished. "Very good Luna, top marks my dear."

Luna smiled sweetly at the compliment.

"So let's open it legitimately." Skies said. "You have some of the memories and so do I. We should be able to open it."

"It could work, but-"

"There’s always a but." Skies tittered.

"A full moon was present when it was sealed and will need to be full again to be opened." Luna said. She watched her old mentor reading her seal and nodding happily at her work, filling her with a feeling she had not felt in some time, satisfaction.

"I understand. It would rouse suspicion if the moon snapped from a crescent to full in one day." Skies said. "But you're willing to open it with me?"

Luna nodded.

"Wonderful, in three weeks we'll meet to open the vault." Skies chirped. "In the mean time, try and remember as much as possible about that night."

Giving a weak smiled, Luna looked at Skies. "I really don't want to."

Luna's chin was lifted by Skies' hoof. "I know, but once it's over, it's over. In the meantime, you have some Ponyville hooplah to stir up and I have a business trip to go through."

"Business trip?" Luna asked.

"Yep, there's a masquerade in Canterlot that I was invited to." Skies walked toward the stairway and paused at the bottom step. "Well, I was technically invited."

Luna smiled. "So how do I get in touch with you?"

Skies glanced back. "You know how, Moon Pie."

Luna's horn glowed, but she was unable to teleport out of the Everfree. The confusion on her face was apparent.

"There are wards blocking teleportation across Farhaven borders. Within the confines are fine." Skies muttered as if reciting a line. "Come on, I'll walk you out."

Luna smiled. "Well this will give us some time to catch up."

Skies smirked. "I’ll be sure to tell you all about my daughter."

Luna's eyes grew. "Huh?"

A Week Later

Big Mac stretched as he stared out at the small river, the banks were lined with ice, but not so much that water would stop flowing. He skipped rock after rock across the open water after examining each one briefly out of boredom.

He murmured to himself, mimicking Applejack's frazzled speech. The growing tension in his house was almost more than he could bare, and keeping Gilda happy proved to be growing in difficulty.

"You okay, Mackie?"

Big Mac looked back, jostled from his thoughts to find Gilda standing by an apple tree, a little worried. She smiled when he waved her forwards.

"I'm okay, I'm just a little conflicted."

Gilda nuzzled herself into his lap. "About what?"

Mac brushed his hoof over Gilda's stomach. "Mostly about the foal, but also about us."

Gilda felt Big Mac take her claw and kiss it lightly. She sighed and sat up. "I don't want to take you away from your family, Mackie, but your culture won't accept us."

Mac nodded solemnly. "I know."

Gilda pressed herself up against Big Mac. "I need you to talk to me, Mackie, what do you want?"

Big Mac remembered the words Granny Smith said to him before he rushed into the forest after Gilda. 'Go with what makes you happy. Whatever you choose, we still love you.'

Big Mac looked out at the river. "I don't know."

A soft chuckle was heard a few feet behind both Gilda and Big Mac, prompting them both to look back to see Granny Smith standing behind them with a coat on. "Ya two are more lost than wood glue in a bakery."

"Granny, you shouldn't be out here." Big Mac tried to get up, but stopped at his granny's glare.

"Listen here, Mackie. Ah've been around for a long time and still have some fight in me, so ah won't hear none of this." Granny shook her hoof at a bashful Big Mac as Gilda chuckled. "From the looks of things, ya need some help deciding somethin.'"

"I don't know what you mean." Mac started, but flinched when Granny Smith struck him.

Granny Smith brought both Gilda and Big Mac into a hug.

"Granny?" Mac asked.

"Tell me what's going on." Granny requested. "It's that Spirit, isn't it?"

Big Mac sighed. "How'd you know?"

Granny snickered. "Gut feelin,' our family has always had a knack for running into Spirits too. Even met the harvest Spirit a few times, he took a liking to your father."

Big Mac stared on in disbelief. "Why didn't you ever tell us?"

Granny's smile dropped a little. "You know why, Mackie."

Mac nodded, knowing that the subject or spirits or his parents were always sensitive and often avoided.

"What did the Spirit offer you?" Granny asked.

Gilda gave Granny a questioning look. "How did you know he offered us anything?"

"Spirit's do that." Granny said matter of factly. "Most of them like to help, so they offer it. So what did he offer ya?"

"A second chance." Big Mac said solemnly, expecting Granny Smith to be upset. "He brought us to his castle and showed us what he's trying to make. I want a fresh start with Gilda in a place that at least gives us a shot at a normal life."

Granny Smith smiled. "Sounds like ya have yer mind made up."

Big Mac chewed his lip, she was right. His mind was set the instant he heard the words 'second chance' left Shattered Skies' lips. Mac opened his mouth a few times to try and make the situation sound better, but in the end he was still moving away.

Granny Smith hugged Big Mac. "Just promise to visit, okay?"

"Okay." Big Mac tried hugging back.

Granny moved and hugged Gilda. "Take care of him."

"I will." Gilda chuckled.

With that said, Granny Smith looked at her grandson and future granddaughter and walked away, smiling.

Gilda rested her wing on Big Mac. "Do you want to pack anything?"

Mac shook his head. "No, I'm afraid if we don't leave now, then I'll never be able to, especially if I see Apple Bloom."

Gilda stood with Big Mac. "To our new life?"

Big Mac leaned over, kissing Gilda and rubbing the side of her stomach. "Our new life."

They both looked off towards the setting sun near Canterlot as a firework exploded, letting a soft boom rumble through the sky.

Sunset Shimmer's ears flattened every time a firework exploded in the sky, she liked fireworks, but they gave her horrendous head aches. Other than that, she was enjoying the masquerade, even if the only activities were gossiping and dancing.

At first, a masquerade didn't seem like a good idea considering all that's happened recently, but any qualm Sunset had was put to rest when she heard that it was invitation only and that guards would be posted everywhere. She looked out at the crowd and saw all manners of masks being worn; from the most ornate to the very plain.

Prince Blueblood's mansion was extremely lavish and pampered; fountains, statues, and servants dotted the entire estate. He spared no expense of the crown's money when he built it. He confided in Sunset Shimmer that not a day goes by that he does not regret wasting his aunts money in such a way.

"Ah, m'lady, I see you've taken another break away from the festivities?" A large white stallion asked from behind an ornate lion mask.

Sunset adjusted her simple blue eye cover with her hoof. "Hello, Prince Blueblood."

"Ah, why must you ruin the anonymity?" Blueblood groaned.

Sunset chuckled. "Sorry, how are you enjoying your party?"

"How am I enjoying it?" Blueblood asked. "How are you enjoying it? You seem to not be very fond of mingling with the other guests."

Sunset smirked, Blueblood had gone out of his way to make sure all of his guests were as happy as he was. Unfortunately, Sunset didn't like the callous approach to social issues that many of his guests fancied. "I'm enjoying the festivities just fine."

"Nonsense, you haven't danced. Not even once!" Blueblood chirped, clapping his hooves together. "Come on, we'll find you a date!"

Sunset felt Blueblood grab her hoof with his magic and pull her towards the group he had visited the most throughout the night. No doubt the group were the cream of the crop when it came to Equestrian high society; Politicians, leaders, mayors, even the occasional military official or two. Ponies Blueblood wanted connections with in case he ever needed one of them in his back pocket.

Reluctantly, Sunset went with Blueblood out of a sense of obligation to her former teacher’s nephew. "So who am I going to meet?"

"I have no idea!" Blueblood laughed.

"I get that it's a masquerade, but shouldn't you know everyone here?"

"I should, but this stallion is one I haven't met before." Blueblood admitted. "He even likes to play up his anonymity, he'll be perfect for you."

"I'm not looking for love, Blueblood." Sunset sighed.

"Of course you're not! But it's sure looking for you!" Blueblood cheered in a cheesy manner.

Blueblood weaved through the crowd that parted for him effortlessly when they recognized his lion mask. The crowd continued to part for them both until they arrived at his pool. They entered Blueblood's grotto, a place where the VIPs sat.

Sunset saw how excited Blueblood was and went along with his attempt at matchmaking. He dragged her with him into the grotto that was lit up with torches and ambient light shining through the pony-made waterfall.

"Ah, Mr. Lion, you're back!" A well-dressed white unicorn called.

"Yes, and I brought company to meet our newest friend."

Sunset waved bashfully and looked over the small group, she instantly saw who Blueblood was talking about. In the center of the crowd sat a large, silver stallion with an iron wolf mask with bronze fittings. He sat, leaned on an elbow while two mares wearing sheep masks talked to him.

"I don't know about this, Blueblood."

"Oh pish-posh." Blueblood shooed his hoof at Sunset. "Call me Blue. Now, let's go meet your future goodnight stallion."

Sunset continued to follow Blueblood, even though she was embarrassed at his constant romantic meddling. As she neared, the two mares that were talking with the stallion in the iron mask nearly swooned as he kissed both their heads and strode away from them and up to Blueblood.

"Mr. Lion, I was worried you left for the night."

"Of course not, Mr. Wolf." Blueblood chuckled. "I went to get a very good friend of mine to introduce you to."

"Mr. Wolf, may I introduce you to Ms. Phoenix." Blueblood pushed Sunset forward. "Oh, look at the time, I need to go and see if my wait staff needs anything, ciao!"

"H-Hi." Sunset said after having been pushed a little too close to Mr. Wolf.

Mr. Wolf glanced down and noticed Sunset's uneasy look. He chuckled before taking a step back and bowing slightly. "It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Phoenix."

Sunset bowed in turn. "Mr. Wolf."

"With introductions out of the way, how about we take a walk." Mr. Wolf leaned closer to Sunset so that only she could hear them. "If I'm here another minute, I might eat everyone here."

Sunset giggled and noticed the indignant look on the two masked mares that had fawned over Mr. Wolf. "I would like that very much."

Mr. Wolf draped his wing over Sunset and drew her closer. At first, she didn't like the gesture, but slowly she accepted it, especially when they exited the grotto and had to navigate the large crowd once more.

Sunset could only see ponies standing shoulder to shoulder as they walked. The sound of fireworks and music diminished as they left and neared a garden section. Every now and then, Mr. Wolf would glance back as if someone was following him. Suddenly, he stopped and removed his wing from over a very confused, Sunset.

"Sorry about the wing thing." Mr. Wolf said plainly.

"Oh it was no problem." Sunset said.

"Still, I apologize. I would try to explain it, but I'll just leave it at politics." Mr. Wolf stated as he sat on the well groomed grass. He kept his back away from the crowd and every so often looked over, trying to see if someone was looking.

"So, how are you liking the party?" Sunset asked, trying to spark a conversation.

Mr. Wolf chuckled. "Ponies seem to be more concerned with themselves, contrary to how they make themselves out to be. Well, at least here anyway."

Sunset countered the instant he finished. "I'm sure there are some ponies that genuinely care about others."

Wolf held up his hoof. "You misunderstand. I do not mean to sound like I'm grouping all ponies into a single category, I am merely commenting on the ponies here in the Canterlot upper rings."

"Upper rings?" Sunset asked.

Mr. Wolf gave Sunset a questioning look, even though he wore a mask, the look still made Sunset shy away. "Are you not from here, Ms. Phoenix?"

"I was raised in Seaddle before coming here to go to Starswirl Academy." Sunset said.

"School for gifted unicorns?" Wolf asked, chuckling to himself. "Didn't realize I was in the presence of a scholar."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I only went for three years before I... dropped out."

The fire maned unicorn shuffled her hooves uncomfortably.

"You regret dropping out?" Wolf asked in a serious tone.

"Very much so."

"So you've never been to the lower rings?"

Sunset shrugged. "I never knew there were."

Wolf stood and waved Sunset to follow him into the garden. He started talking the second she joined him near a large stag statue. "Did you know that Canterlot used to be a kingdom for the Unicorns? It was once home to unicorns like King Bullion and Princess Platinum."

Sunset shook her head. "Equestrian history was never a strong subject for me. Now, ask me a question about applied science or scientific theory and I'll show you a thing or two."

"I know a large Raven that would love you." Wolf chuckled, confusing Sunset. "Canterlot was built with multiple rings, the uppermost two rings being visible from anywhere, say, Ponyville, for instance. The other rings stretch to the valley below the castle and all the way around the mountain until you get to the harbor."

Sunset thought about it, but couldn't remember anything about a harbor. "Harbor?"

Wolf nodded. "It's a shady area where ships sail through the Platinum river from Horseshoe Bay to import and export goods; it's known as the fish district from the fish smell. It used to be called the Bay district, but thanks to bureaucrats, it received a name change."

"That's horrible." Sunset said in disgust.

"The ponies living in the Fish District don't think so. They've taken the name with pride." Wolf gave a breathy laugh, genuinely finding the situation funny. "The other districts are the Rein District, Paddock District, and the Sun District. I’ll give you two guesses which one is the Sun District." Wolf finished, gesturing to their lavish surroundings.

"You seem pretty knowledgeable for a Canterlot noble." Sunset said.

"Is that who you think I am?" Mr. Wolf asked, clearly amused. "Some noble?"

Sunset took a moment and stopped, the distant sound of music booming in the background. Her eyes strained in the dim light, but she looked over her companion. His onyx suit covered most of his body and a small, blue cape was draped over one of his left wing with a wolf emblem on it. What stood out the most was his size.

"You're a guard?" Sunset asked.

"I'm a doctor of history." Mr. Wolf continued walking. "A Canterlot noble I am not."

"A title and a few yards of silk could fix that." Sunset added making her silver 'date' laugh.

"Indeed, and few more yards of silk could make me a Prench noble." Wolf lead Sunset through the garden and talked to her about world politics and from their conversation, Wolf started asking more pointed questions.

"I take it you don't live in a pony society?"

Sunset stopped, surprised at the sudden accusation. "Why would you think that?"

Wolf turned to her and smiled. "You've been saying anyone, not anypony."


"Don't lie." Wolf smiled wider. "I don’t judge."

Sunset shied away a little.

"Ms. Phoenix, if it's that jarring, you don't have to tell me."

"It's not that, it's just you might think I'm crazy." Sunset said. "You seem like a nice stallion and I've enjoyed our conversation."

Mr. Wolf turned to face Sunset and looked down at her with his golden eyes that seemed to glow in the faded light. "Tell me and I'll tell you if it sounds crazy."

The sudden cold air in Sunset's lungs from taking a deep breath made her shiver. "I live in a place like this." Sunset gestured to the Canterlot skyline. "But it’s filled with humans-"

Everything after the word 'humans' made Mr. Wolf's ears ring as thoughts raced through his head. He watched as Sunset talked faster and faster, trying to get everything out. As he looked up, he saw two mares standing at the entrance to the garden, looking at him; they both had black coats, but one had a rusty mane with a silver siren mask and the other had a blue one mane with a gold bee mask. Wolf shook his head and caught the end of Sunset's rant.

"-and that's why I'm here at this crazy party."

Wolf looked at the garden entrance, but the two mares had disappeared. He looked down at the eager Sunset. "So a mirror connects both dimensions?"

Sunset squinted. "I didn't say anything about a mirror."

"Yes you did." Wolf proclaimed, knowing she didn't.

Sunset bit her lip. "Yeah, it was a mirror I found when I was a filly."

Wolf shrugged. "Well, crazier things have happened."

"You believe me?" The question hung in the air with a hint of disbelief.

Wolf smiled and walked back towards the crowd of chattering ponies as a seemingly popular song came to an end. He glanced back at her and waved her to follow, the closer she got the faster he walked until they both entered a gait as they laughed.

All of a sudden, Mr. Wolf came to a stop and whipped around so that when Sunset skidded to a stop, they were eye to eye. The crowd backed away a little as the small orchestra started with bassist as she played her instrument.

"Dance?" Wolf held out a hoof to which Sunset grabbed in response.

Slowly, the rest of the orchestra picked up and a blue mare in a cheetah mask started to sing. One by one, couples started dancing as the song picked up pace.

Sunset didn't recognize the song, but her dancing partner was humming along in sync. "S-So, I take it you like to dance?"

Mr. Wolf lightly pushed her away while holding onto her hoof before twirling her around gently as he brought her back to his barrel. "Eh, I've had to learn over the years for my job."

"A history professor needs to dance?" Sunset chuckled.

"It has its uses."

Sunset kept up her quiet laughter at the absurdity of her new friend, but still enjoyed his presence. She kept up the dancing and noticed that he smelled like freshly fallen rain, a smell that made her feel pleasantly lightheaded.

When the song came to an end, Mr. Wolf and Ms. Phoenix slowly separated and saw that the entire party was looking at them in awe. The stomping started and soon the estate was in an uproar of approval at the dancing display that they had just witnessed. Sunset bowed along with her partner and followed him off the dance floor.

"Y'know, you're a nice mare." Mr. Wolf said as if he was thinking out loud.

Sunset winked at him. "You're not too bad yourself."

A cloaked pony stood on a balcony, staring down at the two ponies, something Mr. Wolf didn't miss. He continued walking until he reached the edge of the estate and leaned on the stone banister. It was set up above the lower districts, a straight drop off that lead to the roofs of residential homes and stores.

"Quite a night, huh?" Wolf asked.

"Oh yes, I'm glad Princess Celestia suggested this to me." Sunset said breathlessly. "I was going to stay in tonight and research Shattered Skies, but I would have cried if I learned I would have missed this."

"I'm glad you had a good time." Wolf cooed as he stood on the banister.

"You're leaving?" Sunset asked, sounding slightly upset.

"Unfortunately, yes. Duty calls." Mr. Wolf said, looking directly at the cloaked pony as she stared back from the balcony with rose colored eyes.

Sunset frown and shuffled her hooves, clearly not ready for the night to end. The fireworks entered their final display for the night as the orchestra played more music in the background.

"Why so sad?"

"I don't want you to go."

Mr. Wolf smiled down at her. "We had a good time tonight, that's something to cherish."

Sunset gave him a pleading look. "Will I see you again?"

"Of course you will." Mr. Wolf winked at her.

"G-Goodnight." Sunset smiled.

"Goodnight, Sunset Shimmer." Mr. Wolf spread his wings and fell off the balcony the instant Sunset's name registered with her, making her jaw drop.

"Wait!" Sunset rushed to the edge and looked over to see two large silver wings angled to the ground, causing Mr. Wolf to pick up speed. A rush of wind blew past her as a cloaked mare dove off the balcony to give chase to Sunset's mystery stallion. "What just happened?"

Skyfall felt the wind whip past him as he dove down and right towards the rocky ground below. He held his breath as the details of his surrounds started to come dangerously into focus and the air was forced from his lungs when he shot his wings open to angle himself up, narrowly missing a fountain.

He smiled and wished that night had a rewind button, he never knew that Sunset could be so much fun and she was certainly worlds away from the detective he had come to know on a day to day basis. Silently, he wondered if he should tell her it was him, but that thought would have to wait.

The cloaked mare was finally out in the open and was giving chase. 'Looks like she took the bait.'

Skyfall beat his great wings faster and faster, causing him to pick up speed towards the fish district’s industrial section. He dipped and dodged away from cranes and low hanging walkways before shooting his wings out to make a sharp spin around a corner before latching onto the fire escape of a fish packing plant.

The cloaked mare slowly flew past the alley and Sky took control of surface roots to knock over a trash can, leaving him to watch as the mare landed to investigate the noise it made.

In his disguised form, Skyfall couldn't see who the mare was when she brought down her hood, but he could still see her shadow.

'Rose eyes and that haircut.' Skyfall groaned before stepping onto the fire escapes ledge and diving down onto the weary mare, knocking her to the ground. "Why are you following me, Rainbow... Yearling?"

Daring Do tried to sit up, but her head was swaying around dizzily. "Sky, anyone ever tell you that you hit like a jackhamm-"

Daring Do passed out when Sky tried to help her to sit up. "Wonderful."

Next Morning

Sunset hummed to herself as she played with her mane at the breakfast table in Canterlot castle. She tried to remember the words to the song she and her date danced to, but could only remember the words 'greatest night of your life.'

"Seems like you had a good night?" A regal voice asked from above Sunset Shimmer.

"Princess!" Sunset jolted.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Celestia smiled. "I woke up this morning extremely curious to hear about you and this mystery stallion of yours."

"Who said I had a mystery stallion?" Sunset's face betrayed her statement as it was wrought with worry.

"Equestria Daily." Celestia giggled as she summoned her issue right before Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset snatched the newspaper from the tabletop when she saw their picture and read it over. Celestia's newest advisor sets fire with her mystery stallion She opened the paper hurriedly to Celestia growing laughter. "Sunset Shimmer and a mystery stallion grew closer during the night and had a romantic dance as they looked at each other longingly. Earlier, a few mares and even a stallion were seen trying to woo this Mr. Wolf, but in the end he only wanted to sweep Ms. Phoenix, our own Sunset Shimmer, off her hooves. But in the end, the mystery stallion chose to leave the party wanting as he made a dramatic exit from the party. What's in the store for-"

Celestia went into unrestrained laughter when Sunset incinerated the paper with her magic. "My reputation is shot."

Celestia glanced down. "It's sweet, Sunset. You looked happy in that picture."

When Sunset didn't answer, Celestia patted her on the head. "What would you like for breakfast? My treat."

Without missing a beat, Sunset answered with her head buried in her hooves. "The biggest, greasiest Reuben you can find, lathered in dressing."

"I think I know a stallion, but first." Celestia said as her horn lit up, changing her features so she was only a little taller than Sunset. Her ethereal mane disappeared and was replaced with a light pink mane. Sunset looked on in surprise as Celestia's wings disappeared as well as her cutie mark and the image of a rising sun appeared on her flank.

"What is this?"

"It's my disguise." Celestia said. "Very few know about this so I suggest we slip out before anypony realizes we've left."

"You're a naughty mare, Princess." Sunset teased, following her mentor out of an employee door and down a set of back steps.

Celestia giggled quietly. "Please, call me Sunny Skies."

Author's Note:

Personally, I'm happy Skies forgave Luna. He was upset with Sif because she had followed him against his wishes and acted rashly.

And now off to continue my absurd life.

Art by: Mix-up

In case you're curious as to what the song was when they were dancing. -I'll be by Edwin McCain-

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