• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,436 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 20 -Farhaven-


"Lord Storm Front."

Storm stood on the highest balcony of Farhaven castle as the storm he forged raged in the skies above him. He opened one eye when he heard his name. "Yes?"

Thorn, a lanky, brown wolf, stood behind him. "You've been summoned, m'lord. Lady Flowing Streams and Lord Shattered Skies await your arrival."

With a calm breath, Storm Front turned and made his way through the castle. He walked past the walls and under the ceilings on which many Diamond Dogs were working to reinforce. However, to Diamond Dogs, ‘reinforcing’ often meant tearing any previous supports down before rebuilding them.

Storm strode into the new meeting chamber that overlooked the lake and the surrounding area that would soon be the capital the the budding city-state. The large room extended up until the columns faded into the shadows of the ceiling before reappearing by the skylight dome. In the center of the room sat a round, ornate, stone table with a shifting map in the center. The room took on attributes of whichever guardian entered; for Skies, foliage grew on the pillars and for Streams, small waterfalls came from the ceiling and ran along the walls before disappearing into the floor. For Storm Front, small clouds moved a few meters above the center of the room.

"Finally." Streams jeered as Storm entered the meeting room.

"It's a big castle, crybaby." Storm mumbled as he sat down. "Let's get this over with, I need to check on the new guards and their-" Storm made a quotation gesture with his hooves. "-injuries."

Skies saw the perplexed look on Cadance's face and leaned over so she would hear his quiet voice. "The hierarchy doesn't approve of our training techniques."

"No, one of the whining babies' fathers is a general and had a coronary when he found out his pretty little snowflake had 'booboos' because he wanted to play soldier." Storm spat. "And the worst part is the guard's name is actually Snowflake!"

"Right." Streams said before plopping down Cadance's dossiers on the table. "Well, first order of business before we get to the dossiers and the building plans. We have to elect a leader for all of this so that there is a final word and not a fifty-fifty standoff."

"Decide as usual?" Storm offered as he produced a coin.

"Yep." Streams asked and looked at Cadance. "When the coin hits the ground, point at the one you think would be best to lead."

Before Cadance could say a word, Storm tossed the coin into the air and when it clattered to the ground, everyone pointed.

Storm chuckled. "That's no surprise."

Everyone in the room, save himself, was pointing at Skies while he pointed to Cadance.

"Um, I decline."

"You don't get a choice, playcolt." Streams laughed. "You're the best one to lead."

Skies rolled his eyes and threw his hoof up in protest.

"Don't sass me." Streams chuckled. "You're a natural leader and your history will rally any Spirit to our side."

Cadance raised her hoof. "Why is that? I thought dad likes living in seclusion."

"I do." Skies said.

Storm smirked. "Your father-"

"Likes living in seclusion and many creatures like my tea." Skies gave both Storm and Streams a stern glare, silently telling them to keep his past confidential.

"Yes, many creatures like your father's tea." Streams said monotonously. "That's why he will be the Lord of this land."

"Fine, but the instant we're up and ready there will be changes. On that day all female officers will be required to wear tiny miniskirts." Skies declared majestically with his arm held high.

"Dad!" Cadance shrieked.

Storm and Streams were laughing while Sif walked up and slapped the back of his head. "Joking. But seriously, I'll do everything in my power to turn this sinking ship into a theme park."

Streams clapped her paws together. "Now, next order of business. As I'm sure you all know, we have two new groups of interesting guests that arrived within hours of each other. Namely, the Changelings and the flesh golems."

Skies threw his cloven hoof up. "Question, what is a changeling?"

Streams looked awestruck for the briefest moment and shook herself out of it. "That's right, they only started to really show up a few hundred years ago. They are an insect-like species that feed on emotion and can change into anything they physically touch. Kind of like mosquito with a wardrobe."

“Are they like flutterlings and glamourlings?” Skies asked, making notes to review later. "What do they want?"

"Yep, very similar, and they want asylum mostly." Streams said. "There are about forty of them, and when questioned, they said they want to work and earn their keep. They seem rather intelligent and a few of them have already started to work with the Diamond Dogs in building homes and clearing caves."

"Possible outside affiliations?" Skies tapped a pen on his knuckle.

Streams shook her head.

Storm chewed his cheek and looked over to Skies. "I think if they belonged to anyone, then they would have arrived in disguise. I questioned a few of them and they said they formerly belonged to separate, now defunct hives."

"Fair enough, Farhaven is a place for second chances, so long as they work and get along, then they are fair citizens here." Skies glanced over at Quiet who stood dutifully by the door. "Quiet!"

"Yes, m'lord?"

"Summon all the Changelings and the undead and have them in two separate groups in the throne room."

"Right away!" Quiet said as she ran out the conference room door.

“Such a nice wolf.” Skies turned and saw an unhappy look on Cadance's face. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Cadance shook her head only to find her father grabbing her chin and lifting it upwards.

"Be honest, do you hate them for what they did to your wedding?"

"N-No!" Cadance shouted. "I'm just. I'm just wary, what if they try to take over again?"

"Sometimes creatures are blinded by a lie and led to do bad things. Those that feel remorse and seek to be reformed should be given a second chance. Remember, the promise of food and safety can drive many to commit what they otherwise would not dream of."

Conflict was clear across Cadance's face, but in the end she nodded. "You're right."

"Listen to him, he knows his stuff." Storm joked.

Streams wrote up the Changelings’ citizenship decree and rolled it up before sealing it. "What about the undead?"

"That is a little bit more of an issue." Skies said. "While it may be clear that the Changelings want asylum, these undead are too much of a rogue variable. Considering that a new undead enemy has made himself known, I would need to speak with them before coming to a decision. Especially since Lonely Graves is a necromancer."

"You never did tell me what he whispered to you." Storm said, being ignored by Skies entirely.

Streams saw Skies' reluctance to talk about it, so she continued. "We pretty much have the plans drawn up to build the city, but lack certain creatures to get it done in the time frame we need. Thanks to Cadance, we have the dossiers with enough information to track them down. The only problem I see is actually finding them and convincing them to come out to a barren land in the middle of a dangerous forest to build a city for rejects while having two deities breathing down your neck."

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds like fun." Storm jabbed.

"Good work, hunny." Skies kissed Cadance head, eliciting a giggle. "Divide the dossiers up by region, if they're close enough then we can nab multiple ponies up in one go. Also mark them by priority."

"Excellent." Streams muttered as she quickly organized the dossiers and tossed them aside for later. "Now for the most important part of today's meeting."

Storm sighed and brought out a magazine before setting it down. "This has become a problem."

Shattered Skies looked down and wanted to claw his eyes out. "I had a feeling this was going to come back to bite me."

"The Sunset Effigy, an artifact lost and taken back by the great Daring Do." Cadance read. "What's going on?"

"In short." Storm shifted in his chair. "That is possibly the most dangerous artifact on the planet for necromancers and a powerful one made himself known to Skies. If we don't reclaim the Effigy, then Lonely Graves may use it."

"What stopped him before?" Cadance asked.

"It was locked inside the vault downstairs." Skies groaned. "The same one I trespassed."

"So let's tell Daring Do, maybe she'll understand." Cadance reasoned.

Skies shook his head. "It's too late to take it off display, it needs to disappear."

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Storm grinned.


Cadance leaned toward Sif and whispered. "What are they talking about?"

"They're thinking of breaking into the museum and taking the Effigy by force." Sif said. "They used to do this every once in awhile when a civilization found an artifact they weren't supposed to have."

"Dad!" Cadance yelled again. "You can't just walk in there and steal from ponies!"

Skies gave Cadance a sympathetic grin. "Hunny, trust me, I know a thing or two about bypassing security. I will be perfectly safe."

Cadance glared, but found it harder and harder as she stared into her father's golden eyes. A small grin formed on her face and she lamented. "Can I help?"

Storm started to laugh in an uproarious manner. "It's like her mother's here!"

Sif placed her paw on Cadance's hoof. "Your mother was the one who often times initiated something like this. Whenever Skies wasn't being rowdy, she was the one stirring up mischief."

Sif lifted her head up from reading and looked to the center of the table. "Next issue is how do you case the perimeter?"

Skies sighed. "The last time I was in Canterlot, it was a small mining town with a sky port. Certainly not the trade hub it is today." He waved his hoof over the map, summoning a scaled, three dimensional image of Canterlot. "I would like to get into Canterlot and look around before even going to the museum."

"Day trip?" Storm asked.

"No, too suspicious." Skies stated. "Hearth’s Warming is three weeks away and I would like this operation finished well before then. Unfortunately, many of the gatherings coming up are after that."

Cadance tapped her chin. "There is a stallion in Canterlot named Prince Blueblood who is throwing a guild party. Anyone with any sort of influence will be there; Education directors, guild leaders, celebrities, ambassadors, dignitaries both foreign and domestic, and ranked military guards."

Streams sighed in relief. "Well, that sounds like some fun I'll be missing."

Skies looked at Storm with a thoughtful expression. "Could do us some good to go and start gathering information on the local leaders. Also, we could see if any of them would be sympathetic to our cause."

"After the heist, we still have the matter of exposing ourselves to the world." Streams said.

"Well, we do love to expose ourselves." Skies muttered to himself and remembering that Sif suggested the Gala.

"Parade?" Streams asked.

"Too flashy." Storm said. "Walk in through the front door?"

"Too flippant." Streams replied.

"What about the Grand Galloping Gala?" Cadance asked.

“That’s what I thought as well.” Sif said.

Skies leaned in his chair and rested his head on his hoof, deep in thought. It was an idea he had thrown around, but the risks seemed too high to achieve safely. He had thought about the available press and the coverage he would get, but that would mean appearing in a room of many creatures that wanted him dead.

"It's certainly a Shattered Skies idea." Storm jeered. "Brazen and theatrical."

Skies looked around the table and saw everyone smiling at the idea before smiling himself. "Looks like we have a show to put on."

Skies rapt his hooves on the table and looked at his daughter. "You'll find being a Spirit is a lot of public relations and theater, but you get much more freedom than a princess does."

Cadance closed her eyes are mouthed. ‘Thank you.’ She stopped herself and remembered a huge detail about the Grand Galloping Gala. "Wait, the Gala is invitation only, how will you all get in?"

Storm nodded and produced two tickets. "As ranked guards of the local unit, me and Skies have two tickets each, but he gave both of his to Streams and Honos, while I gave my extra to Inko."

"So how will you manage to get in, dad?"

Storm laughed. "Yes, Rudolph, tell her how you're getting your ticket."

Skies rolled his eyes. "It's probably better that she doesn't know."

Cadance looked around at the others starting to snicker. "Is it a special technique?"

Skies facepalmed. "No, it's not a special technique."

"Bomchickawahwah." Streams started to laugh with Sif, but tried to stop long enough to explain. "Your father is wooing his way into a ticket."

"Am not."

"Yes you are." Storm said, taking a breath. "You see, Cadance, you're father is the Spirit of the forest, but there is a reason animals worship him."

"You know what they say about big hooves." Streams giggled.

"And big antlers." Sif laughed.

"And with that, this meeting moves into the next phase; sudden execution." Skies blurted out and walked towards the door. "Come on, Anara. We have a court to address."

Cadance snickered as she followed her father out the door, down the hall, and into the throne room.

"All rise and bow!" Quiet said.

Skies walked in and sat in front of the throne in the freshly remodeled throne room. Much like the meeting chambers, the throne room changed depending on who was in it, but to a more extreme degree. As light came on through great windows on either side of the room, vines and branches decorated the walls and roots criss-crossed the floor.

"Relax." Skies deep voice boomed. "I understand you are all tired from your journey and would like clarification on what happens next."

He looked out on the two crowds and looked toward the undead ponies and found a mare standing in the front like their caretaker. "You, what is your name?"

"Page Turner, my lord." Turner bowed.

"This may seem cold considering that the waiting area hasn't been constructed yet, but you and your group must stand outside until I conclude business with the Changelings." Skies commanded.

"Yes, lord Skies." Turner bowed again and shepherded her group outside followed closely by one of the wolf guards.

As the doors shut, Skies sighed and looked to the lead Changeling who shivered. "What is your name?"


Skies' eyes widened in surprise at the Changelings volume and waved the lead Changeling over. Tidy slowly stumbled over and shakily stood before Skies. The great Spirit took pity to the small Changeling and patted him on his head as reassurance. "I have no plans to harm any of you."

Their moods changed a little and the whimpering stopped. Skies had been briefed on their ability to feed on emotions, so it wasn't too far of a leap to assume they could read what he was feeling.

"Now tell me. Why have you come to Farhaven?"

"We came by accident." Tidy admitted.

"You came upon a new nation in the middle of the Everfree by accident?" Skies asked, giving Tidy an incredulous smirk.

Tidy shuffled his hooves. "We were looking for a cave to live in. Changelings haven't ever been very popular with other creatures, so we were forced to live in the Everfree among our own kind. Recently, a dragon claimed our cave, so we had to abandon everything and look for a new one. We traveled for days and once we neared here, we heard the loud thumping of trees being cut down."

"And that's when Sif found you." Skies finished.

"If that's the large wolf lady's name, then yes." Tidy said. "She had us sit while being guarded by the larger wolves until one of our youngest got away and started to try and help a Diamond Dog who was struggling with some knots. Then, Lady Sif told us to help if we wanted. After a few days of building and talking to the Diamond Dogs, they said that this was a place for second chances."

Tidy looked into Shattered Skies' glowing eyes and lowered. "We're begging you to give us this second chance."

The Changelings bowed before Skies and he looked back to Cadance who held a sad, sympathetic look on her face.


"Yes, my lord?"

"Is Tidy the name you were given or the name you chose?"

Tidy looked up from his bowing. "It's the name I chose, my lord."

"Good." Skies boomed as he reached for the sealed scroll Quiet was holding and held it in his hooves. "You all seem to have had a long, trying journey."

One by one the Changelings looked up at Skies as the light in the room grew brighter from the clearer day outside.

"From this day forward, you are citizens of Farhaven. I hold you all to an oath of defending your home and in turn you will have my word that I will do everything in my power to protect you from unfair persecution." Skies smiled down at the awestruck Changelings. "Welcome home."

The Changelings cheered and the foals ran up and hugged Skies, an act the Skies had to wave his wolves down from acting on. He held the sealed scroll out to Tidy. "Tidy, for the short term, you are my representative for the Changelings. Go outside and Flowing Streams, Lady of the Lake, will be out soon to explain the minutia of what that entails."

"Thank you, my lord." Tidy and the Changelings bowed before scampering outside.

Skies glanced to his cloaked daughter. "You okay?"

Cadance nodded. "Yes. I was worried, but their story is so sad."

"You'll hear that a lot as time goes by." Skies said sadly as he waved Quiet over to open the door and let the next group in. “The trick is not letting it cloud an otherwise sound decision.”

Skies watched the group of gilded ponies walk in slowly. They were just as cautious as the first group had been, but didn't shiver nearly as much.

Skies glanced down at Page Turner. "Turner, how old are you?"

She looked around. "I'm twenty."

Skies raised an eyebrow and sighed. "And how many years have passed since your heart stopped beating?"

Page Turner's face, along with the rest of the group, turned into shock. "My lord, I'm sure there has been a misunderstanding."

"Young lady, do not start our meeting off with a lie." Skies scolded. "It is not something to be embarrassed of. I am very old and know quite a great deal about all beings, and I can smell the make up and formaldehyde from here."

Page looked down and poked one hoof at the floor. "Sorry."

"I see that this is something that you did not choose." Skies started. "Rest assured I will get the complete story at a later date, but as for now, please tell me a little about your life."

Page looked back to her group who nodded frantically at her. "I'm-I'm one hundred and twenty nine years young." Page chuckled weakly at her vain humor and continued in a shaky breath. "I grew up in a slum in south Albaneigh and one night when I was coming home from my second job, I walked into an alley and the next thing I knew I was in a pile of bodies out in the forest."

Skies looked over and one of the wolves he assigned to be his clerk was copying down Turner's statement and felt a tug in the Forest of someone who needed his help.

"Shattered Skies, ah need yer advice."

Skies disregarded and continued to listen to Page's story.

"I stumbled around for a week before I was attacked by a manticore. It stung and bit me, but let go after that. It was then that one of the village elders stumbled on me and brought me in and explained to me that I was dead along with the rest of the village. Fast forward a century and a few mental breakdowns later, a group of Timberwolves attack in the night, tearing apart anypony they could get ahold of and we fled into the forest. A month of wondering lead us to walk out of the tree line and into a raging otter."

Skies listened intently, trying to find anything suspicious, but only saw an unfortunate event. "How many did the Timberwolves kill?"

"They killed our village elder and twenty nine of us, there are fifty two of us left." Page said. "We're looking for a home, even if it means being ridiculed."

Skies chewed the inside of his cheek. He concentrated and a root crept up from the floor and stabbed into Page's leg. When she didn't react, he tried to examine her and found traces of the same magic that put Twist in the hospital. He withdrew the roots, drawing Page’s attention and caused her to become startled. She looked up and backed away from Shattered skies slowly. "I see that you weren't lying to me."

Skies stood and looked out on the undead ponies. "What do you call yourselves?"

Page winced. "We've never had a name since we lived in seclusion."

"I would like to help you." Skies said and watched the expressions of the dead ponies fall. "I have much experience with what put you in this state. As an Elder Spirit, I know the Spirit of of the crossroads to death, and while she may not know how to reverse this, she may be able to help. In the meantime-"

The ponies held on with little breath as Skies winked. "I'll need to keep an eye on you all. From this day forward, you are citizens of Farhaven. I hold you all to an oath of defending your home and in turn you will have my word that I will do everything in my power to protect you from unfair persecution." Skies paused. "Page you are the representative for your clan and that means you will all gather and decide a name. With that being said, welcome home."

Skies grabbed a floating scroll and handed it to Page. "The ‘raging otter’ is outside and she'll explain what's going to happen. And don't worry, she's actually quite sweet."

The ponies shuffled out quietly, beyond happy to once again have a home.

"That felt good." Cadance said, but noticed her father's annoyed sigh. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not done, it's going to be a long day." Skies said. "There's a stallion in the Everfree that just summoned me."


"Big Mac."

Earlier that day

The Apple family sat in the living room of their old farm house ready to hear what Big Mac was going to say. He waited until Apple Bloom was at school to gather the bunch because he knew it wasn't going to go well. Granny Smith sat there with the same quiet look she usually had while Applejack's hooves were crossed, scowling at Gilda. Braeburn was also there, but he had arrived a few days prior on a surprise visit and sat there looking a little awkward as the tension in the room rose.

Gilda and Big Mac sat on one of the couches, sitting flush against one another.

Big Mac too a deep breath. "Everyone, I have some news."

"Does it have to do with yer fancy talk?" Braeburn smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"It probably has to do with bird brain." Applejack seethed.

"Do you wanna go!?" Gilda roared, but found Big Mac's hoof on her breast. She looked at him with an enraged expression, but his calm smile cooled her down.

Big Mac twisted his face into an uncharacteristic scowl. "Now, Applejack. Gilda has been nothing but nice since she got here, you need to let that accident go."

"Big Mac, she came here and terrorized Ponyville. Ah nearly had to fight her on three occasions and she's also the one who let that cart slide downhill, putting ya in the hospital for three weeks and puttin' the farm in trouble with the harvest being a month away. She's bad news!" Applejack yelled.

"Now, AJ. That's in the past and the cart was an accident. She came by every night and brought me scones and flowers to apologize." Big Mac placed his hoof on Gilda's claws. "And that leads me to why I brought you here."

Granny Smith smiled, it had been decades since someone was able to fool her. She saw the kisses and blushing expressions. She also saw a certain Griffon rushing to the bathroom in the morning before hearing gagging noises.

"Gilda and I are getting married." Big Mac said firmly before Applejack sputtered.

"Married! You aren't even dating!"

Gilda rolled her eyes. "We've been dating for two years."

"Ah'm happy for you both!" Braeburn said, smiling at Gilda who mouthed thanks in return.

"Ah forbid it!" Applejack seethed.

"It ain't yer decision!" Big Mac roared, surprising everyone in the room.

"She don't belong here, Mac." Applejack continued, scowling at her brother. "There's a reason ponies don't marry Griffons."

"I don't care." Big Mac stomped his large hoof onto the table, cracking it. "I love her and she loves me."

Granny Smith smacked her lips. "Is that true, young lady? Have you fallen for my little apple?"

Gilda stopped scowling and turned a little red. "Yes, I left the Griffon Kingdoms to live here with him."

"Then that's all ah care about." Granny Smith said firmly. "Love is blind and if yall are in love then welcome to the Apple family."

“Granny! Ya can't be serious." Applejack pleaded. "She's dangerous."

Gilda scowled. "Well sister, you're stuck with me because I'm pregnant!"

A thick silence blanketed the room.

"Care ta repeat that?" Applejack asked, chuckling.

Big Mac recognized Applejack's fighting mood and stood. "Gilda is having my child, if you don't like that, then you're letting old accidents interfere with your judgement."

"What's this?" Applejack threw up a hoof in disbelief. "She comes along and yer talkin' all fancy."

"This is the way I've always talked, you just never noticed." Big Mac groaned.

"And you, why are you here?" Applejack glared at Gilda. "Don't you have some Griffon to dominate?"

Gilda scoffed. "I've never done anything to you! Can't you just mind your own business?"

Applejack pointed to Gilda's stomach. "And everypony knows that Ponies and Griffons can't breed! After two weeks that foal will get sick, did you forget that? The medical care alone will sink the farm!"

Gilda looked at Big Mac with worry. "What?"

"The foal will live." Big Mac said.

Applejack's eyes narrowed. "Ah'm being realistic here, Mac, how many hippogriffs have you seen? Think about it. We don't have the money for it."

Gilda got up and ran out the door, much to Applejack's dismay when she realized what she had done. "She's really pregnant, isn't she?"

Big Mac gave Applejack a cold expression before going to follow Gilda, but stopped when Granny Smith called for him.

"Big Mac, com'ere."

Big Mac was halfway out the door and inched toward the porch steps.

"This'll only take a second." Granny Smith walked up and hugged Big Mac. "Go with what makes you happy. Whatever you choose, we still love you."

"Thank you, Granny." Big Mac hugged back before running into the treeline after Gilda.

Granny Smith sighed and shut the door before turning to Applejack who had adopted a look of shame. "Yer old enough to know what you did and to have known better. Ah'm ashamed of how you treated that poor filly."

Applejack looked out the window. "So am I."

"Gilda! Where are you?" Big Mac shouted. "Please!"

Big Mac heard sniffling from a small pond up ahead. He rushed and skidded when he barreled through the bushes and collided with Gilda, forcing them both into the pond.

When they resurfaced, Big Mac was holding Gilda as she cried. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to worry. I-I understand if you don't want the foal."

"I still want the foal." Gilda said and pulled away just far enough to make eye contact. "And I still love you."

With that, they smiled and gave each other a reassuring kiss before Gilda rested her head on Big Mack's chest. "Oh Mackie, what are we going to do?"


"Applejack doesn't accept us and I know she won't be the only one."

Big Mac swallowed hard, he knew she was right. They would never stop facing a life of being treated contemptuously and their foal will be treated as a second class citizen.

Gilda started to cry again.

Big Mac held Gilda in front of him and wiped away her tears while giving her a warm smile. "Let's get out of this forest and figure something out, okay?"

With a sniffle, she smiled back. "Okay. Now how do we get out of here?"

Big Mac looked around trying to remember his way out and remembered what Apple Bloom told him she learned in class the week prior.

The week prior

"So what'd you learn in school today?" Big Mac asked as he prepared dinner, chuckling as Gilda tickled him with her tail.

Apple Bloom giggled, seeing Gilda teasing her brother. "Oh, Mr. Skyfall taught us about some armor and the history behind it. I thought it was weird at first, but in the end this bad pony and this good pony ended up being brothers."

"And he had the armor?" Gilda asked.

"Yep, he has all this really old, really cool stuff around his house." Apple Bloom said. "He even gave us homework that wasn't homework."

"Homework that wasn't homework? That's a first." Big Mac said as he stirred the spaghetti sauce.

"Mhm. He wants us to think about how two ponies, born in the same place from the same family can turn out so differently."

"What else did he teach you?" Gilda asked. "It sounds like he's trying to teach you all something useful."

"It was cut short ‘cause he had company, but we found out he's a doctor."

Big Mac glanced back. "Really?"

"Mhm, said he's a doctor doctor and doctor of history, he even knew a some stuff about Discord and Shattered Skies." Apple Bloom said, feeling like a know-it-all.

"And what did he say about that old mare's tale?" Big Mac chuckled.

"It's not an old mare's tale! You say that every time." Apple Bloom snipped. "And he said that all you need to do to summon him is to stand near the forest and call to him."

"Well, should I find myself in dire straights, ah'll be sure to call him and see if you're telling the truth." Big Mac stuck his tongue out at Apple Bloom, who stuck hers out in turn.


'We'll be stuck here if I don't try.' Big Mac thought.

"Mackie?" Gilda asked.

Big Mac closed his eyes. "Shattered Skies, ah need yer advice."

After a minute of floating, Big Mac chuckled and started to walk out of the water. "I knew that was a hoax."

"What just happened?" Gilda asked.

"Remember before dinner last week Apple Bloom said that if you needed Shattered Skies, all you had to do was call to him?"

"And you called to him looking for directions?" Gilda started to laugh. "Classy. You really know how to woo a Griffoness, dontchya Mackie?"

A sudden jostle from the trees and the sounds of heavy hoof beats drew their attention to the daunting figure walking up from behind. "So Ponies believe me to be a hoax now?"

Big Mac stood next to Gilda and stared at the approaching Spirit.

Skies smiled sweetly at the couple he had come to know in his secret life. "I'm guessing you are the one's that summoned me?"

"I am." Big Mac said.

"And what do you need help with?" Skies sat down and scratched his chest, waiting for their response.

Big Mac and Gilda went from rigid to somewhat relaxed when it looked like Equestria's most wanted wasn't there to harm them. They looked over him; his large antlers, golden eyes, toed hooves, and leaf-like feathers proved that not only was he real, but directly in front of them.

Skies grabbed a loose branch and covered himself up. "I appreciate the attention, but if you stare any longer I may have to charge you for it."

Gilda chuckled and looked over to Big Mac and whispered. "I think he really is here to help." She looked into Shattered's eyes and took a few steps forward. "I've heard much about you."

Skies rolled his eyes. "Not this again. Listen, I don't eat souls and I don't cover my bed with the skins of ponies, those are lies that-"

Gilda shook her head and waited for the forest Spirit to stop. "I grew up on stories that weren't written in books. I was told that you saved our lands once by growing enormous trees for us to live in in exchange for us to end a war against the Zebras."

Skies ears twitched slightly as he squinted at the Griffoness. "Something that I made sure to be forgotten by time."

"Well, some Griffons still talk about it today." Gilda smiled. "My father's advisor used to watch me as a hatchling and would tell me about you and your journeys."

Skies smirked. "And what kind of being is your father's advisor?"

"She's a Griffon with green highlights in her feathers, she's young so you probably wouldn't know her." Gilda shrugged.


Gilda looked at the sky trying to remember. "Um, she's always been free and very kind."

"Hates brussel sprouts?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Call it Spirit intuition." Skies chuckled to himself. 'Gale, Lady of the Wind, you would find a lavish position with the Griffons.'

Skies stood to his full height. "Well, I thank you for not believing me to be the monster I'm made to be. Now how can I help you?"

Big Mac looked around. "Well, we need a way out."

"What drove you into my forest?" Skies asked. "Ponies get lost in my forest all day, only to have me point them towards Ponyville, but you two look like emotional wrecks."

Gilda looked at Big Mac who shook his head in return and looked at the waiting Spirit. "I wouldn't even know where to start."

"Try me." Skies said before Big Mac and Gilda started to talk, but the talking turned into rambling from both of them as they complained about the unfair treatment and the underlying second class citizen treatment. After thirty minutes, Skies held up his hoof. "Okay, let me get this straight. In a nutshell, you two love each other and had some fun in the Apple Orchard which lead to Gilda getting pregnant, and now that you decided to keep the foal, Big Mac's sister Applejack doesn't approve and the whole of pony society has this thing about non pony-pony relationships. So you two are left in a bind because you fear your child will only ever be a second class citizen?"

"Yes." Big Mac and Gilda said.

Skies started to laugh. "Forty thousand years and a transformation later and nothing’s changed."

"Huh?" Gilda asked.

"Nothing." Skies said as he reached out with his power and the trees started to uproot and pull themselves into new positions, leaving two new paths in the forest. "I will offer you two a choice. Go right and that path will take you back home to Ponyville, you'll go back to a normal life and continue on the way you were."

Big Mac glanced down the right path and then looked at Gilda before they both looked left. "And what about the left path?"

Shattered Skies sighed. "That is where I will be walking. At the end of that road is Farhaven, I like to call it my little home for second chances."

Big Mac and Gilda held a silent conversation for what seemed like a few minutes before Big Mac looked up. "Is it possible to see Farhaven before making our decision?"

Shattered's eyes lit up and the trees started to move back to where they were. "Yes, but I believe if I take us there, we'll go faster."

Before either Big Mac or Gilda could ask, Skies leaned down and wrapped his wings around them and evaporated into a tree and almost immediately reappeared in a new location, just inside a castle courtyard.

"Ah, where are we?" Gilda yelped as Big Mac tried to steady himself of his dizziness.

"Sorry, forgot to warn you. The first time is always jarring." Skies chuckled and he walked to a nearby balcony.

"Dad!" Cadance called from the doorway, still cloaked from walking around the work areas of Farhaven. "Where have you been, all you said was you had to go and-" She stopped when she saw two residents from Ponyville that she too had come to know.

"Ah, Anara, wonderful." Skies extended a wing and waved her closer. "Big Mac, Gilda, this is my daughter and my light, Anara."

Cadance gave a small curtsy.

"You all are in for a treat." Skies said. "I think it's time to finally bring this forest to fruition."

Skies looked down to Big Mac. "I've been waiting all month to show this to my daughter. Ready hunny?"

Cadance nodded and stepped up to the balcony railing and waved at Streams who waved back as she yelled for the build teams to get back from the forest.

Skies took a deep breath before disappearing into a nearby tree.

"S-So, um what's he going to do?" Big Mac asked Anara who remained silent, fearing that her voice would give her away.

All of a sudden, the ground started to shake and the trees started to crack. A distant whining sound could be heard, like a cord being drawn tight before an inevitable snap. Then all went silent for a few seconds, leaving everyone to look around wondering what came next. But they didn't have to wonder too long when the forest rocked violently and started to grow unchecked towards the sky. One by one, each tree grew ten times larger than what it had been originally.

When the trees stopped growing, a slow moving mist rolled out from the underbrush of the trees, giving the area a pleasant sight.

"Your father is good at his job, ain't he?" Big Mac chuckled.

"He sure is." Anara mumbled.

Skies emerged from a tree and stumbled for a second as he regained his footing. "It's been a very long time since I last did that."

Cadance hugged her father. "It's pretty."

"Thank you hunny, I'm happy you like it." Skies kissed the crown of her head and looked up to Big Mac and Gilda. "Farhaven is a place for second chances, and as you can see it's still being grown. If you honestly want to live here, than we welcome you, you may be anything you want to be, but make sure it's what you want because when we go public, the world may not like it."

Gilda tugged on Big Mac's collar and whispered to him.

"If you two need time to think about it, you may."

Big Mac and Gilda smiled and nodded.

"Wonderful, let me get you two home." Skies said and looked at Cadance. "Then I'll be home and we're all playing Monopoly."

"What's that?" Cadance asked.

"Go and tell Streams, she'll tell you begrudgingly. Love you." Skies kissed her head once more before grabbing the beaming couple and disappearing.

Cadance giggled. "Love you."

"Are you sure you want us to leave, Princess?"

Luna sat in front of Twilight's castle with an assortment of luggage in varying sizes and shapes. She glanced at her guards. "Yes, Princess Twilight knows I'm coming."

"Yes, Princess." Luna's guard said before flying away with the rest of his unit.

Luna knocked on the two large double doors that belonged to Twilight Sparkle and waited as she heard shuffling and trotting. "One moment!"

One of the doors creaked open, revealing a very tired Sunset Shimmer. "Oh, Princess Luna, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming by, otherwise I would have brushed my hair."

"It's no problem, Sunset Shimmer." Luna said. "I merely wanted to come by unannounced."

Sunset stepped aside and watched Princess Luna teleport all her luggage inside effortlessly. "It is good to see you, Sunset. I wished we had some time to talk, just you and I."

Sunset shuffled. "Oh, I didn't know you wanted to talk to me."

"It's nothing bad. I just wanted to talk to someone else who sympathises with having a villainous past." Luna said bluntly and watched as Sunset winced from her statement. Luna smiled and patted Sunset on the shoulder. "Sorry for being a bit too brazen with my remarks. All I wish to do is to connect with you and maybe have some coffee."

Sunset smiled. "Coffee sounds wonderful."

Luna smiled and started to walk, only to be turned around by Sunset when she pointed toward the kitchen. "On the way over, I was worried I was interrupting something."

"Oh no, nothing's happened the entire time I've been here. Frankly, I've been studying endlessly, but the information on Spirits is so scarce that we're left drawing blanks when it comes to making plans." Sunset said.

All of a sudden the castle started to quake and both ponies watched as the Everfree Forest started to grow and shift. This went on for a few minutes and when everything quieted down, everyone started to make their way outside to see what happened. The ponies stood there staring off to the forest with mixed reactions.

"Well, Princess. Something happened." Sunset quipped.

Luna recognized Shattered Skies' work. "Indeed, it looks like I arrived just in time."

Author's Note:

Through scheduling errors and technical difficulties, it is here!

Other than that, not much to say.

We love ya :heart:

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