• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,437 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 49 -Taboo-


The sky clapped with distant thunder as Applejack sauntered up to Skyfall's door. She had come by every few days to check on the place and struggle through a few books that he said she should read. With a firm push of the door the lock turned, having recognized her touch through magic. She grumbled to herself as she ascended long, winding, marble stairs. Checking on the place was fine for her, there was usually someone in the house to say hi to, but today the only life in the house were the shadows that danced from the coming storm.

With strained breathe, Applejack tried to think about a chore or task that she could do instead read through the extremely dry material that was business strategy. Skyfall told her to read as much as she could from his personal library, but to read the business oriented books first, then between the business textbooks and regular literature to become familiar with a small book titled, The Prince.

Soft whispering of a song could be heard from Skyfall's office as Applejack nudged the door open.

"Mr. Hallow?"

The lithe bull that Skyfall had introduced her to at the Gala was standing in Skyfall's armor with an embarrassed look on his face. His bright blush bled through his tan coat as he hurried to strip before leaping into Skyfall's seat.

"Hello, Applejack, I didn't see you there." Hallow said.

"Yes you did." Applejack chuckled, remembering to follow Skyfall's instructions to call Hallow out on his attempts to out-sly. She tried not to laugh at his indignant look. "You were wearing Skyfall's armor and grumbling in a deep voice."

Hallow huffed and crossed his arms. "Fine. Yes I was."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Hallow. Since Skyfall went on his business trip, I wear his armor from time to time too." Applejack smiled until she saw him produce a small recording device. "What's that for?"

'Since Skyfall went on his business trip, I wear his armor from time to time-'

Applejack gave Hallow a wry look as he snickered to him. "Ha-ha."

Hallow furrowed his brow and erased the recording. "I thought it was funny." He smiled at his trade partner. "So, I take it you're here to read some of Skyfall's books?"

"Yep yep." Applejack sighed as she lounged on the blue couch, a slightly larger version of what Rarity enjoyed. "How about yourself? Or did you miss Skyfall by a few days?"

"No, I saw him before he left. He said you would be in to read and that I should help you if and when I could." Hallow shrugged. "Hes always done that, gives an order and then just disappears."

'Order?' Applejack thought. she had heard other members of Skyfall's household phrase things in the same way before, it never sat right with her, why order ponies around that were supposed to be family?

"Thinking, I see?" Hallow said.

Applejack smiled sheepishly. "Yes."

"It's a good thing, but it can be dangerous to contemplate things about others without seeking other views, lest you want to arrive at the wrong conclusion." Hallow's silly mood melted into a warm smile.

As inviting as the smile was, Applejack remembered that Skyfall explained to her that in business it was smart to keep personal things close to the chest. She watched his smile drop slightly as if he was disappointed in her decision.

"I see Skyfall has already started teaching you politics."

"He's trying." Applejack said.

Hallow leaned forward in Skyfall's chair to give Applejack a more dire look. "I would be wary of listening to Skyfall's advice. He can seem nice at first, but he can be conniving and cynical." He held up a hoof to stop Applejack's sharp retort. "He is a decent stallion to be sure, but I've known him infinitely longer than you have. Trust me, given long enough, you'll see his darker side."

"What do you mean by darker side?" Applejack's anger curbed off into confusion.

"He is analytical." Hallow said. He stood and walked over to Applejack leisurely. "You seem to mean something to Skyfall, so I doubt he would be upset to hear that I have spilled a few of his secrets out to you." With a lazy gesture, he invited Applejack to walk with him. They walked in silence through the marbled, painting filled halls and passed a glaring Sif who bore holes into Hallow as he tried to avoid her predatory gaze.

"Won't we get caught in the rain?" Applejack asked.

"We have an hour and a half before it rains." Hallow said as another clap of thunder rumbled through the sky.

"Uh, you sure about that?"

Hallow smiled. "You see the leaves on the trees?"

Looking up, Applejack saw what she always had, trees, however with Shattered Skies they were now ten stories tall. A light breeze pushed the trees to life as they sat there almost staring back at the apple farmer.

"Leaves often turn upside down when a storm is approaching, making the tree look lighter than usual. They would stay right-side-up if it were a small rain band. However, this particular breed of oak takes an hour and a half to turn and they haven't started yet, so we have a minimum of an hour and a half."

Light laughter escaped Applejack as she walked out from under the tree. "You sound just like Skyfall when he talks about that kind of stuff. You sure you two don't have a secret gardener's club?"

"Secret gardener's club? No." Hallow chuckled as he took a while to respond, lost in memory. "We just share a love for nature."

"Well, he certainly is close enough to it with his house sitting on the doorstep of two forests." Applejack mumbled and pointed her hoof to the thicket of enormous trees. "That's the Everfree and that way down there is Whitetail. In case you're curious. I know you're new here."

"Yes, thank you. As for Skyfall, he always has been close to nature." Hallow said before glancing back to see Sif skulking into the forest, still glaring his way. "He has also always been very recluse. Aside from small villages and his spouse, he tries to spend his time alone."

"That doesn't sound like him." Applejack said and caught herself. "Well, kind of. He enjoys his alone time, but he also tries to spend it with our local school foals, teaching them what he feels they should know. Not to mention he is a guard captain."

"-And your business partner."

"Yes." Applejack nodded heartily. "After my brother left, we hit a rough spot until he came by to help. He helped my family out so much, I can never repay him."

"Are you sure all of this wasn't his plan?" Hallow mused.

"What?" Applejack asked. "No, there was no way for him to have been able to-"

"Was he not friends with your brother?" Hallow raised an eyebrow to Applejack.

"How did you-" Her eyes widened before a hoof rested on her shoulder.

"I assure you, I do not believe he talked your brother into leaving, I'm merely challenging you to think." Hallow smiled. "It's simply good life strategy to think passed what is presented to you."

"Skyfall told you to do this, didn't he?"

"Eh, maybe. He said to help you, but didn't say how." Hallow scratched the underside of his chin. "I just see that you mean a great deal to Skyfall. Helping you helps my friend. And Maker knows he needs it, especially now."

"What's going on now?" Applejack asked. "Is he keeping a secret from everyone?"

"We all have secrets, Applejack." Hallow said. "But he keeps more secrets than anyone else I know, and I know a great many creatures. He has piled so much into his life right now that I stopped by to aid him because him and I are forced to be entwined due to the roles we play; officially I'm just a trade broker. I want to help, however, he needs something closer, something I can't provide."

"What's that?"

"A trusted shoulder to cry on." Hallow said plainly.

"Why does he need that?" Applejack asked, a little more than shocked. "He doesn't seem like that type of stallion?"

"All masks and paint, I suppose." Hallow said cryptically. "Just be sure to be as understanding with him as hes been with Ponyville."

Dropping the line of thought, Hallow turned his path towards the far off guard's barracks. He peeked at a small list of goods he had imported to the parade grounds and silently gestured to the list and then to the grounds, quietly gaining Applejack's approval before continuing.

"How many friends do you think Skyfall has?" Hallow continued.

Chewing her lip in thought, Applejack shrugged. "I don't know. More than I can count probably."

"That's a thoughtful answer." Hallow said. "He has known so many beings and many of them have been able to respect him in one fashion or another. But, how many of them would you say he trusts?"

"Well, if they're friends, wouldn't they be trustworthy?"

"A reasonable answer, but not correct in regards to Skyfall." Hallow challenged. "In the entire time I've known him, the amount of beings he is able to say hes trusted is barely enough to fill up his office."

"So about a dozen?" Applejack asked.

"Yes." Hallow sighed. "I am one of his oldest friends, but he does not trust me."

"Why not?"

The tall bull shook his head. "Too guarded."

"Yes, but why is he guarded? What happened?" Applejack asked before her words fumbled as she saw a Pegasus flying low overhead. "Fluttershy, down here!"

"Applejack?" Fluttershy muttered to herself as she locked her wings to glide down gently. "I thought you would be at the market today. Oh, and who's this?"

"It's about to storm and I had business today." Applejack nodded to Hallow. "This is Hallow, Skyfall and I are in trade deals with him to export apples through his company." She gestured to Fluttershy. "Hallow, this is Fluttershy."

"Oh, many beings in many nations know who you all are, Applejack, Fluttershy needs no introduction." Hallow bowed slightly before beaming at her. "Are you another one of Skyfall's friends?"

Her breath caught in her throat as thoughts flooded her mind. Fluttershy was unsure as to where she stood with Skyfall. She remembered the hurt in his eyes when she told him they couldn't be together and still felt the shock of his flippant acceptance of the ordeal. It took her a week to gather the courage to confront him. "I don't know."

Hallow narrowed his eyes slightly. "Sounds about right."

The small group started walking again, but Applejack nudged Fluttershy as she reluctantly followed. As their whispering grew, Hallow began to eavesdrop on their candid conversation.

"You were flying to Skyfall's house. Why?" Applejack asked plainly.

While throwing caution to the wind, Fluttershy began to open up to her long-time friend. Deep breathing could only go so far as Applejack's questioning eyes looked at her. "I wanted to apologize to Skyfall."

A flash of anger graced Applejack's face, causing Fluttershy to wince. She took a moment and collected herself, but couldn't help but to keep an angry stare.

"I'm sorry, Applejack. I know I came to you for advice in good faith, but I can't stop thinking about him." Fluttershy started to tear up. "Rainbow Dash begged me into making a decision and I felt it would save our friendship, but all it's done is caused me pain."

Applejack slowed to a stop as Fluttershy's legs gave out forcing her to sit.

"Since I told him that, I can't even look in his direction." Fluttershy's voice shook. "So I'm going back to ask if he'll have me back."

"Oh, Fluttershy." Applejack cooed.

"I know." Fluttershy murmured through teary eyes. "I'm causing everyone problems, but my heart keeps me up at night with nightmares of him. When I wake up, I reach over for him and cry when my hoof falls to the covers." She wipes a tear away with her hoof. "It hurts. It hurts so much."

As Applejack wrapped her friend in a hug, she tried to think of what to say. Aside from her family life know-how, relationships weren't her forte. Fluttershy had sought her out one day in her barn, crying as she was now, seeking advice. Try as she might, Applejack couldn't remain mad at the small Pegasus.

"I'm sorry, Hallow, I'll catch up later." Applejack said.

"That's okay, Applejack." Hallow turned to leave, but stopped midstep and grumbled to himself. He turned and cursed himself as he approached Fluttershy's sad state. "Fluttershy?"

"Yes?" She sniffled.

"I'm a friend of Skyfall's. May I ask you a question"

"O-Okay?" Fluttershy shied away from the tall bull and his green eyes peered down at her. She felt uneasy about sharing her and Skyfall's relationship or lack thereof with someone she did not know.

"Has Skyfall ever told you that he loves you?"

"No." Fluttershy shook her head. "Why do you ask?"

Hallow sighed. "As I said before, I am one of Skyfall's friends, one of his oldest friends. Which in his life this is about as close as I get to seeing a glimpse into his mind." A rouge wind blew across the path they stood in, sending a frigged chill up their spines. "Has he told you anything that strikes you as odd?"

"No." Fluttershy shook her head. "He would come over every now and again to drink tea with me. We would sit in silence and talk about the forest."

"Anything else?" Hallow asked with a stern look, causing Fluttershy to not be able to look Hallow in the eye and warm up to a light shade of red.

"Nothing that ponies don't usually talk about."

"Fluttershy." Applejack chuckled as she picked up subtle cues. "You didn't."

"What you do behind closed doors is your business." Hallow rolled his eyes. "I want to know if he said anything about himself. Something that he would trust you to know. You don't have to say what it is, just that you know a secret of his."

A silent shake of her head told Hallow everything he needed to know. 'He doesn't trust her one bit.'

"Is that whole trust and being guarded thing you were talking about?" Applejack asked.

"Yep, he can only truly love those he trusts." Hallow said, letting the implication sink into Fluttershy's mind. "He's guarded and has been for a very long time."

"But why?" Fluttershy asked.

"Mostly due to betrayal." Hallow said. "I am very sorry, Fluttershy. If you know little more about Skyfall than what most know, then it sounds as if he does not trust you."

"I betrayed him." Fluttershy began to tear up, but felt a hoof on her shoulder and saw that it was her new acquaintance.

"It was nothing you did. These betrayals happened a very long time ago." Hallow said. A moment of quiet content moved on as he stood there. "I told him along time ago if he didn't move passed his selfish needs, then he would alienate ponies needlessly."

"Who betrayed him?" Applejack asked. "Was it the same one who gave him that scar?"

"Scar?" Hallow asked. "Oh, the rib scar. No, that was done by an old student of his that nearly killed him." He chuckled, acting contrary to the mood of his companions. "We all told him it was a bad idea to teach her, but he insisted because she begged him too."

Applejack and Fluttershy looked at one another, unsure of how to react.

"No, his first major betrayal was at the hooves of a stallion known as Oasis. They were inseparable in the old days, even competed with one another in feats of strategy. But that is in the past." Hallow's gaze fell to distant images as he spoke. "I probably shouldn't tell you this. However, Skyfall needs friends to understand him, especially now. Ones that will stick by him no matter what happens around him."

Darkness bathed the lands around them as an enormous hulking structure slowly emerged from behind the mountain peaks. Steel and fire. That's what both Applejack and Fluttershy saw as it drew closer, looming like another cloud in the sky. One by one, several aviation squadrons appeared in the air next to it.

As slowly as it appeared, it turned towards the empty field between Ponyville and the guard post. Three large batteries of cannons with several smaller cannons dotted its frame. With the ship fully turned, the mark of Celestia was emblazoned onto its side.

"So its come to this." Hallow sighed before turning to Applejack. "I think you should get your family packed up and ready to move."

"Why?" Applejack asked. "I mean, that big ol' thing looks scary, but it's probably here on a visit."

Hallow rolled his eyes. "What would Skyfall say if he were here?"

Taking the situation in once again, Applejack could almost hear Skyfall's mumbling speech about paperwork, but from popping in to Skyfall's classes that he gave to both the foals his own guard, she looked at the situation for what it was; an invasion force.

"I think I'll see about getting Apple Bloom and Granny Smith into the cellar." Applejack said, feeling that the once comforting symbol of Celestia was now a beacon of warning.

"No. Get them into the forest. Hide them away from your farm." Hallow insisted. "I'll be sure to see Fluttershy home before heading to the guard post."

"Do you think it will get that bad?" Applejack asked.

Hallow glared at the guard barracks as a familiar red stallion exited the ship and started issuing orders. His speechlessness was answer enough for Applejack. With a solemn nod, she began to run as fast as her legs would carry her, leaving Hallow and Fluttershy alone.

"I think you should go too. Packing some things would be a wise idea if this gets ugly." Hallow looked down at Fluttershy, silently commanding her before peering back to the action.

Fluttershy watched as Hallow kept viewing the guard post. He was different than Skyfall in many way, especially speech. Skyfall, in some ways, spoke in cold facts while this bull tried his best to remain warm.

At times, Skyfall would change his behavior to the point he would seem like another stallion. When he was around his guards, around royalty, around his house mates, and around her. It occurred to her, she didn't know him, he was too good at covering up who he was that he likely didn't even know anymore.

She had spoken to Sif before about how he acts, but she was too close to him to see it. Fluttershy tried to figure it out. Being close to Spirits like Discord, she was used to changing moods.

Spirits like Discord.


"Huh? What is wrong, Ms. Shy?" Hallow glanced back.

"Skyfall is a Spirit, isn't he?" Fluttershy beamed up into Hallow's eyes and felt a tinge of fear wash over her as his eyes narrowed at her. He turned slowly and walked into the forest behind them, silently beckoning her to follow.

A few minutes of quiet walking caused the fear in her to grow, but the shaking in her hooves dwindled numbly. Hallow's movements seemed to slow in time before speeding up and snapping back again. Her head spun, trying to look at Hallow as he stopped. "Wha...?"

"Why do you think Skyfall is a Spirit?"

Dizziness overtook her, forcing her onto her haunches. "I have a Spirit friend and Skyfall acts just like him when he isn't causing chaos."

"I guess he and Discord always did share some sort of connection, but how much of that can be attributed to spending eons with one another is unclear. Most greater Spirits act with some degree of oddness."

Darkness blurred Fluttershy's vision as she tried to look around at the trees near her. The voice she heard was two-toned and more raspy then she remembered. "Why does your voice sound weird?"

As the being stepped closer, Fluttershy could make out a hulking body before her. Being around animals for most of her life, it wasn't hard to see it as an enormous, black fox with scaly legs. "Hallow?"

"Yes and no. My name is Golden Heart. I am known as the Spirit of the Harvest, though since you're around Spirits so often you know that it isn't just limited to crops." The Spirit tried to smile, but ultimately failed. "But that won't matter to you soon."

"You're a-"

"A Spirit." Heart nodded slowly. "And you've walked into a thicket of poisonous mushrooms whose spores have been kicked up in the storm's winds. Not serious if treated, but extremely fatal if you remain here."

The heartbeat Fluttershy felt didn't thump fast like she thought it would, but remained at a constant pace. She looked around to see the small pink mushrooms dotting the tree trunks around her and then tried to look at Golden Heart, who hung his head noticing her exhaustion from moving as little as she was.

"You're an old friend of Skyfall's, why? I didn't mean to hurt him." Fluttershy asked as he lungs began to spasm. She tried to fight it, but the feeling of cold liquid running through her veins forced the rest of her body to fall to the floor, motionless. Her studies in flora provided her with instructions on how to act when poisoned, namely, remain still so as not to hurry the spread of poison.

"No, it was nothing you did. To protect him and the rest of us from his mistakes, you've come to know too much." Golden Heart said as a matter-of-fact. "His action and inaction have led us to becoming uncovered. And now, to possible war."

"Skyfall is Shattered Skies. Isn't he?"

For the first time since entering the forest, Hallow chuckled before taking a long, slow breath. As he exhaled, a thick mist escaped his mouth. "Over the thirty seven thousand years I've been alive, you would be surprised to learn how often someone makes a realization like that before taking their final breath." He looked into her eyes, eyes that showed nothing but pained acceptance for what was about to happen. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"I am too."

Ready to pounce on his vulnerable prey, Golden Heart crouched, but instead found several pairs of teeth wrapped around his neck, legs, and tail in an attempt to immobilize him.

"Any reason you're hindering me, Lady Sif?"

From the floor, Fluttershy could only watch as a set of giant paws set down in front of her before light sniffing ruffled her fur. Try as she might, she couldn't look at what was smelling her, only that its fur was white.

"We are under strict orders from Shattered Skies to protect Ponyville. Most specifically from incidents like this." Sif said, an undertone of cold rage bubbled to the surface. "Are you so bold as to try and kill a pony while he isn't here? And are you foolish enough to believe that he wouldn't have ordered us to follow you as well?"

"He always was overly suspicious." Heart said. He looked around at the scene and rolled his eyes. "And now I'm the bad guy."

A soft gurgle pulled Sif's attention down to the mare at her paws. Fluttershy tried to rise up, but lurched forward to clear the froth from her mouth with a wet heave of her lungs.

"Quiet!" Sif barked, summoning the wolfling before another thought passed.

"Yes, my Lady!"

"Get Fluttershy to Zecora as fast as you can. She'll understand what to do. Once you stabilize her-" Sif looked through the treeline to see another large ship hovering closer to Ponyville. "-get them both to Farhaven. As well as anyone else you come across, by force is necessary."

Within seconds, Quiet scruffed Fluttershy and tossed her up to hold on before sprinting through the forest.

"You should be ashamed." Sif scolded.

"I was tying up loose ends, Sif." Heart said flippantly. "She guessed his identity, how can I just ignore that?"

"Everyone guesses his identity, sometimes they're right." Sif barked. "We even tried to lie about me, but I just found it easier for everyone to call me by my real name."

"And you don't see a problem with this?" Heart stomped a wolf off his paw, only to have three more attach to him. Sif waved them away so a fight would not break out, knowing that even she wouldn't be able to restrain him. "At this point, they would have to be morons to not see that Skyfall and you are a duplicate of Shattered Skies and his Wolf companion. You're playing it way too close."

"And that's why it works, Heart." Sif began to pace around the fox Spirit, having a full two heads above him. "They're easily dissuaded because it's too much of a coincidence. Most of them at one time or another have thought of Skyfall as being Skies, but why would an 'evil' mastermind parade such a fact before those hunting him? That would not only be arrogant, but reckless."

"But that's what you're doing." Heart defended.

"And that's why it's unexpected. They run around with that thought but get nowhere." Sif said. "If we tried our hardest and moved into society and tried to act as the opposite of everything that the image of Shattered Skies and Sif are, then one good slip up leads to our downfall."

"So you're hiding in plain sight?" Heart asked.

"Exactly. In every era whenever a Spirit attempted to live among mortals, the quickest ways they were uncovered was by acting like something that they weren't." Sif jabbed Heart's ribbed, jolting him. "River in a puritan colony, exposed. Storm Front in high society, exposed. You so far in Ponyville."

"point made." Heart grumbled. "I see his reasoning."

"These mushrooms have a hallucinogenic side effect, so you better hope that she wakes up believing that." Sif bore into Heart's eyes, clearly not afraid of him, nor the fact that he was one of the twelve Guardians. "If not, you've exposed my lord and all of us."

As she turned to leave, Golden Heart sighed and called to her. "Lady Sif, where are you going?"

"You know... Golden Heart. You've always wondered why Skies doesn't trust you." Sif held her paw out to Heart, gesturing to all of him. "Many of you gossip among yourselves in your own castles about him being cold, recluse, and at times evil, but he has never up and killed someone innocent because it suited him."


Sif narrowed her eyes in the mean scowl she leveled at Heart. "I don't pretend he's perfect. Many of you old Spirits from the time before have something wrong with you, but at least he tries. The world would not be as poisoned as it is had the Maker not molded you all from the soul of a human. Time has tainted you and so here we stand, on the brink of another war and you have no idea why."

"So Shattered Skies broke one of the taboos." Heart shook his head.

"Of course he did." She turned and smacked him with her tail, ignoring further attempts from him at conversation. "And to answer your first question, I'm going to warn Farhaven of war, I've wasted enough time entertaining your inability to see strategy and reason."

The wind blew, taking Sif and the hundreds of eyes of her kin that watched him, leaving him to stand there among the poisonous mushrooms contemplating Sif's assertion. "I can't see what?"

Earlier that day

"Flowers for the lady?"

"A croissant for the lady?"

"Jewelry for the lady?"

"All of you are kind, but I must decline. It is not my place to accept gifts from you for free." Honey bowed as she refused the gifts offered to her as she passed through the market with Anara, who was in her Spirit form. The shop owners did not offer Anara anything, it would be foolish to try and goad the Princess of Farhaven with gifts.

She continued, laughing with her daughter through the streets and admiring the architecture.

A changeling turned the corner and met face to face with Honey. He reared away slowly as a small mammal would a predator before flying away as fast as possible.

"You sure are popular with Stallions." Cadance chuckled.

"It's a gift." Honey bantered quietly as she turned and began to trot away lightly, with an amused Anara in tow. "Your father better get back soon, he and I need to have a talk."

"Is it about why you haven't transformed yet?"

Slowing to a stop, Honey glowered. When Cadance tried to meet her eyes, she turned so that it was impossible. She sighed and began to walk towards the castle in silence.

Taking the cloak that masked her body and raising the hood, she shrank into her alicorn form and smiled. "See, it's not so extreme."

Mentally groaning, Cadance followed her sullen mother. Every time she had brought up the topic of her mother's Spirit form, even hinting at it, Honey would get bent out of shape and avoid direct contact with her. Enough was enough, Cadance followed her mother, but saw her aunt passing by before she stepped in between Cadance and her sulking mother.

"Hey there, Littlefoot." River beamed. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To talk to my mother." Cadance tried to squeeze passed, but found a hoof on her nose.

"Talk to me, we don't talk enough."

"Auntie, I know that, but right now I need to get to the bottom of this." Cadance teleported passed River and promptly found herself submerged in a floating bubble of water. "How did you-"

With a devious smirk, River pointed to the large gourd leaned against a nearby shop wall.

"Fine." Cadance grumbled before the water evaporated and trailed into its container, leaving her completely dry. "You gotta show me how to do that."

"Sorry, kid. Spirit trick." River hefted the large gourd onto her back. "A Spirit's aspect is an extension of one's self, magic can only go so far with water. I control rivers, underground streams, estuaries, brackish inlets, and anything else related to water and ecosystem melding that isn't in the ocean. That's Flotsom's job."


"The high king of the mere-creatures." River shrugged. "He used to be more involved, but he has since become a recluse much like your father. Many of us did after the war, but he had the best hiding place. Unless we find ourselves in need of going to the bottom of the ocean we'll never see him."

"I think my sister-in-law and her friends met a ruler of an underwater kingdom once." Cadance tapped her shin and then violently shook her head clear. "No, I need to talk to my mother. Why did you stop me?"

"Because you were pushing something that should not be."

"Why?" Cadance demanded. "Why is it my father tries to keep things from me?" She tried to continue, but found River's arm around her shoulder to guide her into the nearby alley.

"I mean, I love him, but this is unfair. I'm twenty seven. I've been the leader of an empire. I do taxes. I have degrees. I've had sex, lots of it! I've married the stallion that I've had the aforementioned sex with. So why doesn't he trust me?" Cadance seethed, but winced when River cocked her hoof back for a smack, much in the way she does to Storm Front when he is out of line. Her eyes snapped shut for the hit, but no hit came, but only a small pat on her check.

Light poured into the grassy alley as it did through the trees and over the small pond. A moment of quiet contemplation sat over River's face as she looked to the quiet body of water. An almost artistic sense of movement rippled through the pond as two small streams poured into the pond.

"Your father will kill me for this, but he has underestimated your desire to know, so I will satiate you." River turned and sat at a small tree. She smiled as she let the gourd fall from her back and onto the ground before patting the spot next to her. "If I wanted to, I could submerge us in the pond so I could show you more faster, but you also need someone to tell you this, not merely be shown."

With much uncertainty, Cadance took her seat and watched as River dig into her saddle bag that was attached to the gourd. A small green box was pulled onto River's lap before another one was given to Cadance. Then, a small wicker box was placed between them.

"What is this?"

"Lunch." River sat and opened each box. "Courtesy of Fuji. She is here waiting on your father, she has some political voodoo to talk over with him."

"But what is the food called?"

"What you have in your lap is a bento box and the food on the center is Onigiri rice balls. I know they're triangles." River sighed. "Just roll with it like I have for the past few thousand years."

As they started to eat, Cadance mentally screamed. She anguished, not at the food, but at River's silence. She was about to demand answers, but stopped when River took a long sip of her tea and looked Cadance in the eye.



"Do you know where your name comes from?"

Cadance thought about it, but realized that the topic never arose with her father in all the talks she had with him. "No. I have thought about its origin, but never asked."

"Does it strike you as odd?" River asked in earnest.

"I mean, a little, but sometimes there are weird names." Cadance shrugged. "What does it stand for?"

With a happy smile and a wave of her hoof, mist appeared and turned to water before becoming a small tome, bound in grayed bark. She opened it to reveal photos, ones taken a very long time ago based on the faded imagery portrayed within.

"When you were born, news of your birth spread over the world like wildfire." River looked to Cadance and showed her the copy of her and her mother moments after birth with her father's chest floff in the photo. "You are the first and only offspring of two guardian Spirits."

"I know, and that's why other Spirits were unsure about my parent's betrothal." Cadance said.

"That is true, but it is not the only reason your parent's marriage caused a stir." River continued to flip through the book. "Your name's origin, in itself, is a taboo."

"A taboo?"

"Yes. When I heard your name, I recognized the origin immediately. It's Arabic for something known as a pomegranate flower. Coincidentally your mother's favorite flower." River flipped the book until a once vibrant, orange flower appeared between the pages. "I was from a certain tribe of creatures before coming to this world and we knew the word as 'wanderer.'"

"Auntie, what does that word mean? Arabic?"

"It's the language of a tribe from the world that came before." River set the book down and reached out for Cadance's head to bring her into a hug. "Listen to me, Anara. You must never tell anyone about what we are talking about. Not me, not even your father. The consequences could lead to the end of everything we know."

Cadance reached up and patted River's hoof. "Then a pond probably isn't the best place for this talk."

"We are safe within my realm." River smiled. "I teleported us when we walked into the alley, I just cast an illusion so you would think we were still in Farhaven."

With a quick look around, the sky's blue color had turned to an expansive cosmos of stars with a borealis that painted the sky every bright color one could conceive.

"Is this what all Spirit realms look like?"

"More or less. The ground is usually very different, but the sky that connects us all is ever impressive." River chuckled. "I always forget, Skies likes the solace of having a tall roofed forest so his sky is rarely visible."

Cadance looked to River and saw her point to the pond before resting her hooves in her lap. "I want to share something with you. May I?"

With a slow nod, River took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Skies is so hesitant with you. Out of all of us, he fears the most, even though he keeps that solid as a statue stance of his."

River held up a hoof when Cadance tried to ask a question. "He fears rejection from your love. He comes to me, Sif, and I'm sure a few others when he begins to worry. He keeps it from you because he is a secretive person, but so to not worry you."


"Another name for a creature." River lied, but caught herself. "No. A person is what you would call a member of a tribe, one like I mentioned before."

She looked to the pond. "This pond is one from Equus. I took it soon after arriving to Equus because it's where I emerged. Even now, I remember waking up in an expanse of cold darkness before the Maker appeared before me to offer me this second chance."

"Second chance?"

"Yes. A taboo among Spirits and the first official decision reached by the grand Spirit council was that what I'm about to tell you be kept unknown even from each other." River chuckled. "Lot of good that did, many of us shared our pasts with one another as the ultimate sign of trust."

"Your past?"

"Cadance. I'm dead. So is your mother, father, Storm Front, and every Spirit that is considered to be one of the old Spirits." River said as a matter-of-fact. "Spirits like Sif and Ahuizotl are considered new spirits and are souls from this realm."

"I don't get it?" Cadance asked, her mind racing.

"You will. All I ask is that you try and understand." River rolled back on her haunches and looked at her niece. She paused for a while as Cadance looked at her lake filled realm, beginning slowly. "Once upon a time, I lived in a world much like yours, as did your father and mother. We never knew each other in that life, but knew the same things. It was cold and unforgiving, but that's what we knew and as a result became byproducts of it."

"One night, like so many, I was driving home from my waitressing job at a diner to get some sleep for my job the next day. Life wasn't great, but I had little hobbies to fall back on. I would go and hike around and navigate around rivers when I wasn't giving tours from a raft that we let float down a turbulent river. I would never reach home, however."

Cadance gulped as her throat felt dry from hearing her aunt's taboo tale.

"I was caught in a heavy rain and lost control of my car." River realized Cadance had no concept of what a 'car' was and sighed. "Car being a metal room we traveled around in, like a carriage that pulled itself." She continued when Cadance thought for a moment and nodded. "A larger car called a semi lost traction as well and pushed me towards a guard rail. Any help was too far away as my car careened into the river, a jagged piece of metal tore through my car door and impaled my legs, keeping me inside as it sank. I left behind my sister and mother, but the Maker told me they lived full lives after my passing, so I'm content."

Tears began to fall from Cadance's eyes as she listened to the story. Emotions tore through her, she tried to think of all the theories she had made when she overheard her father mention the 'time before,' but her heart beat too hard. "So my dad and mom..."

"Died to come here." River nodded.

"Does it h-hurt?" Cadance closed her tear filled eyes.

"Mine did to a point." River shrugged. "But since then I've lived a thousand lives in ways I've never dreamed. So my ending isn't as sad as it seemed. I only wish my mother and sister knew that."

"I'm sorry."

River patted Cadance's back before brushing the mane from her face. "Don't, I didn't tell you that to sadden you. But if you are to understand, you must know a little about where we come from."

"Where we come from?"

"Yes. You are the offspring of two human Spirits and that makes your soul human, in every sense of the word." River said. "Some Spirits reproduced with creatures of Equus and that makes their soul that of Equus, but you are unique."

"I'm a Human?" Cadance asked.

"Your soul is. In a way." River gave a small nod. "And that comes with a great power and curse. You can do more than the sum of your parts when your heart calls for it, effecting true change."

"Humanity, if you've ever overheard the word." River mused. "I think your father fears telling you this because for once in his life he is baffled by a concept he truly doesn't understand, one I believe you embody."

River smiled at Cadance and rested her hoof over her niece's. "Forgive the grandiose words, but our kind thought humanity was love of people, something to give you strength to stand so that you in turn could give others the power to stand. Others attributed a dictionary's worth of words to the meaning, including the names you've given your elements, but those are not what make humanity so powerful. It's love."


"Yes. Love is life and has the power to connect us all." River patted Cadance's hoof as another tear feel from her cheek. "Love is everything; Be it love of one's self or love for the world. You must decide which path you take."

Cadance took a breath to break her shaky breathing and tried to give a courteous laugh. "I thought I was the Spirit of love."

Smiling weakly, River nodded. "The Maker was there when you were born. She was the third one to hold you after you parents. You are the only baby she appeared for. You are so much more important than you believe." River reached up, inviting Cadance into a hug, one she accepted with need. "We are all watching you, Anara. You've made us all so proud. No matter what you do, me, your mother and father, and every other Spirit that watched you will always love you."

"I love you too, Auntie."

"Just remember, sometimes all someone needs to change is to just be understood. If you always give someone that chance you'll always give them a chance to love."

"Okay, Auntie. I'll give understanding a chance." Cadance closed her eyes, content in her need to know.

River opened a portal just beyond the pond and rubbed Cadance's shoulder. "Now go, seek out your mother. There is an answer that has been waiting too long."

Cadance stood and smiled with a renewed purpose and kissed her aunt's cheek before trotting toward the portal. When she disappeared, River leaned into the tree.

"I see you kept the true meaning of her name a secret."

"Do you always lurk in the shadows?" River grumbled and looked over to a small, white fox, eating the half of her bento box she didn't finish.

"Eh, more or less." The Fox downed a salmon sushi and smiled. "It's my job after all."

"Uh huh." River groan begrudgingly. "I took a leap of faith trusting you all those years ago. Will you still not tell me who you work for?"

"Can't toots. And you can't threaten me by ousting me either." Fox stood up on his hind legs and brushed his fur a little. "I have to get back to senor Skyfall." He pulled his fur up to look at a small silver watch. "Make sure that portal in the badlands is up, I'll work on getting the other realm ready."


Fox hummed as he disappeared. "Eh, in like ten minutes."

"Evil little weasel."

Farhaven Castle

Cadance ascended the stairs of the castle and saw Sif running into Farhaven barking at creatures and a few Spirits before they all pointed toward the castle. She smiled and strode into her father's private library.


"Hi dear." Honey called from a pillow as she read a book. "What's the matter?"

"Mom, I wanted to ask you about transforming again. I want to help you."

Honey sighed. "Cadance, we've been over this. I'm-"

"Mom, It can't be that bad. I was unable to transform until recently but look at me, I'm fine." Cadance stood before her mother after having pestered her for half an hour, transformed. Her proud antlers and crystal like wings were shown off to illustrate her point. As Honey looked on, her eyes grew teary from the child she mourned for having grown into such a beauty.

"You are beautiful." Honey smiled as she sat onto a nearby pillow. "But transforming is not my problem, it's what I look like that is the issue. Please, don't take it personally."

With a faltering smile, Anara looked at her mother. "It's kind of hard not to. I've seen dad, Sif, and everyone else in their Spirit forms, but not my own mother."

"I know, I just want to find a way to fix myself before you see me." Honey winced. "That way I can explain. I don't want to disappoint you, it would steal my heart."

"But I won't judge. I promise I'll try to understand." Anara smiled, remembering River's words. "No matter what you look like, I'll give us a chance."

Honey's mouth fought a teary smile as she felt true love radiating from Anara's smile. "Okay." Her voice grew to have two tones, one Anara thought sounded familiar. "Just let me explain before saying anything, okay?"


Green flame sparked around Honey's hooves. It grew, engulfing her and burning away the white coat and blonde mane to reveal holed, black chitin and a blue mane. She towered over Cadance who bore up in shock.

"Chrysalis?" Anara asked in a whisper.

"Cadance. My name is Crystal." Crystal tried to smile through terrified tears. "I am your mother."

Scrambling erupted as Anara jumped up and ran out of the room, saddened and confused.

"No." Both mares said to themselves as one left and one followed.

Author's Note:

So, this takes some explaining.

Some of you guessed it and yes, Chrysalis is her mother. Or at least the broken person that is her mother. I'll move into Crystal's backstory, but there's going to be awkwardness before then. Each character that comes back comes back for a reason, not a dragon ball z wish happy ending. If the character dies before the story then the impact of them being dead doesn't really have the same effect; think harry potter when sirius dies vs harrys parents being dead, they don't have the same story presence.

With my style of writing and story structure, I try to have explanations for most things, there are random occurrences as there are in life. So... random warnings about not repeating information and appearance of characters should have more impact than at face value.

Fluttershy was more hurt cause she felt she betrayed skyfall, not because of some titanic tragic love. There was love there, but not undying romeo-juliet type stuff. Worry not, the story won't be marked up by the round robin sex and romance cliche. In the last chapter when Applejack discusses Skyfall's interaction with the others as being somewhat distant is far more true than what may appear. His current standings as of this chapter with the MCs are as follows;

Twilight: Same treatment your inlaws would get. Tip toeing around words and being nice, yet harsh when overstepping bounds. Professional at best. I mean, they are technically related but still.

Fluttershy: Typical ex treatment, just kept at a distance and greeted by name, nothing more.

Pinkie Pie: ironically, treated like a student of his but more mature. Skyfall appreciates her.

Applejack: I think the last chapter and this one outlines their relationship remarkably well. He wants her to succeed and not be a banjo battling lost cause. To what end, no one knows.

Rarity: ...I really haven't written their interactions, I have the side story and I guess that's a good opportunity to. I don't dislike her character but in terms of this story shes yet to be impactful. But to clarify they do talk, usually about professional things and places. Elevator talk covers that well.

Rainbow Dash: This one. As mentioned before in narrative and in passing, he doesn't hate her, but he knows that her affection is one sided and refuses to play the game, even if playing the game for one night ends her pursuit. Ironically, her human double on the other side of the mirror is viewed positively with Skyfall, which will come up.

Sunset Shimmer: Cautiously. I think we can all agree from seeing the episodes of her that shes pretty sharp and tenacious. She has street smarts and shes starting to get close to the ghost. Her demeanor and story alone attracts Skyfall, she has lived in both worlds and shows the influence of it. To Spirits, that is close to how they live, living in secret and as a result Sunset can see things that the others may not. That and the talisman she has to see into people's minds is coming closer into use. That and Skyfall enjoys the intellectual half of her as well. Yes, there is a love interest there in the even that was in question.

I think a good motivator for me to write these is to post the majority of what I have and give myself a smaller cushion, that way I'm forced to give more time.

If there are any questions, please let me know, or I'll collect them, and write a mock up chapter answering them, I saw that get done once and I thought it was fun.

uhhh, onto the next chapter for editing~ or write a chapter of the side story.

Also, Skyfall returns next chapter.

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