• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,436 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

  • ...

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Chapter 25 -Hearth's Fire-

-Hearth's Fire-

The warm rays of a summer sun danced along a quiet hillside along the edges of Skyfall’s estate. Fluttershy and Skyfall wished to have a quiet picnic together, accompanied only by the soothing splashes of the nearby waterfall. Sky’s head swam with infatuation as he watched Fluttershy unpacking her picnic basket. He desired nothing more than to profess his feelings for her at even the most mundane of moments.

"Would you like a bite, my love?" Fluttershy held a fork full of pumpkin pie. Her delicate mane blew seductively in the breeze. "I baked it just the way you like it."

"You know exactly how to make me melt," Skyfall cooed as he took a bite.

"Oh, you're too sweet." Fluttershy covered her cheeks with her hooves to hide her flushed cheeks. She tried to look away, but Skyfall wrapped her in a hug. "But, you aren't interested in having me."

"It isn't that I'm not interested; I'm completely taken by you. Every time I see you, I overcome with emotions in a way I’ve never felt before... It scares me," Skyfall confessed, dipping his head in embarrassment.

Fluttershy turned around in Skyfall's grasp and buried her face in his chest. "Then let me be yours. We can end this game and become one!"

Skyfall squeezed his eyes shut. "That would require learning each other's secrets."

"I accept you." Fluttershy smiled. "There's nothing that could dissuade me from loving you."

The world around Skyfall started to ripple. He looked around as three butterflies flew past him, disappearing into the nearby pond. He tried to remember where he had seen them before, but his thoughts were interrupted by Fluttershy's hoof.

"Is everything alright, Onii Chan?" Fluttershy's eyes were hidden by her damp hair.

Skyfall grabbed Fluttershy's hoof and scowled. "What did you just say?"

"You look a little shaken, Big Brother." Fluttershy’s form slowly started to melt and turn into water.

Skyfall shot to his hooves up and backed away from the checkered picnic blanket. He looked around as the world changed around him. He saw Canterlot burning in the distance, and a warm light from behind him suggested that the Everfree was suffering a similar fate. "What is going on?!"

In the corner of Skyfall's vision, he saw a white Alicorn, but no matter how quickly he turned she always remained just out of sight. The ground began to decay as lush green grass turned into a charred landscape. Four dark figures emerged from the darkness and began to laugh.

In the sky, an enormous unblinking eye stared down at him, red and bloodshot.

Skyfall tried to transform into Shattered Skies to fight off his foes, but a sudden explosion of white stripped away the horrors around him. He was blinded, and the abrupt transition terrified Skyfall, but before he could react, familiar warm hooves wrapped Skyfall into a hug.

"You must find a way to me," a weak voice whispered.


Skyfall shot up in bed, his burning lungs trying their hardest to suck in as much air as possible. His body felt unnaturally heavy; His ears rang. His bones creaked. His fur burned. Even the dim light in the room stung his pupils. When the ringing in his ears abated, Sky heard the rapid beeping of a heart monitor and the whispering of an unknown company.

'Storm Front is getting it for putting that much juice into that attack.' Skyfall groaned as he pushed himself back against the headboard.

"I see you're finally awake."

A calm, serene voice commented from the corner of the room. Blue eyes and a metal clipboard were the only things Skyfall could see, as spots still danced around his vision.

Skyfall strained his eyes to bring the stranger into focus. "I am, but I did not expect a wolf to be watching me sleep."

The small white wolf gave a courteous laugh. "It's nothing like that, Mr. Skyfall. I was merely told to be here when you woke up."

"So how did you know to be here now?"

"Equestrian medicine can be wonderful at times" The wolf coughed into his paw. "Where are my manners?" The wolf stood up and gave a small bow.

"Greetings, I am Doctor Wolf. Princess Celestia wanted me to help you with your rehabilitation."

"Rehabilitation?" Skyfall examined his body.

"Yes, it must have been quite a shock when you fought with those Spirits," He stood, walked over to the light switch and dragged it up slowly, allowing the room to brighten, "The Princess wants you to have a full psychological examination. She feared that you were in a coma and the instant you were escorted to the ground she teleported you to Canterlot General."

Skyfall listened intently. While his outward expression remained stoic, he felt relieved that his plan worked.

Doctor Wolf clicked his pen twice and smiled. "You've been out for four days, but you healed surprisingly well."

Skyfall removed his blanket and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He hopped off despite the Doctor's protests.

"What are you doing? You'll injure yourself!"

"I have to get home. I slept three days longer than I should have," Skyfall groaned, thinking of the thrashing Cadance was going to give him, "and Hearth’s Warming Eve is in a few days."

Dr. Wolf nodded. "Be that as it may, I still have a job to do, and I need to make sure you are okay."

Skyfall moved to walk out, but Dr. Wolf stood in his way and stared up at him. Sky glanced down.

"So one exam and that's it?"

"The Princess wants you to be examined once a month," Dr. Wolf chirped as Skyfall sat down, "In truth, she came to me last month and said that she was going to ask you to be evaluated for a 'special assignment,' and that this was the best way she could help you."

Skyfall raised his eyebrow. "So as my ‘doctor,’ do you swear by an oath of confidentiality?"

"Yes, naturally,," Dr. Wolf responded as he backed up and returned to the large chair he had been sitting in previously. "Anything you say will remain between the two of us."

"Re-heheheheally," Skyfall asked deviously. He contemplated transforming right then, but decided against it. Dr. Wolf seemed like a genuine character, and it would have been unfair to shock him in that manner.

"Well, Doctor, where do we begin?"

Dr. Wolf flipped through his clipboard. He brought out a small purple notepad and turned the pages until he seemingly reach the one he wanted. "Let's start out with a classic. How do you feel?"

"Hungry, and oddly I feel a sudden need to go fishing."

Dr. Wolf hummed. "Why fishing?"

"It's relaxing and it keeps my mind preoccupied," Skyfall looked out the window to see snow-covered roofs festively lined with multicolored lights.

"Is something troubling you?"

Skyfall paused and sighed, he knew he needed to clear his mind, and sharing his troubles with a table flipping brute like Storm Front would never truly help. He needed to speak with an intellectual. "Is something bothering me? It's more a question of what isn't bothering me."

Dr. Wolf stopped writing. "Would you mind explaining?"

"Surely you've seen the state of the world."

"I have."

Skyfall looked around. "Do you have a newspaper?"

Dr. Wolf reached off the side of his seat and pulled up a newspaper that had Skyfall's picture on the front. 'Hero defends Canterlot'

Skyfall examined the front and rolled his eyes before looking through the paper. After a minute of reading, he tittered and handed the paper back to Dr. Wolf. "See?"

Dr. Wolf looked at the paper. "What am I looking for?"

"What isn't there?" Sky asked.

Dr. Wolf raised his eyebrow. "I am unsure where you are taking this, Mr. Skyfall. Maybe if you explain, I'll understand."

"Equestria has a considerable amount of beings that aren't ponies." Skyfall started. "Do you see a single article in the paper that mentions any of them? Specifically, the obituaries."

"No, but it is the Interloper Gazette, so I'm not surprised." Dr. Wolf reasoned. "It was the only thing in the waiting room."

Skyfall sighed. "I don't get the conflicting views in Equestria. On one hoof, you have ponies who love everything and want to make friends with anyone they see. On the other hoof, you have ponies who are mistrusting and go so far as to put down non-ponies. It's just like the meeting of the five tribes."

"Don't you mean three tribes?" Dr. Wolf asked.

"There were five," Skyfall ran his hoof through his mane and rested his head on his wrist.

"I’ve studied abroad and read accounts of there being five as well," Dr. Wolf reviewed the purple book a before continuing. "You lived in Neighpon before coming here? I thought they were in a period of isolationism?"

Skyfall smirked, "Twilight's notebook?"

Dr. Wolf smirked, "She lent it to me."

"That mare," Skyfall laughed as two royal guards marched past the door.

"Looks like that's all we have time for today, Mr. Skyfall," Dr. Wolf packed up and fastened his messenger bag, "I have an office in Ponyville. Our next meeting will be on the first."

"So soon?" Skyfall chuckled.

"Well, our session is being cut short," Dr. Wolf shook Skyfall's hoof, "Until next time, Skyfall. Enjoy your holiday."

"Hey, you too," Skyfall watched the small wolf exit and greet the Princesses as he closed the door. After a few quiet moments, Skyfall looked out the window at the falling snow. He didn't turn when the door opened.


Sky turned his head around to see Princess Celestia smiling in the doorway.

"Hey," Skyfall smiled back, "What brings you by?"

Celestia walked inside, followed by Princess Luna and Princess Cadance, the latter of which was poorly attempting to conceal a scowl.

"We're here to check on you."

"Three Princesses have come to check on me? I feel honored," Skyfall tried to stand, but Celestia waved her wings slightly.

"Please, conserve your energy. You took a powerful blast from a Spirit named Storm Front when you tried to fight them back," Celestia frowned, "But in the end, they escaped with many of the riches that took ponies their entire lives to gather. We tried to locate the museum's owner and curator, but we fear the worst."

'Oh, if you only knew.' Skyfall wore a sad smile. "Then I failed you."

Celestia shook her head, "No, the failure lies with my captain of the guard. He was tasked with Canterlot's security, and even though he rode into battle with his flagship, he was unable to stop the Spirits."

'So Fury was the one commanding that battleship...' Sky shrugged. "Then I must get back to Ponyville, there are preparations to take care of."

"See, Luna," Celestia said, "You said we shouldn't elect a local as Captain and here we have an injured stallion, eager to return to his post."

Luna rolled her eyes and set them on Skyfall. "Indeed so. I shall escort him to the train station if you wish."

"Nonsense, he shall have a coach transport him home," Celestia stated.

Skyfall shook his head and grabbed a nearby glass of water. "I hate stagecoaches, I'd love a train ride, though."

Celestia smiled sweetly. "Then a train you shall have. Sadly, I won't be able to escort you. I have an important meeting in the morning."

"I shall escort him, sister," Luna said, "My rule is almost over and I can be back before the start of the tomorrow night."

Princess Celestia leaned down and kissed the top of Skyfall's head, "We're expecting great things from you, Skyfall."

The room was silent until Celestia left the room, taking her royal guards with her. When the clopping of hooves went silent, Cadance turned and scowled at her father. Skyfall closed the blinds and met her piercing gaze with his smile.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Cadance seethed.

"Now, hunny, it's not nice to scold ponies for matters of necessity." Skyfall held up his hooves to deflect a flying ornate shoe.

Luna looked on in curiosity. "I see you two have grown rather close."

Luna looked back and forth between Cadance and Skyfall waiting for an answer. When she didn’t get one, Luna rolled her eyes.

"Fine, keep your secrets," Luna magicked Skyfall's medical chart from the bed he had occupied for the past few days and thoroughly reviewed the information. "Come along, Captain, we need to get you home."

She paused and teleported the document over to Skyfall. "Oh, you've had a few visitors. You should probably thank them when you get home."

Skyfall looked clipboard at the foot of his bunk and subsequent test information to see the visitor log. "I seem to be a popular pony."

"Front page press will do that," Luna commented as her horn lit up, transforming the area around them into the train station with a sudden pop. She glanced back and winced. "Sorry, I should have asked before teleporting us."

"It's fine, Princess." Skyfall waved dismissively. "Saves us the walk."

The whistling of an oncoming train could be heard in the distance. It was late and the snow fell lightly as Cadance pressed herself against Skyfall, humming to herself as the platform’s light slowly flickered.

"Princess Luna?" Sky asked, looking at the princess who stood a few yards away, just outside of the soft lamplight’s reach.

"Luna is fine," she responded curtly.

"Why are you standing so far away?"

Luna glanced over coldly. "I prefer the dark."

Skyfall shook his head. "I mean, why are you standing alone?"

Luna's breath caught in her throat. She thought through the sentiment and turned to answer, but she stopped when she saw Skyfall's open wing, gesturing her forward. After a brief pause, she trotted over to join him.

"Skyfall, may I ask you a question?" Luna asked as she sat with him in the light.


"You look very familiar, where do I know you from?" Luna asked, eyeing the long scar down his side. She ran her hoof along the scar and smiled deviously.

Skyfall rolled his eyes and looked at Cadance. "We've been had, she knows who I am."

"You're no fun." Luna pouted. "Wait, Cadance knows?"

Cadance's eyes shot open and she looked at Skyfall. "Luna knows?"

"Luna, Cadance. Cadance, Luna." Skyfall said before getting smacked by them both.

"We already know each other!" They yelled in unison.

"Then let me be more specific." Skyfall chuckled. "Luna, meet my daughter, Anara. Anara, meet Luna, one of my best students."

Luna and Cadance sputtered and muttered to themselves while Skyfall walked to the platform edge as the Ponyville Express screeched to a halt in front of him. He smiled back at them both. "Come along, ladies. We have much to catch up on. Then, we have a holiday to enjoy."

Luna and Cadance looked at each other hesitantly before following Skyfall into a dimly lit cab.

"This is unfair!" Nim cried from a pillar, high up in the foyer.

"No, it's not," Skyfall cooed as he stared at a sad looking Applejack.

"What'd he do?" Applejack asked, snow brushing past her through the open doorway.

"He knows what he did." Skyfall closed his eyes to relish in the sound of Nim fighting his magical bonds. "Now, what can I help you with, Ms. Apple? I do love your company, but tomorrow is Hearth’s Warming Eve, and a storm is about to start raging outside. What makes you trek all the way here through the snow?"

Applejack trotted indoors, shivering. "I've been thinking about what you said to me the last time we talked."

"Ah yes, motor oil does have the strangest taste, doesn't it?"

"What?" Applejack asked.

"We didn't talk about drinking motor oil to make you coat more oily?" Skyfall asked, trying to
remember. "Oh no, you're right. I was talking to ah-choo."


"Gesundheit." Skyfall said before laughing to himself.

"That was a bad joke and you should feel bad!" Nim called from the ceiling. "And who laughs at their own jokes?"

"Last I checked, chandeliers didn’t talk!" Skyfall barked. "Inko! Corndog!"

Inko's head poked out from the banister and shoved a corndog in Nim's mouth before stuffing three into her own mouth.

"Right, so back to our previous conversation." Skyfall waved Applejack forward as he walked down a back hallway. She followed hesitantly as he descended into the basement and then into a stockroom. He picked up a list and sat down in the corner. "Now, what did you think of my idea?"

Applejack shuffled her hooves. Skyfall's eyes looked up to examine her. Applejack didn't look in his direction, nor did she start talking until he put down his list and gave her all his attention.

Unbeknownst to them, Sif sauntered in just outside of the storeroom and sniffed the air. "Where is that bone?"

She walked around sniffing until she reached a closed door. Her chewing bone, that she used when she was in her normal form, went missing so often she swore it was playing hide and seek. Her ears picked up rustling in the storeroom accompanied by hushed voices.

"Applejack, it's just you and me down here. No one will hear us."

"I know, I'm just a little nervous is all."

"Everybody gets nervous when their life changes like your's is about to."

Sif heard Applejack let out a deep sigh. "It's just big for me, y'know?"

"You'd be surprised how often I'm told that."

Sif tried not to make any noise as she listened closer. 'What are they doing?'

"Well, here it goes."

After a brief moment, Sif heard a grunt and another sigh. "I can't do it!"

"Easy now, Applejack." Sky cooed. "Just start out slow and work yourself up to speed. Logically, this is the best thing for you, even though at first it'll be hard and painful."

Sif backed away from the door, turned around, and tiptoed away as fast as her paws could take her, silently vowing to never repeat what she thought she heard. Back inside the storeroom, however, Sky felt Sif’s presence leaving and he chuckled to himself. Applejack raised an eyebrow as she tapped a hoof, waiting for Skyfall to stop giggling like an idiot.

"I talked to Granny Smith about hiring on extra help, but she's been fighting me on it." Applejack said. "Like you said, It would be hard and painful at first to hire them, especially financially, but in the end it could help."

Skyfall nodded. "Don't worry about finances, that I can cover. You just have to convince Granny Smith."

"I can't ask you to pay for my stuff, Skyfall. It just ain't in our nature."

Skyfall rolled his eyes. "Call it an investment and the first step on your way to making a business."

Applejack gave a half smirk and nodded. "What about the Clydes?"

"There is an ambassador to the Clydes that will be attending the Grand Galloping Gala." Skyfall wrote down her name on an extra sheet of paper and gave it to Applejack. "Her name is Maddie."


"I think it's a nickname." Skyfall reasoned. "I met her on my trip to Canterlot and I will introduce you two. The rest, is in your hooves and completely up to you if you strike a deal."

"All ah need is a shot." Applejack said happily, her drawl escaping for a slight moment. "Oh, another thing. Are you going to the town play tonight?"

"I wasn't planning on it." Skyfall mused. "Why? Did Rainbow Dash ask you to drag me there?"

Applejack chuckled. "She did, but that's not why I'm asking. The foals want you to be there, you missed their class last week and they were let down, so they wanted to wish you happy holidays."

Skyfall brought his hoof up to his chest, feigning injury. "Now I have to go."

"Y'know, you should try and talk to Rainbow." Applejack said. "I know it would make her happy this time of year."

Skyfall gave Applejack an ice cold look that would put the polar ice caps to shame.

"Just a thought, Sky." Applejack shrugged. "I know she can be a show boater, but she means well."

"The showboating doesn't bother me." Skyfall shook his head. "From what I can gather, she is a mare that knows how to take until she's satisfied. If I chose to date her, which I won't because I'm not interested, she would get her way until she's sick of me then dump me. Likely the instant that I date someone else, she would become an interloper until that relationship is ruined under the guise of 'winning me back' then restart the cycle all over again."

Applejack nodded. "I wish I could tell you I knew her better, but I've seen her do something very similar." Applejack made a circular motion in the air with her hoof. "The whole, going back and forth, thing."

"I've been nice thus far, but there is only one pony I'd be interested in." Skyfall sighed as he stood.

"So there is somepony out there for you?" Applejack teased.

Skyfall stopped and thought about what he said before sputtering. "I'm not interested. Come, I'll walk you to the door."

Applejack giggled as she bumped into Skyfall as he made his way to the door. A short, quiet walk later, a loud crash was heard from the kitchen. Skyfall grumbled, "I better make sure they aren't destroying my house."

Skyfall slumped his way to the kitchen and sighed when he saw Luna and Cadance trying in vain to clean the destroyed kitchen. He heard Applejack snickering behind him. "Looks like we're having Chinese for the holidays."

Luna smiled nervously. "We can try again."

"No, it's fine." Skyfall side stepped to avoid a falling pancake. "There's a play I think we should see tonight."

Cadance scowled. "It better not be the one about the three pony tribes."

"It is."

Cadance threw a salt shaker which narrowly missed Skyfall's head. "I asked you if you wanted to go two weeks ago and you said no."

"Something came up." Skyfall placated.

Cadance looked past her father to see Applejack smiling nervously behind him. "A-Are you going on a date!"

Skyfall opened his mouth and paused. He looked back at Applejack shaking her head before smiling. "Yes."

Luna started to chuckle, knowing Skyfall's sense of humor. But unfortunately, Cadance and Applejack didn't.

"What!" Cadance and Applejack shrieked.

"Oh calm down you two." Skyfall trotted past his awestruck daughter who had been staring daggers at Applejack to get his coffee. "To be frank with everyone-"

"I thought your name was Skyfall." Luna giggled.

Skyfall chuckled at Luna's joke. "To be honest with everyone, I want to avoid being caught under mistletoe and if I'm seen there with Applejack, then ponies will be too intimidated to try and kiss me."

"Hey, I'm not intimidating!" Applejack called. "Why not one of the Princesses, or Sif?"

"Sif hates plays and if I went with a Princess then it would cause rumors to surface. Especially rumors that would prove to be extremely unflattering to all involved." Skyfall reasoned. "Plus, if you go with me, then ponies will think two equestrian heroes are dating. Instant publicity for any up and coming business."

Applejack huffed and mumbled to herself. "That's dirty."

"Business usually is, Applejack." Skyfall said as he grabbed his scarf off a nearby hook. "It's just another game that you need to learn how to play."

"If you say so." Applejack grumbled as he strode to the door. He stopped and looked to the kitchen. "Are you two coming?"

Cadance was giggling from something Luna had whispered to her. "N-No, you two love birds go and have a nice night. Luna wants to tell me a funny story about an obsessed dragon pony."

Skyfall glared at Luna, knowing full well that she was telling Cadance embarrassing stories about him. "Have fun."

As Skyfall closed the door behind Applejack, he could hear boisterous laughter from the kitchen.

"They seem happy." Applejack said as she shivered.

Skyfall trotted back inside and grabbed a blue scarf and tried to gave it to Applejack as he exited his house once more. She shook her head, but Skyfall kept his hoof outstretched.

"You don't have your hat, you'll freeze if you don't take it." Skyfall rolled his eyes and wrapped Applejack in the scarf, not tolerating her polite denial when she was clearly freezing. "You earth ponies are always so stubborn."

Applejack followed Sky as he started walking into the darkness. She started to mumble, but finally choked out her thanks for the thick scarf.

Skyfall and Applejack walked for a while in silence. The snow storm had stopped beating the countryside long enough to allow for ponies to walk unhindered.

Applejack refused to look at her farm as they passed and even went as far as to put Skyfall between her and her farm.

"Something wrong, Applejack?"

Applejack shook her head and huffed.

'Like pulling teeth.' Skyfall thought as he glanced to see a waving Granny Smith from the Apple family porch, a sentiment that he returned. "Applejack, does this have to do with Big Mac leaving Ponyville?"

Applejack stopped in her tracks and glared at Skyfall. "How did you know that?"

"It was obvious when I talked to him." Skyfall lied, in reality, Sif had briefed him on their arrival hours before Applejack's surprise visit to his home stead.

Applejack's mouth opened and closed a few times. "Granny Smith told me last week that he moved away to start his own family."

Skyfall saw Applejack's sadness. "Is starting his own family so bad?"

Applejack huffed and stomped past Skyfall, but she found out that unlike most ponies, he wouldn't let her simply walk away. Applejack felt a pair of hooves drag her into a hug. "Let me go."

"No, you stubborn mare." Skyfall cooed. "Answer my question."

Applejack looked up and she shied away from Skyfall's piercing golden eyes. "What was yer question?"

Skyfall sighed. "Is starting his own family so bad?"

Applejack huffed again. "Yes."



"AJ." Skyfall's voice reverberated through his chest and into Applejack.

"I want Big Mac to be here and happy like he used to be." Applejack said coldly. "He's in love with a Griffon for a year and now he's moved away with her."

"So you knew they were dating?"

"Of course I did." Applejack chuckled darkly. "I was just in denial."

"I would ask you if you're biased against Big Mac dating a Griffon, but that would end up being rhetorical." Skyfall call out Applejack's aversion to other species shocked Applejack. "I think your real problem is that you feel that you're losing more of your family."

Applejack's breath caught in her throat.

"I won't force you to come to terms with anything Applejack, but I will leave you with a thought." Skyfall set Applejack down delicately. "Big Mac is starting a family and the way I see it, he's growing your family. In the end, is that a bad thing?"

Applejack sighed, but Skyfall cut off any thought she had.

"Any thoughts you have are yours, Applejack. Unless you involve me, I won't get involved with your family." Skyfall turned and began walking before turning back to her. "Well, other than to give you some helpful advice."

Applejack looked at her house to see Granny Smith hoof pumping in her direction. She snickered and trotted to catch up with Skyfall. "So have you ever seen the Pony tribe story?"

Skyfall thought about it and gave a hearty laugh. "Yeah, you could say I was really involved with it."

"You're a weird stallion, Skyfall." Applejack shook her head and sauntered next to Skyfall. "So do you have any tips for starting a business?"

Skyfall glanced down and laughed quietly.

For the rest of the walk, Skyfall and Applejack talked about what was necessary to start a business and how to avoid many of the holes that companies find themselves in that would lead to stagnation.

Applejack grew quiet when they entered Ponyville. Her mind was fogged by everything Skyfall had told her, she didn't deny herself that it eased her worries to know that someone was helping her, but nonetheless it was still a lot to take in.

"Skyfall! Darling." Rarity called from her shop as they passed. "Oh and Applejack, what are you two doing?"

"We're going to the play." Skyfall answered. "Are you going?"

Rarity nodded. "Why, yes. I was heading over to Sugarcube Corner to meet up with the others before going. You should come."

"Well hello to you too, Rarity." Applejack grumbled.

"I said hi." Rarity defended.

"Uh huh." Applejack mumbled as she adjusted her scarf.

Rarity gasped. "Applejack, where did you get the scarf? You never let me make you scarves!"

"Sky gave it to me." Applejack pointed to the waving stallion above her.

Rarity looked between the two ponies and ran her hoof through her mane. "Well, it's a nice gesture between friends."

Applejack raised her brow. "Right. Anyway, come along Skyfall, we gotta find my sister and the others."

Skyfall followed Applejack as she started to walk away from Rarity, obviously a little upset with her.

"Gotta love the holidays." Skyfall sighed.

"Sorry about that, Sky." Applejack said. "Rarity's always like that. I know she's been waiting to ask you to the Grand Galloping Gala, but now that you're going with me she will be very upset."

"Eh, just another ball with ponies talking about inconsequential stuff." Skyfall replied as he walked next to Applejack. He waved at a few ponies as he passed. "Heh, ponies here seem to like me more."

Applejack nodded. "You’re a well known pony after you tried to stop that ship from leaving Canterlot."

Skyfall chewed his lip. He expected the press to take notice, but not so much so that ponies would recognize him instantly as being a hero. 'Insignificant setback.'

"We're here." Applejack announced as she sat before Sugarcube Corner's steps. They could hear laughter and light music on the inside. "You first, hero."

Skyfall bit Applejack as he passed. "Very funny, AJ."

When Skyfall opened the door, he jostled the small bell that tore everyone's attention to the front. He expected a mixed reaction, but Skyfall smiled at everyone's individual greeting that ranged from a wave to actually saying his name. "Hi everyone."

Captain Fury sat at a table with two earth mares, a turquoise one that was rested on his shoulder and younger white one that sat a few feet away reading a book. He held up a tankard and laughed. "You've been caught, Skyfall."

A few of Sky's guards had been there and started to call their captain out.

"What are you talking about?" Sky asked, but Applejack poked him and pointed up.

"Mistletoe, there, hotshot." Applejack chuckled, pointing up.

"Don't wuss out!" Nimbus half called from behind the counter, seemingly engrossed in a conversation with Mr. Cake.

Skyfall's hesitance earned the attention of the bakery.

"You ain't gotta, Skyfall it's just a silly traditi-mmph" Applejack's sentence was interrupted with a sudden kiss. Her eyes shot open before she slowly deadened her expression to annoyance. When they broke away, many ponies had been cheering, except a shy Pegasus in the back that started to fumble with her hooves.

"Sorry about that." Skyfall shrugged.

"It's okay, not my first rodeo." Applejack said as she looked at the fumbling Pegasus. "Just didn't expect you to actually be one for tradition."

Skyfall smiled. “Well, had to shut the bakery up somehow.”

Twilight trotted over and ignored Skyfall's wave. "Applejack, can I talk to you?"

"S-Sure, about what?"

Twilight grimaced. "About a certain yellow Pegasus."

Applejack closed her eyes and sighed. "She's here?"

"Yeah... " Twilight's expression said volumes about what she thought about their little show. “I know you know she is.”

"I gotta go, Sky." Applejack stood and started to walk.

"Do what you gotta do, AJ."

Twilight snapped back at the use Applejack's nickname before turning to her. "What's that about?"

Applejack mumbled and left with Twilight, leaving Skyfall alone. He looked around and saw Fury waving at him. He trotted over and sat down.

"Fury, happy holidays."

"And to you too." Fury smirked. "I wanted you to meet my family. This is Breezy, my wife. And that filly over there is Pride. Girls, this is Skyfall, he recently put himself in the way of some very dangerous Spirits."

Breezy took Skyfall's hoof and shook it. "We've heard a lot about you, I hope Fury hasn't been too much trouble."

"No more than usual." Skyfall chuckled. He saw that Fury's daughter had turned away from them when her father introduced her. "So what brings you guys to Ponyville?"

"Fury's job. The Princess said that it would be better for us to live here while he's here to ease his mind." Breezy smiled sweetly, her soft voice was worlds away from Fury's usual sharp speech.

"Too much info, hunny." Fury said as he took a sip of his mead.

"Oh, sorry." Breezy sat up straight and placed her hooves in her lap, delicately, before she started to run her hoof over her chestnut mane that laid in a braid over her turquoise coat.


The small white mare shrunk down from her father's voice. "Y-Yes, daddy?"

"Greet my friend."

Pride closed her book and turned around to look at Skyfall, she paused when their eyes met, but bowed soon after. "It is nice to meet you, Sir Skyfall."

Skyfall returned her bow. "And I, you, Pride. If I might ask, what are you reading?"

Pride reached over and grabbed the book that had been bombarded with bookmarks. "It's a new book mom got me for Hearth's Warming. Daring Do and the False Effigy."

"I haven't read it, yet." Skyfall replied. "I imagine it's quite good."

"Oh yeah." Pride bowed again before trotting away to read her book.

"Ready for the play?" Pinkie Pie cheered as she darted out of the room and towards Ponyville's event hall.

Applejack walked up and tapped Skyfall on the shoulder.

"Hey, Applejack." Skyfall double took Applejack's face and turned to her after her sad expression registered with him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing you had control over." Applejack sighed. "Let's go meet your fans before the play starts."

Skyfall nodded and looked over to see Twilight talking with Fluttershy who seemed to be trying to leave out the back. But before Sky could saw or do anything, Fury wrapped his hoof over his shoulder and dragged him out the door. "Let's go see get us a good seat, Captain."


As Skyfall was brought to the events hall, he heard the voice of Apple Bloom calling to him. "Guys, look! It's our regal sacrifice!"

Skyfall smirked. "So I'm regal, now?"

The rest of the foals looked up and over to Skyfall as he approached. They stood and trotted over to him and crashed at his hooves before giving him their own special holiday greetings.

"They missed you and your class." Cheerilee commented from a nearby chair. She walked over to Skyfall and hugged him. "And I missed the weekly break from teaching."

"Well, everything starts back up the day after Hearth's Warming." Skyfall tittered as the class groaned. He looked at them and saw that Scootaloo was a little further away than the others. He felt a tug on his scarf and looked down.

Button Mash had his scarf in his mouth, he dropped it and looked up. "Mr. Skyfall, can I ask you something?"

Skyfall brought his head down. "What is it?"

Button's voice cracked and he waved his hoof. "Um, uh, nevermind."

Skyfall patted his head, causing him to giggle.

"Well, we should go find our seats." Sky said and watched the foals scurry away. He took a few steps to catch up with Scootaloo, he lowered his head once more. "Is there something wrong, Scootaloo?"

"Huh?" Scootaloo jumped a little. "N-No, nothing."

Scootaloo looked around for someone and visually slumped after giving up.

"Doesn't look like nothing." Skyfall proclaimed.

Scootaloo sighed. "My dad went to Canterlot a few days ago and said he would be back 'whenever.' I was hoping he would be home by now, 'cause the fridge is getting empty again."

The lights started to dim in the event hall. Sky tapped his chin. "Do you know what my friend River looks like?"

"Yes?" Scootaloo asked.

"Go tell her what you told me and tell her that you'll be eating at my place tonight." Skyfall smiled. "Tell her I'm going to teach you how to make real food."

"I can't, Mr. Skyfall." Scootaloo shook her head and tried to back away only to find that Skyfall's wing was stopping her from doing so.

"I insist. Now go, demand your kingdom from River." Skyfall joked. "Listen to teacher."

Scootaloo giggled and trotted away.

Skyfall smiled and took his seat, preparing himself for a hilarious retelling of Hearth’s Warming.

"That was horrible."

"It wasn't that bad." Applejack tried not to laugh at Skyfall's over the top reaction.

"That is so off base to what actually happened it's like calling a watermelon a grape." Skyfall smacked his head a few times before slumping in the park bench he and Applejack had taken up residence on. "Applejack?"


"Earlier, when we kissed." Skyfall's sentence made Applejack tense up. "Fluttershy saw it, didn't she?"

Applejack wore a sad smile. "Yeah, she did."

"Do you know where she went?" Skyfall asked, not wanting Fluttershy's night to end the way it was about to.

The cold and silence that hung in the air between Skyfall and Applejack felt horrible.

"Applejack, what's wrong?"

Applejack winced and slowly looked at her companion. She ran her hoof over her scarf. "Nothing, I was just thinking about earlier. Fluttershy went home half way during the show."

Skyfall closed his eyes and sighed, a thick breath of steam spread through the air.

"You really like her don't you?"

Skyfall's eyes shot open. "Huh?"

"You heard me." Applejack chuckled.

'Do I?' Skyfall paused and felt a weight on his chest that he had not felt in a long time. "Applejack, like I told you earlier. I'm not interested in a relationship."

"Because you think that the pain of eventually losing them will be too much to take?" Applejack asked.

"A pain we both know, I’m guessing." Skyfall countered.

Applejack's eyes turned themselves downward.

"I don't want to bring anyone into my life. Things get too crazy and I can't do it all." Skyfall placed his hoof on Applejack's.

"Doesn't mean you should live life alone." Applejack closed her eyes. "Yer a good stallion and you should at least think about it. Either way..."

"Either way?"

Applejack cursed herself. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but Fluttershy likes you."

Skyfall nodded. "I know."

"You knew?" Applejack asked, a little in shock. “And you kissed me? What kind of stallion are you? What’s wrong with you?”

Skyfall placed his hoof on Applejack’s cheek to silence her. "I didn't want to give her false hope."

Skyfall felt someone entering his forest that should not be. "Speaking of which, I should go find her to apologize."

When Skyfall stood, Applejack reached up and grabbed his scarf. "Sky?"

Sky looked down. "Yes?"

"N-Nothin.'" Applejack muttered. "Make sure she's okay when you leave."

A heavy sadness sat on Fluttershy's chest as she sat by the window, nursing a hot cocoa that has long since lost any of its warmth. Many of her animals were hibernating and were not around to see her in this delicate state.

As Fluttershy rubbed her eyes as she looked outside. An enormous body of white walked out of the forest and cantered for a few feet before reentering.

"W-Wait." Fluttershy said to herself as she put on her striped cap and flew out the door and into the forest without thinking.

"Wait, come back!" Fluttershy tried to chase the wolf as it ran faster and faster into the shadows of the forest. The cold air hurt her throat as she tried to breath to keep up her flying pace.

The wolf disappeared as Fluttershy entered a small clearing in the forest. She looked around desperately, trying to find any tracks in the snow and screamed when she couldn't find any. Fluttershy landed and started to sniffle.

The sounds of heavy stomps through the snow approached from behind Fluttershy, but for once in her life she didn't care enough to look. Instead, she laid down and started to cry. Before she knew it, Fluttershy felt a wing fall over her body and the warmth of a pony sitting next to her.

"What are you doing out here?"

Fluttershy shot up. "Skyfall!"

Sky kept his wing over the mare as she tried to rise.


"It's okay, Fluttershy." Skyfall said as he looked up to the moon. "I know you saw a wolf, you probably wanted to meet Shattered Skies."

Fluttershy nodded. "Please don't tell the others."

"I won't, but you know this is dangerous. I warned you once, why did you not heed my word?"

Fluttershy winced. "It isn't that, I just..."

Skyfall looked down at the Pegasus as she shied away. He curled his wing under her and brought her closer. "When will we be honest with each other?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I never wanted to bother you."

Sky shook his head before nuzzling Fluttershy. "Please don't, you've never been a bother to me. Now, what has you so upset?"

Fluttershy took a deep, shaky breath. She tried to summon any courage that she could, but ultimately failed.

Skyfall sighed. "You saw me and Applejack kiss under the mistletoe?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"You didn't like it?"

Fluttershy hide behind her mane and shook her head. "N-No."

"You know that mistletoe is a tradition thing, right?" Skyfall cooed.

"Twilight told me it was created in Maredonia by a king's advisor." Fluttershy replied. "I trust Twilight, so I understand why it happened."

"It was actually a festival tradition, but that's besides the point." Skyfall tittered. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Fluttershy shook her head. "It isn't my place to tell you not to kiss other ponies."

A soft crackling was heard behind them and when Fluttershy looked up, she saw a small tree peeking up from the snow and stretching up and over the both of them. At the end of its only branch was a small bush at the end.

"Mistletoe?" Fluttershy looked back at Skyfall and felt her heart pounding as he drew closer. "B-But, Skyfall. What about..."

Fluttershy's face turned a little redder as their lips touched. She closed her eyes to enjoy the kiss.

As they slowly broke away, Skyfall hummed to himself. "Honey?"

"Yes?" Fluttershy replied before shaking her head. "I mean, yes I use honey-flavored toothpaste."

Skyfall chuckled. "Nice."

Fluttershy looked nervous as she played with her hooves. She leaned into Skyfall and giggled up at him. "Um, so what do we do now?"

Skyfall looked at the moon again and ran his wing up Fluttershy’s side. "Want to go back to my place?"

"S-Skyfall!" Fluttershy's eyes shot open in surprise.

"For food?"

Fluttershy started breathing again in relief. "O-Oh, yes, that would be nice."

Thirty feet away in the forest.

"So did it work?" Cadance and Luna asked Sif as she peeked out from behind the tree.

"Oh yeah." Sif mumbled.

"Finally." Cadance sighed. "It's felt like years since I agreed to help Fluttershy."

"You know if it goes that far, she might be your new mom." Luna stated and looked at Cadance giving a shrug. "Just reminding."

"I know, but as long as my father is happy. Speaking of which, I should go home and make cocoa!" Cadance chirped as she teleported away.

Luna smiled and her horn lit up as well until Sif chomped her jaws at her. "What is it Lady Sif? Are you not happy with how tonight's events turned out?"

Sif sat against a tree. "Not in the slightest."

"Do you not like Fluttershy?"

"I like Fluttershy." Sif said. "It's nothing, forget it."

"You forget, Sif. I've known you for most of my life." Luna trotted over and sat next to the large wolf. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

Sif sighed. "Do you know of any Spirit named Psalm?"

Luna shook her head. "I can't say that I do."

"Neither do I." Sif growled. "She said her sister will be along soon to see Shattered Skies."

"What does that mean?" Luna whispered as she watched Fluttershy and Skyfall enter the forest to walk to Skyfall's homestead.

Sif sighed. "I don't know, but either way, it sounds like trouble."

Author's Note:

Life is crazy. Other than that, I hope to start making the story's organization better so that things that are hinted show up sooner. Mostly so I don't have to say, "It's coming."

Question 1) Why not release a chapter once a week like many other authors? I'd like to start turning out chapters once a week, I'm sure you would as well, it's just that I have little time. Mostly because I work 2 jobs and soon I might have to leave one. :yay: :raritydespair:

Question 2) Things are going along nicely in the story, but will more drama happen like what you see in more serious stories? Yes, it will get much more serious, it's just it hasn't reached that point yet. As a writer, I want to have the reader comfortable with the characters before I start making things serious, well too serious, like war/fighting serious.

Question 3) There is a lot that happens that isn't revisited, why? Either because it wasn't worst the filler and your time to read, especially if it's something that can be easily figured out. Like if Sif says she was going to the market, then in the next chapter we never see her go. I feel if I write a mundane section like that I'd only do so for words and I dislike filler. All killer, no filler. life happens between the chapters.

Question 4) Why so many characters? I have a lot of characters so as to add depth. It's better than random background character #6. Most characters are significant to the universe, like the crossroad Spirit, Hekate, but as for the story in concerned she isn't. When I write out a chapter's layout, each character has a reason for doing something or being somewhere and who would reasonably appear in a scene. Like in this chapter, when Applejack arrives at Skyfall's house, Storm is tied up and Inko has corndogs. Storm Front is tied up because he made a powerful snowstorm and Inko has corndogs because she was hungry. She's thin, but she's secretly that fat friend who rummages through your fridge for pizza and sets off your house alarm at 2am. Lookin' at you John. :ajbemused:.

Anyway, I thank my editors for getting this done so soon. They're great when they aren't sending me death threats for my horrible punctuation.

I think whenever I get a good question that I would like seen and not buried in the comment section I'll just toss it here and answer it.

If you liked it, please tell us or give us a thumb or toe we aren't picky. It helps our morale.

We love ya :heart:

Edited by Buck, PWN EASE, and ARTL

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