• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,395 Views, 1,948 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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(H) Chapter 46 -A Long Time Coming-

-A Long Time Coming-

Five full days passed as Skyfall and the others sat, watching plums of smoke pollute the sky until the light was blotched out only letting a few stray rays in every so often. Twilight and her friend's attempts at leaving were met with overwhelming resistance from Earth's compatriots. So they remained, helplessly watching as the news reported Ponyville and the surrounding counties to be in a crisis from the natural disaster that scattered its residents to the wind like so many leaves.

Sitting, unable to act or return home.

Standing on the compound's concrete wall that bordered the river, Skyfall thought in silence, staring at the water as he had for most of the time, only tearing himself away when approached by people.

"I know I've asked this a few times before, but are you sure you're okay?" Psalm asked, her clothing and demeanor more stern now than it was when she came to Skyfall's house. Neat pressed uniform, insignias embroidered on each arm, and clean styled hair kept affixed by a geode hairpin.

"No." Skyfall answered honestly.

"I figured." Psalm rested a hand on Skyfall's back as she came to stand behind him. "I have to admit, I was a little more than shocked that you were able to figure out that our father is the one that turned us against you. I suppose that is a little obvious when one thinks about it."

"No." Skyfall said. "I knew it was him. Finding out that not only you five were alive but that you might all want to kill me for what I did put my mind through hell, something I'm sure he had planned out from the get-go."

Skyfall turned slowly to see the grounds full of people looking to him, including Twilight and her friends. He paused as he realized he was in thought for so long he didn't hear anyone arrive, nor did he realize that he now stood in a puddle of water up to his ankles.

Looking down into Psalm's eyes, Skyfall gave her a sad look. "Psalm, I know we've avoided talking about it. But before my death, was I good to you?"

"Of course." Psalm's confusion was clear from the awestruck look on her face. "How do you mean?"

"You were too young to really remember our father. When you were born I returned with our eldest sister and took all of our siblings away from our him, physically and legally. You are the only one that doesn't really know him, at least before all this." Skyfall looked to their reflection in the puddle they stood in, noticing that their magic was also reflected in their image. "Perhaps that's why your magic is vibrant."

Psalm smiled. "I knew this news would hurt, but we have each other and soon we can help our siblings remember who they are too. We can bring them to our side."

"No." Skyfall shook his head. "They have each committed crimes against nature and must answer for them. When this is over, they will be held for trial."

"But Sky, they're our family." Psalm's voice faltered.

"So? And I'm a guardian Spirit sworn to uphold the balance." Skyfall said as a matter of fact. "Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. Each of them have caused so much pain to the world to cause so much unbalance that the Maker is dying, that's why she sealed herself off." He saw more Spirits gathering as the skies darkened with smoke and rain. "Our siblings need to face judgement. Maybe then, Maker willing, we can be family again should the punishments be kind."

After a long, quiet moment, Psalm lowered her head. "I know..."

When Earth emerged from one of the many buildings, she silently beckoned Skyfall over.

"Will you stop me from doing what I may need to do?"

Psalm shook her head. "No. When the time comes, I know you'll do what's best. That's why I'm moving everyone under my command to Farhaven."

"No, Psalm, you need to protect everyone here."

"After we open the portal to get you and the others home, this sanctuary's defenses will fail." Psalm looked to the shimmering shield that blanketed the area. "You know it, I know it, Unfaithful knows it. We can return when this has blown over, but the onslaught will breach those walls."

Skyfall's stomach dropped. He hadn't intend on leaving the hundreds of innocent Spirits defenseless. He began walking toward Earth in a haste, but slowed when Earth gave him a subtle shake of her head. Soon Psalm caught up and tugged on his jacket to slow him to a normal walk.

"Earth and the others know you're right. Deep down their hearts agree with you. It's an inconvenient truth, but truth nonetheless." Psalm hooked her arm around her brother's. "Earth said she's made up her mind regarding a few measures and wants to speak to you in private. The real you."


Earth watched as Skyfall approached with her second in command and glanced over to see Twilight standing next to her, slightly more depressed than when she had arrived.

"So Princess, given any thought into what path you're going to choose when fate demands a choice be made?"

Twilight took a deep breath, folding her arms gently. "It's hard to see Shattered Skies as anything but a villain, everything about him gives me the impression that he is somebody to avoid, even if everyone says otherwise." She looked up to Earth's green eyes near hidden behind her chocolate hair and mocha skin. "Is there a way to find out what really happened for myself?"

"There is." Earth smiled. "However, the Spirit of knowledge now resides in Farhaven, the center of your enemy's home. Knowing this, would you still trust the information even if you were shown?"


"Smart girl." Earth chuckled and placed a heavy hand on Twilight's shoulder. "In a situation like this, I suppose the better question to ask is what feels right?"

A feeling bubbled up inside Twilight, the same feeling of fullness every time her and her friends used the Elements. She placed her hand over her heart before a soft glow bled through.

"I see the reports are true, you do hold Harmony's power within you." Earth cooed.

"I feel like Shattered Skies can be trusted." Twilight said.

"Is that Harmony speaking?" Earth asked, amused at Twilight's answer.

"It is." Twilight smiled, making Earth chuckle at her blunt answer. "But it's my answer too. If Harmony has protected me this far, putting my faith in her is the least I can do."

Earth's hands squeezed lightly. "Celestia may not like the answer, especially in her conflicted state."

"What does that mean?"

"That's for you to discover. I just hope you stand steadfast in the fire of your mentor's judgement. However, I would keep this decision of yours as close to the vest as possible." Earth said as Skyfall and Psalm stopped shortly before them. "We have been given a short window to get you home. If we don't take it now, you may be here much longer than you want to be."

"Where's the portal?" Skyfall asked.

"A quarry a few miles away from what was Camp Everfree." Earth pointed to the main living quarters. "Everyone, please get some food and a shower, we leave in ninety minutes." As Skyfall turned to follow the group, Earth caught his eye, stopping him. "You and I need to talk about what comes next."

Sunset stopped to see Skyfall talking to Earth, a sudden feeling of dread gave her pause and she didn't understand why. She turned to follow Skyfall, but a large man in plated carbon armor gave her a subtle head shake, commanding her not to interfere.

Skyfall stood, looking out at the sea of eyes that starred back at him. The large briefing room he met Psalm in a few days prior was now filled with Spirits, quietly waiting after Earth's words. His heart sank as Earth delivered the crushing news of her official answer regarding her involvement.

"So in the end, after the oaths we took, you've all decided it's best to stay out of the world's affairs?" Skyfall chided, tired from games. He wanted to scold each and every Spirit for what he saw was unnecessary inaction. He wanted to yell about having the power means having the responsibility and that the ones that called for Spirits to be put on trial are now several generations removed. However, that was only something reserved for dramatic stories and not reality.

"...fine." Skyfall watched as the Spirits wordlessly stood and bowed in respect for him before taking their leave, some not even having the courage to look him in the eye. Fear took hold of each and every one of them.

Hollowness sat in his heart as he looked at the empty seats. He knew that Earth was bound to an agreement of nonaggression by Celestia and that each of the Spirits was afraid of being killed or worse, being used as a weapon against their kin.

He looked onto the cylindrical map table and hung his head as his arms kept him propped up. Specifics couldn't be displayed, but the fresh, glowing red crack in Equus' orb only screamed trouble.

Earth moved her hands along Skyfall's side and wrapped them around his waist, hugging him from behind and burying her face in his back. "I'm sorry, Skies."

"It's okay." Skyfall sighed.

"No. I wanted to help." Earth cooed and loosened her grip so Skyfall could turn to hug her properly. "You could bring your people here. It would be a little difficult at first, but we could make this realm our new home? The war would take Equus and we could help this world."

"Equus is our home." Skyfall said. "I have people there counting on me."


"Yes." Skyfall stated. "Farhaven has issues. The races don't get along with each other as well as they should, they bicker and fight, but I see it slowly disappearing into cohesion. I can't let that go, not when there is a real chance."

"Sounds like your mind is made up."

"I guess it is." Skyfall smiled and let Earth pull away until her face was mere inches from his.

"I have one last piece of bad news before we get moving."

Skyfall laughed and rolled his eyes. "I've had a few let downs in the past week, I doubt it's more soul crushing than all those." His laughter died off as Earth's guard lowered their heads, including Psalm. "That bad, huh?"

Earth stepped backward and grabbed a folder that Psalm held out. With a quick flip, she checked the contents and then gave it to Skyfall. She tried to summon a reassuring smile, but failed.

Slowly, Skyfall grabbed the classified folder, as marked on it's cover, and opened it to see a hanged man.

"I don't get it." Skyfall said, momentarily shocked from the gruesome image and looked at the picture again, noticing that Psalm was tearing up and that there was a second picture behind the first. Lifting up, Sky noticed the pictures were almost identical.

"It's you, Skyfall." Psalm said.

"What?" Skyfall asked emotionlessly.

"The second one is from my memories, the first one was taken a month ago." Psalm said. "I wasn't sure of who the man was until I took the photo."


"We don't know." Psalm's voice whispered.

"Is he still up?" Skyfall asked.

"If we get less than twenty feet from the body, it disappears and the area grows hotter until we're forced to back away." Psalm looked to Grand Shield for confirmation and received a nod in return.

"When did he appear?" Skyfall asked.

"Approximately a month ago." Psalm said. "I found out about it about one week later."

"Then why keep it from me?" Skyfall closed the folder and held it to Psalm who retrieved it slowly. Looking at her, he summon a soft look, if she kept it from him then it was for a good reason.

Wordlessly, Psalm moved to a wall display that sat just off stage in the darkness and tapped on an unseen keyboard. This caused projectors to roar to life and kick out extra light for detailed holograms, illuminating the area that Aileron sat in and beyond. She looked up and continued to type away, adding line upon line and layer upon layer until.

"Lay lines." Skyfall said, knowing what he saw. "And I'm at the center."

"Yes." Earth said. "That's why I ordered Psalm's silence. These lay lines didn't exist when we surveyed the area, they split naturally. Something you know doesn't just happen. We believe it's the Maker giving you a sign."

Skyfall glanced to Earth, rubbing his arm in shame.

"Sky, I-"

"No." Skyfall said. "The less said about this, the better."

Psalm choked on her breath. "You two can't be seriously thinking about this? I won't let it happen."

The image of a hanged man hung on the monitor and it was as if Skyfall could once again feel the noose tightening around his neck. He rubbed his neck and sucked in air through his teeth.

"Skyfall..." Psalm called, her voice breaking.

"I have no choice, Psalm." Skyfall continued examining the image, remarking on its similarity to his final human memory, faded as they were.

With tears in her eyes, Psalm wrapped her brother in a weak hug.

"I'm coming back, Psalm." Skyfall rubbed her back to reassure her. "The situation is desperate, so it requires and equally as desperate gamble to get out of."

"It's cruel."

"Yes." Skyfall smiled. "But what are all the alternatives?"

With the mood dying off, Skyfall held his sister at arm's length, but before he could utter a word, Earth appeared next to him with a scroll sealed with his daughter's stamp, the one she kept in Farhaven. He reached up and snatched it to read the contents within. Her words were calm, but urgeant. He slowly rolled the scroll, silently containing what he knew would be a mad dash out of Aileron.

"There are more cogs moving in this machine than I would like." Earth looked to the monitor and snapped her fingers to change the cover images to areas on interest around the city that lite up like fires. "You show up, Unfaithful attacks, and then we loose contact with two Spirit sanctuaries in two days." She walked slowly to the front of the stage and stopped, being the only illuminated being in front of a dark void that was the nonexistent audience. "Ponyville has been taken over by an occupying force of guards and Farhaven is under siege by something unseen coming from the forest, your shield will remain, Ponyville will not."

Skyfall narrowed his eyes, realizing that Earth had withheld this information.

"Your barrier has held long enough, but Storm Front's barrier failed almost immediately." She only looked down into Skyfall's eyes as he glared holes into her. "We have an opening to get you there, but the situation is weighed in their favor."

"Why hold the information from me?" Skyfall growled.

"The same reason why I ordered Psalm to not tell you." Earth cupped her hands.


"No." Earth said. "Orders."

"From whom?"

Earth chuckled weakly and looked to the floor. "We all answer to someone, Skyfall. Just know she isn't your enemy."

Skyfall nodded, having uttered the same words himself to lesser Spirits. "Then we go our separate ways." He turned to pass Earth, but stopped when she held up a hand. "What?"

"I don't want to leave on such sad terms." Earth smiled and laced her fingers and rolled herself on the balls of her feet. "I may have told a fib when I said there was no way I could help you." As the side door opened, people of different shapes and forms walked in, still shrouded by darkness. "You see, no Spirit under my protection or command can interfere with the realm of Equus, however, a few deserters have made themselves known. Haven't you?"

Soft chuckles rose up as Earth moved to let more light into the front row. Skyfall watched as thirty two Spirits walked and ascended the steps on either side, revealing themselves.

The lead woman stopped and bowed and was then followed by the rest. Each person had a different manner of dress on from wild west to medieval. When they finished filing in, the crowd moved to let in a man wearing a cattleman hat and spurs. Everyone looked to him and to Skyfall, it seemed as if he jumped right off an old western, complete with black leather vest, rope, and gunbelt.

"It's good to see you again, Redemption." Skyfall said. His eyes scanned the others and their identities jumped out at him.

"I haven't heard that name in a long time." A sudden gruff laugh squeezed through a rough voice. The man rubbed the back of his neck in a small show of shame. "People 'round here started going by their fake names to hide the fact they was once Spirits. We remember a time where we weren't hiding in the shadows."

Skyfall looked at the rest of the volunteers, recognizing them as being decent people, ones he fought alongside and against long ago. Each bowed there head ready to serve, but even with them, he would still be vastly outnumbered if they were attacked with the number he suspected.

Earth felt a pain in her chest, an instinctual pull that let her know when others nearby were troubled. She looked up to see Skyfall scanning her deserters. A wordless smile passed between the two, if the Spirits fought in the battle, Aileron would be implicated in helping Farhaven, thus making them a target as well.

Diplomacy was tricky, but so were friendships. Earth bit her lip, conflicted about what to do.

"I think it's time to go." Skyfall said to those around him, he looked at Earth and gave a slight nod to the side door. "All of us. Aileron won't be safe when the sun sets."

"I know." Earth waved her hand over the nearby display to initiate an evacuation order. She looked at the globe highlighted on one of the monitors. "This is the third time we've had to evacuate. This time, I don't think we'll last where ever we end up. We could come back, but that's if Unfaithful doesn't annihilate everything."

"Equus needs Spirits for far more than just fighting and keeping balance, Earth." Redemption said. "Hell, Phobia is a lesson spirit and Calliope is one of the great muses for poetry. We're going, but many of us aren't famous fighters like Black Horn or Grand Shield, we just want to protect those who can't protect themselves."

"I am sympathetic to your worlds, Rider." Earth said, calling Redemption by his assumed name. "But I need to protect our kin, they are afraid they will befall the same fate as many during the trials. I understand their fear, if in the very least."

"That's why we need courage." A child stepped forward, snuffing our a cigar into the sole of her light-up sneaker. "If the introverted forest hermit survived being killed and is ready for another round, then so should we."

"Agreed, we should be rushing into that portal." A large male boomed with a noticeable trottingham accent. Earth smiled at the tall, ironclad man with black skin and long, lined scars.

Earth bowed her head. "I will speak with the others on the way to our next fallback point. Maybe being chased out will help them to understand the severity of what is unfolding. I will maintain neutrality, but as a favor I will tell them of this."

The Spirits crossed the stage and stood behind Skyfall while Earth raised her hand to summon a large stone bear. Floorboards creaked and steel strained as the bear pushed through the ground, glowing with green runes with a bear claw outline in the center of the belly.

"Psalm, activate the Yosemite protocol. We're evacuating."

"Yes, Ma'am." Psalm swipped her hand as Earth's secret security detail that shadowed her revealed themselves and filed out of the room. Red lights turned on and blinked on and off very slowly.

"With Skyfall's party heading toward the portal, our evacuation route should be clear all the way to Manehatten's outskirts." Earth held her hand out in front of her as black, coarse fur grew, the cracking of bones and small seething sucks of air escaped Earth as she stood, struggling to force herself to change. The others looked on and her left arm was now as a bears. She held her arm out and pushed it against the statue, igniting it in a violent green glow.

"It's time to leave, now." Skyfall smiled as Earth fell into Grand Shield's arms, completely exhausted. The ground shook below them, the telltale sign that Earth opened a large chasm below to sink the facility to protect it from invaders. He turned and saw Earth giving him a quiet smirk and a delicate wave.

"See you soon."

Rumbling echoed through the earth as Aileron's courtyard erupted into action. Riverboats were cut from their moorings in their storehouses and tethered to the docks, waiting for Spirits to board them. Also, more vehicles pulled out of unseen garages to be lined up behind the small bus Twilight and the others were instructed to sit in.

Skyfall strode out of the main building to see a chaotic sight that would make any enemy happy, Spirits were afraid, the sky was black with smoke, and they were fleeing. He fixed his eyes straight ahead toward the bus, ignoring the looks he and the others received from frightened people looking for guidance.

"Skyfall, what's going on?" Twilight asked.

"We're leaving."

"Yes, but why is everyone else?" Twilight asked.

"They're evacuatiing too." Skyfall had a silent word with the driver as Twilight and the others continued to look around as they took their seats.

"But why? They're safe here." Twilight said. "And they're Spirits, they have nothing to worry about, right?"

"Wrong." Skyfall pointed to a spot on the map for the driver before taking a moment to look back, giving her a sobering look. "Spirits are people, Twilight. They feel, often too much. They're afraid because they fear losing what they've made over these past thousand years or even being forced to fight their own kin like in the past." He gestured to the crowds boarding the boats with suitcases, many of them either crying or shambling about with their heads down.

Skyfall turned to the driver and stopped before getting off to talk to the large group that stopped in front of the bus. He looked to Twilight, meeting her confused expression. "Look at them, Twilight. Make your own determination as to what Spirits are, because you may be the one passing judgement one day." He knew she harbored a small bias toward Spirits. "What are they?"

Twilight closed her eyes and turned her head to look out the fogged window. When she finally opened her eyes, her heart sank. Many of the Spirits had children who tried to fight them while being brought on board the boats, her brain processed what she only ever saw in history books. Suitcases stuffed with what they could carry and looks of defeat.

A worried look was passed back to Sunset who sat still, having understood what it meant all along. Once more, Twilight tried to look at what was going on and saw Earth being carried, weak and drowsy, limp in someone's arms.

Sudden stomping shook the bus as Skyfall leapt on wearing a different jacket zipped up to his neck with a throat cover closed. "Driver. Ready?"

"Waiting on you."

Skyfall looked to Twilight and Sunset. "I need to tell you this because it's important, know that I wish I could break this to you both in an easier way." Worried looks painted both girls' faces before Skyfall took a slow breath. "Ponyville is occupied by an enemy force and Farhaven is under attack. We're returning to a warzone."

"W-What happened!?" Twilight barked.

"I don't know yet, that's all the information I have on hand at this moment." Skyfall stood tall and looked at the six other members of Sunset's group sitting in the bus. "What are you six doing here?"

"We followed, Sunset." Rainbow said bluntly.

"Yes, dear, we weren't sure what to do so we just tagged along." Rarity smiled.

"Well, you six can't come." Skyfall said, thinking of the insanity that would follow with having two of each disaster in his life. "The world wouldn't end, but you are unprepared for that realm."

"No, we're staying with Sunset and Twilight!" Pinkie Pie leapt forward and hugged Sunset from behind.

"Our minds are made up, Skyfall." Midnight said from her seat just next to Sunset. "We held a meeting last night at bed time. We love our families, but it's clear now that if we don't help, then this only gets worse."

"So like it or not, partner." Applejack punched Skyfall's shoulder. "We're in it for the long haul."

"And you?" Skyfall asked, looking at Fluttershy.

"I'm in." Fluttershy whispered while she twiddled her fingers.

"Then we need to go." Skyfall turned and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Follow at four car lengths distance, no more."

"Yes sir."

"Aren't you riding with us?" Sunset asked, confused at Skyfall's motion to leave.

"I'll be in the vehicle just in front of you." Skyfall took a step off, then back up onto the bus, reaching up to fiddle with the radio and whispering to the bus driver, seemingly to reaffirm something and got a lazy nod in return. The radio lite up with a dull green before beeping twice with intervals of static screeching over the speakers.

"Operation channel is zero seven. Press to talk." The driver said, flipping through a knitting monthly magazine.

He paused and saw Psalm walking behind Grand Shield who carried Earth, a brief look passed between the two. Skyfall understood Psalm needed to stay with Earth, but he didn't like it. "Remember. Four car lengths." Sky looked up to the driver and then to the girls to enforce what he said. "And press to talk for radio."

"We know how a two way radio works." Rainbow chuckled.

"Just sayin.'" Skyfall laughed under his breath before making his way to the dark truck staged in front of them.

Just before they pulled off, three hooded people boarded the bus in a quick scurry, sending the bus driver to look back at them scornfully as they tried to hurry to the back.

"No, you three can beat it. You'll only cause trouble." The driver growled over the mic.

"We're allowed to come." The lead woman called from the back.

"Uh-huh." The driver adjusted the radio's controls and aggressively snatched the radio from it's mount. "Transport to command vehicle."

"Dusty, please no." A blue woman pleaded.

"No, young lady. Earth has given me strict orders to not transport you. Anywhere." Dusty pressed the mic again. "Transport to command vehicle."

"There a problem?" Skyfall's voice echoed over the speakers.

"We have three stowaways on the bus." Dusty glanced to the hooded girls and then to the river boats that were nearing capacity. "How do you want me to proceed?"

After a tense moment of silence, the radio's static kicked up. "Names?

"Adagio, Aria, Sonata."

Everyone's eyes opened wide and turned back to see the girls lower their hoods, each revealing themselves as old enemies. Light static broke their attention as Skyfall's voice echoed through once more.

Twilight moved to the front and grabbed the mic, pressing it down as instructed. She intended to honor the agreement Adagio and her made. "I think they'll be fine coming along." She looked back to Adagio, remembering their secret talk days prior and how there would be resistance. "I think they mean well."

Static filled the bus for what felt like minutes until the strained void of Skyfall broke through. "They'll behave. They know what's at stake now."

The girls hung there heads and went about doing their own thing; adagio looked out the window and brought her legs to her chest, trying not to look anyone in the eye, Aria skimmed through her phone while stuffing earbuds in, and Sonata smiled brightly at Pinkie Pie who moved a few seats when they boarded. "Hi, I'm Sonata!"

"You sure about this, sir?" Dusty asked as the line began to move and angle toward the gate.

"Yes, they'll be fine. We're moving, keep radio traffic to emergencies, we don't know what unfaithful will be able to pick up."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Twilight heard Sunset say. Looking back to see Sunset leaned forward over the corner of the chair, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I agree." Twilight pushed back in her chair. "I feel as if Skyfall is going to do something reckless." She paused and then bobbed her head for a moment ignoring her own mental grievances with him. "Well, more reckless."

A loud smash rang through the yard as a truck forced the front gates open before speeding away. Before anyone had time to ask about the scene, the bus lurched forward swiftly placing everyone firmly in their seats by sheer force.

As their speed picked up, their concern grew. Having ridden buses for years, everyone except Twilight knew it wasn't normal for buses to travel down roads at almost twice the legal limit. They looked around at the scenery wisping by, a once green landscape was scorched black and transformed into rocky holes in the earth.

"Dusty, why are we going so fast?" Aria called.

"We're on a time crunch, Chika." Dusty shouted over the engine's loud cycled crying. "The instant we left the barrier, that beastie and her little entourage were able to sense us."

Simultaneously, everyone looked back to see three vehicles behind them catching up. They were from Aileron and weren't troubling, but the group of oily, black ponies were.

The transport started to bounce lightly on the malformed road. A near week of Unfaithful's anger caused roads in the area to break and blister with potholes.

"All vehicles, be advised of hazards in the roadway." A drawled voice cracked over the radio. "Our path leads straight through the center of town and out the other side. Unfaithful likely didn't expect us to roll out like we did, so we have a decent head start."

Twilight looked around at the carnage caused by Unfaithful as they finally entered town. A resounding gasp was heard as buildings were literally overturned like a foal's doll house. Families sifted through the wreckage as work crews stopped to look at the black convoy tear through the disaster zone. The sound of the lead truck's train horn could be heard by everyone, turning even more heads.

"What is this?" Rarity asked.

"This is what a Spirit can do?" Midnight asked in horror and awe. "How?"

"I don't know." Twilight said, pulling Sunset's attention.

"There was nothing we could do Twilight." Sunset put her hand on Twilight's shoulder as they passed a wide recreation court with tents. Life seemed to slow to a crawl as the image was burned into their memories. Rows of mounds lain side by side with light blue sheets placed on top. Twilight closed her eyes, pretending not to understand, but at seeing that many shoes still attached, it was hard to lie and say they were piles of laundry.

"Sympathy is good." Dusty said, loud enough to bring Twilight's attention to his stare through the rear view mirror. "But this wasn't any of your fault. Let it make you stronger."

"Why would I want to get stronger from something so sad?" Twilight asked.

"To save other lives." Dusty said. "As we drive, look at the police, firefighters, and emergency crews. They see it and use it to save others. You must be the same way if you're going to lead one day."

"Who says I'm going to lead?" Twilight said to herself.

"No one. But, you have the power to help, thus, you have the responsibility." Dusty said and increased the speed to catch up to Skyfall's request of four car length minimum. "Or open a coffee shop, whatever gets you off."

Sunset sat back and chewed her thumb nail, Dusty's words reminded her of Skyfall's almost word for word. She looked out the window at the carnage, thinking of the time she grabbed Skyfall in the hallway and wished she had touched his skin with her amulet to see his mind. She bit down harder when she remembered how his eyes burned gold for the briefest of moments.

"Are you okay, Sunset?" Midnight asked, gaining Sunset's surprised attention.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just thinking."

"About Skyfall?" Midnight asked.

"No." Sunset shook her head and began to play with her hair.

"Don't lie." Rarity moved a seat over and smooshed into Twilight before peeking around the seat. "I saw you eyeing him."

"And he does frustrate you. That means you care." Midnight said matter of factly. Rarity looked at her and traced a question mark in the air, forcing her to explain. "I read that on a wiki."

"He's a good stallion, but I'm not loooking for a relationship." Sunset flippantly and lazily waved her hand like she was clearing smoke from her face. "Plus, he just got out of a relationship and we're kind of in the middle of a fight."

"Oh, your first fight!" Rarity clapped her hands. "So the other night with you and him at your house was a little more hot and heavy than you let on! Oh, I knew him calling you babe was a sure sign."

"Don't say stuff like that! I told you there's nothing to tell!" Sunset said and folded at Rarity's devious smile. "Honesty." She grumbled, not wanting to discuss her love life or lack there of with her friends.

"Oh, does he have another woman?" Rarity asked.

"If I dated him, I would be the other woman." Sunset Shimmer paused and tapped her lip. "I think. Like I said, he just got out of a relationship, so I would never want to be in the position of a rebound girl."

"Isn't he a little old for you?" Twilight turned in her seat. "He's like ten years older than you."

"That would make him like fifteen years older than Fluttershy." Sunset Shimmer crossed her arms. "Didn't hear you complain then."

"Oh, I did. We all did." Twilight defended. "But then they started dating in secret and..."

"It blew up?" Sunset asked.

"Oh yeah."

"So you want to avoid doing things in secret cause you want it to work?" Rarity asked, making Sunset grumble to herself even more as she was now the center of everyone's attention.

"If it goes that far, we need to be honest with one another, otherwise there isn't trust." Sunset shook her head. "And I'm highly doubtful it will, he has his wife to think about." She paused and gestured to herself. "And just look at me, I'm not really looking for love myself."

Rarity gasped, clearly enjoying the twists and ignoring Sunset's protests. "And he's married? Such adultery! A secret romantic rendezvous in the back of your car after tennis practice! What would your parents think of having an older married man on you-"

Rainbow pushed her legs up to get her leaned up on the seat so she could stick her hand over rarity's mouth.

"They've been apart for some time... that's another mystery we need to talk about. I'm not shy like Fluttershy, I'll confront him on things and he knows it." Sunset's words tapered off. It's not abnormal for friends to wonder what it would be like to date, so whenever Sunset thought about it, it was just a musing before going back to whatever she was engaged in. Skyfall was handsome, but she genuinely enjoyed spending time near him, contrary to when they started. 'Why is my mind foggy?'

"Maybe that's what he likes?" Applejack called from under her hat.

"Maybe." Sunset mused. "But I just need time enough to pin him down and question him to see if he likes me. If he does, then I'll consider having dinner with him, or whatever ponies do now for dates. But that's only if he likes me."

"He does." Applejack's voice piped up once more from under her hat.

"How do you know?" Rarity asked skeptically. "You've never dated anyone before."

Applejack leaned forward and caught her hat in her open hand. "That's because ah haven't found a fella good enough to bed." She winked at Rarity and then looked to Sunset. "And he looks at your butt when you aren't looking."

"He does not!" Sunset Shimmer guffawed.

"He kinda does. A lot." Fluttershy said. "He also keeps his eyes a little longer on yours than he does anyone else's."

"Well, once everything is done, you could always try and get answers then." Midnight proposed. "Lay everything out and see where you stand with one another. If he did get out of another relationship."

"It isn't like that, girls. Him and I are only in a business relationship." Sunset said more to herself than anyone else on the bus.

Meanwhile, Dusty was leaned over the wheel, tuning out their conversation, or at least trying to. He stroked his mustache, reminiscing about the days he last set hoof in Equestria and of the ships he built. Before he knew it, ruined buildings became forests as their convoy sped out of the city and into the country side. The girls were still teasing Sunset in favor of having to look at the gruesome examples Unfaithful left out for all of them as a warning.

"Command to convoy." Skyfall called over the speakers, killing all conversation. "We're diverting course. Keep right at the fork and not left as planned. If the barricade careens into your path, hit it."

"Diverting course?" Sunset said and heard a loud smash of a wooden roadblock being blown to smithereens by the large pickup truck that acted as their lead vehicle. She looked out the window to see the forest in about twelve inches of water. "That's not normal, the forests should be dry this time of year."

As the vehicles cut right, they slowed to climb up the hill. The higher mountain path gave them a better view of the valley and its waterlogged state. In the far distance, the dam that provided power to Ponyville and the city had a large spike jetting from it like a victim in some horror movie.

"Lead to Command." The radio kicked on once more.

"Go ahead."

"Sir, we have an issue." The man's voice sounded tired and strained.

"I see it." Skyfall mumbled. "Vehicles, stage in the clearing by the noose tree."

The bus screeched to a halt mere inches behind the command vehicle as each unit tried to pack it in on the small clearing road. The girls stood inside the bus to get off, an instinct that they picked up from years of schooling and city buses. Even if the one they stood on was more militaristic then they knew, it was still a bus.

Dusty lifted the hood to check the source of smoking and sucked his teeth. "Transports disabled."

A Spirit strode up in a duster and threw up a hand. "What do you mean it's disabled?"

Dusty wrapped an arm around the man's shoulder and pointed. "Tundra, remember yesterday when I said I thought I heard grinding? Look, I was right, the wheel head malfunctioned and the serpentine belt is about to go. It likely stalled on the incline and it's literally red hot."

"Well yeah, this transports finished." Tundra chuckled, knowing if they drove it then a more serious problem would arise. "Either way, we're here."

"You can say that again." Calliope, the Muse of Poetry, said, placing her hands on their heads.

A rock quarry was supposed to be a jagged hole cut into the earth. Different marbles and granite would be carved out, leveling cliffs to travel downward that wound around the quarry until they reached the bottom. Stained white with loose sediment and dotted with towering machinery that hauled the rocks to sort, quarries were ugly scars on the earth to those who enjoyed natural beauty. However, as the group stood atop the cliff that overlooked the quarry, they each stood in awe as the features that defined a rock quarry lie under waterfalls of water that poured in.

"Welp." Rider gruffed out as he opened one of the vehicle's rear cargo door and motioned for the others to offload equipment. "Looks like were in a bit of a pickle."

Skyfall stood by, a sour look on his face as he tore his eyes away from the lake to see Rider holstering a pair of guns into his gunbelt. He paused and examined the dual guns as they shifted with Rider's adjustments.

"Easy there, Sky." Rider held up a hand and drew a gun. "It's, not a gunpowder firearm. I know it was one of the council's first decisions once formed."

"It's still a gun." Skyfall murmured and looked over to see the girls still getting off the bus. "They weren't banned for their existence as a gun, Redemption, the council banned them because with the advent of magic, guns would become almost unmanageable and would be just another obstacle for life to overcome. Multiple times inventors have been steered away from their creation to make something less lethal, but I do not deny that they will help."

"So a Spirit Council outlawed the use of hand canons?" Midnight asked, making Skyfall's eyes become pinpricks. "For someone that isn't a Spirit, you seem to know much about them?"

Skyfall looked back at Midnight, having approached him immediately once getting off the bus. "I-ah."

With a shake of her head, Midnight interrupted Skyfall. She looked at him with a sheepish look as she held her hands to her chest. "I'll ask about this when we aren't in danger, but please, I must know."

With the conversation moving back to two, Rider whistled. "Well, my lord. It seems like you have some smart mares nipping at your heels. I can't wait to see the tale you'll spin when they finally figure it all out."

Phobia, the fear Spirit, skipped up and saluted Skyfall. Her damp black hair cascading down her face and over her shoulders highlighted her milky white eyes, off putting for those that didn't know her.

"Now's the time, Phobia." Skyfall said and went back to thinking. He stood quietly and looked at the noose, trying to avoid looking at it since they arrived, but it drew his attention. His vision blurred as his feet carried him to the tree, something that caused everyone to stop and stare, knowing the tree was cursed. The magic circle tensed as he passed over, a golden glow that pulsed and died, fading from existence.

With a hand, Skyfall brushed against the tree's bark and over a carved heart with letters now foreign to him of what he knew used to be his name and a name bore out of the trunk. Decay rote across its body and the scars of time still etched throughout.

"Hm, It's the exact same." Boots attached to a hanging body floated just out of sight as his mind fought the pain to look up, and then he did. Two sockets looked back at him from a face as emotionless as a statue. The clothes were dirty and holes were dug into the skin from animals and the elements having their way with it. He looked closer and noticed that the body wasn't real.

'Come to me.' A voice called on the wind as it threatened to knock Skyfall over.

"Skyfall?" A hand rested on Sky's shoulder, causing him to snap back and wrench the hand, only to soften when the owner yelped.

"Sunset?" Skyfall let go of the hand slowly. "I'm sorry."

Gripping her hand with a strained smile. "It's okay, I didn't think you would be that focused on the tree's trunk."

He looked back only to see a noose swaying in the breeze.

"I wanted to ask you something." Sunset asked, earning his full attention. "When we get back and everything is over with, I want you and I to have an honest conversation about how we feel for each other."

Closing his eyes, Skyfall sighed. "Okay, we'll talk."

"Really?" Sunset smiled.

"Yes." Skyfall's attention was torn away by the water in the quarry becoming murky and disturbed. "If we make it through this, ask me all the questions you want."

Deep rumbling erupted from the earth as Unfaithful made herself known. A crown of black hair parted the water so still it was more a mirror than a pond. The crown then rose to make way for a stone creature the height of a crane, its long legs hefting the body just above the water as it lumbered towards the cliff.

Rocks tumbled off the cliff and into the water below.

"RIder." Skyfall called and had Rider's gloved hand fall onto his shoulder. "The portal is in a cave at the very bottom of the quarry, isn't it?"


"Look at you all." The monster's reverberated said as she continued to lumber up the path the quarry's shape made naturally. "A week of hiding in your hole and you come right to me?"

"Skyfall, with her being that size, we could escape her easily." Rider clamped his hand down onto his hat to keep it from blowing away in the sudden wind. He looked around at the surrounding forest as it grew an oily shade of black.

"We can't retreat, she's left no room to." Skyfall removed his jacket and let the wind take it. "This is a one-way trip."

"Good." Unfaithful boomed. "It seems you all realize you've been beaten. Fighting would be useless against me."

"I beg to differ." Skyfall called, causing his sister to pause. He knew that she passed policy in Canterlot with no regards to anyone, causing hardships for most and ruin for some. Broad strokes left intellectual room for overlooking small tactics like evasion. "We will have our day to battle, but it won't be today."

"Cute." Unfaithful's eyes burned green and the black trees secreted ghoulish ponies. "After a week of waiting and I still have nothing maniacal to say, only our little brother's minions." The Spirit tsked. "No matter, I only seek one of you. The rest of you are free to leave."

"Psh, like we'd trust anything you have to say, betrayer." Rider called.

"I only want the one named Skyfall." Unfaithful glared into her brother's eyes, enjoying the fact that she held his real identity over his head and letting him know that at any time she could oust him. She paused at his unimpressed expression, it seared her mind making her want to stomp the life from him. Slowly, she opened her great mouth to scorn, but saw the noose swaying the breeze.

The horde of oily creatures emerged from the forest and approached the group, making them back step toward Skyfall's location on the cliff.

"I'll leave the decision up to you, Skyfall." Unfaithful grinned, black sludge oozing from her teeth. "Fight and die, give up, or hang yourself on that noose."

Deep down, Skyfall wanted to save his sister but the sick look in her eyes wasn't her.

"I could point out to you that literal millions have suffered under you and that's not how you were raised, but we know this. Apologies are long past, now." Skyfall called.

"Apologies are like rain on the mountainside." Unfaithful's mood changed from her primal complacency to a more somber tone. "If you kill yourself, I'll spare the little ones, if you fight me, I'll make sure they suffer. Hanging yourself would be a fitting punishment to your cursed life."

Twilight gave Skyfall a worried look, but it was only returned with a cold smile. Each of the girls looked to him warily as a smile in the situation felt wrong to each of them.

"The choice has already been made." Skyfall stated. A loud earth-shattering kaboom erupted, shaking the quarry and surrounding region. The shaking knocked Skyfall over as well as a few other members of their troop.

"What?" Unfaithful said as she turned slowly to see Pinkie Pie and Phobia giggling from the shoreline as water began to funnel an underwater cave. Phobia wrapped Pinkie in a hug just before disappearing into the maw. Immediately, vicious bubbling gurgled up to the surface as the cliff's side began to shear away in edged chucks, taking sections of the forest with it to disappear into the black whirlpool.

The wind whipped and kicked violently as more of the water disappeared into the maw, allowing the real hole to appear as a prismatic gap of torn space.

Unfaithful fought the dragging current that wrenched her enormous body down into the loosening mud. With roars and cursing, she sank into her element.

"Now's our chance!" Skyfall called, seeing the oily creatures falter from Unfaithful's broken concentration. "follow the downward path to the portal, once it's done sucking in material it will collapse, get in before that happens!"

A shout of acknowledgement cried from those around him before making their way to the portal, avoiding soaring debris as they struggled to run upright.

A loud, rupturing gasp of air snapped the sky, nearly sending everyone to the ground when the portal's force doubled. Trees were pulled from the earth and drifted in the air like feather-light kites cut from the string.

Watching the group running for the portal, Skyfall saw as they looked around and shouted to one another before they kept running. The wind began to whisper at him once more, beckoning him to the noose, turning his head to the tree.

"Man. Of all the ways." Skyfall stepped toward the tree and knelt at its trunk once again and patted the side. He wondered if he really had the strength to do it, to hang himself just to reach over the barrier between living, death, and the ethereal.

"Well, time's up." Skyfall stood and felt a warm touch sensation on his leg where his pocket was located. He dug in slowly and drew out a small photo of him and his five siblings, younger children he had raised in lieu of real parents, children that had grown, lived their lives, and hated him for what he was about to do, again. The picture was still of him with a large fish during a competition. Memories burned in, ones he didn't realize he lost. His sister, now named Unfaithfil, complained of the fish stink that entire day.

Having the noose already fastened, Skyfall stepped up onto the same branch he had that started forty thousand years of trouble, trying to do it again.

"Why are you..." A voice whimpered above the wind.

Terrified eyes looked up to see Sunset standing at the mouth of the road, just yards away from the tree. Tears filled her eyes as she took shaky steps forward, a hand on her mouth in disbelief. It was clear it was hard to process what she was seeing.

"Stop." Sunset Shimmer choked out.

"I can't Sunset." Skyfall said as he stood, back firm against the tree atop the branch. He looked at her, hoping she would turn back knowing she wouldn't. He saw the portal clearly and as a result so did everyone standing by knee deep in rushing water ready to cross. In horror he saw people he called friends try to make their way back up the path only to have Spirits pick them up and throw them into the portal's maelstrom. Looks of betrayal and pain flashed over faces as the maw swallowed them.

"Talk to me!" Sunset screamed, having found her voice.

Motioning for Sunset to approach him, Skyfall removed the noose, but still held onto it while stepping down to her level. He tried in vain to smile, but couldn't as she still looked so hurt.

"Please don't tell me you're going to kill yourself to keep the rest of us safe." Sunset smacked his across the face believing that to be the answer.

"I need to Sunset, that's all I can say now."

"You don't come back from that!" Sunset yelled into his chest, unable to make eye contact. "Death ruins the lives of those you leave behind, don't you get that? Sif, Honey, Inko, Nimbus, Honos, River, your guards, your class, Ponyville, Twilight and the others!

She paused. "Me."

Sunset looked up at Skyfall's glowing golden eyes, making her go still as he smiled in the same warm way he did since he met her. A warm hand touched her cheek and brushed it gentility. "There is so much I can't tell you. I want to, but it would only put you at risk. I'm sorry for that."

"But you can trust me." Sunset said.

"I know, but I don't trust myself." Skyfall snatched Sunset's wrist just before the portal entered it's last stage of suction, the attempt to close, as the natural world does when there is an unmaintained tear in dimension.

Like a rag doll thrown about in a hurricane, Sunset was pulled back. She clung to the hand that held onto her and tried to pull herself closer. As larger parts of the forest were torn up, she looked to Skyfall as he stood firm in a tornado or power, protected by the golden barrier around the tree. Knowing what he was trying to do, Sunset tried digging her fingers into his flesh to drag him with her, but he only looked at her sadly.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry you had to see this." Skyfall said. "We'll talk next we meet."

"Skyfall, no!" Sunset felt him loosening his grip. As she flailed, she caught a glimpse of the roots that kept him planted to the ground and ignored them. "Please, this isn't right."

"A matter of perspective I suppose." Skyfall said low enough to where he thought she couldn't hear.

"Skyfall." Sunset said. "I'm-"

Weightlessness and the rush of wind rushed over Sunset Shimmer's body as she tumbled end over end toward the portal, she mentally cursed Skyfall just before her version transformed into a kaleidoscope of color and sound. She felt her body pull and stretch, shrink and push as Equus spat her out violently into the air, just in time for an orange snake-like oriental dragon to scoop her up.

"I got her!"

"Good job, Fan!" A cattleman hat hefting bull with a rough face called as he struggled to walk on all fours and instead favored his bipedal stance with his front hooves on his guns. "Now come down here so we can regroup."

"We have to go back!" Sunset flailed in Fan's grasp. "Skyfall's in danger."

"Sunset." Twilight was the only one trying to make sense of what she saw while the other girls were still having a surreal moment at seeing themselves in pony form. "Was he really trying to... y'know."

"Yes, I think he's taking Unfaithful's ultimatum." Sunset looked at the portal spitting out material at an incredible rate, she knew she would be torn apart it she tried. She started to walk towards the gyser, but found a tall clothed Cattleman in her way. "Move aside, Rider."

"I have strict orders to keep yall safe. So that means we go to Farhaven. Or camp in the forest, whichever is safer." Rider said.

"But Skyfall-"

"Is a big stallion, knows what he's doing." Rider held up a hoof when Sunset's horn glowed, ready to try and throw him aside. "Listen, little lady, what did he tell you?"

After a brief, tense moment, Sunset growled. "He said he would talk to me when he sees me."

"Then there you go." Rider stepped out of Sunset's way and fanned himself with his hat. "From the look of things, we must be in hangman's valley. Not far, but not close."

"Farhaven is south west of here." Twilight said. "Ponyville is directly west." She paused and looked to Rider. "And this is Rumbling Rock Ridge. If I remember correctly, the Diamond Dogs used to occupy a large section on the southern edge."

"Rumbling Rock Ridge?" Rider chuckled. "Well, it used to be called hangman's alley for more macabre reasons."

"Apparently many things used to." Twilight said to herself as she saw smoke rising in the distance from Shattered Skies' forest.

"Twilight! Look! Hooves!" Pinkie Pie said, giggling to herself from the floor as the others awkwardly walked toward her.

With a genuine laugh, Twilight smiled at her friends, thinking of the awkward greeting they would all have.

"Rider, what do we do?" Phobia asked, emerging from the small mountain of trees and earth the portal spat out. Her black greased hair clinging to her ghostly white coat. "If smoke is coming from the forest, then that means Farhaven is having a siege and Ponyville is the staging area. Neither is safe."

"Then we go to Farhaven from the side." Rider started walking, he looked up to Fan who hung in the air with her arms and legs crossed comfortably. "Fan, grab the girls and let's go."

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata stood by as the group began to move toward the smoke. They looked to one another with concern.

"Do we go?" Sonata asked, shuttering as her magic refilled from the laylines. "I, like, want to help, but I don't want to go back to not having music."

Aria scoffed. "I say we split and head for Las-"

"No." Adagio said and started walking. "Shattered Skies allowed us to come along, without him, we would be fleeing to another deadend with the others. Our time as vagabonds are over."

Sonata smiled at Aria's grimace and both of them trotted to catch up to their group that was deep in conversation moving toward the forest in a deliberate pace.

Smoke blacked the sky as they reached the edge of the forest, Twilight looked to the Spirits as a tree began to twist and bend. It spun and lifted its roots from the ground and stood high, emblazoned with the bones of past creatures. It spoke in long drawn out words from a mask made of weathered bones. "Who comes seeking entry?"


"Redemption." Grover said.

"We're here seeking passage to Farhaven."

"If it is passage you seek, then it is a path you're given." Grover began to meld back into being a tree before offering up guidance. "Tread carefully, betrayal is afoot."

Looks of apprehension passed over the ground before they stepped foot into the forest, immediately meeting familiar yellow eyes staring at them from the dark shadows of the trees.

Twilight smiled. "Sif!"

"Hello, Twilight." Sif stood, pained from a dark spot beneath her fur. "I see you have company."

Gray Lights

Skyfall stepped up and refastened the noose, but heard someone banging on the golden barrier that lain around the tree. Unsparingly, he looked back to see a much smaller creature trying to enter.

"You must truly hate me." Skyfall said.

Her eyes were painfully wide with rage as she clawed the cracked barrier. She shouted so hard against the wind that her voice cracked. "Get out here, coward! I lived through hell because of you."

Skyfall stepped onto the branch and felt a small crack wear in the wood.

"How dare you rob me of my revenge!" Unfaithful voice cracked again, like a child having a toy taken away. "You weren't there! I kept us together but they died because of you!" She smashed her head against the barrier, cut her forehead bad enough to bleed. He only watched her with sad eyes. She punctuated her sentences with every hit oh her head. "My children hated me. Our siblings hated me. My husbands hated me. In the end, I died because I wasn't able to be loved. You!"

"...I loved you." Skyfall said, shocking Unfaithful. He felt the portal ramping up as it closed and dug into his pocket to take the picture out of them as a family. Having been the only one full blooded sibling and the closest in age to him, he knew she felt the most pain.

She watched as the branch snapped beneath Skyfall, She growled at her revenge being torn from her. He kicked and thrashed, his body screamed at him to lift himself from the rope.

The picture in his hand slipped away and flew towards Unfaithful, landing against her fur. She grabbed it and looked at it with a scowl.

As everything grew dark and distant, black spots formed in his field of vision while wind and debris tore around him. The world looked fragmented and cracked, like fragile glass hit with a rock. It lasted a second before the sky shattered into a uncountable pieces. The last thought that floated into his mind was his own name.

Author's Note:

And that wraps up this arc into the human world.

Just to address this immediately. Suicide is very serious and I use it very sparingly and with as much reverence to those it touches as I can. The reason I included it again was for multiple reasons, but most of all the protagonist just committed the same act that caused this entire mess to fix it, or at least begin the road to fixing it.

Guns. I know some people hate Skyfall's stance on guns and believe that I have the same views. I do not. This isn't a self-insert, I personally love firearms, so much so that I was a weapon mechanic in the army and own a variety of my own.

After this little stunt, Skyfall has some splanin' to do when Sunset makes him sleep on the couch. :rainbowlaugh:

LY :heart:

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