• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,433 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 12 -Damage Control-

-Damage Control-

Shattered Skies stood idly by as a cloaked pony limped into the cave. Timberwolves guarded the cave’s entrance and the treeline surrounding their location. He looked and could count at least forty small Timberwolves, and one the size of Sif. The darkness of Luna's night limited visibility, but in the forest that didn’t matter.

"What's the plan?" Sif asked as she crouched next to Skies.

"Did you find Storm Front?"

Sif shook her head. "We're in the process of locating him now. He may have transformed and flown into the clouds, or he could have just left the area. Regardless, I doubt he'll turn up before we attack."

"Who says we're attacking?" Skies asked.

"That creeping grin on your face." Sif's eyebrow rose up and she smirked. "You know I love my job."

"Make it quick and silent, I don't want to alert the ring leader." The instant Skies finished his statement, Sif pawed at the ground and let out a series of guttural clicks.

"What about the big boy?" Sif asked, pointing to the large Timberwolf that was scanning the forest with his green eyes, looking around for the source of the clicking.

"He's all yours, I want to talk to our little stalker."

"Stalker?" Sif questioned.

"A cloaked stallion walked into the cave before you arrived and I saw him staring at me when we first moved here, shortly after a searing headache."

"Are you getting a headache right now?" Sif looked him over with concern

"No, and that's what bothers me. This stallion is definitely who I saw that day and he might be able to affect me at will." The clouds in the sky briefly parted with the wind, letting moonlight rain down, giving every wolf a clear spotlight to their target. "Ready?"

As soon as the clouds returned to shroud the forest in darkness, Sif and her wolves exploded from the treeline in a silent charge and latched their jaws around the heads of the unsuspecting Timberwolves. The trouble with keeping guard at night is when the moonlight goes out, it takes a minute for eyes to adjust and apparently that went for Timberwolves as well.

Sif laid on top of the alpha, slowly tearing its head off as the creature made a futile effort to escape.

Shattered Skies walked into the cave, not bothering to hide his presence. He could hear a foal's voice, one that belonged to Apple Bloom.

"Who are you?"

Skies could see perfectly in the dark cave. The stranger stood unevenly on his discolored hooves, his hunched over body and overwhelming scent put Skies on alert, he knew that smell very well. Formaldehyde?

"I am Shattered Skies." The being shifted on his hooves and smiled at the foals.

Skies opened his mouth to interrupt, but when he noticed that Apple Bloom was looking past the Stranger and right into his eyes he closed his mouth.

"No you're not." Apple Bloom said.

"What a cheeky little foal." The stranger said, his voice was emotionless like a puppet. "You should have learned from your studies, but no matter, you won't have much to worry about soon."

The other foals were whispering into Apple Bloom's ears, but went wide eyed when she whispered back to them. One by one they looked over the being's right shoulder to a pair of glowing golden eyes.

"You're not Shattered Skies." Apple Bloom said once more, but this time in a mocking tone.

"Is that right, Apple Bloom?" The stranger called, startling the small filly into silence when he proved to know her name. "Enlighten me, how do you know?"

Skies stepped forward and stood next to the stallion and lowered his head to the stranger's ear. "Because I'm right here."

The stallion immediately became rigid.

Skies looked up at the foals, they were all there except one. He remembered talking to a foal by the name of Twist for a short time when he went into town to cash in his gold, but she didn't seem like the adventurous type, at least not in the sense of the other foals. "Where is the sixth foal?"

"Not even going inquire as to who I am?" The stranger chuckled before Skies threw him to the ground.

"I am not in the mood for games." Skies glared at the rising stallion and noticed his eyes were glowing the same green that the Timberwolves were known for.

Skies turned to the foals. "Leave."

"Do you think I would just let them leave?" The stranger laughed and tried to walk towards them, but found his legs bound to the floor by root.

"You don't have a choice." Skies started pulling the stallion into the ground and looked at the slightly frightened foals. "You should be leaving."

"Your Timberwolves-" The stranger started, but saw a wooden head roll into the cave.

"Are dead." Shattered Skies said and smiled deviously. "But an interesting choice of words. 'Your Timberwolves.'"

Skies grabbed the stranger's head and ripped the hood off, revealing a grotesque, worn face with unhealed gashes in it. The smell of formaldehyde hit Skies sharply and he threw the stranger to the ground again. "First order of business. Where is the foal?"

"Oh, she's with the rest."

Skies looked towards the foals shrinking in the distance as they were followed by two of Sif's kin. "I told you I am not in the mood for games."

The stranger sat up and removed the cloak, revealing his grotesque body that was covered in sewn on cutie marks. "Meet the others."

Skies bit his lip, he wanted to tear this thing to pieces, but needed information. He glanced over to Sif, she barely kept her anger under control and was forced to put her paw on a smaller wolf to stop its attack. The stranger stood and turned to show Skies all the cutie marks, placing emphasis on a small one by his tail, two crossed candy canes.


"I see you finally care about something." The stranger said emotionlessly, finally resting on his haunches, smiling wide with his sickly teeth showing.

"Why did you do this?" Skies asked in monotone.

"I didn't do this, you did."

Skies sent a black barbed root into the monster and reeled when a fierce headache racked his brain. The pain caused him to double over and gag as a result. "What?"

Skies looked at the stallion that now had a huge gaping hole in his torso. He didn't bleed, he didn't whine, he didn't even stop smiling. Skies didn't understand why his attack lashed back on him.

"Shall we attack, M'lord?" Sif asked.

"No, it could be lethal for you." Skies squinted and saw that magic was surrounding the stranger's body, likely causing Skies' backlash. "I will ask one more time, what is your name?"

The creature smirked at Sif and suddenly the cave was turned upside down. "Wow, I see you like it rough!"

Skies had the creature pinned under his massive claw. "Name!"

"I don't have a name but the one you gave me, and the one you'll give me." The stranger found Skies’ claw moving up his neck and pressing down on his windpipe, making a whining noise.

"Enough of the poetry." Skies glared at the stallion, it was clear he wouldn't be getting anything from him.

"Lonely Grave." The stallion's eyes started flickering and the green mist left them. His face turned serious, signalling that it was the end of their conversation. "I've been waiting for so long, I have so much to show you!"

Lonely Grave grabbed Skies' coat and brought his head down. "I can't wait to get to know you again, big brother."

A sickening crack resounded through the cave shortly before the limp body of Lonely Grave slumped to the floor. His skin started to boil and evaporate, leaving the twisted skeleton of a pony. It’s bones were etched with runes that burned shortly before smoldering.

Shattered Skies stood and started to walk out of the cave in shock, he couldn't speak, nor could he look anyone in the eye.

"Necromancy." Sif spat. "What'd it say?"

Skies walked past her without saying a word.

One month later

"Twilight is at the front door again." Sif mumbled from the study's doorway, her nap having been interrupted to relay the information. "Shall I let her in?"


"Oops." Sif said sarcastically as she walked out of the room.

"Why oops?" Sky asked to no avail as hooves started clopping up the marble stairwell. "Damn her."

Suddenly, Skyfall opened his desk and started shoving his notes into it. He grew slightly annoyed Sif was forcing him to have visitors, she knew he was busy working on a way to track Lonely Grave.

"There you are!" Twilight announced from the doorway.

"Here I am." Skyfall mixed his tea and looked at Twilight. She brought her friends, including her brother and Cadance. For a moment Sky thought about turning them away, but if they were all here, it wasn't a social call. "You know there isn't an invisible barrier, you can enter."

Twilight smiled sheepishly before entering. "We just wanted to respect your privacy."

'Rrrrright' "I thank you for that, Miss Sparkle." Skyfall just stared at Twilight while the others looked around Skyfall's large study. He knew it looked more like a trophy room than a study, but the actual study didn't get enough light so he often used it as a place to keep documents.

Pinkie bounced from place to place trying to figure out what the different artifacts were, her bubbly curiosity made the other ponies a worried that she would get them all thrown out. "Oh, what's this?"

"Neighpon puzzle ball." Skyfall leaned back in his chair, he knew what was coming next.

"And this?"

"Ancient coin collection."

"And this?"

"Crystal Skull."

"What about this?"

"Piece of Equus' core."

"Oh! What about this, it must be super important, it's a pyramid?" Pinkie held up an ancient stone that shined with its bright reflective surface. It held down all sorts of information from old cultures.

"That, Pinkie Pie, is a paperweight." Skyfall wrinkled his brow and smiled wryly, he knew she was playing around and playing dumb. "Oh by the way, Pinkie?"


"Have you been drinking your tea?" Skyfall asked rhetorically while preparing a cup.

Pinkie Pie smiled sheepishly.

"Sif, Gingerroot." Sky called. "You know, Pinkie, I shouldn't have to tell you this."

"I know." Pinkie shuffled her hooves as Sif trotted past her and left a bag of dried root on the desk before trotting back out, huffing that her nap kept getting interrupted.

"What is he talking about, Pinkie?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, what are ya talking about?" Applejack asked. "Ah didn't know you two were chummy."

"I bumped into Pinkie three weeks ago when I was shopping, and she let slip that she was feeling ill, so I told her to have tea." Skyfall started stirring the tea he made for Pinkie, sliding it over to the grateful mare when he finished.

"Three weeks? You haven't left your house in nearly a month?" Twilight asked.

"And how would you know?" Sky asked pointedly, causing Twilight and Rainbow to squirm uncomfortably.

"Because I assigned a guard to watch your house." Shining announced to the relief of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, how curious." Sky answered disinterestedly. "They mustn't be very good at their job then."

"They're the best." Shining said firmly.


"Y-Yes, Sky?"

"Sky?" Everyone said in unison.

"Did I give you a list three weeks ago with the ingredients for you to mix in your tea?"

"Yes." Pinkie said, trying to keep her smile under the questioning gaze of her friends.

"Then I was in town and your guards missed it." Skyfall knew Shining posted guards to watch him, he didn't seem like the dumb soldier ponies made him out to be.

"Now, why are you here?" Skyfall asked.

"We're just seeing why you've been cooped up, darling." Rarity said happily. "It's been far too long since we've seen you."

Skyfall tapped his hoof on his desk, Rarity knew her lie wasn't bought.

"Then why is Shining Armor clad in platemail?" Skyfall gestured to Shining.

"You live near the Everfree."

"And the notepad stuffed in your pauldron is for show?" Skyfall rose an eyebrow, but before it went any further he continued. "You may relax and have a seat if you want. I think Twilight will explode if she doesn't get a chance to look around."

The first to take a seat was Cadance. She trotted over to Sky's book-cased wall and started perusing. The others, however, stood there awkwardly until a loud crash was heard and the sounds of loud stomping approached the room.

The door flung wide open. "Sky!"

"Yes, Nim?" Skyfall lazily looked over at the second door. "You're mane is poofy again."

"Eleven letter word that is the synonym for exterior?" Nimbus asked, resentful that he had to come to Skyfall for help.

"Superficial, like your taste in women." Sky muttered the last part into his hoof as Nim stomped off, leaving a very embarrassed host. "He likes to do the crossword when we aren't training. He usually likes punching my trees, but I forced him to do the crossword instead. Less ruined landscape."

"Training?" Shining asked.

"Yes, my quarrels with the Timberwolves opened my eyes to how weak I've become."

"Ah heard ya ran into a few when ya went to save them foals. It was lucky they ran into you in the forest." Applejack said before covering her mouth with her hoof.

That night, Skyfall had to tell the Mayor that Twist wasn't anywhere to be found. Even as the forest Spirit, Lonely Grave did something to hinder his ability to use the forest. Something that baffled him immensely.

Sky barreled through the awkwardness. "Like Shining Armor said, I live next to the Everfree and my brother has remarked on my thinning physique, so him and I started getting back into the swing of things."

"Well that's nice." Rarity chirped. "It's important to stay in good physical condition."

"Indeed, mares don't like flabby stallions." Sky chuckled and looked at Twilight as she magicked a scroll to Skyfall. "What's this?"

"A letter." She smiled.

"Why Twilight, I don't know what to say. I'm touched." Skyfall received a swift strike on the head from the floating letters. "Fine, who's it from?"

"It's from Princess Celestia." Twilight clapped her hooves. "And this one is from Princess Luna, they both want to thank you for your valiant efforts."

"Valiant?" Skyfall laughed heartily before opening them to read, silently hoping they weren't going to explode. "That is certainly a first."

Twilight sat by silently, waiting for a reaction, but only saw Skyfall chuckle at Celestia's letter. "What'd she say? What's so funny?"

'Her writing is not this good.' Skyfall placed the scroll down and patted it. "Nothing much, just generic condolences. Princess Celestia just wanted to thank me for going above and beyond in helping her subjects and shared her sorrow for what happened. Then something about seeing me this year at a party."

Twilight wondered what he meant by party. She watched Skyfall take out a pen and quill shorty before writing. "What are you doing?"

Sky stopped and glanced up to Twilight, unsure of what she meant. "I'm writing back. Is that a problem?"

"Not at all, it's just not everyday somepony is brave enough to write back to her." Twilight said.

"And done." Skyfall finished with a hard and fast signature. He set the letter aside and slowly reached for Luna's letter, unsure of what it would say.

"Does anyone want something to drink?" Sif asked from the doorway.

Sky opened the letter and mumbled out the words, "More tea."

While Sif took everyone's drink orders, Sky read the letter.

Fair Night, Lord Skyfall,

I understand that past nights have been especially tough for you. I feel at fault because of this: I am the watcher of the night and for these heinous crimes to happen on my watch is disgraceful. Since learning about the first occurrence of your heroism, I have tried to find your dreams so that I may enter to assuage your anguish, but to my everlasting shame I have been unable to do so. I have accompanied my sister to many of her meetings in Ponyville and heard about you from not only the Mayor, but the Elements of Harmony as well.

If the time permits, I wish to summon you at the next meeting so that I may thank you properly.

Peace be with you, Princess Luna

Skyfall sat quietly, Luna's calligraphy was still top notch, and there was no doubt that Luna wrote this by hoof. She was the only one that dared to use blue ink. Sky reached for another sheet of paper and a new ink well to write from, as more habit than necessity. When they were small, Sky would write to them with different inks so they would have a little fun while reading. Celestia soon grew tired of it, but Luna always enjoyed writing fun letters. Sadly, Sky couldn't make fun letters to Luna without giving himself away, but he could write to her using an ink that reflected moonlight.

Sif brought up a pot of tea and set it down on a table that laid between all of them as they sat and discussed the room’s contents.

"What are you reading, Cadance?" Twilight asked, looking at the book Cadance was buried in.

"I don't know, there isn't a title. Sky, what is this book?"

Skyfall looked up and saw that Shining shot him a questioning glare, likely because his wife was on a nickname basis with someone other than her husband. Sky, like always, chose to ignore it and looked at the book’s binding from across the room and went back to writing. "That's the Count of Monte Cristo. A story about revenge."

The words, 'story about revenge' caused a mixed reaction, but Rainbow's reaction in specific was to stare at the book with rapt interest.

"Revenge?" Applejack asked, slightly appalled. "Why on Equus would you have a book about that?"

"What's wrong with revenge?" Skyfall asked.

"While seeking revenge, dig two graves—one for your target, and one for yourself." Twilight recited perfectly.

Skyfall chuckled to himself, having recognized the statement.

"I've never heard of that book, now that I think about it." Twilight tapped her chin with her hoof.

"You live in a library." Rainbow Dash walked over to the bookshelf to see if Sky had any adventure books. "How have you never heard of it? Wait a second, none of these books have titles."

Skyfall ordered the books from another Spirit who had a special way of telling them apart, but he had them for so long that he could tell them apart even from across the room. "I've read them all and know each one by its look."

"What do you have?" Twilight asked.

"If you're interested, you may take one home with you." Sky signed Luna's letter and walked over to the bookshelf. He sat for a moment and hovered his hoof over the spines and stopped above a thick blue book. He offered the book to Twilight with the letter inside. "This book is called 'Macbeth'. I think you'll enjoy it."

Cadance closed the book and set it down. "Is there anything else to read?"

Sky reached out and grabbed a red book with gold trim. "This is up your alley, it's 'Romeo and Juliet,' a tragic love story."

Cadance snatched the book right out of the air and opened it up, only to find a hoof rest on the page. "Wait unitl you get back to where you're staying and have a box of tissues at the ready."

Cadance scoffed. "I can handle a little tragedy."

Skyfall laughed and held his hooves. "Okay, just trying to help."

Sky snapped to being very serious. "Pinkie, drink you tea."


"Woman! Consume thy tea." Skyfall ordered, pointing his hoof at Pinkie until she drank the entire cup instead of the swishing she had been doing when she thought Skyfall wasn't looking. "Good."

"You never did answer." Rarity asked. "Why are you making Pinkie Pie drink tea?"

"She complained of stomach pain and after some questions I figured she might have a stomach virus coming on. That tea eliminates that." Sky looked over at Shining Armor who was lightly tapping his hoof. "But that's neither here, nor there. I have some business to take care of before I can continue."

"Should we go?" Rarity asked.

"No, please, I have fruit in the fridge, feel free to help yourself. This won't take but a few minutes." Skyfall smiled softy. He watched silently as they started filing out, individually remarking on the house's design.

Shining Armor looked back as he made his way out and stopped when he saw Skyfall waving him back. "Shining Armor, come back and shut the door, if you will."

The door closed with a soft thud, the others having not noticed Shining's absence. Skyfall stood and started closing the curtains one by one as Shining sat on the large chair in front of Sky's desk.

"I know you want to talk to me." Skyfall stated as he sat before Shining.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean."

Sky held up his hoof and closed his eyes. "Son, you and I both know you aren't here for 'funsies,' nor are you here because your spouse is near the Everfree. If you were here for the Everfree, then you would have brought a weapon. With what happened last month and the lack of headlines concerning the killer, I surmise you've hit a snag and you're doubling back to find out what you missed."

Shining exhaled, his suspicions were then validated to him. "You know, it's very rare for civilians to think like that."

"So, now everything's out in the open. Why are you here?" Skyfall opted to ignore the prince's silent assertion.

"I wanted to see if you remembered anything." Shining asked, making it clear he was grasping at straws. "We questioned the foals about what they saw, and their tale is a little disturbing.

"A classmate has passed away as a result, I imagine it would be." Skyfall said darkly. "I talked to Big Mac and he said Apple Bloom stopped eating, her mind crashed after she was hit with the news. I can't imagine the others fared any better."

"I hear the same happened to Sweetie Belle." Shining nodded. "I want to tell you their side to see if it jogs anything." Shining flipped open his notepad. "May I?"

Skyfall sat back and closed his eyes. "Yes."

The Abduction

"And then, boom! The display case fell over!" Button Mash cheered as he retold his tale of saving Pumpkin Cake from certain doom.

"You know if you keep doing risky stuff like that, you'll get hurt." Sweetie Belle mumbled, her nose buried in a book she borrowed from Cheerilee.

Button Mash shifted nervously. "I know. Rumble thought it was a bad idea too."

"He thinks everything is a bad idea." Silver Spoon mumbled after blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Do not!"

"But it was awesome!" Pipsqueak said. "There was glass everywhere, and the Cakes were grateful."

"Scootaloo, what do you think of it?" Diamond Tiara asked.


"Are you okay?" Diamond put her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder. "You've been distracted lately."

"Y-Yeah." Scootaloo smiled weakly.

Diamond opened her mouth to call her out on the lie, but Silver Spoon nudged her and shook her head. "If she doesn't want to talk about it, then leave her be."

"But..." Diamond tried to protest. She could tell her friend needed someone and leaving her alone in silence may have been the worst thing for her, but pushing it wouldn't make matters better either. "Okay."

"What are ya starin' at, Mash?" Apple Bloom asked a suddenly stiff Button Mash.

"Twist. Those fillies are about to walk into the Everfree with Twist." Button Mash looked back to the others. "The Everfree is off limits, you remember what the guardsponies said when they went door to door last week."

"Twist? I haven't seen her in a few days. Twist!" Apple Bloom called out, soon followed by the other foals. "Stop, what are you doing?"

"Who are those three?" Silver Spoon asked before she continued calling out.

"Why isn't she listening?" Diamond Tiara asked.

The foals watched idly as Twist and the three foals walked into the forest without so much as even looking their way.

"We have to go get her!" Button Mash shouted towards Pipsqueak and Rumble. "You two and me will run in after them and you five go to get the guards."

"Nu-uh, she's our friend too!" Apple Bloom shouted, cheered on by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Rumble rose his shaky hoof. "Me, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon will get the guard."

Button Mash smacked his forehead with his hoof. "Fine, we need to hurry!"

The five foals charged into the Everfree without so much as a second thought to save their friend. It was easy enough to pick up the trail, Twist had a sweet scent to her and the tracks were fresh.

"Where are they? It's been like five minutes!" Scootaloo yelled, slightly out of breath.

"I think I see them up ahead!" Pipsqueak yelled back.

The foals burst into a small clearing and marched towards Twist. Her back was turned and the three fillies faces were being obscured with matted, black hair. They each gave a wide smile, one had wings while another had a horn showing they belonged to one of the three tribes.

"Twist, you know the forest is off limits!" Sweetie Belle called.

After a moment of silence, Apple Bloom stepped forward. "Twist, come on. If we go now, no one gets in trouble, we'll just say it was a misunderstanding."

"There's no misunderstanding." One of the fillies stated.

"It’s all according to plan." Another filly said

"She played her part, now for the next step." The last filly chided.

"Who are you three?" Scootaloo scoffed.

"Trapped. Snared. Cornered." The three called out in order before becoming one voice and giving a curtsy. "At your service."


"That won't matter."

"None of this will." The three called individually.

"This is really creepy, guys." Button's commented. "These twins are making my hair stand on end."

"Yeah, but-" Scootaloo caught a paw to the side of her body throwing her against a tree, knocking her unconscious.

"Scootaloo!" The foals called out, unable to move at the sight of a large Timberwolf walking out of the bushes. Before long, they were surrounded by the hulking, wooden wolves.

"What's the meaning of this?" Sweetie demanded.

"A worm doesn't know the purpose of the hook." The fillies replied in unison.

Timberwolves grabbed the squealing foals, carrying them kicking and screaming into the black cave.


"And that's where they waited until a large being claiming to be Shattered Skies supposedly showed up, followed by the real Shattered Skies who allowed them to escape."

'Finally, a chance to up talk myself' "Seems like this Forest Spirit saved the day." Skyfall smirked crossing his hooves. 'Maybe if I can have more good press like this, I can start to change my rep-'

"I think it's his fault." Shining said firmly.

'...and it’s gone.' "How so?"

"Gut feeling." Shining flipped a few more pages in his notebook. "We've sworn the families to secrecy regarding the incident. The first incident was handled poorly, and the information got out before we could suppress it."

"However" Shining tapped his hoof thoughtfully. "This case bothers me."

"Because Spirits are involved?" Skyfall asked.

"Spirits?" Shining asked pointedly. "Who told you there were more than one?"

"I recently read a book on Spirits." Skyfall said, looking slightly annoyed.

"R-Right." Shining coughed, he didn't mean to sound accusative.

"Relax, Shining Armor. I'm a recluse, not a superior." Skyfall mused. "If it helps, share what you want about the case. I may be able to help and enlighten you about grey areas I may know about."

Shining nodded. "Well, we have hit a dead end."

With a few more flips of his notepad, Shining stopped and gulped. "That night a month ago, we went to find Twist's parents, but the house had been empty for about a week. No forced entry, no signs of struggle, nothing." Shining shifted in his seat. "Yesterday morning, we found the parents and the lost filly, Twist. They were in a cave to the North, very dehydrated and malnourished. They appeared dead, but when the Mdical Examiner looked them over, he found that they were in a deep trance that took the Princess to break. They're in Canterlot for rehabilitation."

"They're alive, good." Skyfall let out a relieved sigh before rubbing his temples. "Soul Stopping."

"Yes." Shining said solemnly.


A thump was heard from outside the door.


"Did you have a copy of the Medical report?" Skyfall asked quietly.

"Yeah, I copied them down." Shining said. "Why are you whispering?"

"We have a couple of eavesdroppers." Skyfall chuckled. "May I see your note?"

Skyfall mumbled to himself. "Dilated pupils, Slugish, approximately eight days. All of this in addition to smoldering runes. Yep, necromancy."

Shining started laughing. "C'mon Skyfall, that's from foal's books. And even if it was, necromancy is is for-" Shining swallowed hard. "The dead, isn't it?"

His laughter slowed to a low chuckle when he saw Skyfall's face.


Taking a slow breath, Skyfall pointed to a bookcase on the wall opposite the one the girls were looking through. "Third shelf from the bottom, second book from the left."

The book ignited with purple light and levitated over to Shining. The book was old and weighed a ton. "What is this?"

"It's a history book from the Griffon Empire. It's an antique, so be careful. Turn to page 394."


"Whoops, sorry. Turn to page 349."

"Flesh golem?"

"If what the Medical report says is true, then what you're dealing with is a real monster." 'I can't believe I'm saying this' "I suggest you tell the Princesses as soon as you can."

The seriousness in Skyfall's eyes and the gut feeling he had prompted in Shining caused him to get up and start walking. "Thank you, Skyfall. It's been a pleasure talking to you, and I hope to talk with you again."

Skyfall bowed slightly as Shining exited, passing his sister and her friends.

"Y'know, for a guy that wants to stay uninvolved. You stick your nose in pretty far." Nimbus uttered from the doorway.

"Sometimes I can't help it."

"You still haven't told me what happened in that cave."

Skyfall looked over to Nimbus, his same smug attitude present as he leaned on the door jamb.

Sky bit his lip. "I'm going out."

"Yeah, whatever." Nimbus chuckled as he turned to walk back to him room.

As Skyfall marched down the stairs, everyone stopped and stared at him, but he trotted out the door without saying a word to anyone. His signature scarf was forgotten on the coat rack.

"What's his problem?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I hope it wasn't something we did." Rarity muttered in worry.

"It's none of your faults." Nimbus called from the top banister. "I've known him for a long time. He's a calm guy and runs to clear his head. If he's running, then it's cause there's something he can't figure out."

Nimbus stared directly into Shining's eyes.

"Well, hopefully it isn't too bad." Rarity chirped.

"Eh, world's probably falling apart again." Nimbus mumbled, levitating a book behind him as he walked away.

"Well, ah get like that mahself from time to time. Sometimes, ah just want to run and run until ah'm plumb tuckered out." Applejack said approvingly. "At least there's a Pegasus who knows how to run, right Rainbow?"

After a moment of silence. "Rainbow?"

"I think she flew after him." Pinkie said from the doorway while wearing aviators and a flight jacket.

Skyfall slowed his gallop to a halt as he reached the top of the hill that overlooked Ponyville. He sighed happily as his run was completed without stopping, a feat he was unable to accomplish until earlier in the week. He sat for a few minutes to enjoy the sunset before continuing his run. The sounds of wings flapping and leaves bustling were easily heard from his location.

"Hey!" A voice called from behind him.

"What's up Rainbow?" Skyfall asked without looking.

"I wanna talk."

"We can talk and trot." Skyfall mumbled and stopped abruptly when Rainbow landed harshly in front of him.

"Stop." Rainbow ordered quietly before growling. "Please."

"Fine. What's up?" Skyfall took deep breaths to stop his panting. "And why couldn't this have been done earlier?"

Rainbow looked away from Sky., She bit her lip and mumbled to herself inaudibly.

"Rainbow?" Sky called. After a seconds of no response, Sky poked her wing. "Rainbow Dash."

"I j-just wanted to see if you were okay, I mean that's what friends do right?" Rainbow asked, still unable to look at Skyfall. "And I might have wanted to ask you something."

"Thanks for the sentiment, but I'm fine." Skyfall reassured.

"Then why do you look miserable?" Rainbow looked into Skyfall's eyes. "Everytime I see you, you're never excited about anything. Is it Ponyville that's making you unhappy?"

"Where is this coming from?" Skyfall asked, completely confused. "If you mean the incident a month ago, I've moved on-"

"No." Rainbow shook her head. "You never smile."

"Yes I do." Sky said questioningly.

"No, you don't" Rainbow asserted. "I'll give it to you, you're a good faker."

"Rainbow, really, everything’s fine." Skyfall chuckled as he passed her only to find that leaving wasn't an option.

"You have friends and family, Skyfall. You can tell us." Rainbow put her hoof on his chest. "Me."

"There ya are." Applejack said from the treeline as her and the group exited. "We were wonderin' where ya two ran off to."

"Why does Skyfall look so mad?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow grew a little worried at Skyfall's scowl and she drew her hoof away slowly.

"Ms. Dash, I appreciate the sentiment, but really, I'm fine." Skyfall hurriedly walked away from Rainbow and past the group of ponies, abandoning his run.

After a moment passed, Rarity approached Rainbow slightly upset. "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing!" Rainbow placated. "He got mad for no reason."

Rainbow saw the questioning looks her friends were giving her. "All I said was that he has friends and family and that he can rely on us."

Twilight brought a hoof to her mouth, a gesture that everyone missed, except Cadance.

"It's okay, I'll go talk to him." Cadance said sweetly.

"It's getting late, Cadance. Are you sure you want to go?" Shining asked. "I can go with you."

"It's fine, Shiny. There's been something on my mind that I need to speak with him about." Cadance patted Shining Armor on the head and turned away to catch Skyfall.

"What do you think that was about?" Twilight asked her brother, noticing his unease with the situation as he stared at his wife trotting after another stallion.

"You okay?" Sif asked from the doorway. "You look like you want to hurt someone."

"Yes, actually." Skyfall grumbled as he walked past Sif.

Sif noticed Cadance trotting up the house and kept the door open, knowing she would probably let herself inside anyways.

"Thank you, Crescent." Cadance smiled as she trotted past her and into the kitchen.


"Yep, you looked mad so I thought I'd come and get your mind off of whatever’s bothering you."

Skyfall shook his head, she was one of the few ponies he couldn't get mad at. He noticed Sif walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, before bumping Cadance with her butt. "What do you want, Princess?"

"You can call me Cadance, Crescent." Cadance smiled. "And I'll have some of Skyfall's tea."

"I can make tea!" Crescent said indignantly. "Skyfall, tell her I can make tea!"

"She can follow directions." Skyfall said. "If you want to, you can make some to prove her wrong."

Sif smiled and retrieved the tea kettle.

"I'll be in my study."

"Can I come?" Cadance asked.

Skyfall turned, wanting to say no, but her large, purple eyes stole any resistance he had. "Fine, I know you’ll follow me either way."

Cadance silently cheered and trotted past him and up the stairs.

"This is going to be a long night.”

Author's Note:

How about that weather? Crazy huh? Sorry, I live in Florida and all we get is rain and random hurricanes.

My internet was out all last week and it gave the opportunity to create some more stuff for the story. Hopefully I can get to that soon.

Like/comment if you like it.

We love ya :heart:

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