• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,436 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 7 -A Daring Effigy-

-A Daring Effigy-

It had been a full week since Skyfall stumbled on Ahuizotl's excavation, and it was finally time to crack the vault. He was in no rush to do so, however. Another unexplained torrential downpour had begun pounding the village of Ponyville, so Sky decided to stay inside for a bit in his study, pouring over maps and books.

"Morning." Skyfall chirped at Sif as she walked into the large shelved room. He received a grumble in return. "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing!" Sif snapped.

Skyfall looked in her direction and raised an eyebrow. "Sif."

Sif's features fell. "Sorry. I've been trying to perfect that potion, but every time I make it I always end up with longer fur than I should. I was able to make the effect last a little longer, but if I stand out from other ponies then why make it at all?"

"I like the long fur. I think it's cute."

Sif pouted. "It's not cute."

"You're right, it's adorable." Skyfall laughed at Sif's glare.

Sif blew a raspberry at Sky and stood over his shoulder to see what he was doing. "What do you have there?"

"This is supposed to be the world map." Sky made a loud click sound with his teeth. "The borders sure have changed quite a bit. The Griffon’s territory has expanded and shrunk several times in the past few hundred years. Why is that?"

"Revolution. Republic. Monarchy. Revolution. Republic. Monarchy." Sif repeated. "Every time a leader has risen to power, they grow corrupt and eventually end up beheaded."

"It looks like Equestria has become the world's prime superpower with few nations to challenge it." Sky said absentmindedly.

"Sounds like you disapprove." Sif asked.

"Hm? No. I'm just making an observation.” Sky ran through a list of nations. “This isn’t right.”

“What isn’t?”

“There are some nations that have history that isn’t recorded.” Sky said under his breath while simultaneously flipping through a world atlas and a condensed history book.

“What nations?”

“Neighpon, Saddle Arabia, and anything regarding the Reach.” Sky stopped when Sif coughed to get his attention.

“Neighpon became isolationists shortly after your ‘death.’ Celestia has tried time and time again to reach out to them, but all attempts have been ignored, I told Fuji and she was not happy. Saddle Arabia was similar, but a civil war left their kingdom in shambles and they needed to rebuild.”

“And the Reach?”

Sif shook her head. “Any reference to Spirits actually existing has been restricted.”

Sky slammed his book shut and walked over to his desk, sitting down hard with a quill in hoof to record what she was about to say. “Explain.”

“I can only repeat what my scouts told me.” Sif sat down in front of his large acacia desk. “Celestia seemed... off after she sent Luna to the moon. She blamed you and regretted not striking the fatal blow. It was almost like she knew you survived.”

Sky raised an eyebrow at Sif’s assertion, but allowed her to continue uninterrupted.

“A century after the Nightmare Moon incident, she held mass book burnings and ordered the exile of thousands of Spirit followers to Foenum. As I told you before, the Spirits who didn’t submit were either locked in Tartarus, held under her watch, or sent somewhere else.”

Sky tapped his quill on the edge of the desk in frustration and ran a hoof through his mane, trying to figure out why she changed so much. “That doesn’t sound like her.”

“Banishing your own sister can take its toll.” Sif said.

“Yes, but book burnings? She loved books.” Sky looked at a dark portion of the map labelled ‘The Void.’

“I need to know where the others are.”

“The only pony that would know wants you dead and would separate your head from your body the instant she sees you.” Sif reminded.

“Unless she couldn’t move.” Sky smirked.

“Oh no, I know that look.” Sif moaned.

“What look? I don’t have a look.” Sky placated.

“Yes, you do! It’s that, ‘I about to do something incredibly stupid and I won’t tell Sif because she’ll hurt me’ look!” Sif growled.

“You’re not wrong-” Sky dodged a book flying towards his head. “-hey, watch it, that book is almost as old as you are!”

“No, you don’t get to be upset. You’re retired, stop doing dumb things.”

Sky reverted into a Spirit and grabbed Sif’s paws while she playfully tried hitting him and brought her into a hug. “Trust me.”

Sif fought, but gave up and pouted. “Cheater.”

“And how did I cheat?”

“You know I like hugs.”

“And I use them to win. It’s hardly a cheat, it’s strategy.” Skies laughed when Sif licked his face. The distraction gave Sif just enough time to tackle Skies to the floor and pin him down.

“So what are you going to do to keep Celestia from melting your face? Not to mention keep her from sending her entire force over here to annihilate you, since you’ll be letting her know you are in fact, alive.”

“Poison.” Skies said while smiling at Sif.

“I don’t get it. You’re going to poison her?” Sif turned her head. “That will never work.”

“It’ll work for three minutes. While she is paralyzed, I will ask my questions and escape before she burns Canterlot down.”

“And how will you get her to take the poison?”

“Tea.” Skies said plainly. “She still has her guard down, so I get one chance at this.”

“You’ve planned this out.” Sif said. “When are you doing this?”

“Tonight.” Skies rolled away from Sif and summoned a small, inch long vail. “I could only gather this much poison in that amount of time. Celandine, White Myrtle Petals, Black Trumpet mushrooms, and about a dozen other ingredients with Allspice to dull the taste. This vial will get me three minutes, maybe four.”

Sif cautiously backed away from the lethal liquid. “That could kill a full grown dragon.”

“Two actually.” Skies hid the vial and saw Sif’s questioning expression. “What? I need answers and I want them immediately.”

“Just be careful okay?”

Before Skies could answer, he heard a knock on the front door. Sif silently snuck off to the basement and Skies morphed back into his pegasus form. “I wonder who is bothering me now.”

The persistent knocking grew more frequent as Skyfall walked to the door. “Alright, I’m coming!”

These ponies are relentless. Sky swung his front doors open to find Applejack with her hoof up, ready for more knocking. “Yes, Miss Apple?”

“Hiya there Skyfall. Ah came over ta-”

“Invite me to a lunch or a party?” Skyfall responded.

Applejack chuckled softly. “Ah guess I ain’t the first?”

“No. Pinkie Pie has sent all manners of mail to my house and sent Rarity yesterday and Fluttershy the day before. Miss Pie has done everything but ask me herself.”

“She doesn’t want to annoy ya like she did with Cranky when he moved to town.” Applejack said. “She is trying really hard to be friends with ya. Why don’t you let her?”

“Fluttershy asked the same thing. I have nothing against her, it’s just that I have been busy with stuff so I don’t have the time right now.”

“Well, if ya want to join us for lunch yer welcome to.” Applejack smiled.

It was Sky’s turn to smile. “Usually she invites me to dinner.”

“Well we have a big how-di-do tonight at the Princess’s old castle, getting something from somewhere. I can’t remember.” Applejack confessed.

Sky’s smile faltered slightly. “Sounds… important.”

“Yeah kinda. It has to do with that Spirit that reared his ugly head.”

“Well, you girls be safe. Maybe I can clear some time to join you soon or maybe have some of you over for tea.” Skyfall said.

“Sounds like a party.” Applejack said happily before stuttering out an explanation about how she meant ‘plan’ as in a meeting time and not an actual party, but Skyfall helped her out by putting his hoof on her nose and telling her he understood.

“I will see you later, Miss Apple.”

“Applejack. I’ve told ya before, Sky, it’s Applejack.” Applejack scolded playfully.

“Sorry, old habits are hard to break.”

Applejack turned and started walking. “Don’t be a stranger there, Skyfall.”

Skyfall closed his door and immediately started walking swiftly through the house to get to one of Sif’s hiding spots. “Sif we’re going, now.”

“Huh-wha?” Sif mumbled as she woke up. “What’s going on? I thought we were going to the castle tonight?”

“Our time table has moved up.”

Sif heard the urgency in Sky’s voice. “Right. Moving. This new development has something to do with the Princesses, doesn’t it?”

“Yep. She’s sending her ‘Elements’ to the castle to get something.” Skyfall exited his back door and became a Spirit once again. Sif joined him moments later with some other wolves that were lying in wait for them.

“Any orders?” Sif asked.

Skies saw that the sun reached high noon. “Get as many wolves as you can together and have them start looting the castle. Anything of value should be taken to the cave on my property. You know the one.”

“The one with a waterfall that you keep saying you’ll explore but keep getting distracted?” Sif chuckled.

“I prefer ‘busy.’”

“I prefer ‘short attention span.’” Sif quipped, poking fun at Skies’ laziness.

Sif turned to a wolfling that was following them, she had grey fur with splotchy black patterns. “Quiet, go and tell the news to the others and have them converge on the castle in thirty minutes.”

“Right away!”

“So, Shattered Skies, what’s the real plan?” Sif asked.

“In, steal everything, out. I haven’t the time or the resources to set up anything for them. I’m sure a tied up Ahuizotl would be more than enough to distract them.”

“So you’re betraying him to mess with the Elements?” Sif asked rhetorically.

Skies scoffed. “Of course I’m betraying him. Have you heard how he talks about himself? Annoying.”

When Skies and Sif arrived at the castle, they saw that Skies’ order was taken to with extreme haste. Wolves were filing in and out of doors with books and scrolls. The larger objects were carried by either a larger wolf or many smaller ones.

Shattered Skies looked over to his lifelong companion. “I see my time in recovery didn’t go to waste. You’ve trained them all very well.”

“I try.“ Sif smiled at the compliment, she took much pride in her pack and he knew it. She was approached by Quiet, the wolf from earlier.

“Mistress.” Quiet bowed, showing submission.

“What is it?”

“We have the area secured and have begun removing the desired materials as ordered, however…” Quiet paused.

“What is it?”

“There is something around the castle we can’t explain.” Quiet started. “I have received reports of our pack catching a scent or a pony and when they go to investigate they find-“

“Nothing at all?” Sif asked and looked to Skies.

“It’s probably our little stalker.” Skies mused. “I felt a pony hiding in the rafters when we first came by. They were likely spying on Ahuizotl.”

“And now they’re stalking us.” Sif said angrily. “Quiet, root this pony out and bring them to me, if they fight, kill them.”

“Belay that.” Skies ordered. “Ignore this pony. Now go, fulfill your orders.”

Quiet looked at Skies with mild shock. She wasn’t born before Skies was cut down, so this was the first time in her life that she had served Shattered Skies and the first time that he had spoken directly to her. “Yes, my lord.”

The instant Quiet ran off, Sif looked at him. He could feel the imminent question and the even more imminent scolding.

“This pony is here for Ahuizotl and whatever is in that vault. I have a feeling that the second I enter that vault, she’ll pounce.”


“Yes. There are roots growing throughout the castle, remember? I can sense a sex at least. That or she is an incredibly slender stallion.”

Skies started to walk towards the castle. “Show time, Fluffy butt!”

Ahuizotl had his felines clear much of the large rubble away from the door in preparation for Shattered Skies, who was going to break the seal for him. He sat back and relaxed, waiting for his benefactor

He had underestimated Shattered Skies; he knew that the reward for turning in a notorious forest Spirit would make him rich, so, during the week, Ahuizotl had gone through Canterlot's more shady channels to tell the Princess he could help her capture Shattered Skies in return for his amnesty from Tartarus.

Ahuizotl wasn’t prepared for Shattered Skies to arrive off schedule, however. “Shattered Skies, why are you early?”

“Early bird gets the worm?” Skies bantered.

Ahuizotl fidgeted, he knew if he failed Celestia, she would throw him into the deepest pit of Tartarus to suffer. Ahuizotl used his tail and signaled orders to the felines in the room. An act, although subtle, was noticed by Sif.

“You know he intends to-“ Sif was cut off by Skies wing.

“Yes, Sif.” Skies smiled before turning to Ahuizotl. “I think it’s time to break this seal.”

Ahuizotl thought his plan was going perfectly and played along. “Yes. It’s time for our partnership to become solidified. If you could, can you explain how you’re going to break this seal?”

Skies nodded. “Sure.” Skies walked over the massive marble doors and placed his claw against it, igniting the runes in a shimmering, cobalt blue. “The runes are thickest right here; they tap into the terrestrial magic lay lines that crisscross the entire planet, it’s much like the magic that dwells within most creatures, but more powerful. Unfortunately, the runes are so advanced that this seal can only be broken by the one who forged them.”

“But how will you get inside if you can’t break them?” Ahuizotl asked.

“I’m going the pull the runes apart enough to slip a root in, teleport in and push the doors open, where the seal is weakest. However, after about fifteen minutes the seal will strain and slam everything shut, so we will have to get in, steal what we can and get out. Once shut, the seal will learn about the breach and adapt itself. So one chance is all we got.” Skies waked a few feet to the right of the door and roots started clawing their way through the wall.

“Sif get everyone down here and ready them to storm the vault once opened.” Skies announced before waving Sif closer and whispered. “When the seal starts to quiver, he’ll make his move to trap us inside, position some wolves at a-”

“Yeah yeah, I know the deal.” Sif waved her paw.

“One more thing.” Skies put his foreclaw on Sif’s muzzle. “I sense our guest is still here. If you can have her captured when she moves, don’t attack.”

Sif nodded and watched Shattered Skies disappear into a root.

Shattered Skies emerged from the root into complete blackness, there was no vegetation to scan the room, but Skies could sense the vast size of the room. He summoned a few orbs of light to illuminate the nearby area. “Wow.”

The room stretched on, the only things he could see were artifacts and random mementos that the Princesses wanted to keep. The ends of the room, save the door, remained blanketed in darkness. He placed his claw on the door and reignited the runes, and this time they glowed amber. “Thought so.”

After scanning the runes, Skies sighed in relief. It was now clear why Celestia never emptied the vault. Luna knew she was unmatched in rune weaving and expected nothing to get past this seal. This was placed right after he was cut down, and he could still feel the cold magic of Nightmare Moon.

Skies prepared to open the door, but paused and looked back. “I should look around to see what takes priority.” As he walked, he looked closer at the items inside of the vault. Some of these artifacts would drive a curator mad with glee. He spotted three of mage Meadowbrook's eight enchanted items; The puzzle box that if solved could answer any one question the solver asks, the key that opens any locked door, and the lantern that casts light in the direction of anything the user seeks, be it living or inanimate.

The deeper he walked the more he saw. Historical relics like Princess Platinum’s crown, Chancellor Puddinghead’s hat, and Commander Hurricane’s helm. Celestia and Luna kept them many years ago to preserve the history of Equestria and to show the unity between Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi.

Even Tirek’s enchanted bag that held a dark heirloom from his father was there. It could contain any wild magic, but only to a point before it would leak out and corrupt the user. Skies lifted the bag and confirmed it was empty. He remembered hearing about Tirek, but was in another part of the world when he attacked the first time.

Even Grogar’s bell was here. The same one he would use during necromancy to order the undead around.

Shattered Skies stopped and his blood ran cold when his eyes saw a figure in the darkness. It wasn’t a pony, but a weapon held up on a rack, a black scythe.

“Why are you here?” Skies said to himself. Luna’s scythe was her favorite weapon and she spent many years learning to use it properly. She detested fighting, even if she was good at it. Between both sisters, Luna wanted to love and be loved in return, she wanted to teach ponies and live in peace, but during her many years she always found herself in battles. Luna once confided to Skies that she had wanted to dance again, but lost her passion for it.

Skies ran his claw over the still, ice cold scythe. The signs were there, he knew that she became depressed, but wrote it off as Luna being in a temporary funk and not falling to her dark side. He patted the scythe and moved on.

“Wait a second!” Skies laughed to himself and magicked Meadowbrook’s lantern to himself. He thought about the Sunset Effigy and the lantern ignited with a ghostly white glow with one tendril pointing straight ahead. “Ha, gotcha.”

Shattered Skies walked a little more and found the cursed item he sought, the Sunset Effigy; a golden crystal orb that shone brighter the closer a soul came to it. It had many layers that constantly moved in opposing directions and the only time they ever lined up to see the core was when it was taking a soul.

Skies hated this thing, its creation happened 20,000 years ago and it was still as much a mystery to the world today as it was then. It drove many to madness and only one pony figured out how to use it to prolong their life, Sombra. He remembered the first time he met Sombra, before he was corrupted.

Memories flooded his mind.

King Sombra wasn’t always evil. Like many stories, he was an orphan for his entire life, despite the empire efforts to put him in a loving home. Princess Amore took a liking to him and opened an account, she would secretly funnel money to for his education.

Shattered Skies first heard about this colt when Princess Amore wrote to him, urging him to come to the Empire and that somepony needed help she couldn't provide.

Due to the lack of forests connecting Equestria to the Crystal Empire, Skies was forced to travel via train. Princess Amore was a large pink Unicorn who ruled her empire with kindness. She seemed almost frantic to Skies, even though her royal demeanor tried to convey otherwise.

“What’s wrong? You didn’t specify in your letter who needed my help or what they were afflicted with.” Skies said. Amore knew Shattered Skies was good at finding solutions for challenging issues, especially in regards to health often using the plants and animals he watched over for ingredients.

Princess Amore winced before trotting off toward a large building that read ‘Crystal General.’ “Please follow me.”

“Want to explain what’s going on now, Amore?” Skies followed close, they were old friends and he knew when something had shaken her to the core.

She stopped at the front of the hospital. “A few years ago, a colt named Sombra became ill during the crystal faire. I didn’t know about it until the next day when my court advisor informed me. He is fine every day of the year until we start setting up the faire. We’ve tried for years to figure out what’s wrong with him, but this year it got a lot worse. I finally caved and asked you to come, since you’re the best healer I know.”

“Then you should have contacted me sooner. Take me to him.” Skies said.

Without another word, Amore escorted him to the correct room and halted at the door. She knocked gingerly and waited for permission to enter. Usually royalty would barge in, but Amore was too kind.

When nopony answered, Amore opened the door and looked back at Skies. “They’re asleep.”

Skies followed Amore into the room and found a small lavender filly with a light blue mane draped over a dark colt. The mare held onto the stallion tightly while he shivered and sweat profusely.

“We need to wake them up, now.” Skies said.

Amore nodded and shook the sleeping pair gently, waking them. They both jumped when they saw the Princess so close while in such a intimate situation, they both blushed. Princess Amore smiled. “I see you two slept well.”

Hope smiled sheepishly before noticing the pony standing in the corner. Her eyes lit up. “Is that Shattered Skies?”

“Yes, he is an old friend of mine who is here to help.” The Princess said. She turned to Skies. “Skies, this is Hope and Sombra. Hope, Sombra, this is Shattered Skies.”

Hope waved and tried to talk, but mumbled instead. “Um, hi. I like your antlers.”

Sombra smiled and tried to greet the Spirit, but the pain he felt threatened to send him falling over.

Shattered Skies smiled at the young mare. “I would be more than happy to talk to you later, but I need to help this one.”

The mare smiled and nodded before grabbing Sombra’s hoof. “I’ll be outside, Shattered Skies will help you, I know it.”

Sombra nodded and squeezed Hope’s hoof weekly.

Shattered Skies approached Sombra’s bedside and sat down. “Sombra, there is something I need to ask you before we start.”

“Sombra will answer any question you ask.” Sombra answered.

“To understand what is going on, I need to bite you and consume some blood. Nothing is ever a quick fix, however, I’ll have some idea what’s going on. Is this okay?” Skies said seriously. “It won’t be much, but enough for you to feel it.”

Sombra shied away slightly. He was a little scared of the prospect of having his blood consumed, but he wanted to stop hurting so he could go and enjoy the faire with Hope. “Okay, Sombra agrees.”

The small, grey stallion held out a hoof which was then held by Skies’ claw before he bit down into the colt’s flesh making him yelp.

The instant the blood touched Shattered Skies tongue, dark images flashed through his vision and a pair of sinister green eyes stared at him from behind jet black hair that was obscuring a face. Skies squeezed his eyes shut and dismissed the images.

“What did you see Skies?” Amore asked.

Shattered Skies looked out the window to the crystal heart that pulsed purifying light. There was no mistaking it; this colt was infected with something that was trying to corrupt him. Skies bit his lip. I can’t cure him.

Sombra’s eyes started to water when he saw the Spirit’s hesitation. Skies put his claw on Sombra’s head. “Don’t worry; I’m going to help you.”

Skies stood up. “Nurse.”

“Yes, my lord?” The nurse answered.

“I’ve drawn blood so Sombra will be a little light headed. Giving him sugary food will help him get over it.” Skies winked at Sombra, who smiled weakly in return. “Extra cookies.”

“Did you help, Shattered Skies?” Hope asked.

“Hope, nothing is ever a quick fix. I need to study this, but I promise to help him.”

Hope smiled and hugged his leg. “Thank you.”

Skies patted her on the head and left the room with Princess Amore in tow. “I need to return home and study this, until then give him tea with dry, granulated Jewelweed and make sure he has two cups every day until the faire is over. He’ll hate it, but it should dull the pain. Give him cookies to offset the taste.”

Princess Amore smiled. “Thank you for coming.”

“Don’t thank me. Thank my wife. I came here as soon as I did at her behest.” Skies stopped and bopped Amore on the nose. “I’ll have you know we were preparing to surprise you.”

“Oh? And what were you and my best friend going to do?” Amore chuckled.

“Well, Crystal said to tell you when I got here since making the trip is impossible for her now.” Skies teased.

“Good, I like when my surprises happen sooner, rather than later.” Amore pushed Skies. “Now spit it out.”

“It happened a few months ago and we were unsure how to tell you, but... Crystal’s pregnant.” Skies said eagerly.

“What? How is she pregnant?” Amore stared at her brother in law with disbelief. Spirits were unable to conceive a child, unless the Maker gave them the ability to.

“It’s a long story, but we decided we wanted a foal and bam, pregnant.” Skies said before being assaulted by the giddy Princess.

“I'm going to be an aunt? Yes!” Amore started rubbing her cheeks in a circular fashion, almost unable to contain herself. “How pregnant is she? Has she started having weird cravings and mood swings?”

“Super pregnant. She's a porpoise.” Skies said monotonously before face-hoofing. “And yes.”

“Oh come on, it isn’t that bad, is it?” Amore asked sheepishly. She remembered how fiery her sister could get.

“Yes, yes it is.” Skies chuckled. “You don’t know what it’s like to be woken up at three in the morning to a crying, pregnant mare who demands that you, a hard working forest Spirit, march down the local deli to get her a sandwich that only they can make. Imagine waking the deli owner and having to explain, and keep quiet, the fact that; A.) Your wife is pregnant and B.) She wants a two foot long sandwich with pickles, thin mints, bacon, and mustard with root beer to dip it in.”

Amore hugged Shattered Skies. “I’m so happy for you both.”

Amore sat and put Skies head in her hooves. “So tell me everything. Do you know what the baby will be?”

Shattered Skies smiled. “Yes, we're going to have a little filly.”

“And her name?” Amore smiled in excitement.

Shattered Skies smiled. “That’s a surprise. Though Crystal and I know you’ll love it.”

Skies stood still, looking at the Effigy on its pedestal. The memory blurred out of his eyes. Sombra committed many crimes when he forcibly took the throne and imprisoned Amore. Rumors arose that Sombra turned Amore into a crystal statue and scattered her pieces so she couldn’t ever be whole again. He wronged many, but nopony more so than Shattered Skies.

Skies heard a loud pounding on the stone door from across the chasm.

“Hey, can you hurry up?” Sif roared. No doubt she was making it uncomfortable for Ahuizotl with her bellyaching.

Shattered Skies unceremoniously tore the Effigy from its place and made his way to the door, laughing the entire way. Magic started to radiate off of his antlers with a smoky, silver hue. Skies sat in front of the door and clapped his claws together, speaking in ancient Equus to form an orb of rune magic. Hopefully Luna left the backdoor she usually does.

A ball of blue light spun in his claw right before he slammed it into Luna’s rune lock, making it strain with fiery red light. After a moment, the door creaked and moved. Dust came falling from the top of the door and air came rushing into the vault.

“Alright, priority goes all the books, Meadowbrook’s items, Tirek’s bag, Gragor’s bell, and anything else with a magical signature.” Skies barked, sending all the wolves rushing in as swiftly as their paws could carry them.

Sif eyed the lantern on Skies hip. “Is that the Wayfinder Lantern?”

Skies turned to the side. “Yes, there is a trove of artifacts in there.” He could sense the mare in the rafters becoming anxious. He knew he needed to coax her more. “With these items, we could take Equestria. Tonight.”

“I see you do not disappoint, Shattered Skies.” Ahuizotl stood at an angle, placing Skies between him and the vault.

Skies gave Ahuizotl a hard look. Ahuizotl was in his prime while Skies was still gaining his strength. If Ahuizotl pushed Skies as the door shut then he would be a sitting duck until Luna arrived to open the door.

Wolves cycled in and out with boxes and scrolls, the piled everything in the main chamber so they wouldn’t be as restrained by the dwindling time that they had.

Ahuizotl held his hand out. “The Sunset Effigy. It’s what we agreed on.”

Skies didn’t even need to sense where the mare was, she would be upon them the instant the Effigy rolled into Ahuizotl’s hand. However, the second it did, Ahuizotl’s ear twitched. He spun around and grabbed the swooping mare by the neck.

“Aha! Daring Do!” Ahuizotl seethed.

“Ahuizotl!” Daring Do yelled as she kicked her legs.

Shattered Skies looked between the two; it was obvious they hated each other. Ahuizotl started to monologue about taking over the world and she responded with sayings like ‘I’ll stop you’ and ‘you’ll never get away with this.’

“What’s the meaning of this, Ahuizotl?” Skies asked rhetorically. “Do you aim to betray me?”

Everything went still.

“W-What do you mean?” Ahuizotl asked wearily.

“I meant what I asked. Do you mean to betray me?” Skies asked again, before walking around Ahuizotl.

“Surely I don’t know what you mean.” Ahuizotl moved, putting Skies between him and the door again.

“You said you had the castle secured and then this happens.” Skies pointed to Daring Do. She only starred in back in silence.

“This is my arch-” Ahuizotl was cut off by Sif scoffing.

“This looks like a trick.” Sif’s large, predatory eyes bore into Ahuizotl from the shadows. “No doubt she would steal the Effigy and Ahuizotl would blame you for the incident before demanding the rest of the loot.”

“That is preposterous you mangy mutt!” Ahuizotl yelled.

Sif and Ahuizotl went back and forth, buying Skies time to grow roots below Ahuizotl and his felines, who paid too much attention to their master to notice.

“Fine.” Skies tapped his claw on the floor and looked directly at Daring Do. “If neither Ahuizotl nor I summoned you, what are you really doing here?”

“I’m here to stop you from taking over Equus!” She yelled at Ahuizotl. “I won’t let the world fall to a maniac!”

She looked at Shattered Skies. “You’re better than this!”

Interesting. Skies thought before he heard the vault doors starting to strain.

Daring Do noticed as well and stared into Skies’ golden eyes before pointing at the doors. “He’s going to push you in and seal you!”

Ahuizotl and his felines leapt, but flew past Skies and the wolves. They landed inside the vault with a series harsh thuds, the roots that threw them still sticking out of the floor.

Daring Do flew into the vault with Ahuizotl and his minions, but Skies grabbed her with a root as the doors shut so she wouldn’t go all the way inside.

Ahuizotl scurried to get up and run for the door. He knew if he got stuck, Celestia would catch him and make him pay by sending him to Tartarus. “No! Shattered Skies, I will get my-”

The doors slammed and Skies looked to Sif. “How did we do?”

“We got most of the items you asked for; we’ll need to get back in for the rest.” Sif said.

“Nope, they can only be opened by Luna now, remember?” Skies asked rhetorically. “Not even Meadowbrook’s Key will break a seal like that.”

“What about her?” Sif gestured to Daring Do.

“We let her go.” Skies said firmly.

“Let her go?” Sif asked in disbelief. “She’ll fly right to Celestia-”

“Who already knows that I am alive.” Skies said while glancing at Daring Do. She looked put off by Shattered Skies decision. The root that held her placed her gently on the ground and released her. She slowly stood, eyes locked onto Shattered Skies.

“Why did you release me?” Daring asked.

“Since I’ve returned, I’ve been called things like a soul eating monster and a vile corruptor.” Skies said plainly. “Most would have let me get trapped. Why did you warn me?”

Daring bit her lip. “I don’t like that bag of cats.”

Skies chuckled. “Yes, he always rubbed mortals the wrong way.”

“So all Spirits do know each other?” Daring asked.

“More or less. He was a bog Spirit, but was punished for drowning fishermen. His eccentric side came out shortly afterwards. Now back to business. Why did you warn me?”

Daring was unsure what he meant and was about to start talking when Skies continued. “You said ‘you’re better than this.’ What did you mean?”

Daring smiled. “You want to know why I’m not afraid of you.”

Shattered Skies nodded.

“I guess I should introduce myself.” Daring said. “I’m Daring Do, I’m an archeologist.”

Shattered Skies bowed slowly. It was obvious that Daring was still debating whether or not to trust him. “Shattered Skies; Warden of forests.”

Daring Do looked the Spirit up and down cautiously. “You know, most ponies think you’re a myth. Or dead.”

“My death has been greatly exaggerated.” Skies annoyed tone seeped through. “So was my life.”

Daring squinted slightly. “Was it?”

“Yes. I have only recently returned and I am trying to fix my reputation.” Skies asked.

Daring smiled. “My uncle would love to hear that.”

“And why is that?”

Daring took her hat off and removed a picture from the brim. “My uncle, Gallant True, always insisted that the Princess was hiding something and that many of the stories about the Spirits were fabricated, but that’s a story for another time.” Daring replaced the photo. “However, he was smitten with you when he learned the truth.”

“And what would the truth be, Ms. Do?” Skies looked down at the brazen explorer.

“You aren’t evil and nor is your companion, Sif.” Daring asserted. “I’ve met Spirits on my travels like Lady Gale, Golden Heart and Flowing Streams.”

“Lady Gale, Golden Heart and Flowing Streams?” Skies eyes opened wide. “How do you know them?”

“Everytime I get in way over my head, one of them have jumped in to help me. For example; there was this giant snow creature in Yakyakistan that chased me off when I was digging for artifacts.” Daring said.

Skies and Sif made eye contact. “Arctic Wind.” They spoke in unison.

“Huh?” Daring questioned.

“Was it a giant white ape-wolf thing?” Skies asked.


“That’s the Arctic Wind, he deals with anything cold.” Skies said to a giddy Daring Do who was scribbling inside of a notebook. “For a mare so untrusting, you seem pretty excited.”

Daring tapped her quill in the side of her notebook. “I don’t trust anypony off the bat, but you did save me. I never took my uncle seriously until I met an actual Spirit and now that I’ve met his poster stallion for Spirits, I need to talk to him before I can bring myself to fully trust you.”

“Fair enough.”

Daring smirked. “Good, now how many Spirits are there?”

“I don’t know.” Skies said quietly. “Before I was cut down, there were eight guardian Spirits left. As for the Elementals and the Lesser Spirits?” Skies shook his head. “There is no longer a way to bring them together. Your Princess saw to that.”

Daring squinted. “She is no Princess of mine.”

“Oh?” Sif asked in surprise. “I thought all ponies worshipped her blindly.”

“All but the ones who know the truth.” Daring said calmly. “I know how she banished many of the Spirits who disagreed with her. I have traveled with Flowing Rivers a lot and one night she told me everything.”

“I’m guessing she mentioned me?” Skies asked.

Daring Do nodded. “Many Spirits are really upset with what Celestia has spread about you. She has banned any references to Spirits being anything but myth and even has gone so far as to have all my artifacts screened the instant I reenter the country.” She gritted her teeth and cursed under her breath.

Shattered Skies stared at Daring Do, wondering if anypony felt the same as her. Fed up. “How is River anyway?”

“She’s well. She thinks you’re dead, she said they all do.” Daring nodded and looked him over. “But here you are in all your glory.”

“Yes, my glory.” Shattered Skies said before hold up the Effigy. “I’m guessing you want this.”

Daring nodded. “Yes.”

“River tell you what it is?”

Daring nodded again. “Yes.”

“She told you what this did to my wife and little girl?”

Daring cringed and only nodded, failing to maintain eye contact with Skies’ burning mirrors. A moment of silence passed and the Sunset Effigy rolled over to Daring’s hooves, startling her. “You’re giving it to me?”

Sif stared at Skies. “Yeah, you’re giving it to her?”

Shattered Skies walked silently to the exit and waited. “Yes. She is sound of mind and I trust she will watch over it and never use it.” Skies looked over his shoulder to Daring. “Come.”

The walk out of the castle was silent, every step felt longer than the last. The second they passed the gate into the courtyard, Skies glanced at Daring. “You seem like a knowledgeable mare.”

“Thank you.” Daring accepted the compliment.

“Daring, may I ask you a question and ask for an honest answer?” Daring Do nodded. “You have kept River’s identity a secret, yes?”

Daring nodded. “Yes. She said it was sacred and something that only a few ponies should ever know.”

“She told you the truth. If a creature knows your identity, then they can rob you of your privacy. We have secret identities so we can lead somewhat normal lives. Do you understand?” Skies said.

“Yes, but I don’t see where you’re going with this.” Daring deadpanned.

“Put simply. If River trusts you, then so shall I.” Skies said and shrunk down to transform into Skyfall. “Spirits have few friends these days. I respect River’s judgment, so you must have done something to earn her trust.”

Daring Do smiled, remembering when River rescued her from being stranded on an uncharted island filled with insane creatures. Daring looked down at the Effigy. “So, what now?”

“That’s up to you.” Sky said. He turned and started walking in the direction where his estate was. “Either way, that artifact must never fall into the wrong hooves, unless you want another disaster to happen.”

Daring spread her wings and took off into the air, wincing at the ache in her left wing. She realized she must have sprained it when Skies pulled her from the vault.

Sky heard the uneven beat of her wings and caught on quickly. “If your wing is hurt then you shouldn’t use it.”

Daring landed and noticed the Skyfall’s expression become grim.

“We need to go.” Skyfall stomped on the ground, summoning one of Sif’s wolves. He started stomping on the ground again and again to hurry the wolf.

Quiet came running out of the castle moments later. “Yes, my lord?”

“Run, tell Sif that our guests came early and to take the long way home!” Skyfall yelled. “Sprint!”

Quiet rushed away, yelling the same order again causing the wolves to scatter into different routes.

Daring tilted her head in confusion. “What’s going on?”

Skyfall looked over Daring Do, she would be caught now that her wing was injured and Celestia would undoubtedly imprison her for treason if she were caught with the Sunset Effigy. “You’re coming home with me.”

“Well, this is a little soon. I mean, we just met and you haven’t even bought me a drink.” Daring said nonchalantly. Skyfall didn’t respond to Daring’s jest. “What’s wrong?”

Skyfall felt Celestia standing in front of the entrance to the Everfree, waiting. “Celestia arrived early. I thought I could trick her, but she anticipated me arriving early.”

“Okay, we’re wasting time then. Lead the way.” Daring said before following Sky into the darkness of the forest without another word.

A large red stallion paced back and forth impatiently, waiting for the Elements of Harmony, the nation’s heroes. “Where are they? It’s been thirty minutes since they were summoned.”

“We are early, Captain Fury.” Celestia said calmly. “They will be here soon and this entire ordeal will be behind us.”

“If you say so, Princess.” Captain Fury said as he glared at the approaching group of mares. “Princess, don’t you think it would have been better to bring Princess Luna along instead of the Elements?”

“We’ve had this discussion, captain. You and the court have pressed this matter since learning about his return. Luna isn’t ready to face that monster yet.” Celestia said firmly.

“Yes, Princess.” Fury said. One of the Wonderbolt’s elite flyers landed next to him, ready to report. “Fleetfoot. I hope you have good news.”

“Sorry, Sir, but we haven’t seen much. Some wolves were walking out of the castle and took off toward the lake before disappearing in the tree line.” Fleetfoot said. “We found tracks of felines and canines leading in along with something else.”

“Something else?” Fury asked, amused at the mare’s curiosity.

“Yes sir. It had weird tracks with three large toes on each leg.” Fleetfoot removed her goggles. “Sir, if I may, what are we dealing with here?”

“Classified.” Fury said angrily and dismissed Fleetfoot. “Now leave and join the others.”

Princess Celestia glanced at her captain of the royal guard. “Captain Fury, you should be calmer.”

“Sorry, Princess. I just want to take this Spirit down.” Fury said, shifting in his gold plated armor.

Celestia looked at the forest and scowled. “So do I, Captain.”

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. There is no excuse other than Fallout 4 has kidnapped me. No demands have been stated at this time.


But really, it's been a busy couple weeks. Please show some love by commenting on the story if ya want. Me, buck, and Pwn Ease love feedback.

If you liked it we love you :yay:

Sombra backstory.

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