• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,432 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 38 -Preparations-


"You look cheerful." Twilight said as Skyfall descended his large stairwell, chuckling between whispers, obviously speaking to himself. She looked to her friends and waved at Skyfall to get his attention. "Sky, we're here to speak with you about something."

"As I guessed from everyone's sudden appearance at my home." Skyfall called, examining his guests. He stopped once he arrived at the foot of his stairwell briefly. "If you could, I am a bit busy today-" He noticed Sunset puff up with anger, but he put up a placating hoof. "-which means that there are some things I must attend to before I can talk to you about Sunset's mirror dimension. Rest assured that I will speak with you about it at length before you all leave. Until then, you have free reign of the house with the exclusion of my office and the kitchen drawer closest to the fridge."

Satisfied smiles graced the ponies in the room at Skyfall's change in demeanor.

"Now if you will excuse me, there is someone I need to speak with." Sky mumbled as he took a hallway just left of the stairs and through a small archway where Inko was resting, reading a hunting magazine. "Enjoying yourself, Inko?"

"More or less." Innocence groaned.

Skyfall huffed as he pushed through the extremely heavy back door before fighting with the swinging screen door Cadance insisted on installing. "I know you don't like our intrusive company, but it helps to at least try and be nice."

As Sky exited the house, he saw Scootaloo eavesdropping on an intense scene. She was crouched at the woodline so that she would not be seen, but far enough so she wouldn't be attacked.

"So the day has come to slay the vile beast! The devil's brethren!" The warrior roared as he bore his sword and shield against his foes. "Unleash thee!"

The monsters rushed toward the armor clad hero before colliding with his shield, shaking his body to the core and sending each leg into scalding pain from the pressure. He threw one snarling cur back and slashed downward, but to no avail. He stepped away, his heart beating while all the time being watched by poor little Scootaloo.

"Oh you sour beast!" He rushed the monster's line and swung wildly after jumping into the group of glowing eyed cretins. "You... swine of the darkness!"

Two of the creatures bite each leg and dragged him to his knees while another stripped him of his shield with a mighty swipe before taking favor to his shoulder, biting down, weakening his fighting spirit.

"I've long awaited this blood orgy!" He roared as he fought with the last of his strength. He glared at his foes and fell. "Ah! Fool!"

Skyfall raised an eyebrow at the young warrior's actions, but Scootaloo just awe'd, she couldn't hear what he did, all she heard was the mewling of kittens, staring on as a kitten covered in leaves pounced around before his siblings tackled him.

"I see you found the kittens that live behind my house." Skyfall whispered, scaring Scootaloo.

Scootaloo held a hoof to her chest and took a deep breath. "I didn't hear you."

"Are you ready?"

"I think?" Scootaloo said. "But I don't know what to do."

Sky nodded. "Show me what you've tried."

In place of any words, Scootaloo crouched down and leapt into the air before flapping her wings as hard as she possibly could. She flapped her wings so that they spent more time on the downdraft then in full movement to compensate for their weakness. Unfortunately, she was too large for it to work. He examined the movement closer and it was now clear that while they may have been on the small side, that wasn't her main issue. Her main issue was the lack of muscle in the wing.

When her hooves touched the ground, her wings petered out and laid at her sides while she panted.

"I notice you don't flap like a regular Pegasus, why is that?"

"It doesn't give me enough lift." Scootaloo said plainly.

"And let me guess, that method of flapping used to work, but the older you get, the worse it gets?" Skyfall knelt down and examined her wings closer, lifting and stretching them to confirm his thoughts.

"That's right!" Scootaloo lite up. "Can you help?"

Skyfall tisked. "Flying like that, you will never get more than a few feet off the ground. And with the size of your wings, you'd be faster walking."


"Flying like that will get you no where." Skyfall rubbed his eyes. "Who taught you?"

"R-Rainbow Dash."

Skyfall deadpanned. "She- One moment."

Like a bull in a china shop, Skyfall turned and entered his house. He looked in the large gathering room where Rarity sipped tea, her expression soured upon seeing him, clearly upset at being back-seated at the Gala. He stopped and heard Rainbow in the kitchen with Applejack and Fluttershy.

"-I know that's what you said and I can respect that, Applejack, but if it isn't official then I have to at least try. I don't mean to muscle in on you, Fluttershy, but you aren't official, right?"

Skyfall could surmise what they were speaking about, but tact was not in the agenda today. "Rainbow!"

"Ah, Skyfall." Rainbow stammered.

"Oh hey, Sky." Applejack coughed. "Didn't know you were there."

"No time, Rainbow, back yard. Now." Skyfall said curtly as he turned, but not before giving a conflicted look to Fluttershy. Not an angry look, but one that spoke volumes at a glance. He could piece together the topic of their conversation, but Fluttershy's lack of eye contact bothered him. She knew that in the presence of their friends, things must remain a secret. However, eye contact, or in this case a lack there of, felt like a sign.

Before long, Skyfall sat outside, tapping his hoof impatiently.

"What's up?" Rainbow Dash said as she flew to Sky and Scootaloo. "Hey, kiddo, I didn't know you were here."

"Scootaloo told me that you've tried to teach her flying and stunt working." Skyfall rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Since you're more familiar with her flying than I am and you're a professional flyer, could you to help her with a flying regimen?"

Rainbow's mood of restrained speech melted. "We've tried for years. I'm pretty sure Scootaloo has mentioned that little factoid."

"She hasn't, but it's something I can surmise on my own." Skyfall said.

Rainbow leaned in so Scootaloo couldn't hear. "What are you trying to do to her? I know that you aren't dumb, but you can be cruel. You better not be trying to use her to anger me, because so help me I'll-"

Skyfall planted a hoof in Rainbow's chest and put enough pressure into his massive shoe to force her to her haunches. "Down, Rainbow. This is to help Scootaloo, nothing more."

"Nothing more?" Rainbow asked with a pointed glare.

"She sought out my help. I have trouble flying as I'm sure you and the rest of Ponyville guessed from day one." Skyfall's monotonous voice struck a cord with Rainbow, causing her to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Stay or go, your choice." Skyfall turned to Scootaloo and waited for a response from Rainbow.

"If it's for Scootaloo, then I'm going to stay."

"You will?!" Scootaloo bellowed as she buzzed her wings, sending her into a hover.

"Of course, Scooter." Rainbow smiled.

"What are we going to do first?" Scootaloo asked. "Run?"

"Do you want to?" Rainbow asked.

Skyfall raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you learn how to use your wings first?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes again. "Every good flyer knows that the first things every Pegasus should do before conducting any extended wing training is go for a light job to get the blood flowing to the deeper veins in the wings."

"Huh." Skyfall said. "I didn't know that. I always figured learning technique first was better."

"Probably all that secret agent stuff you have going on." Rainbow jabbed at Skyfall's anonymity regarding his life. "Want to come?"

"I run in the morning, should you two find yourselves here around six, then yes, but as for now, you two go on ahead and I'll see you when you return." Skyfall glanced to the house and sighed. "I have some business I should catch up on."

"We'll go for a run, if we can't find you when we return, we'll just train without you." Rainbow stated emotionlessly, showing her seriousness. "I'll fill you in, whenever."

"Okay." Sky nodded as he leaned in to Rainbow, putting his head next to hears to whisper in her ear. "Pay particular attention to her wing rotations, make sure she does that."

She fought a giggle at his voice's vibration. "Why?"

"Because." Skyfall said. "What I want her to learn in the future needs the maneuvering muscles to be worked up. Her downward wing muscles are too weak, however her rotation muscles are perfect."

Rainbow huffed and turned her head to Skyfall, remaining mere inches away from his face. "No, I know a thing or two about Equestrian flying as well as thestral tactics and that will end up being useless."

"How long have you trained her?"

"Huh?" Rainbow cocked her head.

"You've trained her for a few years, right?"

"Well, yeah. Ever since I got a job working for the weather factory."

"Then try this my way." Skyfall gave a genuine smile as he passed and spoke loud enough for Scootaloo to hear. "Start looking at flying in a different way."

Rainbow chuckled and trotted past Scootaloo. "Come on, Scooter, ready to step up?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo shouted as she broke out into a gallop followed closely by Rainbow.

"Step up?" Skyfall asked no one. "Odd turn of phrase."

For a moment, Skyfall watched as Rainbow and her running companion fell into the distance. He quietly stood and his mind wondered to the ponies of ponyville whose lives were fleeting. He bit his lip; was it better to help one pony or give more time to doing something to help all?

"I think she's afraid that she isn't good enough for Scootaloo." A voice spoke from the open door in front of Skyfall, dragging his attention away."

"Sunset Shimmer?" Skyfall smirked.

"Hey." Sunset smiled. "Just thought I'd come say hi, that's when you stopped in front of the door."

"She's lying. She's been staring at you since you exited with Rainbow." Inko said from beneath the mountain of pillows on the other side of the room, startling Sunset.

"Thanks Inko." Skyfall chuckled.

Sunset coughed quietly, trying to suppress a boisterous smile.

"So, now that you're caught red hoofed, what is it you're so eager to talk about?" Skyfall avoided the awkward situation for Sunset's benefit. "If you're seeking me out independent of the others, it's because you have something private to discuss."

"Kind of." Sunset mumbled as she winced.

Skyfall nodded. "Then let us head to the waterfall near the lake, we won't have eavesdroppers there."

Sunset stepped off to follow Skyfall after he turned from her, neither of them saw the devious look Sif gave Inko as she entered the room.



Both Inko and Sif tore out of the room to exit the front door and gallop around the side, giggling at their antics. They flanked Skyfall and began to crouch so they wouldn't be seen.

"Okay, this is good enough." Eagerness flowed over Sunset, causing her to trot in front of Skyfall halfway to the waterfall, throwing him off guard. She stared at him and got uncomfortably close.

"O-Okay." Skyfall said, making his confusion clear. "Any reason you're like an inch from my face?"

Sunset opened her eyes wider, having not realized she was invading personal space and backed away far enough so they could talk and not have to flinch from one another's breath. "Sorry." She paused and organized her thoughts. "I wanted to talk to you alone."

Skyfall looked over his shoulder and back to Sunset and chuckled. "Yes, that's why we walked from the house to here."

"Shh." Sunset smacked Skyfall's shoulder. "I wanted to talk with you about coming to my world."

"I thought we decided that."

Sunset sighed. "Alone. Only with me."

Skyfall deadpanned.

"I know it sounds a little weird."

"Bit more than a little." Skyfall said. It was clear to him that this wasn't a talk warning him about how different her world is and sat against a nearby tree, its enormous trunk and tall roots hide them from prying eyes. "I thought you had decided among yourselves that You, me, Twilight, and Fury were going with two more possible team members coming."

"I know." Sunset sighed as she too had a seat under the multistory tree. "But with the rising tensions between Equestria and Shattered Skies, Fury thinks that putting so many big pieces of the game board into one move is too much."

"Does he still think we're going to your world to look for a way to undo Shattered Skies?"

Sunset looked to her side and met Skyfall's accusing gaze.

"Or are you still keeping your hunt for the trapped Spirits on the down low?"

"Am I that transparent?" Sunset asked as she rested her forehead on her hoof.

"No, you just seem dedicated in your dogged pursuit of finding something to bring Shattered Skies in." Skyfall said. "Between you and Twilight, you like to physically try things where as Twilight works from the theoretical."

"Well, I do like to roll my sleeves up and get my hooves dirty." Sunset shrugged. "I'm dedicated to finding solutions to problems, even if they aren't my own.

"I can tell, if your persistent demands to talk to me are anything to go by." Sky chortled. "I saw you stampeding around the base to look for me. Had you waited patiently, I would have met with you more."

"So Desert was lying, you were in your office all those times I came to the guard barracks."

"Of course I was, but Desert knows the penalty for betraying her superior commander." Skyfall defended against Sunset's playful hoof strikes. "Hey, Sunset, I have a question about the mirror."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I remember reading from one of the letters the Princess sent me that the mirror has a time frame, what is it?"

Sunset tapped her head and remembered. "Once a month, it opens for three days. If we miss the time frame, we're stuck for almost a full month."

The mid-day sun hung high, casting shadows that danced all around them as they sat silently for a moment. Memories of what Owlicious said bubbled to the top in Skyfall's mind. Even he could see that he was backed into a corner strategically, should he accompany Sunset Shimmer like he was expected to, then that leaves the possibility that something would happen, preventing him from keeping Farhaven's names clear when Fury and his siblings attack, but on the other side, if he backs out, then it's too apparent that he knows something.

So the question is, should he go, or stay.

"Sunset, I'll go with you to your world, but we go, we must keep it a secret, even to the others." Skyfall said softly. "To clarify, we-"

"-Need to keep our departure a secret so we aren't followed." Sunset Shimmer said, winking at Skyfall. "I was going to bring that up too, it makes our chances of being followed very small."

"Good. Oh, before we go. There are a few things we need when we get on your side." Skyfall patted his body and sighed. "The list is in my study. Either way, we'll need some equipment and clothing, chances are it won't be that easy to find Spirits right out of the gate."

"I know someone that can help with some of it, but we'll need to go over so she can meet you." Sunset chuckled. "I think you'll find a few of our friends have some uncanny counterparts on the other side."

"Excellent." Skyfall smirked. "Now, let's go have this 'meeting' where you spring your human world on me."

Sunset widened her eyes, but chuckled when Skyfall winked back at her.

"Don't think you can come to my place without me knowing some of the reason you're here." Skyfall chuckled and silently thanked Akia for the intelligence regarding the mirror.

Sunset hurried up and closed the distance between the them as Sky walked back the house. As they rounded the bend in the path, Twilight and the others were standing by the back door.

"There you are!" Appejack called as she was the first to spot the two.

"Sorry!" Skyfall apologized loudly. "Sunset heard my waterfall and since I like it so much I wanted to show her."

"Nice save." Sunset whispered.

"Thank you." Sky chuckled.

"I take it you want to get to business?" Skyfall looked at Twilight as he passed. She raised an eye brow, sure he was about to run away from her.

"I do, and it's kind of urgent."

"Then to my office." Skyfall boomed as he led the group inside and up into his study, avioding many of the piles of boxes that had the word classified written across the lid. One by one, they trickled in and as Applejack passed she chuckled.

"By the way, Sky. The Clydes showed up last night with their ambassador, Maddie."

"She's a firecracker isn't she?" Skyfall asked.

"Oh yeah, she certainly is a hoof full." Applejack smiled.

"Ah-hem." Twilight coughed into her fetlock. Something was obviously on her mind as she moved to tap her hoof on the chair she sat in. "If you don't mind, there are some things that need to be addressed. Immediately."

Skyfall saw the scrolls under Twilight's wing and rolled his eyes. He moved through the room and sat at his desk, giving Pinkie Pie the daily crossword as he did so, much to her silent thanks.

"Explain this." Twilight plopped down the first of her concerns in the form of a Foster Child request scroll. "This is disgusting."

Skyfall grabbed the scroll and read the information laid therein. Instantly he recognized Desert's hoofwriting. He glanced at the small pile of papers by the seething Princess before him and knew that if they came with this form, then it was the result of the internal investigation that he ordered on Scootaloo's father, Long Shift.

"It's a request for the removal of one Scootaloo from the Shift household." Skyfall turned the scroll in a flippant manner. "What about it?"

"How can you do this!" Twilight barked, slamming her hoof down. "You have no right to remove her from her father, you have no right to just dictate somepony's life."

Skyfall lit a candle and started to incinerate the letter, much to Twilight's irritation. "You're right Twilight, this letter is wrong. I see now that it was asking for the removal of a filly from her only father."

Twilight's breath caught in her throat.

"If you would, please let me see the internal investigation packet you have and while you do that, you can read that letter from the mayor." Skyfall reached for the packet and pointed to a loosely rolled scroll on the nearby bookcase. "Yeah, the one with the three broke seals. It's next to the book, 'Leading From The Front.'"

Skyfall broke the confidentiality seal and began to read the report that began like most inquiry requests, just a great amount of ceremony and explaining who was present during the separate meetings and interviews. With three solid skims of the pages, Skyfall reached the back of Desert's evaluation and read her end of report summary.

Guard Unit: Ponyville Defense Garrison Document status: (C)

Commanding Officer: Skyfall Rank: Captain
Officer requesting evaluation: Skyfall Rank: Captain
Officer conducting Evaluation: Desert Rank: Lieutenant
Subject/s under investigation: Shift Rank: Guard

Reason/s for evaluation: Pattern of physical abuse accompanied with substance abuse. Multiple reports of adultery while on duty. Multiple reports of falsifying documents. Multiple reports of harassment. One count of impersonating a superior officer. One count of posing as a clergy member. One count of being absent without leave.

Sustained: Yes By whom: Skyfall Rank: Captain

Findings: I, Lieutenant Desert, conducted this investigation between the dates established in the narrative of this investigation. I find that Shift is guilty of all of the aforementioned accusations. I find that he is competent for duty, Upon authority of the evaluating Officer, I will drop all charges once monetary and labor compensation is fulfilled, withholding two; see below.

Should he fulfill rehabilitation courses and various community outreach programs for no less than one hundred and four consecutive weeks then he will be cleared of all charges. If at any time he fails to adhere to the final judgement passed by Captain Skyfall, he will serve the full time of two years in a military work camp and custody of one or all foals will be rested from him.

The other withheld charge and far more concerning issue is regarding the abuse of one, Scootaloo, daughter to Long Shift. I interviewed the foal and after some questioning, she stated that due to his abuse of substance, he is violent and holds her responsible for various acts she did not or could not perform. The filly is smart for her age and loves her father, but understands he father is sick. It is this Officer's belief that past trauma coupled with diverting blame and substance abuse is at fault here and see no reason to remove the child, pending Long Shift's compliance to the programs. Shift is ordered to appear before the company commander where he will be stripped of rank, punished, and have final judgement passed down upon him.

Additional notes: It should be noted that while in the process of interviewing the subject, Long Shift wasn't phased by the charges. upon mention of having his daughter placed into a foster home, he broke down crying and tried to bargain his way into keeping Scootaloo before being carried out by fellow guardsponies. It is obvious that he is very troubled and removing the filly could do irreversible damage.

Sighed: Lieutenant Desert.

"T-The mayor left?" Twilight asked in surprise. "And she left Ponyville in the administration of the guard."

Skyfall nodded slowly. "So when you say I have no right to remove scootaloo from a house she clearly doesn't want to belong to, nor do I have a right to just dictate someone's life. Keep in mind, as per this letter, I have the only right."

Fluttershy's face fell at Skyfall's mood, it was clear she did not approve. The others wore worried expressions when not twisted with disapproval.

"Well, I don't approve." Twilight retorted.

"Martial law, I don't need the approval of anyone besides those above me in a military fashion." It hit him that his own personal experience with his father may be swaying his mood, so he sunk into his chair with a long, laborious exhale. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I've been stressed lately. I didn't mean for that to sound like I was about to commit a coup."

The packet holding the evaluation was slide across the desk to Twilight, she took it with her magic and started to read. After a few sucks of her teeth, Twilight placed the packet down and nodded, seemingly to understand Skyfall's position.

Skyfall shrugged lazily. "I have to respect my lieutenant's results, I'll need to speak with Shift before passing final judgement. Until I do, nothing has been decided."

Twilight sighed after having read the same page Sky had moments before. "If this is all true, then I agree."

She rubbed her eyes and blinked to moisten them, having read the scroll multiple times in disbelief. "I have a suspicion that you knew about this long before you did anything, which brings the question to mind; what else do you know that you aren't saying?"

"I think we should tell him about the Crystal Empire, dear." Rarity cut in, trying to move their discussion along.

"Good point." Twilight grumbled as she glanced back to Rarity and then to Skyfall. "Where is Cadance, we need to speak with her."

"I haven't seen her today, I think she might have taken a day trip to Canterlot." Skyfall said, knowing full well Cadance was in Farhaven, learning stuff from Raven and living among the denizens of the melting pot. Heshrugged at Twilight's skeptical glare. "I've allowed her to stay here, Twilight, I don't leash the poor mare and demand an itinerary."


"What is wrong, Twilight?" Skyfall asked, knowing he may have just opened the can of worms.

"I think it is better if we stick to business, Skyfall." Rarity said as she teleported to Twilight's side, putting a hoof on her shoulder for reassurance. "You and Twilight know that talk will result in an argument."

'Because you ponies pry too much.' Skyfall thought. "I do. If Twilight has concerns about supposed infidelity, then she may seek her answers, but do so knowing that I've spoken to Shining Armor and trust me when I say that he has nothing to worry about."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Twilight's upset mood grew, not from any side effect from Fury's presence in Ponyville, but from genuine concern.

"And there it is." Skyfall squinted, putting Twilight off kilter for a moment. "You're angry because people are talking about my living situation with your sister-in-law."

'Which technically means you're my niece.' Skyfall shook his head at the thought, further enraging Twilight.

"I'm glad you think it's funny." Twilight mumbled.

"I don't think it's funny, Twilight." Skyfall cut in. "You Equestrian ponies are too nosy. Your brother and sister-in-law were... are having marital problems. After talking with Shining Armor for the first time, I could see why, it wasn't from hate or mistrust, nor was it from some cataclysmic event that forced them apart, he is worried that she will leave him and that is driving him to make brash decisions."

"Well, staying with a random-"

Skyfall slammed his hoof onto his desk with little effort on his behalf. The boom made everyone jump in place at the sudden volume. "I'm talking, you're not." He had to admit that his delivery on getting her to quiet down was a bit harsh, but she likely would not have listened otherwise. "I have done nothing but assure that stallion. I understand his position on the matter and can see his own worries. Cadance writes to him everyday, I know this because she writes the letters here, in my office, in the very same seat you're sitting in."

Twilight chewed the inside of her cheek in thought.

"I'm only providing a place for her to stay that's far from anything relating to him. Essentially, they're getting some time apart. Twilight, I'm much older than you, and infinitely more versed in matters of marriage." Skyfall paused and smirked. "On second thought, I'll do you one better. Oi, Honey!"

"What?!" The voice echoed through the house..

"Come'ere!" Skyfall rolled up a paper ball and pivoted in his chair.

"No! You c'mere."


"Fight me!"

"I'll eat the rest of your cheesecake!" Skyfall shouted before speaking in a regular voice. "She has an obsession with cheesecake."

Sudden stomping echoed closer as doors were opened. Sky smiled and tossed the paper ball in the air just as the door swung opened in time to miss the ball, but in time enough to bounce off her horn. She squinted and picked it up in her emerald magic to launch it at him.

"Keep your paws off my cake."

"Nooo problem." Skyfall chuckled. "I like pumpkin pie more anyway." He gestured to Twilight. "Honey, can you please tell Twilight how marriage is."

"Why is she finally getting married?" Honey deadpanned to Twilight. "Are you getting married? That purple dragon, right?"

"No, Honey." Sky chuckled. "I wanted to-"

Honey Bee held up her hoof. "I was only playing, I can hear your voice clear across the house."

'I'm not that loud.' Skyfall pouted.

Twilight looked between Skyfall and Honey Bee, confused.

"You still don't understand why Cadance and Shining Armor are at odds. Having been married for a long time, Sky likely thought it best that I explain it since you all seem perturbed with him. I knew that before he even called for me, I could feel you anger from the other side of the house." Honey glanced at Skyfall and continued at his nod. "I take it you all have noticed that Cadance and Shining Armor haven't been all lovey dovey for the past year or so, right?"

Most of the ponies in the room nodded, except Sunset Shimmer who just stood by, looking on since she had no idea what was going on. All she knew is people in Ponyville took great issue with Cadance randomly moving in with a stallion who just moved in himself. Rumors of him being her lover and moving away so she could romp without the empire finding out.

"That's because that stage of love has passed." Honey informed and rolled her eyes before correcting herself. "That stage isn't really even love; it's more lust, infatuation, and novelty than anything."

Honey watched the room's reaction at the implication that their pure Prince and Princess were a couple of lusty rabbits. "Point is, that 'love' dissipates and they're in the next stage of their relationship and Shiny isn't as good at this stage as he was in the first."

Skyfall caught the use of Shining Armor's shortened name, showing familiarity, something that did not add up for her. He slowly moved and wrote the nickname on a piece of paper to question he on later.

"They'll get through it, or they won't, but all signs are looking good." Honey smiled and turned to Sky, her smile dropped into a worried wince at his glare. Each pony in the room caught the exchange and looked between the two.

"That is all, Honey. Thank you." Skyfall forced a smile, defusing the situation for the others except Honey.

"I'll be in my room." Honey sighed and left to wait to speak with her ex-husband in private.

"Now, I think our diversion has worked long enough." Skyfall said. "Why was it you needed Cadance?"

Twilight ran her hoof through her mane, clearly flustered. "My brother sent me a letter this morning and said that the Crystal Heart's power was beginning to wain. A snowstorm has pounded on the barrier of the Empire since its return, but recently, it has tripled in strength. A cold front by Yakyakistan has come over and it putting pressure on the heart."

"So it's a heart attack?" Skyfall said, waiting for a laugh, but when only Pinkie and Sunset laughed, he held his hooves up. "Ha, see, it's funny."

"Not everything is a joke, Skyfall." Twilight grumbled.

"In the grand scheme of things, yes, it is." Skyfall thought back to all the countries that faced their end and how many times each one of them did, only to make it through, the Crystal Empire's shield faltering was such a minuscule issue compared to an invading army, or the aftermath of a natural disaster that it was laughable, although, there was no way that Twilight could know that. "Twilight, when you strip away all the mysticism behind that heart, it's a battery."

"But the heart has been the Crystal Empire's source of love for thousands of years." Twilight reasoned. "Their love amplifies its magic so it can shield the Empire."

"False, it's a conduit." Skyfall corrected, the maker of which having been in the room mere moments before. "The real shield is in the floor at the top of the central spire of the castle. The heart feeds power up the castle before being amplified and converted as it's distributed through the twelve crystal pillars. Then a field is blanketed over the area."

Twilight remembered back to Sombra's belief that Skyfall is from his time and was reasoned why he hating him so much. She called his theory a little far-fetched, but with Skyfall's knowledge of things that have been long lost, it wasn't so crazy of an idea.

"So what do you suppose we do?" Twilight asked. "Cadance is their Princess, they look up to her, their love for her fuels the heart."

"Sometimes conduits don't want to work anymore, Twilight." Skyfall said. "Have your brother pen a letter to the Queen of the Griffon Kingdoms. Most do not know, but she is an expert in barriers."

"Even magic barriers?"

"Her specialty is magical and alchemical barriers. The worst she would have to do is dig tunnels beneath the empire to for the base circle to prime her alchemical seal." Skyfall tapped his chin. "I would write to her, but I do not wish to let her know I live here."

"Another scorned ex?" Applejack shook her head.

"Not exactly." Skyfall deadpanned. "We never had any issues, but her brother and I had our disagreements. That's all I really wish to say about that." Memories of the Spirit war flashed through his mind and of the large twin Wind Spirits.

Skyfall paused and feigned insult. "And I'm hurt, Applejack. I don't have scorned lovers everywhere."

"Fooled me." Applejack laughed, knowing he knew she was only having fun.

Twilight wrote down her notes and sighed in relief. "Learning that the Griffon Queen knows alchemy is the first bit of good news I've had all week. With all the mounting issues, it's nice to have a possible solution for something."

"You know you can come to me whenever you want, we don't see eye to eye on most issues, but I can still help."

"I've told her that." Applejack called.

"I need to be able to do this by myself." Twilight said.

"A good leader seeks all points of view, even the obscure ones." Skyfall said, knowing that Twilight was secretly a fan of philosophical sayings. "Just know that I'm here should you need me. All anyone has to do is ask."

"So humble, now if you can just stop with your trickery." Twilight mused.

"That's my payment, a little bit of your sanity for wisdom."

Twilight laughed. "Nonsense."

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Skyfall sang to himself as he grabbed a small mirror from his desk. "Now, on to business about this mirror."

"That mirror?" Twilight tried to suppress a smirk.

Skyfall laughed. "Funny. I mean the mirror in your castle study."

Twilight's amusement disappeared. "How did you know?"

"Educated guess." Skyfall winked and remembered what a certain feline whispered to him during breakfast that morning. "Now what would really be a feat of knowledge would be to say that one of us in this room is a secret anime fan and makes their pillows into characters, pretending they're in the books."

A pin drop could be heard as each mare looked to one another, but Rarity kept her eyes set straight ahead at Skyfall.

"Right..." Twilight turned to Sunset and moved to the side, allowing her more room in the group. Everyone got closer, except Pinkie who was busy doing her fourth crossword while lounged on her back.

Sunset magicked a small map from the saddlebag Twilight had on and gave it to Skyfall. "This map is of my town, Twilight thought it would be best for you to have a map to get started early. She has also prepared a small novel-"

"-guide" Twilight corrected.

"-guide on my worlds infrastructure and some points of interest as well as some customs so you don't come off as inept." Sunset provided the bound book as well. "If you come off too pony-mannered then it could give us away."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, when the three of us go, it would be bad if we were spotted easily."

Skyfall remembered Sunset's request for just the two of them and gave a questioning look to Sunset who shook her head, silently telling him to drop it. He raised an eye brow and grabbed the map. 'I just hope they have plumbing and running water in this dimension.'

"What?!" Skyfall bellowed, causing the entire house to become silent.

"W-What?" Sunset asked.

Sky frantically turned the map and stabbed it with his hoof. "This! All of this, how?!"

To say that he was shocked would be calling an ocean a lake. His blood ran like ice as he looked at the map, he could make out skyscrapers and paved roads.

Sunset placed her hoof on Skyfall's. "I know it seems alien at first, but you grow used to it. You'll get your barrings, it isn't as crazy as it looks. Twilight was put off the first time she went too. Wait until you see what driving is like."

Skyfall rested his face in his left hoof and sighed, the Spirit council that formed upon entering this world worked hard to keep technology like that of the time before a secret, no divine intervention, no helping mortals along in extreme feats, and under no circumstances were inventions like the firearm and automobile to be invented. Despite that, there is a world were not only are they present, but widespread.

"Are there weapons?"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, they have swords and their larger vehicles have cannons."

"No firearms?"

"Fire arms?" Sunset asked, confused. "What's a fire arm?"

Skyfall sunk in his chair, relieved. "Nevermind. Do you have additional maps?"

"I do." Sunset Shimmer smiled and took more rolls of parchment from Twilight's saddle and placed them on the desk. "So you don't have any issue with going?"

"None." Skyfall said. "All I need to know is when we go."

Sunset glanced to the room. "The next full moon is in three days, we leave then."

Skyfall knew the the next full moon was in two days, not three. She was keeping their plan of secrecy and would likely stop by later to fill him in on her plan to sneak into the castle and disappear, leaving Twilight a 'sorry' note.

"So with business taken care of, what are you seven up to now?" Skyfall smiled.

Applejack leaned in and tapped Twilight's shoulder.

"What is it, Applejack?" Twilight asked.

"You need to tell him where you're going." Applejack demanded.

At seeing her friend's pleading look and with the information already being offered up by force, Twilight sighed. "Fine."

Silently, everyone but Twilight and Sunset left the room, leaving a confused Skyfall.

"I take it something serious is happening." Skyfall asked.

Twilight sighed. "To be short, we're going to Farhaven to meet with Shattered Skies."

Skyfall guffawed at the news. "Does he know that?"

"No." Twilight shook her head.

"And neither does the Princess, or anyone outside of the Elements." Sunset added. "There are too many things we need to know and too little sources to satisfy our questions. This is the most direct route, if he is as innocent as he claims, then we should be fine."

"And if he really is evil?" Skyfall asked.

Twilight and Sunset looked at each other with blank looks. Sunset sighed and continued. "We wanted your advice on this, what do we say to him, you seem overly familiar with how Spirits operate."

"Before I give you that advice, just know that what you're doing is reckless." Skyfall scolded. "With the world in this state of disarray, you could be seen as traitors, I suggest that whatever you see and hear is kept between you two."

"We know." Twilight said. "We just have questions that need answers... and someone named Harmony told me to seek Shattered Skies out. She said that he is right and needs help."

Skyfall's breath caught in his throat.

"She made multiple references to the Great Spirit War and since the Gala, I have searched and found nothing about it. At first I didn't want to believe her, but she said our historical texts are falsified." Twilight rubbed her shoulders. "Our time was short, but her insistence for me to find Shattered Skies has been on my mind since then."

A smile graced Sky's face at the memory of how Harmony was always able to get anyone to see a better side by her quiet persistence.

"What do you think?" Twilight asked.

"If Harmony asked you to seek him out, then you must." Skyfall said holding his hooves up in a placating manner. "She was leader of the pantheon of Spirits, a request by her leaves Shattered Skies honor bound to treat you as guests, even if he is evil. Just make sure to make that known when his guards discover you on the way there."

Sunset and Twilight nodded in determination.

"I see you two are ready to go." Skyfall stood and smiled. "I think it is time for us to part ways until time comes to go through the mirror. I must start setting some things in order."

Skyfall smiled as the group of poines left, Fluttershy, however, didn't stick around, nor did she look back while walking away with the others. Instead, she seemed to be having a very serious, hushed conversation with Rainbow.

"You should get to Farhaven, if what they said is true." Honey cooed as she leaned against him. She noticed Fluttershy's cold shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Mortals can be fickle things, dear."



"Lord Skies!" A wolfen guard barked as he cantered into the throne room. He knelt before Skies and Anara, taking a moment to gaze at his moss green and gold royal garb that was lain across Skies' body.

"Yes, Kilion?" Skies asked.

"We caught two intruders from Ponyville, they request and audience with you and claim to have been sent by the Great Spirit, Harmony."

"Then I am honor bound to respect their request, let them in."

As Skies and his daughter waited, he glanced to the side and saw some frosting on Anara's cheek, her new form had slightly longer fur and it was likely that she wasn't used to it yet. He chuckled at her messiness and licked his hoof. "Hold still."

Anara groaned as her father scrubbed her cheek. She batted at him with her cloven hooves. "Ew dad! Stop that! I hate that!"

"Now, Anara, you don't want to look like a barbarian in front of our guests."

"I'm dressed nicely!" Anara sputtered. "You and mom have an obsession with cleaning me!"

"Ahem." Sif coughed as she stood before the throne as the room was bowed in respect.

Shattered Skies looked down and smiled at Sif's wry expression. He nodded, dismissing her and viewed his company, pretending to not know that they were Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. "It is considered extremely rude to enter a court with your hood up, you two."

Twilight and Sunset rose up and removed their hoods.

"Lord Shattered Skies, I am the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, and this is my friend, Sunset Shimmer." She took a few deep breaths. "I have come to you seeking answers."

Twilight looked back and forth between Shattered Skies to Anara and back, clearly confused at her presence.

"I see that you have noticed my daughter." Skies extended a wing. "I am happy to answer any question you have, but I ask that you join us for dinner."

"Dinner?" Twilight asked, unsure of the gesture.


Twilight shook her head and tried to think of what to say, she expected him to be somewhat stern and try to talk her into leaving, but not to be invited to dinner with his daughter.

Skies waved his hoof. "It's Barbecue if you're interested."

Author's Note:

Been a while, huh? Just a quick update. My laptop is still in the shop since about half way through, the technicians said that the entire thing was fried and need specialty parts. So a month on and still no laptop, so updates will still be slower than usual.

Why are updates slow?: Well, I have update and change notes attached to files on my laptop so if I release a chapter without them then I may forget things that need to change or need to be enhanced, forcing me to come ten chapters back to the current release to make sure it's show ready.

I'll be releasing the first chapter of The shattered skies spin off story "Ponyville's Fifth Division" soon. A story about the guards of Skyfall's guard unit; their lives, his philosophies, and tales not covered in the actual story. Chapter one is being edited and will release much slower than Shattered Skies, but it's all in universe and canon.

Also trying to finish the other spin-off with Sif and a pony companion.

Other than that not much is going on, just lamenting over four to five random stories I'm writing to get creative sauce flowing. If you see an editorial mistake in the story, please PM me. My dyslexia tells me there will be. :twilightsmile:

I love ya! :heart:

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