• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,433 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 9 -Old Friend-

-Old Friend-

“So, when do you think he’ll find us?” Sif asked.

“Oh he won’t.” Skies muttered.

“Then why are we hiding in this cave?”

“Because I don’t want him to find us.” Skies poked his head out from behind the waterfall. “I think we’re safe. We can go back now.”

“You two are friends, aren’t you?” When Shattered Skies didn’t reply Sif poked his flank. “Hey, I’m talking to you.”

“Sorry. Yeah, we were friends… kinda.” Skies started walking back to his house and signaled Sif to follow. “Shortly after the war, he and I had a falling out and we have avoided each other ever since then.”

“What exactly happened?” Sif asked. “During that time I had to go tend to my pack and when I returned you refused to tell me.”

“I’ll tell you when we get home. I don’t want to have to say some of these things again.” Skies said quietly.

“If you say so.” Sif and Skies fell silent. Sif lost herself in thought, pondering over a time long past when Spirits still mingled with the other races publicly. When she refocused. she found that they had almost reached their destination. A rogue thought pushed itself to the forefront of her mind. “How did your visit with Celestia go?”

“It was nice. She and I shared in a bath and she tried to convince me to stay. She wanted to 'read scrolls and chill’ but alas, i’m not that kind of stallion.”

“That bad?” Sif asked.

“Oh yeah.” Skies shrunk back into the form of Skyfall as he broke the treeline. “Towards the end of the conversation, I could feel the water beginning to simmer. It would have felt good, except for her malicious intent.”

“She fought the poison?” Sif asked rhetorically.

“And was winning, before she pushed too hard, forcing her magic to overload and shut down her mental consciousness.”

Sif entered the house behind Sky and rummaged through one of her various hiding places for her transfiguration potion and downed it. She hated the necessity of the potion and longed for the day she didn’t need it to sneak around, but Sky had told her that the days of the Spirits were over. She huffed at the notion and trotted into the kitchen as Sky put on a fresh pot of tea. “You think she’ll retaliate?”

“Yes.” Sky said simply. “But it’s going to be a while until she can.”

“Why is that?”

Sky smirked. “She still needs to find me”

Sif raised her eyebrows, giving Sky a dubious look. “Couldn’t Luna just locate you in your dreams?”

“She can try and visit me, but pinpointing my position would be much harder.” Sky took his tea off the burner as Sif retrieved the honey. “Plus, I feel that she is reluctant to try.”

“After what happened, I’d think she would be spearheading the attack.” Sif retorted bitterly.

“Honestly, her perception of me soured and her affiliation to the nightmare caused her to run me through.” Sky started trotting up the staircase.

“She still tried to kill you.”

Sky ignored Sif’s reminder as they both entered his study. The two story room was lined with bookshelves and trophies Skies had accumulated over the ages. Sif warned him that if anypony who knew their history saw them, they would compromise his identity, but Skyfall insisted that he could talk his way out of it.

Sif sat in her red beanbag chair next to Sky’s large, cluttered, dark, wood desk. She looked over a map laid out in the center and saw red circles and arrows, marking territories and routes through the Everfree. “What’s that?” Sif asked, tapping the map with a hoof.

“Contingency.” Sky stated matter of factly.

“For?” Sif asked.


“What’s nunya?” Sif tried looking at the map closer before getting her flank swatted with an old newspaper.

“Nun-ya business, now stop snooping, spooty pup.” Sky’s chuckled at Sif’s attempt to bare her teeth, her molars doing little to make Sky feel intimidated. “We’re here to talk about our newest visitor, not pry into an old Spirit’s paranoia.”

“Fine.” Sif flopped back into her beanbag and waved her hoof. “Tell me what’s going on and why Storm Front is angry.”

“He’s always angry, but I know what you mean.” Sky poured his tea and mixed in a little honey After taking a long sip, he placed the cup in his lap, wearing a thousand-yard stare, allowing memories to pour into his mind.

“It started towards the end of the war, when both sides went into a stalemate. During that time, many of the Spirits that were on Discord’s side were striking civilian targets or doing all sorts of terrible things.”

Sif raised one of her eye brows. “Yes, I was there for most of it. The rest I read in manuscripts for.”

Sky swirled his cup around, jostling the tea inside. “I’m just giving context, Sif.”

Sif eyed her companion and recognizing his serious demeanor, let him continue.

“Storm Front and I were sent by Harmony to capture a Lesser Spirit that was attacking villages for their gold. He was notorious for smashing into houses, killing everything, and fleeing, making it infinitely harder to find him.”

“Okay, that, I didn’t know.” Sif said and leaned closer.

“We chased him to a border region in what is now the Griffon Kingdoms and lured him into a trap. He tried fighting us, but I trapped him with some roots while Storm Front blasted him with lightning until he admitted defeat.” Sky paused and sipped on his tea, giving Sif a cold look.

“Ouch, sounds painful.”

“It was, Storm Front wanted Arimaspi to pay. I should have stopped holding him long before I did.” Sky said.

“What happened?” Sif asked hesitantly.

“We got important information from him after the tenth strike, but the strikes continued well into the forties. Storm and I left him at the edge of a ravine, we heard his fur coat grew back white instead of the lavish brown that he had once cherished.”

“What was the information?” Sif asked.

“Do you remember the battle of Reach that ended the Spirit council?” Sky asked and Sif nodded. “Discord rallied his armies and was able to move them in without us knowing. The information came too late though. He attacked in full force and we failed to get there in time.”

Sif remembered it all too well, she was put under Crystal and Storm Front whose job was to help buy Shattered Skies time. “You were missing from most of that fight.”

“Yes, I had a more important job.” Sky said. “And it tore Storm Front and I’s friendship apart.”

Sky put his cup down and used his magic to pull the blinds shut as he scanned the area for any being hiding within earshot. “Sif, before the council disbanded, we decided that what happened should be forgotten.”

Sif nodded, in understanding.

“We let Harmony and five other Spirits’ sacrifice themselves to become the Elements of Harmony.” Sky shifted uncomfortably and looked out the window when maintaining prolonged eye contact with Sif became harder to do. “All the Spirits contributed to it. Crystal made six vessels for their magic to inhabit. I and many of the lesser Spirits formed the seals to force them into the crystals. Once everything was done, we had to let their memory be forgotten to let Discord think he had won.”

Sif sat silently. The most loved Spirit in the world sacrificed herself and the Spirits that were her friends purposely let the world forget her. “That doesn’t explain why Storm is mad at you. You said all of the spirits helped.”

“We tricked him into giving us some magic. It was a vital part of the runes we had to use.” Sky massaged the bridge of his nose. “He loved Harmony. He admired her and wanted to be with her. Unfortunately, like The Maker, she only loved us like siblings.”

Sif stared at Skyfall. “He kept that very well hidden then. I never would have guessed.”

“Few knew. It killed him when I finally told him.” Sky said. “That’s the last time we really talked.”

“Why is he here now?” Sif asked.

“Even without talking to him, I know why. It’s because he wants to kill me.”

“But why? You two are some of the few Spirits left.” Sif asked.

“Storm Front thinks that I’m evil. From all the lies that are told about me, he no doubt thinks that I’m a soul eating demon, hell bent on plunging the world into another war.” Sky gulped down the rest of his tea and sunk into his chair and looked down at his cup. “I need more tea.”

“We’ll need to go grocery shopping soon if you keep drinking tea at the rate you are.” Sif glanced at Sky who smacked his hoof against his face. “I need to go regardless.”

“Dinner for the foals?”

“Yep.” Sky said, walking out into the hall.

“Aren’t you afraid Storm will find you?” Sif called.

“No, he knows that exposing our identities like that is taboo.” Sky scoffed. “Wanna come along?”

“No, I’ve had enough excitement for the day.” Sif replied, sinking further into her chair happily.

Sky smirked, muttering “Fuzz ball,” under his breath as he left for Ponyville, but stopped when a thought crept into his mind.I wonder if ponies have developed any food customs? Unfortunately, there was only one place on Ponyville where he could get a definitive guide on what ponies ate, the library.

The closer Sky got to Ponyville, the more dread he felt. He knew Twilight was going to give him an extensive lecture because of what happened the last time he checked out a book. Her hoof prints were still visible on his front door.

Once he stood at the top of her stairs he froze, hoof inches from the door. He closed his eyes and knocked three times, slowly. It was quiet for a few moments, save Skyfall repeating ‘please don’t be home’ under his breath over and over.

The door creaked open, revealing a green serpent eye. The door then swung completely open. “Oh, it’s just you. Hi, Skyfall.”

“Hey, Spike.” Sky answered back.

“Here for a book?”

“Yep.” Sky said, causing Spike to step aside, allowing him to trot past him. He liked Spike; the little dragon minded his own business and didn’t pretend to be happy to see him.

“Oh, before you go into the library.” Spike called out, grabbing Skyfall’s scarf as he walked beside him. “Twilight and the others are having are here having a meeting. Thought you’d want to know.”

Sky nodded and continued on. He understood Spike's warning, wishing he heeded it the first time. Brushing off his paranoia though, he entered the library.

“Anything you need?” Spike asked.

“I’m looking for the most recently published cookbook.” Sky stated.

Spike flipped through a large encyclopedia to find where the book would be. Spike’s brow furrowed in frustration. “Agh.”

“Something wrong?” Sky asked.

“It’s this new system Twilight implemented. All these books are organized by new numbers and it makes finding them a pain.” Spike huffed.

“Need help?”

“Nope, I got it.” Spike said, finally finding the numbers and books that went along with them. He gathered them up and placed them in front of Skyfall. “I have to go see what Twilight wants.”

“How do you know-” Sky was interrupted with Spike burping up a letter. “Right.”

After a few minutes of reading, Sky could see that ponies had a very different diet than that of a millennia ago. Most food of their foods now consisted of sweets and grain. He thought of what a good meal would be, something that would be fairly new to ponies that grew up on stuff like ‘hayburgers.’

He smiled, knowing what he would make. hibachi-style vegetables and some meat for anyone who wanted it.

“Skyfall?” a voice addressed him from behind.

Sky turned and saw his ‘favorite pony,’ Rainbow Dash and mentally rolled his eyes. “Hello Ms. Dash.”

Rainbow looked around the room and landed. “Whatchya readin’?”

Looking over in slight shock, Sky eyed Rainbow who smiled nervously. “I’m reading a cookbook.”

“Oh, that’s right. You’re making dinner for us.”

“Us?” Sky coughed out. “I’m making it for the foals and their sisters-”

“And Scootaloo is like my sister.” Rainbow fiercely stared into Skyfall’s eyes..

“Right.” Sky picked up another book and started flipping through it.

Rainbow Dash sat down at his table and continued to try making conversation. “So, what do you like to do in your free time?”

“Uh, read, I guess.” Skyfall said, putting his nose in his book, trying to make it clear that he wasn’t interested in talking.

“So you’re a bookworm like Twilight, huh?” Rainbow asked in an unintentionally snarky manner.

“I suppose.”

“Do you like it in Ponyville?” Rainbow shifted in her seat, making the chairs uneven legs jitter on the ground.

“It’s nice?” Sky answered, unsure what she wanted from him.

After a long silence, Rainbow bit her lip. “I really am sorry about how we met.”

“I forgave you already.” Sky said, annoyed that she, like so many other ponies, was refusing to take a hint.

“So, trying to find a mare?”

Skyfall fumbled with his book and sputtered, giving Rainbow Dash a shocked look. “What?”

Rainbow realized what it sounded like and pointed to a book in his pile, frantically. “It’s one of the books you’re reading.”

Sky followed Rainbow’s hoof and saw what she was referring too.

A Mare’s Stallion:
A definitive guide on getting the perfect mare for you.
By P.B.

“No, Spike got me the books. He might be playing a prank on me.” Sky grinded his teeth slightly, he didn’t mind harmless pranks, but Rainbow would use this as ammunition to try and prank him later, something he would not enjoy.

“Oh.” Rainbow laughed and looked over Skyfall.

Sky dove back into his book, ignoring Rainbow when she opened her mouth to talk more. Thankfully, the library doors opened widely, interrupting whatever Rainbow might have said.

The group of ponies stopped their conversation and Twilight guffawed. “Rainbow? Skyfall?”

“Hi, Twilight.” Sky answered, while Rainbow flew up into the air and over to Twilight.

“Hey, Skyfall and I were just talking about stuff.” Rainbow said nonchalantly, shying away from Applejack’s accusatory glare.

“Ya sure about that, Rainbow?” Applejack asked. Rainbow landed and started mumbling under her breath.

Sky shrugged and attempted to begin reading, but Rarity chose to sit uncomfortably close to him, disrupting his focus.

“Good afternoon.” Rarity smiled.

“I’ll be in my room.” Spike grumbled as he passed Shining Armor. Everyone in the room could hear Spike scoff and imitate Rarity’s greeting.

“What’s his problem?” Skyfall asked.

“Long story.” Everyone responded before Sky dug his nose back into his book, making everyone shuffle in silence.

“Y’know yer brother was lookin’ for ya?” Applejack asked.

“I know.” Skyfall said quickly. He figured that Storm made something up to find where he lived. Storm probably marched deep into the Everfree, presumably lying in wait to lull Sky into a false sense of security.

“Ah, ah’m glad he found ya.” Applejack smiled.

“Ohhhh, you’re looking at cook books!” Pinkie Pie started flipping through the extra cook books on the table. “What are you going to make?”

Skyfall opened his mouth to respond before looking over to Twilight, who was talking with a Princess Cadance and a stallion he assumed to be her brother, Shining Armor. Shining gave him a weary look before leaving. Cadance, however, smiled softly and stared back at Sky.

“Equestria to Skyfall?” Pinkie playfully knocked on his head before her hoof was brushed away.

“I’m thinking about making a hibachi meal.” Sky said.

“What’s that?” Pinkie looked over Sky’s shoulder trying to read the book in Sky’s hoof.

“You’ve never heard of hibachi?” Sky chuckled and looked around to shaking heads.

“Is that from Neighpon?” Rarity asked.

“Yes. Good guess.” Skyfall lied. “No doubt Twilight told you about my profile.”

Rarity and Twilight smiled nervously.

“What is this hiyabuchi?” Applejack asked.

“That’s T-17 classified.” Skyfall said sternly, but started laughing when Applejack gave him an annoyed look. “Seriously, if you seven haven’t heard of it then I’ll surprise you.”

Sky looked at the clock on the wall. “Speaking of which, I have groceries to get.”

A loud slam echoed through the room. “SKYFALL!”

“And that’s my cue.” Skyfall chirped, knowing that it was time to go. That voice was recognizable enough. Storm Front’s guise found him.

“That sounds like your brother.” Twilight stated, eyeing Skyfall curiously.

“Ah thought ya said ya talked to em’?” Applejack asked accusingly.

“Technically I said I know he is looking for me.” Sky hopped out of his seat with one beat of his large wing, leapt up to a high window and pushed it open. “I’ll see you ladies tomorrow for dinner.”

Skyfall disappeared without a sound, leaving the others confused as to why he just out the window.

Nimbus, Storm Front’s disguise, threw the library doors open. “Skyfa…ll.”

“Just missed him.” Twilight said.

Nimbus seethed. “AH!”

“What’s wrong, darling?” Rarity asked.

“I’m going to flay him alive when I see him. NO, I’m going to flay him alive and then pour lemons over his writhing form!” Nimbus raged as he turned to follow Skyfall, choosing to ignore the mares that were giving him a questioning look.

Rarity turned to Twilight. “What do you think that was about?”

“Skyfall can be irritating.” Twilight said.

“We should go help Skyfall with his groceries.” Cadance interrupted. “I think it would be for the best, since we’re going over tomorrow.”

“Cadance, the dinner is for the crusaders and their sisters.” Twilight said. “The rest of us were going to go to Sugarcube Corner.”

Cadance smiled deviously. “Nonsense, Twilight. You heard him. ‘I’ll see you ladies tomorrow for dinner.’ We’re invited.”

Twilight raised her hoof. “I’m not sure about this.”

“I am.” Cadance giggled.

“So then she goes right back to being a bully the instant Twilight and the others march in.” Skyfall groaned, deciding to tell Big Mac about the weird incident earlier regarding Rainbow. Being a good stallion that minded his own business, Sky felt it safe to build a friendship with Big Mac.

“She gripes about you all the time accordin’ to AJ” Big Mac said. “Rainbow’s a nice mare when she gets off that high chair of hers.”

“Eh, maybe.” Sky leaned against the stall. “In all my years, mares have always eluded my understanding.”

“Maybe it’s because ya walk blindly into situations that lead to even more awkward ones.” Big Mac poked Skyfall’s shoulder. “Speaking of which, I believe ya have a hunting party after ya.”

Skyfall smirked and looked back, taking note of Twilight’s entourage approaching. “Big Mac?”


“You talk too much.”

“Where have you been?” Twilight asked.

“In the market, I said I had groceries to get.” Skyfall said, making Big Mac chuckle and shake his head.

“Well I see that, but it was hard to find you.” Twilight’s annoyance was clear on her face.

“I’m the biggest stallion here.” Skyfall said pointing around the market. “I’m pretty hard to miss.”

“You can say that again.” Rainbow snipped.

“Thank you.” Sky responded before Applejack could scold her.

“Thanks for what?” Rainbow squeaked.

“You called me pretty.” Sky said.

“That’s not what I meant!” Rainbow shouted. She flew up into Skyfall’s face and eyed him. “I oughta buck your lights out.”

“Only if you tie me to the bed first.”

Rainbow drew her hoof back prepared to fight, but stopped when Sky turned to face her.

Skyfall didn’t respond to Rainbow’s threat. Instead, he chose to stare into Rainbow’s eyes. The others sat quietly, wondering what was going on while Rainbow’s hoof sat, suspended in the air.

“Interesting.” Sky turned and started walking towards the vegetable vendors.

Rainbow landed and marched after Skyfall. “Wait up! I’m not done with you.”

Skyfall hoofed Rainbow a note with some ingredients on it. “Make sure the carrots aren’t malformed and are large enough to grill.”

“What?” Rainbow became extremely confused.

“Chop chop.” Skyfall clapped his hooves. “Take Applejack with you, she’ll know what I mean. Right, Applejack?”

“Eeyup.” Applejack responded, secretly glad that Skyfall was able to shut Rainbow down before she did something she would regret.

“But wha?” Rainbow asked her surroundings before being nudged away by Applejack.

“What just happened?” Twilight asked before having a list thrust into her face as well.

“Squash and bean sprouts, take Rarity.” Skyfall gave Twilight a list and then turned away, meeting a very eager Pinkie Pie. “Yes?”


“You want to help?” Skyfall asked.


Skyfall just wanted to occupy Rainbow and Twilight. He didn’t mind the rest, even Pinkie Pie calmed down a lot around him. She must’ve still felt bad about pestering him, so he guessed that she wanted to help him with groceries to make up for it. “Mkay. Grab onions, eggs, rice, mushrooms, and these oils.”

Pinkie took her list and bounced away.

Skyfall looked over and saw Cadance whispering to Fluttershy, she nodded at Cadance and trotted away to meet Pinkie.

“I guess that leaves just us.” Cadance smiled.

Skyfall was fully intent on shopping with Fluttershy and Cadance, they both seemed relaxed and he wouldn’t have minded the company. Cadance sending Fluttershy away, however, meant that she may have wanted a one on one conversation. “I’m guessing you sent Fluttershy off so Pinkie would get the right amount of food?”

“Y-Yeah.” Cadance smiled through an obvious lie. “So, what are we getting?”

“Meat.” Sky stated, walking toward the post office.

“Meat?” Cadance asked curiously. “Are you joking?” Cadance saw Skyfall walking away from her. “Does the dish call for meat?”


Cadance caught up to Skyfall, her mind was cluttered with questions. “Twilight said you lived in Neighpon, do they eat meat there?”

Skyfall thought briefly, dragonponies eat meat, but that may have changed. “Last I checked.”

“Griffons and dragons eat meat, but in Equestria, we usually have it on holiday occasions. Since meat can play havoc on our digestive system.” Cadance said matter of factly.

Skyfall stopped and turned, giving Cadance an unhappy look. “Is that going to be a problem?”

“Oh no, not at all. Many ponies in Equestria have meat, but I guess we'll have to make a little. I know me personally, I don't want to get sick from eating too much.”

“I think I know a way to fix that.” Skyfall mused.

“So, Skyfall.” Cadance bumped Skyfall to get his undivided attention. “Tell me about yourself.”

“What’s there to know?”

Cadance gave a hard exhale. “Like, where you’re from and what you like?”

Skyfall gave Cadance an amused look, he knew very well how much ponies talked and that chances were extremely good that she already knew that information. “Twilight hasn’t told you?” Cadance’s look was all that he needed. “Listen, Cadance. I know that Twilight has likely complained enough about me for you to know the basics. Just talk to me instead of interviewing me.” Sky looked up at the building they had arrived at. “Besides, we’re here.”

Sky entered followed closely by Cadance. She looked around awestruck at the post office’s layout, making it obvious that she had never been inside one, She squealed when she found the kitty cat stamp collection, allowing Sky to slip away to get his package.

“Welcome to the Ponyville Post Office!” A gray mare stood behind a counter, smiling at them.

“Hi Ditzy, I have a slip for a package.” Skyfall walked over to the counter and pushed the pink slip across the surface.

“Oh hi, Mr. Skyfall. We got it in yesterday, I thought it was sent to the wrong place.” Ditzy smiled. “But I figured if it was wrong you would say something.”

“What’s wrong with it?” Sky asked.

“It’s a lot of meat. Are you throwing a party?” Ditzy asked.

“Kind of.” Skyfall shrugged. “I’m having some ponies over, and meat’s in the dish I’m making. If it’s a hit I’ll save you and your daughter some.”

Ditzy slide the large package over to Skyfall and beat her wings in delight. “Have a nice day Mr. Skyfall. And thank you for letting my cousin stay with you.”

Skyfall exited the post office and stopped when he saw the look Cadance was giving him. “What?”

“What was that?”

Skyfall held up his meat package. “It was cow, shrimp, and chicken.”

“Not that.” Cadance chuckled, grabbing the package and pulling it down so they were eye to eye. “You weren’t talking in circles or acting grouchy, you were sweet.”

“I prefer savory.”

“Can I ask you a serious question?” Cadance asked.


“You look sad sometimes, and I know you’re single.” Cadance leaned in. “I want to help you get somepony to love and-”

“No.” Skyfall said quickly.

“But why?”

“Not interested in a relationship. How did you know I was single anyway?” Sky began to speed away from Cadance, he had heard that she was the Alicorn of love and that she enjoys pushing ponies together like dolls, but she was barking up the wrong tree.

“Twilight said you’re single, why won’t you give this a chance?”

“Cadance, I’m simply not interested. I just want to live my life in peace.” Sky groaned. “Plus, there’s no pony out there for me.”

“There’s somepony for everypony.” Cadance said hopefully. “You could make a family.”

“That possibility was taken from me a long time ago.” Skyfall said impulsively. He looked back to a shocked Cadance. He was unsure why she was so upset, but he shrugged it off and she hung her head. “I’m sorry. I appreciate you wanting to help me, but I’m not ready.”

“Yet?” Cadance asked.

Skyfall laughed. “Yet. Now come on, I see the others have gathered by the Apple’s stall.”

Even though Cadance was royalty, Sky felt relaxed and they enjoyed light conversation as they walked. She had so many questions that she seemed like a new foal asking about life. And secretly, Skyfall liked having someone to talk to that had a genuine interest in him and not just a fleeting curiosity. The conversation, had to end though when they both heard a filly’s screech.

“But you have the stuff now!” Apple Bloom squealed.

“It’s not nice, Apple Bloom, he said tomorrow, not today.” Applejack stomped her hoof to punctuate her point.

Apple Bloom looked over at Skyfall causing her to point. “Then I’ll just ask Skyfall.”

“Ask me what?” Sky turned his head and heard Applejack muttering under her breath while scowling at Apple Bloom.

“Mr. Skyfall, we were wondering if we could eat today instead of tomorrow.” Apple Bloom tried her best to pout, but that age old trick didn’t work on Skyfall.

“Your pouting powers have no effect on me, Apple Bloom.” Sky bopped her on the nose. “I have faced the pouting goddess and only she can fell me.”

“Meh!” Apple Bloom said and crossed her hooves.

“Who are we?” Sky asked as four more heads popped out from behind the stall Big Mac was standing at. Before a small battle of wills came about, Sky looked around at the ingredients and then at the time, sighing. “Sure, we could do it tonight.”

“Are ya sure, Sky?” Applejack asked.

“Yep, let me just fill Crescent in.”

“And I have to stay in disguise all night, mingling with ponies?” Sif grumbled.

“Yes.” Skyfall said.

Three loud knocks rapped on the front door. “That should be them now.”

“What happened to retirement?” Sif called out from the bedroom.

“We can go back to being retired after dinner!”

Skyfall opened his front door and smiled at the faces of his eager guests, namely the little foals. They all looked hungry, except for Rarity, she looked ready to act as she threw her shawl around her neck. “I’m sorry; I’m not accepting Celestia’s witnesses.”

Sif chuckled from behind him and whispered. “No one is going to get that joke in this age.”

Twilight started snickering into her hoof and Skyfall pointed at her before disappearing into his house. “Ha, see? Somepony got it.”

Everyone looked at Twilight in anticipation.

“It was a group that formed after Princess Luna was banished, they were known for going door to door and annoyed… ponies… nevermind.” Twilight stopped when she saw the confused looks on everyone’s faces. “Let’s go inside.”

Sif walked back into the foyer. “Stop gawking. Sky needs help in the kitchen.”

Sif’s stern glare made their guests shift in discomfort. She never smiled when they spotted her walking through Ponyville. No one really enjoyed having a grumpy mare around, but she was Skyfall’s friend, so seeing her during dinner was an inevitability.

They trotted into the kitchen and saw Skyfall taking things out of cupboards and drawers. He moved pretty fast for a stallion his size.

“I must say, you’ve made this place look gorgeous.” Rarity complimented.

“I’ll say” Twilight agreed. “It looks like a completely different house from when we first met. Even the stone looks new.”

Skyfall ignored the compliments and took out a huge butcher’s knife and stuck it into the edge of his cutting board. “I only need a little help cutting and preparing. The rest of you can go relax or explore, just no going into my study.”

The Crusader’s faces lite up in excitement. They were about to run off until Applejack’s hoof stopped them. “Now hold on you five. Skyfall, what room is your study?”

“Large, iron door with a tree on it.”

“Heard that?” Applejack asked. “You see a door like that, stay away from it.”

The Crusaders nodded and scampered off, ready to answer their own mysteries about the haunted house.

“What can we do?” Fluttershy asked.

“I really only need one pony to help.” Sky said, watching Cadance start to raise her hoof. He beat her to the punch though. “I think Cadance would be best. The rest of you have questions about my estate.”

Before anyone could object, Sky motioned Cadance forward and shooed away the others. “Go on and explore.”

The group went their separate ways to see the estate, except for Fluttershy and Twilight who walked into the joined lounge room to relax. Cadance sat by, waiting to talk to Skyfall.

“So, what am I doing?”


“Nothing?” Cadance asked.

“Exactly.” Skyfall smiled. “I just wanted somepony to talk to.”

Suddenly a loud knock at the front door echoed through the house and Sif entered the kitchen, fur standing on end. “Trouble.”

“I thought so.” Sky pulled his butcher knife from the cutting board and started chopping vegetables. “Pinkie!”

Pinkie poked her head out from Skyfall’s pantry.

“Go. Let our guest in.”

Her face scrunched in glee and poofed into smoke. After a minute, Pinkie bounced into the kitchen with a blue stallion in tow. He stopped and glared at Skyfall. “…Brother.”

“Little brother.”

“Don’t call me that, heathen!” Storm bellowed.

“Volume, Nimbus. There are guests present.” Skyfall heard the ponies of the house converging on the kitchen.

“Is everythin’ alright?” Applejack asked.

“Yes, everything is fine. You girls can go back to exploring.” Skyfall said, his voice never rising above a low hum. “How about helping me with dinner. Nimbus?”

“Fine.” Nimbus said before taking a seat next to Cadance. “What’s for dinner, ‘brother?’”

Skyfall could hear the venom in his old friend’s voice. “Hibachi.”

Cadance looked between the two stallions, Skyfall had the same calm smile he wore since she met him, but this new stallion had a furious rage inside of him. Cadance could feel no love in him for his brother, only hate. She hopped in her stool a few inches away from the brooding stallion and tapped her hooves on the counter. “So, Skyfall. Where did you say you were from again?”

“Neighpon, although I’m half Clydesdan.”

“So that’s why you’re so large.” Cadance looked at Skyfall and then to Nimbus, he was smaller than Skyfall. “Are you and Skyfall-”

“Different fathers.” Nimbus said curtly, never looking away from Skyfall.

Cadance knew something was going on, she felt it, but couldn’t pinpoint the problem. “So, Nimbus, where are you from?”

“Griffon Kingdoms.”

“Oh?” Cadance was a little shocked; she had expected a similar answer to what Skyfall had given. The brothers before her, however, didn’t address the unasked question.

“You’ve asked me some questions. Now let me ask you some.” Skyfall asked, bringing out the meat. “Where are you from? Originally?

Cadance looked off in the distance for a second, trying to recall some of her earliest memories. “I’m not entirely sure. I was raised by an earth pony couple and I helped save a pony from a dark amulet. Before I knew it I was teleported to Princess Celestia and she adopted me.”

Skyfall turned to Cadance. “That is quite a story.”

“Oh yes, but Princess Celestia has given me a wonderful life. I just wish I knew more about my family.”

“Life's a journey we must discover.” Nimbus said under his breath as he grabbed a cutting board and started to help.

Before long all the ingredients were set. All the veggies were cut and the meat was prepared, ready to cook. Skyfall inhaling deeply. “Ladies, dinner is ready.”

The stampede through the house made his chest fill with warmth. He missed having ponies around to talk to, even though he wouldn’t openly admit it.

“Yay, I’m famished.” Silver Spoon said. She bounced into one of the chairs that was situated around a large stone and metal slab.

He watched the ponies follow suit, each taking a seat next to one another. Nimbus helped Sky bring the trays over to the grill and set them down. They all gave them a weird look.

“Raw vegetables?” Rarity asked.

“Our deal was fer-” Apple Bloom stopped her opening rant as Skyfall held up a hoof.

“Just scoop up what you want to have grilled and it’ll be dinner.”

Looking around slowly, one by one they piled food onto their plate and set it in front of them. Each plate was dramatically different than what one would expect. Rarity’s was an absolute mess of mixed food, while Rainbow had a perfectly organized plate with no one ingredient touching another.

“What?” Rainbow asked, noticing Skyfall’s curious look. “I don’t like when my foods touch.”

“Fair enough.” Sky brought over a package and set it down on the table. “I have one more question for you ladies.”

“What is it darling?” Rarity asked.

“Do any of you have a problem with meat?” Sky asked hesitantly. The looks on their faces told him they didn’t understand what he meant. “Meat, as in flesh.”

“Oh…” Rarity said, trying to hide her confusion.

“I don’t have a problem with it.” Cadance spoke up, showing her support before the others started ridiculing his lifestyle. “I don’t want any though.”

“Anypony want any?” Sky saw more of the ponies shake their heads.

“I’ll have some.”

He looked over to see a small golden hoof. “Fluttershy?”

She nodded her head, dodging the look from Rarity. A few more hooves raised, including all the foals for who wanted which meat. Soon, all but Rarity had a meat selected.

“What would you like?” Sky opened the package and threw some beef on the hot surface, making it sizzle immediately. The sound made everyone jump. “Sorry, I turned the heat on before you arrived, it’s the cooking surface.”

“Now, what would you like Fluttershy?” Sky waited for the small pegasus to talk, but Rarity was whispering something to her. Sky squinted and sighed. “I have many of the things one would find in a Griffon food market. Would you like me to surprise you?”

Fluttershy looked away from Rarity and nodded at Skyfall. “Yes, please.”

“Nimbus, you still like your steak rare?”


Sky wheeled a cart to the cooking station and started the process of making hibachi food. He secretly loved cooking, not because of the making process, but because of what it produced.

He noticed the Crusaders pouting. Sky laughed and tried getting them to look at him. “Did you think you were getting cake?”

When the Crusaders nodded, he winked. They had no idea what was in store for them.

Skyfall remembered back to the memories he had from before. He learned how to do hibachi style food to feed his sibling. Feeding kids vegetables was a pain, but grilling them in soy sauce made them want more than you could provide.

“I’ve asked before, but I’ll ask again. Have any of you had hibachi before?” Sky stood on his rear hooves and fastened an apron around his barrel. When Nimbus raised his hoof, Sky chuckled. “Besides Nimbus.”

“I read about it once.” Rainbow said, drawing the rapt attention of the entire room. “It’s just regular grilled food from the East, right?”

Every being with a pulse looked at Rainbow incredulously.

“What? I read it in a Daring Do book.”

“Regular?” Skyfall turned the lights low so that the light above the grill was the brightest. He grabbed the butcher knife and a simple long knife and clapped them together. “We’ll see if you still think its regular in a few minutes.”

The ponies laid on Skyfall’s couch in front of the fireplace, stuffed and moaning in delight. Each of their bellies was full and dumb looks sat upon their faces.

“I see ponies haven’t had that kind of food in Equestria yet.” Skyfall mused to himself. He noticed that some of the ponies had fallen asleep. Scootaloo started to shiver, so Sky placed his scarf over her.

“That was sweet.”

Sky looked back to see Cadance peeking at him from the doorway. He thought nothing of it, but he thought back to their conversation earlier about him being a sweet stallion and gave a quiet laugh, knowing she had caught him.

“It’s getting late, we should go.” Twilight said and hugged Skyfall. “Thank you for dinner.”

“Any time.” Sky hugged her back. He was being nice and letting them stay a little later than necessary because Nimbus was waiting to do something, and like Skyfall, he wouldn’t violate the old laws about exposing one’s true form.

Rainbow went to wake up Scootaloo, but Sky beat her to it and placed her on Rainbow’s back.

Sky knew that the time to deal with Nimbus was near. “The sun’s setting; it’s time for you little fillies to get home.”

Everyone stood and shuffled over to the door and said goodbye in their own way. Most of the mares hugged, except for Rainbow Dash who flew out and waved bye without looking. Cadance, however, gave Sky a long hug.

“Thank you for dinner.”

“No problem. You girls can stop by whenever you like.”

One by one they said ‘goodnight’ and left. Skyfall and Nimbus waved until they were past the estate pillars. Sky shut the door and started making tea while Nimbus sat in the counter, staring at that day’s newspaper. Sky put a stick of cinnamon in Nimbus’ tea cup and slid it to him.

They stared at each other, a silent battle raged between two old friends.

As the ponies reached Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity yelped.

“Oh no, my shawl!” Rarity patted her form, hoping to find it. “I must have left it in Skyfall’s family room.

Rainbow looked back. “Just get it tomorrow.”

“No, I must get it now. I don’t want him thinking I just leave things lying about in a mess!” Rarity lamented.

“I’ll get it, Rarity.” Twilight said. “I have some questions for him from the guard that my brother hasn’t had the time to ask.”

“Anything serious?” Applejack asked.

“No. Just preliminary questions about what he’s seen since he lives so close to the Everfree Forest.”

“Thank you darling. I will see you later tonight.” Rarity hugged Twilight before Twilight teleported into the air and started flying towards Skyfall’s estate.

Twilight finally neared Skyfall’s house, but teleported to the ground and hid when she heard yelling and crashing. “What in Equestria is going on?”

Twilight peeked inside and saw that furniture was strewn about and large holes were formed in the walls. A few things were scorched from magic fire bursts and in the center of it all, Nimbus and Skyfall faced one another, both breathing heavily.

“You don’t get to pretend we’re on good terms!” Nimbus roared. “I finally found you and all you have to say is ‘I don’t know’?”

Sky stood calmly, staring Nimbus down. “I literally just got here. I don’t know what you want from me.”

“Answers!” Nimbus stomped, using his magic to make the house shake.

“I have none.”

Nimbus leapt forward and smashed his hoof into Sky’s face. “You’ve been like this since you lost your family; cold and withdrawn.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock, she had no idea that Skyfall had lost a family.

“Never mention them again, Storm.” Skyfall said calmly, rubbing his nose.

“Mention what? The slaughter of your wife and child?”

The next thing Twilight heard was a loud, solid crack and tumbling. She looked inside and saw Nimbus with a bloody nose, standing a few feet from Skyfall; they were both glaring at each other.

With tears in her eyes, Twilight flew back to her castle as fast as she could. She felt so guilty about eavesdropping on their conversation and even worse about knowing a secret he wanted to keep buried.

Back inside Skyfall and Nimbus looked at each other, the lights flickered and they both grew in size. Shattered Skies, Warden of the Forests and Storm Front, Keeper of the Storm, stood, time had come to settle an old quarrel.

Author's Note:

Read me ^-^

Now that Storm has appeared I hope to start moving the plot in, I.E. the main meat of the first part of what I hope to be an epic tale.

Little update before I start rambling. My old laptop that had all the character bios, lore, and saved documents crashed and the hard drive is unable to be salvaged. I have a replacement laptop in the mean time so that I may continue writing. If anything seems out of place or different please PM me and scream at me to fix it. :twilightsmile: :raritydespair:

This chapter is acting as a bridge from a part where Sky comes back and gets acclimated to life (or tries to) and the actual plot. To be honest, i'm kind of giddy right now. I couldn't wait to start writing about this world, its politics, customs, and history, and now that its going to start moving in the direction i'm getting that 'I want to write' itch. Hopefully Buckshot and PwnEase don't kill me when I start popping chapters out XD (unless I get swamped at work)

We love ya


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