• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,433 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 23 -What is this?-

-What is this?-

A dull whining rang through Daring's head as she stirred from her sleep. She tried to open her eyes, but the sunlight bleeding into the room forced them shut as she tried to rise. The blanket slid off of her rising form and her arms shook, threatening to collapse under her weight.

"Anyone get the number on that train?" Daring muttered, swishing her mouth with spit to get rid of the dryness. She sensed a large pony sitting on the bed next to her and saw a glass of water come into view, a glass of water she then drank from greedily.

"You've been stirring around all night, I was worried I hit you too hard." A baritone voice tried to whisper.

"Skyfall?" Daring looked up and saw his face come into focus.

"Hey, Daring." Skyfall smiled as he grabbed a second glass of water for the dehydrated mare. He let Daring fall back into his arms and helped her to drink slowly. While doing this, he examined her head. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to avoid strange stallions in dark alleys?"

Daring squinted her eyes at Skyfall as she drank.

"Oh don't be like that." Skyfall brought the empty glass away from Daring, letting drops of water roll down from the corners of her mouth. "You tried to sneak up on a wanted Forest Spirit and he body slammed you. Why were you trying to spy on me, anyway?"

Sky stared down at Daring, waiting for a response. She huffed and crossed her hooves slowly, clearly still in pain as she winced. "Things have been quiet lately down in Ponyville and I saw you enter a mask shop, so I thought you were up to something."

"Well, you're not wrong." Skyfall said plainly.

"Want to fill me in?" Daring asked.

"Sure, over brunch." Skyfall said, standing up and striding over to a nearby recliner and hefting up a set of double saddle bags. He looked over to a messy-maned Daring with the covers hanging off her shoulders.

"Where are we going?" Daring asked hesitantly as she tried to get out of bed.

"Donut Joe's."

"What's that?" Daring asked as she fastened her cloak around her neck. "Sounds greasy."

"Oh good, then the name fits." Skyfall chirped.

"Wait a sec." Daring said as she finally looked out the window. "Where even are we?"

Daring pressed her head to the window and saw Skyfall approach in its reflection. She recognized some of her surroundings, she couldn’t quite put her hoof on where they belonged.

"We're in the slums of the Fish District. I'm not surprised that it seems foreign to you since we're on the other side of the mountain." Skyfall said grimly. "Now let's go, we have a little ways to fly until we reach the Sun District."

"Y-Yeah." Daring muttered as they both left the building. Looking back at it, it was rather clear it hadn’t been inhabited in years. "So, Mr. Rich-and-Mysterious, why are you shacked up in an abandoned building?"

"Because I'm cheap." Skyfall chuckled, but Daring noticed him dodge his question and bumped him with her flank. "Okay, okay. I'm here to avoid any documentation linking me to this location."

"And why is that?" Daring asked, suspicion thick in her voice.

"I'm going to rob the museum of Equestrian History."

"What!?" Daring shouted and crouched down, ready to pounce. She looked around for anyone that may have heard them, but the entire district seemed to be devoid of life. "You're joking right?"

Skyfall shook his head. "Sadly, I am not. A new enemy has made himself known to me and his abilities are too closely linked to the Sunset Effigy, which leads me to take action in keeping it out of his hooves."

Daring's mouth opened and shut a few times before she regained her senses. "Who is it?"

"A Spirit named Lonely Graves." Skyfall's anger leaked into his voice. "He’s the one responsible for the timberwolves, and the one who attacked the missing ponies near the Everfree."

"I can see why you're upset." Daring reasoned. "Who is he?"

"He's my..." Skyfall shook his head. "He’s a Necromancer who needs to be stopped."

Without another word, Skyfall turned and resumed trotting towards the Sun District. Daring Do followed him moments later, irritated at Sky’s constant dodging of questions. Not wanting to go on in awkward silence, Daring looked around at the buildings.

"So how long have you been in Canterlot?"

Skyfall hummed. "About a week, I've been checking the perimeter of the museum for entry points as well as escape routes in the city in case everything goes south."

"Or you could just go in the front door?"

"Then my face would be seen going in more than once." Skyfall said. "After the heist, questions like 'have you seen the same pony more than once in the past week?' would be asked, and bam, my name would land right on Celestia's desk."

Daring shook her head. "You forget that I'm their curator, and that my uncle runs the museum."

Skyfall shook his head. "I will not risk ruining your life if I can help it. No, I need to do this with your anonymity in check."

Daring chuckled. "I appreciate the sentiment, but if an evil Spirit is going to use an artifact I recovered-"

"-was given" Skyfall interrupted.

"Recovered." Daring stated proudly. "-I have a right to protect it and keep it out of their hooves, even if that lands me in hot water with Equestrian royalty."

Skyfall stopped and turned to Daring, his eyes glowing like those of his true form. "Why are you so eager to help me?"

Daring smirked. "You think I'm a stranger to trouble."

"The truth."

Daring Do's facial features drooped. "The Princess's advisors saw through my lie. Princess Celestia's Captain of the Guard, Captain Fury, threw me in a jail cell and I was interrogated by Faithful, Celestia's political advisor."

"A political advisor questioned you?" Skyfall asked.

"It seemed odd, but in the end, when Princess Celestia was told of how I recovered the Effigy, she let me go with the artifact after it made Canterlot headlines." Daring said. "River, the head of the trade unions, put a few sanctions on my uncle and limited my passport permissions."

"Leaving you only able to visit countries that are allied with Equestria?"

Daring nodded. "I was relieved when I saw you yesterday."

"Why?" Skyfall chuckled. "Thought I would get you into your next big adventure?"

"Yes." Daring Do curtly. "And it looks like I was right."

Skyfall paused and turned to Daring Do before looking at her eager expression. "I see why Rainbow Dash likes you so much. You have a 'getting into trouble problem' don't you?"

"I don't have a problem, I can quit whenever I want!"

Skyfall started to fly up and away from Daring Do before he called down to her. "First step to recovery is admitting you have a problem!"

Daring Do laughed and followed him up into that air and followed him into the upper rings of Canterlot. She instantly noticed that the air was cleaner and was surprised when one of the guards flew up to meet them.

"Halt! State your business in the Sun District."

Skyfall brought out a small sack and gave the guard a few bits.

"Ah, Mr. Loveless, it's nice to see you again." The guard chuckled darkly. "I take it you have more accounting business in Canterlot?"

"You know me, Fan." Skyfall said in a nasally voice. "Those nobles love sending me into that gross district to balance their checkbooks."

Fan chuckled. "And your friend?"

"I'm his secretary." Daring said without missing a beat as Skyfall hoofed the guard a few more bits.

"That's right, my secretary."

Fan nodded and waved a few of the guards down to let them pass. "Welcome back to the Sun District, you two."

As Skyfall and Daring flew past the entrance, Daring glided closer to Sky so they could have a private conversation. "What was that about? I've never seen checkpoints between the districts before."

"Not sure. I imagine it's a knee jerk reaction from all the Spirit activity, or it's from the overflow of ponies in the Fish District trying to sell their goods in the other districts." Skyfall glanced back at a cabbage cart being turned away from the gate. "It's probably a mix of both."

"I can't believe the Princess allows this."

"She probably doesn't know." Skyfall said sadly.

"Isn't she trying to kill you?" Daring asked. "Why defend her?"

"It'd be like trying to hate my own child if I did that." Skyfall chuckled. "I'm just disappointed in her. A few thousand years and she still hasn't grasped what it means to truly lead a nation."

"So you know her that well?"

"Oh yes." Skyfall laughed as he angled toward the ground to land. "But that's a story for another time. We're here."

Daring looked over at the silver-walled building with big red letters emblazoned on the top. "Donut Joe's."

Skyfall strode forward and headbutted his way through the doors. "Joe!"

"Love!" Called a voice from the kitchen.

"Morons." Muttered a waitress from the counter.

Sky trotted into the empty diner and over to the nearest table. Sliding into a seat, he rapped his hooves on the table as his stomach growled. The sun’s rays disappeared and were replaced with thick, dark clouds. "Looks like rain. That makes for excellent eating weather."

Daring sat across from Skyfall and looked over the menu. She read it over and cringed at some of the artery-clogging options and marveled at everything’s low prices. "What is this place?"

"Perfection." Skyfall said, waving the waitress over. "Oi, Mocha!"

The mocha-colored mare cantered over to their table and greeted the two ponies with her Manehattan accent. "You want a cup of joes wit yous?"

"Yep, extra cream and I'll do my sugar." Skyfall chirped to the mare's growl.

"Yeah, you would do your own sugar."

Mocha trotted back to the counter to retrieve their order, muttering obscenities under her breath the entire way.

"Wow, she really hates you." Daring said.

"No." Skyfall smiled. "Where she’s from, that attitude is normal."


"And me spilling coffee on her might have something to do with it as well."

Daring shook her head as she watched two more mares enter the restaurant. She recognized one of them from a headline regarding Shattered Skies a few months back, but the other one was a mystery to her. "Hey, Skyfall. Don't look now, but that Sunset Shimmer mare is here."

Skyfall looked over to the entrance and right at Sunset.

"I said not to look now!" Daring whispered loudly.

"What? I know her." Skyfall said defensively before looking out the window when he noticed they were walking his way to take a seat directly behind him.

Sunset glanced at Daring and greeted her. A greeting Daring returned before leaning over to read the menu again. "Do you know what you're getting?"

"Same thing I usually get."

"Where is any of the nutritious food? It's all junk food and lard." Daring flipped through the menus with great speed looking for anything. "Aha! Lettuce sandwich."


"’Ew’? How can you not find that appetizing? As an adventurer I need the four basic food groups." Daring deadpanned.

"Joe has your four basic food groups; Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard." Sky said loudly, nodding to a very proud Donut Joe as he walked out of the kitchen.

Sky acted like an excited foal which shocked Daring and any other bystander who may have caught a glimpse. A large stallion bouncing like a newborn was a weird sight, even in Canterlot.

Mocha walked over and set their coffees down. "You twos ready to order?"

"Well, now that you've asked-" Sky opened his menu, flicking it like a newspaper. "-I'll have two number nines. A number nine large. A number six with extra dip. A number seven. Two number forty fives; one with cheese. A lobster quesadilla. A pastrami Reuben. Twenty-five hot wings. Twenty barbecue wings. A large tea, and a caesar salad, how the 'et tu, brute.'"

Daring Do stared at an unflinching Sky, her expression growing in awe as his order grew. "You're going to eat all of that?"

Donut Joe, the waitress, and Sky looked at Daring. "Yes," they said simultaneously.

"I'll just have a lettuce sandwich and a cola." Daring buried her head between her hooves.

Sky heard Sunset talking to her friend behind him and it gained his attention when the white unicorn spoke.

"It's been so long since I've eaten out."

"I imagine so." Sunset chuckled. "What do you want to talk about, Sunny?"

Mocha asked them what they wanted to drink and like Skyfall and Daring, they ordered coffees before continuing their conversation.

"I want to ask you how that party went last night." Sunny asked. "You really seemed to enjoy your first Equestrian soiree. Or was it perhaps the stallion you were enjoying more?"

"Sunny!" Sunset said in shock.

Sky leaned back to eavesdrop.

"Come on, it's not like I don't know you went dancing." Sunny chuckled.

Sunset smiled. "Well, I did enjoy his dancing and the stuff we talked about."

"And the way he smelled?"

Sunset choked on her coffee. "Stop it!"

Sunny was laughing more and more as their conversation when on.

Skyfall glanced forward and saw the judging glare of Daring Do. Her hooves were crossed and her brow was raised like she was silently scolding him.


"You know what." Daring whispered. "You're eavesdropping and trying to look at that pretty unicorn."

"Which one?"

Daring kicked Skyfall in the leg, making him jolt in his seat, jostling Sunset as she sat behind him.

"Hey, pal. Do you mind?" Sunset said before turning around to see Skyfall's eyes staring back at her. "Skyfall?"

"Hey, Sunset."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm in Canterlot visiting an old friend of mine and came to get some breakfast with her." Skyfall said quickly, having come up with the story the instant he saw Sunset enter the diner.

"Oh, who?" Sunset smiled. "The mysterious Skyfall has friends?"

"Oh ha ha." Skyfall fake laughed and held out his hoof to Daring Do. "A. K. Yearling was my roommate when I traveled abroad for my studies. Yearling, Sunset. Sunset, Yearling."

Daring waved at Sunset who waved in return.

"What are you here for?" Skyfall asked.

"Taking a break from my investigation with my friend, Sunny Skies." Sunset looked back at Sunny who was waving at Skyfall.

"Hi." Sunny's eyes grew wide when the waitress trotted out of the kitchen levitating plate after plate of food. There was enough food to feed an entire battalion of royal guards. "Sweet me, who is that for?"

"This fat colt." Daring said before laughing at Sky's indignant glare.

"Surely that would make you sick." Sunny reasoned.

Skyfall shrugged. "I have a fast metabolism."

"My word." Sunny looked over Skyfall. She had commissioned him as her new guard Captain, but never took the time to look him over thoroughly. Even though he sat in a booth, she saw that he was actually quite fit. She then glanced over at the waitress. "I wish to have all that as well."

The sound of Donut Joe tripping and falling over everything in the kitchen could be heard from the dining room. "BUCK YES!"

The waitress chuckled while making her way to the kitchen. "I think you just gave my boss a heart attack."

Sunny looked over at Skyfall and Yearling and got an idea. Maybe it would be good to connect with some of the locals. "Would you mind if we joined you?"

Sky had a mouth full of quesadilla and was unable to answer so Daring answered for him. "Sure ladies, there's enough of this stallion to go around."

"Wonderful." Sunny breathed into Sky's exposed ear as she passed.

'Oh, you naughty mare.' Sky thought.

Sunny sat next to Daring while Sunset Shimmer moved in next to Sky.

"So, Mr. Skyfall. Where are you from?" Sunny asked while trying to be flirtatious, an attempt to keep her cover worlds away from her identity as the Princess.

"I'm not from Canterlot if that's what you're asking." Skyfall said, stuffing cheese fries into his gullet. "I lived most of my life in Neighpon."

"In a pony colony?" Sunny asked.

"Dragonpony, actually." Skyfall watched as Mocha returned with more plates of food, straining as she set them down covering every inch of the table.

Donut Joe walked out and pulled up a chair to sit at the table. "I see a mare has come in to challenge Skyfall's legendary appetite."

Sunny's white coat wore a slight tint of red, she had not really thought about how she would look while digging into the vast amounts of food that she ordered. "Well, it has been a long time since I've taken a break so I felt I deserved some good food."

"Well if it's been such a long time, why don't you retire, or at least take a vacation?" Sky said matter of factly before starting on his Reuben.

Sunny paused and thought about it briefly. She shook her head. "Can't. Too many ponies rely on me."

Sky looked up at Sunny's sad expression and then looked at the pastrami Reuben before her. It was a large sandwich glistening with a thick yellow cheese oozing from the side and topped with sauerkraut. It was majestic in size and scope, truly a monument to the ages with its aerodynamic design and aroma. Every bite could give you power, and every chew infinite bliss.

Sky leaned forward and picked up the creation that could stop the gods with one look and shoved it right into Sunny's mouth with an audible 'omp.'

"Skyfall!" Daring and Sunset yelled as both Sunny and Sky sat still, Sky holding the sandwich up to an utterly confused-looking Sunny. Joe chuckled and trotted back to the kitchen to avoid any possible food fight.

Sky narrowed his eyes. "Take a bite."

Sunny narrowed her eyes in return and slowly bit into the sandwich. Her chews quickened in pace until both of her hooves supported the Reuben. "Thish iis gerd, whawt der yur calr thish?"


Sunny turned her head "A Reuben?" Sunny turned to Sunset. "Is this what you mentioned earlier?"

Sky deadpanned and then looked at Daring who shook her head. "Have you ever heard of a Reuben?"

"No, should I have?" Daring asked.

Skyfall looked at Sunset. "Surely you have, Sunny said you mentioned it."

Sunset smiled nervously. "It's a thing from where I usually live and that's nowhere near here."

"Unbelievable." Skyfall groaned and stood up. "Joe!"

The greasy stallion poked his head out from the order window. "What?"

"What have you done?!" Sky pointed at the Reuben.

Joe and Sky met each other’s gazes.

Sky turned to walk out of the diner.

"Sky, don't leave. Sky, don't..." Joe started laughing. "Sky, I looove you!"

Sky trotted back inside looking visibly upset. "No, I'm bucking done, I'm bucking done!"

"No you're not." Joe continued chuckling while Sunny, Sunset, and Daring sat in shock at the scene before them.

Sky snatched up Sunny's half eaten Reuben and held it in front of him. "This is rediculous!"

"There's nothing I can do, Sky. It's just a poor sandwich."

"WHAT IS MY LIFE?!" Sky clapped his hooves to his muzzle and wheezed. "I can't do it, Joe."

"I can't either."

"I can't do it anymore!" Sky started shaking his head and backing away from Joe while Joe moved closer.

"I'll tell you what, Skyfall. You can give up now, or we can figure it out, because I certainly can't do it without you, and I know you can't do it without me." Joe said as he grabbed Sky's scarf and brought him in close.

"I appreciate it, but look what we're dealing with, man!" Sky flailed at the Reuben.

"Sky-" Joe couldn't stop chuckling at their antics.

"We gotta draw the line somewhere!"

"Skyfall, we-"

"We gotta draw the line in the sand, dude!" Sky pointed at Joe as he started backing toward the restroom. "You gotta make a statement! You gotta look inside yourself and ask 'What am I willing to put up with today?' Not bucking this!"

"AAAHHHHH" Joe ran into the kitchen screaming while his waitress walked past him nonchalantly with a fresh cup of coffee.

"You mares want a fresh cup of Joes?" The waitress said monotonously.

Sunny, Sunset, and Daring sat in silence unable to process what just happened.

Sunset took the brave lead into what happened. "What was that all about?"

"You mean those two buffoons? They've done this almost every day this week since Mr. Skyfall ordered a pastrami Reuben." Mocha said with venom in her voice. "They make a crazy scene and then just go about like nothing happened."

"Like nothing happened?" Sunny asked.

"You'll see."

Sunset sat there in silence wondering if what she had just seen made sense. When Joe brought Skyfall in close, Sky stood like the stallion that she danced with the night prior.

Sky exited the restroom and made his way to the table of waiting mares. Daring didn't waste a second on addressing the situation she just witnessed.

"What in Celestia's name was that?" Daring deadpanned.

"What was what?"

"See?" Mocha said while cantering back to the kitchen to complain to Joe about his eccentricity.

Sky smiled and looked over to Sunset. "How is your food?"

"No!" Daring interjected. "You don't get to do that." She pointed at the spot where the drama unfolded. "And just go about acting like it didn't happen!"

"I have no idea what you're-Ow, ow, stop it!" Sky started laughing when Daring was smacking his arm with her hoof in mock anger. "Ah, stop! Someone will see us and then they'll know that you abuse me."

Sunset started recognizing the voice and eyes, this was definitely that stallion she danced with at Blueblood's party, even the way he said her name was the same. Sunset started to feel a little sad, why not tell her who he was?

Sunny smiled. "You two are a cute couple."

Daring sputtered and stopped her abuse immediately. "Me and this dweeb?"

"If dweeb means handsome and amazing, then I accept." Skyfall stuck his nose in the air. He opened his eyes and saw that Sunset was looking him over thoroughly. "May I help you?"

“S-Sorry." Sunset said. "I was just thinking that you looked like somepony I met last night."

'And she figured it out.' Skyfall thought. "Interesting, it's not everyday I hear about another pony as big as me."

"Indeed." Sunny said quietly, looking over him herself, trying to keep that flirtatious image alive.

To change the direction of the conversation, Skyfall brought Sunset's head back to her work. "Any success in trapping that Forest Spirit yet?"

Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "No such luck. We're trying to get scouts near the old castle, but his defenses are too strong. Our next step is to lure him out."

Sunset paused, but Sunny nodded at her, silently giving her approval to speak about it. A gesture that Skyfall picked up on leading him to figure out that Sunny Skies wasn't just another one of Celestia's castle staff.

"Since you're the Captain of the Ponyville guard, I only see information sharing as a benefit."

"I would hope so." Skyfall said.

Sunset thought for a second and jolted when lightning crashed in the skies overhead. She calmed down and continued. "When will your troops be ready?"

"Ready to Equestrian standards or my standards?" Skyfall dipped a quesadilla wrapped into a burrito into sour cream before taking a big bite. He chewed his food while looking at Sunny's questioning look.

"Is there a difference?" Sunny asked, strangely defensive.

Skyfall set his burrito down and sighed. "Yes. One I would trust with my life, and the other I wouldn't trust to make a cup of coffee."

Sunset watched as Sunny's expression went from passive to standoffish. "Last I checked, the royal guard goes through eight weeks of rigorous training before going to serve their nation."

"Define 'rigorous training.'" Skyfall chuckled. "I'm putting those ponies through a six month program."

Sunny's face fell. "What?"

"Twenty six weeks of training, physically and mentally. First day I took command of those foals, they didn't listen to orders and put on their armor incorrectly and then went for a ten mile run."

Sunny rolled her tongue against her cheek in thought. "That seems a bit harsh."

"Harsh today, alive tomorrow." Skyfall muttered. "I don't believe this Spirit to be a danger to us, but one day something will show it's head and they need to be prepared if they're going to save ponies."

"I believe he is." Sunny stated firmly.

Skyfall looked over Sunny Skies and recognized her hair. 'Celestia.'

"Even recently, he has gone so far as to taunt the Princess in her own bath." Sunny sighed and looked up at the castle as the rain started to come down.

Skyfall sighed. "Maybe he was trying to talk some sense to her."

Sunny shook her head. "From what the Princess tells me, he paralyzed her temporarily. That is not the action of a well-intentioned stallion."

"It is the wise choice if the one you're trying to talk to is a deity." Skyfall reached forward and touched Sunny's hoof knowing full well that it may have been Celestia in disguise. "You work closely with the Princess, don't you, Sunny?"

Sunny nodded. "I do."

"Can you tell me why she hates him so much?" Skyfall said and tried to think of an excuse. "It could help in apprehending him."

Sunny was quiet for a moment, she wasn't sure how to respond. Had it not been for the public venue, she would transform right then and there and say yes, but she liked her disguise and didn't want to change it. "I can ask her to."

"Thank you." Skyfall said, glancing up at the clock. "And with that we must leave. We have an important meeting to get to."

"We do?" Daring asked.

"Oh yeah, you'll love this." Skyfall chuckled as Sunset stood to let him out before grabbing his arm.


"Yes, Sunset Shimmer?" Skyfall looked her right in the eye when he said her name.

She gulped, wanting to know if he was her mystery stallion. "When you get back to Ponyville, I want to talk with you, alone."

"Well, Hearth’s Warming eve is a few days away and I'm thinking of throwing a small party. You're welcome to join." Skyfall smiled.

"Great, I'll be there." Sunset smiled as Sunset and his cloaked companion left.

"Bye Joe!"

"Bye, spend money soon!"

Sunset sat across from Sunny as she finished her Reuben.

"You think he knew it was me?"

Sunset shook her head. "He's smart, but I don't think he's that intuitive. You're identity is safe, Princess."

"That was totally Celestia." Skyfall groaned, stomping through the rain. "And she marched right into my diner."

"Yeah, it really came through when you started talking about how inept the Equestrian guard is." Daring chuckled.

"That's because they are." Skyfall proclaimed.

Daring started to fly next to Skyfall. "Surely they aren't that bad."

"Their answer for every engagement is to charge in headfirst." Skyfall deadpanned. "But the Princess isn't to blame for that."

"Then what is?"

"The past five generations haven't experienced any manner of open war." Skyfall mumbled.

"Are you saying that's a bad thing?" Daring scoffed.

"Yes, actually." Skyfall boomed, letting his word be known to Daring Do. "War is bad, I get it, but when you have many other nations that outclass you in number, drive, and strength, you need a fighting force that knows what they're doing. Otherwise you end up like the flutterponies."

Daring turned her head. "Flutterponies?"

"They were one of the first races to be brought to near extinction after the Alicorns." Skyfall said as he walked to the ledge overlooking the Rein District and took flight towards the skydock. "They were a nation like Equestria. It was filled with lovers and peace-loving beings, but Discord lead an army to their doorstep and used their lands to bolster his own; it took three hours to destroy their nation."

Daring glided silently next to Skyfall. "Did any of them survive?"

Skyfall nodded. "Yes, our forces arrived at hour three and we rode hard into enemy lines. Me and Storm challenged their navy and we pushed them back. We hid them away in the far reaches of the world and a few went to live in my realm. It's sad, but it wouldn't be the last time it happened."

"One day we need to sit down so you can tell me about all the history you've seen." Daring demanded.

"I'd be glad to tell it." Skyfall rode the wind down towards the skydock and flew out of the way of a battleship before landing at the end of a long dock.

Daring fumed. "That ship almost slammed into you."

"Yep, it happens. My galleon would put that one to shame if I still had it." Skyfall chuckled.

"You flew a galleon?" Daring asked, a little surprised.

"Yep, the Good Fortune." Skyfall wrapped his scarf over his head to hid his features from passing ponies, but still nodded when they looked at him in recognition.

"That name sounds familiar." Daring thought out loud.

"Well, if you find it, let me know." Skyfall turned and lead them down an alley. He stopped and they both watched as two large stallions bursted out of a window, releasing loud pub music as they fought amidst the broken glass. Sky grabbed Daring and moved around them to continue further down an alley to a sign that read. The Worn Siren

"So are we going in?" Daring asked, receiving a long sigh in return. "What?"

Skyfall gave her a sad look. "I'm not one for telling ponies what to do with their lives, but I fear this may be your last chance to turn around."

"Explain." Daring sat, waiting for an explanation.

"Things only get more dangerous from here. If you help me steal the Sunset Effigy, then they will know it was you and will hunt you down. You have a nice life and I implore you to change your mind."

Daring's face looked sad, she pulled out a picture from her shirt and gave a small, forlorn laugh. "I haven't been completely honest with you, Sky."

"I'm listening." Skyfall sat, waiting for Daring to talk.

"About a month ago, my uncle went missing." Daring said. "And what's worse, River, the trade union director, took control of his assets. I've tried to battle her, but every appeal is unanswered. I tried to investigate what happened to him, but in the end the only thing that I discovered was that he was studying you and the Sunset Effigy. He brought this to one of the court advisors and never came home."

"What was the advisor's name?" Skyfall asked.

"Graves, I think." Daring ran her hoof over the picture. "If betraying Equestria in the eyes of the Princess leads me to him, then so be it."

That name hung in the air, 'Graves." Skyfall shook his head and ignored it. "I'll help you find your uncle, Daring. If it's within my power, I'll do it."

Daring smiled sweetly. "That means the world to me."

"Here we go." Skyfall said breathlessly as he entered. The soft sounds of more relaxing tavern music echoed through the dark room. Daring stuck to Skyfall as he made his way towards the back and sat in a both. She watched as he produced an ivory pipe and started to hit it against his hoof to shake loose its used contents.

"What are you doing?" Daring said, bringing her hooves up to her hood.

"Keep your hood on if you value your life." Skyfall said quietly. "Lean over the table and take the mead when the bar maiden brings it over. Make sure to look disinterested, no matter what happens or who you see."

"I hope you know what you're doing." Daring nodded. “Mind telling me why we’re doing this?”

"Getting us a job." Skyfall packed the sweet smelling Southern Star leaf into his pipe and ignited it.

The dreamy eyed bar maiden danced over and placed two mugs of mead before Skyfall. She bowed and danced away. Even though the Worn Siren was dark and filled with smoke, Skyfall could still see multiple beings in the room looking over at him. One raised his mug, a gesture Skyfall returned with his pipe.

A large, light brown stallion walked across the restaurant and shouldered a few of the patrons before reaching their table. "My boss wants a word with you."

"Then bring him over." Skyfall offered.

"No, you come to him." The stallion commanded grabbing Skyfall's hoof before being forcefully wrenched away by it's owner.

"If your boss wants to see me, then go get him." Skyfall offered more forcefully, sending the stallion away.

"Uh, Skyfall. That was Biff, one of Dr. Caballeron's flunkies." Daring said.

"You're right." Skyfall chuckled. "Make sure to stay in character when they return."

Biff returned with two more stallions, just as large as he was. "Dr. Caballeron wants to speak with you."

"Always the high road with you ponies, isn't it?" Skyfall tapped his pipe on the table four times, each time getting significantly louder than the last. "Go and tell Caballeron, from one Doctor to another. It's not polite to demand meetings."

The three stallions tensed, ready to pounce, but a loud cackle was heard from behind them. "I see that I finally found a stallion with some gusto!"

A greasy, goldenrod stallion sauntered into view. "I take it you heard about a little job opening?"

Skyfall repacked his pipe. "A little birdy told me there was a job and where I could find you. Though, I didn't expect these three blockheads to try and run me out the instant I got here."

Caballeron stopped his chuckling. "Yes, good help is certainly hard to find, but they serve their purpose. Luckily, the purpose you would serve is leagues above theirs."

"I hope so." Skyfall said darkly. "Otherwise you'd be spending a lot of money for me to just mill about."

"Not two seconds passed and we're already talking about price." Caballeron clapped his hooves. "Excellent."

Caballeron waved Skyfall and Daring forward.

"I didn't quite catch your names." Caballeron said.

"I'm Dr. Spectre and this is my lover, Dr. Ravenhoof." Skyfall followed Caballeron as he walked through a mirror only to end up in an old library that seemed to be in Caballeron's house if the paintings were anything to go by.

"Turn the mirror off." Caballeron ordered as he waved Skyfall to keep following.

"This is a beautiful home you have." Skyfall complimented.

"Thank you, Dr. Spectre. It’s taken me years to collect all these artifacts."

"They should be in a museum." Daring muttered.

"Huh?" Caballeron asked.

"She wants to get down to business." Skyfall recovered. "Only money concerns her."

Caballeron smirked. "I see your relationship dynamic, you love the history and she loves the value."

"Got us pegged." Skyfall shrugged, agreeing with his new employer, trying to make him feel smart. "But she has a point, when will we talk business?"

Caballeron pushed the back doors open, revealing a large pool modeled after a waterfall in the rain forest. A waterfall Skyfall recognized because he helped form it.

"I see you modeled your pool after the Mao waterfall." Skyfall said.

"Top marks, Doctor." Caballeron held up a glass of wine that his servant brought him.

Sky and Daring looked around at the other creatures around the pool. Sky chewed the inside of his cheek. "Explain this."

"Oh you won't be robbing the museum alone." Caballeron said. "And certainly not just the Sunset Effigy."

Skyfall and Daring Do looked at each other, feeling a monologue coming on.

"You'll be stealing... " Caballeron inhaled. "Everything inside the entire museum of Equestrian History!"

The sound of applause was heard around the courtyard.

"Everything that Daring Do has ever stolen away from me will be taken back in one fell swoop! In one night, I will elevate myself from living artifact to artifact to the heights that even Celestia couldn't imagine. I-"

"And how do you plan on transporting billions of bits in artifacts out of one of the most secure buildings in Equestria? Some of those artifacts will need special transportation and environments to store." Skyfall said as Daring pretended to swoon at his care for historical pieces.

Caballeron smiled. "I have bought a battleship, it left the port earlier today-"

'The one that almost hit me I bet.-

"-and the night after tomorrow, you and the others will go in under the guise of a cleaning crew and contain all the artifacts after knocking out the guards and place them into the Nassau Galleon in the center of the museum. Then the sky dome will be destroyed before my ship lifts the galleon out with you and the artifacts intact." Caballeron finished with his hooves stretched towards the sky in a victory pose.

"Why not fly the galleon out of there?" Skyfall mused.

"That's the best part, the galleon is one of the artifacts!" Caballeron nodded at one of his unicorn servants. He bowed and his horn lit up, showing images of the artifacts to look out for.

As the pictures cycled through the air, Skyfall muttered to himself, having seen many of the artifacts before. "So what's the price?"

Caballeron smiled. "How about a million bits, each?"

More applause echoed through the courtyard and before Sky could accept, Daring cut him off. "Two point five, each."

"Ouch." Caballeron said, feigning insult. "Surely you're overconfident in your importance."

Daring squinted. "If this goes south, our lives are over. Selling one of those artifacts would more than cover that payment, tenfold."

"She's got a point." Skyfall said.

Caballeron smiled. "Deal."

Skyfall smirked. "Now let's get to the details, show me this 'Nassau Galleon.'"

The servant nodded and cycled through the pictures until he arrived at the one he aimed for.

"I hope it doesn't fall apart." Skyfall's eyes widened as he examined the galleon. His tone dropped to a low whisper. "The Good Fortune?"

Author's Note:

Pokemon Go, am I right? Wow, that thing blew up and consumed me.

Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to mention the second half of season 6 and the new EQG movie. I hope they don't disappoint. The s6 trailer looked okay and the fourth EQG's info looked promising. The only reason I care about EQG is for Sunset.

A Lesson in Time, the side story that I was supposed to have to you last week is still being gone over. That's my fault, full stop. Life is life and Pokemon released this infernal app that has me going outside.

Fun chapter, this one. I enjoy writing a few fun ones every now and again. Not that anyone noticed because I write so far in advance, but I took a break and I'm semi-back to start cranking out more content.

We love ya :heart:

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