• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,436 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 11 -Unexpected Visitor-

-Unexpected Visitor-

"I should do this more often." Sif mused to herself while taking a sip of some tea she made for herself. Her face cringed at the awful taste before she spit it back into the cup. "On second thought, I'll leave that to Sky."

Just then, Skyfall and Nimbus burst through the cave’s entrance.

"Oh, speaking of the two devils." Sif chuckled until she saw that they were completely out of breath.

"Sky do you have an explanation for what just happened?" Nimbus said between breaths, his chest heaving from the full-out sprint he had made from the castle.

"No." Sky said quietly. Since he was in a forest, he was able to phase through the trees, leaving him in a less exhausted state than his friend.

Sif lumbered down the stairs in a lethargic manner. "One of you boys want to fill me in?"

"Celestia's task force stumbled on our little excursion and we left." Sky muttered out before attempting to make for the door, but a wall of fur and teeth moved to block his path.

"No, you don't get to leave unless you tell me what happened. Everything." Sif stared down at Sky. He tried to walk around her, but Sif jumped in front of him again. "I'll sit on you."

"Fine, but only cause you're so adorable." Sky poked Sif's cheek.

For the next few minutes, Sky went into detail about what happened, even the bit about how they were spotted in their disguises by a passerby and were mistaken as Spirits. "...and after the Elements fizzled out, Storm and I ran in separate directions; him into the forest and me into the castle. The guards chose to chase me since they were there for me, and me alone, but they don't know that castle like I do. We escaped and now we're here."

"Looks like Celestia went in for the killing blow on her first move." Sif scoffed. "She is still as brutal as ever."

"I think she sent the Elements as a force of habit. They seem to be her 'cure-all' when it comes to problems." Sky held up his hoof at Sif's questioning look. "I've been reading old newspaper articles from the mayor's office. They get a lot of press."

"So what now?" Sif asked.

"Nothing." Sky walked out of the waterfall and onto the bank that lead to his house, followed closely by Nimbus.

"Nothing?" Storm asked. "What about what we talked about?"

Sky huffed. "The answer is still no." He looked back angrily. "I remember you agreeing with me."

"No, I said you might be right." Nimbus tried to argue his case until Sky arrived at his house and turned to him, giving a very tired expression, making it clear he wasn't changing his mind. "Now that you're back, the rest of the Spirits are going to try and seek you out, the good and the bad. Blue, Feather, Innocence, What are you going to tell them?"

"The problems are still there." Nimbus repeated, but this time it more as a declaration.

"There will always be problems. It's Equus." Sky sighed as Nimbus stomped past him, huffing and cursing his name under his breath as he left Sky to himself. "Why are you always such a hothead?"

"He looks upset."

"Cadance?" Sky raised his eyebrow. She had been sitting on his doorstep without her regalia, an oddly pleasing sight.

"The one and only!" She chirped.

"What are you doing here?"

Cadance's eyes opened widely and she fidgeted slightly. "I, um, I came to see if you wanted to get coffee? I know you're a tea guy, but I really enjoyed our conversation at dinner and I thought we could talk again."

He stared at Cadance with a blank expression. "You want to get coffee?"

Cadance nodded slowly.

"With me?"

She nodded again, but this time more vigorously. "Yes."

After a quiet moment, Cadance started to pout, forcing Sky to yield. "Fine, I could use some relaxation after this morning. I guess it's time to try some of Sugarcube Corner's donuts."

Cadance turned and smiled back at Sky, silently beckoning him to walk next to her. He felt a nagging sensation that the day was about to get a lot more interesting.

For four hours, Cadance and Skyfall sat inside Sugarcube Corner drinking coffee and trading stories. Skyfall had to change some of his stories’ dates to make them era-friendly. The afternoon started to roll in, filling the bakery with a soft glow and long shadows that cascaded over everything.

"I miss having someone to talk to." Cadance sighed into her mug.

"Aren't you married?" Skyfall sipped his coffee. "Or are you at the point in your marriage that you've shared everything that can be shared, and it has become hard to hold conversations longer than 'Hey, how was your day?'"

"Yes." Cadance put her mug down and stared in surprise. "How did you know?"

"I was married once." Skyfall smiled. "We were friends at first and became lovers and eventually we were married."

"Did you have a family?" Cadance asked quietly.

"Yep, we had a little filly."

"Where are they now?" Cadance looked Skyfall in the eye in the most serious manner she could muster.

"Their time on Equus wasn't as long as mine. I have been without them for many years." Skyfall said quietly, almost to himself. Cadance felt that he was growing sad and reached her hoof out to console him, but it was interrupted by the bakery’s door being flung open.

"Cadance! There you are." Shining Armor called. "We've searched for you everywhere. Something happened at the old castle and I think you should be there when we brief the Princess on what happened."

"I've just been here having coffee." Cadance said, slightly annoyed, a tone that Skyfall did not miss. "I don't want to be a part of your little Spirit-hunt."

Shining glanced over to Skyfall, who stared right back. After a moment, Shining scowled at Cadance and walked away.

"Sorry about that." Cadance started.

"No, he seems lovely." Sky laughed before taking a long sip of his coffee. "I'm sure he never acts like this and that it's just because he’s stressed over his job."

"Mr. Skyfall, do I detect a hint of sarcasm from you?"

"Me? No, never."

Cadance tried to laugh, but slumped in her chair.

"You've been fighting?"

Cadance nodded, her hair hanging over her eyes.

"Arguments spark up over nothing? One minute you're standing around and the next you've been bickering for an hour over how you ate your breakfast?"

Cadance rested her head in her hooves. "Is it that obvious?"

Skyfall reached over poured her another cup of coffee from the pot that the Cakes brought over. "No."

Cadance looked up to see Sky making her coffee, she hesitated to continue, but chose to anyway. "You noticed that we were fighting, me and Shiny have even argued about the way I eat lately."

"Again, I've been married before. Marriage has good years and bad years, it isn't over until one party stops trying." Skyfall looked over the young Alicorn and pushed her the coffee mug. "And from the looks of it, you're having a really bad year."

The sun made its way to setting, telling Sky it was time to leave. "Listen, Cadance."

Cadance looked up to Skyfall, her hair was slightly frazzled.

"If you ever need a place to stay or someone to talk to, feel free to stop by my place at anytime, day or night." Skyfall patted her hoof. "I’ve gotta head out now."

Cadance quickly made her way to Skyfall's side and gave him a fierce hug. "See you later, Skyfall."

"Just call me Sky."

"You're back late." Sif mumbled from the couch while she was snout deep in what looked like a medieval adventure book.

"Yeah, Cadance wanted to talk her afternoon away with me." Sky sauntered over to the large, black couch adjacent to Sif and threw himself on it.

"I'm guessing something is on your mind?"

Sky exhaled and lifted his head, his hair ruffled and messy. "Yep. Me and Storm had a small argument about the state of the world, and he just won't let things go." He looked over to Sif who was now sitting upright. "What's that?"

"Lord of the Flings." Sif said quietly while trying to hide it under her butt. "It's a book."

"Yes, I can see that. Who is it written by?" He made his suspicion known through the inflection in his voice. Noticing Sif's hesitation, he wanted to drag this out.

"An author that has a pen name of P.B."

Sky reached over and patted Sif on the leg, opting to let it go. If she didn't want to share, then that is her business. "You want to go into town for dinner?"

"S-Sure." She wore a very surprised expression. "What happened to being a hermit and eating home?"

Sky fixed the scarf around his neck and walked to the door. "My day has been horrible so far and this makes us look like regular ponies."

"So that means I can start making friends?" Sif said sarcastically.

"Friends, enemies, I don't care." Sky opened the door quickly while still looking in her direction. "Just as long as you get ready quickly so we can go. If you don't, I'll wrestle you in the sheets later and this time there will be screaming involved!"

When he was finished shouting, he found Twilight with her hoof up ready to knock on the door and Rarity standing there with the most awestruck expression he's ever seen, the look of awkward embarrassment soon overtook both of them.

Sif trotted up the hallway, not knowing the situation. He tried to signal her, but her eyes were closed. "Fine, I remember the last trouncing you gave me, I walked a little funny for a week. This time I'm coming... out... on top."

"Ladies." Sky said through a hoof that was covering his face. "I understand what that sounded like, but-"

"No, it's fine." Twilight said quickly.

"No, seriously, I don't want you getting the wrong idea."

Rarity looked a little angry. "No, darling it's quite alright."

"But we landed on her leg, that's why."

Sif placed her hoof on Sky's shoulder, silently telling him to stop.

"What are you ladies here for?" Skyfall relented.

"We came to ask a question, but it's been answered." Twilight said cryptically before trotting away, followed closely by Rarity. The entire incident leaving Sky in a mental tailspin.

"So, where to?"

"The Hayburger?" Sif asked, spurring them both to start their long walk into Ponyville.

"You want a hayburger?"

"Well, I am a pony right now." Sif answered, slightly annoyed. "My diet doesn't change when I transform, but I've wanted to try one for a while and it makes me look like a pony, so..."

"True." Sky chuckled, while looking at the sun setting and moon rising. In mere moments, the valley was bathed in soft moonlight and the sky was overtaken by a myriad of stars, something Skyfall always loved to admire.

After a few minutes of silence, Sif bumped Sky to take his attention off of the sky. "You should get a job."

"You should get a job, Fluffybutt."

"Real mature." Sif huffed.

"I'm just playing, Crescent-" Sky was cut off by Sif's tail smacking him. "What, you don't like the name?"

Sif pouted at Sky's questioning look.

"How about Sif?"

"That sounds worse." Sif mused. “It’s blatantly obvious to the point of throwing our identities in the ponies faces.”

"It could technically work.” Sky thought aloud. “It’s too obvious for them to believe, like hiding in plain sight.”

“If you say so.”

“And I do.” Skyfall nudged Sif playfully. “Next time don’t ask me to create names.”

Both ponies continued their quiet debate before reaching the village, shifting toward a more neutral topic when they merged amongst the townponies.

"I think it would be a great idea for you to teach foals." Sif inserted. "You could set the groundwork for changing your bad reputation and you can give them a unique view apart from their history books."

"Cause I was there for most of the events?"


Sky shook his head. "It would take too long, and for such a small group, it would never be effective. Plus there is that book. As long as that book is around, all Spirits will have a bad name." Sky further lowered his tone. "I have a strong feeling that things are about to get a lot worse, and I don't think teaching would be a good cover."

Sif looked over Sky questioningly. "Are we talking about 'a random worrying feeling' or the 'gut feeling' Spirits get?"

"The latter." Sky walked into the near empty Hayburger and asked for a booth for two before turning back to Sif. "My sudden return triggered something, and signs are popping up left and right."

Sif and Sky sat quietly as they ordered their drinks, but the instant the blue maned waitress left, she leaned forward. "Where's your proof?"

"Aside from the seven foot weather Spirit that jettisoned fifty feet into the woodline?" Sky smirked at Sif rolling her eyes.

"And here are your drinks." The waitress announced while magicking both beverages down, her red eyes peering at both Sif and Sky making it very obvious she was working hard for a tip. "Would you two like anything to eat?"

"She'll have a hayburger and I'll have a double deluxe hayburger, extra cheese, extra egg, extra mushrooms and..." Sky scanned the menu one last time. "...you know what, you better just put five times the normal helping of grilled onions."

Sky could see Sif's big eyes, giving him a silent plea. "Actually make that two, one for her as well. And a double order of sweet potato fries for the both of us." Sky looked up to Sif again. "Dessert?"

Sif looked down and pointed to an enormous pumpkin pie. "That."

The waitress's pen was shaking in her magic."Sir, that comes to fifty bits."

"Okay." Sky responded calmly, reaching over for the sugar to put in his tea. With one eye he leered at the waitress. "Pay isn't an issue if that is what you're thinking."

The waitress went wide eyed, hoping she didn't insult her customer. "I'll put this in right away, Sir."

"Before you go, do you by chance have the latest issue of the Equestrian Inquirer?" The waitress nodded to Sky's question. "May I have a copy?"

Sky watched the waitress trot away, for his request.

"Something wrong?" Sif asked.

"I'm going to prove my point to you about earlier, plus I want to run the bill up." Sky reached out for the magazine as the waitress returned. "Thank you, miss.

"So what point do you want to make to me?" Sif's mouth shut when he showed her the mangled image of a spirit breaking into a weather factory. The title was 'Monster destroys weather factory because it took his cookies.'

"Storm told me that he destroyed a factory recently because it was diminishing his ability to use his magic." Sky informed Sif. "In many eras since Spirits started to go into hiding, magazines like this have existed to inform the other Spirits in hiding of what was going on. They just put out some bogus stories and give everything a weird title to cover it up."


"I've subscribed to them, and so far, Spirit activity is on the extreme incline. I read many of the issues they keep in the mayor's building. That's what is giving me the gut feeling." Sky sighed. "And with the failing of Celestia's little task force, she might over react and start playing hardball, just like that crusade in Saddle Arabia and the time she had that pirate problem."

"And the Prench revolution after that." Sif drank her sugar fix, apple soda.


"Oh, right, you were sealed away for that."

Sky waved his hoof. "I'll read about and then get your account. It's more fun that way."

After a few more minutes, the food arrived and they both fell into quiet contentment while they consumed their food. Sif had been too involved in eating to hold any conversation, so Sky looked out the window at the ponies that walked to and fro under Luna's night.

A few things caught Sky's eye as he looked outside. One was Applejack and her brother in what he assumed to be an argument. Big Mac seemed to be trying to hide his anger by walking away to avoid talking to her and failing at it, Applejack, however, wasn't hiding her own fury. She was in his face growling something and then Big Mac turned to face her and boomed 'You're alone' before they both stomped off in their own directions.

"Huh, so he can get upset?" Sky mused between bites.

Sif sat up and felt a rumbling in her stomach. "Uh, I gotta go destroy the toilet."

"Bombs away." Sky laughed as Sif shoved a stallion out of the way to get to the bathroom.

"The bill, Sir?" The waitress chirped out.

Sky happily looked it over. '68.44'

The waitress was trying her hardest to give a sincere smile, to the point it looked strained. Sky could tell she was hurting for money, probably a single mom with two foals. She had a few hoof made pins on her apron that said 'I mommy' and the like.

"Do you have an envelope miss?" Sky asked, startling her with his sudden question. She nodded quickly and left, returning with a small green envelope. "Close your eyes."

She did so and as she did so, Sky placed bits into it and put it in the front pocket of her apron. She opened her eyes and reached for it, but found a large silver hoof slap hers away so she couldn't look inside. "Ah, no peeking until after work."

She nodded and took the bill, thanking Sky for his patronage.

Sky went back to looking out the window, but this time, instead of calm ponies, he saw a stallion running out from an alley, angry and apparently on the hunt. Sky's thoughts were interrupted by a pony sitting across from him, a pony that wasn't Sif.

"May I help you?" Sky asked.

"If I may, I just want to sit her for a bit, please." A quiet voice murmured out from under the cloak.

"Avoiding certain brown stallions with shaggy hair?" Sky sipped his tea.

"How'd you know?"

Sky glanced up and saw that the stallion was going from store to store, peaking in and looking around. "He seems very set on finding you, whoever you are."

The mare sat up and lowered her hood.


"Y-Yes, may I join you?"

"You may." Sky said immediately, causing her to relax. After a few seconds, he tapped his hoof lightly as he observed the stallions movements. "Now, may I ask, why are you hiding?"

Sky noticed Fluttershy shuffling her hooves and looking at the basket of fries, only half eaten. "You can have the rest of them."

"Oh, oh no, I wouldn't want to impose."

"You wouldn't be. They're paid for and I won't be eating them."

Without another word, Fluttershy leaned forward and started eating heartily, so much so that her image of shy and demure was almost shattered. She looked up with crumbs and ketchup on her face.

"Ma'am." Skyfall called.

"Yes, Sir?" The waitress appeared.

"Another hayburger please." Without another word from Skyfall, she disappeared to place the order.

"I thought you weren't eating?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not, you are." Sky took a long peaceful sip from his tea.

"Oh no, I can pay, you don't need to-"

Sky held up his hoof. "My treat, it's clear you had a bad night. Plus, I gotta spend my money on something." Sky still saw the hesitant look on her face. "And the restaurant has so few customers that you can eat to your heart's content, you don't need to hold back."

Fluttershy relented and smiled gratefully at Skyfall.

"If you don't mind, why is he hunting you?" Sky said bluntly. "Did you kick down his front door?"

Fluttershy's smiled faded.

"That serious?"

She nodded.

"How bad? Like stalking and threats for something?" Sky tapped his hoof again when she nodded. "If you don't want to tell me, I won't pressure you, but you should tell the guards."

"He is a guard." Fluttershy said quietly. "We dated once and now he won't leave me alone."


"Dumbbell" She brightened up when the hayburger landed in front of her, diving in the instant the waitress left.

'Dumbbell?' Skyfall thought. Celestia was always strict with her guards, even though she put up a motherly attitude. Crimes, even petty ones, were treated very seriously.

"There you are!" Dumbbell called, interrupting Fluttershy's meal. "I've been looking for you everywhere, sweetie!"

Fluttershy shied away from the overbearing colt. He forced a fake smile and stared at the shrinking Pegasus, she made it painfully apparent they were not an item.

"I don't think she's interested." Sky said firmly.

"Oh, she's interested." Dumbbell scoffed and ruffled his feathers.

Dumbbell looked over and then down at the food. "A-Are you on a date?"

Sky and Shy looked at the colt as he grew more and more enraged. Sky squinted, unsure what the colt’s problem was. "We were just enjoying a meal together."

"Good." Dumbbell reached forward and grabbed Fluttershy's hoof, but found that his hoof was grabbed in turn by Skyfall.

"She isn't interested."

"You wanna go, Flightless?" Dumbbell chided and the waitress gasped from behind them.

Skyfall rose to his full height, looking down on the stallion as he stood a full head and shoulders above him. "I'm not from around here, but I'm guessing 'Flightless' is an insult. You should go, Bowlcut. Being reported to your superiors is going to be the least of your problems if you do not release her arm."

Dumbbell's scowl deepened until Skyfall put pressure on his hoof making the table sag in response to the increase in weight. Dumbbell winced, releasing Fluttershy and stomping away, cursing under his breath.

"I am so, so sorry about that." Fluttershy rubbed her hoof gently, unable to look at Skyfall.

"No, he seemed like a real piece of paradise." Sky glared at the stallion as he walked down one of Ponyville's streets. Every few seconds Dumbbell would look over his shoulder at the restaurant, only to find Skyfall staring right back.

"He was a piece of something, that's for sure." Sif muttered from the hallway the bathrooms were in. "Almost thought I had to step in."

"Right, you step in." Sky laughed.

Sif, opting to ignore Sky's comment, walked over and looked at Fluttershy, her hoof was slightly bruised, but not as much as her pride. Being treated like that in public was definitely embarrassing. "I'll walk her home."

"No, I'll walk her home. It's my fault her hoof is bruised in the first place." Sky said firmly, letting Sif know it wasn't up for debate. "Is that okay with you Fluttershy?"

"You don't have to if you're busy."

"Good thing I'm rarely busy then." Sky smiled and left the waitress another tip. He struggled his way out of the booth and whispered into Sif's ear, quickly enough that Fluttershy didn't notice. "Follow the stallion."

Without another word, Sif yawned. "I'll see you two later, I'm hitting the hay."

"Later, Fluffy."

"Goodnight, Crescent." Fluttershy smiled.

"I like this one." Sif said. "Goodnight Fluttershy, later Rudolph."

'OH no you didn't' Sky scowled, but Sif had already started giggling like a psychopath while running past the surprised waitress. He deadpanned back to Fluttershy. "Ready?"

"Y-Yes." Fluttershy said.

The night went on as Sky walked Fluttershy home. At first they were in the awkward stage of conversation where each attempt was thwarted by the inner skeptic that said 'they wouldn't want to talk about that.'

"So how's the weather treating you?" Skyfall finally asked and immediately regretted it. Fluttershy was a kind and sensitive pony who would probably view him as weird, or so he thought.

"It's nice. Winter is coming, so I have to start getting warm clothing for the baby animals that don't have thick fur yet."

"If you need help, you know where to find me." Sky smiled and saw some guards up ahead, they were arguing amongst themselves pointing in the direction of the forest before running past, towards the Mayor's office. Sky shrugged it off and turned back to Fluttershy, having remembered something he wanted to ask about. "Fluttershy, may I ask you a something?"

"Yes, you may." Fluttershy said politely.

"Did you enjoy the dinner I made last night?"

"Yes, it was delicious. I had no idea you knew how to cook." Fluttershy saw the amused look on Skyfall's face and shied away. "Not that it looks like you can't cook."

"No, it's fine, Fluttershy." Sky patted Shy on the shoulder with his wing. "I get that a lot actually, ponies assume I was an ex-guard or something because of my size and cutie mark."

"You're not?"

"No, is that what you thought?"

"No, that's just what everypony says." Fluttershy said, slightly ashamed she participated in gossiping about him.

"Interesting. How about you?"

"How about me?"

Skyfall stopped on the road for a moment. "What do you think I did."

Fluttershy shifted around for a moment. "I-I don't care."

"Ouch." Skyfall chuckled and started walking again, but was stopped by Fluttershy stepping into his path.

"I-I meant that I don't care what you did before, in the sense that it's your business to share with who you wish." Fluttershy eeped after forcing her statement out.

"That." Skyfall said.

Fluttershy frowned and shrunk away as if preparing to be stricken, instead she found a hoof patting her mane.

"That, is incredibly wise."

Fluttershy looked up at Skyfall's smiling face and she smiled in return. "You aren't mad?"

"Not in the least." They continued walking. "No one answer would have been right anyway, I've been many things; a doctor, professor, detective, politician, and many more things; all usually having to do with analyzing and fixing problems. I even fixed a washer once." Sky looked back at Fluttershy giggling at the last part. "Laugh now, but try being my size and fitting into a crawlspace."

Fluttershy openly laughed at the mental image.

When they crested the hill, they could see Fluttershy's cottage. A light still on for the critters inside so they wouldn't have to fumble around in the dark, showing exactly how much she cared for her animals.

"Well, end of the line, Princess."

Fluttershy stumbled when Skyfall said Princess, clearly something she didn't anticipate. She opened her door and braced herself, but when nothing happened, she looked inside at all the animals sitting quietly looking past her to Skyfall. "That's weird."

"What's weird?" Skyfall asked.

"Usually, my animals run past me to play in the yard one last time before bed, but they're sitting quietly." Fluttershy looked back. "And they're all looking at you."

"That does sound weird." Skyfall said, looking inside at all the eyes staring back at him. Fluttershy went to go do something and Skyfall quietly told the animals to go back to their business. Soon the cottage roared to life, startling Fluttershy.

Skyfall could see a bunny peeking at him from the far hall. His arms were clung to his body and he didn't look Sky in the eyes, but right below them so that he was still looking at his face.

"Oh there you are, Angel!" Fluttershy called as she flew over to pick him up. "I want you to meet my new friend. Angel, this is Skyfall. Skyfall, this is my pet rabbit, Angel."

"It's nice to meet you-" Skyfall felt somepony crash into him and he turned around to see an all white mare. "S-Crescent what are you doing?"

"Trouble. Mayor wants your help." Sif panted lightly. "Sounds urgent from her tone of voice."

"Right." Skyfall said curtly and looked to Fluttershy and held up his hooves. "Sorry Fluttershy, but I gotta go."

"Thank you for earlier." Fluttershy said while hugging her rabbit who was abnormally docile.

"No problem." Skyfall called as he started off running with Sif.

In a dead sprint, they neared the town in mere minutes. "What's going on?"

"No idea, a pony was foalnapped, I think." Sif said over her panting.


"I don't know, all I was told is that they're lost and when the Mayor saw me, she begged me to get you."

"Why me?" Sky shouted incredulously.

"I don't know, I think you're incompetent too." Sif laughed as Sky nipped at her heels.

When they got into town, a large group was formed by the Mayor's office, guards were assuring ponies that everything would be okay. The closer they got the low murmuring of the crowd turned into a steady roar.

"Skyfall!" The Mayor shouted, causing the crowd of ponies to part.

"Yes, Mayor mare?"

The Mayor turned to Shining Armor and scowled, making him look down. "I... We need your help."

Skyfall looked around and saw familiar faces, the crowd was a search party. Many ponies wore somber faces while a few looked rather upset. Sky felt a pit in his stomach grow and he dreaded the inquiry, but hesitation often leads to situations becoming infinitely worse. "I don't even know what is going on."

The Mayor visibly tensed. She glared at the armored ponies standing behind her "The guards can't seem to be able to find six missing foals. They went missing this morning and have so far eluded these highly trained ponies behind me. We're trying to send out a search party to find them and you're an ex-guard."

Sky could tell the Mayor held a great distaste for the guard detachment Celestia left in Ponyville. Even Shining Armor looked a little ashamed. Worse of all, some of the ponies Sky figured to be family members of the lost foals started crying. "You want me to help look for missing foals?"

"This town can't seem to keep track of their young." Sif said plainly, causing the ponies and guards to have mixed reactions from anger to disappointment.

"Right place, wrong time." Sky said in a low tone so only she would hear.

Mayor Mare looked around and approached Skyfall, whispering to him instead of announcing to the whole crowd. "We think Timberwolves are involved, and out of everypony here, you have the most experience with them. Aren't guards supposed to uphold their oaths even after retirement?"

Skyfall felt tempted to tell the Mayor off for assuming he was a guard. He huffed and glared at the Mayor who shrunk back "Why is it everyone assumes I was a guard?"

Shining raised his head and found Skyfall's statement very interesting for some reason, he wrote something down on a pad before shoving it into his armor. An act Skyfall didn't miss.

Sky looked over to the families; Big Mac who was holding Applejack in his hooves as she muttered to herself, Rarity and her parents were talking with a guard and the others were giving pictures out to the search party. Scootaloo's family, however, was unaffected, her father stood by with an annoyed look on his face. A thunderous conversation went on in Skyfall's head, but in the end, he knew he would give in so he nodded to Sif. "North East."

Without another word, Sif turn and sprinted away, confusing everyone there.


"Huh?" The Mayor asked.

"Names of the lost foals?" Skyfall said impatiently.

"You'll help?" The Mayor asked, the tension leaving her shoulders.

Skyfall turned to Shining Armor who was nudged by his wife to produce the names. "The names are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Twist, Button Mash, and Pipsqueak. Four fillies and two colts." Shining flipped his booklet closed and shoved it back into his armor. He tapped his hoof, if Sky was going to encounter Timberwolves, then his hide wouldn't fair well against their teeth. "Would you like some armor?"

"Nope, got my own." Skyfall said as he turned to leave. He walked for a little bit and planned his next move as he entered the treeline and disappeared from sight.

"What were you six thinking?" Sky said to himself before melding into a tree, worry overtaking him. Sky could feel the entire forest down to the last ant, so it took him virtually no time to find the foals, however, something Skies couldn't explain was with them.

"What do we do?" Apple Bloom whispered. Her coat matted and dirty from being dragged through the dirt, her heart having finally calmed down enough to allow her to speak.

"I don't know." Scootaloo whispered back before turning to Pipsqueak, nudging him with her hoof. She nudged him again before realizing he passed out from exhaustion. A Ttimberwolf growled to make her stop, making her reel back in terror before it lumbered away angrily.

The sound of twigs snapping and howls echoed through the cavern they were dragged to. One by one, the Timberwolves filed out, leaving the foals alone.

"Do we run?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The wolves would still be outside." Button Mash said matter of factly. "And we can't leave without Twist."

"Ah agree, we get Twist and run!" Apple Bloom said a little louder than she meant too.

"Oh, but why leave?"

The cave became dry and was flooded with an unusual smell that caused the small foal's noses to burn and their eyes to water. The each held their hooves to their face trying to block the smell from getting in.

"What's going on?" Pipsqueak woke up rubbing his nose.

"Something special."

"Who's there?" Apple Bloom shouted, causing a cloaked being to limp into sight.

"I am, my dear."

Apple Bloom, along with the others tried squinting to see his face, but only saw sickly green eyes staring back. His voice sounded scratchy and the old cloak that laid unevenly across his body separated, showing a decrepit hoof.

Apple Bloom swallowed hard. "W-Who are you?"

Author's Note:

Alllright, got me one of those things where you're gone from dawn till dusk for money, what was it? A job? Yes, I've gotten a full time job. yay... Won't effect chapter releases so no worries for anyone with that concern.

In case you read this, thank ya. I was talking with my proofreader/artist and he brought up a great point. So far I have talked little about the other ponies of ponyville, so I'm going to include some of the other ponies that are intricate to the politics that will play out later in the story (Basically setting groundwork) as well as start gathering ocs for the same purpose (To set groundwork). If you like, PM me with an oc that is reasonable. Please no oc thats like 'super commando kills everyone type of oc' just something reasonable y'know? The more info the better. ^-^

I realize that the CMC are foalnapped a lot in other stories. As for this story, it actually has a purpose that will start showing its head, so please don't worry. :twilightsmile:

If you liked it/commented, We love ya :heart: It's writing/editing fuel.

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