• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 89: Hide The Magic!

Shining flew into Canterlot, immediately heading straight for the royal palace. All the while he was thinking to himself. "Please don't let this be a bad thing, please!"

But upon entering the throne room, Shining could see all three princesses were there, waiting for him with anxious looks. Already, he could tell that something wasn't right. Reluctantly, he cleared his throat and spoke. "I came as soon as I got your message. What's wrong?"

The three princesses exchanged nervous looks for a moment, before Celestia looked at Shining and said somberly. "I'm afraid my judgement has come back to haunt me. It seems I overestimated the influence friendship had on Discord, just as I underestimated Tirek's crafty ways."

"No, you can't mean..." Shining began.

"-I'm afraid I do." Celestia replied, hanging her head in shame.

"We have received word that Discord has betrayed Equestria, and sided with Tirek, allowing him to steal more magic than he ever could've on his own," Luna added. "To make matters worse, we've learned that Tirek has now grown powerful enough to steal the magic from all pegasi, leaving them unable to control the weather. And there are reports Tirek has targeted earth ponies as well, making them unable to tend to the soil and grow crops. Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, Manehattan, Fillydelpha, Los Pegasus, Trottingham, Baltimare, and even Dodge Junction have all fallen victim to Tirek's wrath."

Cadence spoke next, and her words chilled Shining to the very bone. "There is only one thing left that Tirek has undoubtedly set his sights on, alicorn magic! If he gets it, he will be unstoppable!"

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Shining asked the princesses. "Assuming Tirek's on his way now, we don't exactly have a lot of time to come up with a plan. But, surely you're prepared for this. Especially you, Princess Celestia. You've always had a plan for when things look bleak before."

But Celestia only shook her head. "Alas, I could not have anticipated this. There's little I can plan for on such short notice, even my visions have become clouded. I sense that Tirek will eventually be stopped, but how and by who, I don't know."

"Well, maybe whatever's in that mysterious chest will help?" Shining wondered outloud. "My friends and I recently discovered five of the six keys needed to unlock it. But my key still eludes me at the moment. Do you know where it might be found?"

"No," Celestia admitted. "And neither do I know what that chest might contain. There is but one option I can think of that we can try. We must rid ourselves of our magic, before Tirek has a chance to steal it from us!"

Shining's mouth dropped wide open. "What?! But, but.... that's impossible! Magic can't just disappear, it doesn't work like that. I should know, Twily's read a ton of books on the subject."

"You misunderstand," Luna explained. "Of course our magic can't just vanish into thin air. It must be hidden inside something, or rather somepony. And while it's not a decision we've arrived at lightly, we've decided it would be for the best to hide all the alicorn magic inside of you!"

"Why me?! Why not Cadence?!" Shining asked.

"We don't know how much Tirek knows about us, or what Discord has told him," Cadence commented. "But the fact that he hasn't yet targeted Ponyville or the Crystal Empire, means he's currently still unaware that you exist. Hiding the magic inside you may at least buy us time to come up with a solution."

"And, if I should run into Tirek and Discord?" Shining nervously asked, even though he was certain of the answer.

"If you should run into either of them, you are to defeat them at all costs," Celestia declared, her mood changing from somber to serious. "Are you prepared to accept that possibility? If not, we could hide the magic inside Cadence or Luna, or even hide it inside me. I'm the strongest and oldest of all the alicorns, perhaps that might give me an edge over Tirek?"

But Shining only shook his head. "No, I can't ask you to accept that burden, Princess Celestia. I'll do it! My friends and I will find a way to stop Tirek!"

"You may tell your friends if you wish, but know that doing so may put them at greater risk," Luna cautioned. "And with all that power inside you, you will need time to adjust. It may be for the best if you find somewhere quiet and out of the way to adapt to your new magical powers, once you receive them. Otherwise, you'll be as much of a danger as Tirek is."

"Knowing all of this? Knowing what you'll have to give up? Do you still wish to accept the burden?" Cadence asked her husband. "It's not too late to change your mind. You've already saved Equestria countless times, you don't have to do this."

Shining's response was to protest by proclaiming. "No, Cadence. I can see now that this is the role I'm meant to play as Equestria's first alicorn prince! And I will not fail to do my royal duty!" Stepping forward, he boldly added. "I'm ready! Unleash the magic upon me, I can take it!"

"Very well, and may the power of harmony guide you." Celestia advised, then she, Luna, and Cadence, all surrounded Shining Armor. One by one, each lit up their horns, pouring all their magical power into a gigantic dome. Then, slowly, the dome was lowered into Shining, and the magic began to course through his veins.

Shining immediately felt himself overwhelmed by the enormous power surging through him! One moment he felt red hot, like the sun! The next, he was freezing cold, like the moon! And then he felt all warm and fuzzy, like his heart was full of unending love for all! All the while, sparks of electricity sizzled and crackled as they leaked out from his horn! "So.... strong!" He panted, as he struggled to stand up!

"Take it easy, Shining," Celestia cautioned in a motherly tone. "I know it's a lot for you to take in all at once, but sooner or later your body will get used to the tremendous amount of power stored inside you."

Just moments later, there was a blinding flash of light, and all three princesses shielded their eyes. When the flash faded, Shining Armor stood, looking none the worse for wear even in spite of what had just happened. However, looking at the princesses, he took notice of the fact that their cutie marks had vanished, and Celestia and Luna's manes and tails had stopped flowing. Shining hugged all three princesses, and to each one he told them. "I'm sorry it had to be this way. I promise, I won't let you down!"

"We know you won't," Celestia said, smiling despite the tears forming in her face. "Now go, get as far away from here as you can before Tirek arrives!"

"What about you three?" Shining asked the princesses. "What will happen to all of you?"

"We'll each go into hiding," Luna explained. "My sister will stay here, hopefully stalling Tirek for long as possible. I shall try to seek refugee in the castle towers. And Cadence shall return to the Crystal Empire. With any luck, we can send Tirek on a wild goose chase, and buy you time to find out how to stop him."

"And know that our magic isn't the only thing you'll take with you," Cadence called, as Shining turned to leave. "Our support will also be with you, wherever you may go."

Shining tried his best not to cry. "Everyone is counting on me!" He thought to himself, as he flew back to Ponyville. "I can't let them down! Somehow, someway, I've got to stop Tirek!" But he didn't know how.

Author's Note:

Even if Celestia's behavior in "Twilight's Kingdom" was her grasping at straws, it does seem a bit foolish that she wouldn't have at least given though to a back-up plan, in case Discord failed in his mission. Most likely, the change in focus from Discord to Twilight, caused Meghan to just sort of disregard the princesses and hastily write them out so they couldn't interfere in the conflict.

Here, while I still left Celestia without a back-up plan, I tried to explain her actions. As well as have the princesses make an effort to try and fool Tirek, rather than all three just stay in the throne room, waiting for Tirek to arrive.

We're halfway through this arc, folks. Things are gonna start heating up soon.

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