• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 53: Race to The Elements

Shining Armor hated to leave his bride to be, one of his mentors, and his sister, behind. But he knew there was little he could do for them without The Elements of Harmony. Cadence was risking her life to buy Shining Armor and his friends enough time to save everyone, seconds counted!

Fortunately, Princess Celestia had the foresight to inform Shining Armor of where The Elements of Harmony were stored during his last visit to Canterlot. And so it was that Shining Armor was leading the race through the streets of Canterlot, with his friends following close behind.

As they looked up above, they could see what seemed to be insect/pony hybrid like creatures hammering away at the protective barrier surrounding Canterlot. It didn't take a genius to realize they were likely the "changelings" that Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis had spoken of.

"Come on, guys! We've got to reach The Elements of Harmony before the changelings break through!" Shining Armor shouted, as noticeable cracks began to appear in the pink bubble.

"We're coming as fast as we can!" Soarin shouted back "How much further til we reach them?!"

"Not long now, I think we're almost-" Shining Armor replied, but then he began to wince and collapsed to the ground. His friends quickly raced to his side, and helped him to stand.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?!" Thunderlane asked nervously.

"I can feel them," Shining Armor said weakly "They're everywhere."

"The changelings?" Fancy Pants asked.

Shining Armor nodded in reply "That Chrysalis drained me of most of my magic, I barely have enough strength to maintain this barrier. And with each passing second, it's getting weaker. I don't think I can hold them off any longer!"

"No! You can't think like that! We need that barrier to stay up!" Big Macintosh pleaded "You're strong enough, we know you are!"

"Cousin Big Mac's right," Braeburn added, putting a hoof around Shining Armor "Look inside yourself, you'll find all the strength you'll need. Right?"

"Just forget me and go on ahead, it's me the changelings want so badly," Shining Armor groaned "If you guys hurry, you might be able to grab The Elements before the changelings destroy the barrier and overwhelm the city."

"Not a chance, we're not leaving you! No stallion's getting left behind on our watch!" Soarin vowed.

"Save yourselves, I'm no good to you now!" Shining Armor insisted, but his friends would hear none of it.

"We're not leaving you! Not now, and not ever!" Thunderlane replied "You've got to hold on, just for a little longer. If we have fight our way back to the palace, we'll do it! We've been in tough spots before and always found a way to win! We can do it again if we don't give up!"

But it was no use. Despite his best efforts, Shining Armor was unable to hold up the shield spell any longer. A thunderous shattering sound shook the city of Canterlot, as the protective barrier finally collapsed. In a matter of seconds, it was gone completely, and the changelings began their assualt on Equestria's capital city.

Frightened civilians panicked, running every which way to try and escape the ensuing chaos. While others, tried valiantly to fight the invaders, even though they knew they were likely out matched.

"I'm sorry guys, I couldn't stop them." Shining Armor said glumly, and he hung his head in shame.

"It's not over yet! There's still a chance we can reach The Elements of Harmony!" Fancy Pants said seriously "We've got to try!" And so the six friends took off again, though Shining Armor did so very reluctantly. The changelings were swarming in from all directions, bombarding Canterlot without end. It seemed like it would be imposssibe to repel them.

Despite the ongoing attack, Shining Armor and his friends somehow managed to reach the building where The Elements of Harmony were stored. But when they did, a horrifying sight reached their eyes.

Standing right outside the front door, was a massive army of changelings. And they all looked poised for an attack.

"This doesn't look good," Thunderlane remarked nervously "I've got a very bad feeling about this."

"There must be hundreds of them, maybe even thousands." Braeburn exclaimed.

"What do we do now? Any ideas?" Big Macintosh asked.

"There's only one thing we can do," Soarin replied "We're gonna have to fight them."

"What?! That's crazy! They'll completely overpower us!" Fancy Pants remarked "If Fleur and Miss. Rarity see me all brusied and battered, they'll lose the will to resist."

"Then we'll just have to make sure they don't beat us!" Shining Armor spoke up "We have each other, and as long as we stay close we can do anything! But be careful, they can disguise themselves as any one of us! Don't let them trick you!"

"Enough talk, let's do this!" Soarin shouted. And the six stallions raced forward, plowing straight into the heart of the changeling army. An intense and difficult struggle soon broke out. Changelings were knocked every which way, as punches, kicks, and magic blasts were thrown about and traded.

Despite their best efforts, it wasn't long before Shining Armor and his friends were seperated. Now, each of the stallions would have to rely on their wits and quick thinking if they wished to survive.

Thunderlane looked around, and a look of worry soon crossed his face as he realized that he was on his own. To make matters worse, several changelings disguised as him were heading straight for him.

Thinking quickly, Thunderlane stood up tall and shouted "They went thata way!" and pointed his hoof to his left. The changelings bought it, walking right past Thunderlane without stopping.

But Thunderlane's victory was short lived, as he suddenly found himself surrounded by a bunch of Soarins. But just as he was about to give up, and allow the changelings to capture him, Thunderlane was shocked to see one of the Soarins punch the others away, and help Thunderlane to stand. "These changelings don't seem to be very bright," he said to his friend "Come on, you'd better stick with me. Two heads are better than one."

Meanwhile, Big Macintosh was having his own problems. He had teamed up with what he thought was Shining Armor, only to discover that his partner was actually a changeling. Fortunately, using his massive strength, Big Macintosh was able to bring the changeling to the floor with little trouble. "It'll take more than that to stop me!" he said, as he proceeded to grab another changeling, and roll it like a bowling ball, sending it straight into several other changelings.

Then, Big Macintosh felt himself being grabbed by the magical aura of Fancy Pants, who looked like he was about ready to blast Big Macintosh away. "Real me, real me!" he shouted.

"Prove it, who's my business partner?" Fancy Pants asked.

"Miss. Rarity of course." Big Macintosh replied.

Fancy Pants released Big Macintosh, setting him down on the ground "Sorry, needed to be sure," he said to Big Macintosh, as he proceeded to turn around, and blast away a huge group of changelings with his magic "I so detest this senseless violence. If only there was a better way." he remarked.

While Fancy Pants and Big Macintosh, and Soarin and Thunderlane quickly worked to meet up, Braeburn was having a little fun on his. "Yeehaw, ride 'em cowpony!" he cheered, as he rode atop a changeling disguised as himself, holding said changeling steady with a rope "You didn't really think you could fool me so easily, did ya?" The changeling didn't answer "That's what I thought, now giddy up!" Braeburn shouted, playfully hitting the changeling on the side.

Braeburn used his make shift stead to plow through the changelings as they tried to knock him off. "Sorry, this ride's taken! Get your own!" Braeburn teased, as he shoved the changelings aside.

"Cousin Braeburn, over here!" Big Macintosh shouted, when he saw Braeburn and his stead. Big Macintosh knew that no changeling would ever be as playful as Braeburn was now. All the other Braeburns were serious to a fault, they even refused to smile.

"Hang on, cousin Big Mac, I'm on my way!" Braeburn replied, and he joined up with his friends a short time later, eagerly helping them take down changelings left and right.

"Say, where's Shining Armor?" Thunderlane asked. He hadn't seen Shining Armor at all since the group was split up.

"I hope he's alright." Braeburn said nervously.

"Look over there!" Fancy Pants suddenly exclaimed, and everyone turned to look. What they saw, made their eyes widden in shock.

All the remaining changelings had decided to gang up on Shining Armor, no doubt sensing the love he still had inside him, and hoping to feed off it. "Snack time!" one of the changelings shouted, prompting the changelings to dog pile Shining Armor.

Rather than lie down and accept his fate, Shining Armor pushed back as best he could "Get off of me!" he said angrily "The love I have is for Princess Cadence, and not one of you is going to take it away! You may have broken through my shield spell, but you will NOT take my love away! NOT TODAY!" And this raw emotion gave Shining Armor's magic enough of a boost to produce one gigantic shockwave, strong enough to send all the changelings flying.

"Whoa! Remind me never to get on your bad side!" Soarin commented, as he and the others rushed to Shining Armor's side.

"There's.... no time.... to waste," Shining Armor panted "We must.... get The Elements."

"Right, let's grab 'em and go!" Big Macintosh shouted, and the six stallions burst through the front door.

But when they got inside, their hopes were suddenly and immediately crushed. An entire second group of changelings had somehow managed to gain access to the building, and they now guarded the location of The Elements of Harmony with their very lives.

To make matters worse, another group of changelings appeared suddenly behind the six stallions, cutting off their escape route.

"How did they get here ahead of us?!" Fancy Pants asked "That can't be possible!"

"Well, we'll just have to take them out as well!" Soarin insisted.

However, before anypony could do anything, one of the changelings spoke up "Wait! We have some 'friends' who would like to see you."

"What do you mean?!" Shining Armor asked furiously "We're in no mood for your tricks!"

"It's not a trick," the changeling hissed in an echoy voice, and turned to its companions "Show them." it instructed.

A series of changelings flew forward one by one, each of them holding a pony (and one of them holding a dragon) that was instantly recognizable. They included Spitfire and Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts, Spike, Fleur, Twilight, and all of her friends.

"B.B.B.F.F, it's a trap! Don't listen to them!" Twilight pleaded.

"Silence!" the changeling snapped, and turned to Shining Armor "We will release your loved ones to you, if you surrender to us now, and come with us to see our queen. Resist, and we can't gurantee that your loved one will remain unharmed."

Unable to bring himself to risk the life of his sister, and the lives of her friends, Shining Armor reluctantly told the changeling "Very well, we surrender. Now let them go."

"As you wish." the changeling said, and instructed the other changelings to let their hostages go. Once they were all released, the changelings encircled the reunited group "Don't try anything funny," they warned "Come with us quietly, and no one gets hurt."

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