• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 83: Test of the Tonic

At Sweet Apple Acres, Big Macintosh was helping Granny Smith move some boxes. They were quite heavy and full of all sorts of things that were old and been gathering dust and cobwebs.

"Thanks for helpin' me with these here boxes," Granny Smith said to Big Macintosh. "I really shouldn't be holdin' onto so much old stuff, but there's just so many memories associated with 'em," A faint tear seemed to come into her eye as she added. "It's amazin' how time can just fly by. Seems like only yesterday I was in the prime of my youth, and now two of my grandkids are fine young adults, and my third's old enough to start makin' zap apple jam. I reckon it won't be long before you three won't be needin' me at all. Probably gonna just stick me in a senior livin' home and visit me when you're not busy with your lives."

But Big Macintosh shook his head. "This place has been your home for a long time, Granny Smith. We ain't about to make ya leave it. Seems like everyday we learn somethin' new about ya."

"Sure does," Granny Smith commented, and changed the subject. "Be careful with them boxes, some of that stuff is real fragile ya hear? And many of the things, they don't make anymore or don't make 'em like they used to. If it weren't for all the memories associated with 'em, I'd probably have sold 'em a long time ago."

It was then that Big Macintosh noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Inside one of the boxes, was an old photo album of some kind. It was unrecognizable to him, but he could tell it wasn't like the one Granny Smith liked to show off during Apple family reunions.

Granny Smith spotted the photo album as well, and quickly grabbed it. "About time, I've been lookin' for this here book for ages! I was wonderin' where I might have put it!" She exclaimed with delight.

"What kind of photos do you keep in that old album?" Big Macintosh inquired of Granny Smith. "And why wouldn't you put them in a normal photo album?"

Granny Smith looked all around, as if she were worried somepony might overhear. When she was convinced that wasn't the case, she whispered to Big Macintosh. "This album chronicles a part of my life I ain't exactly proud of," She pulled it open, and the first picture displayed showed a younger Granny Smith in some kind of swim bonnet and skirt, though the photo was in black and white so the color of the outfit couldn't be determined. "Back when I was no older than Applejack is now, I was a champion swimmer and diver. An aquapony all-star, or at least that's what they called me. I used to be able to do all kinds of neat tricks off the divin' board, and won a couple of awards. In fact, I was the only Apple to ever come close to breaking the Equestria high-diving record!"

"So, what happened to make you give it up?" Big Macintosh asked.

Granny Smith sighed. "Falling six stories into a deep dish pie pan sure takes a toll on the hindquarters," She confessed, displaying a clipping of a newspaper headline that showed the same younger Granny Smith from before, in the hospital. "After that painful experience, I figured it was best to quit before I broke somethin' that couldn't be mended. I met your grandpappy shortly thereafter and we settled down on Sweet Apple Acres together. The rest is history."

"Wow!" Big Macintosh exclaimed, before he realized he'd unintentionally spoken up a bit too loudly. He waited for a bit to see if anypony had overheard, before he said in a softer voice to Granny Smith. "No wonder you had my sister and I teach Apple Bloom how to swim, I can see why you wouldn't go near the water again after a painful experience like that."

Granny Smith nodded, before she hung her head a bit and commented softly. "All the same, I'd give anythin' to feel young again, even just for a day. To be able to zip along with a spring in my step, like Braeburn or Pinkie Pie, our possible fourth cousin twice removed. That would be lovely."

That comment actually got Big Macintosh to think. "Is it actually possible to make a pony young again?" He thought. "Shining Armor's sister studied age spells. But those were permanent, weren't they?" Deciding it would be best to find out for himself, Big Macintosh made arrangements to see Shining Armor and Twilight as soon as possible.

As soon as possible turned out to be the next day. But the possibility of age spells wasn't the only reason for his visit to the Golden Oaks Library that day. There was something else he wanted to ask about.

And that question was what he decided to ask first, for Shining Armor was the one who answered the door. "Bet you're surprised to see me back in Ponyville, especially with the Equestria Games lurking around the corner," Shining commented to Big Macintosh, and explained as he invited his friend inside. "Well, everything's been more or less ironed out, even the security detail. The new stadium is ready and waiting, and Ms. Harshwhinny even agreed to let Spike light the torch at the opening ceremonies, seeing as he's a big hero in the Crystal Empire and everything. Besides, between you and me, he deserves a bit more national recognition."

"As if him bein' your official adopted nephew isn't enough," Big Macintosh laughed, before he asked Shining. "So, any leads on that mysterious chest? I know it's been a while, but I can't shake the feelin' the keys are right under our noses somehow."

Shining shook his head. "I wish I had any kind of news, good or bad. But it's the same as it was the last time you asked," He told Big Macintosh. "I've exhausted just about every book in Ponyville, Canterlot, and the Crystal Empire, and I've found nothing. If the keys are out there, I have no idea where they could be. And neither do I have any guesses as to what the chest could hold, other than a replacement for the Elements of Harmony. That being said, it's been relatively quiet since the plunder vines fiasco. And I hope I'm not jinxing anything when I said I'd like it to stay that way."

Big Macintosh and Shining Armor both shared a laugh, before Big Mac went to go see Twilight. He was still a bit weary of being around her, as their last significant interaction had been when Twilight had requested his help wrestling away an old doll from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And the next thing Big Mac remembered, he'd found himself alone with the doll after sunset and had happily run off with it. "I.... didn't come here to return that doll of yours if that's what you're thinkin'." He nervously said to Twilight.

Twilight seemed to smile and nod as she replied. "It's okay, I didn't really use Smarty Pants all that often anyway. As long as she's got a loving home, I'm okay with you holding onto her," Clearing her throat to quickly change the subject, she asked the stallion. "So, what did you really come here for?"

Big Mac explained as best he could. "Granny Smith wants to feel young again, and it got me to thinkin' about those age spells you study. Do you know of any that aren't permanent, that could make her just a tad bit younger? I think we can all agree turnin' her into a foal or a school aged filly probably ain't what she's lookin' for, or what anypony at Sweet Apple Acres needs."

Twilight seemed to frown rather noticeably at that comment, which Big Mac took as a sign that bad news was surely to follow. And indeed it did. Twilight tried her best to keep a straight face, betrayed by the sad tone in her voice that told Big Macintosh what he'd been dreading to hear. "There aren't any known age spells that can make a pony only slightly younger. Even the most commonly sought after ones can be hard to do, which is why there's so little information about them. I'm sorry, I don't think there's anything that can help you."

"Oh." Big Mac commented, trying to hide how much the news hurt him.

"If it makes Granny Smith feel any better, she's quite healthy and active for her age," Spike commented, hoping to cheer Big Mac up. "Dare I say, she doesn't look a day over fifty."

Big Mac didn't say anything, he just turned and left the Golden Oaks Library, still thinking about whether it was at all possible for Granny Smith to feel young again. Big Mac prided himself on being a good listener (which is why he didn't open up much outside his circle of friends and his family), and that meant being able to pick up on clues most ponies wouldn't notice. The tone and expressions he'd seen and heard in Granny Smith were all that he needed to know that his grandmother truly longed for an opportunity to regain some of her youthful vigor, and nothing would make her happier than for that to be accomplished.

Opting to forget about things for a while and just give himself time to think, Big Macintosh decided to spend some time down by the lake not far from Sweet Apple Acres. Even if the fish weren't biting today, at least he'd be alone with his thoughts, and perhaps an idea would come to him.

All of a sudden though, Big Macintosh was surprised to see what appeared to be Granny Smith swimming past, and she was dressed in what appeared to be a red swim bonnet and matching red swim skirt, both of which had white polka dots on them! Without a moment's hesitation, Big Mac threw down his line, removed the harness around his neck that he hadn't been without for over a decade and a half, and tossed it out towards Granny Smith! "Granny Smith, swim into my harness and paddle your way to shore! Quick!" Big Macintosh shouted, as he rushed down to the lake bed and ran along the shore.

But Granny Smith swam past the soaking harness with no trouble. In fact, she doubled back around to it, tucked it under her left arm, and paddled to shore with in tow. Doing so without any signs of a struggle. "Here ya go, Big Mac. I believe this is yours," Granny Smith called, tossing the harness onto the ground. "Let's hope it don't shrink when it gets wet." She chuckled at her joke and shook herself dry.

Big Mac's mouth dropped open in shock, he could hardly believe his eyes! "What the hay happened to ya, Granny?" He inquired, hoping for some answers. "Just yesterday you sounded like you wouldn't dare dream of even goin' near the water, and now you've got no problems swimmin' around like a pro? You okay?"

"Oh, I'm more than okay! I'm fantastic!" Granny Smith proudly proclaimed, pulling out a bottle. "And it's all thanks to this here tonic. I bumped into a nice stallion just a few hours ago, and he was kind enough to give me a sample of this cure all tonic, and at a discount to boot," She proceeded to drink some of the "tonic", and wiped her lips, before she added. "It's just what the doctor ordered! With it I feel twenty years younger! And ain't just swimmin' that this here tonic's helpful for. I reckon I could probably help ya and Applejack with the applebuckin' round the farm, between the three of us we'd have the job done in no time."

"Who the heck was that stallion, and why would he just give you that cure all tonic so cheaply?" Big Macintosh asked with concern. "No offense, Granny. But as I think Applejack would say if she were here to see this: 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.'"

Granny Smith shrugged off her grandson's concerns. "That stallion just happened to be a pony who used to need crutches to walk everywhere, and he showed me the crutches he used to need. But he took one swig of that tonic, and you bet your boots he was up and walkin' around like he'd never needed crutches at all! You should go check him out if ya don't believe me, he's down at this tent near the outskirts of town, and he told me that's where ya can buy more of the tonic if ya need it. He didn't mention who was sellin it' though."

"Will there be a show tonight?" Big Macintosh asked.

Granny Smith nodded. "Yup, he said there's gonna be a show every day and every night for the next week or so."

"Well then, guess I know where I'll be goin' tonight." Big Macintosh commented. And in his mind he silently thought. "This all seems suspicious, especially since that stallion wouldn't say who's selling the tonic. Besides that, there are usually channels you need to go through before you can start selling medicines in Equestria. Zecora's the only exception, and even she usually goes through the process anyway."

Just as Celestia's sun was setting off in the distance, Big Macintosh made his way through town. Before long, his eyes fell upon the very tent Granny Smith had described. And he could swear he heard music coming from inside it.

All of a sudden, a light gray coated stallion with a curly orange mane, glasses, and blue overalls, came dancing out of the tent while singing. "I won't need these crutches to dance out the door!" He then quickly looked around, and then zipped away.

It didn't take a genius to suspect that stallion was likely the same one Granny Smith had mentioned earlier, and Big Macintosh followed him from a distance. The stallion soon came to a stop near what appeared to be some kind of outdoor parlor, and it was lined with all kinds of outfits, fake glasses and wigs, and crutches as far as the eye could see. "I knew it was too good to be true! That stallion's a sham!" Big Mac thought to himself, and carefully crept up to him. The stallion didn't seem to be aware of the fact that somepony was closing in on him, that is until he spun around and found himself face to face with Big Mac, who could now see that the stallion had a plain gray mane and tail, and pale blue eyes, not to mention a cutie mark depicting two silver bits.

"Uh, c-can I help you?" The stallion stuttered, as he gazed into the angry eyes of Big Macintosh and cowered in fright.

"You can start with name and purpose!" Big Macintosh demanded.

"M-my name's Shill, S-Silver Shill," The stallion confessed. "And I-I'm not telling you anything, you can't pin a thing on me!"

Big Mac wasn't going to take no for an answer, he snorted and continued to stare at Silver Shill as he asked. "What are you doin' posin' as a pony who needs crutches when you can walk around just fine? You're workin' for somepony to sell that tonic, and I wanna know who it is."

Silver Shill didn't answer, he just reached over and pulled a handle, causing a nearby steam whistle to let off steam. This temporarily blinded Big Mac, allowing Silver Shill to make a run for it! "Get back here! I want answers!" Big Mac demanded, and chased after Silver Shill as best he could. Ultimately, his chase led him into the tent proper. But he soon found that Silver Shill was cowering behind two familiar unicorn stallions with bowler hats there were yellow with blue ribbons, one of which had a red haired mustache.

"Well, well," The non mustached stallion greeted. "What an unexpected surprise to see the likes of you here."

"What brings you to our humble new abode?" The mustached stallion asked Big Mac. "As I'm sure you can see, we've given up the cider selling business for a higher calling."

"Flim and Flam, I should've guessed you two were behind all this," Big Macintosh commented. "Just what do you think you're doin' runnin' a fake tonic business with your pal Silver Shill here?! I ain't too thrilled he sold my granny a bunch of hogwash, and now she's off actin' like a filly again 'cause she thinks that tonic's made her young."

Flim and Flam didn't seem all that concerned, they just laughed as Flim replied. "So, what's the big deal? We're doing you a favor, aren't we? Your Granny Smith wanted to feel young again, and Silver Shill was desperate for somepony to help him sell this new product of his in exchange for a 50/50 profit split."

"So we figured we'd kill two birds with one stone," Flam explained, a smirk appearing across his face. "Is it so wrong that we stretched the truth a bit? What your granny doesn't know won't hurt her."

"P-please, just leave us alone." Silver Shill insisted, cowering behind Flim and Flam for protection.

Big Mac shook his head. "No, not until you three come clean and tell Granny Smith the truth about there tonic, and give her back the money you swindled out of her!"

"'Swindled' is such an ugly word." Flim protested.

"We prefer to think of Granny Smith and the others as paying customers. It's not up to us to decide how they spend their money now is it?" Flam asked, the smirk on his face growing wider. "We never even truly intended to sell it to Granny Smith, that was just a happy little accident, but one that's worked to our advantage."

"She only bought that tonic because your friend here's been dressin' up as a different pony every day and night, so that he can pretend to be cured!" Big Mac protested, stomping his hooves. "I had hoped you two would learn your lesson after the last time, especially since you chose to lose the cider makin' contest. But I guess I was wrong."

"Did you forget the part about us being con ponies?" Flim replied with a huff. "Besides, let's say your accusation is true, which it isn't. If what Silver Shill told us is true, your Granny Smith was once an aquapony all-star."

"But she hasn't set hoof in the water for years after her attempt at breaking the Equestrian high dive record," Flam added. "Until today that is."

Big Mac eyed the brothers with suspicion. "And your point is?"

"So, even if our tonic were nothing more than a mixture of apple juice and beet leaves..." Flim began.

"And that's just a hypothetical scenario," Flam quickly chimed in. "The fact is that Granny is happier now than before she tried it. Isn't that right?"

"I.... guess so. But.." Big Mac began.

"But nothing!" Flim interrupted. "The only question left is..."

"Do you really want to be the pony who takes all that happiness away? Well, do you?" Flam asked, the smirk on his face growing so wide it was impossible not to notice it.

Big Macintosh opened his mouth to protest, but he didn't know what to say. As much as he hated to admit it, the brothers made a good point. Could he really take away Granny Smith's happiness, even if it was based on a lie?

"Well, if you've got nothing else to say, then scram, beat it!" Flam shouted in fury.

"But feel free to come back if you need more of that tonic, just give us time to make it of course." Flim added, and he and his brother quickly pushed Big Mac out of the tent before the farm pony could say anything.

Big Macintosh did not sleep well that night, he was deeply troubled. Both at the fact that he would have to be the one to tell Granny Smith the truth about the tonic, and that Flim and Flam had decided to resort to coning innocent ponies out of their hard earned bits, rather than try to make an honest living with one of their contraptions. "Maybe I should've told the others about them," He thought to himself. "Perhaps then we could've staged an intervention and stopped them from going down the wrong path."

As for the tonic issue, Big Mac had no idea how to best break the news. He saw for himself how happy Granny Smith was now that she felt there was something that could make her feel young again. While Applejack refused to allow Granny Smith to help with applebucking, that didn't stop Granny Smith from joining in on the many trips to the swimming hole, where she especially enjoyed spending time with Apple Bloom.

Still, Big Mac tried his best to steer the topic towards the truth about the tonic. "Granny, not for nothin' but, don't you think maybe you should take it kinda easy?" He tried to encourage on multiple occasions.

But Granny Smith would always simply reply by saying. "I've been takin' it easy for too long! And now, thanks to that Flim Flam Tonic, I don't have to!"

So the process went on for a few days, until one faithful day when Apple Bloom suggested. "Say, Granny Smith. The Ponyville swim meet is comin' up. Why don't we enter together?! With a legendary aqua pony like you, we'd be a cinch to win!"

Surprisingly, Granny Smith was quite uncertain of the request. "I don't know yougin'," She nervously responded. "I mean, bein' back in the water is one thing, but a competition is a pony of a different color. I ain't sure the tonic's up for that."

"This is the perfect opportunity to break the news about the tonic!" Big Macintosh realized, and opened his mouth to speak. But when he looked at Granny Smith and saw how unhappy she looked at the idea of not being able to do something with her youngest granddaughter, he just couldn't bring himself to tell the truth. Instead he said to Granny Smith. "A swim meet sounds pretty safe to me, Granny. And after all, if that tonic lets you swim in a river and a swimmin' hole, a pool should be no problem at all."

"Huh, I reckon you're right!" Granny Smith replied. "I'll just get some more of that tonic, and the rest will be easy, peasy, cider squeezy!"

But Big Macintosh could only gulp, as he realized what he'd allowed to happen. "What have I gotten myself into?! Now I've gone and made things worse!" He thought to himself.

The day of the swim meet arrived, and everyone was excited. Or at least, mostly everyone. Flim and Flam were just interested in pushing their new tonic, and Big Macintosh was still wrecked with guilt over the fact that he was allowing the lie to go on, rather than tell the truth. He knew the longer he put it off, the worse it would hurt, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. "This is the last day Granny can think that tonic is doing all that stuff for her, tomorrow she's gonna hear the truth whether she likes it or not." He thought to himself, as he watched Granny Smith and Apple Bloom warm up before the competition. "Just remember, you two. The most important thing is to be safe and have fun, right?" He asked them, hoping they hadn't forgotten.

"Of course we remember, but we're still goin' in this to win it!" Apple Bloom boasted.

"With the routine we've been workin' on, I'll be a plum puddin' if we don't win this thing!" Granny Smith added. "I ain't lost my touch after all these years of bein' away. And I don't plan on losin', no siree."

"Well, uh.... good luck, then!" Big Macintosh called.

But Granny Smith responded with. "Luck? Ah, pfft, who needs luck? We got tonic on our side! And with that tonic, we can't lose!"

"Flim Flam's Murical Curative Tonic!" Flam called out.

"Get your certified, Apple Family-approved tonic here!" Flim added. "Granny Smith drinks it – so why shouldn't you?"

Big Mac just sighed, as a couple of ponies cheered, and the swim meet began. It didn't take long for Apple Bloom and Granny Smith to completely dominate the competition, Granny Smith's experience and Apple Bloom's youth made for a powerful combination that no other group could hope to match. It wasn't long before they'd managed to take first place. All Big Macintosh could bring himself to say was, "Well, I'll be..." as Granny Smith and Apple Bloom exited the pool, and a crowd of photographers gathered to take pictures.

One of the photographers asked the triumphant duo. "That was some of the most amazing aquabatics I've ever seen! How in Equestria did you do it? Hard work? Lots of practice? Do tell."

"Well, it's some of that," Granny Smith happily replied, before she pulled out the tonic bottle and added. "But mostly it's the tonic!"

Flim and Flam quickly appeared alongside Granny Smith as Flim was quick to point out. "That's Flim Flam's Miracle Curative Tonic, to be precise."

"And you're in luck, we're selling it here and now. So buy yours while supplies last." Flam encouraged, and ponies began to line up for a chance to buy some of the tonic.

Big Mac, meanwhile, looked around. And he was surprised to see Silver Shill, who despite wearing his fake glasses, now had a black and white button vest, and a blue cap. He was also carrying around a small tray of the tonic, said tray secured to his neck by a harness. "What are you doin' here?" Big Macintosh inquired of the stallion.

Silver Shill laughed as he proudly proclaimed. "Oh, things are going so well that Flim and Flam decided to give me a promotion! In fact, I just made my first bit as a salespony. No more costumes for this pony," He then quickly added before Big Macintosh could say anything. "This is more of a uniform."

"If you say so, I guess." Big Mac nervously replied, but said nomore.

"Truth be told, I used to wonder if I was doing the right thing by working with Flim and Flam," Silver Shill added. "You know, pretending to be cured, basically lying to folks about this tonic and what it can do. But thanks to you, I realized that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy."

Big Mac was completely surprised by this statement. "What?! Thanks to... me?"

Silver Shill nodded. "Oh, but you don't have to take my word for it. Just listen to what your little sister has to say." And he pointed to the photographers and reporters who were still asking questions about the impressive victory Granny Smith and Apple Bloom had pulled off.

"With Flim Flam's Miracle Curative Tonic, my Granny can do anythin'!" Apple Bloom boasted for all to hear. "Just ask my brother, he's the one who convinced my Granny to enter this here competition."

The photographers and reporters all turned their cameras on Big Macintosh, who at first didn't know what to say. He was not about to let ponies assume he was okay with endorsing this tonic, but the only way he could explain why he wouldn't do so after all this, was if he told the truth. "Uh..... um....." He stuttered, trying to think of what to do. But suddenly, he looked out at Granny Smith drinking the tonic bottle, and saw a rainbow light shimmer across it, said shimmer was reflected in his eyes. He knew what he had to say. Stubbornly, he looked at the cameras and protested. "No! This has gotta stop! If ponies keep believin' that tonic can do things it can't, then who knows what'll happen? I hate to disappoint everypony, but the tonic's a fake!"

That got everypony gathered to gasp. One pony even asked. "Are you saying you lied?"

Big Mac hung his head as he confessed. "...I am, and I'm ashamed to admit it."

More gasps filled the air, as Applejack scowled at Big Macintosh and asked him. "How could you do such a thing?!"

Big Macintosh tried his hardest not to look guilty, as he explained to the best of his ability. "It wasn't my intent, but Granny Smith just seemed so much happier when she thought the tonic made her young again. I never intended to let everything get so out of hoof, I found out the truth about the tonic days ago, but I said nothin'."

"But if the tonic is a fake, then how come Granny can swim again, and what about all that aquabatics stuff we just did?" Apple Bloom asked with confusion. "Was that all a lie too?"

Big Macintosh shook his head. "It was real alright. I reckon sometimes you can forget what you're capable of, and it just takes a little extra confidence to remember that it was inside of you all along. But that doesn't mean you can go around claimin' your product can do stuff it really can't, it ain't just wrong, it's dangerous!"

"Yet you claim our tonic boosted your Granny's confidence." Flim protested.

"Besides, nopony got hurt, and you were the one who encouraged Granny Smith to participate in this contest," Flam added, trying to deflect the blame. "So perhaps we stretched the truth on the tonic a little. It's not poisonous, it's perfectly harmless. And it does more than just boost confidence, folks."

"It doesn't even do that!" Silver Shill spoke up loudly, taking off his glasses and hat. "In fact, it's not a tonic at all! I know, 'cause I helped make it! I may have been part of Flim and Flam's little scheme, but seeing Big Macintosh owe up to his role in this shame has made me realize I have to confess my own involvement too. I was making ponies believe in a thing that just wasn't so! And I certainly never wanted my tonic to be pitched as this miracle medicine, that kind of false advertising would get me in real trouble!"

"Honesty isn't always the best policy, and neither is it easy," Big Macintosh added, as he saw Flim and Flam trying to leave and turned his attention towards them. "But you can't get ahead in life by always lyin', cheatin', and takin' advantage of others. Sooner or later your luck's gonna run out."

"Spare us your lectures! You were a part of this and now you're trying to pin the blame entirely on us!" Flim complained. "Well, we won't stay here and have our reputation be slandered!"

"Just you wait though, one of these days we'll get even with you!" Flam vowed. "We'll find a way! Come, brother, I think it's time we leave Ponyville behind for good! I hear Los Pegasus is lovely this time of year." And the two brothers left before anyone had a chance to stop them, though along the way they ended up losing many of the remaining tonic bottles.

Meanwhile, Silver Shill approached Big Macintosh and gave him the bit coin he'd earned from the sale earlier. "Here, I don't deserve this bit, I got it through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making ever again! I'd like you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth." He told Big Macintosh.

"Silver Shill, I can't. I lied too. You didn't know about what Flim and Flam were really doin'." Big Macintosh protested.

Silver Shill only shook his head. "I did, from the moment I agreed to pretend to be cured, I knew what their intentions were. I could've told them no, but I refused. As for the coin, don't you worry, I'll track down the pony I sold that worthless tonic to and give him another bit to replace this one! Honest," Then before he left he added. "You know, you're lucky to have a family that cares about you, and that you in turn care for. I've been on my own for years, so don't ever forget what it's like to have friends and family. Because you never know when they'll be taken away from you."

Once Silver Shill had left to track down his customer, Big Macintosh turned to Granny Smith and apologized. "I'm sorry I didn't tell ya the truth earlier, Granny Smith. I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop swimmin' though."

"Of course not. I may not be goin' back onto the professional circuit, but I reckon a soak down at the swimmin' hole every now and then will do my old bones some good," Granny Smith replied. "And it sounds to me like you've got a lesson ya need to write about in that journal you and your friends share."

"You're right about that, Granny," Big Macintosh nodded. "And I think I'll hang onto this coin for now, so that way I'll remember what happened when I chose to place lies over the honest truth." He then tucked it into his pocket, and he and his family walked back home. Unknown to all of them, the coin gave off a rainbow colored shimmer.

Author's Note:

And so we come to the last of the key chapters, meaning that next is the Tirek arc.

I had to change some of the interactions, seeing as Flim and Flam's previous appearance in this series was different. And Big Macintosh, despite being the Element of Honesty, isn't known to the town for being honest.

Honesty, much like kindness, is a double edged sword. Most of the time being honest is important, even if it's hard to do. But there are times when being dishonest is the right thing to do on a moral level (case in point there was a woman in Nazi occupied Poland who protected Jews from perseuction and deportation to the concentration and death camps, sheltering them in her own home. Nazi officials would frequently ask her if she was harboring Jews, and if she told them the truth the Jews would have been killed. By lying to the Nazis, she saved lives), much like how sometimes one must be cruel to be kind. The important thing is not to make lying a repeated habit.

Now, the Tirek arc will probably be started in Mid May and last until either the end of May or start of June, but we'll see where things go from there.

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