• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 110: Manehattan Mystery

Twilight was practically beside herself when she heard the news about Cadence's pregnancy, in fact she jumped up and down repeatedly as she happily exclaimed! "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! I'm gonna be an aunt! Auntie Twily!"

"Settle down, Twily," Shining had cautioned. "Cadence won't be due for several months still. In fact, we don't even know if it's gonna be a boy or a girl yet."

But Twilight didn't get her enthusiasm under control for several weeks. In that time, a lot happened. Rarity opened up a second boutique in Canterlot, Rainbow Dash got a chance to fly with the Wonderbolts, and another Sisterhooves Social came and went (with quite the unexpected development when Applejack was called away to Manehattan just a day prior). And of course, plans were already well under way for Nightmare Night celebrations, the Apple family volunteering to take charge of the annual haunted corn maze.

Amidst all of these and many other happenings, Shining had very little time to be worried about the map, or trying to understand it. He had enough on his plate as it was just worrying about Cadence, and about himself. "I should probably talk to Mom and Dad sometime in the near future. They might be able to give me some parenting advice," He thought. "If nothing else, they might have some old foal supplies they'd be willing to part with. And some interesting stories to share."

Then one day, as Shining was busy sorting through his mail (including updates from Cadence on how the pregnancy was coming along), he heard his sister calling out. "Shining, you'd better come take a look at this."

Shining rushed to the source of his sister's voice, which just so happened to be the map room, or the throne room as it had come to be called. Upon entering, his eyes soon discovered what had prompted his sister's call.

The map was lit up, and surrounding the city of Manehattan, were the familiar cutie marks of Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants. "Another map mission already?" Shining commented. "Seems like the last one wasn't all that long ago. I guess time flies when you've got stuff to occupy your mind."

"I'll say," Fancy Pants commented in reply, as he and Big Macintosh entered the room, cutie marks glowing brightly. "Seems like I just got done sorting things out with Sassy Saddles after Canterlot Carousel's opening, and now I've got this to worry about."

Big Macintosh seemed a bit more excited, at least in regards to location. "I was hopin' I'd get the chance to unwind for a bit after my stint as Orchard Blossom at the Sisterhooves Social. The things I do for the sake of my little sister."

Fancy Pants had a good chortle at the comment. "Ah yes, that was quite the 'performance' you put on and you really didn't need to do so. Had I known, I'd have gladly filled in for Miss. Rarity and run the social with Sweetie Belle. A pity she and Fleur had to help Sassy with an unexpected surge of customers. Still, why would the map call ponies like you and I to Manehattan of all places?"

Big Macintosh smiled. "I can't speak for you, but when I was younger my folks would often take me on trips to Manehattan to seem some of my cousins, especially the Oranges. In fact, we often joked about Manehattan bein' 'The Big Apple' 'cause so many Apple family members lived there," To Fancy Pants he then asked. "Why aren't you happy about bein' called to Manehattan? I thought a pony like you was right at home in a big city like that."

Fancy Pants shook his head. "Although I was born and raised a city pony, I've always felt myself to be more at home in the countryside and humble little towns. Even my dear wife Fleur was part of that. I met her on a trip to a village in Eastern Equestria, a very beautiful place. There, she was a princess among her fellow ponies in all but name. Yet since we were married, she's been a social butterfly, blending in nicely with the uppercrusts of Canterlot with little trouble. Whereas I've had to struggle just to maintain an image of tranquility in their faces. A city like Manehattan is just as off putting to me as Canterlot. Still, I suppose we've been called and it would be irresponsible to decline the invite."

"You guys go ahead," Shining Armor encouraged. "I'd like to go, but I'm booked for the next several days. I'm going to be gone to Canterlot to see my parents and help train some of the newest members of the royal guard. Then I'm going to go back to the Crystal Empire to be with Cadence while we get everything set up for the baby. I probably won't be back in Ponyville for at least a week if not longer."

"That's probably for the best anyway," Big Macintosh agreed. "We don't know where exactly in Manehattan our help's gonna be needed. Best we don't potentially make a bad situation worse."

"Then it looks like it's off to Manehattan for you and I," Fancy Pants added. "Fitting, I can't remember the last time we were together on our own, but I'm sure it's been quite long. Wonder if we'll run into any familiar faces or anything?"

Unsure of where in Manehattan to begin their search, Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants decided it would probably be best to start their search from the train station, and scour the city district by district until they found what they needed. Big Mac would even make arrangements with some of his cousins to let him and Fancy stay the night, in case they didn't find the friendship problem on their first day.

The locals were of little help, they all had the same answers. "I'm far too busy to worry myself with somepony else's friendship problems.", "I have no problems with any of my friends.", or even "In a city like this, who really has time for friendship?"

To be fair, some of the locals were friendlier, but even they had no knowledge about any disturbances or friendship problems anywhere in the city. Assuming there even was one.

Hours ticked by slowly with no progress, and both stallions found themselves baffled. "You don't suppose there's a chance the map could be wrong, do you?" Fancy Pants pondered to Big Macintosh, as the sun began to set in the west. "We've been up and down several inches of the city, and we've nothing to show for it."

"We can't give up, not til we've searched every inch of the city at least twice!" Big Mac vowed. "I have a feelin' the answer's starin' us right in the face and we just can't see it yet."

"But where could it be?" Fancy Pants wondered aloud. "It's not as if the friendship problem is just gonna be dropped into our lap!"

But almost immediately after saying that, Fancy Pants ended up nearly bumping into a familiar white coated earth pony mare with a pale light cyan mane and tail with light opal stripes, and eyes an innocent light cyan in color, not to mention the familiar cutie mark of a pink feathered hat. Accompanying her was a familiar light grey coated earth pony stallion about the same size as the mare, along with a plain grey mane and tail, and pale blue eyes, not to mention a cutie mark depicting two silver bits. "Oh, hello again, Mr. Fancy Pants, sir," The mare greeted with a smile. "What a coincidence running into you here."

"Coco Pommel!" Fancy gasped. "It's been a while! I trust you're no longer working for Suri, correct?"

Coco nodded. "Please, just Miss. Pommel will do, thank you," She instructed, shaking Fancy Pants' hoof. "And this is my new assistant and trusted partner, he told me his name is Silver Shill."

"Silver Shill?!" Big Macinotsh exclaimed. "I hope you're workin' for an honest pay and an honest cause now."

Silver Shill nodded, and his smile seemed to be brimming with a confidence he hadn't displayed when last he and Big Mac had talked. "Indeed I am. I reckoned I needed a fresh start, and Manehattan was just the place to do so. After all, it was my home before I went on the road with that 'fake tonic' stuff I regret."

"We were just in the process of hoofing out flyers," Coco explained, as she pulled one out from her saddlebag. "It's to promote the grand return of Charity Kindheart's Late Night Charity Theater. We're hoping to raise money to fix up the old park and the surrounding neighborhood, it's fallen onto hard times."

"When I came back to the district after all my time spent traveling with Flim and Flam, the whole place was falling apart," Silver Shill added, his tone of voice indicating one of deep sadness and regret. "The buildings haven't been renovated for over a decade, and most of them are old and crumbling. A lot of ponies are finding it hard to just put food on the table. The street lights don't work. And even something that used to reliable like the trash collecting, has become less and less frequent. If not for Miss. Pommel here taking me on as the secretary for her business, I'd still be looking for a job."

"Many of my earliest Manehattan experiences were working directly with Charity Kindheart herself," Coco added. "She seemed to embody the heart of this city, even in its darkest days. But when she retired to spend more time with her grandkids, there was nopony there to take up the mantle and continue what she'd started. Until now, that is!" With a firey passion in her eyes the young mare explained. "I'm hoping to get the Method Mares to participate in the play tomorrow night, a dramatic recreation of Charity's earliest years in this big city. But my flyers have been up for at least two days now, and they haven't attracted a single volunteer."

Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants looked across to each other. Could this be the big friendship problem they'd been called to solve?

After some hesitation, it was Fancy Pants spoke quite firmly. "Well, consider us your first volunteers, Coco. I hope you won't mind me calling you that. Miss. Pommel is a nice, formal name. But to me, you'll always be Coco."

Coco smiled, and shook Fancy's hoof. "Oh, thank you! Thank you both! You have no idea how much this means to me! I promise you, you won't regret this!"

"I'm sure we won't," Big Macintosh agreed. "And I reckon I can get some of my cousins around these here parts to pitch in too. I remember hearin' stories from 'em 'bout Charity Kindheart, heck I think there was this one time she payed a visit to my folks while we were stayin' here for the winter. No doubt about it, you bet our boots Fancy Pants and I are just the volunteers you need!"

"Oh, I don't actually wear boots," Coco replied with an innocent smile. "I find that they chafe my calf when I walk, very uncomfortable."

Even Silver Shill tried hard not to groan. "You do realize that's just an expression, right?" He asked Coco.

Coco blushed, trying not to look too embarrassed. "Oh, I knew that. I did. Really." She insisted. Nopony said a word.

With Fancy and Big Mac agreeing to be volunteers, Coco allowed them to stay the night at her apartment. It was a simple two story structure, with a balcony overlooking the park and the surrounding streets. Just a simple glance out the window was enough to indicate that the landscape had fallen into disarray. The park was full of overgrown roots, neglected grass, and a stage that looked ready to collapse at a moment's notice. The surrounding buildings were full of chipped or faded paint. It looked like the life had gone of this city block, and the few ponies out and about this late at night seemed to reflect it with their looks of anger and discontent.

Coco sighed. "This place has been my home for so long, and it pains me to see it so void of the bright colors and friendly faces it used to have. Booking the Method Mares was a long shot to begin with, if I can't get the park ready for them by tomorrow evening, all of my work will be nothing."

"Now Coco, it doesn't do good to dwell on the negatives for so long," Silver Shill cautioned. "We've already got two eager volunteers, and more will be on the way. Right, Big Mac?"

Big Mac nodded firmly. "Eeyup," He confirmed. "I just got a letter back from my cousin Babs Seed, she's sure her folks and her big sister will happy to help, as will she. And the Oranges are comin' too, they wouldn't miss the revival of Charity Kindheart's Late Night Charity Theater for the world!"

"And I reckon I could assist with the dresses, and the decor for the stage," Fancy Pants added. "Big Mac and the Apples can probably get the park cleaned up and the stage fixed in no time."

"Actually, I'm going to need some models for the dresses, to be sure they fit and look good," Coco cautioned. "I don't really have much of a budget, and most of what I did have went toward booking the Method Mares for the performance. I've just barely got enough left to pay the rent for the next month. Part of the reason I worked for Suri as long as I did, was because being her assistant was the only thing that payed the bills. I'm just lucky I had a small investment saved up for when I decided to walk away."

Silver gave Coco a few comforting strokes on the back. "That's why you have me now, Coco. I'm here to help you any way I can. I promise, even once this production comes and goes, I'll stick by your side. I'm certain I can find a good enough paying job that'll enable us to keep doing this."

Coco found herself almost at a loss for words. "Silver, you really don't have to do that for me. I'll be fine on my own."

Silver wouldn't hear another word of that, he firmly shook his head. "Not a chance, Coco, my dear. Running into you was the best thing that's ever happened in my life, and I care too much about repaying your kindness and generosity to let you struggle on your own."

Fancy and Big Mac both smiled at this scene, it was perhaps the best glimmer of hope they had in what they were certain would be an uphill battle. But come what may, they weren't going to give up without a fight. The map had called them to Manehattan for this very reason no doubt, and they were not about to go back to Ponyville as failures. Not if they could help it!

The next day, all four ponies in the apartment woke bright and early. They knew they had less than twenty four hours to get everything ready, and they had a lot to do. Almost as soon as the Apples arrived, everyone was split up into two groups. Coco and Fancy Pants stayed at the apartment with the Apples and the Oranges, in order to test model the dresses that were to be worn by the Method Mares that very evening. Meanwhile, Big Macintosh and Silver Shill headed out to the park.

"So, should we focus on the stage first, or do some gardening?" Silver Shill asked his partner. "It looks like both will take quite some time."

"The stage is in pretty bad shape," Big Mac commented, eyeing the rickety wooden platform that was full of rotted wood and splintered planks, it seemed like a miracle that it hadn't collapsed yet. Then he looked at the park grass riddled with thick weeds, hastily uprooted plants, and grass that itself seemed to have gone days or even weeks with little water. "But we can't worry 'bout that right now, it'll just have to wait. What good is a stage if the landscape around it ain't any good? We need this whole place to look presentable tonight, not just the stage."

"B-but I don't know anything about lawn care!" Silver Shill protested.

"Then now's as good a time as any to start learnin'!" Big Mac said firmly. "Come on, I'll help show ya what to do! 'Two heads are better than one!' as they always say! And this'll go a lot quicker if we both do our part."

Luckily, it seemed that the park at least had someone that had taken care of it once upon a time. For the two earth pony stallions soon found a shed that housed all the tools a gardener could need: Shears for cutting weeds and overgrown roots, a lawnmower to cut the tall grass down to size, and a few portable sprinklers for fast irrigation.

It was a long and exhausting process, but as the day wore on the two stallions steadily made progress in the park. Getting rid of the weeds and hastily uprooted plants, removing any litter they came across, cutting the grass short, and managing to get enough water to turn the grass back to a lush green. They stopped only for a lunch break, and an hour after they'd come back from said break, the park itself seemed better than it had ever been before.

But now came the matter of the stage, which seemed to have gone years if not decades without use or maintenance. Still, the two stallions were determined to give it their best effort. "Let's see what we can do here, maybe things won't be so bad?" Big Mac suggested.

Unfortunately, Big Mac was all but wrong. Just replacing all the wood took a very long time, and that only covered the foundation of the stage. That didn't even begin to cover the paint, curtains, and even the set pieces left over from the last production to have utilized the stage and had been abandoned and ignored.

Just as sunset was approaching, Big Mac and Silver Shill were taking a brief break from working on the stage. And at that very moment, Fancy Pants, Coco, and the Method Mares, all showed up. They took one look at the hastily held together stage, and their looks conveyed it all. They had anticipated a functioning, refurbished stage, ready for use on short notice. Instead, they saw a stage that even with new planks and a fresh coat of paint, barely seemed to be holding itself together.

Big Mac sighed. "Look, I know this looks bad, but Silver Shill and I are workin' as hard as we can." He answered, before he accidentally planted a hoof in one of the paint buckets.

"We tried Coco, really we did," Silver Shill apologized. "The park itself didn't take too long, and it looks better than ever. It's just that this stage was in worse shape than we thought. If we'd known, I'd have started working sooner to get it fixed up."

Fancy Pants just frowned. "You two did your best. With more time and effort, maybe it would've been possible to get this stage fixed up in time for the performance tonight. As it stands, we simply cannot use it. The curtains are in an appalling state, and it seems like few if any of the pull ropes and wires work."

"And I went through all this trouble of booking the Methods Mare, yet we don't even have a stage for them," Coco sighed, hanging her head in defeat. "What was I thinking? I'm no Charity Kindheart, I can't do what she did, especially not with a shoestring budget and so few volunteers! It was stupid of me to think this outcome wasn't inevitable. This district's been this way for years, there was no way I could just magically make it all better!"

Those very words stirred up very strong feelings inside Big Mac. With a look of determination in his eyes, he marched right up to Coco and said to her. "Now don't you go sayin' that, Miss. Pommel. Look at all that you've already accomplished just settin' up for this! The Method Mares are in town, the park itself is lookin' better than ever, and even this here stage is on the mend, it just needed a few more days of spit and polish to be useful!"

"But without a stage, how can I hope to put on a play? Let alone attract a crowd for a charity performance?" Coco asked with concern. "If Charity Kindheart were here, she'd already have a solution. I had no 'Plan B', this stage was the only place I could think of that would hold a charity theater on such short notice."

"And as they say in the show business: 'The show must go on!'" Fancy Pants vowed. "Stage or no stage, we're going to have a performance!"

"How are we gonna do that?" Coco asked, this time in confusion. "Without a stage, how do you expect to keep the Method Mares and the charity theater?"

"Well, I reckon we've still got some time," Fancy commented to Coco. "The show isn't slated to begin until sundown. I think that's just enough time to put together a suitable stage outside the park."

"Can we actually do that?" Silver Shill asked, hopefully.

The determined look registered clearly in his eyes, Big Mac vowed. "We're sure as sugar gonna try! Now let's stop talkin' and start doin'!"

It took some effort, but with the help of the Method Mares and the remaining volunteers, the group was able to get a functioning theater assembled and properly decorated in time for sundown. Right on cue, a few curious patrons showed up and took their seats.

"Should we go ahead and start?" One of the Method Mares asked, and all Coco could do was nod.

The play unfolded, detailing the early years of Charity Kindheart in the city of Manehattan. In particular, why she'd come to the city and how she made a name for herself. "Excuse me. I'm Charity Kindheart. I'm here about the open design position," The mare dressed up to resemble Charity spoke, her tones sounding like that of a polished actor. "I brought some samples of my work. I'm sorry I'm late. I had the hardest time finding my way here," The audience watched as Charity started tearing up and proclaiming. "I just moved here from Baltimare, and I keep getting mixed up by all the street names! I had a map, but I dropped it in a puddle, which only made the street names harder to read!"

As the play went on, more ponies stopped by, including those who hadn't originally planned to be there that night. One mare stopped there with her colt when the play caught his eye. A young couple were attracted by the sounds of the performance, and learning that it was the prestigious method mares who were performing only gave them motivation to stay. Even some non ponies found their way into the audience, not that anyone seemed to mind.

As for the play, the story resumed with Charity Kindheart ultimately meeting a pony named Mrs. Pearblossom, who put Charity to work designing costumes for Bridleway plays.

"Charity, dear, is that you?" The mare performing as Mrs. Pearblossom asked.

The story saw Charity accidentally bump into Mrs. Pearblossom and knock her designs to the floor. "Hello, Mrs. Pearblossom! I didn't see—oops!" She apologized.

Mrs. Pearblossom simply replied to Charity. "Oh, let me help you, dear. Are these the costumes you've been working on?"

Charity nodded, showing off her currently unfinished works. "Yes, I was supposed to be finished by now, but there's just so much to do, and I still have a few last-minute alterations to make before opening night! I'm sorry I couldn't get enough tickets for everypony in the neighborhood," She apologized, and then added. "I hope Mr. Pearblossom wasn't too disappointed about that. I know Trotter on the Roofis one of his favorites. No doubt he was hoping for a sold out crowd."

Mrs. Pearblossom only shook her head. "Oh, my dear filly, don't worry about that. We're so proud of you. And we shall be with you in spirit!"

"Thank you!" Charity responded, all but hugging Mrs. Pearblossom. "You've all made me feel so welcome here and have become like family to me! I just wish I could find a way to share this experience with you and the others!"

The story of the play went on for a while, but it ended in a way that seemed fitting for the mare it was about. "So nice of you to put on this play for the neighborhood." Mrs. Pearblossom said to Charity with a broad smile.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without everypony's help! I know it's not Bridleway, but—" Charity began, only to be cut off.

"Oh, pish-tosh! It's perfect, dear!" Mrs. Pearblossom insisted, and the play ended there amidst thunderous applause.

Coco couldn't believe it when the Method Mares called her up on the stage, and that the audience was still there, waiting to hear what she had to say. Needless to say, it was a real struggle for the mare to hold back her tears of joy. "Thank you all so much for coming, especially on such short notice," She happily proclaimed. "And I hope that through your generous contributions, we can all work together to make this a yearly thing, and bring new life to this community," She waited for the applause to die down, before she added. "I could've never done this without the help of three very special ponies, to them all I owe a great debt of thanks," One by one, Silver, Fancy, and Big Mac, all came out on the stage, and Coco introduced each one. "Silver Shill, who believed in me before anyone else did and became my first volunteer. Without his encouragement, I'd have never even gotten past trying to book the Method Mares. Fancy Pants, who helped literally iron out the flaws of my costumes, and helped put this stage together when the one in the park couldn't be restored in time. And finally, Big Macintosh, who worked tirelessly to get everything ready in the span of a day. He motivated me not to give up even when it seemed all my hard work had been for nothing. Their help and support made this play possible, I feel it's only right to give credit where credit is due."

Fancy Pants and Big Macintosh just smiled, while Silver huddled close to Coco in a passionate embrace. When the performance was finally over, and the Method Mares had gone home, both Fancy and Big Mac were surprised to see that a lot of ponies were still there, willing to talk to them. "I used to think I didn't have time to really do anything for the community," A finely dressed stallion told them. "But after seeing this spectacular performance here tonight, I've come to realize that I can make a difference!"

"Well, it doesn't have to be a big commitment," Big Macintosh replied to the stallion. "Even simply donatin' money to a good cause, or volunteerin' in some of your spare time will make a difference. Maybe not as big or noticeable as what happened here tonight, but still a change for the better. Even the smallest of changes, in time, can make a big impact. For example, there's still a lot that needs to be done with the park. It could use a more reliable groundskeeper, and perhaps a new stage. At the least the old one still needs a lot of fixin' up."

"And there are plenty of drab looking buildings around here that could definitely benefit from some spit and polish," Fancy Pants added. "Speaking from experience, I can say that you'd be surprised at what a new coat of paint and a few renovations can do for a place that once seemed so void of life. All that matters is you taking the time to make a difference in your community."

"Thank you, I shall certainly do that," The stallion replied, tipping his hat. "Perhaps if more ponies like me care enough, we can turn this neighborhood around." And with that he departed.

Coco and Silver were next to approach the two stallions, and Coco looked like she'd never been happier in her life. Her eyes were all aglow, and there seemed to be this unshakeably bright smile on her face. "Seriously, you guys are life savers. That's twice now you've changed my life for the better. First in giving me the courage to stand up to Suri and strike out on my own, and now in helping to make this charity a smashing success."

"I knew you had it in you all along, Coco," Silver commented, nudging her a bit. "Though I'm glad you got that confidence boost from these friends of ours. It's like you've got an impeccable sense of timing or something."

Fancy and Big Mac laughed while shrugging the backs of their necks with their hooves. If they told Coco and Silver about their glowing cutie mark signals and the table map, the two doubted they'd be taken seriously. "Well, I guess it was just a happy coincidence," Fancy answered, trying his best to keep a straight face. "And it seems you two have a promising future together. I think you'll be very happy in your relationship."

Silver and Coco blushed bright red, as Silver nervously laughed. "Uh, it's a bit early to be thinking about all of that. For now, we're just content to be good friends. But if we ever do get engaged, you two will probably be the first ones to know."

"R-right, Silver," Coco stuttered, her blush slowly fading. "Come on, let's go see if we can recruit any volunteers for our next community project."

As soon as Coco and Silver were out of sight, Big Mac and Fancy could feel a tingling sensation on their flanks. They turned to look (after making sure no one else was around to see them do it) and when they did they saw that their cutie marks were indeed glowing. "I still can never get used to this," Big Mac commented to Fancy. "But it looks like our work here is done."

"Indeed it is," Fancy agreed. "And I must say, I've actually grown to quite like a big city like this. I'm thinking that if business does well enough for Fancy and Rarity Enterprises, we might just have to establish a third boutique here." And then the two stallions set off to see if they could book a train back to Ponyville. If not, they'd have to wait until morning.

Author's Note:

Since my rewrite series shifted the location from Manehattan to Fillydelphia (as the writers confirmed was originally planned early in production), I decided that here I should keep the location the same but change up some other aspects. Namely in adding in Silver Shill as Coco's assistant.

I know I'm kind of copping out by not covering the events from "Canterlot Boutique" to "Brotherhooves Social" here (and I really wanted to do a chapter involving the aftermath of "Canterlot Boutique" in this universe but decided against it), but rest assured I haven't forgotten about "Crusaders of The Lost Mark". It won't be covered here, but it will be covered in its own time and place. Expect it sometime in early October (likely after the movie and "Marks and Recreation" which ironically looks like it will feature Rumble prominently. Though I can't say more for the sake of spoilers and the spoiler tag not working in these descriptions.)

The bit about Fleur is based on observations and details from "Campfire Tales" and the tale of Mistmane, where we saw an Eastern (Asian) civilization, with the unicorns being noted for their curvy horns.

As for the next chapter of this fic, it'll probably be out by mid October, assuming my course work doesn't suddenly start piling on.

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