• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 174: The (Ex) Queen Strikes!

While Twilight was busy with Chancellor Neighsay, and everyone else was busy with the new students, a lone figure observed the school from afar. Said figure being none other than (Ex) Queen Chrysalis. Already, the gears in her brain were beginning to turn.

"Everything's falling into place," The former queen chuckled to herself as she rubbed her front legs together. "In a matter of moments my revenge will be complete. I've sent Shining Armor on a wild goose chase so he can't stop me, and no one suspects a thing. So now all I need to do is put on the right disguise, kidnap some of the students, and leave something at the scene so they'll know it's me. Oh, I'm gonna enjoy watching Twilight, Shining, and especially Starlight squirm! They'll finally know what it's like to be humiliated, as I've felt every day since my own hive betrayed me!" Then with a cackle, she assumed her disguise. That of famous photographer Photo Finish.

As the disguised changeling strolled up to the school and slipped in undetected, some of the students were beginning to converse with each other on the way to their classes.

Gallus in particular seemed to be interested in the life stories of the creatures he had never seen before. "So let me get this straight," He questioned Silverstream and Terramar. "You guys were seaponies, but you used to be hippogriffs. And now you're hippogriffs again, but you can also turn into seaponies?"

Silverstream nodded as she clutched her pearl necklace tightly. "Yup, and it's all thanks to this piece of the Pearl of Transformation! Now my brother and I can go back and forth at will, which is actually kind of necessary since our dad lives on Mount Aris and our mom in Seaquestria."

"Oh, I see how it is. Going through a rough patch in their relationship, aren't they?" Gallus commented.

Terramar shook his head. "What?! No! It's not like that at all, they love each other very much! My mom especially is super sweet, never has a nasty bone in her body."

"Then how come she stays underwater all the time and never goes on land?" Gallus questioned. "Sounds like if your dad wants you to all stay together, it has to be as seaponies and not hippogriffs."

"My mom has an important job in Seaquestria, she's basically the queen whenever my aunt's on Mount Aris," Silverstream explained. "Dad serves in the hippogriff army. General Seapsray's actually his cousin. I have a pretty big extended family."

Smolder looked across to Gallus. "Why do you care about how other creatures live their lives? I don't, and you don't hear me complaining. I've spent my whole life as a dragon and I for one wouldn't want to be any other creature."

"Can you blame a griffon for being curious? Aren't you ever the least bit so about what lies beyond the world as you've known it?" Gallus wondered.

"Nope," Smolder quickly replied. "I'm only doing this because Dragon Lord Ember says so, and you never disobey an order from the dragon lord. Or Dragon Lady as she calls herself."

Meanwhile, Yona proclaimed. "Yona glad to come to pony school, even if yak no see need for it. Yona love to see new sights, like time Yona's family take yak ice fishing."

"Well we do that too sometimes, at least in the parts of Equestria where it snows," Sandbar replied to Yona. "Me personally, I prefer ice skating or sledding."

"Yaks do sledding too, except yaks use traditional yak sleds," Yona proudly proclaimed. "Part of what they teach at yak school."

"And what do they teach at 'yak school'? I've never been to any kind of school before." Gallus commented.

Yona smiled. "Yak school teach lots of things, like how to braid yak hair! Braiding yak hair is best!" But then she tripped over her hair and rolled forward, accidentally knocking into Smolder.

Smolder picked herself up and growled ever so slightly at Yona. "So, Yona, is there anything in Yakyakistan that isn't the best?"

"Yes!" Yona answered before she realized her mistake and tried to correct it. "Wait, Yona mean no! I mean... yaks are best!"

"Oh really? You've got no wings, no claws, and no fire. So tell me, what exactly is it you're proud of again?" Smolder teased. "I bet you don't even have indoor plumbing."

"Dragons don't have that either, at least that's what I've heard," Sandbar commented. "And you really shouldn't be harshing her flow, Smolder."

Smolder turned her gaze to Sandbar. "Aw, what's the matter, pony? Am I not 'friendly' enough for you? Sorry to disappoint you, but maybe not all creatures have a need for friendship the way you ponies do."

"Uh, maybe we should stop before someone says something they'll regret?" Ocellus nervously suggested. Her plea fell on deaf ears.

Yona snorted. "Dragon take back what she say about yaks! You no insult yaks to Yona's face!"

"Oh where's your sense of humor?" Smolder taunted in a cheeky tone of voice. "I've been giving you the kid gloves treatment. You should see the kind of insult contests fully grown dragons get up to. The things they say would make even Dragon Lord Ember blush."

"Oh please, my Grandpa Gruff could swear a sailor under the table, whatever that means," Gallus replied. "I'm starting to think maybe you and I have something in common, Smolder."

Smolder grinned. "I'm not looking for a friend, but if you wanna be my pal for this I won't mind. I mean, I could probably take a yak by myself, but they always say two heads are better than one."

Terramar gulped. "Can't we all just get along here? Who says we have to fight?"

But Silverstream giggled. "Ooh! I've never been in a fight before! Are we having one now? Can I join in? Can I, can I?!"

Fortunately, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were nearby and they quickly rushed to break up the tensions before any physical blows could be exchanged. "Hey, hey, hey!" Rumble protested as he threw up his hooves. "No fighting in the hallways, students! At the least if you're gonna fight, have the decency to take it outside so no one else gets hurt."

"Not helping, Rumble," Sweetie Belle lightly glared at him. "School's supposed to be a place of learning, not a place for fighting. Save that kind of aggression for gym class, where it belongs."

"Or recess!" Scootaloo chimed in. "There's no playground equipment at this school, but sometimes all you really need is your imagination to have a good time. Trust me, recess is like the best part of the whole school day. Especially lunch recess."

"What's a recess? I have so many questions." Silverstream commented.

Diamond Tiara grinned. "You'll find out soon enough. But for now you need to get into a learning state of mind."

"And don't forget about school pictures," Apple Bloom added. "Photo Finish should be arrivin' here sometime later today. At least, that's what Headmare Twilight says."

The other creatures shot off confused looks, but Sandbar just smiled. "You mean the Photo Finish?! That is so beyond cool!" He turned to the other creatures. "Come on, follow me. I got to go on a personal tour of this place earlier, I know my way around." He led the rest of the group away, giving a small wink to the Crusaders.

Apple Bloom wiped the sweat from her brows a moment later. "Whew. Bein' friendship counselors is harder than I thought. But I think we just solved our first friendship problem at this school."

"We should tell somepony what we saw though, just to be safe. Don't think they'll actually fight but you never know." Diamond suggested, and the five little ponies trotted away.

Having overheard the conversation, the disguised Chrysalis sensed an opportunity and was delighted. Now she just needed to wait and let her prey come to her.

As the group reached the end of a hallway, Terramar broke off. "Sorry," He apologized to the others. "I drank a little too much kelp juice on the way here 'cause I was so nervous, and I kind of have to go, you know."

"Then go! You don't have to announce it!" Smolder protested. "Just don't take too long or we'll be late for our first class on our first day."

Terramar nodded and flew off, separating from the group.

A moment later, an earth pony mare instantly recognizable came up to the creatures. "Ach, zere you are. Vhere have you all been?"

"Photo Finish?!" Sandbar exclaimed as his eyes filled with wonder. "Oh Celestia, if this is a dream do NOT wake me up!"

The rest of the creatures eyed the newcomer doubtfully. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Gallus asked the mare.

"I, Photo Finish, have arrived to make 'de magics' as we say in ze fashion world!" The mare answered. "It is time for school pictures. Ze time she is nie, ve shoot now!" And she not so politely ushered them all into another room before anyone could utter a single syllable of protest.

Once inside said room, Photo Finish quickly shut the door and turned off the lights.

"Uh... I may be new to photo taking and all, but is all this really necessary?" Smolder questioned.

"Yona starting to get freaked out. Is this surprise party? Yak not have birthday for weeks still." Yona commented as her teeth started to chatter a little.

Photo Finish just turned around, a rather sinister grin plastered on her face. "I have you now, my pretties." She cackled as her accent seemed to vanish.

"Is this all part of the photo taking process? Because I don't think I like it!" Silverstream nervously declared. "Maybe we should get out of here?"

Photo Finish just cackled again as an ominous, sickly green aura surrounded her and she appeared to burst into flames! All the while an eerie echo split the air.

Ocellus gasped! "It can't be! You're Chrysalis!"

"Who?!" The other creatures all questioned.

"Chrysalis!" Came the reply, as the flames faded and a creature that looked like a mix between a bug and a pony stepped forward. "The once proud queen of the changelings. And you are now my prisoners!"

"Fat chance fat head!" Gallus protested. "I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but I've had enough! If this is what pony school is all about then I want no part of it."

Chrysalis just grinned, lighting up her horn. "You assume I'm giving you all a say in the matter. But in fact, I'm not. You're all coming with me! And if you come quietly, I won't have to hurt you."

The six students all gasped, as they felt themselves being sucked down through the floor while being surrounded by green flames! "Help!" They all screamed in vain, hoping someone would hear them. Alas, no one did.

Meanwhile, Chrysalis was laughing with glee. "Come and get me, Shining! I'll be waiting for you!" She thought with fiendish delight.

While Chrysalis was putting her daring and devilish plan into action, Twilight was having her own difficulties with Chancellor Neighsay.

"I must admit, your choice of teachers seems... questionable, princess," The chancellor remarked. "Even if some of them have worked with children or have had children of their own, not one of them is to EEA standards. In fact, not a single one of them has even a year's worth of training in education."

"Because a school like this doesn't operate on traditional educational standards," Twilight explained. "Besides, I consulted with Cheerilee, the greatest example of teaching I've ever seen."

Neighsay raised an eyebrow. "And how come she isn't here now?"

"She's a substitute," Twilight answered. "I tried to recruit her as a part time teacher for one of the classes, but she had her own obligations to the schoolhouse and couldn't leave it."

Neighsay wrote down the information on his clipboard. "So, does that explain why I've seen five school aged foals running around here? Shouldn't they be at this other school you've mentioned?"

Twilight explained with a straight face. "I picked them to be friendship counselors. They begged and pleaded with me to have some kind of position and I couldn't say no. I assure you, they're quite skilled for foals their age."

"So I've heard. That still doesn't change the fact that you seem 'understaffed' so to speak," Neighsay remarked. "I'm sensing more and more that you wanted this to be a local job. You probably never even though to consult the experts or even hire them. Or did you not know that there are EEA certified instructors available in all major cities, including Canterlot which I understand is but a train ride from here?"

"Look, I'm sorry if things are a bit messy right now. There are things I meant to consider but never got around to, honest," Twilight apologized to the chancellor. "Just give the EEA accreditation and I promise you I'll hire more staff, streamline the lesson plans, and get everything up to full speed."

The chancellor paused, looking up from his clipboard. "I get the feeling there's something you're trying to conceal from me, princess. Something you don't want me to see. If you're trying to lie to me, you're not doing a very good job."

"Why would I be lying to you?" Twilight innocently replied. "So maybe the students aren't all ponies, who says that has to be a bad thing?" Then she put her hooves over her mouth, realizing what she'd accidentally just blurted out.

"What was that about non ponies?" Neighsay questioned, just as he rounded a corner. To his great shock, he saw quite clearly a greenish-white coated bird/pony hybrid creature flying around, and a brown winged and white feathered creature talking with him. He could also see a few other creatures: Including a yak, a weird looking bug/pony hybrid, and a dragon. Anger boiling up inside him, the chancellor bellowed at the top of his lungs. "What is going on here?! What is the meaning of this?!"

All of a sudden, everyone stopped to look at the now clearly peeved chancellor in their midst. Steam was billowing out of his nostrils, his posture was slouched, and his eyes were slanted and narrowed.

Afraid of a disaster, Twilight immediately came rushing up to the scene! "Chancellor, please, I assure you there's a perfectly good explanation for all of this."

Neighsay turned around and snapped. "I might have known you were lying to me! This isn't a pony school at all, it has nothing to do with defense!"

Twilight shook her head. "Chancellor, I didn't lie to you when I said the school was for defensive purposes. Friendship is actually, more often than not, more effective for defense than sheer brute force. If the changelings, dragons, yaks, hippogriffs and griffons are all firmly allied with us then it would be excellent for defense for all involved."

Neighsay wasn't convinced. "Why would you choose to omit such important details? Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"No. Princess Celestia told me about the way you see the world. I knew that if I told you upfront what the school would involve, you'd reject it out of hoof," Twilight explained. "I had to appeal to you the only way I knew how."

The chancellor only shook his head. "Then clearly you don't understand me at all. I do what I do for the sake of the greater good. Even you must admit these other creatures are a danger, both to us and to themselves."

"A danger? You don't really believe that, do you?" Twilight questioned. "The hippogriffs aided us against the Storm King, and my son happens to be a dragon."

Neighsay snorted. "Yet did those hippogriffs bother to lift a helping claw or fin when we were first attacked? I don't think so. Have other dragons ever treated us with kindness and compassion? No. The yaks only agreed to a trade deal with us after they threatened to go to war with us. The griffons' home country is a mess, yet only a select few of them have ever successfully mingled with us ponies and settled in. And let us not forget that the changelings twice invaded us, and both times they were successful in taking civilians and high ranking officials hostage. Yet now you expect me to believe we can trust them with the knowledge of our greatest strengths and weaknesses? Even you can't be this dense!"

"Chancellor, please, not so loudly. You're making a scene," Twilight pleaded. "Just because you don't see the benefit in this, doesn't mean I'm wrong and you're right. You haven't even met any of the students yet."

"And just where are these so called students now? Shouldn't classes have started by now?" Neighsay demanded. "If you want me to believe they harbor no ill intentions, then you'll not object to letting me observe them in a learning environment."

But at that very moment, Terramar came fluttering up to Twilight. "Headmare Twilight, you've gotta help me! My sister's missing and I don't know where she is!"

"What?!" Twilight exclaimed with horror!

"I swear, I only left for one minute to use the bathroom and when I came back she and five other students she was hanging out with were nowhere to be seen," Terramar explained. "I searched everywhere. Every classroom, every hallway, even outside in case they were maybe playing hooky. They're gone!"

"It's true, I'm afraid," Gilda glumly added. "Gallus is missing too, and last I saw him he was with Terramar, his sister, and those other creatures. Oh, Grandpa Gruff is gonna kill me when he hears about this! The one time I try to prove myself to him, and it all goes horribly wrong."

Gulping, Twilight turned to face a rather grumpy looking Chancellor Neighsay. The chancellor simply replied by saying. "Well, princess, it would seem you don't keep a good eye on your students. If they can disappear so easily, how you can hope to convince me that anyone will be safe here? Especially ponies. I'm afraid that not only will EEA accreditation not be granted, but by the power invested in me as head of the EEA I shall be shuddering this school!"

"Neighsay, no!" Twilight pleaded.

"Neighsay, yes!" Neighsay firmly declared. "Don't bother trying to stop me. Not even you can defy the EEA!"

"Please, you have to give me a chance! A chance to find the students and make things right," Twilight went on pleading. "You don't understand, this school meant a lot to me! It was my dream! My chance to leave a lasting legacy."

Neighsay turned his head. "Seems like it has become more of a nightmare to me. But I suppose that I... could give you one last chance. You have twenty four hours to find the missing students and ensure they will be safe. Then perhaps I 'might' look the other way on some of the lesser problems. Though perhaps if you'd had higher standards for who would be admitted and who would be allowed to teach, all of this could've been avoided. Until then, however, and in case you should fail to locate the students in time..." He walked outside, placing huge blue magical chains around the school. "This school is now closed! Good day, princess!" And then he conjured up a portal from the amulet around his neck and departed.

"Chancellor, wait!" Twilight pleaded in vain. "Great! Now I've got to deal with the fallout from his offensive comments and find the missing students. Oh, I could really use Shining's help on this one." She thought to herself.

Author's Note:

Again, thanks to Comickook for some of the dialogue suggestions here.

Considering the first teaser for Season 8 depicted not the school but Chrysalis in disguise plotting her revenge, I figured it was probably only fitting to bring her in to the plot here. Especially since in the original the worst the student six did was play hooky, and things got a little out of control. Not to say that Neighsay didn't have legitimate grivevances about the school, but it's clear that the driving factor for him to shut it down was because of who was being admitted (because once the students were found safe and sound, he should've folded and let the school have a chance to prove itself).

So here, I want to paint him a little bit more as a well intentioned extremist, sort of like Amanda Waller in Justice League Unlimited where her desire is not necessarily to make an enemy out of the Justice League but to give the United States government a chance to defend itself in case the Justice League ever went rouge.

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