• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 162: Legends of Magic

Each of the stallions quickly fanned out to search for their designated item and bring it back to Ponhenge, where Shining Armor, Twilight, Sunburst, and Starlight would be waiting with Starswirl's journal.

Big Macintosh's journey brought him to a lonely island at the base of what appeared to be an extinct volcano (or maybe just a very dormant one). As he was not very familiar with such locations, he'd brought along Cheerilee to help guide him. The teacher was delighted to accompany her special somepony.

"So, what are we looking for, exactly?" Cheerilee eagerly asked Big Mac.

"Rockhoof's shovel. He never went anywhere without it," Big Macintosh replied. "The map says it's around here somewhere. But it looks like this place ain't been occupied for decades, maybe even a century."

Cheerilee nodded and noted. "Indeed. It would seem to have become an archaeological site," Then a smile formed on her face. "And look, there's one of my newest students. Petunia Paleo. Surprised to see her here, her cutie mark relates to paleontology, not archaeology."

"Either way, she may know somethin' about this place. She's as good as other pony to talk to." Big Macintosh responded and trotted over to the filly. Petunia was a filly with a light blue coat, a somewhat darker two shaded blueish-gray tail, and and light persian blue eyes. Not to mention a cutie mark depicting dinosaur bones.

Currently the filly was with an older mare who had a dusty brown coat and a similarly colored dusty brown mane and tail, not to mention amber eyes. She wore a red jacket and appeared to be slightly bulky in build. She also wore a pair of thick brown glasses.

Petunia and another pony her age were dusting off a skeleton they'd just uncovered, said skeleton looked like it had part of some sort of armor. The filly eagerly exclaimed! "Look, Professor Fossil! It looks just like the armor worn by the Mighty Helm!" With a gasp she added. "Maybe it belonged to Rockhoof himself!"

Professor Fossil strolled over and examined the skeleton, then shook her head. "I don't think, Petunia," She remarked. "Legends don't wear helmets. I'm afraid this belonged to a real pony."

"Oh, I can tell you that Rockhoof was real alright," Big Macintosh spoke up. "As real as you and I."

Professor Fossil turned to see Big Macintosh and Cheerilee, and then she laughed. "That's a good one. And I suppose next you'll tell me he dug that trench with his trusty shovel, to save his village from an erupting volcano?"

"It's a possibility. There are lots of things in life that seem strange even though they're true." Cheerilee commented.

Professor Fossil only shook her head. "Look, I like old legends as much as anypony else. But ever since I earned my degree I've come to learn that there's far more fiction than fact about these legends. A pony strong enough to stop a volcano armed with nothing but a shovel? It's... well... preposterous to say the least."

But at that very moment, a boulder broke loose and came rolling down the hill towards Professor Fossil and the students under her care!

Thinking quickly, Big Macintosh leaped in front of the boulder's path and threw his back legs against it! With a great deal of straining he managed to force the boulder to a halt before it could roll onto anypony. "Better stand back, ya'll!" He warned! "I'm gonna send this baby flyin'!" And with a mighty kick he launched the boulder into the air, watching it disappear over the horizon!

Needless to say, Professor Fossil and her students were most impressed. In fact, Professor Fossil found herself at a loss for words. "I... can't believe you just did that. You... you saved us!" She happily exclaimed.

Cheerilee flashed a grin at the professor. "Yeah, but I bet if you told anypony else the story it would sound... preposterous." Professor Fossil just blushed.

At that moment, a pegasus stallion sporting a dark brown coat came up and tapped Big Mac on the shoulder. "Excuse me," He spoke up. "Just a while ago, I came upon this rather interesting cavern. You're looking for Rockhoof's shovel, right?"

"Eeyup. Why do you ask?" Big Macintosh inquired.

The stallion pointed a hoof over to the cavern and instructed Big Mac to step inside. Big Mac came out shortly with Rockhoof's shovel clutched in his teeth, the shovel gave off a rather strange glow.

"Well, I guess some legends might be true after all." Professor Fossil commented.

"By the way," The stallion asked Big Macintosh and Cheerilee. "Have you met my daughter? You probably know her name, she writes all those popular adventure books when she should be getting into archaeology like her old stallion."

Big Macintosh and Cheerilee both laughed as Cheerilee replied. "It's funny you should mention that, because do we have a story for you."

Fancy Pants brought Fleur with him to the village where Mistmane had once lived, for it was where the map had said Mistmane's flower might be located.

For Fleur, the village held sentimental value. "It sure is nice to be back in my homeland again after all this time," She happily commented. "I can still remember the day when I met you. You barely knew your way around this place."

"I still kind of do, I'm afraid," Fancy Pants commented. "Which is why I asked you to accompany me. Now then, if I were a flower in a place like this, where would I be?"

Fleur pointed a hoof. "There aren't many places around here that can grow plants. So I'd try one of the first places that can." She was gesturing to an old greenhouse.

Fancy Pants smiled. "A greenhouse! Of course! Brilliant suggestion, Fleur!" The couple made their way over to the green house and were immediately taken aback at the derelict state of the greenhouse. It seemed as if nothing had grown there in years.

Before long, the two lay eyes upon the item they'd been sent to retrieve. Mistmane's flower sat lonely on a small pedestal in the center of the garden. Fancy Pants reached out a hoof to grab the pot, only to have his hoof swatted away by a spade.

"You keep those hooves to yourself, whippersnapper!" An elderly, wrinkly, grey coated unicorn frowned. She sported faded red eyes and a mane almost a ghostly white. "That ain't yours for the taking!"

"I'm terribly sorry, ma'am," Fancy Pants apologized. "But I really need that flower, it's important."

The mare just continued to frown. "Well it's important to me as well. I've been working my butt off year after year just to try and keep this greenhouse around. It used to be that ponies would flock from all over to come and see this place, and I ain't about to let some no gooder like you come and take the last good piece of it!"

"Well, what if I could help you spruce up this place and give you some more flowers to care for?" Fancy Pants suggested. "I'm not exactly an expert, but I have dabbled a little in gardening. Wasn't my calling but I can see why others appreciate it."

"If you want to try, go right ahead and knock yourself out!" The mare snorted. "But good luck getting anything to grow here."

Fancy Pants just smiled and turned to his wife. "Shall we?" He asked her.

Fleur gave a nod and winked. "I was hoping you'd ask."

Together the two unicorns lit up their horns and enveloped several gardening tools in their magic. They cleared away vines, thorns, and dead branches, and carefully watered plants up and down the green house. It took a great deal of effort and Fancy Pants' suit became slightly dirty in the process. But at long last, the green house was filled with beautiful and healthy young plants.

The mare's mouth dropped open in shock! "Incredible!"

Fancy Pants smiled. "I know. Beautiful isn't it?"

"Of course, you'll have to take care of more than one little flower now," Fleur added. "My husband and I would be glad to take it off your hooves."

The mare adopted a sincere smile and gave the potted plant to them. "You go ahead and keep it. It was a family heirloom, but I never knew what to do with it for I never had foals and all my relatives have moved away. Something tells me that plant is in much better hooves with you young ponies." As she gave the plant to Fancy Pants and Fancy Pants held it in his hooves, it admitted a glow.

Braeburn smiled as he found himself back in Somnambula Village. He could still remember his last visit just weeks ago, when he and Soarin had learned of the true identity of Daring Do.

And at that moment, who should show up but Daring Do herself? Needless to say she was very surprised to see Braeburn. "Oh, it's you again," She cheerfully commented. "What brings you here?"

"Well if you must know Miss Yea... I mean Miss Do," Braeburn quickly corrected himself. "I'm here because I'm tryin' to find Somnambula's glowpez necklace. But for the life of me I can't figure out where it might be."

"Guess it's a good thing I showed up then," Daring replied with a smile. "I've got a lead on the necklace's location. But... you may not like what it entails."

"Why? What are you talkin' about?" Braeburn inquired.

Daring just took off and instructed. "Follow me and I'll explain as best I can!"

Braeburn did so, following the pegasus all the way into the pyramid that it was said Somnambula had faced down the sphinx to save Prince Hisan. As he did, he soon learned what Daring's lead involved. For he found himself starring down at a pit of some unknown bubbling green liquid, and it looked rather hot. The stallion let out a gulp. "A-are you sure it's down there?" He asked Daring.

"I'm afraid so," Daring declared. "Nopony will volunteer to look though."

"W-well, I suppose I'll do it," Braeburn reluctantly volunteered. "You sure I should be in that stuff?"

Daring chuckled in response. "Oh don't worry, it's not toxic or corrosive if that's what you're worried about. We tested the stuff with a stick and it was just fine," Then she held her nose. "But it does have a rather strong..." She coughed into a hoof. "'Odor' to it if you know what I mean."

The stallion tried not to gulp. "I understand." He gravely remarked.

"Which is why I'll need you to step into this special diving suit," Daring explained as she held it out. "That way you won't get covered in or breath in any of the er... muck. When you're ready to come back up, just give a tug on your line."

"Got it," Braeburn reluctantly commented as he stepped into the diving suit and closed the lid. "Well, here goes nothing!" He was soon lowered into the pit, and before long he appeared to vanish from sight.

A few moments passed and there didn't seem to be any developments. Some of the ponies who had gathered to watch were starting to grow anxious.

"I'm not sure you'll find anything in there, Daring." One pony commented.

As Daring continued to pump fresh air she just replied. "I wouldn't give up hope just yet." But then suddenly the line slipped out of her hooves! She quickly lunged forward and grabbed it as all the green liquid seemed to vanish in an instant!

Braeburn emerged from the pit, now drained of the green liquid and held out what appeared to be a necklace of some kind. "Wouldn't you know it? It was stuck in the drain all this time," He commented as he opened the lid of his diving suit. "Sure hope this stuff washes off." As he spoke those words, the necklace gave off a glow.

Soarin had brought along Spike for his object, largely due to where it had ended up. "I cant believe it. Of all the places for Flash Magnus' shield to end up in, it had to be the dragon lands!" He remarked as he flew over the rocky and smokey landscape.

Spike grinned. "Well it's a good thing you've brought along the official friendship ambassador to the dragons then," Then he spotted a small group of dragons lurking near a river of lava. "Looks like as good a place as any to start our search. Take us down, Soarin." He instructed.

Soarin landed and immediately he drew the attention of the dragons, who all frowned. "Hey," One of them rudely snapped. "Just because Dragon Lord Ember commanded us to be nice to ponies, doesn't mean you can surf in our spot. So get lost!"

"I'm not here to surf. I'm just looking for a certain shield, and then I promise I'll be out of your scales," Soarin commented. "So if you want to be rid of me as soon as possible, I suggest you cooperate. It's not like I wanted to be here."

"Whatever," Another dragon snorted. "We've got plenty of shields. So just take your pick and go away!"

"Easy now," Spike cautioned the dragons. "He's with me. We're looking for a very special shield. So we'd greatly appreciate it if you could point us in the right direction, okay?"

But just then, from the crowd emerged a familiar red scaled dragon of teenaged size. "Well, well, well," He snarled. "If it ain't the pony loving pipsqueak sticking up for his pony pals."

"Oh I thought I smelled a rat," Soarin hissed, before his eyes fell upon the object clutched in the dragon's claws! "Flash Magnus' shield!" He exclaimed! "Give it to me, Garble! It doesn't belong to you!"

"Oh really?" Garble taunted. "I don't see your name on it. And out here in the dragon lands, it's finders keepers."

"Please," Soarin pleaded. "I need that shield! Can't you just find some other old shield to use?"

Garble just stuck out his tongue. "Too bad! I found it and I intend to keep it!" But then he got an idea. "I'll tell you what though. I might be willing to trade it, for a price."

"Oh I see, you want a race," Soarin realized. "So how's about this deal, Garble? If I win, you give up the shield and go away."

Garble nodded. "Fine by me, but if I win and you know I will, you have to leave and I'll give you back the shield whenever I feel like it!"

"Okay then," The Wonderbolt Co-Captain spoke up. "Let's do this, Garble!"

But Garble shook his head. "Whoever said I wanted to race a pony like you? Wouldn't be a fair contest," Then he turned his attention to Spike. "I wanna race the pipsqueak."

"What?! Me?!" Spike gasped. "Is this your idea of pay back for showing you up at the Gauntlet of Fire?!"

"Maybe it is," Garble fiendishly snickered. "But are you gonna chicken out? Or are you gonna race me and stand up for yourself?"

"Well if that's how you wanna play, fine!" Spike growled! "Prepare to lose, Garble!"

The two dragons lined up side by side, Spike clutching a small stone slab to use as a lava board. He wasn't sure if he could truly match Garble, but he was determined to try.

Soarin watched with anxiety. "Come on, Spike! You can do it!" He encouraged.

A chubby, orange scaled dragon hovered over the two contestants and relayed the rules. "The first one down the mountain wins. Now keep it clean. Or don't, I'm not your mother," And then he began the count down. "Racers: On your marks, get set, surf!" With a breath of fire, he signaled the start of the race.

Garble took off immediately, pulling into the lead with ease. Spike struggled just to keep control of his board, a task that was easier said than done.

All of a sudden, Spike found himself facing down a cliff. Rather than steer around it though, he sailed right over it. He flew off his board, tumbled down the mountain, and broke the tape at the bottom! "I can't believe that actually worked," He commented before he quickly corrected himself. "Er I mean... I knew that would work," Then he turned to Garble who came surfing up behind him. "A deal's a deal, Garble. Now hand over the shield."

But Garble refused to cooperate! He was steaming at the fact that he'd been twice outsmarted by a dragon who didn't even truly live in the dragon lands! "You've humiliated me too many times already, pipsqueak!" He growled. "Ember said to be nice to ponies. She never said anything about pony loving dragons."

Spike let out a gulp. "H-hey now, let's not do something we'll all regret," He cautioned. "You know I'm friends with Ember, right? If you do anything to me, I'll tell. She won't be very happy."

"Eh, let her try," Garble coldly retorted. "Far as I'm concerned, I don't have to take orders from a pony loving dragon like her. Besides, she ain't here to protect you now, is she?"

But Soarin quickly swooped in and defused the tensions. "Leave him alone, Garble. No one likes a sore loser," He declared with a snort. "So if you're done picking on those smaller than you, how's about another race? I'll go easy on you."

"Oh, okay. You wanna lose?" Garble chuckled. "Fine by me. Name your game."

"Bet you can't beat me back up the mountain!" Soarin boasted. "If I win, the shield is mine. And if I lose, I'll leave you alone."

"Excellent," Garble grinned. "Ready when you are."

Then Soarin planted a suggestion in Garble's mind. "Well before you do that, maybe you should remove your shield. Bet it'll be hard to fly with that hunk of metal weighing you down."

"Huh, fair point I suppose. Guess you ponies are good for something after all," Garble replied, suspecting nothing as he slipped the shield off his back. "See you at the top, losers!" He shouted and flapped his wings.

But when Garble reached the top he found that Soarin and Spike had taken off with the shield now firmly in their possession. "Hey, no fair! You tricked me! Give that back!" Garble roared at the top of his lungs.

Spike only shouted back. "Turnabout is fair play, Garble. Besides, it's finders keepers, remember?"

As Soarin flew out of the dragons lands, he couldn't help but chuckle. "You were right, Spike. Those dragons aren't very bright."

"Honestly, Garble makes it way too easy. But I just love seeing him be put in his place," Spike commented with a satisfied grin. "I just hope the others have had better luck with their search than we've had."

At Hayseed Swamp, Cattail had put on Meadowbrook's mask and was currently attracting the attention of the flash bees the only way he knew how. By dancing back and forth in front of them.

That did the trick all right, the flash bees started to swarm over towards Cattail who backed away rather nervously.

From the safety of a nearby bush, Thunderlane instructed. "Now remember not to turn away from them, Cattail. The flash bees won't like that. They can get pretty aggressive sometimes. Which probably explains why none of the other bayou animals can get to the water."

Cattail continued to slowly back away. "Not for nothing but, wouldn't it make more sense for you to be the one who wears the mask and calm the bees?" He inquired. "I ain't exactly the best with animals. That was Meadowbrook's specialty, not mine."

"Normally you'd be right, Cattail," Thunderlane commented as he emerged from the bush. "If not for the fact that I had to move the hive." He did so with ease, placing up on a higher branch in a nearby tree. And meanwhile, the other bayou animals made it across to the water without trouble.

The flash bees finally grew bored of stalking Cattail, and zoomed back to their hive to rest. They didn't suspect anything about how it seemed to be higher than it was when they'd left it.

"There," Thunderlane smiled as he carefully swooped down. "Now the rest of the bayou animals can get to the water without feeling threatened. And the flash bees won't feel like someone's invading their territory."

"You know you didn't have to do any of this," Cattail commented as he took off the mask. "I would've gladly let ya have the mask anyway."

"I know," Thunderlane nodded. "But I figured it would be nice to do you a favor anyway." Then he took possession of the mask, causing it to glow.

"Uh, is it supposed to do that?" Cattail questioned.

"I'm not sure," Thunderlane responded. "But I promise I'll bring this back as soon as I can."

Author's Note:

I changed up the order slightly so as to have Soarin and Spike's conflict come a little later, and then have the de-escalating one with Thunderlane after it.

As for Somnambula's blindfold being replaced by a glowpez necklace. Both the show and the comics seem to assign much greater significance to it compared to the blindfold. So to me it seems to make sense for that to be Somnmabula's item of importance, especially since the blindfold was a "gift" from the spinx as opposed to something she might cherish.

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