• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 41: A Trip to Canterlot

From outside the carriage he was riding in, Shining Armor could see the sights of Canterlot. It still amazed him, even after all the years he'd spent living in the city, and all the times he'd come back to it as Captain of The Royal Guard.

All the same, this was the first time he'd come back to the city, for a reason other than because it was his duty as captain to make The Royal Guard was properly trained. And the reason for his visit this time around, made him more than a little nervous.

Fortunately, he wasn't alone. He was accompanied on this trip by his good friend Fancy Pants, his wife Fleur, and their business partner, Rarity.

"Thanks again for letting me tag along with you guys on your trip to Canterlot," Shining Armor said to Fancy Pants, as the carriage began to slow down "I really appreciate it."

"Think nothing of it, Shining Armor. We've been friends for at least a year now," Fancy Pants replied "After everything you've done for Fleur, Miss Rarity, and I, this is the least we could do to repay you."

"If I may ask, why did you insist on coming along with us on this trip to re-establish business contacts?" Rarity asked Shining Armor "Your sister's birthday will fall on one of the days we are here, and I'm sure she will be a little disappointed to know you couldn't make it."

"I'm well aware of that fact, but when I learned who was going to be back in Canterlot after all this time, I knew I needed to see her." Shining Armor explained.

"Are you by chance talking about Princess Cadence, the quote unquote 'Crystal Princess'?" Fleur asked Shining Armor, who blushed a bit in response.

"You caught me, Cadence is the reason why I wanted so badly to accompany you all on this trip," Shining Armor confessed "We haven't seen each other for years. That is, assuming you don't count her brief appearance in my mind when Discord was turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the known world."

"I must say, when it comes to romance, you certainly aim high. But I would've expected no less from The Captain of The Royal Guard," Rarity commented "How long have you had these feelings for Cadence, if I may ask?"

"Probably since Twily was just a filly, maybe even longer than that," Shining Armor replied, and explained "Cadence was Twilight's foalsitter, and she was really good at it. She was so sweet, and so kind, it was impossible not fall for her. But every time I tried to tell her how I felt, I kept choking, or something came up. Eventually, I started to see Cadence less and less, and when Twily no longer needed a foalsitter, there was nothing to keep her from her duties as a princesss. But I never gave up on my feelings for her, I kept hoping that I'd bump into her again, and finally be able to tell her how I felt. And when I learned she'd be back in Canterlot this weekend, I knew I had to find a way to see her."

"So, you intend to propose to her?" Fleur asked, as the carriage slowed to a halt.

"Perhaps," Shining Armor said glumly "But more than likely, I'm going to have to face reality. Cadence is probably seeing somepony else, especially now that I'm no longer Captain of The Royal Guard, at least for the time being."

"I'm sure that Cadence doesn't care what sort of title you have." Rarity replied seriously.

"Maybe, but the odds of her still having feelings for me after all these years doesn't seem very likely," Shining Armor admitted, before sighing a bit "I suppose there's only one way to know for sure. I'll have to find her, and see how she reacts to my presence."

"In that case, I assume this is where we shall part ways for the time being," Fancy Pants declared, as the carriage doors opened, and the ponies inside it stepped out onto the streets of Canterlot "Fleur and I shall be meeting with some of our esteemed, and not so esteemed contacts. And Miss. Rarity shall be busy with maintaing our wardrobe fo all the parties, balls, and other formal events we will undoubtedly be attending."

"I wish you the best of luck, darling. And something tells me that you will find great success in your quest for love." Rarity said kindly, as she went off with Fancy Pants and Fleur.

Shining Armor sighed, now he was on his own. "Well, no sense in beating around the bush," he thought to himself "I need to find Princess Cadence, and if she's still single, I'm going to ask her out on a date!" With that goal in mind, Shining Armor set off for the castle courtyard, where he knew Princess Cadence would be waiting.


It didn't take long for Shining Armor to reach the castle courtyard, he knew his way around Canterlot like the back of his hoof. But when he arrived at his destination, he was shocked to find that a massive crowd of ponies was already there.

Apparently, the reappearance of the crystal princess in Canterlot was major news, and everypony wanted a chance to see the newest alicorn.

Shining Armor was barely able to find a good place to stand amongst the crowd, and he had no sooner done so, when a trumpet fanfare sounded through the courtyard. "Mares and gentlestallions," a royal guard announced "It is with great pleasure, that we humbly announce the arrival of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better know as Princess Cadence, The Crystal Princess!"

The crowd of ponies burst into thunderous applause, clapping and stomping their hooves, as the royal guards parted two by two. And then, walking down the red carpted pathway was a pink coated alicorn with a mane styled into locks of violet, rose, and gold. Her light purple eyes reflected her youth, as her cutie mark depicting a heart made of crystal, sparkled in the bright sunshine. She smiled and waved to all the ponies that were there to greet her, who only clapped, cheered, and stomped even louder in response.

As Princess Cadence neared the end of her walk, she was more than a little surprised to see a familiar white coated stallion waving to her from amongst the crowd. His somewhat bushy sapphire blue mane and tail with dark blue and cerulean streaks, and his moderate cerulean eyes were unmistakeable to her. But, what was he doing in Canterlot? He hadn't been part of The Royal Guard assigned to protect her, in fact, Cadence hadn't seen him with the royal guard once since arriving in Canterlot. Just what had changed since she'd last seen him?

Everypony present in the crowd was surprised when they saw Princess Cadence stop, just before the end of the red carpted pathway. She then made her way through the crowd, until she stopped in front of the stallion that had been Captain of The Royal Guard. Did she not know that he was currently on leave, and that a debate was currently being held as to whether or not he should return to active duty?

Nopony was more surprised than Shining Armor, however. He had not been expecting Princess Cadence to single him out from the crowd. He had expected to have to make her notice him, especially considering his position amongst the crowd.

"What are you doing here, Shining Armor? Princess Cadence asked, looking the stallion in the eyes while her own eyes reflected a look of confusion.

"I came here to see you, why else would I be in this crowd?" Shining Armor replied. With the whole crowd watching him, he felt very much like a bug under a microscope. He could feel himself start to sweat a bit. Sure, he had wanted to talk to Cadence, and potentially even ask her for a date. But he had wanted to do so in private, not with an entire crowd of strangers looking at him. He was certain that if word got out that he was dating the crystal princess, the Canterlot nobility would conspire to sink his chances of returning to his title of Captain of The Royal Guard. To say nothing of what they would do to Cadence.

"You could've offered to be part of my private guard, or is there something I don't know about?" Princess Cadence asked Shining Armor, her look changing from one of confusion, to one of concern.

"It's a long story, and one that I don't want to discuss in front of all these ponies," Shining Armor explained, then he gulped and plucked up courage "Do you think that, maybe I could tell you about it over lunch? Don't know about you, but I'm kind of hungry."

Princess Cadence could easily see where Shining Armor was going with the conversation, but decided to play along and humor him for a bit. It would give her a chance to learn just what changed since she'd last seen Shining Armor, as well as get away from the crowd that was only interested in gwaking at her, and taking pictures of her. "Sounds good to me, it's been a while since I've had a chance to have lunch with anypony besides my aunts and my guards."

"Great, lunch it is! And I know just the place!" Shining Armor said, and hastily grabbed Princess Cadence by the hoof, and led her away.

"That stallion is trying to run off with The Crystal Princess!" a random pony in the crowd shouted.

"Stop him!" another pony bellowed.

Princess Cadence's guards quickly sprang into action, and prepared to go after Shining Armor. But before they could so, Princess Cadence spoke up and instructed "It's okay, guards. You may stand down, I am not in need of your protection."

"But your highness, we are sworn to protect you from any and all threats, you must let us do our duty." one of the guards insisted.

"I appreciate your concern, but I know this stallion enough to know that he isn't a threat," Princess Cadence told the guards "And I am more than capable of looking out for myself. If this stallion wishes to spend time with me, I won't deny him what he is rightfully entitled to. But don't worry, I promise that I'll be back by sundown. If I don't return by then, you may come look for me. And that is an order."

The guards reluctantly backed away. "Very well. If that is what you wish, your highness, we will hold you to your word." one of the guards replied.

"But, if you are not back by the time you designated, we will come looking for you, and your aunts will be notified of what happened." another guard said in a gruff voice.

"We'll both keep that in mind, now I must be off." Princess Cadence replied with a nod, and allowed Shining Armor to take her away. The crowd of ponies was speechless. The Captain of The Royal Guard and The Crystal Princess knew each other, to the point where they could actually go off on their own together, even when neither of them should have the ability to do so.

Just what was the world coming to?


Shining Armor couldn't believe his luck. When he entered Donut Joe's, the entire restaurant was deserted, Joe himself was the only pony actually there.

Clearing his throat, Shining Armor called out "Hey, Joe. Got room for two?"

Donut Joe spun around, he hadn't been expecting company. Especially not the presence of The Crystal Princess. And yet, here she was, with The Captain of The Royal Guard standing close by "Ah, a t-thousand pardons, your highness," he stuttered, his teeth chattering a bit "I was not aware you'd be visitng my humble shop. P-please, make yourself comfortable. I can see about maybe sprucing up the place a bit."

"It's alright, Donut Joe. You don't need to make any special arrangements. Shining Armor and I just want to be treated like your regular paying customers," Princess Cadence replied "Wherever you want us to sit is fine."

"Then, by all means, pull up a seat and see what interests you," Donut Joe encouraged, as he gave Princess Cadence and Shining Armor two menus to read over "Despite my name sake, I don't just sell donuts."

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence sat down at a table near the back of the restauarant, and looked over the menus they had been given. They quickly agreed to split an order of Donut Joe's famous donuts, and for both of them to get their own cup of hot chocolate. For dessert, they agreed to share a chocolate milkshake. And Shining Armor insisted on paying for everything out of his own pocket.

"You don't have to do this, Shining Armor. I can pay for my own food." Princess Cadence insisted.

"I'm sure you could, but I'm the one who invited you out. You shouldn't have to worry about anything, other than having a good time." Shining Armor replied, as Donut Joe accepted his payment of bits.

While Shining Armor and Princess Cadence waited for their food to arrive, Princess Cadence took the time to ask Shining Armor some questions. "So, how come you didn't offer to be part of my personal guard?" she asked Shining Armor "I'm sure my Aunt Celestia would've said yes."

Shining Armor sighed, he knew this sort of question was going to pop up sooner or later, and he knew there was no use in trying to lie to Princess Cadence. "You know about Discord, right?" he asked bluntly.

Princess Cadence was surprised, and a little bit confused that Shining Armor mentioned such a thing, as was evidenced by her eyes growing wide and her tilting to the side a bit. "Of course I do. What does that have to do with anything?" she asked in reply.

Sighing again, and a noticeable frown emerging on his face, Shining Armor explained "Well, apparently Discord did more damage than even I thought. For weeks after my encounter with him, I kept having nightmares of him. And I kept feeling like he was out to get me, waiting for the right moment to strike. Eventually, that constant paranoia caused me to snap, and I went crazy. I actually tried to hurt a bunch of innocent children with a stun spell."

Princess Cadence's mouth dropped open in shock at such a statement.

"I know, but it's true," Shining Armor glumly admitted "As a result of that incident, Princess Celestia put me on an unpaid leave of absence. Princess Luna re-evaulated me and said I was fit to return to active duty, but she said it would take weeks for the necessary paperwork to be filed. And right now, there's a huge debate going on about whether or not I deserve to remain Captain of The Royal Guard. Several ponies, including your brother, Prince Blueblood, think I should be replaced. That's why you saw me in the crowd."

Princess Cadence said nothing, she had no idea that was the reason for Shining Armor not being part of her personal guard. She never would've imagined that Shining Armor would snap so badly. He had seemed like the kind of pony that rarely lost his cool, and that was what drew her to him in the first place.

Neither Shining Armor or Princess Cadence said anything else after that, and they just ate their meal in silence. On a few occasions, they tried to start up a conversation, but quickly dropped it when the other pony showed no interest in replying.

When they had finished eating, and felt quite full, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence left Donut Joe's. Sundown was still a few hours away, and they intended to make the most of the time they had left.

Donut Joe just smiled, as he observed Shining Armor and Princess Cadence leaving his restaurant walking side by side, and holding hooves. He could see the signs, he'd had plenty of experience with young love since opening his donut shop.

"Shining Armor's growing up," he said with a smile "And it seems like only yesterday he was in my shop for the first time. It's true what they say, they grow up so fast."


With nowhere they needed to be, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were currently strolling through the strees of Canterlot. As they passed by the various shops and government buildings, many ponies and visitng ambassadors either waved to them, or stared at them with odd looks.

But the two of them didn't mind, at this point they only cared about catching up on what happened to each other since they'd last met.

Shining Armor in particular, had a question that had been nipping at the back of his mind for a long time now, and he knew he needed an answer. "So, Cadence, do you mind telling me just where you were while Discord was running free?" Shining Armor asked "Discord didn't seem to be aware of your presence, though he very well could've been and was just putting on an act."

Princess Cadence pondered for a moment, putting a hoof to her chin. Apparently, she had never considered such a question. But at last she answered with "I was in hiding. Discord didn't know about the existence of a third alicorn, and I knew that if you and your friends somehow failed to defeat him, it would fall to me to do so. Rather than allow Discord to corrupt what was Equestria's only wild card in the fight against unending chaos, I maintained a low profile in a small outpost in The Frozen North."

"But then, how were you able to appear in my mind after Discord corrupted me?" Shining Armor asked.

"I don't have a precise answer for that," Princess Cadence replied "I could just sense that you were in trouble and needed my help. It might have been related to the dreamwalking abilites that Aunt Luna taught me, or it could've been something entirely unrelated."

"Well, I guess I shouldn't look that gift horse in the mouth. I'm glad you came, when you did." Shining Armor said, smiling for what felt to him like the first time he'd done so in months.

"It's too bad I couldn't be there to help you when you were worrying about Discord's return, after you defeated him." Princess Cadence said glumly. She had sensed that something was off about Shining Armor, but hadn't been able to do anything to help him.

"Even if you'd appeared in my mind, I doubt there was much you could've done to help me out," Shining Armor replied "I was keeping my struggles secret from all of my friends, and even from my sister. I thought it was my burden to bear, and no one else's. Perhaps, if I hadn't been so thickheaded, I could've avoided the end result."

"Perhaps, but if there's one thing both of my aunts have taught me, it's that you should never allow yourself to live in fear of your past," Princess Cadence said seriously "It can hurt, but you can either run from it and pretend it doesn't exist, or learn from it and ensure you don't make the same mistake again. They've also taught me, that nopony is perfect. We all have our faults, and what seperates the good from the bad, is how those faults define us."

"Your aunts have taught you well, I should know, I've met them both." Shining Armor replied, surprised at just how much insight and wisdom Princess Cadence had gained from the other alicorns.

"You've met Aunt Luna?" Princess Cadence asked, to which Shining Armor nodded in confirmation "What did you think of her?"

Shining Armor paused for a moment, as if deep in thought about something. Then, at last, he said "She was..... interesting. She actually showed me a glimpse of her troubled past. I have to say that she went through quite a bit. Though I didn't get the whole story from her."

"Aunt Luna really doesn't like to talk about her past very much, I think it's obvious to everyone that she still feels guilty about what happened all those years ago," Princess Cadence replied, her voice taking on a more somber tone "The fact that she was willing to share even a part of said past with you indicates that she has a lot of trust in you."


Shining Armor and Princess Cadence had a lovely afternoon together. As time went on and they got comfortable being around each other, they started opening up more and more. They talked not just about their lives, and what was happening to them, but also about the latest news and gossip. They even swapped some funny stories about ponies that they'd overheard.

It became to obvious to everyone, including themselves, that they were on a date. And they enjoyed every minute of it.

But all good things had to come to an end eventually, and the date was no exception. As the sun began to set in Canterlot, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence knew that their time together was over, at least for now.

"Thanks for not declining my offer, even though it was in public." Shining Armor said to Princess Cadence, as he guided her to the royal suite she was staying in.

"Oh, I'm the one who should be thanking you, Shining Armor," Princess Cadence replied kindly "It's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of political life in Canterlot, and just unwind. I've been very busy lately."

"Busy with what?" Shining Armor asked.

"Aunt Celestia has been training me quite a bit, so that should The Crystal Empire ever return, I'll be ready to take over the throne. But she won't tell me why," Princess Cadence explained "She says that when the time comes, she'll fill me in on all the details."

"I see," Shining Armor said seriously, then he decided to pluck up courage "Say, Cadence. If you're not too busy tomorrow, why don't you and I go out on another date? This time, you can decide where we go."

"Oh, Shining Armor. I would love that very much! You've got yourself a deal!" Princess Cadence replied, and kissed Shining Armor on the cheek "Consider that my way of saying thanks, for just being yourself. See you tomorrow at noon!" And with that, she retreated to her private quarters.

Shining Armor felt incredibly overjoyed at reciving a kiss from Princess Cadence. And all this time he'd been worried that she might not feel the same way about him anymore.

A smile that could rival Pinkie Pie's formed on Shining Armor's face, as he happily walked to the castle suite where Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Rarity were staying.

"Well, well, it looks like someone had the time of his life." Fancy Pants commented, as Shining Armor entered the suite.

"I take it this means Princess Cadence returned your feelings of affection?" Rarity asked Shining Armor.

"She sure did, in fact, I'm going on another date with her tomorrow. What do you think of that?" Shining Armor replied.

"I'd say you're the luckiest stallion in all of Equestria. You've landed what many consider to be the most attractive mare in all of Equestria," Fleur commented "Reminds me of the time when Fancy Pants and I first met and started dating. I'd never felt so happy before, and Fancy Pants was a true gentlecolt."

"And I love just as much now, as I did back then." Fancy Pants replied happily.

"Say, Rarity, can I ask you something really quick?" Shining Armor asked, hoping that Rarity would be able to answer his question, despite not actually being married herself.

"What is it you wish to ask, Shining Armor? I'm currently working on making some very important arrangements." Rarity replied, looking over pieces of paper that Shining Armor assumed to be sketches (they actually weren't, but he didn't know this).

"Would you by any chance, happen to know of any good jewel makers in Canterlot?" Shining Armor asked "There's a little something I'd like to get for Princess Cadence, to give to her if all goes well on our next date."


Shining Armor found it hard to sleep that night, with his thoughts constantly drifting to Princess Cadence, and what he planned to do if their next date went smoothly. But eventually, he managed to close his eyes and rest.

The next morning, he awoke bright and early, and after learning that Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Rarity would be hosting a garden party in the castle courtyard later that evening, he raced out the door with his saddle bags in tow. "Today may very well be the most important day of my life!" he thought to himself, as he ran through the streets of Canterlot to reach his destination.

The second date with Princess Cadence was every bit as enjoyable as the first date, especially since Princess Cadence knew many of the best places in Canterlot for young couples to visit. None the least of which was Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the same school Twilight had been attending before moving to Ponyville.

As the afternoon changed to evening, the date began to wind down. Which meant it was time for Shining Armor to make his move, he only had one shot at this. The question now was, how would Princess Cadence react?

Princess Cadence was surprised, when Shining Armor stopped in front of a magnificent crystal fountain in the heart of Canterlot. Just what was he up to?

"Cadence, ever since we first met, you captured my heart. I never thought about any other mare the way I thought about you," Shining Armor said, as he looked Princess Cadence in the eyes "I always wanted to say something to you about how I felt while we were in school, or while you were foalsitting Twily, but I could never bring myself to do it. I thought I'd missed my chance when I had to move to Ponyville, and for a while I thought you might have forgotten about me. But now I've come to realize, that it was foolish of me to think that way."

Princess Cadence was certain she knew where the conversation was headed, but just to make sure she wasn't possibly misreading the situation she asked "Shining Armor? Are you saying, what I think you're trying to say?"

Shining Armor nodded, then he said "I'm not the greatest with words, at least when it comes to something like this. But maybe this will help explain my intentions." He then reached into his saddle bag, and pulled out a small black box.

Princess Cadence opened it, and that was when her eyes beheld a gold ring with the most magnificent diamond on the tip. The diamond shimmered in the glow of the evening sun. Princess Cadence could feel her heart start to beat with excitement, was this it? Was Shining Armor about to pop the question?

Her answer came a moment later, as Shining Armor cleared his throat and said to Princess Cadence "Cadence, will you marry me?"

Princess Cadence blushed bright red, and a massive smile formed on her face. Try as she might, she couldn't maintain her calm composure for long as she said in reply "Of course I'll marry you, Shining Armor! I always thought we were perfect for each other, but I felt like perhaps you couldn't see that. Then we started dating again, and I could tell you felt the same way I did about our relationship!" And with that, she leaned in to kiss Shining Armor, who returned the kiss whole heartedly.


Shining Armor felt like he was on top of the known world, as he happily made his way through the streets of Canterlot. His destination was the courtyard of Canterlot Castle, he couldn't wait to share the exciting news with the friends that had accompanied him on this trip to Canterlot.

"It's too bad Twily's birthday is in Ponyville, and I'm in Canterlot," Shining Armor thought to himself, as he could see the castle courtyard in the distance "I can't wait to tell her the good news!"

But as he neared the castle courtyard where the garden party was being held, he was surprised at the sight that greeted his eyes. There were the rest of his Ponyville friends, Braeburn, Big Macintosh, Soarin, and Thunderlane. As well as his sister, Twilight, Spike, and the rest of their Ponyville friends, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, as well as Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Rarity. And from the looks of things, the courtyard and nearby ballroom had been decked out in festive style. Colorful banners hung from trees, pillars, and walls, bits of confetti littered the grounds, and the ballroom itself looked like it was decorated with the intent of celebrating a birthday party.

In fact, that was exactly the case, as Shining Armor saw a large banner painted in purple letters that read: Happy Birthday, Twilight!. On a nearby table, there was a birthday cake with pink frosting and several candles on top.

"Well, look who just showed up." Soarin commented, as Shining Armor came upon the scene.

"Howdy there, Shining Armor, you came just in time," Braeburn said cheerfully, blowing on a party favor "The fun's just about to start."

Shining Armor was confused and speechless, he tried to open his mouth and ask what was going on, but all that came out was "How...what the... but I thought..."

"Isn't it wonderful, B.B.B.F.F?" Twilight asked, a massive smile displayed clearly on her face "Rarity took the liberty of booking the ballroom, and transfering my birthday party from Ponyville, to here!"

"It wasn't easy to change up the party plans at the last minute, but with help from Braeburn and all of my friends, it was possible," Pinkie Pie explained, as she bounced from place to place to put up the last couple of decorations "Of course, I had some help from my secret weapon. My trusty rusty, patent pending, Party Cannon!"

"No joke, she has an actual cannon that shoots out party decorations! You should see it in action, it's pretty cool!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Rarity did all of this?" Shining Armor asked.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied, he and Applejack were currently setting up a small apple bobbing tub for the party.

"Gotta hoof it to her, Rarity sure knows her stuff when it comes to Canterlot rules and regulations." Applejack added.

"But why did she do this? Especially with the garden party Fancy Pants and Fleur are hosting." Shining Armor spoke up.

"She did it for you, of course." Thunderlane told Shining Armor.

"Rarity knew how crushed you were about the fact that your trip to Canterlot would have you out of Ponyville during Twilight's birthday," Fluttershy added "Naturally, she knew she had to rectify that problem at once."

"Fleur and I were more than happy to reschedule the garden party for another day," Fancy Pants chimed in "We knew this was more important to you, and to us."

"A few of our business clients weren't too happy with our decision, but most of them understood after we mentioned that you were The Captain of The Royal Guard, and that your sister was Princess Celestia's student." Fleur finished.

"Rarity even made arrangements with Princess Celestia to have us flown into Canterlot by chariot," Spike commented "And that's not all. Just before we left for Canterlot, I got a message from Princess Celestia informing Twilight and I that your title of Captain of The Royal Guard had been restored, and your unpaid leave of absence was over."

"Oh, Rarity, you shouldn't have. But I'm glad you did!" Shining Armor said happily, he couldn't believe his luck. Today was turning out be the best day of his life.

"Think nothing of it, Shining Armor. After everything you've done for Fancy Pants, Fleur, their friends, my friends, and I, it was the least I could do to repay you." Rarity smiled.

"So, if we're done chit chating, it's party time!" Pinkie Pie declared, whipping out her party cannon and pressing a button. Streams of confetti and party decorations shout out from its barrel, landing perfectly on the few tables and pillars not already decorated.

But before the celebration could begin, Shining Armor had some very big news that he knew he needed to tell to everyone. He cleared his throat, turned to Twilight, and asked "You remember Princess Cadence, don't you?"

Twilight smiled "Of course I do, how could I forget? She was only the best foalsitter in the history of foalsitters! She was so kind, so sweet, and so compassionate! Why do you ask?"

"Well, I'm getting married to her!" Shining Armor declared proudly.

"Really? You're marrying Cadence?" Twilight asked, her eyes expressing a look of hope. Surely, her brother wouldn't joke about such a thing.

"Indeed I am, we're going to start making plans for our Canterlot Wedding very soon." Shining Armor declared. This prompted a deafening chorus of cheers and applause from everyone gathered, most of all, Twilight.

"Oh, B.B.B.F.F, that's the best birthday present I could ever ask for!" Twilight said happily, as she embraced her brother in a massive hug. Shining Armor returned the hug full force, and nothing more needed to be said.


Unknown to Twilight, Shining Armor, Spike, and their friends, they were being watched. From a bush in the distance, a mysterious bug like creature had its eyes fixated on Shining Armor. "A wedding," it said to itself, a fiendish grin forming on its lips "How delightful. This is exactly what I've been waiting for."

Author's Note:

One of the biggest problems people have with "A Canterlot Wedding" is that it dropped both Shining Armor and Princess Cadence onto us without any sort of prior buildup. They were just put into the episode, and they expected us to accept that they'd always been there.

Naturally, with Shining Armor being the main character of this universe, there was no way I could write my way around Princess Cadence, or their intent to marry. I knew I would need to have a chapter that introduced Cadence properly, and involve Shining Armor proposing to her.

Second, Sweet and Elite was the episode that introduced Fancy Pants and Fleur, and with Fancy Pants being the Element of Generosity in this universe, along with a business partner to Rarity, I knew that the episode would have be tackled from a different angle, and have a different conflict. I decided to make use of something that the show itself often tends to ignore, the mane six's status as world heroes after their defeat of Nightmare Moon and Discord.

And third, after the way "The Battle with Discord" turned out, I knew I would have to come back to Cadence's appearance in that fic, and the role it played in the story. Especially since Cadence's absence from Shining Armor's mind during "One Bad Day" could seem like a plot hole to some people. I'm not sure if the explanation I offer up here will make sense to you or not, but at least hopefully it's better than nothing.

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