• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 25: An Owl Problem

It was a peaceful star lit night in Ponyville. Shining Armor, Twilight, and Spike were just coming back home from an exciting meteor shower. A very rare one at that. They had been quite impressed by it, and Twilight was already looking forward to writing a report on it. But for now they were simply enjoying the peace and quiet.

Spike was fast asleep. He had worked himself to the bone helping Shining Armor and Twilight prepare for a picnic with all their friends. Shining Armor and Twilight couldn't help but think he looked cute, but they knew Spike wouldn't think the same way.

"That meteor shower was amazing. I'm glad I got the chance to see it." Shining Armor said, as he and Twilight trotted through the empty streets of Ponyville.

"Me too." Twilight replied "With all the information I've gathered, my report is going to be incredibly detailed. I just wish I'd had that book with me."

"Relax Twily." Shining Armor reassured her "Like Spike said when we set off, you don't need it. And he was right."

"I suppose that's true." Twilight considered "I just hope that whoever took the book out brings it back soon. Although, don't you think I would've known if someone checked out the Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy, or any other book from the library for that matter."

"You were probably too absorbed with a book to notice." Shining Armor suggested "Kind of like the time Pinkie Pie was trying to talk to you about Gilda."

"Well, that was different, though I guess I should've been paying more attention to her." Twilight admitted.

"It's okay. She forgave you, and everything worked out just fine." Shining Armor stated "No harm no foul."

"Indeed." Twilight replied "Well, looks like we're here."

"I'll tuck Spike into bed, then I'll probably go and hit the hay myself." Shining Armor said, yawning slightly "I am pretty tired."

"I think I'll get to work on my report. I want to have it completed as soon as possible." Twilight replied.

"Okay, just don't stay up too late." Shining Armor teased.

"I'm not a little filly B.B.B.F.F, I can take care of myself." Twilight said crossly.

"I know you can, but you still have that tendency to stay up pretty late from time to time." Shining Armor replied.

"Well, this report shouldn't take too long. I already know pretty much everything I want to include in it." Twilight explained "Once it's done, I'll put it in an envelope, and mail it first thing in the morning."

"Very well then, goodnight Twilight." Shining Armor called, as he headed upstairs.

"Sweet dreams Shining Armor." Twilight replied.

When Shining Armor woke up next morning, he had no idea that a big surprise was waiting for him just downstairs. With a yawn, he brushed his mane until it looked presentable, then headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning B.B.B.F.F" Twilight said with a smile.

"Good morning Twily." Shining Armor replied.

"Guess what Shining Armor?" Twilight asked "I've got a pet."

"You do?" Shining Armor asked. Twilight nodded "Where is it?"

"Over there." Twilight said, pointing a hoof over to a corner of the library. There, sleeping on a little perch that Twilight had made, was a small owl.

"You got a pet owl?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yep." Twilight replied "His name is Owlowiscious, and he's going to be our new junior assistant."

"That's.... interesting." Shining Armor stated "But why didn't you ever tell me you were going to get an owl?"

"I didn't get him from a pet shop or anything like that." Twilight explained "In fact, up until last night, I didn't plan on obtaining a pet at all."

"So what, you just decided out of the blue to obtain an owl?" Shining Armor asked, still quite confused.

"No." Twilight explained "I was busy writing my report, when I heard a strange noise. I opened a window to investigate, but found nothing. Then, a sudden gust of wind came in, and blew my paper away. I started to panic, when I was interrupted by a hoot. There, sitting on the windowsill, was an owl. He had managed to resuce my report, so in exchange, I decided to let him stay with me."

"That was very kind of you to offer such a thing." Shining Armor stated "But don't you think you should've at least asked Spike and I about this before you 'invited' the owl to stay with us."

"I suppose I should've." Twilight admitted "But I'm sure Spike will be accepting."

"Assuming he doesn't think Owlowiscious is trying to replace him." Shining Armor suggested with concern.

"Spike knows he could never be replaced." Twilight replied "He's got seniority, and in this case, that's a good thing."

"Well, even so, Spike is probably not going to be thrilled about this." Shining Armor said, and he was right. Spike was anything but thrilled when he learned about Owlowiscious. Throughout the entire day, Spike kept glancing at Owlowiscious, as if he feared the owl might suddenly attack him.

The next day, Twilight left to take Owlowiscious to the vet, at the suggestion of Fluttershy. Fluttershy had told Twilight it was best to make sure any new pet was healthy, and vaccinated against any diseases that it could come into contact with. That left Shining Armor and Spike alone at the library.

Now the two of them had not hung out with each other all that much recently. But instead of the usual guy talk, something else was discussed. Twilight's new pet, and junior assistant, Owlowiscious.

"I'm telling you, I don't like the look that owl gave me when I introduced myself to him yesterday." Spike complained "It felt like he was trying to scare me."

"Owls can rotate their heads almost all the way around from the front." Shining Armor explained "And they don't always do it to scare other creatures."

"Not always, but sometimes?" Spike asked nervously.

"I'm sure Owlowiscious wasn't intentionally trying to scare you Spike." Shining Armor stated "He was probably just trying to say hello."

"Well, even if that was the case, it was pretty creepy." Spike said, cringing slightly.

"Well owls are nocturnal." Shining Armor explained "Owlowiscious was probably sleeping when you introduced yourself to him, and your words must have woken up him up. I know you didn't mean to, but that's probably what happened."

"I suppose you have a point there Shining Armor." Spike admitted "But I still feel like that owl is watching me. Trying to take my place."

"That's not true Spike." Shining Armor said firmly "Owlowiscious isn't trying to replace you. He's just there to help Twilight after you've gone to bed. You ARE a baby dragon after all, and you need your sleep."

"You don't have to remind me. I know that." Spike said crossly.

"I'm just trying to show you that Owlowiscious isn't going to replace you as Twilight's number one assistant." Shining Armor explained "I know that, and so does Twilight."

"She won't feel that way for long." Spike said glumly "Once that owl starts proving how useful he is, I'll be out of a job. Do you think that maybe I could be become your personal assistant Shining Armor? I mean, we're both guys."

"Not a chance Spike." Shining Armor said with a shake of his head "Even if Twilight agreed, I would never feel comfortable making you my personal assistant. You and Twilight are like family, she hatched you, and helped raised you alongside Princess Celestia. I, at best, only got to see you on occassion. It wouldn't be right. Besides, Twilight knows you better than anyone else, and you'll always have a special place in her heart."

"You think so?" Spike asked.

"I know so." Shining Armor nodded "Sometimes that might be hard to see, but it's there. You two share a bond that can never be replaced."

"Really?" Spike asked "Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"Of course I mean it Spike." Shining Armor said honestly "What would I stand to gain by lying to you? The two of us may not always see eye to eye on everything, but we still have a connection. To me at least, you're kind of like that somewhat annoying kid brother who's so cute you can't stay mad at him forever. I'm sure that Twilight at least sees you as that, but considering how long you two have been together, it wouldn't surprise me if she views you as something more."

"You know, I never really thought about it like that before." Spike admitted.

"I can't say I blame you, especially when you're busy trying to impress Rarity." Shining Armor said, chuckling slightly.

Spike blushed "You mean, you know?" he asked.

"Pretty much everyone does, even Rarity herself." Shining Armor explained "It's pretty obvious."

"Funny, Pinkie Pie didn't seem to think that way." Spike stated.

"She was probably just humoring you Spike." Shining Armor said with a nod "But you should've heard the nickname she gave you at the meteor show two nights ago. She called you, Spikey Wikey. And I overheard Rarity saying she just have to 'borrow' that nickname in the future."

"You know, I could get use to a name like that." Spike stated.

"Yeah, but no matter what happens, you'll always be Twilight's number one assistant." Shining Armor said honestly "And that's something that no owl will ever take away."

"Do you mean it?" Spike asked.

"Of course." Shining Armor nodded "In fact, I 'Pinkie Promise' that if worse comes to worse, I'll make sure Twilight never forgets about you."

"Don't forget the motions." Spike said.

"What motions?" Shining Armor asked, before realizing what Spike meant "Oh wait, I remember. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Good. Now I hope you realize that you have to keep that promise." Spike stated.

"Why is that?" Shining Armor asked.

"Simple really, because a 'Pinkie Promise' is never broken." Spike explained "Once you've made the promise, you're committed to it."

"FOREVER!" Pinkie Pie shouted, suddenly popping up from behind a book shelf. Shining Armor rubbed his eyes, just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. When he opened them back up, Pinkie Pie was gone.

"How does she do that?" Shining Armor asked.

"You're better off not trying to find out." Spike said "Twilight tried to do so once, and it very nearly drove her insane. Pinkie Pie just seems to operate on a different level."

"No kidding." Shining Armor replied "In any case, I never intend to break my promise." And Shining Armor was faithful to his word.

As for Spike, he and Owlowiscious made their peace. Just like Twilight and Shining Armor had reassured him, Owlowiscious was only there to assist Twilight at night, or when Spike was too busy. About the only thing that Owlowiscious changed, was providing Twilight with his own feathers to use as quills.

Other than that, Spike's job as Twilight's number one assistant was here to stay.

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