• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 111: Feud Between Families

Just days after his little brother and his friends the Cutie Mark Crusaders had gotten their cutie marks, Thunderlane was paying a visit to Zecora. As it turned out, the zebra's old hut had been burnt to the ground during Tirek's rampage, everything inside it had been a total loss. But although she hadn't been granted a crystal castle as a replacement, Zecora was able to eventually find a new tree that was serving as her new hut.

Thunderlane was currently helping Zecora unpack some boxes, which contained what few important items Zecora had been able to salvage when her old home was destroyed. "I'm really sorry about what happened, Zecora. We were so caught up in our victory over Tirek, none of us thought about what he'd laid waste to during his brief rampage," Thunderlane apologized to the zebra. "If we had, maybe we could've been able to do something to save your hut, instead of you having to move into a new one."

Zecora only shook her head. "What happened when Tirek attacked was very tragic, but I am just glad he didn't get away with all Equestrian magic. All that I lost, I can replace. I am relieved to know his rampage you helped to erase."

"Still, I really wish there was more we could've done," Thunderlane said sincerely. "What if you'd been hurt, or worse? We really should've been there for you, but all we could think about was ourselves."

"There was nothing that any of you could do," Zecora told Thunderlane. "Just be glad that only the library was destroyed too. With time I have moved on from my plight, and I sense the same shall help ease your fright."

Thunderlane sighed, but he knew Zecora made a good point. "I guess you're right, Zecora. Tirek's in the past, and now he's back in Tartarus where he belongs. I should focus on the future, 'cause it's looking brighter than ever. Not only is Discord finally back to his old chaotic self again, but now my brother has his cutie mark, and yours truly is a Wonderbolt reserve. And of course, Shining Armor's gonna be a daddy soon. Cadence should be due in another month or two he says."

Just then, Thunderlane's cutie mark began to glow, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Zecora. "Thunderlane, what is happening to your cutie mark? It's glowing so brightly, it could light up the dark?" She asked with concern, which was something that the zebra rarely showed.

Thunderlane looked at his flank, and sure enough it was glowing brightly. "Oh, that," He said with a laugh. "Don't worry about that, Zecora, it's perfectly natural. It just means the map's calling me somewhere and I must answer. Sorry I can't stay and chat." And with that, Thunderlane took off.

Shining Armor was waiting for Thunderlane when he arrived, and eagerly showed off his glowing cutie mark as well. "Isn't this exciting?!" He happily exclaimed! "You and I, on our first ever map mission together!"

"Oh, so you were called by the map too? Thank goodness," Thunderlane said with a sigh of relief, as he accompanied Shining to the throne room. "So, where are we off to? Not that I have any preferences or anything but if possible I'd like it to be somewhere where I can keep in touch with the Wonderbolts, just in case something comes up and they need a reserve."

"Actually, I haven't checked yet, my cutie mark just started glowing a few minutes ago," Shining explained. "Come on, let's not waste anymore time."

The two stallions entered the throne room, and they found their cutie marks circling over a mountain rage off towards the southeast. "Hey, I think I know that place," Thunderlane suddenly spoke up. "If I'm not mistake, those are the famous Smokey Mountains."

"Indeed they are, I've been reading up on them since I saw them on the map," Twilight proudly beamed. "The mountains are surrounded by a fertile valley that's blooming with flowers and practically overflowing with wild life."

"Doesn't sound like it's very occupied, how could there be a friendship problem there?" Thunderlane wondered aloud. "Seems more like Fluttershy's kind of place. I do like nature, but I can't speak to animals the same way she does."

"Well, the map's calling us and nopony else, and it hasn't been wrong before," Shining commented in reply. "Considering how out of date the information about Griffonstone was, there's probably a good chance we'll find traces of civilization in the Smokey Mountains. Otherwise, why would the map call us?"

"Hope you don't, I took the liberty of packing your supplies for the trip," Twilight said with a smile, as she ushered the two stallions over to two pairs of heavily stuffed saddle bags. "I made sure to include all the necessities."

"And by necessities you mean-" Shining began.

Twilight blushed before she explained. "Snacks, books, blankets, books..."

"Wait, you just said books twice." Thunderlane corrected.

"That's because there are a lot of books," Twilight sheepishly replied. "You don't have to take them all with you if you don't want. It's just, I really wish I could go along with you guys. It seems like I don't get to do much of anything with you anymore."

"You mean like when Queen Chrysalis trapped you and Cadence in the caves beneath Canterlot?" Shining pointed out.

"Or when you had to put up a barrier to keep King Sombra out of the Crystal Empire?" Thunderlane added.

"Well, okay, so maybe not something like that," Twilight corrected. "But all the same I haven't been on an adventure in a long time. And it seems like those map missions are always so exciting, Griffonstone and the Smokey Mountains especially since they sound like such wonderful places to visit."

Shining tried his best not to notice the longing face his sister was projecting, it just made him feel guilty. "Tell you what, Twily," He told his sister, lightly stroking her mane. "Once the baby arrives and I'm sure Cadence has everything under control, you and I can go on an adventure of our own together. Think of it as one of our sibling bonding activities we used to do when we were little. Okay?"

"Okay, B.B.B.F.F," Twilight nodded. "Now, you and Thunderlane should probably get going. According to the books I've read, the Smokey Mountains are best accessed via hot air balloon."

Shining and Thunderlane were glad to find that the only hot air balloon in Ponyville wasn't in use when they borrowed it, though both considered themselves fairly good flyers, neither of them were willing to exhaust themselves flying all the way to the Smokey Mountains.

But when they approached the mountains, both stallions were shocked and dismayed at what they saw! The beautiful landscape they'd expected to see was all but gone, most of the land seemed to have fallen into decay and there didn't seem to be many animals out and about for what was supposed to be just before noon. "What happened here? This isn't at all like Twilight described it." Thunderlane commented with concern.

"I have a feeling the answer's down there, look!" Shining exclaimed, pointing a hoof. His attention was drawn to two enclousers resting on the top of hills on opposite sides of the valley. On the left side was what looked like a farm, complete with straw roofs and stick buildings. On the right side was what appeared to be a giant fortress, made mostly of stones but with a wooden fence surrounding the property.

Suddenly, there came a shout, and a pumpkin could be see hurling through the air! It appeared to have been launched from the left side of the valley, and was heading straight towards the right side of the valley. A retaliatory response soon followed from the right side, aimed at the left side. And it wasn't just pumpkins that were being tossed about, all sorts of fruits and vegetables were being thrown back and forth like some kind of food fight.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Both Shining and Thunderlane wondered out loud. And then, to make matters worse, a stray pumpkin crossed their path! Both stallions ducked, as the pumpkin whizzed past their ears! A second pumpkin however, struck the side of the balloon, somehow managing to open up a hole in it!

Reacting quickly, Shining and Thunderlane bailed out and flew to safety, as the balloon crashed to the ground! "Well, there goes our only ride back home." Thunderlane remarked unhappily.

"We can't worry about that right now, Thunderlane, we've gotta get out of this food fight and figure out just what the hay's going on!" Shining instructed, as they both landed on the ground near the hilltop on the left side of the valley.

A whole bunch of earth ponies were out in front, many of them sporting coats various shades of brown, and manes and tails various shades of red. One pony in particular who stood out, was an elderly mare with a dusty brownish-white mane and tail styled somewhat poofy. She had dull blue eyes, two buck teeth sticking out, a cutie mark depicting a pumpkin, a red scarf, and a dull blue shirt with a white collar and sleeves. "That's it, Hooffields, show 'em we're not to be trifled with! We're gonna paint their hilltop red with tomatoes, that'll teach 'em not to mess with us!"

"Uh, excuse me," Shining spoke up, clearing his throat. "Whoever you are, your fighting caused the balloon my friend and I were traveling in to crash."

"And we were hoping you might be able to tell us what's going on here and if there's any sort of friendship problem anypony might be having," Thunderlane added. "If you wouldn't mind telling us, that is."

Surprisingly, it was the old mare who turned around to greet her guests. "Hooffields, hold your fire, we've got guests!" She then grumpily introduced herself. "Name's Mama Hooffield, head of the Hooffield family. Whadya two want? Make it quick, will ya? As you can see, we're in the midst of pumpkinin' and tomatoin' our neighbors. Those McColts will be beggin' mercy by the end of the day, I can gurantee ya that."

"What?!" Both Shining and Thunderlane exclaimed together.

"Hm, you sure don't act like spies, and ya stick out too obviously to be spies," Mama Hooffield remarked. "Just who in sam hill are ya? Ya ain't from around these here parts, or are ya?"

"We're Thunderlane and Prince Shining Armor," Shining Armor introduced, bowing to Mama Hooffield. "We're terribly sorry to intrude. madam, but as I said you kind of caused our only method of transit to crash. If you wouldn't mind, could you tell us why you're hurling fruits and vegetables at your neighbors?"

Mama Hooffield snorted. "I'll tell ya, why, prince. Those blasted McColts disgraced our family name long ago, and they ain't ever apologized for it! Our great, great, great, great grandfather trusted those McColts and they stole all his crops. And that was just the beginin', since then we Hooffields have been fightin' to get those McColts to pay for their insults. We've bombarded 'em with everythin' we can grow here, but they just come back and smash up all our buildin''s. Course, we Hooffields are farmers, not builders, so it's not like it takes much to knock down what we build, but that just makes them McColts even more cowardly. Today's gonna be different though, we've got a bumper crop on our hooves, and we're about to make it rain!"

"So, you and your neighbors have been locked into a feud with each other for generations?" Thunderlane asked Mama Hooffield. "Seems a tad bit silly to me. I know I didn't always get along with all my neighbors, and heck I like to hold a grudge for a good couple of minutes every now and then. But even I don't see the point of fighting nonstop like this."

"That's just the kind of sissy talk I'd expect from outsiders like you two," Mama Hooffield remarked. "Look, I'm real sorry 'bout your balloon, boys, really I am. We Hooffields always aim to hit the McColts, but never innocent bystanders, not that we've ever had bystanders before. The McColts on the other hoof, they're the ones who might pull that kind of dirty trick. The pumpkin came from their side of the valley. Why don't you go take it up with them and leave us Hooffields to feud in peace?"

And that's exactly what Shining and Thunderlane did (though not before Thunderlane rescued a couple of mice that had wandered into one of the pumpkins that was about to be fired, none of the McColts had seemed to be aware of it). Soon they were on the other side of the valley, approaching the fortress that housed the McColt family. In fact, fortress was more accurate a term than either stallion would've liked. Two guards with coats of alternating dark, dull blue stared down at the stallions and said sternly. "Halt! Who goes there? Friend or foe of the McColts?!"

"A-actually, w-we're not either, s-sirs," Thunderlane gulped. "We just wish to speak to whoever's in charge, we mean no harm."

"But what about your friend? Why he's an alicorn? We don't get a lot of visitors 'round these here parts, and nopony we know is an alicorn." One of the guards demanded.

"I am Prince Shining Armor, the first ever alicorn prince and the official Prince of Friendship," Shining introduced himself. "My friend and I come from Ponyville, we were sent here to solve a friendship problem."

A few seconds later, the giant front doors parted and with great fanfare out stepped a scrawny looking earth pony stallion with a grayish-blue coat, eyes a similar grayish-blue, a thick dark blue beard and short, stubby tail, a greenish-gray ten gallon hat that appeared to have splotches on it for some reason, and blue overalls. "Well, well, well, outsiders come to stick their noses where they don't belong," The stallion spoke in a somewhat gruff voice. "Name's Big Daddy McColt, and as you might have guessed, I'm the head of the McColt family. But you've come at a bit of a bad time, we're in the midst of a feud with our terrible neighbors!" When Big Daddy McColt spoke those words, his voice echoed over the hills and generated sound waves powerful enough to demolish a barn on the other side. "So, ya say you ain't fer us, but are you again us?" He warned in an ominous tone of voice.

"Of course not, we're not associated with the Hooffields," Thunderlane replied firmly. "One of your pumpkins you were flinging back at the Hooffields accidentally struck our balloon and caused it to crash."

"Figures you'd believe them," Big Daddy McColt growled. "Them Hooffields are liars to the core! Our great, great, great, great grandfather believed them, and they repayed him by knockin' down his buildin''s! I suppose we should be grateful though, those Hooffields ain't too bright. They keep throwin' pumpkins and tomatoes at us, thinkin' they're gonna bombard us into submission, but we're happy to catch the crops and fling 'em back. And whatever we don't fling back, we eat. Us McColts are mighty fine builders, but we ain't the best cooks. I reckon it's those darn Hooffields who shot down your balloon like that, we'd never strike at innocent bystanders, not that we've ever had bystanders until now."

"All of this because of something that happened with your great, great, great, great, grandfather?" Thunderlane asked with confusion. "Seems a bit unnecessary to me."

"Thunderlane's right," Shining nodded. "Have you ever considered giving peace a chance? It's quite easy, just find a neutral location and talk things out. I'm sure whatever your differences are, you can come to a reasonable agreement."

But Big Daddy McColt's eyes went wide as he shouted back. "What?! No! The Hooffields would sooner throw their dinners at us than listen, and if it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they're gonna get. So unless you're gonna help us take down the Hooffields and prove us McColts are the rightful occupants of this land, get out of my sight, the McColts don't like pesky outsiders stickin' their noses into other ponies' business."

"They both seem to think we're with the enemy," Shining thought to himself. "There must be some way to get them to see sense and listen to me. But how to reach them both at the same time?" Then, suddenly, an idea struck him. A simple voice projection spell should work well enough for what he needed to accomplish. Flying up and out of the McColts' fortress, the prince hovered over the center of the valley, and upon casting the spell he said loudly for all to hear. "Attention, Hooffields and McColts. I, Shining Armor, Prince of Friendship, am not on either pony's side. But I can see that all this fighting has accomplished nothing except ruining this once beautiful valley. So I invite you all to stop this silly fighting and come talk to me to discuss peace agreements."

That provoked a response alright, but certainly not the one Shining had expected. All of a sudden, a rain of vegetable projectiles began anew, forcing Shining and Thunderlane to duck into a mound of hay inside the McColts' fortress. "So much for that. I was hoping that would work." He said to himself, as he and Thunderlane dug themselves out once the attack had stopped.

"Well, I'm sure you gave it your best shot, Shining," Thunderlane encouraged, putting a hoof around his friend. "It seems like there's a lot more to this feud than we might have thought."

"That's what I was afraid of," Shining said with a sigh. "Despite being part of the royal guard, I can't stand violence, especially not when it leads to destruction and ruin. But when I joined the royal guard, I knew for a fact that being a pacifist was only going to get me so far. Yet we are what we are, royal guards. Our duty is to protect the princesses and maintain the peace in times of crisis or conflict. We're not peacemakers, and even assuming we were there's only so much that can be done when neither side's willing to listen to reason, and doesn't trust us."

"But we can't give up now," Thunderlane firmly answered. "This has to be what the map called us here for, because I don't see any other ponies around. Heck, I've seen few signs of life outside these two families."

"You think maybe the animals will know what's going on?" Shining asked Thunderlane.

"Maybe, but I'll need your help to find out. Like I said, I can't speak to animals the same way Fluttershy does," Thunderlane explained. "Now, we just have to wait until this Hooffield attack dies down, and then we can slip away while the McColts are busy with their counterattack."

Shining and Thunderlane didn't have long to wait, the Hooffields ran out of vegetables to attack with in a matter of minutes. "McColts, prepare to counter attack! Show no mercy!" Big Daddy McColt barked out. "Fire the catapults!"

With the McColts busy firing back at the Hooffields, no one noticed either Shining Armor or Thunderlane as they carefully sneaked out of the fortress. But they didn't dare go back to the Hooffields, because chances were they were just going to respond in the same manner as the McColts. The only hope to solve this friendship problem and put an end to the bitter feud, was for the two stallions to find a reliable source about the feud's origin. For once they knew how it had started, they hoped they would know how to end it.

But it seemed like there was no signs of animal life to be found anywhere in the valley, even in what few fertile grounds there remained after decades, perhaps even centuries worth of fighting. Whether this was because the animals were hiding, or because they'd all been scared off, neither pony could tell.

"Where could the animals all be? I know I saw some mice earlier, and there's no way they're the only critters still here." Thunderlane commented.

Shining was looking all around, using his horn to try and uncover any animal tracks that might have been covered up. So far he'd found nothing, not even a lone paw or claw print. "How could they just vanish without a trace like this? Even if they weren't here anymore, there would surely be signs that they once existed, no?" Shining thought to himself, while hoping beyond hope that Thunderlane was correct in his assumption that there were animals here that knew about the source of the feud. Because otherwise, Shining was at a loss as to how he and Thunderlane were supposed to solve this problem.

All of a sudden, Thunderlane stopped in his tracks, and put an ear towards the ground. "I can hear something, something close by."

"What is it?" Shining asked, both hopeful and worried.

"I think it's..." Thunderlane began, before he suddenly paused. "...Yes, there's a rabbit's den around here somewhere."

"Where? I don't see anything," Shining commented, scanning every inch of the ground. Suddenly, a thought struck him. "Wait a minute. Maybe we've been looking in the wrong place. Any animals around here wouldn't stay above ground for long, not with all the noise and dangerous flying vegetables whizzing through the air."

"Good thinking, Shining, but we don't want to disturb them." Thunderlane said with concern.

"Actually, there's no need for that, we'll bring them to us," Shining smiled, as he opened up his saddle bag and set a carrot down on the ground. "Twily said she packed snacks, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to bring them along just in case we got hungry."

The fresh carrot worked like a charm, drawing several bunnies with dark brown fur to the surface to retrieve it. Thinking quickly, Shining used his magic to scoop up the bunnies in a make-shift net. Already he could hear them whimpering nervously. "Hey, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you little guys," Shining said softly. "My friend and I just need your help with something. You tell us what we wanna know, and I promise we'll let you go, alright?" The bunnies seemed to oblige.

Thunderlane watched, as Shining lowered the magical net down to the ground. "So, how am I supposed to talk to them and understand what they're saying?" Thunderlane asked.

Shining lit up his horn again. "I think I have just the thing. It's only temporary, but it should do the trick. Hold still, you may feel a slight tingling sensation."

Just as the sun was beginning to shift into the sunset position, the heads of both the Hooffield and the McColt families were surprised to receive mysterious letters in a hoof writing that they didn't recognize. Both had the same message: Meet in the valley between the two hills, there's something that needs to be discussed that's crucial to this feud.

Suspecting a trap, both families went fully prepared for a conflict, but neither thought of backing out. Assuming the message was true, they couldn't risk the other side getting the upper hoof with exclusive knowledge.

Once in the valley though, neither family saw anypony besides themselves and their neighbors. It didn't take long for words to start flying, and tensions to boil. "Ya'll got some nerve prankin' us like this, McColts. You think you can fool us into just givin' up the feud and lettin' you have all the braggin' rights?!" Mama Hooffield accused.

"Funny, I was 'bout to say the same for you, you side windin' Hooffields! Whatever you're tryin' to pull on us, it ain't gonna work!" Big Daddy McColt shouted back. "Take no prisoners, McColts! Show 'em what happens to those who get on the McColts' bad side!"

"Stand your ground, Hooffields! We're not backin' down from this fight!" Mama Hooffield vowed! And just like that, the two families were at each others throats, McColts and Hooffields tangling with each other with whatever means at their disposable!

In the midst of all this commotion, Shining Armor came flying in and said firmly! "Both of you, stop this nonsense at once! Please, you must listen to me!" But his words fell on deaf ears, the two families were too busy fighting it out to listen to a word he said. "I didn't want to do this, but they've left me no choice." Shining unhappily thought with a sigh, as he lit up his horn and shouted loudly! "Everypony freeze!" The command echoed everywhere, as he managed to immobilize both families right in their tracks. "Thunderlane, now's your chance," Shining called out, as he could be seen visibly straining. "Freezing a whole valley of ponies like this takes up a lot of magic. I can't hold them for very long."

Right on cue, Thunderlane came flying in, and touched down in front of both families as he said to them. "Listen up, Hooffields and McColts. The both of you have been fighting over the silliest of reasons, and it's time you learned the truth," He began to explain. "A long time ago, before any of you were ever born, there were two fine, upstanding stallions who stumbled across this beautiful valley here in the Smokey Mountains. Their names were Grub Hooffield, a farmer, and Piles McColt, a builder. They soon discovered that the land was populated with beautiful plants and flowers, and overflowing with wildlife the likes of which neither had seen before. Both wanted to protect and preserve that beauty, but they disagreed over what to do. Grub, being a farmer, wanted to set up a farm and grow crops to feed to the animals. And Piles, being a builder, wanted to construct a shelter to keep the animals safe. Since neither could agree on what to do, they alternatively set up projects on the same part of the land. Whenever Grub tried to plant crops, Piles would come in and starting building right over them. And when he did so, Grub would knock down the building and start planting crops again. The cycle went on and on, and eventually the two grew to hate each other. To that end, they brought their families and whoever was sympathetic to their causes with them, and they settled into two separate sides of the surrounding hills. On the left hill was the Hooffield family farm, and on the right hill was the McColt family fortress. But in the process of feuding, the two families drove away most of the animals that live here, and tarnished the landscape since they had no time to tend to it."

"So, do you all see now?" Shining asked quite firmly. "This is what your desire to win has cost you. You've lost sight of what you once swore to protect and preserve. And all because you couldn't agree on whether to build a shelter or a farm. But it's not too late, end this now, and together you can eventually bring this valley back to its former glory. Otherwise, you're likely to keep this feud going until you've forever ruined the landscape."

There was a long and tense silence. Neither family dared to say a word, but the looks they saw on what animals were still around were enough to make them realize the gravity of the situation. "Aw heck, I guess those two are right," Mama Hooffield finally spoke up, looking across to Big Daddy McColt. "What's the point of keepin' this up? We can barely even remember why we fightin' in the first place."

"You Hooffields are actually pretty good farmers, much as it pains me to say it," Big Daddy McColt replied to Mammy Hooffield. "How 'bout if you help teach us how to grow our own food, we'll help you build better buildin''s so they don't get knocked over so easily?"

"And together, we can build a sanctuary worthy of those critters," Mama Hooffield agreed. "I'm sorry 'bout all the stuff we've been doin'."

"I am too," Big Daddy McColt nodded in reply. "Though I'd say I was sorry before you, I just didn't say it out loud."

"What are you talkin' 'bout?! I was sorry long before you!" Mama Hooffield snapped.

Shining and Thunderlane shook their heads and both said at the same time. "Don't start you two." That got the heads of both families to shut up.

With the feud ended, the two families set to work on keeping their ends of the bargain. The Hooffields planted crops in the most fertile of areas, and instructed the McColts on how to do so, while the McColts showed the Hooffields a few basic techniques for building. In no time at all, the makings of a shelter were coming into play, albeit one with a beautiful garden nearby that promised to grow into a fine yield of delicious fruits and vegetables.

And both families also pitched in to help fix up the hot air balloon. That took a little longer than they would've liked, but by sundown the balloon was patched up and ready to fly again.

"Thanks again for teachin' us that friendship is so much better than winnin' a silly arguement." Mama Hooffield said to the stallions as they climbed into the basket.

"Feel free to come back anytime," Big Daddy McColt added. "And iffen ya ever need help, just send us a letter and we'll be there in a jiffy. Hopefully, by the time ya next see, this place will be as beautiful as it was the day our forefathers found it."

Soon, Shining Armor and Thunderlane were high in the sky with cutie marks glowing to signify a job well done. The balloon was drifting off back towards Ponyville. Normally, Shining would be a tad bit airsick (though he was usually more queasy aboard zepplins and other airships for reasons he didn't know, something about their motion just didn't agree with him), but right now he was just relieved to know that peace had come to such a beautiful place. "Well, that was quite an experience," He said to Thunderlane. "So, what do you think will happen next? I mean, we've all been called by the map now. First it was Braeburn and Soarin, then Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants, and now you and I."

"Honestly, I don't know, and I don't particularly care," Thunderlane said in reply. "I doubt we've seen the last of the map, or its missions. But for right now, I'm just looking forward to getting back to Ponyville and working on my flying skills. I have a pretty good feeling I'll be a full fledged Wonderbolt soon, maybe even before Rainbow Dash if I'm lucky."

"I'm just hoping for a little less excitement," Shining commented. "At least until Cadence gives birth. I hear the Helping Hooves Music Festival is coming up next weekend, is it true what they say? Is the one and only Countess Coloratura scheduled to perform?"

"You'll have to ask Pinkie Pie, she's the one in charge of the entertainment." Thunderlane told Shining.

Author's Note:

This map mission I had to change up a tad to account for Shining Armor and Thunderlane's personalities and abilities, as well as give the families something of a reason to keep feuding since in the original episode they don't remember.

Some of the details I added here were only added as a result of what was presented in episodes like "Marks and Recreation" and "Once Upon A Zepplin". The Zecora part though, draws on something of my own personal headcanon as to why Zecora's hut is so different in Seasons 6 and 7. I don't believe we ever saw the exterior of her hut during Season 5, so it stands to reason that Zecora's hut might have been destroyed during Tirek's rampage.

Now, expect the next arc in November, but probably not til mid November. In the meantime, keep your eyes pealed for an upcoming collab with Matt11.

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