• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 141: Starlight's Breakdown

On the train ride to the village, Starlight reluctantly told Sunburst everything about the village. Including how she'd come to power, and how she'd ultimately been exposed and ousted.

Sunburst took the news surprisingly well. "Wow, you really have been through a lot," He commented rather innocently. "I had no idea your past was so... troubled."

"And you're not bothered by this at all? I was a monster!" Starlight exclaimed with fright. "I still can't believe I got away with it for so long, or that I actually thought I could take down Princess Celestia! And now, to be forgiven on top of all that?! It's just too much too soon!"

"I'm definitely shocked, Starlight," Sunburst reassured his friend, lightly stroking her mane. "I just wish you'd told me sooner. You already spilled some of the beans back when we first met up again in the Crystal Empire, but I didn't know it went back that far," He sighed, and hung his head as he glumly added. "I really wish now that I'd been there for you. That I hadn't just up and left you like that. But you and I both know we can't change the past."

Starlight tried not to laugh.

"But I'm here for you now, Starlight," Sunburst boldly declared. "You don't have to face your past alone. Whatever the ponies of that village may feel about you, I won't let them take it out on you. And I'll do what I can to convince them you're not the same power mad unicorn you were last time they saw you."

"Do you promise?" Starlight reluctantly asked.

Sunburst nodded. "Of course I do, I'll even 'Pinkie Promise' if that'll make you feel better. How did it go again?"

Starlight giggled in spite of herself. "Just repeat after me, motions and everything. It goes like this: Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Just be careful not to-"

"Ow!" Sunburst cried out, as he unintentionally poked himself in the eye with a hoof.

"I thought I was the only one who did that the first time." Starlight thought to herself, but was still content with Sunburst's promise. Even so, that did little to calm the unicorn's nerves. Having one friend to support her was nice, but against an entire village of ponies one friend might not be enough. And Starlight didn't dare think of the alternative, that they would welcome her back with open hooves, pretend like nothing bad had happened.

At last, the train rolled to a stop at a small junction, and the two unicorns departed. It was a considerable distance from there to the village, which did nothing to help Starlight's nerves. She tried to take some deep breaths to calm herself, hoping that might work.

Sunburst found it hard not to notice how anxious Starlight became, the closer they got to the village. While they were still a ways away, he stopped walking and said bluntly to Starlight. "You know, if this is too much for you, we don't have to keep going. I'm sure Shining and the others will understand. Princess Luna may have told you to face your fears, but she never said when. I'm pretty sure even she would agree to wait until you're darn good and ready. Has it even been a year since you left?"

But Starlight only shook her head, even as her mind kept screaming! "You fool! Take this excuse and get out of dodge! Do it now! You don't have to go through with this!" All that came out of her mouth was. "No, I have to do this. If I don't, it's just going to keep haunting me."

"A-alright, just making a suggestion. I'm ready if you are." Sunburst firmly replied, and the two resumed their journey.

Just a few minutes later, Starlight found herself stepping hoof into the village and from there she seemed to be on auto-pilot right up until she approached Double Diamond and Party Favor. The two stallions were busy adjusting a banner for the festival.

Like in the dream, Double Diamond was the first to take notice of the guest in his presence and turned to greet her. "Ah! Starlight, you came!" He happily exclaimed. Starlight just waved a hoof and flashed a smile, hoping no one heard her nervous giggle.

"Ooh, and you brought a friend!" Party Favor exclaimed, eyeballing the stallion standing next to her. "Who are you, stranger?"

"O-oh, I'm Sunburst. Starlight and I go way back," Sunburst introduced himself. "We were friends since we were in diapers, at least up until the day I got my cutie mark. We just rekindled our friendship not too long ago, it's kind of a long story though."

Party Favor just looked across to Sugar Belle and winked, before he then commented. "Starlight, you didn't tell us you were seeing somepony. And I thought Sugar Belle and I were the only lovebirds hiding in the shadows."

Starlight and Sunburst both found themselves struggling not to blush. "W-what?!"

"Party Favor!" Sugar Belle scolded. "It's not nice to tease them like that! I'm sure Starlight would've told us if Sunburst was her special somepony. Though I have to admit, they would make a pretty cute couple."

"Couple?" Starlight stammered.

Night Glider swooped down and joined the teasing chorus. "Come on you two lovebirds, just kiss already and get it over with! What are you waiting for, Hearts and Hooves Day?!"

"I guess now I know why Starlight and I never really went beyond platonic," Double Diamond snickered. "She already had her heart set on somepony else."

"For the last time, we're NOT a couple!" Sunburst angrily burst out. "We're just friends, that's all!"

"Y-yeah," Starlight added. For some reason her cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she was pretty sure the blood was starting to rush to her hooves. "I mean, it'd be a long distance relationship anyways. Seeing as he lives in the Crystal Empire, and I live in Ponyville." She mentally wanted to smack herself for that. "Why would I tell them that sort of thing? This is beyond stupid! Why do I even care what they think about Sunburst and I? I mean... do I even want to think about a relationship right now?"

"Alright, that's enough of that," Sugar Belle insisted, and much to Starlight and Sunburst's relief she changed the subject. "How is it living in a castle, Starlight? It's gotta beat that old hut of yours, right?"

"U-um, well I... I really don't know," Starlight stammered, as she adopted a pose not unlike that of a deer caught in a search light. "It's alright I guess, now that I've got my own room anyways."

Party Favor spoke up next. "We were worried you wouldn't be able to make it! Are you staying the whole week? We have different events planned each day! Just 'cause the actual sunset's tonight doesn't mean the party has to end tonight! And not that I mean to brag but I think I've really outdone myself on the whole festival. In fact, you got here just in time."

Starlight gulped a bit. "Whatever do you mean? I thought you just wanted me here as an honored guest?"

"We did, Starlight, but we were also hoping you could help us with a few last minute details," Double Diamond explained. "Party Favor wants everything to be just right."

"Yeah," Party Favor nodded and then asked Starlight. "We were having some debate about these here banners. Which do you think feels more 'sunsetty'?"

Starlight backed away and protested. "O-Oh, you don't need me to decide that, you're the party expert. Heh. Whatever you think is probably best."

"Well, how about helping us with the routes for the relay races tomorrow?" Double Diamond suggested. "They're going to be up in the mountains by the caves you ended up hiding in. And I haven't gotten much of a chance to explore them, been busy helping this village get back on its hooves. Somepony had to step up once you were gone, so I figured 'Might as well be me'."

"But you're not the only one calling the shots," Party Favor corrected. "We don't have a central leader anymore. Double Diamond's position is mostly ceremonious. You'll understand why we're a little reluctant to trust a central figurehead again so soon. All of just mind our own business, and Double Diamond sorts out whatever we can't settle on our own. And often times, he'll call on me, or Sugar Belle or Night Glider for help."

Sunburst smiled. "Seems like you've all come a long way. It's a lovely little slice of Equestria. I'm actually kind of surprised more ponies don't know about it."

"We're not interested in tourism at the moment, that's still a ways away," Double Diamond replied, and then turned back to Starlight. "Now, about the slopes? Can you take a look? I'll even let you borrow a pair of skis if you promise to bring 'em back."

But Starlight shook her head and tried not to stammer as she politely responded. "Oh, I-I shouldn't, skiing's not my thing. You all go ahead and do whatever you want. I-I just want to enjoy the festival, thank you."

"But you will be a judge for the baking competition, right?" Sugar Belle asked. "I want you to see how far my's baking come. Even if we're not in a relationship, Big Macintosh is still nice enough to bring me apples every now and then. Heck, he recently gave me a new counter for my bakery, you gotta check it out while you're here!"

"While you're at it, we had a few questions about the order of the acts for the talent show." Double Diamond added.

"And the unicorns have a fireworks show planned! We could really use your help! Party Favor's not very good with his horn, and Sugar Belle's gonna be too busy baking!" Night Glider pleaded. "It's not a festival without fireworks!"

The villagers all began to crowd around Starlight, many of them asking or pleading with her to help them sort out their problems. It was all too much for Starlight, the poor unicorn found herself overwhelmed and her instincts began to take over! "NO!" She shouted loudly, as her horn grew a mind of its own, sparked to life, and generated a magic barrier!

Everypony that had previously been crowding around her, was pushed back and left dazed and surprised. "What was that all about?" Double Diamond innocently wondered.

"Hey, are you okay, Starlight?" Night Glider inquired as she took notice of the trembling form of the unicorn.

Starlight said nothing, she had her hooves over her face and her entire body seemed to be shaking!

Sunburst took one look at his friend and realized what was happening! The pressure was getting to her! "Come on, Sunburst, think! Use that big brain of yours!" He thought, as he mentally contemplated how to get Starlight out of the village as quickly as possible! Then suddenly, the answer dawned on him! He quickly dashed over to Starlight and wrapped a hoof around her. "Starlight's fine, but I think she's coming down with something. Her body temperature's a great deal warmer than normal for a pony."

"Oh dear, it's nothing contagious is it?" Sugar Belle asked with concern.

Sunburst shook his head. "No it's nothing of the sort. But this trip was just too much for her. I'm sorry, but we're gonna have to leave," And he helped Starlight to her hooves. "Come on, Starlight, let's get you home. What you need most right now is rest."

Starlight didn't reply, she was just glad to have a guiding hoof in this situation.

All the villagers were sorry to see Starlight and Sunburst go, and Double Diamond shouted just before the two were out of ear shot. "Get better soon, Starlight!"

Once they were far away from the village, Sunburst let go of his hold on Starlight and allowed the unicorn to stand on her own legs.

"Thank you for your help back there, Sunburst," Starlight gratefully exclaimed, then she groaned. "Ugh! I can't believe I just did that!"

Sunburst was quick to reassure his friend. "It's okay, you couldn't help it. I certainly didn't expect them to ask for your help. Forgive me for asking this, but why exactly is that such a bad thing? You want ponies to get to know the new you, don't you?"

"That's not the problem!" Starlight complained! "I was horrible when I led that town! I was fully ready for them to not trust me, but... I wasn't ready for them to put me in charge again! With my past, I should never be in charge of anything ever!"

"Starlight, we all make mistakes," Sunburst replied. "But if there's one thing I've learned from being a Crystaller, it's that sometimes whether we like it or not, we have to step up and take charge. It doesn't mean we have to become a leader, but we also can't go through life expecting everyone else to guide us."

"I just don't think I'm ready," Starlight nervously remarked. "I'm sorry, Sunburst, but I can't do it! The last time I tried to take charge on my own, I created a combination of spells and brainwashed my friends, it took weeks for them to trust me again! If I could do that with just a few friendship assignments, what's to stop me from slipping back into my old ways as soon as I get enough power?" She then sighed and trotted off. "Let's just go home and tell the others this was a bust. Maybe someday I'll be comfortable enough to go back to that village. But for right now, I'd rather be as far away from it is as possible, away from any position of leadership."

"Starlight." Sunburst sighed as he thought to himself. "What do I have to do to get you to see you're better than you think you are?"

Author's Note:

Some of the dialogue would have to change to accomadate Sunburst, especially since he doesn't have Trixie's smoke bombs.

But if you think Trixie's not going to have any role at all in this arc, think again. In a couple of chapters, you'll see what sort of role she'll play.

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