• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 223: Awakening of the Emperor

"So... did we... you know, win?" Thunderlane asked as an uncomfortable silence fell over the outskirts of Canterlot where the Legion of Doom had stood only a moment prior.

Shining Armor was looking all around, skeptical of the silence and what it could mean. "I don't know, it seemed almost too easy. Even assuming that was the best those three could do, that doesn't account for Grogar assuming he's out there."

Soarin wasn't so convinced. "If we're lucky, we beat those three so badly that Grogar got wise and decided to call the whole thing off. He had to have seen how strong we are when we stick together, he'd be a fool to try anything now."

"We've all thought the same before, and it's always cost us," Shining frowned. "I have a feeling that last battle was only a warm up. I wish I could believe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am."

Fancy Pants then commented. "So, if Grogar's coming then what exactly are we supposed to do? What can we do?"

"Simple, the same thing we do every time in the end," Soarin remarked. "We kick him to the curb! He's sure to be tough but we didn't get this far because we're quitters. We've come too far to let another long forgotten evil take over!"

Yet just then, Princess Celestia seemed to flinch and began to put a hoof to her forehead as though she were in pain!

Princess Luna was at her sister's side in a heartbeat. "Sister! What is it?! Is this another one of your visions?"

The sun princess was slow to answer as she kept a hoof to her forehead. "No... it's something much worse. Something's on the way here now, approaching as we speak. I'm sensing a huge power, stronger than anything I've ever felt before. And that can only mean one thing!"

"No, he couldn't already be on his way! Grogar can't teleport!" Thunderlane gasped before looking to the princesses. "Can he?!"

"You're forgetting that he took Discord's chaos magic, which I'll bet is how he was able to bend those other villains to his will," Shining commented in realization. "Those collars weren't a fashion statement. They're just like shock collars. I'll bet some of that chaos magic was able to keep those three in line. And who knows what other reality warping powers Grogar's obtained now?"

Braeburn then let out a gulp. "Well, I reckon you can ask him yourself, 'cause I think I see him over the horizon. And he's big, like really really big! Maybe even bigger than Tirek!"

And suddenly, there in the distance but fast approaching was a satyr like creature that looked to be considerably taller than the already intimidating Storm King. This satyr had a fur coat dark blue in color, aside from a few traces of bluish-gray on the outside and two incredibly dark blue horns sticking out at the top. His pale apple green eyes had red pupils laser locked on what was ahead of him and seemed to indicate he was dead set on stopping anyone who opposed him.

"I-is that... Grogar? He doesn't look anything like him from what the story books say," Soarin pondered aloud. "Are we sure that's him and not some imposter? I mean, no one's ever actually seen the guy. How do we know he's not just someone else pretending to be Grogar to scare us? This could all be a prank, right? A sick joke?"

However, the satyr soon approached the group with a well worn (and slightly rusted) bell hanging around his neck. The ground shook with every step that he took as looks of terror flashed across the faces of his enemies. "Oh I assure you, I am very much real. While most depicted me as a ram or goat, none knew that I could achieve a form more powerful and more befitting of an emperor."

"You? Emperor? Since when?" Princess Luna frowned. "You were defeated centuries ago, long before my sister or I ever rose to the throne. Our parents hardly even mentioned you outside of the bedtime stories about how you were defeated by a young hero named Gusty the Great."

Grogar coldly hissed and bellowed! "Is this what I have been reduced to in my long absence? A mere children's tale that has made me out to be nothing but a joke?!" Then he cleared his throat. "But I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. All those creations of mine were reduced to mere legend. I guess it never occurred to anypony that all those threats had to come from somewhere. In this case it was through me: Grogar, the Father of Monsters and the soon to be rightful ruler of all!" Looking out at the group he remarked. "I see Discord tipped you off about my little invasion plan. It seems I couldn't quite strip away his free will after all."

Discord popped up from a distance and shouted! "That's right! I'm not the scared little child you think I am! I wasn't gonna let you hurt my friends! Now give me back my magic, it's not yours!"

"On the contrary, Discord," Grogar protested. "I gave you life and gave you a purpose. You owe everything to me, so I have every right to use or not use your magic as I see fit. Besides, why would I wanna give you a sporting chance to help my enemies? Although perhaps I should, it's not like you could do anything with it. It's of little use to me."

"Wait, you're not using chaos magic? That's impossible! There's no other way you could've grown so much and maintained control over those villains!" Shining gasped in horror!

The satyr just grinned. "Even I dare not use chaos magic, for I fear it may be too much power for even me to control. Simply borrowing a bit of magic from those three misfits was enough to bring them to their knees. Even if their attempts to double cross me were feeble, I very well couldn't leave them in a position to try and challenge me again," His grin soon faded. "I might have known they'd find a way to bungle something so simple. Still, their defeat really means little to me in the grand scheme of things. Like puppets in a play they performed their roles to my satisfaction."

"I think we've heard enough out of you!" Tempest Shadow roared as she made her horn stub crackle with energy. "I always hate it when bad guys like you talk too much and explain everything. If you're gonna destroy us, do it now and get it over with! Or perhaps you need the proper motivation." She launched a powerful blast of unstable magic at the satyr!

Grogar hardly acknowledged the blast as he concentrated a bit of magic into an orb in his right paw and threw it towards Tempest.

Tempest leaped out of the way, just barely avoiding the blast that left a huge crater where she'd just been standing!

Grogar couldn't help but chuckle. "You see now? I can talk all I want, because the fact of the matter is none of you are in any position to stop me. You're welcome to try of course, I could use a bit of entertainment," He looked down at the rag tag group and a sadistic grin formed on his face. "Indulge me, you've all said your goodbyes, yes? You've made peace with your inevitable end? Or perhaps, you're still not convinced. Perhaps a demonstration of my power is in order?"

Another magical orb was soon produced from the satyr, this one much bigger and glowing and pulsating with dark magic. Yet once thrown it flew right past all gathered in the outskirts before any of them had even a chance to react! By the time it had registered with them it was too late. In the distance there came a faint rumbling and then a blinding flash lit up the sky! Smoke poured into the air surrounding the castle, which had been damaged quite severely as a result.

"How was that?" The satyr questioned. "Do you see now how hopeless it is? Because that's only a taste of what I can really do!"

"I see that you're a creature of your word. A creature without equal." Shining couldn't help but comment.

The satyr only narrowed his eyes in response. "Believe me, oh prince, I am many things. Some of which your feeble mind couldn't even begin to fathom. But for now I shall take on a rather simple role, really. That of your destroyer. I will see you and every little thing bow down before me as I create a new era, one in which harmony shall be replaced with fear."

Author's Note:

The Legion of Doom didn't try to use Discord's magic after Cozy Glow couldn't control it, which was kind of understandable but also seemed like it was set up solely to have them make the classic villain mistake of not using full power just so the heroes could later use it to defeat them. I have plans for Discord's chaos magic, and Grogar won't be hesitant to use it for very long.

If you're wondering about the Legion of Doom here, they're still around and their role in the story isn't quite finished yet. But don't think I've forgotten about Twilight, Starlight, Cadence or any of the other characters from the earlier fights. They'll get their chance to shine, and so will a few others.

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