• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 208: Calm Before the Storm?

Just like with their defeat against Tirek, the stallions fanned out across Equestria to undo the damage that Sombra had caused. This time around it was mostly freeing their friends from his mind control.

Once everything was done they returned to Canterlot and their rainbow forms disappeared as they touched the ground in the throne room.

Soarin was the first to speak up. "Now that was sweet. And that Sombra, who knew he had such a set of pipes?"

"It's great that we got to tap into that incredible power again," Fancy Pants added. "Though we still don't know what exactly triggers it."

"If I had to guess I'd say it's in situations where the Elements of Harmony are unavailable and the threat can't be stopped any other way," Shining concluded. "We didn't need it to stop Starlight or Chrysalis, and by the time we came together against the Storm King he'd already been defeated."

Thunderlane just replied. "Well, it's great that we still have that. I don't think we would've been able to do what we did to Sombra with the Elements of Harmony. And this time I think we had no choice."

"You most certainly didn't. He's gone and that's one less threat to Equestria to worry about," Discord commented as all eyes turned to the still weakened spirit. "But I suppose my work here is done. Might as well make my exit. Do send me a postcard sometime soon, Shining Armor. I can't wait to hear all about your inevitable coronation. It's a promotion you totally deserve, and this time I'm being sincere." He tried to stand up, but the moment he did so his legs wobbled and he fell to the ground again.

Thunderlane was at Discord's side in a second. "Just take it easy, pal. Even you need to rest from time to time."

Discord reluctantly sighed. "Oh, very well. I wouldn't want to be a burden, though."

"Nonsense. You've earned a rest," Braeburn encouraged as he trotted over. "Without your help we'd have never even gotten the chance to take on Sombra. Though that was definitely some blast you took. Don't ever scare us like that again."

"No promises." Discord retorted as he lay on the ground while his head was propped up by a pillow.

A short time later the throne room doors swung open, and in trotted Celestia and Luna who looked none the worse for wear. "Congratulations, Shining Armor. Once again you've exceeded my expectations in ways I could only have dreamed of." Celestia declared with a bright smile, her voice sounding almost maternal in tone.

"Thanks, but shouldn't you and Luna be helping Starswirl and the pillars?" Shining questioned. "What about the Everfree Forest?"

Luna cleared her throat. "It's under control. With Mistmane's help it has been tamed once again and a seed for a new tree has been planted. Of course it will take time for the seed to grow into a tree, but the pillars are confident they'll be able stop the forest from spreading again."

"That's a relief. I was worried we'd have to keep throwin' stuff at that forest to keep it at bay." Big Macintosh commented in relief.

Shining simply hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry this all had to happen, princesses. I should've known Sombra wouldn't be defeated so easily after he cheated death the first time. Now we've lost the Elements of Harmony for good."

"Their destruction couldn't be helped, Shining Armor," Celestia reassured the prince as she trotted forward, using a wing to lift his chin up. "Part of being a ruler is having the courage to admit to your mistakes, be they big or be they small. And it seems you've also come to understand that a good ruler knows when to lead and when to delegate authority out to others."

Shining managed to find the courage to speak. He felt his burden be lifted ever so slightly, though the loss of Cozy Glow still stung. "I guess so. And I guess that means it's time for me to ascend the throne and become Equestria's new supreme ruler."

But Luna shook her head. "Not quite yet, Shining. This whole experience has given my sister and I a chance to think about things, a lot of things."

"We came to realize while we were aiding the pillars that we may have been putting too much pressure on you by insisting you take our place so suddenly," Celestia explained, her tone of voice tinged with regret. "Luna and I, we didn't get a say in the matter. When our parents died in battle against Discord we were thrust unexpectedly into the role of leader, it led to a lot of hardships and it took years before we were truly able to be the leaders that our subjects wanted and needed. Having gone through all of that, there's no way we could ask you to undergo the same."

"You need time to ease into the role, time to learn all there is know about being supreme ruler," Luna explained in a cautious tone of voice. "So my sister and I won't be stepping down just yet, it probably won't be for another couple of months. Months that we will spend grooming you to take our place, months we can spend easing not just you but ourselves and all our subjects into this transition."

"WHAT?!" Discord indignantly shouted at the top of his lungs as all eyes turned to him! "Are you actually serious?! You have got to be kidding me!" He stood up and blew steam from his nostrils as he remarked. "And after I went through all that trouble. I gave the most rousing speech in the history of speeches, allowed myself to be taken out of the fight, and you're telling me it was all for nothing?!"

Realization slowly settled in among the six stallions. Their witty friend had never actually been hurt, at least not to the extent he'd led them all to believe. "You were faking it this whole time?!" Soarin grumbled. "Why am I not surprised?!"

"I'll say," Fancy Pants groaned while putting a hoof to his forehead. "We really should've seen this coming."

Discord just snorted more as his face literally turned red with anger. "Of course I was faking it! Did you honestly believe I'd be so careless?! I know better than to lower my guard around an opponent like King Sombra. But if I'd defeated him for you, Shining Armor would've never gained the confidence he needed to be ruler. I decided to do something selfless, and look where it got me."

"Well you didn't have to be nearly that convincing, Discord," Shining remarked with a shake of his head. "Pull another stunt like that and we may not believe you if you ever actually do get hurt."

"Whatever," Discord bitterly remarked. "There's not gonna be a coronation after all, so there's no reason for me to stick around. I'm out of here!" And with a snap of his talons he disappeared.

"Well that's gratitude for you. He helps out of a jam and he's just mad he doesn't get all the glory for himself. Talk about ungrateful." Big Macintosh declared once Discord had left.

But a stain glass display of Discord snapped back. "I heard that! Can't you at least wait until I leave the room to start talking bad about me?" And then it too vanished.

Once Discord had left everypony in the throne room was silent for a moment, before Soarin approached Shining Armor with a smile. "Bet you're happy now, huh? You've got time to get your life in order. That big old cloud of uncertainty has left you."

Shining shook his head. "I don't know about that, Soarin. There's still something that's bothering me."

"Oh come on, are you still worried you're gonna mess it up somehow?" Soarin retorted with a roll of his eyes. "You heard what the princesses said, nopony's perfect. And I highly doubt you're gonna be one of those guys who takes the throne and gets drunk on power."

Shining shook his head again. "No, it's nothing to do with that, Soarin. I'm not worried about messing up anymore, or becoming a tyrant. With my friends by my side and time to prepare, I know I'll make a great ruler. Maybe not as great as Celestia and Luna, but I doubt anypony could recreate the kind of leadership they've displayed."

"Then what are you worried about?" Soarin inquired. "Come on, out with it."

The prince took a deep breath as he reluctantly confessed. "This isn't over yet. Sombra was just an omen, a sign of things to come. Think about it: There's no way he just happened to come back after all these years. Someone or something had to help him do it. And whoever or whatever that is is still out there, waiting for a chance to strike."

Soarin appeared to take his friend's concerns quite seriously as he proceeded to ask. "Well, aren't you going to tell our friends about this?"

"No, they've been through enough already. They deserve a chance to celebrate," Shining instructed to Soarin. "But we must stay vigilant, I suspect the real threat will make itself known before long."

Shining couldn't have known that his concerns were more valid than he might have thought. For the other resurrected villains were all huddled around the crystal ball Grogar had produced for them. They had been watching Sombra's solo attempt from start to finish, including its final outcome for Sombra.

To say they were horrified would be an understatement! They were deeply disturbed and filled with fear! "Sombra, no!" Chrysalis cried out!

"I... can't believe they did that to him. Clearly these ponies are not as soft as I had been led to believe. Never thought I'd be glad to be sent to Tartarus." Tirek remarked.

Chrysalis immediately turned to Grogar, who had been watching the whole thing but had not spoken a word. "Grogar, what are you waiting for?! Bring Sombra back this instant!"

Grogar's response was blunt and cold. "No, I won't."

"What?!" Chrysalis and Tirek both exclaimed in unison.

Grogar stood up as he shut off the crystal ball with a stomp of his hoof. "You heard me. I have no use for a double crossing fool like Sombra. He gambled and lost. But now his death can serve as a warning to the rest of you."

"Warning? What kind of warning?" Tirek nervously inquired as he twiddled his thumbs.

In an ominous tone of voice and with his eyes glowing brightly Grogar declared. "Now you know what fate awaits those of you who attempt to go it alone," Then he added. "However, I'm not holding any of you here against your will. You're all free to ignore me and walk away. But if you do you'll get no further help from me. So, do any of you still wish to strike out for yourselves? Do any of you still believe you can achieve victory on your own?"

Tirek was the first of the trio to speak up. "Uh... n-not I, master."

"And not I either," Chrysalis reluctantly spoke up. "My revenge can... wait."

"And what about you, Storm King?" Grogar inquired of the satyr. "You haven't spoken once since Sombra departed from here."

All eyes fell upon the Storm King who for a moment said nothing. He just stood there with an expression that was hard to read but seemed to convey some hint of devious intent. At last, however, he spoke up and declared. "Apologies for the silence, oh mighty Grogar," His tone of voice was difficult to read, his intentions seemed well masked. "I have simply been processing information, trying to judge the situation. After all, you don't get to my level of success without learning how to read a room. Careful manipulation and strategic planning is necessary to ensure victory."

"So you're saying..." Grogar pressed for further information.

The Storm King promptly bowed before the goat as he declared. "That my strength lies with you and you alone, my master. I see now that I would be a fool not to back the winning side. I shall serve you fatefully."

"See that you do, all of you," Grogar demanded of the trio. "Remember that our victory over the accursed Prince Shining Armor and his friends is contingent upon us working together. Our mighty Legion of Doom shall not stumble, provided you all remember to whom it is you owe your new lease on life. I will tolerate no treason."

"Not to worry, oh greatest of the great," The Storm King informed Grogar. "We shall follow you into battle and be at your beck and call. And you know, I think I could come to like working with fellow baddies." Then the four gathered evil forces all collectively laughed together, their alliance had officially been cemented.

Author's Note:

And so another arc comes to a close, and the updates for 2019 officially end. There will not be another chapter until January of 2020, though as of now I don't know whether this fic will come to an end in 2020 or 2021 (though I probably won't be going into Season 10 when it kicks off in the comics).

Hope you all enjoy the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years and any other holidays in the last two months of 2019).

There isn't much to say here outside of wanting to flesh out some scenes, particularly Celestia and Luna changing their minds about retirement. It was great that they acknowledged their mistake in the original episode, but it could've gone deeper.

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