• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 8,866 Views, 1,275 Comments

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 194: An Uneasy Alliance

In the depths of Tartarus, Shining could only watch as Tirek controlled Cozy with the greatest of ease: Dictating her thoughts and actions to the point where you would've never believed Cozy had ever had an ounce of free will. It sickened the prince greatly, his stomach twisted itself into knots he never thought possible. He wanted desperately to do something, anything. But deep down he knew he couldn't, his magic had left him and while he remained in Tartarus there was no chance of him warning his friends.

"Is this it?" He thought to himself as he sat there, alone with his thoughts. "Is this how it all ends? With me powerless to do anything, and everyone and everything I care about left to the mercy of a creature without a shred of empathy or compassion?"

With the time he had to think, Shining Armor came around to the conclusion that there was only one thing he could do. He would have to accept Tirek's offer. At the least if he escaped with Tirek he could try to slow the centaur down long enough to pass warning along to Equestria. Even if the Elements of Harmony and Rainbow Power couldn't be used without him, Equestria could be ready for the fight of its life.

Tirek ended his control of Cozy Glow just a few moments later. "Ah, we're back. Pardon the... interruption as it were," The crafty centaur delivered in his cold, calculating, scheming tone. The kind of voice that reflected his confidence and certainty that for once his plan could not be beaten. "So, oh mighty prince, what's it going to be? Have you had time to think over my offer?"

The alicorn nodded very slowly as he bowed his head in shame. "I don't like it for a second, but it seems I have no other options. Though if you're planning to double cross me that would end poorly for both of us."

Tirek just grinned, flashing a toothy smile. "Serve me fatefully and that won't be a problem, we'll both get what we want: I'll be free to deal with Cozy Glow, and you can chase after me to your heart's content. Though in the end, only one of us will truly come out on top. And I think we both know who that will be."

"You don't have to rub it in, Tirek. Let's just get this over with so that hopefully someday, I can look at myself in a mirror without feeling shame." Shining glumly commented.

"Excellent!" Tirek clapped his paws together. "I knew you were smart, oh prince. Now there's just one little thing I need to do and then we can get out of here."

Shining turned his head. "You need more magic, don't you? Well if you were hoping to take it from me, tough luck. The magic drain has left even me powerless."

The centaur only hissed in reply. "I see, how unfortunate for your sake. But no matter, your magic alone wouldn't have been enough. I'll just have to 'borrow' some from all the other creatures of Tartarus."

Chrysalis hissed from her cage. "You won't get a drop of my magic, Tirek! It's not for you!"

Tirek just opened his mouth as an orange glow surrounded his target. "As if you had a choice," It didn't take long for him to drain every last ounce of glowing green magic from Chrysalis, and with it surging through his body he began to grow ever so slightly. "Well, that was... satisfactory," He turned to Chrysalis. "Don't feel bad, Chrysalis. Your magic's going to a good cause. Me!"

Shining Armor turned his head, unable to watch what happened next. Of course he could still hear it. Hear the slurps and gulps as Tirek took every drop of magic from every creature in Tartarus, whether they wanted to give it up or not. Even if they were all criminals who had threatened Equestria, it was still wrong to know they were losing a part of their being for someone else's selfish benefit. And the fact that he was enabling it only made the sickening sensation in his stomach grow stronger. "If I ever make out of this in one piece, I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life." He thought to himself.

At last the draining was complete, Tirek was as tall and brooding as he had been when Shining had last encountered him. His body was an unmistakable shade of red and he sported two tall, black horns on the top of his head. Even the chains around his arms had vanished. "Yes!" Tirek roared in delight! "I'm whole once again! And this time, I'm going to keep it that way!"

"Then the time has come for us to escape!" Shining declared as he approached the centaur. "Once we're through that gate though, this little truce of ours is over!"

Tirek just grinned. "Suit yourself, but good luck trying to get back to Equestria on your own two hooves." He proceeded to scoop up the prince, holding him tightly in his grasp as he stomped down the winding staircase and the centaur made his way towards the front gate.

Outside Tartarus was all quiet, but not for long. Suddenly the ground shook with several vibrations, and then suddenly the gate was destroyed by a magical fireball that seemed to materialize from nowhere!

The guards jumped to their hooves, but they could only watch in helplessness as Tirek rushed past with Shining Armor in tow. "I'm free!" He shouted, promptly tossing Shining Armor onto the ground. "There, I kept my end of the bargain. But you'll get nomore freebies, you bad boy! Equestria is mine!" And he stomped away, laughing and rubbing his paws together with glee.

Discord immediately rushed over to Shining Armor, horrified by what he'd seen! "Shining! Oh thank goodness you're okay! What did Tirek do to get the best of you?!"

But Shining just looked at the ground in shame. "Nothing. We made a deal."

"You what?!" Discord gasped in surprise, literally falling to pieces! "You actually made a deal with... with..."

Shining weakly replied. "I saw no other options. And I hate that I did what I did. This is all my fault. Why did I have to play the big darn hero? If I'd let somepony else go to Tartarus, none of this would be happening."

Discord pulled himself back together and dawned a general's outfit, a bubble pipe sticking out from his mouth. "That's enough of feeling sorry for yourself, soldier! You pick yourself up this instant! You knew the risks when you signed on, and it's too late to be having second thoughts now! There's no room for quitters in my army! And you're no quitter, are you?!"

The prince weakly answered. "No. But at this point what does it matter? I'll never catch Tirek now, I barely have any magic to spare."

"But you're forgetting about me," Discord said with a grin. "And so did Tirek for that matter. The magic drain hasn't depleted my powers just yet. I've still got enough left in the tank for one more teleport."

A faint glimmer of hope came into Shining's eyes. "Then maybe all is not lost for Equestria just yet. If you can get where I need to go."

"And where would that be? It'd better be good, now's not the time for galavanting all over Equestria to chase a raging centaur!" Discord cautioned. "The name is Discord: Not miracle worker."

Shining rose slowly. "Could you bring me back to my sister's school? Tirek's coming for Cozy Glow, but I'm not giving up on that filly without a fight."

The spirit cautioned. "Be more specific, that school is a big place."

Shining turned to the spirit and aimed his horn at him. "I'll give you what magic I have left, I hope it will be enough to make this work. Now here's what I want you to do." He whispered something into Discord's ear.

Discord's expression seemed to become concerned, it looked like he was hesitant to do what was asked of him. "I'm... not sure if your magic will give me enough power to pull off something like. It's a very big risk."

"It's one we'll have to take!" Shining declared. "There's only one thing I can think of that'll stop Cozy Glow and Tirek! Now come on, Tirek's already gotten a head start!"

Discord pulled Shining close. "Well, I guess we've got nothing to lose. At least if we fail we can't say we didn't try," The spirit cautioned. "Better hold on tight though, prince. It's going to be a very bumpy ride!" With a snap of his talons he and Shining disappeared from the outskirts of Tartarus!

Author's Note:

Since Tirek is controlling Cozy Glow from time to time and trying to stop her from taking all the magic for himself, him leaving Tartarus with Shining Armor became necessary.

As for what Shining's plan is, well you'll find out in the next chapter.

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