• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 12: Celebration

"A party!" Braeburn said. True to his word like any noble stallion would be he insisted on throwing one. But before long the party became more of a celebration. Both to make up for the ultimately cancelled Summer Sun Celebration, and to celebrate the defeat of Nightmare Moon. The celebration was held in the center of town the very next day, and everypony who was anypony was there. Even Twilight, who surprisingly enough was starting to warm up to the town and had even begged Princess Celestia to let her stay. Princess Celestia was a little surprised, but upheld Twilight's decision.

Although her sister had pleaded with her, and told her to consider otherwise Princess Luna insisted on being part of the celebration as well. In the end she rode alongside Princess Celestia in a royal carriage, and to her surprise a few ponies even hung a wreath of flowers around her neck. Princess Celestia quickly explained that it was a way of making a ruler or visitor feel welcome.

As for Shining Armor's friends they all got quite a bit of publicity. Much to Soarin's unhappiness this only increased the number of fangirls that buzzed around him. Rainbow Dash in particular was rumored to be picking fights with anyone who looked at Soarin funny. She said she wasn't intrested in Soarin at all, but one could see through her obvious bluff.

Fancy Pants and Rarity managed to drum up quite a bit of support for Carousel Boutique, and even for Fancy Pants' business in Canterlot. But the best part for Fancy Pants was when his wife Fleur De Lis came down to Ponyville to celebrate with him. As Fancy Pants was heard to say "My precious Fleur means more to me then any amount of money in the wide world of Equestria and beyond."

Braeburn attracted a lot of notice for being a Ponyville outsider, and lots of ponies were dismayed to learn that he would be leaving after the celebration, to return to his hometown, Appleloosa.

Thunderlane and Big Macintosh mostly just got talked about a lot and often shrugged off interviews. Big Macintosh was more intrested in helping his family and Sweet Apple Acres, and Thunderlane was too busy looking after Rumble to really be intrested in any new short term opportunities.

So it seemed like it was a happy ending for everyone. Equestria was safe, Princess Luna had returned, and everyone's dreams were coming true or coming closer to coming true. Except for Shining Armor however, for reasons no one knew he wasn't very happy during the celebration. Most ponies took no notice due to being so caught up in celebrating, and when his friends tried to ask Shining Armor told them that nothing they said or did could help him.

Eventually the time came for Shining Armor and his new friends to ride in a victor's parade. One by one Big Macintosh, Fancy Pants, Soarin, Braeburn, and Thunderlane all climbed onto a parade float. All of them still wearing their Elements of Harmony necklaces. Shining Armor however refused to do the same. A fact that Princess Celestia soon took notice of. "What's wrong Shining Armor?" she asked gently "Why are you not happy? Equestria is safe from harm and I have been reunited with Princess Luna, and it's all thanks to you."

"That's just it." Shining Armor said sadly "I'm not the real hero. I don't deserve any of this."

"What are you talking about?" Princess Celestia asked "You saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, you were the one who led the quest to find the Elements of Harmony, you were the one who realized what it took to make them work."

"None of that would've been possible if it weren't for my little sister Twilight." Shining Armor said "She was the one who saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return." He explained to Princess Celestia about how Twilight had read "The Tale of Nightmare Moon" and how it ultimately led to the discovery of what Shining Armor had reported. He also explained how it was Twilight who had found out about the Elements of Harmony, and how although she did not know what the book meant she was the one who told Shining Armor how to make them work.

"So what you're saying is that everything that has happened recently is all because of your sister?" Princess Celestia asked "And you believe that she deserves all the credit, even when she was not the one who saved the day?"

"Yes." Shining Armor said "We wouldn't be standing here, talking to each other if Twilight hadn't found out about Nightmare Moon or the Elements of Harmony. Without her Equestria would still be suffering from unending night. So if you're going to thank someone, thank her. She deserves it more then I do."

"Well I suppose Twilight Sparkle could be allowed to ride on the float with you and the others." Princess Celestia said "But I know that she will want you to be with her. You two are all but inseparable, Twilight's even told you two have done everything together."

"If that's what she wants then I certainly won't say no." Shining Armor said "But don't expect me to be comfortable with the praise I'll recieve. Because I know I didn't do anything to truly deserve it." And indeed he was right. Even with his sister, and Spike by his side Shining Armor still didn't feel happy accepting his new role as a hero. He felt it didn't suit him, and nothing anyone said or did could convince him otherwise. "Go ahead Twily." he said, trying to hide how he truly felt. "Go on and wave to the crowd. You've earned their praise."

"But what about you B.B.B.F.F?" Twilight asked "You're the bearer of the Element of Magic for crying out loud, surely that has to mean something to you."

"She's got a point there." Spike said.

"I appreciate what you two are trying to do for me, but it's not going to work." Shining Armor said "Nothing you say or do will ever change the fact that it was Twilight, and not me, who really saved all of Equestria. I couldn't have stopped Nightmare Moon if I hadn't known she was going to appear, and I wouldn't have known where to find the Elements of Harmony, or how to use them."

When the victory parade was over Shining Armor's mood still hadn't improved.

"Come on bro. You can't stay sad forever." Soarin said "There's got to be something that will make you feel happy."

"I've never seen anyone as glum as you before." Thunderlane said "Why can't you just be happy?"

"Guys I think we're going to have to embrace the fact that Shining Armor has made up his mind, and that there's nothing we can say or do to make him change it." Big Macintosh said.

"Glad to see someone's finally getting it." Shining Armor said.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said "But I think it's stupid. You don't have to be so selfish, it's not all about you."

"That's why it doesn't feel right accepting the praise." Shining Armor said "If you guys want to do so then be my guest. No one's stopping you, and you guys deserve it. What you guys did was truly selfless. But anyone in my situation would've done the same thing."

"So, what? Are we never gonna see you again?" Braeburn asked.

Shining Armor paused for a moment. Then he said "Maybe. For right now I guess I'll be heading back to Canterlot with the royal guard. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get promoted from second lieutenant to first lieutenant. Perhaps some day I'll be able to show my face in this town again."

"Don't think we won't miss you." Fancy Pants said "It's always sad to say goodbye to new friends. Especially when we don't know how long it will be til our paths once again cross."

"Come on Lieutenant Armor!" Commander Silverbolt shouted "It's time for us to go!"

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now." Shining Armor said sadly "Take care of yourselves, and my sister. I know she'll miss me most of all." With that he headed to the carriage that would take him and the other members of the royal guard back to Canterlot. Just as he was about to climb into the carriage however he was stopped by none other then Princess Celestia.

"I wish to speak with you in private." Princess Celestia said. Shining Armor reluctantly obeyed, he knew that Princess Celesita never made requests about these sort of things.

"Look Princess, if this is about the Elements of Harmony then don't bother." Shining Armor said "I already explained to you everything you needed to know."

"It's not about that." Princess Celestia said. Shining Armor could've sworn he saw a smile appearing upon on her face. "As I'm sure you're aware Captain Gleaming Shield has recently announced her retirement. And I've been searching for a suitable replacement."

"What does that have to do with me?" Shining Armor asked.

"Well, in my heart I believe that you would make an excellent captain of the royal guard. It is about time they had some young blood leading them. And after your bravery in facing down the evil Nightmare Moon, and your selflessness during the victory celebration, I can hardly think of anypony who deserves the title of captain more then you do."

"Princess Celestia! Are you sayng what I think you're saying?!" Shining Armor asked.

"Indeed I am." Princess Celestia said "The only question is, do you accept?"

Shining Armor thought hard for a very long time. This decision could change everything for him. But Princess Celestia seldom made a mistake, and Gleaming Shield had spoken highly of him on several occassions. Heck Gleaming Shield herself was incredibly popular, and for good reason. She had done a good job restoring the royal guard's reputation in the eyes of the citizens. Not to mention Shining Armor already met all of the conditions needed to secure the promotion. "I do." he said.

"Good." Princess Celestia said "And as Princess I hereby decree that from this day forward you shall have a permanet residence in this town, in the Golden Oaks Library. Whenever he can be spared from his duties as Twilight's assistant Spike will be assigned to you."

"Oh thank you your majesty!" Shining Armor said.

Now Shining Armor is as happy as can be. He lives in the Golden Oaks Library with his sister Twilight and Spike. He sees his new friends every day and they frequently exchange news. Of course sometimes Shining Armor still has to go back to Canterlot to oversee the royal guard, but for the most part he spends his days in the town of Ponyville, and he loves everything about it.

Recently however he's started to notice that his sister Twilight has been hanging around the same group of mares that his friends introduced him to, and he's starting to think that Twilight is discovering the magic of friendship is well. But he doesn't have much time to dwell on the matter, with his new role his life has taken a turn for the better. But it also keeps him very busy.

All the same if you happen to be in Ponyville, and you happen to stop by the Golden Oaks Library chances are you'll find him there. And he's all for retelling the story about how he met his friends, and how they saved Equestria from the evil Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

And so this fic has come to a close in time for Thanksgiving. Will you see another fic from me? Yes but probably not for a while. Don't be too surprised if my next story doesn't come out til mid December, like say the week before Christmas.

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