• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 221: Trio of Terror

It was actually easier than it might have seemed to get word out to the relevant ponies about what was happening, all Shining Armor had to do was send a message to Twilight via Spike and Twilight in turn took care of the rest. In keeping with the three threats that were sure to be approaching from different locations, it was decided that Starswirl and the pillars would keep a look out around the outskirts of Equestria, Twilight and Starlight would secure the school against a likely attack, Cadence would defend the Crystal Empire (and ensure every ally was ready) and everyone currently in Canterlot would either fight or take shelter.

From there it was just a matter of waiting and watching. The enemy would have to make the first move before the ponies or any of their allies could respond.

On the outskirts of Equestria, the pillars prepared for battle as they all polished up their equipment or had their unique abilities ready to be used at a moment's notice. But there was a great deal of uncertainty hanging over them, especially considering the outcome of their last two "battles".

"Ya think we'll have to take one of those bad guys into limbo with us like we did for the Pony of Shadows?" Mage Meadowbrook questioned. "It'd be a shame to have to go away again after just gettin' back."

Starswirl the Bearded dispelled the notion with a shake of his head. "Limbo will not be an option this time. The only reason we had to resort to it was because we couldn't defeat the Pony of Shadows, but we couldn't allow it to roam free in our absence," He then somberly stated for the record. "If worse comes to worse, we must be prepared to lay down our lives for the sake of Equestria and its allies. I doubt it will come to that, but in battle there are few certainties."

Flash Magnus nodded as he brandished his shield. "Spoken like a true soldier, Starswirl. We've gotta be ready to do whatever it takes! But I don't plan on dying today! So we'll just have to work extra hard to make sure we come out on top."

"Aye, Flash," Rockhoof agreed. "Truth be told, I've been itching for action since we rescued Stygian and banished the Pony of Shadows forever. Nothing wrong with peace, but a good battle is just the thing to keep me on my hooves."

Just then, Mistmane seemed to shudder as an ill wind blew past her. "One of the great evils is on the way here now, I can feel it."

"As I can," Somnambula declared as she bit her lip. "And it is quite powerful. Victory will not be easy."

"Whoever it is, we shall fight to our last breath if need be! But we will prevail!" Starswirl vowed as the pillars readied themselves for combat.

Their foe soon made himself known as the ground shook and trees were uprooted and tossed aside. It was Tirek, now in his giant state and wearing a strange collar around his neck. "Well, well, well," He declared with a snarl. "If it isn't my old friend Starswirl the Bearded. And by old friend I mean the accursed pony who convinced my brother to betray me all those years ago."

"Do not blame me for the actions your brother made of his own free will," Starswirl shook his head. "Though I assure you that had your brother not repented and had sided with you, I would have been prepared to defeat him as I shall defeat you! Those who threaten the harmony of Equestria shall not succeed if I have anything to say about it, fiend!"

The centaur was not phased for even a second by Starswirl's statement. "Foolish words from a foolish and feeble old stallion. I shall carve them on your tombstone after I've drained every drop of magic from your body!"

But Starswirl just stepped aside as Rockhoof whacked Tirek on his left knee with a shovel, and Somnambula delivered a kick to the centaur's back. "You're the fool, Tirek. You believed I would face you alone, but you failed to realize that I am but one of many legends. Legends that were united just to defeat the likes of you."

"And you know what they say," Flash Magnus taunted as he got in on the action. "'The bigger they are, the harder they fall!'"

Mage Meadowbrook and Mistmane began playing their parts as well, though the combined actions of the five were certainly not enough to stop Tirek completely. They did succeed in drawing his attention though, and a great battle unfolded in an open field free of any bystanders.

Meanwhile, at the School of Friendship Twilight, Starlight and Spike had recruited Trixie and the few teachers on hoof to evacuate the students into the catacombs below. "Remember, no running off," Twilight calmly called to the students. "Use the buddy system and stick together no matter what."

"But none of you have anything to worry about. Headmare Twilight and Vice Headmare Starlight have the situation under control." Rumble declared as he stood alongside his fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders (honorary members and all).

However, just then there came a fiendish cackle as a familiar, echoey voice called out in a mocking tone. "Starlight, star bright. Where's the pony I want to fight?!"

Twilight, Starlight and Spike all froze, they knew who that was! Chrysalis was targeting the school, and it was obvious who she wanted to see.

"I'll handle this," Twilight told Starlight. "You and Spike work with Trixie to get the rest of the students to safety," And then she teleported outside where the former changeling queen was waiting. "Sorry, Chrysalis, but this school is off limits to you!" She declared. "So I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, now."

But Chrysalis only hissed. "Beat it, Twilight Sparkle! I've no interest in the likes of you any longer. I know Starlight Glimmer is here, she's nowhere else! So bring her out right now, and no one has to get hurt. You know I don't make idle threats, so don't try to pull a fast one on me."

Fortunately, Starlight Glimmer popped up on the scene at that very moment as she said to Twilight. "The evacuation's already complete, so I figured you could use a helping hoof."

Chrysalis then locked eyes with her target. "Ah, so you decided to stop hiding. Good," And she reissued her challenge. "You and I, Starlight Glimmer! I told you I'd get my revenge someday, and I meant it! Now are you going to fight me or do I have to make you?"

Twilight tried to insist. "You're in no position to be making any demands, Chrysalis. If you want Starlight you're gonna have to face me now. I'll pay you back for all the trouble you've given my brother over the years."

However, Starlight protested to her fellow unicorn. "I appreciate the sentiment, Twilight. But I'm more than capable of fighting my own battles, thank you very much. Since I'm going to be the new headmare that means it's my duty to protect the school and the students," And then she looked to her opponent. "If you really wanna fight, Chrysalis, all you had to do was ask. I have just the place in mind."

Before either Chrysalis or Twilight could react, Starlight teleported herself and the former queen away to a snowy landscape in the mountains surrounding Ponyville. "What is this?!" Chrysalis hissed.

"It's some place where you can't hurt anyone else, Chrysalis." Starlight firmly declared as she stood in the snow and faced down her opponent.

With a fiendish and sadistic smirk on her face, Chrysalis protested. "You're wrong, Starlight! I can hurt you! And if you think is going to be easy you are dead wrong."

"You sure do love to talk for an overgrown bug. Are you really so in love with the sound of your own voice?" The unicorn couldn't help but taunt as she prepared for battle.

The former queen only roared as she charged towards Starlight. "Obviously you've forgotten just how powerful and terrifying I can be. Let's fix that, shall we? Hope you said your goodbyes, because you won't be seeing any of your friends ever again."

With Triek and Chrysalis having already launched their attacks, the Storm King wasn't too far behind. And he chose to set his sights on Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria that he'd tried unsuccessfully to subjugate.

Even though he had no army backing him or carrying out his orders, the Storm King still strolled down the streets of Canterlot while effortlessly repelling what few royal guards were brave enough to try and stop him. "You silly little boys with your silly little toys couldn't hurt a fly, let alone someone like me," He taunted as he made his way to the royal palace. "But I've got bigger fish to fry."

When the Storm King reached the palace grounds, he was quickly met by his former second-in-command: Tempest Shadow whose broken horn stub was already crackling with energy! "Yours is a face I hoped never to see again, not even in my nightmares! I should've known it was too much to ask for for you to stay dead and buried." She coldly remarked to her former boss.

Unconcerned, the Storm King taunted. "What's the matter, Tempest? Oh wait, I forgot, that's the name I gave you. Your real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist. And little Fizzlepop here looks like she's seen a ghost. Well maybe she has!"

"You have no right to call me anything! I made the name Tempest into my own, and now I wear it as a reminder of what I still strive to atone for," Tempest replied as she fired off a bolt to the Storm King's face. "This time you'll stay dead, I'll personally see to that!" But when her bolt barely made an impact and the dust cleared, she noticed something else. The collar hanging around the Storm King's neck that was glowing rather ominously. "Lovely new collar you got there. But who holds your leash?"

"That's for me to know and you to never find out," The Storm King jeered. "Now come on, you and I both know you're not alone. Where are your little friends?" Without waiting for a reply he called out. "Oh you who, little ponies, come out to plaaaaaaay!"

"You wanted us?! Well here are we!" Soarin shouted as he and his friends came rushing out to join the fight!

The Storm King flashed a toothy smile. "Oh goody, the welcoming committee here's. Now it's a party!"

"The last party you'll ever have!" Shining Armor sternly declared. "I suggest you surrender now and tell your boss to back off, unless you want to be humiliated. I won't ask nicely again."

The Storm King refused to comply. "No dice."

Fancy Pants only sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's a pity you can be so strong, yet so stupid. But if that's really how you wanna play then so be it."

Tempest then warned. "Don't underestimate him. And don't get in my way. I get to deliver the final blow! This is personal!" And the battle soon began right on the palace grounds.

Surprisingly, Tirek was able to hold his own against the pillars despite their superior numbers. They landed a few blows, but it was clear that most of that was due to the strength and youthful vigor of the likes of Somnamubla, Flash Magnus and Rockhoof while Mage Meadowbrook and Mistmane were largely focused on keeping the others at full strength with potions and spells.

"You pesky ponies, I'll swat you all like flies!" Tirek roared as he tried to swipe at Somnambula and Flash Magnus as they buzzed around him, as such he didn't notice Mistmane binding his legs with vines as Starswirl hit him in the face with a powerful spell.

Somnambula couldn't help but laugh as she effortlessly evaded Tirek's swinging arms. "You're making this far too easy for us, Tirek. I suspect that if not for all that magic coursing through your veins you wouldn't be able to stand up to us at all. In a way it reminds me of Rockhoof, but at least he beefed himself up naturally."

Rockhoof nodded as he continued to hit Tirek's legs with his shovel. "Aye, hard work pays off. I didn't need to rise to power at the expense of others."

Furious, Tirek roared even louder and narrowed his eyes at Starswirl the Bearded! "You can hide behind these 'friends' of yours all you want, you old wind bag. But even they can't stop me from taking away what's most precious to you besides that silly hat you wear," He began to envelope the wizard with his magic as he said to the pillars. "Let's see just how good you are with your 'leader' out of commission, shall we?"

However, before Starswirl could have more than a few drops worth of his magic be drained, a surprise blast to the back caused Tirek to lose his concentration and thus release his grip! Starswirl was freed, and with Mistmane to catch him in her magical aura he was safely brought back down to the ground.

"Sorry to rain on your parade." A voice instantly recognizable to the pillars taunted. And suddenly, there was Stygian, who was clad from heads to hooves in a set of dark blue armor with white crescent moons stitched onto it.

"Ah, so you finally decided to join us," Starswirl commented as he looked to his unlikely savior and newest friend. "Your timing couldn't have been better, Stygian."

Stygian trotted over. "Would've been here sooner, but the copy spell took to prepare than I anticipated. Still, this does present the ideal opportunity for a field test, with your blessing of course."

All the pillars gave their hearty endorsement. "The more the merrier, Stygian! You may just be what tips the scales in our favor." Mage Meadowbrook declared.

If Tirek was at all troubled by this sudden arrival he didn't show it, at least not outwardly. "It doesn't matter how many of you join in, your might is nothing compared to mine! I will crush you all in the palm of my hands!" He roared as he managed to snap the vines that had kept his legs bound, and now he charged head on while a magical fire ball began to grow between his horns.

High up in the snowy mountains surrounding Ponyville, the fight between Starlight and Chrysalis raged on in all its fury and glory! The two sides kept trading attempted blows with their horns, trying to hit one another as they teleported from place to place for surprise attacks.

Chrysalis was steadily losing her patience as the fight continued with no sign of progress. "Stop mocking me with your cowardice, Starlight Glimmer! Stand still and let me blast you already!" She roared at the top of her lungs.

That proved to be a mistake as Starlight sarcastically replied. "Oh yeah, like I'm gonna do that," Then she lit up her horn. "I have a better idea in mind."

Before Chrysalis could react she found herself buried under a thick blanket of snow that Starlight had knocked loose from above the entrance to a cave.

"Almost too easy." The unicorn thought to herself and prepared to trot away. She wanted to be ready to turn around in case Chrysalis tried to strike again (though if that didn't happen she was prepared to inspect the snow pile to ensure victory).

Chrysalis shot up from the snow suddenly, aiming a blast that was intended to knock Starlight flat on her face!

But the blast was deflected by a well timed shield spell from none other than Twilight Sparkle, who had just teleported in about a moment ago.

Chrysalis was rather furious at this development. "Why you! That's cheating! You weren't supposed to get involved, Twilight Sparkle!"

Twilight just grit her teeth and responded. "You're one to talk about playing fair, Chrysalis. I know for a fact you play dirty if you think it helps you," And she added. "I'll be honest, if that's your best then I fail to see how my brother could ever have trouble with you. Or maybe you're just off your game."

Starlight, meanwhile, approached her fellow unicorn. "Thanks for the assist, Twilight. But I got this, really. Your time would be better spent with the evacuation of the school."

"Already completed. With Spike, Trixie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all pitching in it was a piece of cake," Twilight replied as she waved a hoof. "Besides, now we're even from the time you saved me and B.B.B.F.F from Chrysalis. If you still wanna fight alone, that's fine. But I think it would be much safer if the two of us joined forces. After all: They say two heads are better than one."

"Just watch my back like you did before," Starlight answered as the fight resumed. "One way or another, this bug is going down."

"I am NOT a bug! I am a queen!" Chrysalis roared in defiance only for her comment to be ignored.

The Storm King wasn't having as much luck in his fight, even though he was trying his best. He'd focused so much on facing Tempest that he often left himself vulnerable to attacks from others.

As Tempest landed a blow to the Storm King's backside that left his rear end feeling quite sore, she found a rare smile forming on her face. "Now I see why you always had the likes of Grubber and I doing all your dirty work for you. You're not much of a fighter, are you?"

"I could take you and all your little friends together if you'd bother to stand still every once in a while!" The Storm King hissed. "Besides, I'm just giving you a handicap. Seems only sporting I give you a chance. Don't forget, behind this rugged exterior lies the mind of a genius years ahead of his time."

"Oh yeah, genius? Then how come you just left yourself wide open for another attack?" Shining Armor taunted as he swooped in and fired off a magical blast from his horn.

The Storm King surprisingly managed to evade it and grab the prince. "You fell for it! I've got you now, and I won't let you go until I've plucked off your wings!"

But a quick fly by from Soarin and Thunderlane not only rescued the captive prince, but also brought a few rapid fire hooves that had the satyr reeling.

Try as he might, the Storm King found himself losing ground fast. "Oh of course, I get the hard part!" He thought to himself. "You'd think Grogar would be kind enough to rebuild my staff or something, but no," Then he eyed the collar around his neck. "Looks like I'm in a bit of a jam here. I hate to have to call for backup, but there's no way I'm running away like a coward!"

"Ready to give up yet, Storm King? Or do we need to hit you so hard you start seeing stars?" Soarin threatened. "And that's not even close to what Tempest is gonna do to you."

Rather than answer right away, the cornered satyr just reached a paw to the harness he wore and touched a glowing orb in the middle, then he stood up and smiled anew as he began to laugh.

The laugh surprised everyone, Tempest most of all. "Mind telling me what's so funny now, Mr. Funny Pants?" She glared at her former boss.

"Oh, you'll soon see." The Storm King vaguely answered.

Before either of them had any warning or any chance to react, Tirek and Chrysalis found themselves being whisked away from their fights. The pillars and Stygian were confused but relieved to have the fight over with it, even though they knew the threat had not vanished entirely.

Starlight and Twilight were anything but content though, they were quite worried. "We'd better get back to the school right away! This isn't over yet!" Twilight declared.

Starlight nodded. "I don't like this one bit, I've got a very bad feeling about this." And then she and Twilight lit up their horns and teleported away.

As for Tirek and Chrysalis, they appeared in Canterlot at the Storm King's location. They were confused for but a moment before realizing what had happened. "Ah, how clever of you, Storm King," Tirek remarked as he observed the situation. "If we're to truly prevail we must first take out the biggest threats. Topple the leader and the rest will fall like dominos."

"Huh? O-oh, yeah. Yeah, that's totally why I called you guys here," The Storm King declared as he attempted to play off his emergency call. "I figured we could all come together and share in the spoils. If we take out the prince and his friends, the other guys will be ripe for the picking."

Chrysalis grinned. "I like the way you think, Storm King. Master Grogar will be so pleased."

Shining Armor, meanwhile, looked across to his friends and to Tempest as they all huddled close to him. "We must all stand together, or together we'll all fall!" He warned.

Author's Note:

The Storm King is taking Cozy Glow's place because the Cozy Glow in this universe is good (you can look through the School Daze chapters to find out more). And Stygian joining the pillars was a personal decision since I don't think it was fair for him to be left out of the group's fight in the original episode.

Speaking of which, with the exception of Starlight's fight against Chrysalis the fights the Legion of Doom participated in in the original episode were hardly interesting or creative. The bell made them so powerful they could easily defeat their opponents. And I really hate how with Tirek his draining of the pillars' magic reinforced the notion that Rockhoof magically got taller and stronger out of the blue (a complete betrayal of his character), so I didn't include that here.

I don't think we ever saw the Storm King fight without the aid of his staff, and even if he was able to manipulate Tempest and many others into serving him while ruling through fear in the movie it didn't take much for him to be defeated. And he made a lot of typical villain mistakes. I wanted to sort of play off of that by implying that he's kind of a genius ditz who often makes mistakes through overconfidence, and would rather toy with his opponents than finish them off as soon as he can.

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