• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 4: Settling In

Shining Armor was quite surprised by how old the mayor seemed to be. He could've sworn Celestia had mentioned she was still in her first term, and that she was younger then she looked.

"It's been five minutes aready. Are you going to keep staring at me all day?" the mayor asked "You know I have better things to tend to, and I have little patience for those who waste my time."

Shining Armor regained his composure. "Oh, sorry about that. I was just surprised by your um..... appearance is all."

"That's quite alright." the mayor said "I assure you you're not the first one to have this reaction. Anyway, what can I do for you Lieutenant Armor?"

"Well I was hoping you might have some kind of list or something about who's in charge of what for the celebration." Shining Armor said.

"Oh, is that all?" the mayor said "Wait right here, this will just take a second." She trotted over to her desk and fumbled through some drawers. "I know I put that thing somewhere." she said outloud as she sorted through the stacks of paper.

"Does this remind you of something?" Spike asked teasingly. Shining Armor was quick to notice.

"Oh ha ha. Real mature there Spike, real mature. Didn't Twily ever teach you any manners?" Shining Armor replied.

"I'm just saying, you and the mayor could stand to be a bit more organized. You know like Twilight." Spike said "She never leaves a single book out of place, and neither do I."

"I found it!" the mayor said at last. She trotted back over to Shining Armor and hoofed the document she'd just found over to him. Spike quickly snatched it up.

"I'll just hold onto this so you don't lose it." Spike said. Shining Armor said nothing, he just snorted in frustration. He knew Spike wasn't trying to intentionally be mean but he kind of reminded Shining Armor of himself when he was a teenager. His parents, and his sister could both agree that he'd been rather unlikeable at times during those years.

"Do you need anything else?" the mayor asked.

"Well I would like to know just where I'll be staying for tonight." Shining Armor said.

"Oh that's easy." the mayor said "Princess Celestia and I arranged for you to stay at the Ponyville Golden Oaks library. It was really the only suitable place for a member of the royal guard."

"Thank you, but you really didn't have to do all of this." Shining Armor said.

"I assure you it was nothing really." the mayor said "Well if you don't need anything else I'd best be going. I must make sure I'm rested and well rehearsed for the ceremony."

"Wait, before you go I don't believe I asked you what your name is." Shining Armor said.

"Ah yes! I was wondering if you were ever going to ask me that." the mayor said "My name is Ivory Script Mare. But while I'm on duty you can refer to me as Mayor Mare."

"Will do Mayor Mare ma-am!" Shining Armor said.

"No need for such formalities." Mayor Mare said.

"I can't help it. It's routine when you're on the royal guard." Shining Armor said.

"Well whatever floats your boat." Mayor Mare said "I hope you enjoy your stay in Ponyville. Ta-ta."

"So where are we going first?" Spike asked as he and Shining Armor left town hall.

"First thing's first." Shining Armor said "We're going to check on the food, just to make sure noone's thinking of poisoning Princess Celestia."

"No offense bro but you're worrying a bit too much." Spike said.

"I know, I know." Shining Armor said "Anyway we'd best be going, we've got a lot to do."

A long trek across town later and Shining Armor and Spike found themselves approaching the gate of a rather large area. There was a giant red barn with a redish pink roof. Next to it stood a house that could've easily been mistaken for being a extension of said barn, were it not for the faded colors. Though the barn wasn't in much better condition, but at least it didn't seem like it was going to collapse anytime soon. Or at least Shining Armor hoped not.

"It says here that this place is called Sweet Apple Acres. And it's home to Ponyville's largest family, the Apple family." Spike said "They're the ones in charge of food."

"Well this shouldn't be too hard." Shining Armor said "We just need to find one of those Apples and have a little talk with them. Ah here comes one now."

The pony in question was an earth pony mare with an orange coat, a blonde mane and tail with a brown stentson hat on top, green eyes, and a cutie mark consisting of three red apples. Just like the ones growing on the trees. The mare either didn't notice, or didn't care that Shining Armor was nearby. She instead promptly raced up to one of the apples trees, looking like she was going to attack it head on.

But at the last minute she swung around and kicked the tree hard with her back legs. The vibrations caused the apples on the tree to fall off and into the buckets placed under the tree's trunk. Shining Armor was amazed, he'd never seen strength like that. Most stallions his age could barely even bench press 20 pounds, but this mare looked like she could bench press 50 pounds without breaking a sweat.

"You're pretty strong. I've never seen such strong legs before." Shining Armor said.

"Well thank ya very much for the compliment, I highly appreciate it." the mare said, turning her attention to her guest. "Who are you anyway?"

"My name's Shining Armor. I'm just here to check up on-" Shining Armor said. Before he could finish however he found himself being subjected to a powerful hoofshake, courtesy of the mare he was speaking to.

"Well howdy do there Mister Shining." Applejack said "You're okay with me calling you that right?"

"Um, well I" Shining Armor said, he didn't get the chance to respond.

"Good." Applejack said "We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do love to make new friends."

"I can tell." Shining Armor said, recovering from the hoofshake.

"So Mister Shining what I can do for ya?" Applejack asked.

"Oh don't mind me." Shining Armor said "Me and my friend Spike here were just going to check on the food, which you and your family are providing if I'm not mistaken."

"How did you know that?" Applejack asked "And who's this Spike? I don't see any other ponies."

"That's because Spike's a baby dragon." Shining Armor said "Probably should've explained that earlier."

"You still didn't answer my other question." Applejack said sternly "How did you know that my family and I are in charge of the food for the Summer Sun Celebration?"

Shining Armor felt tempted to ask Spike to pull out the document from Mayor Mare right then and there. But he decided against it, he wasn't sure how common it was for ponies to have anything from the mayor, let alone a list of who was in charge of what for an important event. And he didn't want to attract unwanted attention to himself. "Lucky guess?" Shining Armor replied. Applejack didn't buy it for a second.

"You think I'm stupid or something?" Applejack asked.

"What would ever give you that idea?" Shining Armor asked. He was confused.

"I know you're lying to me." Applejack said "And I want to know why."

"I can't tell you that." Shining Armor said "Really I can't."

"Stuff and nonsense!" Applejack said "You're going to tell me the real reason for your visit and you're going to tell me now!"

"Applejack!" a stern voice called out "What did Granny tell you about picking fights with guests?"

"I wasn't fighting with him." Applejack said "And besides he started it."

"I don't care who started it! I'm finishing it" the voice replied. A moment later an earth pony stallion with a red coat, a dark yellow mane and tail, a gaint green apple cutie mark, and a shoulder harness around his neck stepped into view.

"Go away Big Mac!" Applejack said "This doesn't concern you!"

"Oh it concerns me all right!" the stallion replied.

"You ain't the boss of me!" Applejack said.

"Don't talk to your big brother in that tone of voice!" the stallion scolded.

"This stallion is lying to me and I want to find out why!" Applejack said "Surely you can understand that."

"That may be so, but that doesn't give you the right to be so hard on him." the stallion said "Now apologize to this stallion right now!"

"I don't have to do anything!" Applejack said "And you can't make me!"

"Oh I don't think so." the stallion said casually "Just wait til I tell Granny Smith about this, she'll be very disappointed in you." That seemed to change Applejack's mind very quickly. "Now, say you're sorry!" the stallion demanded.

"I'm sorry." Applejack said, under her breath she muttered "Sorry you think I'm some dumb old farm pony."

"What was that?" the stallion asked.

"Nothing." Applejack said, and she left without saying anything else.

"Thanks for your help." Shining Armor said.

"Sorry about my sister." the stallion apologized "She can be quite stubborn, but I assure you she's actually quite nice once you get to know her."

"I find that hard to believe." Shining Armor said "Anyway who are you?"

"I'm Big Macintosh." the stallion said "Some call me Big Mac."

"You're okay with me just calling you Big Mac right?" Shining Armor asked.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said "I'm not usually one to talk much, I just like to let my skills speak for themselves. But I'm always happy to see new faces."

"Really? I never would've guessed." Shining Armor said.

"Yeah, lots of ponies don't think much of me. Except for the mares." Big Macintosh said.

"So you're a babe magnet huh? Lucky you." Spike said.

"Well I don't believe we've met." Big Macintosh said, looking at Spike. "And you are?"

"I'm Spike." Spike said "And that's Shining Armor. We came here to check up on the food for the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Shining Armor huh? Well that's a nice name." Big Macintosh said "Since you're here whaddya you say I introduce to my family?"

"Sounds good, I guess." Shining Armor said. He was really intrested in making a good first impression while still maintaining his low profile.

"SOUPS ON EVERYPONY!" Big Macintosh shouted. A second later Shining Armor and Spike found themselves overwhelmed by hundreds of earth ponies. And they quickly lost track of the many names that Big Macintosh called out. "Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith." Big Macintosh said, pointing towards an earth pony mare with a green coat, a white mane and tail, and an apple pie cutie mark, sitting in a rocking chair. "Up and at em Granny we got visitors!" Granny Smith rose from her rocking chair and mumbled something, then went back to sleep.

"Thank you all." Shining Armor said "But this is a bit much, even for me. And I really should be going."

"Aren'ta ya gonna stay for brunch?" Apple Bloom pleaded, shooting Shining Armor a pair of puppy dog eyes. He'd been subjected to them several times by his sister Twilight, but even though he'd managed to build up a slight resistance to them he couldn't shrug off the ones Apple Bloom was showing.

"I guess brunch does sound good. I am kind of hungry" Shining Armor said.

"Excellent." Big Macintosh said.

Nothing really noteable happened during brunch, outside of Spike bonding with Apple Bloom slightly. And Shining Armor and Applejack patching things up, to some extent anyway.

"Well we can cross food poisoning off the list of potential threats." Shining Armor said as he and Spike walked through Ponyville.

"Yeah." Spike said "It's a pity Twilight had to miss out on that. We should've saved her an apple pie."

"I don't think it would've been a good idea Spike." Shining Armor chuckled "You know as well as I do that Twily has a craving for apple pie, once she starts eating one she can't stop. It's a miracle she never gets a stomach ache."

"Well anyway" Spike said "This is our next destination. The pegasi are suppose to clearing the clouds around here."

Shining Armor looked up, the sky was all but filled but with fluffy white clouds. "Well it looks like someone isn't doing their job." he said "And I've got a few choice words for whoever it is."

"Incoming!" a voice shouted. Shining Armor had no time to react as he was suddenly plowed into by a pony. Who it was he couldn't tell, it happened too fast. All he knew was that one minute he was standing up right, and the next he was on the ground. "I don't believe this." Shining Armor said "This is the second time today somepony's bumped into me."

"Hey you okay?" the voice asked.

"I will be as soon as I get my hooves on you." Shining Armor said. But as soon as he stood up he got a good look at the pony who had crashed into him. The pony was a pegasus stallion wearing a navy blue flight suit, which came complete with a set of goggles. The stallion had a light cyan blue coat, a bushy midnight blue mane and tail, and emerald green eyes. Shining Armor was speechless. "Are you who I think you are?" he asked the pegasus stallion.

"Depends." the stallion replied "Who do you think I am?"

"You're a member of the Wonderbolts." Shining Armor said "My favorite one to boot!"

"I see my reputation preceeds me." the stallion said "Oh, silly me. Where are my manners? Soarin Co-Captain of The Wonderbolts at your service."

"I was right!" Shining Armor said, a wide grin breaking out across his face. "I always wanted to see you and the other Wonderbolts when I was a colt, but my parents said we could never afford the tickets to your shows."

"Sorry to hear that." Soarin said "And it's always nice to meet a dedicated fan. Especially one that isn't a mare."

"Oh great, another chick magnet." Spike said.

"Well not really." Soarin said "Most of them are just creepy fangirls that are constantly asking me to sign something. And the most annoying one of all is Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yup. She calls herself the fastest flyer in all of Cloudsdale, and she's so full of herself." Soarin explained.

"Shouldn't she be helping you clear the clouds?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes. But she won't stop making googly eyes at me. It's driving me crazy." Soarin said "I told Spitfire I didn't want to do this job, but I came anyway. Now look what I'm dealing with."

"I don't see anypony." Spike said "Are you sure you're not just making things up?"

"That Rainbow Dash is probably spying on me." Soarin said "I just wish I knew how to make her stop, I can't concentrate on my cloud busting or my flying maneuvers with her around."

"I have an idea." Shining Armor said and promptly whispered it to Soarin.

"Are you sure that will work?" Soarin asked.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Shining Armor said.

"Well alright." Soarin said, and took off into the skies. Just as Shining Armor predicted "Rainbow Dash" emerged from her hiding spot to pursue Soarin. But she never got the chance, as soon as she exposed herself Shining Armor quickly lit up his horn. Within seconds he had brought her down to the ground. And now he saw where she got her name. Her rainbow colored mane and tail really stuck out against her cyan coat, not to mention her rainbow colored lightning bolt with fluffy white cloud cutie mark.

"Just what the hay was that all about?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You were distracting a Wonderbolt and a pegasus that was suppose to be clearing the skies." Shining Armor lectured "Which I believe you're suppose to be doing as well."

"Oh I was just busy." Rainbow Dash said.

"Busy staring at Soarin's flank I bet." Shining Armor teased.

"I was not!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well you know how you can really impress Soarin?" Shining Armor asked.

"How?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"By not bothering him and letting him do his work!" Shining Armor said.

"But you don't understand!" Rainbow Dash complained "The Wonderbolts are my idols! When I heard that they were going to be at the Summer Sun Celebration I knew I had to meet them! When they see how awesome I am they'll let me onto their team for sure, probably even make me their new captain!"

"Fat chance!" Shining Armor said "I doubt the Wonderbolts would be intrested in a lazy pegasus that can't even keep the sky clear for one day!"

"Hey I could clear that sky in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow Dash said.

A smug grin broke out across Shining Armor's face as a plan sprang into his mind. "Prove it." he said.

"Just stand back and watch me go!" Rainbow Dash said, and took off incredibly fast. She proceeded to clear the sky at an insanely high speed. Shining Armor, Spike, and Soarin were speechless. "What did I tell you? Ten seconds flat!" Rainbow Dash said as she landed on a nearby bridge.

"That...was...awesome!" Spike said "Do it again!"

"As much as I'd love to see that I've had about as much you as I can stand!" Soarin snapped "So if you want me to even consider putting in a good word for you you'll leave me alone and go bother someone else, got it?!"

"Okay, okay! Don't be such a nag!" Rainbow Dash said and sped away as fast as she could.

"Works everytime." Soarin said, chuckling to himself.

"I hear ya." Shining Armor said "Sometimes you just gotta scare em off for a while before you say something you'll regret."

"I can't believe I actually got to meet Soarin!" Shining Armor said "I'm his number one fan!"

"Heh, something tells me Rainbow Dash has that title in the bag." Spike said.

"Yeah? Well anyway we should move on to decoration." Shining Armor said. He and Spike soon found themselves back at town hall where a white unicorn mare with an indigo mane and tail done up in a curl, sparkling blue eyes, and a cutie mark consisting of three gems, was using her magic to levitate several different designer ribbons. "No. No. No. No. Oh goodness no." she said to herself "It's so hard to find something that really brings out the beauty of this place."

"That, is, beautiful." Spike said.

"I know. I've only seen those types of decorations in stores around hearth's warming." Shining Armor said.

"Not the decorations. Her." Spike said, gushing over the unicorn in front of him.

"Oh great." Shining Armor said sarcastically. How he was suppose to explain this to Twilight? "Hey Twily. Guess what? Your baby dragon and number one assistant has developed a crush on a unicorn from Ponyville."

"Excuse me ma-am." Shining Armor said, hoping to get this visit over with as soon as possible.

"Just a moment dear." the mare replied "I am 'In the zone' as it were." She promptly tied a bright red ribbon around a nearby pole using her magic. "Now then how I can help yo-wahaha!"

"What?" Shining Armor asked.

"You're absolutely dazzling." the mare said. She could not contain the blush that formed across her cheeks.

"Oh, don't mind me." Shining Armor said "I'm just stopping by to check up on the decorations, and then I promise I'll be out of your hair."

"Out of my hair? What about your hair?" the mare asked.

"What are you talking about?" Shining Armor asked "My hair's fine. I styled it this morning and everything."

"Well surely a stallion such as yourself didn't just come here just for the decorations. Surely you'll be staying for the Summer Sun Celebration right?" the mare said.

"Yes." Shining Armor said.

"What are you planning to wear?" the mare asked.

"I wasn't planning on wearing anything." Shining Armor asked.

"What?!" the mare gasped "You're staying for the Summer Sun Celebration and yet you won't be wearing anything at all? That's just not possible, an event like the Summer Sun Celebration demands something. Come with me and we'll fashion the perfect outfit for you." Without further ado the mare began pushing Shining Armor out of town hall.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Where are you taking me?! Stop pushing me with your horn!" Shining Armor said "Spike! A little help here please!" But Spike mearly followed the mare, hearts in his eyes.

A few minutes later the mare had brought Shining Armor to a place called Carousel Boutique. She was currently trying, with little success to find something suitable for Shining Armor. "No. No. No. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too dazzling. Not dazzling enough." she said as she used Shining Armor as a model to try out outfit after outfit. Eventually she slipped a sleak black vest onto Shining Armor, complete with a red bow tie. "Now go on dear. I believe you were going to tell me where you were from." the mare said.

Shining Armor sighed. "Well I'm from Canterlot, and I"

"Canterlot?!" the mare gasped "You're from Canterlot?! Oh the glamor! The sophistication! The elegance! Oh what I would give to live there!"

"I get that Canterlot is the capital city of Equestria and all but I didn't know it was that popular." Shining Armor said.

"You don't understand." the mare said "Canterlot is the fashion capital of the world! Everypony knows that is where you find the best of the best!"

"Just great. The only thing this mare likes more then good looks is fashion. And I thought those super models were vain." Shining Armor thought to himself. "Look ma-am not that this hasn't been nice, but I really don't have time to waste. So if you could be so kind as to show me the door"

"You can't leave yet!" Rarity said "I still haven't gotten the chance to modify this suit."

"I think it looks fine as it is." Shining Armor said.

"Then you know nothing about fashion." Rarity said "Lucky for you I will not let a crime against fashion go uncorrected."

"Miss. Rarity you'd better not be harassing a customer." an elegant voice called out.

"I was doing no such thing." Rarity said.

"Really?' the voice asked "Because it looks to me like this poor stallion here has had all he can take." The owner of the voice then made itself known. It was a unicorn stallion with a coat that was as white the mare that Shining Armor had met just recently, his eyes were the same blue color as Rarity's, but his mane and tail were a royal blue, and his cutie mark consisted of three crowns with jewels in their centers. He also had a glass monocle in his left eye, giving off a touch of high class that was complimented by his elegant black suit and pink bowtie.

"Ain't that the truth?" Shining Armor said.

"I apologize for the behavior of my secretary." the stallion said "Normally she behaves a lot better then this. But whenever she sees a stallion, well I suppose romance just works in mysterious ways."

"Say, I recognize you!" Shining Armor said "You're Fancy Pants."

"Ah, I see you know who I am." Fancy Pants said.

"Indeed I do." Shining Armor said "But what's the most important pony in the fashion world doing in a small town like this?"

"I was hoping you'd say that." Fancy Pants said "As you know I'm always looking for ways to expand my business. Especially since my dear wife Fleur De Lis came into my life. And when I learned that this fine young mare here was looking for a job in the fashion industry I knew I had found an opportunity that couldn't be passed up. So we made a deal. Miss. Rarity and I would open up Carousel Boutique, with the intent of using it to model some of my designs and some of her own custom creations.Thus our parternship was born. And I assure you that Miss Rarity is quite skilled."

"No doubt." Shining Armor said.

" As I said before I am truly sorry for the way Miss. Rarity acted earlier. What do you have to say for yourself young lady?"

"I'm sorry." Miss. Rarity said "By the way I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Rarity."

"Well it's an honor to meet you both Fancy Pants sir and Rarity ma-am." Shining Armor said "My name is Shining Armor, and this is Spike."

"You, are so, beautiful." Rarity said "Do you think that perhaps tonight the two of us could go out to dinner somewhere?"

"I'm sorry ma-am." Shining Armor said "I don't have time for dates. And my heart belongs to another. But I wish you good luck in finding your special somepony. Come on Spike we're leaving."

"Goodbye Rarity." Spike said "I hope we meet again."

"I wish you'd let me stay for a little longer." Spike said "I'm just glad I don't have to worry about competing with you for Rarity's affection."

"Same here." Shining Armor said. The memory of what he had to endure to win over his current special somepony was still fresh in his mind. He did not want to go through that again. "Anyway we should almost be finished by now Spike, so what's left for us to do?"

"We just need to check up on the song bird choir and we'll be done." Spike said.

"About time." Shining Armor said "Hopefully this will blow over without any annoying sidetracks."

"They weren't all bad." Spike said.

"All the same they chewed up time that we could've spent doing more research." Shining Armor said "And as much as I hate to complain my hooves are starting to kill me."

"Well I think we've found the ponies in charge of the song birds." Spike pointed out "Look over there!"

Perched on a nearby tree birds of all colors and sizes were singing. They were singing a very beautiful song, though Shining Armor couldn't make out what it was suppose to be.

"Oh my. Stop please." a yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane and tail done up in bangs, cyan eyes, and a cutie mark consisting of three butterflies called out.

"What now?" a black pegasus stallion with a cyan gray mane and tail styled into a mohawk, gold eyes, and a cutie mark depicting a storm cloud with a lightning bolt shooting out of it asked.

"Well it's not your fault." the pegasus mare said. "It's just that one of those birds is singing a tiny bit off key. Can you help me set him straight?"

"Look Fluttershy." the pegasus stallion said "I signed up for this only so I could ask if you would be able to foalsit Rumble for me next weekend. I'm not that good with animals."

"But Rumble tells me you're always so kind." "Fluttershy" said "And I think you're actually good with animals, you just need a little practice controlling your voice is all."

"Oh okay." the pegasus stallion said. He and "Fluttershy" flew up to speak to the song birds. "You're all doing a good job." the pegasus stallion said "However"

"You're kind of singing off key Mr. Robin" "Fluttershy" said "So if you could try to adjust your pitch just a teensy bit" The bird seemed to acknowledge the feed back. "Okay, let's take it from the top." "Fluttershy" said "And a one. And a two. And a one, two, three."

"Hello." Shining Armor said. His appearance ended up startling "Fluttershy" and the pegasus stallion, and this unintentionally startled the song birds. Causing them to fly off. "Oops. Sorry about that." Shining Armor said "I'm Shining Armor. What are your names?"

"Oh, um, well my name is Fluttershy." "Fluttershy" mumbled to herself.

"Uh I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." Shining Armor said.

"She said her name is Fluttershy. And I'm Thunderlane." Thunderlane said.

"Who's the little cutie I see hiding behind you?" Shining Armor asked, refering to a pegasus colt with a light gray coat, a dark gray mane and tail, and purple eyes.

"Oh, that's Rumble. He's my younger brother." Thunderlane explained "It's okay Rumble, you don't have to be afraid. This stallion isn't going to hurt you."

"I wasn't worried about that." Rumble said "Sorry about my brother, he can be rather overprotective sometimes."

"Don't you have parents?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes. But I hardly ever see them because they work all the time. Rumble said "Thunderlane is the only one who has time for me. And as a result I think he's the coolest big brother ever."

"Aw that's sweet." Shining Armor said. Then he noticed something in the background. "Well it looks like your birds have returned. So I guess everything's in order, I'll just be on my way now if you don't mind. It was nice meeting you."

"That was fast." Spike commented.

"Yeah, lucky for us." Shining Armor said "Let's go."

"Say who's that?" Rumble called out "He looks different."

"I think that's a baby dragon." Thunderlane said.

"A baby dragon?! Where?!" Fluttershy gasped excitedly.

"Over there!" Rumble called out. Fluttershy and Thunderlane promptly raced over and pushed Shining Armor aside. "Oh he's so cute." Fluttershy said.

"I suppose I kind of am." Spike said "But cute doesn't begin to describe me."

"Look guys I appreciate your intrest in my friend over here but we really must be going." Shining Armor said, quickly snatching up Spike and placing him on his back. He then set off for the Golden Oaks Library.

"Would you mind telling me your life story?" Fluttershy asked "I've never met a baby dragon before."

"Neither have I." Thunderlane said.

"Well I suppose I could tell you." Spike said "Let's see here, If I recall correctly I started out as a small purple and green egg, at least until Twilight hatched me."

It seemed like forever before Shining Armor arrived at his destination. He was exhausted.

"And that's my whole life's story, well up until now anyway." Spike said.

"Here we are." Shining Armor said "It was nice talking to you three but my baby dragon and I are tired."

"I'm not tired!" Spike protested. Shining Armor promptly bucked him off. "I hate to do this to you Spike but it's for the good of Equestria." Shining Armor thought to himself. "Aw wook at that. He's so sweepy he can't even keep his wittle bawance." Shining Armor said in fake baby talk. The sound of it made him want to gag.

"Oh you poor thing." Fluttershy said.

"Why don't we help you get him into bed?" Thunderlane suggested.

"Thank you but Spike is my baby dragon, and therefore he is my responsibility." Shining Armor said. He promptly went inside and locked the door. It was dark, but Shining Armor and Spike could make each other out perfectly.

"Did you really need to do that?" Spike asked.

"I'm sorry Spike." Shining Armor apologized "But we need to find out more about Nightmare Moon. And this may be our only chance. Now where's that light switch?"

Suddenly to Shining Armor and Spike's surprise the lights flickered on. "Surprise!" a chorus of voices shouted.

Author's Note:

Whew, this chapter is longer then the others. But whoever said longer chapters are a bad thing?

Anyway this is where I'm making some more obvious tweeks to the show canon. By making Rarity and Fancy Pants business partners, and making it so that Thunderlane and Fluttershy apparently know each other.

I'm pretty sure you can guess what elements Fancy Pants and Soarin will be, and the same likely holds true for Big Macintosh. But Braeburn and Thunderlane probably still have you stumped.

Well just keep watching to find out.

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