• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 10 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Interspecies Relationship: Chapter 85 Pinkie Vs. Needle

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 10 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Interspecies Relationship

Chapter 85 Pinkie Vs. Needle


“I guess you better call Elise and Chris back in, huh?” Pinkie suggested to her boyfriend.

“But I’m having such a lovely time on the floor,” Dan said sarcastically has he rolled his eyes.

“I can make it so you really enjoy it~!” Pinkie sang out.

Twilight chuckled as Dan quickly thrust his hand into his jeans pocket and pulled out his smartphone.

“I’m calling! I’m calling!” Dan declared has he reached for his phone.


Hic…Hhehhh…hehh… But I was just trying to help!” Elise declared shrilly as she choked back tears.

She and Chris sat in the front seats of a large white van that was parked in front of Casa Paradiso.

“I know, honey,” Chris said as he rested a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder, “but both Dan and Twilight seem to be having a really tough time with Pinkie… maybe they bonded over it.”

“But… but…that’s not fair!” Elise declared. “I was the one who was supposed to bond with the magical alicorn princess over this experience! She even hated Dan just a bit ago! Sniff… And then she yelled at me because I got angry with him! IT’S JUST NOT FAIR! Whouaaahhehhhhhehhhh…

Chris paused as he heard his phone ring. He reached into his pocket, pressed the screen, and placed the phone next to his ear. “Hey, Dan.”

“Chris! I need you two to get back in here toot sweet and… is Elise crying?!”

“Yeah, Dan… she took Twilight yelling at her pretty hard,” Chris explained.

Elise quickly dried her eyes as the opened up wide, “Hey! Don’t tell him that!”

Dan sighed heavily, “Is it universal freak out day for everyone?!” Dan cried. “Everywhere I turn it’s people fainting and crying and losing their damned minds! MY GIRLFRIEND IS A DIFFERENT SPECIES THAN ME, HAS EATEN MY SHIRT, AND IS FIGHTING THE URGE TO GET BUSY WITH ME FROM ON TOP OF MY CHEST! And yet, somehow, I’ve managed to not make an idiot out of myself today! Could everyone just please just get it together for a few measly hours!?”

Chris put on an unamused expression. “So I take it you’re ready for us to come back in?” he asked flatly.

“That would be good,” Dan replied. He pressed a button on his screen and terminated the call.

Twilight and Pinkie exchanged quick frowns and looked back at Dan, “Sorry, Dan…” they uttered simultaneously.

Dan sighed, “Don’t worry about it…”

“Don’t worry, Dan!” Pinkie said with a smile. “I’ll cheer you up.”

Dan gave his girlfriend a suspicious look, “Uh, that’s okay Pinkie… I’m… what are you doing?”

Pinkie suddenly began wiggling her body from on top of Dan. The attentive, focused look started to give way to the hungry, slightly crazed look Dan was used to seeing. “Just think,” Pinkie said as her lips begin to widen into a large smile, “there’s just a thin layer of cotton separating the two of us…”

Dan swallowed and leaned his head back to get a look at Twilight, “We’re losing her, Sparkles.”

“I noticed,” Twilight said with a touch of concern as Pinkie leaned her face down next to Dan’s and began sniffing his hair.

“Pa…Pinkie?” Dan stuttered out. “Stay with me. remember how sorry you were for all this just a bit ago?”

“Oh Yeaaaaah…” Pinkie said trailing off with a smile, “… noooooo…” she added with a frown. She quickly smiled again, “Hey Dan! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what, guess what, guesswhat, guesswhat, guesswhat!

Dan sighed, “I smell nice?”

“You smell…” Pinkie’s eyes and smile grew wide and wild, “Oooh, are you psychic…?”

Dan shook his head, “Just good at guessing.”

Pinkie grinned and began to shimmy lower on Dan’s body, “Can you guess what’s going to happen next?”

Dan swallowed and leaned his head back to look at Twilight, “Uh… Twilight?”

Twilight looked at Dan with a pensive grin, “You don’t think Flash or someone else would just randomly barge in again, do you?”

Dan furrowed his brow at the purple alicorn, “You could always… oh I don’t know… LOCK THE DOOR!”

“Oh...” Twilight replied as her eyes widened slightly in realization, “…right,” she added with a sheepish grin.

Dan felt his jeans slowly drift from his legs to down around his legs. “SPARKLER! HURRY IT UP!”

“Hiya, Twilight!” A voice called from the mirror.

Dan smacked a palm against his face.

“Spike!” Twilight called out in alarm, “Now is not a good time!”

“Uh… it’s not a good time to come home?” Spike asked in a confused tone.

Twilight nodded, “Yes!”

“Uh… are we interrupting?” Chris asked as he stood into the doorway and raised an eyebrow.

“Hiya, Chris!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she pulled Dan’s jeans down to around his ankles.

“Chris! Get out of the way of the mirror!” Dan commanded.

“No, Chris!” Twilight called out in a pleading tone. “Please stay exactly where you are!”

Chris put on a confused expression and froze in place

“Uh… what’s going on?” Spike asked.

“NOTHING! Go BACK outside!” Twilight commanded.

Elise poked her head into the room, “Uh… hey guys… can I come in, now?”

“I can take a seeing a few weird monsters, Twilight,” Spike insisted.

“That’s NOT the problem!” Twilight cried.

“Then what is the problem!?” Spike asked.


Pinkie giggled.

“IN A MOMENT, DAN!” Twilight called back.


“Maybe I can help,” Elise said as she produced a small, metal, chrome cylindrical object that seemed to encase a light blue liquid of some sort. She walked into the bathroom and leaned down next to Dan and Pinkie. She ran a couple fingers over Pinkie’s forearm.

Pinkie looked up at Elise and the device in her hand, “Oh! Are you joining in?” She asked with a smile.

Dan looked at the item quizzically, “Don’t tell me that thing emits high frequency pleasure waves.”

“No, and no,” Elise informed as she gave a nod to Dan then Pinkie. She pulled out a black, felt pen and made a mark on Pinkie’s arm. “It’s an injection,” she informed.

Pinkie suddenly froze.

Dan frowned, “You’re going to inject Pinkie with the T-virus? I’m not that desperate!”

Elise furrowed her brow at Dan, “No Dan, it’s just a sedative.”

Pinkie looked up at Elise, the wild hungry look began to flee from her face is a fearful look quickly took root and grew to every inch of the pink mare’s face, “Uh…injection? As in shot? As in…” Pinkie gulped, “…needle?”

Elise took note of her friend’s pensive look, “It’s alright, Pinkie… it’s just a small needle…”

Pinkie suddenly dove off of Dan and placed her back against the end of the bathroom, “Well, would you lookie there!” she said as she forced a worried smile onto her face. “Looks like my heat went away just in time!”

Dan took this opportunity and grabbed his jeans and pulling them back up around his boxers. He quickly pulled up the zipper and stood back on his feet.

“Wait… what’s going on?” Twilight asked.

Chris looked behind him and glanced at the purple alicorn, “Apparently the prospect of getting a shot has sudden, urge reducing properties on Pinkie… except for the urge to not get a shot…”

Twilight nodded, “Makes sense, Pinkie does suffer from needle phobia…”

“Can I stay now?” Spike asked.

“GEE! Sure does seem like my strong, near uncontrollable urge to ride Dan until he can’t tell up from down is gone!” Pinkie said as she attempted to force a convincing smile.

“…What? Ride?” Spike asked.

Twilight smacked a forehoof against her face and shook her head, “Spike, why don’t you take a nice, long, bubble bath?”

“Uh, sounds great Twilight, but I’m actually hungry…” Spike replied.

Twilight sighed, “Spike, go take a bath and I’ll bring you dinner.”

Spike’s eyes widened as his jaw nearly unhinged, “You’re going to let me eat in the tub?!” he cried. “Can I… can I get ice cream?!”

“Sure! Fine! Whatever! Just go!” Twilight said.

Spike beamed from ear to ear. “Alright Twilight! You’re the best roommate ever!” Spike declared as he rushed for the bathroom.

Elise tossed a look over to Dan, “It’s you who really has to deal with this. What do you think?”

Dan cocked an eyebrow as he removed the near useless tatters of his black t-shirt from his body, “I think my wardrobe is now down a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and that the last hour has been really, really weird. I’d like to at least reestablish some normalcy here.”

Chris, Elise, and Twilight all glanced at Dan and raised an eyebrow at him.

Dan folded his arms over his bare chest and rolled his eyes, “Relatively speaking, of course.”

“Pa-pa-pa-PLEASE DAN!” Pinkie cried. “I’ll be good! I promise.” Tears began to stream from Pinkie’s eyes as she continued to stand on her back legs and press herself against the wall and window behind her. “Don’t give me a ShoOoOoOoOoOoOT!

Elise put on an earnest smile, “You’ll barely feel it! I promise!”

“But it’s going to HurURurURurURurURT!” Pinkie cried as she puffed out her lower lip and tears continued to fall from her eyes.

“Pinkie!” Twilight called. “I’m sorry, but I think this has to be done! We can’t really help you if you’re going to attach yourself to Dan!”

Pinkie’s eyes frantically darted from the item in Elise hand to all of her friends. Without warning she turned and attempted to open the window.

“Pinkie! Wait!” Twilight pleaded, “You can’t go outside!”

“She won’t…” Dan said.

“GAAAH!” Pinkie screeched in frustration. “STUPID NAILS!” she cried as she glared angrily at the nails she herself had hammered in earlier.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned with a panicked expression.

Dan stood mere inches away from her and regarded her with a soft look. “Hey, it’ll be alright…”

Pinkie shook her head as she bit her lower lip and tears poured from her eyes. “Na…no it won’t!” Pinkie sobbed out. “It’s going to hurt!”

“Look, if you can promise to keep yourself under control, we won’t have to give you the injection.”

Pinkie made a loud, phlegmy sniff, “Snnifffgh…Really?!” Pinkie said hopefully.

Dan wrapped an arm around Pinkie’s shoulders, “I swear on my mother's life,” he answered softly.

“Thanks Dan,” Pinkie said as she closed her eyes and leaned her body against Dan, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, “you’re the best boyfriend ever…sniff…sniff…Also, you smell ni-OUCH!”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought…” Dan said as he pulled the injection device out of the black mark on Pinkie’s arm.

Pinkie quickly pushed Dan away, “You son of a BIIIiiiiiiiiiii…” Pinkie’s eyes rolled back in her head as it wobbled from side to side. She quickly fell to the floor in a heap with a soft ‘Thump.’.

Dan passed the injection device back to Elise, “Jokes on you, I hate my mom.” Dan turned to Elise. “How long will that keep her under control?”

Elise shrugged, “With Pinkie’s metabolism, who knows? I erred on the side of caution in regards to her body weight, too… I didn’t want to hurt her.”

Twilight breathed a relieved sigh, “Phew…Good work, Elise. Maybe we can finally make some progress here.”

Elise beamed wide and nodded at Twilight.

Pinkie began to giggle crazily from the floor.

Everyone glanced down at the pink mare.

“Pinkie,” Dan began in an inquisitive tone, “are you okay?”

Daaaaan… hehehehehehe… the floor feels AWESOME-POSSUM!” she declared. “Come feel it with me!”

Uhhh… that’s okay,” Dan said. “I just spent an hour down there, I remember how it feels.”

Pinkie looked up at Dan with large, glassy eyes. Her pupils had dilated to the point where her sky-blue irises where barely visible, “But what if the floor has changed since then?”

Dan looked up at Elise with a knitted brow and raised eyebrow and motioned to Pinkie with both hands.

“What!” Elise protested, “She’s a pink pony from another dimension! All I could do is treat her like a medium-sized mammal and hope for the best! How would I know she’d start acting weird…?”

Everyone turned and stared at Elise.

“Alright, weirder…” Elise stressed.

“Well, she’s pretty strange even by pony standards,” Twilight pointed out. “At least she’s relatively calm, now.”

Pinkie began to lick the side of the bathtub, “Hehehehe… The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!” she announced as before going back to licking the side of the tub.

“What the heck was in that thing?!” Dan demanded.

“Uh… horse tranquilizer,” Elise said with a nervous grin.

“… Your plan was to drug Pinkie?!” Dan shouted. “She already acts like she’s on drugs!” he said as he emphatically motioned out with his hands. “I know thinking isn’t your strong suite, but how could you possibly think that was a good idea?!”

“What! She’s a horse, so I gave her something for horses!” Elise said. “I thought it was a pretty safe bet.”

“Ohmygosh, GUYS!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Hehehehe… I just was just thinking how awesome it would be if I were my favorite color and it worked!

Dan glanced down at Pinkie then back up to Elise. “You know what?” he said. “I’m just going to take this one. Pinkie’s not screaming or trying to tear my clothes off…” Dan’s eyes shot open wide as he felt arms wrap around his legs, he stared down as Pinkie began enthusiastically rubbing her cheek against his jeans. “Uh… Goofball? What are you doing?”

“Your jeans feel like BLUE!” Pinkie announced.

Riiiiiight…” Dan said as he looked down at the pink mare. He turned to look at Chris, “Hey, Monkey-face, would you mind grabbing Pinkie? Kinda hoping she’s not going to attach herself to me again”

“Uh… sure Dan…” Chris reached down and hooked his hands under Pinkie’s arms.

Hehehe… That tickles,” Pinkie said.

Chris lifted the pink pony up. To everyone’s relief, she didn’t wrap her arms around Dan this time.

Whooaaa…” Pinkie said as Chris held her up above the ground. “Am I… am I a pegasus now?! I think I’m flying!”

Chris backed up a few steps towards the bathroom doorway.

Dan looked at Twilight, “I think you’re good to go find orange horse.”

Twilight sighed, “Love to, except I just promised a baby-dragon lunch.”

Dan frowned, “Hang in there, Twilight.”

Duuuuuuuuude…” Pinkie uttered as she stared at her hooves. “My hooves are huuuuuuuge!” She announced as she held her hooves away from each other.They can touch anything but themselves…” Pinkie slowly placed her hooves together, “Oh wait…”

“Yeah, you too, Dan,” Twilight said with a small smile as she trotted out of sight.

Elise whimpered quietly.

“What?” Chris whispered.

“Why does Dan get to have a moment with Twilight? I want to have a moment!” Elise whispered back.

“Moments… moments… moments…” Pinkie began to murmur, “Here now but gone in a… moment… tee-hee! I’m a poet and didn’t know it!” Pinkie gasped. “Hey! That rhymed.”

Dan cocked an eyebrow at Chris and Elise, “You two dorks know this is a tiny bathroom and I’m standing literally a few feet from you and can hear everything you’re saying, right?”

Elise puffed put her lower lip, “Okay but… now that Pinkie isn’t in constant need of attention…”

“Oooo! Cotton candy!” Pinkie cried as she snatched a lock of her hair and shoved it in her mouth, “Om nom nom…Oh sfweet Ceffesfia! Iffs swooo goooood! If’s beffer than I could have dreaffed!”

“Uh… magic attention…” Elise corrected, “…do you think I can spend some time with Twilight? You know… for the sake of turning Pinkie back.”

Dan rolled his eyes, “Yes, yes, you two nerds can talk science stuff and geek out to your hearts’ content. I’m sure you two will get on like an orphanage on fire. Chris and I can keep an eye on Pinkie.”

Pinkie stared off into space as she raised one of her back legs up to her mouth and and absentmindedly gnawed on her hoof.

Elise grinned wide. “Thanks Dan!” she said as she leaned down to plant a small peck on the short man’s cheek. “You’re the best.”

Chris’s and Dan’s jaws unhinged as Dan raised a hand up to his cheek.

Elise stared back at Dan as the color began to drain from her face.

“El…Elise?” Dan stammered out. “Did you… did you just …?”

“Uh… you know? There’s no telling what just happened…” Elise offered.

“Guys?” Pinkie interrupted, “I think I’m really bucking high… I’m sure I just saw Elise smooch Dan on the cheek.” Pinkie's eye suddenly shot open wide, "Also, there's a magic leprechaun who keeps showing up to grant me wishes!"

Elise froze and place and stared slack jawed out into open space.

“Right, everyone out of the bathroom,” Dan commanded. “I think I’ve earned the right to freak out, here.”

“Sa…sure Dan…” Chris stammered out.

“Do I have to smooch Chris’s cheek?” Pinkie asked.

“Uh… no…” Dan replied as he knitted his brow at the pink mare.

Pinkie frowned, “Oh, I’m pretty sure I do…” Pinkie gasped, “… otherwise the universe will be out of balance!”

Dan sighed, “You know what? I don’t even care. Go ahead, give his cheek a good lick!”

“YAY!” Pinkie said enthusiastically.

“Wait, Dan-WHOA!” Chris cried as Pinkie squirmed in his grip to face the tall man. She threw herself at Chris causing him to fall backwards into the hall and began enthusiastically licking his cheek.

Hehehe… Your cheek taste like bacon!” Pinkie declared.

“Uh… Thanks… I-OW! Stop biting!” Chris said.

“Dan, do you still have Everclear?” Elise asked. “I need to sanitize my lips… and maybe get a little drunk.”

Dan nodded, “It’s under the sink.”

“Right…” Elise quickly swiveled on her feet and stepped out into the hall. “You’re driving,” she announced to Chris as she stepped over her husband and the pink pony that was busily attacking his face.

“Pinkie?” Dan called.

Pinkie suddenly shot up and twisted her head nearly 180 degrees to face Dan with a sickening sounding, ‘crack’, “Yes Dan, my boyfriend, my lover-dover?”

Dan flinched at Pinkie’s bizarre ability to turn her head to such an extreme angle. “Go uh… go wrap yourself in the bed sheets and pretend you’re a burrito.”

Pinkie’s eyes shot open as she opened her mouth wide, “THAT’S THE BEST IDEA ANYONE HAS EVER HAD EVER!” She announced.

“Yeah, I know,” Dan said. He looked at Chris, “Hopefully you can smuggle her out if she’s covered.”

Chris nodded, “Oh, good thinking.

Pinkie looked down at Chris, “Chris! CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS!”

“Uh… yeah Pinkie?” Chris replied with a confused expression.

“Hi, Chris.” Pinkie replied.

“Uh… Hey, Pinkie.”

Dan sighed and closed the door to the bathroom and walked over to the bath, he turned the handle on the facet to as hot as it would go and let the water run.

Now to see if I can scrub an entire layer of skin off my cheek…

Author's Note:

CassandraMyOCisBestpony ended up feeding me a line to use here.

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