• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 14 Pinkie Vs. National Association of Restaurants Foundation: Chapter 115: Rarity Vs. The Magic of Friendship

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 14 Pinkie Vs. National Association of Restaurants Foundation
Chapter 115: Rarity Vs. The Magic of Friendship


Quiet, still, tranquil, peaceful… these were not words one would usually associate with the Everfree forest. However, if a pony wandered away from Ponyville and kept to the edge of the forest, it was possible to find such serene areas. Areas not likely to be visited by manticores, timberwolves, cragadiles, or any number of large and dangerous beasts. Areas just as unlikely to be visited by ponies for fear of said creatures.

In such a spot sat a large tree, its trunk tall and wide, its leafy branches reaching up to the sky. A tree much like many of the other trees in the forest, with one distinct addition; a black and white target had been set up on it.


A target that now had an arrow sticking out of its bullseye.

Rarity looked through a pair of binoculars surrounded by a light-blue glow. She stood atop a hill some distance from her target ,with her usually long hair tied up in a bun against her head. A brown quiver full of arrows rested on her back.

“Didja hit it?” a cheerful voice called out.

“Yes, Spike. Dead center,” Rarity reported simply as the binoculars lowered from her eyes.

“Ha! Awesome!” Spike exclaimed as he stood next to a pair of pink saddle bags.

Rarity frowned slightly. “Accuracy is fine, dearie, but if that was all I was trying to accomplish I would have been finished a long time ago…”

“Awww, cheer up, Rarity! You’re amazing! I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon.”

Rarity smiled slightly and nodded at Spike. “Thank you Spike, now if you’ll be so kind as to give me a little quiet….”

Spike nodded happily and pinched a couple claws together, moving them horizontally across his lips.

Rarity raised the binoculars again then quickly lowered them. A light-blue aura surrounded an arrow as it floated into the air beside Rarity’s face.

She closed her eyes as her aura began to expand around the arrow, forming a two-dimensional diamond shape around it.


The diamond shape continued to extend outward, turning into an arc above and below the tip of the arrow and two small strings of energy behind it.


The arrow slid back slightly, the energy behind seemingly pulling back as well. The now bow-like shape compressed down as it was pulled out. The arrow drifted further and further back until it hovered slightly behind and to the side of Rarity. A bead up sweat formed around the bottom of Rarity’s horn and began to travel down her face.


Rarity’s expression turned tranquil as the bead of sweat hit her eyebrow and rested there.


The arrow suddenly flew forwards as strands of energy rushed to meet the larger arcs at the front. The bow-like aura suddenly dissipated as the arrow soared forward through the air, flying towards its target until it hit the back of the first arrow with a ‘Snap!’ and hitting the target with a ‘SHUK!’

Rarity brought the binoculars up to her face and frowned once more. “No, no, no, NO!” she cried in frustration.

“What’s wrong?!” Spike asked in a concerned tone. “Didja miss?”

Rarity shook her head. “Split the first arrow in twain, in fact.”

“Wow! That’s amazing! You’re amazing!”

Rarity sighed. “Thank you, darling. But it’s still not right…”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

Rarity looked behind her and offered the slightest hints of a nod. “Hello, Twilight. Here for Spike?”

“Well, yeah actually,” Twilight said.

Awww man,” Spike said.

“Spike!” Twilight said in a maternal tone. “Everyone’s gathering to check in on Pinkie! You know how much she likes seeing everypony!”

“But we’re on the verge of a breakthrough here, I can just feel it!” Spike said.

“Spike has done an excellent job of keeping me company,” Rarity interjected.

Spike blushed slightly and kicked at the ground. “Awwww, shucks…”

“However, I hate to monopolize his time if he’s needed for something,” Rarity added.

“But…” Spike said as he looked at Rarity. “But…”

“Spike’s not the only pony—dragon—” Twilight looked to her left and scrunched her lips that direction as well “—one I was hoping to get to come with me.”

Rarity simply raised her binoculars once more and looked out. “Well, as you can see, I’m terribly busy.”

Another arrow floated into position.


“Rarity,” Twilight said, “you’ve been coming out here for weeks now!”

Rarity’s aura once again formed into a diamond shape around the arrow, then pulled out into a bow.


“You hardly open the boutique anymore…”

The arrow drifted back along with the string of energy at the back of the aura.


“Heck! I think everypony has seen much more of Pinkie… even Dan, than they’ve seen of you lately.”

Rarity’s expression turned tranquil.




Rarity raised her binoculars then quickly lowered them as she scowled out at the tree far in front of her and scrunched her muzzle up.

Twilight sighed. “I know you’re on edge because of Discord’s story! Everypony is!

“Well maybe they should be preparing, too!” Rarity snapped back.

Spike shifted from one foot to the other with an uncomfortable expression on his face. “Maybe I should start practicing with my trident… or a sword… or something…”

Twilight looked down at the baby dragon. “Spike! No!” she said forcefully.

Spike looked up at Twilight with an irritated expression. “Well, how come everypony else is going to fight?! I can fight!”

“Spike! You’re too young to fight!”

Spike scowled up at Twilight. “Oh really? Am I too young to fight off a horde of cockatrices in the streets of Canterlot, too? I mean, you might want to go back in time to tell past Spike that!”

“He’s got a point, dearie,” Rarity said. “Young or not, he’s certainly proven he can handle himself in a dangerous situation.”

Spike grinned widely. “There! You see?”

UHHHHG!” Twilight huffed out in irritation and turned to Rarity as the white unicorn lifted another arrow into place.


“I thought you of all ponies would want ‘Spikey-wikey’ out of harm’s way!” Twilight exclaimed.


“Yes, well… I think I understand how he feels quite well…” Rarity replied as she closed her eyes.


Twilight sighed.




Rarity opened her eyes and glared out in front of her, not even bothering with the binoculars this time.

“I didn’t come here for a fight,” Twilight said.

“Then why did you come here?” Rarity asked as she lifted yet another arrow into place.


“I… Look, if you’re worried about defending Equestria, it seems to me you’ve done more than enough preparation to handle yourself and anything that’s thrown at us.”


“Uh, Rarity?” Spike said in an unsure tone.


“… I think I have to agree with Twilight here…”




Rarity’s frown grew deeper as Spike continued, “…I mean, I love spending time with you, but you have been out here every day for weeks now! Would it really hurt to spend some time with—?”

Rarity turned, her face red and her cheeks puffed out. She scowled at Spike and then Twilight. “Look, I don’t want to be a burden to anypony, so if you two have somewhere else you’d rather be, then go!”

Twilight went silent.

Spike’s eyes widened and his eyes began to tear up slightly. “Rarity, I… I don’t think you’re a burden…”

Rarity stared at Spike and her expression softened a bit. She trotted up to him and gently caressed one of his cheeks with a forehoof. “I know, Spike… I’m sorry. It was unladylike to snap at you both like that…”

Spike smiled as he enjoyed the feeling of Rarity’s touch. “Awww, it’s alright. You’re just under a lot of pressure! Just like the rest of us!”

No pony thinks you’re a burden,” Twilight said as she trotted up to Rarity and placed a forehoof on her shoulder. She looked Rarity directly in the eyes. “You’ve proven you’re a capable warrior yourself, Rarity. Are you really this wound up over all the things Discord said?”

Rarity shook her head. “No, not them.”

Twilight paused for a second. “… TOK?”

Rarity let out a heavy sigh.

Twilight scrunched her brow up. “Well, you have magic too! I mean, it’s not like you’re defenseless against them.”

“I might as well be…” Rarity muttered to herself.

Twilight smiled. “Hey! I know you’ll do your best when the time comes.”

Rarity shook her head. “Oh Twilight, I’m not sure my best is simply good enough!” Rarity motioned out to Twilight. “Sure it’s easy enough for you to keep them at bay. You seem to have a limitless supply of magic and can blast away endlessly.”

“Well sure, but that doesn't—”

“But me, I get winded after a few blasts. I’m just not used to firing my magic off like that!”

Twilight frowned. “So… because you have trouble with shooting continuous blasts of pure magic… you’re out here… shooting arrows…”

Rarity pursed her lips. “I’m working on something else… something that requires a little more finesse and a lot less energy.”

Twilight’s face lit up. “A new spell! Why didn’t you say so? I’d be more than happy to—”

“Twilight, dear?” Rarity interrupted as she placed a forehoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “While I appreciate that you want to help me, I truly feel this is something I need to accomplish for myself.”

Twilight frowned slightly and raised a hoof onto Rarity’s. “Alright, Rarity. Just remember you have friends that love and care about you. Friends that will be there we you need them to be, and friends that need you to be there for them as well.”

Rarity’s eyes widened slightly as her azure irises began to glow. She smiled as she lifted another arrow into place. “I will, Twilight,” she said with a nod as she placed her hoof back in the ground.

Twilight nodded solemnly, lowered her own forehoof, and turned.

The aura around the arrow widened.


“Come along, Spike,” Twilight said as she trotted away.

The arrow drifted back.


“Alright…” Spike said reluctantly as he turned and began walking after Twilight.

The tip of the arrow began to glow a brilliant shade of blue.





“WAHAHAHAAAA!” Rarity cried triumphantly.

Twilight and Spike quickly turned and rushed back to Rarity.

“Rarity, what—whoa…” Spike uttered as he stared down the hill, his mouth hanging ajar.

“Spike?” Twilight called out. “What is… UhWow…”

Rarity smiled proudly to herself as she used her magic to open her pink saddle bag up. She put her binoculars back inside. “Twilight, I believe I will join everypony in the library. However, I do need to clean myself up a bit. I have something important to share with everypony.”

Twilight smiled. “Of course, Rarity. We’ll see you there.”

“Spike?” Rarity called as she lifted her saddlebags onto her back and trotted over to Spike.

“Yeah, Rarity?”

Rarity leaned down and planted a small peck on Spike’s cheek. “Thanks for helping me for these last few weeks.

Awww shucks, twernt nothin’…” Spike said sheepishly as his cheeks turned beet-red.

Rarity shook her head and stared into Spike’s large emerald eyes with her azure-colored ones. “No, it was something. It just took me a while to see that…”

“Ra…Rarity?” Spike stammered out.

Rarity smiled and trotted off. “Well, no point dawdling! I don’t want to keep everypony waiting!”

Uh… right! Sure, Rarity!” Spike said. “See you soon!” he called out.

Twilight smiled and shook her head. She took one more look down the hill before turning and heading back to Ponyville.

The target and the arrows sticking out of it where no longer there, replaced by a smoldering patch on the tree where they once were.


“Wowie-zowie, Spike!” Pinkie cried in an excitable tone as she sat next to Dan on the edge of the couple’s bed. The pair looked out at Pinkie’s ornate mirror; Pinkie’s friends had gathered in front of their own mirror in Twilight’s library. “That sounds incredible!”

Spike nodded. “You’re telling me! There was nothing left of the target!”

Rainbow Dash hovered in the air with an excited expression on her face. “So Rarity can make exploding arrows?! So awwesssoome!

Pffft, that’s nothing,” Dan said as he waved a hand about dismissively.

Daaaaaaan~,” Pinkie sang out with a smile. “It’s not a competition.”

Dan held up an index finger. “But if it was, I’d be winning,” he said simply.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and flew up to the Equestria side mirror. “You’re saying you can do something more impressive than magic exploding arrows?”

“Well, sure!” Dan replied. “I mean, I can use my magic powers to teleport objects, punch down doors, and beat up large, muscular men!”

“Wow! Sweet!” Spike cried.

Oh my…” Fluttershy uttered.

“What the huh?” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Wait a darn tootin’ second here!” Applejack cried. “Yer telling me you’ve somehow tapped into some o’ the same powers you had when ya saved Pinkie from TOK?”

Dan folded his arms and smiled smugly. “Yep.”

Twilight frowned. “Is anyone else kind of completely terrified by this recent development?”

“Well, kind of,” Fluttershy replied. “But it’s a little hard to tell from how I feel most of the time…”

Twilight turned to Pinkie. “And you’ve seen him do this stuff?!”

Pinkie grinned sheepishly. “Well… uhno on account of me either being in another room or unconscious when it happens, but I mean… I know our new-old couch mysteriously appeared at the apartment, and Dan was able to break down a door, and beat up our newest bakery employee.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes at Dan. “Yer beating up yer help, now?”


“Oh!” Twilight replied. “Well, are you sure it’s Dan being able to utilize the powers he had in The Nexus and not Elise or one of your other stealthy friends following you around and keeping you two from getting into too much trouble?”

Yes,” Dan snapped angrily, “because the last few times I attempted to contact them, my friends have been too busy being useless not-good-minions to lend a hand!”

Pinkie frowned. “Twilight, are you questioning that Dan might have new abilities because the thought of him being able to teleport objects and channel magical energy into his fists is scary to you?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, absolutely.”

Suddenly the door to the library swung open, revealing Rarity. She wore her pink saddle bag and looked much like her regular, prim and polished self. “Announcing the lady Rarity!” Rarity declared as she raised a forehoof dramatically. “Fresh from her journey of self-discovery.”

“Rarity!” Pinkie exclaimed happily.

Rarity…” Spike uttered dreamily.

Rainbow Dash smiled and flew up to Rarity. “‘Sup fashion pony? Heard you of all ponies were out becoming one with nature.”

Applejack cantered over and threw her forearm around Rarity’s shoulders. “How’ve ya been? I figured ya done gone off and decided ya’d live in the woods at this point.”

Rarity returned the affection as she looked between Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Oh, heavens, no! I just got a little bit caught up in a project of mine.”

“A little?” Twilight said with a smirk.

Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled “Alright dearie, so I may have sequestered myself away more than what was strictly healthy for my social life…”

Fluttershy trotted over to Rarity and also gave her a hug. “We’re all really happy to see you again, Rarity.”

Dan shrugged. “Eh—OW!” he exclaimed as Pinkie extracted her elbow from his side.

“Rarity!” Pinkie cried. “Come over here and press yourself against that mirror! I’m going to give the best interdimensional hug I can!”

Rarity tittered to herself and trotted over to the mirror in Twilight’s library. She pressed herself against it as Pinkie quickly ran up to her own mirror and squished her face, body, and arms against her mirror as best she could.

Swo,” Pinkie began excitedly as she remained pressed to the mirror, “Twilight and Spwike twold us you’wre working on some spwecial kwind of explwodey arrow magic?”

Rarity smiled and shook her head as she backed away from the mirror on her end. “Not exactly, dearie. You see, the spell is not limited to just arrows.”

Pinkie returned to her seat on the bed with an interested expression.

Twilight spoke up, “You still haven’t explained exactly what it does.”

“I’ll be more than happy to, darling.” Rarity turned to Spike. “Spike, would you be a dear and fetch your trident?”

Spike saluted and ran off towards the stairs of the library.

With a light blue glow, one of the flaps to Rarities saddle bag opened. She pulled out an arrow and held it upright in front of her. Her horn glowed blue as she stared at the arrow carefully. The tip began to glow a bright blue.

“Ooooo…” Pinkie exclaimed. “Shiny!”

Twilight also began to stare at the arrow as her horn glowed purple. Everypony else in the room looked at it close as well.

Dan rolled his eyes. “So Prissy can make things glow, big deal.” He motioned to himself. “I own a lava lamp.”

“It’s not just about the arrow glowing, Dan,” Twilight replied with a smile. “Rarity is sustaining a potentially harmful magic field around the tip of the arrow while exerting very little of her own energy. This simple arrow could cause quite a bit of damage if it came into contact with something.”

“Clearly you’ve never owned a lava lamp,” Dan replied. “Otherwise you’d know what damage they can do if thrown while still hot.”

“Or even just still plugged in!” Pinkie chimed in as shook one of her hands painfully as a memory replayed in her mind.

Applejack spoke up, “So this is what ya’ve been workin’ on all this time?”

Rarity nodded. “Mmmm-hmmm. I wanted to figure out a way to better harness my magical power if those TOK ruffians were to show their ereyes here again. Twilight helped me reach a breakthrough when she mentioned all the ponies who love and care about me and, in turn, that I love and care about. You see, I was able to tap into something by remembering that. It would seem my desire to want to help and protect everypony keeps the spell alive.”

The ponies and Pinkie erupted into a chorus of impressed-sounding statements and exclamations.

Bleck,” Dan uttered, plowing through the positive mood with his negativity. “Don’t tell me friendship is some sort of well of magical energy over there.”

Pinkie looked through the mirror at her friends that all exchanged glances with each other.

Uh, it kinda is,” Twilight informed.

Dan sighed. “Well, I guess if you can use it to blow stuff up, it’s not all bad…”

“Oh, I can do more than that!” Rarity said as Spike returned with a brass trident that was twice as long as he was tall. “Spike, hold on tight to your Trident.”

Spike complied as a cloud of blue energy drifted out from Rarity’s horn and encompassed the end of Spike’s trident which began to glow bright blue.

Everyone, sans Dan, uttered a collection of “Oooh”s and “Aahh”s. Dan folded his arms and stared out with a sullen expression on his face.

“Whoa! Awesome!” Spike exclaimed. “It looks like I’m ready to kick some TOK—”

The light at the end of Spike’s trident suddenly went out.

“What happened?!” Spike cried.

Rarity chuckled. “Don’t worry Spike, I thought that would happen. Once I casted the spell on your weapon, I made it so it was up to you to maintain the spell.”

“Me?!” Spike exclaimed. “But I don’t know anything about using magic.”

Rarity smiled. “Don’t worry. Once I cast the spell again, close your eyes and think about keeping all your friends safe… about keeping me safe.”

Spike smiled warmly. “Alright, Rarity.”

Rarity nodded. “Alright, I’m casting it again,” Rarity said as her horn glowed blue once more.

Spike closed his eyes and held onto his trident tightly. Alright… concentrate on keeping all my friends safe from danger… From keeping Rarity safe from danger… On making sure nothing bad happens to them or her if we’re all—

Oooooh!” Pinkie uttered. “Really shiny!”

“Spike, please stop thinking about Rarity,” Twilight said.

“Huh?” Spike said. “But I thought—” Spike opened his eyes and immediately squinted. His trident was shining almost blindingly bright and even humming with magical energy.

Twilight, Rarity and all the other ponies had pressed themselves against the shelves of the library as they tried to put as much space as they could between them and the dangerous-looking trident.

Pinkie watched awestruck from the mirror. Dan had a wicked grin on his face as we watched the other ponies cower.

“Uh, thank you, Spike,” Rarity said. “You can stop thinking about protecting us now.”

“Oh, right!” Spike exclaimed.

The light at the end of the trident dimmed and eventually went out entirely.

The ponies breathed a sigh of relief and walked back towards the center of the library.

“So ya can do that with any of us?” Applejack asked excitedly.

Rarity nodded. “I can enchant practically any item! Why, I daresay I can even do horseshoes!”Rarity frowned slightly. “Just make sure not to concentrate on the magical energy exploding outward or anything like that…” she said in a cautioned tone.

SWEEEET!” Rainbow Dash declared as she did a quick loop in the air.

“Uh… yay?” Fluttershy said in an unsure tone.

“Wow! Great thinking, Rarity.” Twilight exclaimed. “Now all of us can be useful if TOK comes back!”

The ponies and Spike all walked up to Rarity and congratulated her.

Pinkie’s smile dropped slightly and her eyes betrayed a hint of sadness as she watched her friends celebrate.

Dan looked at Pinkie with a concerned expression, reached over, and gave one of Pinkie’s hands a squeeze. She turned to him and looked at him lovingly as she squeezed his hand back.

Twilight cleared her throat causing every pony to look at her. “Don’t worry Pinkie! Elise and I are working together on a way to get you home.”

Pinkie’s face lit up. “I’m so happy you two have become such good friends! So how is the research to open a portal between our dimensions going?”


SHUT IT OFF! SHUT IT OFF! SHUT IT OFF!” Twilight cried over and over again as she used her magic to blast a long purple tentacle dotted with large green suction cups as it reached out for her.


The tentacle fell to the floor, writhing on the ground as a viscous green liquid leaked out from the recently severed burnt end.


Twilight fired purple beam after purple beam as a plethora of squirming tentacles continued to reach out from a swirling vortex from Twilight’s large, wood-framed mirror. She gritted her teeth as her eyes widened fearfully. She backed away from the mirror, shooting at tentacles and chanting the entire time.



Suddenly, the edges of the vortex began to close in and the tentacles retracted, replaced by Elise as she sat next to a large, metal device that had an aperture pointed directly at the mirror on her end. She wore a white lab coat and safety goggles.

“Hey!” Elise said excitedly as she lifted the safety goggles from off her head. “We opened a portal! I mean… it wasn’t between our worlds, but that’s some pretty serious progress!”

“My floor is covered in tentacles!”Twilight huffed out as she motioned to her floor with a forehoof.

Elise’s eyes darted across all the tentacles on Twilight’s floor. “Erm… Hey! Look on the bright side,” Elise offered cheerfully. “They should fry up quite nicely.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes as a hissing noise sounded out. “The green ooze from the tentacles is melting my wooden floors,” she cried as she motioned to a number of new, smoking holes that had just opened up in her floor.

“Well uh… At least you’ll have a basement now?” Elise offered.

“I have a basement!” Twilight exclaimed.

Flames suddenly shot up from the holes in the basement with a ‘FWOOOSH!’

Twilight furrowed her brow. “And it’s full of magical potions and chemicals which can be dangerous if mishandled.”

Elise pursed her lips. “I’m just going to let you clean up now.”

Twilight nodded. “That would be best.”


“Oh, it’s going,” Twilight assured with a nod.

“Oh yeah!” Dan cried. “Well look what I can do!”

Pinkie pursed her lips. “Dan, it’s okay! No pony expects you to…”

“No, I got this!” Dan cried. He closed his eyes and concentrated. “Turkey sandwich… Turkey sandwich…” he chanted softly he raised an arm out.

Everypony went quiet as Dan continued to chant and motion out into open air.

“… Turkey sandwich… Turkey sandwich… Turkey sandwichTurkeeeeey saaaaandwiiiich…”

Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Soooo… are we supposed to join in the stupid chant too, or—”

Dan’s eyes shot open and he glared out at Rainbow Dash angrily. “YOU WRECKED MY CONCENTRATION! NOW I HAVE TO—!”


The group looked on as a single thin slice of turkey meat appeared in the air and fell to the floor with a soft ‘plop’.

For a few moments, no pony said anything.

Pinkie suddenly gasped. “DAN! You did it! Kinda-sorta!”

“HA!” Dan cried triumphantly.

“Whoa! Cool!” Spike exclaimed.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror. “Oh that poor, poor turkey!”

“Huh…” Applejack said as she stared out the mirror. “Nice going there, pardner… I guess…”

Rainbow Dash folded her arms. “SO!” she cried. “It wasn’t an entire sandwich!” She grumpily looked away from the mirror. “Also I can break the sound barrier…” she uttered.

Dan chuckled and stood up. “Well, on that note, if you talentless losers will excuse us. Pinkie and I have a dinner to attend with a couple of our useless minions.”

Pinkie waved. “Bye-bye, everypony! It was so nice to see you! I love you all!” she said.

The ponies and Spike said their goodbyes as Pinkie replaced a blanket over the mirror, giving one more quick smile and a wave before the blanket blocked out the view.

Twilight’s horn glowed purple briefly as a bolt quickly hit the mirror. The word ‘MUTE’ appeared over it in big, purple letters.

Twilight’s smile suddenly dropped and she stared out at the mirror as if the item itself had just promised fiery doom upon Equestria.

Applejack trotted up to Twilight and put a forehoof up to her own mouth as she quietly spoke into Twilight’s ear. “Once we’ve figured out all this TOK and dimensional nonsense, we’re gonna figure out this whole Dan having magic powers and whatnot, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Definitely.”

Author's Note:

Partially inspired by this comic:


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