• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings: Chapter 154 Sunset Shimmer Vs. Pinkie Pie

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings

Chapter 154 Sunset Shimmer Vs. Pinkie Pie


GRRRRR!” Pinkie cried in frustration as she frantically moved her fingers over the controller in her hand. She leaned forward exposing just a bit of cleavage from under her low cut navy blue top which was under a blue blouse with a white bow on the chest. A navy blue skirt that stopped just above her knees which were shaking in both excitement and frustration. Her ankle length white sock covered legs joined the shaking, and a yellow ribbon in her hair completed the outfit.

Dan chuckled as she sat on the couple’s red couch next to Pinkie, also holding a controller. His fingers likewise flew over the device, but his body was relaxed and calm compared to Pinkie. “Well… You’re not terrible, but you sure the heck can’t compete with me.”

Pinkie gritted her teeth and glanced at Dan. She began rapidly tapping at buttons on the control with a small degree of control.

The TV and speakers in front of the couple seemed to explode in a furry of sound and light for a second.

“HAH!” Pinkie said as she turned to Dan.

Dan glared at Pinkie and then smiled. “Well done, my faithful student. Keep it up and you might almost be at my level someday.”

Pinkie giggled. “Hehehe

‘Knock, knock!’

“Ugh…” Dan uttered as he glanced at the door. “Don’t people have better things to do than to go door to door and harass people?”

Pinkie smiled happily as she stood up. “Don’t worry, Dan! I’ll get it.”

“Fine, but if it’s another Butterfly Girl selling cookies, I’m grabbing the fire extinguisher.”

Pinkie flung open the door and gave whoever was on the other side a bright, cheery smile. “Hello! Sorry for the wait! Dan and I where… where…” Pinkie trailed off, open mouth smile still plastered on her face as she stared at the red-and-yellow haired woman holding a black handbag and waiting on the walkway in front of the apartment.

“Uh, hey,” Sunset Shimmer greeted with a small wave as she looked at Pinkie through her large black sunglasses. “I wanted to talk to Dan.”

Pinkie closed her mouth. “Nope! No Dan here. You must have the wrong apartment!” Pinkie quickly tried to close the door.

The door slammed on Sunset’s boot.

Ow!” Sunset cried. She pressed her face up to the crack in the door and wedged her fingers inside. “Look! I know this is Dan’s apartment because I was here before!”

“Yeah! To kidnap him then deliver a bomb to me!” Pinkie kept on trying to close the door with one hand as she attempted to pry up Sunset’s fingers with her other. “Well there’ll be no kidnapping Dan or blowing me up today!”

“I’m not here to do that!”

“No kidnapping me or trying to blow up Dan, either!” Pinkie said as she ducked behind the door. She placed her back against it and shoved her body weight against it.

“I’m really sorry about that day, alright!” Sunset said as she attempted to force her limbs through the small opening in the door. “Can’t we just leave the past in the past?!”

“It was less than a week ago!” Pinkie cried.

Sunset let out a small grunt as she continued to push on the store. “Still the past! Still counts!”

“He’s not even here!” Pinkie said as she continually pressed her own body against the door.

“You mentioned you were doing something with him when you answered the door!”

“Okay… He was here but now he’s gone! He left!”

“Your apartment only has one door!”

Pinkie paused for a second. “… He jumped out the window.”

Sunset pressed her face against the opening in the door. “I can see him! He’s staring at us right now!”

Pinkie frowned and turned. Dan was standing mere inches away from her.

Dan motioned to the door. “Oh please, don’t let me stop you. Watching this is even better than whipping you at video games.”

Pinkie sighed as her shoulders slumped. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Goofball, the couch is literally a few feet away in the same room. I’ve been here the entire time.”

“Oh… right…” Pinkie said.

With one final shove, Sunset was able to push the slightly distracted Pinkie enough that she could fit through the door and collapse to the speckled blue linoleum floor with a ‘thump’ and an “Ooff!” Sunset’s glasses clattered to the floor and slid away from her.

Dan looked down at Sunset. “That’s quite the shiner you got there.”

Sunset grimaced and raised a hand to cover her face as she reached out for her glasses with her other. She quickly put them back on and rose to her feet.

“How’d you get that?” Pinkie asked. She smirked. “A bomb delivery gone wrong, or just a typical horrible date with you gone wrong?”

Sunset glared at Pinkie through her sunglasses. “I don’t usually deliver bombs to people and I don’t get punched in the face during dates because I’m awesome, alright?”

“Awesome at being terrible maybe.”

“Look, my stupid friend who’s supposed to help me when I need her sucker punched me, alright?!”

Pinkie gasped sarcastically. “No. Someone you knew personally got mad enough at you to punch you?” Pinkie narrowed her eyelids slightly. “They were probably trying to improve your looks.”

Sunset gritted her teeth. “Hey, you want to be black-eye twins with me? I’d be happy to help apply the make-up…”

Pinkie took a half step closer and put her face inches away from Sunset’s. “Anytime, anywhere, you TV-bomb-placing, boyfriend kidnapping psycho!”

Psycho?! Pot call the kettle much?!”

Dan cleared his throat. “Hey, if you two are going to fight, I really should get some popcorn going.”

Sunset Shimmer sighed. “I wasn’t looking for a fight, I need your help.”

“You need our help?!” Pinkie cried. “Do you usually try to get help from people you’ve kidnapped before?”

“No, of course not!” Sunset thought about this for a moment. “Well… Maybe… Does it still count as kidnapping if the person expects you to occasionally come around and get them to help you with their consent being a dubious aspect of the exchange?”

“Yes!” Pinkie cried.

“No,” Dan answered.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow at Dan. “Chris?”

Dan smiled. “It’s what he’s there for.” He looked at Sunset. “Speaking of which, why don’t you just get your own Chris to help?”

“You mean like my best-friend?”

“Well, Pinkie’s right in that you are kind of terrible…”

Pinkie gave Sunset a satisfied, smug smile that Sunset replied to with a glare.

“… but you must have someone you usually get to help you out with your bombing and kidnapping.”

“I told you I don’t usually do that stuff!” Sunset cried. “I prefer a campaign of subterfuge, blackmail, and the occasional beat down administered via suplexes a choke holds.”

Dan whistled. “My kind of vengeance run.”

Pinkie felt her body tense. “What?”

“Still,” Dan continued, “Pinkie and I have a full day of shunning the outside world in favor of playing strip-video games, so—”

Pinkie’s eyes went wide. “Is that like… one of us has to remove an article of clothing every time they lose a match?”

Dan gave Pinkie a mischievous grin and nodded. “That’s the idea…”

Pinkie turned to Sunset. “We absolutely are playing strip-video games, you should go.”

“Look, I hate to interrupt what sounds like a fun day of doing staying inside and having increasingly nude arguments over fighting games…”

Pinkie gritted her teeth. “Buuuuut…?”

Sunset sighed heavily and lifted her sunglasses, pointing at her bruised eye. “But the bruise on my eye is telling me I need to give my best friend some space…”

“A minion fight, huh?” Dan asked. He shrugged. “Well these things happen.” He smiled. “I find the key is to figure out a number of their weak points so you can dispatch them easily if they get uppity”

“But she usually never gets violent with me! Let alone throws me out of her apartment and refuses to help me! Protest helping me, yes! But I can usually emotionally blackmail her into helping.”

Pinkie felt her skin crawl. “Ugh… You really are just terrible.”

“Pinkie,” Dan began in a fatherly tone, “sometimes friends don’t always know what’s best and think excuses like ‘that’s illegal’, ‘I broke my wrist last time you asked me that’, or ‘the last time we did that I couldn’t sleep for a week’ should excuse them from doing what needs to be done. A little reminder that you’re their best friend and that friends help each other is just another tool in the toolbox of maintaining a long, healthy relationship with one’s minion.”

Pinkie’s face went a little pale. “I’m suddenly reminded that you and I have very different definitions of the word ‘friend’.”

Dan smiled at Pinkie. “Don’t worry, we’ll scrub away all those crazy lessons from magic, flowery, rainbow—” Dan stopped and took a quick glance at Sunset “—uh… people land soon enough.”

Sunset gave Dan a look of admiration. “That was a very good spin on getting your reluctant friend to help you out. I’ll have to remember that one.”

Dan pointed to himself with a thumb. “Stick with me, baby. I know how the game is played.”

One of Pinkie’s eyes began to twitch. “Baby…?”

Sunset turned towards Pinkie. “So… Where you in a cult or something?”

“What?” Pinkie said raising an eyebrow.

“‘Magic, flowery, rainbow people land,’” Sunset said, “I’m just asking because it explains so much.”

Pinkie gritted her teeth. “Ten…” she said ominously.

“Ten? You were in ten cults? How does that even work? Are you just stupid and gullible enough you go with any half-baked idea someone says to you?”

Pinkie’s eye twitched. “Fifteen…”

Dan quickly placed himself in-between Pinkie and Sunset. “Let’s leaves knifes out of this, alright?” he said to Pinkie. “If you want to punch the girl, that’s one thing, but I don’t want to spend all day disposing of her body.”

Sunset blinked a few times. “Whoa…” She smiled. “I should have asked you two in the first place.”

Dan cocked an eyebrow. “You need someone murdered?”

Sunset shrugged. “Possibly… I mean… That’s probably a bit extreme, but the day is young.”

Dan nodded. “Well, we certainly don’t want to clear anything off the table just yet.”

“WE?!” Pinkie cried. “Dan! We don’t even know who she’s mad at it! You could be signing us up for murdering kitten store owners… or orphans… or kitten orphanage owners, even!

Dan stroked his chin. “She has a point. We should know more about the targets before the grizzly beat-downs and/or murders.”

“The Dazzlings…” Sunset hissed out.

Pinkie gasped. “The Dazzlings! I love the Dazzlings!”

“Who are the Dazzlings?” Dan asked looking between the girls.

Sunset looked at Dan in surprise. “You really don’t know?”

“Oh, I know.” Dan gritted his teeth. “I just like asking about people who I already know about to waste time!”

“Sorry!” Sunset said raising her palms in front of her. “I just figured everyone knew.”

“Well I don’t!” Dan said. “Excuse me for not paying attention to whatever vapid fad the masses are consuming at the moment.” Dan glanced at Pinkie. “Present company excluded.”

Pinkie smiled. “The Dazzlings make really cool music! You should try listening to them sometime!”

“Ugh, Pop-stars…” Dan said as if the word itself left a bad taste in his mouth. “That’s like the opposite of kitten orphanage owners.”

“How you figure?” Pinkie asked.

“Pop-stars are a pox upon this already diseased ridden planet! Taking them out would practically be a service.”

“Dan!” Pinkie said. “I don’t want to murder the Dazzlings!”

“Come on!” Dan whined. “I never get to kill anyone!”

“Dan! No! No murders! Not just for making music you don’t like, anyway.”

“Hey!” Sunset said. “I have a reason to be mad.”

“But no one cares about you!” Pinkie cried.

Flustered, Sunset tried her best to respond. “I… well… ermshut up!”

Dan motioned to Pinkie. “Pinkie makes an excellent point, though.”

“I can go back to my friend’s if I want to be abused.”

Not the ‘no one cares’, part!” Dan rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he stared to the side. “Though that may be true.”

Sunset grumbled a few obscenities under her breath.

“I meant the murder just for being pop-stars, thing,” Dan said. “As tempting as it would be to ruin the Dazzlings over their horrible life choices in what they help poison the planet with, if we just seek vengeance on every annoying celebrity for the sake of them being annoying, we’d never get anything done.”

“No, look,” Sunset said raising her hands. “Here…” Sunset pulled out a flier the prominently showed her on the front, ice skating with the words ‘Theater on Ice’ at the top.

Dan furrowed his brow at the flier. “You’ve combined the joy of theater with the boringness of figure skating? I’m not sure whether to be intrigued or set your hair on fire.”

“Ooo! Ooo! Hair on fire!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she balled her hands into fists and shook them excitedly. “Hair on fire! Hair on fire!”

“Just… I’m supposed to be skating tomorrow, but the stupid Dazzlings moved theirconcert to the same day at my rink!”

Dan cocked an eyebrow. “Wait… so they’re going to ice-skating while doing their stupid singing routine? That might be worth watching just to see if one of them trips and decapitates another with their ice skate.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “They de-ice the rink, genius!”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Dan asked.

Sunset sighed. “Look, they just want to space since it holds a lot of people. They don’t care what usually goes on there or who they move out to sort out their constantly messed up concert schedule. I’m their latest in a long line of victims and I just want the chance to perform!”

“Huh, interesting,” Pinkie said in a tone that conveyed quite the opposite of what she had just said. “Well, thanks for stopping by and not kidnapping my boyfriend, planting an explosive in one of our appliances, or spitting in my face, but we’re very busy at the moment, so—”

Dan held up a hand. “Pinkie, a minion uprising is a very serious issue. We can’t in good conscious just turn her away!”

“Good conscience?! Good conscience?!” Pinkie replied shrilly. “Dan she helped kidnap you and almost blew me up! The closest thing to nice she did was decide not to get thrashed by me when I came to rescue you! We don’t owe her anything.”

Sunset folded her arms across her chest. “Hey! I only did all that because you left me to die of hypothermia in a partially thawed skating rink!”

Pinkie’s face turned red as she pivoted on her feet and pointed a finger at Sunset. “I offered you my hand in friendship and dryness from that freezing water and you spit in my face! Literally!

Sunset frowned heavily. “… I don’t suppose me being angry over you winning the trophy that day is enough to make up for kidnapping and helping plant a bomb in your home…”

“You’re right, you don’t suppose!”

“I’m sorry!” Sunset said earnestly. “And believe me, I wouldn’t have even bugged you two if I had other options for help! But I don’t right now.” Sunset’s eyes went wide and glassy as she puffed out her lower lip. “You two are my only hope.”

“Oh no!” Pinkie said, waving a hand about. “Don’t try the whole ‘puppy-dog’ look on me!” Pinkie pointed to herself with a thumb. “I perfected the puppy-dog look.”

“Hey,” Dan said, “why did your minion punch you in the face anyway?”

Sunset sighed. “I just wanted to warn her about my ex, Flash.”

Dan’s eyes widened in surprise. “She’s dating your ex-boyfriend?”

Sunset nodded. “I just told her he was a traitorous, abandoning, back-stabber…” Sunset paused and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “In hindsight, I probably should have waited until he was out of the room to say that.”

“I take it your minion doesn’t date often?”

Sunset shook her head. “Flash is her first boyfriend…”

Dan nodded. “An unexpected relationship can wreak havoc on the master/minion dynamic.”

“But what do I do?!” Sunset cried. “I tried yelling at her! Telling her Flash is scum! Telling her she’s scum for dating him! Nothing works.”

Pinkie sneered at Sunset. “Have you tried, oh I don’t know, not being completely horrible to your friend?!”

“What, giving up?” Sunset said.

“No!” Pinkie cried. “Being accepting that your friend has someone else special in their life and figuring out how to make your friendship work with this change!”

Sunset looked at Dan. “That’s the same as giving up, right?”

Dan sighed. “Yeah… But take it from someone who’s watched their best friend get more and more tangled into an evil woman’s web of lies and commitment. If your friend really likes this guy, you’re going to have to get smarter about how you get her away from him when stuff like needing to thrash pop-stars invariably comes up.”

Sunset sniffled slight. “Okay… That’s good advice. Look, I’m… sniff…” Sunset wiped at her eyes then lowered her sunglasses. “I’m glad I came here… but… choke…” Sunset’s tone became increasingly high pitched as she fought back tears. “I guess I’ll figure out how to deal with my problem on my own…” she said before stepping towards the door.

“Hey, wait!” Dan said. “We never said we wouldn’t help you!”

“I did!” Pinkie chimed in. “Many times!”

Dan gently placed a hand on Pinkie’s arm. “Pinkie… obnoxious skating girl—”

“Just call me “Sunset Shimmer” or “Sunset”…”

“—Girl with the stupid fake name—”

Sunset huffed out in frustration.

“—is going through a very rough period of the master/minion relationship. I think as responsible, caring adults we should help her beat up some pop-stars.”

Pinkie scrunched her lips up to one side of her face and thought about this. “Well… I would like to meet the Dazzlings.”

“See!” Dan said. “Everyone wins!”

“But Dan! She almost blew me up and kidnapped you! I mean… That’s pretty bad and you and I both know we’ve punished people for less!”

“Well, sure!” Dan said. “But those people don’t usually show up at our doorstep asking for help or cry so much.”

Sunset sniffled and ran an arm under her eyes.

Pinkie ruffled her hair in frustration and let out a high pitched “Grrrrr!” before turning towards Dan. “Dan! She’s done bad things to us! I’m usually all for forgiveness, but this is a bit much! Especially by your standards! What is it, opposite day or something?”

Dan frowned. “No, it was opposite day a few weeks ago. You called it off when you tried playing ‘Let’s swap cutesy-couple-talk for scathing insults’ with me and I made you cry for an hour straight.”

Pinkie wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. “Oh right… We’re not doing that again.”

“Look, you’re always saying how I should consider being more forgiving of my enemies! Helping one is about as forgiving as it gets!”

“Okay, but like… I just meant maybe set William Shatner’s hedges on fire instead of throwing a Molotov cocktail through his bedroom window! I didn’t mean let’s help a girl that’s basically tried to kill us!”

“I said I was sorry!” Sunset said. “I know I’ve been horrible to both of you, and I know I don’t deserve your help!” Tears began to stream from under Sunset’s sunglasses again. “But I’ve worked so hard to be lead skater! It’s not fair that they just take away from me like this!”

Pinkie sighed and turned to Dan.

Dan shrugged. “Hey, as ridiculous and pointless as I think this ‘Theater on Ice’ business is, the girl has a pretty legitimate reason for being mad here and I’m all too familiar with knowing what it’s like to have one’s minion abandon you because they rather play kissy face with some jerk.”

Pinkie stared off into space with an irritated defeated look before looking back at Dan. “FINE! But I get to hit her!”

Dan smiled. “Deal!”

Sunset frowned. “Wait! Don’t I get—”


“HRRRK!” Sunset felt the wind get knocked out of her as Pinkie quickly placed her fist into Sunset’s abdomen. Sunset wrapped her arms around her stomach as her eyes went wide. She slowly fell to her knees and laid on her side gasping for air.

Awww…” Pinkie said happily. “I feel better…”

Cough… cough… Are we… are we cool?” Sunset asked from the floor.

“… No.” Pinkie replied. She pursed her lips slightly. “But I guess I can at least tolerate to be in your presence for a while.”

Sunset let out a pained grunt as she clutched her stomach and stood up. “Well... Can’t ask for much more than that.”

Dan looked at the two girls, “Well if you two are done exchanging blows… Are you done hitting each other? Yes… You sure? Oh… okay… Well, we better get going.” Dan smiled. “We have pop-stars to beat up!” Dan walked towards the apartment’s door, opened it, and stepped out into the bright Southern California day.

Sunset gave Pinkie an unsure look as she continued to hold her stomach. “Hey, Pinkie…”

“What?” Pinkie replied curtly.

“… Thanks for not hitting me in the face.”

Pinkie sighed heavily as she followed Dan. “You’re welcome…”

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