• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week: Chapter 59: Pinkie Vs. Alcohol

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week

Chapter 59: Pinkie Vs. Alcohol


“Uh, Pinkie why are you wearing that?” Elise enquired from the driver’s seat.

“Because it’s hot!” Pinkie replied from the back.

Dan began to growl irritably.

Elise paused. “…Hot because ‘it’s hot outside’ or hot because ‘you wanted to dress in a way that makes people draw attention to you’?”

Pinkie went quiet for a second. “Ooooh! Ooooooooooooooh! That’s what Dan has been trying to explain to me!” She responded happily. She looked over to her boyfriend. “Dan! Dan! I finally figured out…”

GLACK…KCLCK…” Dan replied as he attempted to release himself from his mortal bounds of flesh via wrapping the seatbelt shoulder strap around his neck.

No, Dan!” Pinkie pleaded. “Don’t do it! You’re too awesome to die!”

Dan paused, and slowly removed the seatbelt from around his neck. “You’re right! I am awesome!”

Pinkie nodded vigorously. “Yay!” she exclaimed. “Life is worth living for smoochees!” She announced.

Dan and Pinkie leaned towards each other and pressed their lips together, Pinkie making audible ‘Mauh’ noises as she made out with her boyfriend in the backseat of the blue sedan.

Elise giggled. “Any excuse with those, two. Huh?” She asked her husband.

“Pretty much, yeah…” Chris replied.

“What are you two babbling on about?” Dan turned and asked, as Pinkie continued to rain kisses on his cheek.

“Uh…we’re just discussing our vacation plans for this weekend.” Chris stated.

“WHAT?!” Dan exclaimed. “I didn’t authorize that!”

Chris and Elise exchanged grins. “Actually, you did.”

Chris reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper, handing it to Dan.

“I even had it notarized, in case you forgot.” Chris informed.

“Uh…so, you did.” Dan replied looking over the document that clearly had his signature as well as a round, notary stamp on it.

“And I told Pinkie to remind you.” Elise added.

“Oh?!” Dan asked, turning to Pinkie. “Way to drop the ball there!” He accused.

“Dan, I told you, like…a dozen times, at least!” Pinkie insisted squeakily.

“Psahaw…” Dan replied, waving a hand at Pinkie dismissively. “…I’m sure I’d remember if you told me that many times!”

Pinkie sighed.


“Hey Dan! Elise told me to remind you that she and Chris are going on vacation in a couple weeks.”

“Sure…whatever…” Dan said as his face remained glued to the T.V.

“Ah! You got me again!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “By the way, Chris and Elise are going on vacation…”

“Less talky, more getting beaten up at video games.”


“Dan! Dan! Chris and Elise are going on vacation…”

“Trying to EAT cereal here…”


“Dan! Chris and Elise are going on vacation, and wanted me to…”

“GEEZ, woman! It’s just non-stop chatter with you, isn’t it?! Can’t we have one quiet walk to work?!”



“Hey Dan. Chris and Elise are going…

“TRYING TO BAKE HERE!” Dan replied irritably as he hand mixed the contents of a bowl.

“But you…but you’ve made that recipe hundreds of times…”

“And now you just threw off my mixing rhythm, now someone is going to eat not perfectly mixed muffins! LOOK WHAT YOUR CARELESS LIPS HAVE WROUGHT!” Dan held up the contents of the mixing bowl for Pinkie to see. “LOOK AT IT!” He demanded.

“Alright, sorry, geez, I guess I won’t talk to you while we’re baking, anymore…”

“Huh?” Dan replied. “No, don’t do that! We’ll be here for hours in total silence!”

Pinkie’s face contorted in confusion. “Bwah?! But you just…I mean…how will I…”

“You seem tense.” Dan commented. “Would you like to talk about it?”

Pinkie’s eye twitched.


“Hey, Dan! Chris and Elise are going on vacation at the end of this…”

“WATCHING KILLER BEE WEEK!” Dan announced. “Are you a killer bee?!”


“Then buzz off!”

“…Hehebuzz off…” Pinkie said quietly to herself as she walked away.


“Hey, Dan! ChrisAndElise! Vacation! EndOfThisWeek…”

“AHHHH!” Dan screamed pointing at Pinkie. “Giant killer bee! RUN Mr. Mumbles!” Dan and Mr. Mumbles jumped off the couch and made a panicked run into the bedroom, as Dan closed the door behind them.

Pinkie glanced down at her yellow and black shirt, then around her back to her attached thorax, then glanced up at the springy antennae that here bouncing up and down above her head.

“Huh…maybe I over did it…”


“Dan! ChrisAndEliseVacati…”

“Reading comics here!”



“TRYING to watch the PAINT dry!”




“Staring out into vacant space here!”


“Ohhh Dan…moan…pant…aaaah…right…there…ChrisAndEliseAreGoingOnVacationAtTheEndOfTheWeek…”


“Wait…” Chris turned in his seat to face Pinkie with a per. “You actually told him while you two were in bed together?!”

“That wasn’t when we were in bed together!” Pinkie replied. “We were in a small pool of lactose-free pudding that time!” She explained.

“Uh…” Chris responded, suddenly sorry he had asked.

“No! The time we were in bed was more like,” Pinkie rolled her eyes back and began huskily breathing as she verbally reenacted the scene, “‘Aaah…pant…that feels…moan…so good…vacation…ChrisAndElise…ahhhh…going on…pant…endOfWeek…’”

Elise began laughing as Chris turned back to face forward in his seat, his face flushed red.

Dan sighed. “Fine…” he muttered out. “I guess you can go…”

Elise chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Geez, thanks, Dan.”

“…but first round is on you!” Dan added.

Elise thought about this for a second. “…Fine, but I get to pick drinks!”

“…Deal.” Dan responded.


Dan stared at the colorful beverage in front of him, complete with a tiny umbrella sticking out of it and pieces of fruit on the rim.

“Ulg…You just had to get my something with fruit, didn’t you?” He asked, glowering at Elise.

Elise grinned as she took a sip from her own drink, an amber colored beverage with a couple of ice cubes in it.

Dan took a sip, “On the other hand,” He smiled, “I do like sugar…Not bad.”

“Uh…sure Dan…” Elise replied.

“See! I told you it was good!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Chris chuckled. “Not according to plan, eh?” He asked his wife as he sipped soda from a bottle.

Elise sighed. “I’ll give him a Scotch next time…”

“Chris!” Dan called out as he pointed at a pool table. “I desire to beat you at that game!”

“Uh…that kind of requires that you’re actually good at pool.” Chris explained.

“I’m confident I have a hidden talent for it…I mean…it involves hitting things with sticks. I should have plenty of practice there.” Dan replied.

Chris shrugged. “Just don’t hit me with the stick, alight?” He said as the two men got off their bar stools and walked over to the pool table.

“No promises.” Dan answered.

The two women enjoyed their drink in the dim light of the dingy looking bar.

“This is super delish, Elise!” Pinkie exclaimed as she continued to take large gulps of her drink.

Elise nodded. “Yeah, I figured you’d like that.”

“I do like it!” Pinkie grinned. “And it’s helping me forget my body is in fiery pain!” She added.

Pinkie looked at the colorful bottles on the other side of the bar, as she continued to take large drinks from her beverage. “I wonder what else I’d like!”


“Elise! Elise! Elise! Elise!” Pinkie repeated excitedly.

Elise giggled. “Yes, Pinkie?”

“Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!”

“Uh, you’ve decided you like raspberry liqueurs?”

Pinkie depleted the air in front of her of oxygen with a giant gasp. “How did you know!? Are you psychic?!”

“Heh, no…lucky guess.”


“HA!” Dan called out. “Off the table!”

“Dan, that’s considered bad.” Chris explained.

“What?! GRAH! I hate this game!”

A large, angry looking man in a beat up leather jacket approached Dan, pool ball in hand. “This belong to you, buddy?” He asked in a deep, somewhat threatening tone.

Dan wordlessly grabbed the ball, and looked at Chris. “Right…so…what do I do with this?”

“HEY, KNUCKLEHEAD!” The large man called out. “I think you at least owe me a drink.”

Dan turned and looked the large man up and down. “Pinkie!” Dan called out. “Bad man wants to hurt your boyfriend.”

Pinkie quickly stood on her stool and pounced the large man with a “YAR!

Dan turned back to Chris as his scantily clad girlfriend began grabbing the large man’s limbs and contorting them in unnatural ways.

“So anyways,” Dan said to Chris, “what do I do with this?”

Chris looked at the scene of violence on the floor. “Uh…wow…”

“Say uncle~!” Pinkie sang out as she sat on top of the larger man and bent his arm behind his back.

“Unc…UNCLE!” The man cried.

Pinkie let the man go as he slinked into a far off corner of the bar to the grins and chuckles of the other bar participants for getting trounced by a girl.

“Thanks, goofball.” Dan said with a smile.

“Anytime, Danny-manny!” Pinkie replied as the two exchanged a quick kiss.

Pinkie returned to her seat next to Elise who was attempting to find an expression in between worried and impressed.

“I thought Pinkie didn’t like violence…” Chris commented.

Dan shrugged. “Now that we’re a couple, she seems ready to defend me at a moment’s notice.” Dan frowned at the ball and put it back on the pool table. “Especially if she’s not really paying attention in the first place.” He added.


“So! Elise! ELSIE! Elisee…the Elisearoni and cheese!” Pinkie said.

Elise sipped her drink. “Uh, yeah Pinkie?”

“I never thanked you for helping me pick out an outfit for Dan the other day!” Pinkie explained as she held a brand new, colorful drink in her hand.

Elise smiled and shrugged. “Oh, don’t worry. I had fun, too!”

Pinkie began to giggle with a mischievous look. “You know what else is fun?” She asked, leaning in and lowering her voice.

“Uh…no, what?”

Pinkie grinned wide. “A roll in the hay, the old in-and-out…you know…hanky-panky, the horizontal mambo, the lust and thrust, hide the sausage…nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?KnowWhatImean?!”

“Erm, yes Pinkie. I think I understand quite clearly.”

Pinkie frowned. “I’m not sure you do! You see Dan and I…”

Elise’s face flushed as Pinkie began to go into graphic detail of her and Dan’s escapades, complete with audio reenactment, several musical numbers, and a lengthy shadow puppet show.

“…And that’s why chocolate syrup isn’t a great lubricant…it’s an AWESOME lubricant!”

“Uh…right…” Elise responded sheepishly.

“So, anyway,” Pinkie continued, “regarding the many uses of a rubber chicken…”

“YES! Got one.” Dan exclaimed.

“Dan, that was the eight ball.” Chris informed.

“…And it means double points?” Dan asked hopefully.

“It means you lost.”

GRAAAAAAH!” Dan flung his pool stick out into the dining area of the bar.


“HEY! IDIOT!” A large, muscled man called out. “I THINK YOU DROPPED THIS!” He yelled as he approached Dan.

Dan sighed. “Pinkie!”

“…and that’s why Dan doesn’t let me take a whoopee cushion to bed anymore, despite its totally appropriate name!”

“PINKIE! I’m in possible danger here!”

“Ooops! Gotta go!” Pinkie announced as she dashed off in a pink blur.

Elise took a large gulp from her drink. “Thank you merciful God…”


“AHHHHHHH!” The large man called out, as Pinkie straddled his back, facing away from the man and pulled his legs towards her to an extreme degree.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehe! Now sing, I’m a steamboat call me Mel!”

The large man uttered a pained tune of “I’m a steamboat call me Mel…”

“Oooo! Good job! Especially since I just made up that song…or I’m channeling T.V. again…it’s kinda hard to figure out which…everything is blurry, and fun, and AWESOME!”


Sniff…sob…Elise?” Pinkie cried out.

“Uh…yeah Pinkie?”

“I’msworry I’m suuuch a howrribly frieaeaeaeaeand!” Pinkie moaned.

“Oh Pinkie, you’re a great friend.” Elise chuckled. “Never a dull moment with you around.”


“No, no!” Elise insisted. “You’re truly a great friend!”


Elise smiled and nodded her head as she put a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder. “Really!” She insisted.

“Thanks Elise…” Pinkie turned and looked at Dan as he and Chris stood at a far end of the bar, in a pink blur closed the distance from bar stool to Dan and latched herself onto his back.

“GHAH! What the heck, goofball?! We’re playing darts!”

“I’m playing Darts” Chris said with a grin. “Dan is adding holes to the wall.”

Dan narrowed his eyes at Chris. “I will throw this at your shins, Chris!” Dan said, holding a small dart up threateningly. “Don’t think I won’t!”


Dan sighed. “What is it?”

“I’msworry I’m theworrsstes girlsfriend eveeeeeeeeer!” Pinkie moaned.

Dan paused and shimmied around to look at Pinkie. “What are you talking about?! You’re pretty much the objectively BEST girlfriend possible!” Dan insisted.

“YOU’RE JSH…jus…justsh… SAYING THAT…WHOUAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Pinkie insisted as she burst into tears.

“Hey…” Dan said calmly, holding a gentle hand against Pinkie’s cheek. “You beat up a supervillain with a manhole cover just yesterday! If that doesn’t make you the best girlfriend ever, then I don’t know what does.”

Pinkie calmed down a bit, and gave Dan a smile through the tears. “Sniff…reaeaeally?”

Dan wiped tears away from Pinkie’s face lovingly. “Really.”

Pinkie’s mood suddenly turned a 180 as she beamed from ear to ear before she threw herself against Dan, hard enough to tackle him to the floor as she began savagely kissing him as Dan tried in vain to pry his girlfriend off of him.

“Uh…” Chris looked towards his wife. “Darts?” He asked. “I think they may be a while…”

Elise chuckled, and finished her Drink. “Sure honey, maybe with the buzz I got going you’ll stand a chance…”



“…Yes Pinkie.” Elise asked tentatively as she sipped her drink.

“I feel it!” Pinkie announced, her pupils the size of saucers.

“Uh, feel what, Pinkie?”

“The magic…the magic that connects this world to all worlds! The magical energy that binds the myriad of dimensions. I feel it all around us.”

“Uh…sure Pinkie…”

“Also, the magic energy is guarded by tiny, jealous, angry little gnomes that steal small items of clothing from people’s driers!” Pinkie explained.

“I think you’ve had enough…” Elise said.

“Yes, Elise.” Pinkie replied calmly. “I’ve had enough…enough to see we’re all coupled, we are all one in the magic, binding power of friendship!”

“GAH!” A man called out as a dart hit in in the arm.

“Wow…you’re really just terrible at this!” Chris commented.

“SHUT UP!” Dan retorted.

The man tentatively walked up to Dan. “Uh…here’s your dart…sir…” He said, holding the dart out for Dan.

Dan looked at the dart, then up at that man. “Pinkie!”

The man’s expression turned panicked. “What! NO! I was being nice! I swear. AHHH!” The man called out in alarm as Pinkie suddenly appeared beside him.

“Yes Dan?”

Dan grinned. “This man looked at me funny.”

“NO! I swear! I didn’t!”

“Oh, Dan…I’ve learned violence isn’t the answer.” Pinkie said, her voice soothing and melodic.

Dan frowned. “It’s not?”

Pinkie shook her head. “If we, as sapient beings, are to make it, we must learn to coexist.”

“…Sounds like nonsense, hippy talk to me.” Dan snorted in reply.

“Here,” Pinkie began, “I’ll show you! Drinks for everyone!” She announced.

The bar patrons cheered joyously.

Dan shook his head. “Wow, you’re really weird when you’re drunk…I mean…weirder…”

“No, Dan! I’m not drunk! I see clearly now for the first time.” Pinkie insisted in an even tone. “We must all come together in friendship’s warm glow…now hand me your lighter.”


The four friends stood outside the bar, as the warm glow of friendship illuminated their face, or rather, as the flaming structure fire of the bar lit up the night’s sky and people ran in a panic from the building.

“Welp,” Chris began, “that ended predictably.”

Elise nodded. “It suuuure did.”

“Remind me never to give Pinkie my lighter if she wants to mix drinks…” Dan said, as Pinkie leaned her weight against the short man to keep herself upright. “I mean, if we’re at our apartment that is.” He qualified. “Anywhere else is fine.”

“Ooooo…pretty…” Pinkie said, staring out into the flames, as she clung to Dan with a distant look plastered on her face.

“So!” Dan said with a smile. “This was fun! We should do it again sometime.”

Elise and Chris exchanged glances and shrugged.

“Sure Dan.” Chris said. “Maybe next time you can actually hit the dartboard and keep the pool balls on the table.” He said with a grin.

“Chris, a lesser man would take offense to that statement, but a lesser man probably wouldn’t have a girlfriend who bend’s people’s limbs in uncomfortable looking positions.” Dan replied, mirroring Chris’s smile.

Elise chuckled. “It was pretty fun, wasn’t it?”

“Yay.” Pinkie exclaimed quietly. “Funnerificzzzzzzzzz…”

“Awww, she’s all mayhemed out.” Dan said, looking over his snoozing girlfriend affectionately as he gathered her into his arms.

“Well, we’ll get you two home.” Chris said. “Think you two can manage a few days without us around?” Chris asked with a raised eyebrow.

Dan rolled his eyes as he continued walking to the car, Pinkie clutched against his chest. “I’m sure we’ll be fine…”


“I GOT HER!” Dan insisted.

Elise chuckled. “Alright Dan, just get her into bed without dropping her, alright?” Elise said as she held the apartment door open.

“Thanks for that wonderful advice.” Dan responded sarcastically as he walked into the apartment.

Elise shook her head with a smile. “Goodnight, Dan.”

Dan merely grumbled a reply as he navigated his way through the dark apartment towards the bedroom.

Elise closed the apartment door as Dan deposited the snoozing Pinkie Pie on the couple’s bed.


Dan looked down at Mr. Mumbles as the furry, grey cat bounded up to him. “Awww, Did you miss us?” Dan asked as he picked up Mr. Mumbles.

“Hmmm…” Dan examined his cat closely in the darkness of the apartment only lit by what little streetlight could eke in.

“Are you wearing a black and red cape with a standup collar?” Dan asked as he reached for the light.



Much to his surprise, Dan found himself flailing his hand and protecting his face from dozen of bats that seemed to have infested the apartment, he quickly opened the bedroom window, allowing the bats to fly out.

Dan peered out of the bedroom as he noticed something was amiss.

Dan gasped. “Oh no…”

Dan walked over to a spot in front of the T.V. usually occupied by the couple’s video game system.

He leaned down to inspect the newly empty spot, finding a thin layer of dirt that sat in its place. He wiped an index finger through the dirt and brought it up to his mouth.

“Crypt dust…” He mumbled.


“Wait…A cape, bats…crypt dust?!”

He balled his hands into fists, threw his arms into the air, and shouted at the heavens.


Dan Vs.


“Hey, wait…” Dan said to himself.

Dan walked over to the bedroom and gently nudged Pinkie. “Hey! Goofball.”

“Hmmm…?” Pinkie murmured without opening her eyes.

“Could you maybe sleepily mumble out vampires?” Dan asked.

“…yawn…sure Dan…vaaaampiiiireeesssszzzzzzzzz…”

Dan & Pinkie Vs.


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