• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*: Bonus Chapter, Save the Last L.A.P.D.A.N.C.E. for Me

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*

Bonus: Save the Last L.A.P.D.A.N.C.E. for Me


That could have gone better…

Dan* slowly rose to his feet as he watched his would-be prey leisurely stroll out the warehouse. The primary targets of his vendetta strolled out and shot each other loving glances, almost as if they were simply out to enjoy the early morning air and sunrise.

He thought his plan was foolproof. He thought he had everything under control and even a few surprises and trump cards if things got out of hand. Unfortunately for him, things got out of hand much quicker than expected, and Dan’s pink-haired girlfriend turned out to be too unpredictable and far too skilled to handle.

With the ragged cut across his chest oozing blood and the cut and puncture wound on his back adding to the concerning amount of red fluid leaving his body, he walked towards the center of the warehouse.

It was possible he had taken out a few of Dan and Pinkie’s friends, but he wasn’t sure. Not that such things would be much of a consolation prize. They were merely targets because they were in the way or potential threats for later. With Dan, Pinkie, Chris, and even Elise still out there, any of their friend’s death might mean he’d have to lay low or deal with a very dangerous enemy.

Well… excluding Chris, that is. Dan* thought with a smirk as he reached for a handle in the floor and opened the slab that led to Dr. Pullum’s secret lab. I’m sure I could still distract him with pie.

Dan* pulled the concrete cover away, revealing a metal ladder. He slowly placed his feet on it and began to climb down, one arm pressed against his bleeding chest as best he could.

Werewolf or not, Pinkie cut him deep, and with weapons plated with silver no less. Seems he was a quick healer for most things he had encountered, but silver turned out to be ever as painful and potentially lethal as all the legends and movies had made it out to be.

He reached the ground and scanned the walls lined with monitors, buttons, and other typical supervillain stuff until his eyes settled on a white box with a big red cross in the center.

First he’d stop the bleeding, then he’d think about calling a hospital. Might be hard to explain the whole showing up to a warehouse that’s had its insides torn up and having the EMTs make their way into a supervillian’s lair, Dan* mused as he slowly made his way to the first aid kit.

Dan* grabbed the first aid kit, opened it, and immediately pulled out as much gauze as he could. He placed it against the large cut across his chest and did his best to place some against the wounds on his back. He walked over to a red swivel chair in front of some of the monitors and pulled out some bandages from the kit, wrapping them around himself as he continued to dwell on how the last several hours had gone.

Well, Terrfi-guy or Terri-man is still due to show up… but Dan and his friends have beaten him before… And Dan didn’t have crazy super-strength back then… That’s probably a bust as well…

Dan* frowned heavily as he leaned back in the chair, finally taking in everything that had led up to what was a pretty disappointing outcome for him. Considering the time spent and the wounds received, maybe, just maybe Dan Mandel and his insane girlfriend are not a pair to be trifled with. Dan* narrowed his eyes, Still… the fact that those two crazies are somehow functioning in society is pretty enraging…


Dan* stared up as the already broken floor, or rather ceiling from his perspective, cracked under an explosion. He heard the resounding crash of the warehouse collapsing on the floor above him and watched as the ceiling cracked further and even began to sag.

As massive and solid slabs of concrete began to fall, he couldn’t help but feel that maybe Sunset Shimmer had the right idea.


Sunset Shimmer threw open the door of the coffee shop as if she was tossing a bit of garbage that had somehow offended her away. The hydraulic door closer which kept it from slamming and the little bell that announced her arrival made the act utterly unsatisfying to her.

She scanned the establishment and quickly picked out a woman with blue-tinted silvery hair who offered her a small smile and a wave. Trixie was wearing a simple, if glittery, light-blue blouse which had the first couple buttons undone, exposing her cleavage. She sat with her jean-covered legs crossed with a steaming mug of whipped cream covered coffee in front of her.

Sunset met the greeting with an eye roll and walked past the line of people who wanted to order coffee to sit across from her.

Trixie smirked as she looked Sunset up then down. “Judging by the lack of injuries, I’m guessing you either destroyed the pink-haired girl utterly or figured you had better things to do than to do than sully your hands attempting to fight her.”

Sunset shook her head. “More like she brought a chainsaw with her and I decided I didn’t care enough about any of what was going on to get a piece of that.”

Trixie took a quick sip of her coffee and set the mug back on the table. “And Helen?”

“I had to drop the little moron off at the hospital after she decided she did want a piece of the action. Sunset rested an elbow on the table then placed leaned her head against her palm. “She’ll live… but I doubt she’s learned anything…”

Trixie nodded. “Asterisk?”

Sunset shrugged. “Probably beat up and licking his wounds… As angry and prepared he thought he was over all this, that girl was out for blood and plenty of her friends were still up and kicking when I left.” Sunset frowned. “They also had high explosives.”

Trixie leaned back and whistled. “Guess he really couldn’t have prepared for everything, huh?”

“Guess not…” Sunset said in a slightly melancholy tone. “So how’d things go with those creepy and greasy balloonist guys?”

Trixie smirked. “I found something better than getting revenge. They all got beat up by that angry blond-haired girl you fought in a wrestling match a while back.”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Her? Really? I mean… she’s determined, I’ll give her that, but she wasn’t exactly a powerhouse of fighting skill.”

“Well she was pretty mad. She basically just ran around beating the tar out of all of them while they screamed and tried to run away.” Trixie took another sip of coffee. “What happened to Dr. Pullum?”

“I think one of Dan’s friends got him and all his robots too… I didn’t see him, but his robots got destroyed by bats by the look of things.”

Trixie cocked an eyebrow as she raised her mug to her lips. “… Bats?”

“They were very big bats.”

“… Weird… Have you heard anything from the androids?”

“No, and good riddance. I was tired of them creepily offering for all of us to exercise with them.”

Trixie nodded. “It would have helped if there weren’t restraints on all their exercise equipment…”

Sunset sighed. “So it’s just you and me mourning the not so painful loss of L.A.P.D.A.N.C.E.”

Trixie smiled and shook her head. “Actually I invited a mutual friend of ours. She has a boyfriend she’s desperate to show off.”

Sunset crinkled her brow briefly before her eyes went wide. “You… you invited her?! …And she has a boyfriend?!Sunset’s expression went blank. “He must either be morbidly obese or rail thin, with massive coke-bottle glasses held together with tape in the middle…”

Trixie shook her head. “I asked, and she said he’s actually handsome, a healthy weight, and also doesn’t wear glasses.”

“No… No way!” Sunset said as she made a small ‘X’ with her hands and wrists and spread her arms apart. “I refuse to believe she found a guy who doesn’t look like he’s king of the dorks.”

Trixie giggled. “I know, right?! Who’d believe someone attractive could see past how crazy she is to actually want to date her?”

“Alright, as true as that is, I must point out that you’re not one to talk.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes and leaned forward slamming her palms on the table. “Trixie has a boyfriend…” Trixie trailed off as her face turned slightly red and she stared off to her side. “… Sorta…”

“Sorta?” Sunset grinned wide. “Giving a boy’s name to something you keep in a box under your bed doesn’t count.”

Trixie gave Sunset an angry growl and reached into her purse. She pulled out her smartphone, pressed the screen a few times, and turned it to face Sunset. “See! We took a Trixie together!”

“… You mean a ‘selfie’.”

“It’s a Trixie when I do it.”

Sunset sighed heavily. “I pupping hate you so much…” she uttered as she stared at the screen. She cocked an eyebrow. “He looks like he’s seventeen…”

“Sixteen,” Trixie corrected. “But he’s seen all my MyTube videos and even watched one of my shows.”

Sunset’s smirk. “So he’s just some desperate, lonely under-aged fan?”

Trixie mirrored Sunset’s smirk. “Oh you make fun, but at least I have a boy who really likes me!”

“I… Shut up!” Sunset cried indignantly. “I have someone!”

“If he wasn’t blown to bits, you mean…”

Sunset let out a lengthy groan as she folded her arms over each other on the table and planted her forehead on them. “He was completely obsessed with vengeance, alright?!” Sunset remained faced down but lifted an index finger. “Also… he’s a werewolf and resourceful… so probably alive.”

A bell rang as the coffee shops door opened.

“Oh, speak of the nerdy devil herself,” Trixie said.

Sunset let her hand slump back to the table and answered Trixie with a groan.

“Hi, Trixie!” a happy feminine voice called out.

Trixie seemed to skip a verbal greeting, moving straight towards poking fun at the new arrival. “So where’s this so-called boyfriend of yours?”

“He’s parking his car, alright? Not my fault you two were meeting downtown!”

Trixie chuckled. “A likely excuse… Are you sure you didn’t just make him up to feel better about yourself.”

“Yes, Trixie,” the voice said in a slightly annoyed tone. “He’s real.

“Hello Twilight…” Sunset said in an icy tone as she looked up. Before her stood a woman with purple hair that was just an inch short of shoulder length. A pink-and-magenta stripe of hair was set just slightly to the right of center of her short locks. She wore a sweater vest over a buttoned-up grey shirt and purple tie. The grey shirt had become slightly untucked from her purple skirt that went all the way to her ankles over a pair of gray socks and slip-on black shoes. A small pair of purple-framed glasses completed what Sunset often affectionately dubbed the ‘punk-rock librarian who just woke up from falling asleep at her desk’ look.

Twilight smile faded slightly as she looked down at Sunset. “Hello Sunset… I can’t believe it’s almost been a month since you’ve dragged me out somewhere because something made you upset.”

Sunset leaned back her chair and shot a bored look towards the line of people buying coffee. “Yeah well… I’ve been busy with a little project. But that’s all over.” Sunset glared up at Twilight. “Now if you’re done being a finch to me, go stand in line and buy me a pupping coffee.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “‘Pupping’? ‘Finch’? Since when do you bother to censor yourself with cute animals instead of swears?”

Sunset raised her palms, curling her fingers slightly as she cried out in frustration, “WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SAYING THAT?!”

From across the table Trixie covered her mouth as she desperately tried to contain her laughter.

Sunset pointed an index finger at Trixie. “YOU! YOU DID SOMETHING TO ME!”

Trixie removed her hands and began banging on the table with fist. “….AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YES! YOU’VE BEEN SAYING CUTE ANIMAL NAMES INSTEAD OF CUSSING FOR OVER A DAY NOW!”

“GOD PUPPING LAMB IT ALL TO SHELL, TRIXIE!” Sunset leaned across the table and grabbed Trixie by her blouse. “You better pupping change me back right pupping now or I will pile drive you right off this God lamb table.”

Twilight broke into a fit of laughter.

Sunset turned and glared at Twilight. “And that goes double for you, nerd!”

Sunset caught a finger out of the corner of her eye before it was flicked against the space between her eyes. “Ow!” Sunset said turning towards Trixie. “The %#!& was that for?!”

Trixie chuckled. “You’re cured.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yep, totally cured!” she agreed. “Too bad, too. It sounds like I missed out of hours of small animals being inserted into sentences.”

Sunset sighed heavily as she slumped back into her chair. “Why the hell do I hang with you two?”

“Because we’re the only two girls you know who will put up with your horrible attitude?” Twilight suggested.

Trixie nodded. “Not to mention the hysterical crying for when she gets really upset!”

Twilight turned towards Trixie and shrugged. “Well I thought that went without saying.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Right, like it’s you two hopeless weirdoes who are doing me a favor.” She looked at Twilight. “Speaking of hopeless weirdoes, is that fake boyfriend of yours ever going to show up?!”

FLASH IS NOT A WIERDO!” Twilight snapped angrily. “He’s super nice, and he plays the guitar!”

Sunset’s jaw unhinged. “Fa… Flash? Na… nice? Plays the guitar…?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah, he likes to go by ‘Flash Sentry’.”

Trixie wrinkled her brow slightly. “Sunset, you look like you’re going to be sick.” She leaned away from the table. “Please face a direction other than Trixie’s if you throw up.”

Sunset’s eyes unfocused. “Sweet merciful Jesus, please kill me now…” she murmured.

The coffee shop’s bell rang again.

Twilight turned, her face lighting up as it did. “There he is.”

Trixie’s eyes opened wide. “Wow… he’s actually not horribly disfigured! Handsome even.”

Twilight glanced behind her at Trixie and smirked. “See! I told you!”

Sunset turned. Her left eye twitched as a clicking gurgling sound escaped her mouth.

“Sorry, Twilight!” Flash said as he walked up. “You would not believe how hard it is to find parking downtown!”

“It’s fine!” Twilight said as she quickly wrapped her arms around one of Flash’s. She motioned to Trixie than Sunset. “Flash Sentry, these are my, and I use the word loosely, friends. Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer.”

Flash opened his mouth as if to speak, but his mouth hung open as his sapphire eyes locked with Sunset’s teal ones.

Sunset looked very much as if she was trying to melt Flash with her gaze.

“Oh…wow… Hey, Sunset… You’re looking… er…”

“ALIVE?!” Sunset offered angrily.

“‘Well’! I was going to say ‘well’!”

“%#!& you!” Sunset cried. “I look %#!&ing fantastic and you know it!”

Twilight looked from Sunset to Flash, then back to Sunset narrowing her eyes. “I see you two have met.”

“Yeah! Flash and I dated for a bit and then he dumped me and left me to die of hypothermia at a skating rink!”

Twilight’s eyes widened and then she looked up at Flash.

Trixie giggled. “Awkwaaaaaaard!~” she sang out.

Flash looked down at Twilight. “Okay, in my defense, Sunset was pretty much an evil incarnate the entire time we dated.”

Twilight pursed her lips slightly then nodded. “Yeah, okay… that makes perfect sense… Actually, now I’m wondering why you dated her in the first place.”

Uh…” Flash fidgeted nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh yes, please!” Sunset said sarcastically. “There’s nothing I’d rather do than hash out my failed relationship while you two morons watch.”

Trixie nodded her head up and down with an excited smile on her face. “Yes! Let’s! This is much more entertaining than Trixie could have even imagined!”

Sunset shot an irritated glance at Trixie, then a scowl at Twilight, and finally a death glare at Flash. She sighed heavily and stood up from the table. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the woman’s bathroom trying to kill myself with the toilet.”

Trixie smiled as Sunset made her way towards the bathrooms of the coffee house. “And you say I’m a drama queen!”

“%#!& YOU!” Sunset exclaimed as tears began to stream from her eyes.

Flash watched as Sunset threw open the door to the bathroom, stormed inside, and slammed it after her. He looked down at Twilight. “Uh… Maybe I should go…”

“What?! No!” Twilight exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Flash’s tighter. “Do you know how hard it is for me to get under Sunset’s skin?”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “As hard as it is to work a light switch?”

Twilight shook her head. “No… I mean like really get under her skin. Really strip away that ‘I’m God’s gift to the planet’ attitude she has.”

Trixie paused for a moment, and then her face lit up. She pointed at Flash. “Instead of just sitting in a chair, you should sit on Flash’s lap!”

Twilight gasped. “And Flash and I should start making out when Sunset stops her hysterical crying and gets out of the bathroom!”

“Oh my gosh!” Trixie exclaimed as she curled her fingers and brought clenched hands up to her cheeks. “You should, you two totally should!”

“Wait…” Flash said looking down at Twilight. “You want to make out with me to twist the knife regarding me dumping Sunset and not caring if she lived or died in a pool of freezing water…”

Twilight frowned. “Wow… when you put it like that, it’s pretty appal—”

That is awesome!

Twilight smiled widely and turned to Trixie. “Ooo! You should call your new handsome adoring fan you told me about and invite him! That way we both can be making out with guys when she comes out.”

Trixie frowned slightly. “That may get me arrested for corruption of a minor, but I’ll consider it.”


Sitting in a sagging aged and faded easy chair, a pale man with long brown hair tied into a ponytail and a small goatee on his chin opened his eyes and stared out into the open space of the large, but borderline condemned-looking room he sat in.

A few scattered lamps with dim light bulbs provided the room with the barest of illumination, each light providing barely more than what a lit candle would provide. The walls were dingy and broken in places and the windows were painted black. The ceiling looked every bit as worn and damaged as everything else in the room, sporting brown water stains and sagged in places.

Still, it was not the room that concerned him, nor the events that had led to him staying in such a decrepit place. What concerned him was a feeling that had suddenly come to him as he sat thinking.

The man broke his own silence with a question. “Do you guys ever get a feeling of being left out of something? Like there was a big party or something and you weren’t invited?”

“Only all the time!” a man with flawless granite skin, and golden topaz eyes answered from the beat up couch he sat on.

“Shut up, Ed,” a pale man with jet black hair, a buttoned black shirt, and jeans replied as he leaned against a wall. “James wasn’t asking you. Of course you’d know what that feels like.”

A female in a charcoal-covered blouse and skirt looked up from a black book titled The Zohar. She turned towards Ed who sat next to her on the couch. “Yeah, we never invite you to parties.”

Ed narrowed his eyes. “You guys suck…”

The other pale people in the room all groaned.

“… literally, because you’re vampires.”

The female vampire rolled her eyes. “And you wonder why you don’t get invited to parties.”

James shook his head. “Well… Ed has a point. It’s hard to explain… It’s like… like… something big just happened and we weren’t deemed important enough to be a part of it…”

The vampire with jet black hair rolled his eyes. “Like the time our”—the vampire air-quoted—“‘fearless’ leaders decided to go hunting by themselves but got scared when a dog barked at them and ran back home?”

James shook his head. “No, Steve. Bigger than that… More like when that angry guy and that pink-haired girl killed the master and we were all sick or under rocks so we couldn’t do anything!”

“Hey! I was there!” Ed cried.

The female vampire raised her book in front of her face. “That’s because you’re a freak and you actually liked being touched by that girl…”

Ed held up his hands in a shrug. “Hey, not my fault you guys get all queasy and fall over when a girl touches you!”

The other vampires all went uncomfortably silent.

“Wow…” the female vampire uttered. “I can’t believe Ed of all vampires just burned us…”

“Shut up, Sarah,” Steve said in an irritated tone.

“It’s Mahalatha!” Sarah cried.

“Sarah,” James began, “give it up. No one likes your stupid fake name.”

“Mahalatha…” a deep voice called.

James chuckled. “Except those two losers.”

The group looked up as a male and a female vampire, both with serious looks on their faces and old fashioned clothing on their bodies, entered the room.

“… Assemble the others,” the male vampire continued.

Sarah looked over the room. “Uh… We’re assembled, head advisors… There’s just the four of us, remember?”

The two advisors turned and away from the group and spoke in hushed tones for a moment.

Ed sighed. “I can’t believe how often those two do that… They look like such dorks.”

Steve nodded. “They’re actually uncooler than you!”

“Thanks!” Ed replied cheerfully. He frowned as he thought about Steve’s word for a moment. “Hey!” he protested.

“Silence!” the female advisor commanded. “We will travel to the surface world!”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “You mean outside? We’re already on the ground level.”

“Silence!” The male advisor commanded. “We are to travel to the blood bank in Burbank to replenish our supplies.”

James frowned. “Wait, what’s wrong with the blood bank that’s just a mile away?”

“Silence!” The female advisor commanded. She frowned then turned to the male advisor. “Wait… What is wrong with the local blood bank?”

“A security guard pepper-sprayed my face the last time we were there,” the male advisor answered. “It was most unpleasant.”

The other vampires all went silent as the grave.

Ed sighed. “Worst… vampires… ever…”


Just wrapping up a few loose ends before we get started with the next arc.

Author's Note:

Just wrapping up a few loose ends before we get started with the next arc.

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