• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 3 Pinkie Vs. Daily life: Chapter 13 Pinkie Vs. Technology

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 3 Pinkie Vs. Daily life

Chapter 13 Pinkie Vs. Technology


“Wowwie-zowwie with sprinkles and a cherry on top, Twilight! You’re the smartest pony ever!”

Light penetrated the thin sheet roof of the mighty pillow and furniture fort 'Dan Pie' as Pinkie sat cross legged on top of a mattress inside. She had decided to wear her pink dress that she had altered with a pattern of blue and yellow balloons at the bottom. The pattern helped combat the unease she felt now that her cutie mark was absent. Over the dress she wore a small blue short sleeved jacket and a few colorful bracelets on her wrists.

Twilight smiled proudly through the small compact mirror Pinkie was holding, “Well, it’s just transferring information and magic across the communication line here, it’s not a lot different from what the mirrors are already doing.”

“Aw, Twilight, you’re always so modest. I would have never thought you could cast spells through the mirrors!”

Twilight’s expression dropped to something more neutral, “I just wish I could use the same technique to get you back!”

Pinkie offered a consolatory smile. “It’s okay, Twilight. I know you’ll figure it out eventually.” Pinkie turned to the two thin, rectangular devices sitting on the mattress next to her and pointed her compact mirror in their direction. One was about a foot and a half across and another foot wide, the other was of similar dimensions, but a fraction of the size of the other.

“Ready,” She said.

“Aim,” was the response as a purple glow began to emanate from the tiny mirror.

“Fire!” Pinkie said with a note of excitement.

A small purple energy beam fired out from the mirror and hit the two devices, which began to glow with the same purple light.

The light and noise was enough to get a mangy grey cat sleeping on a pillow in a corner of the fort to wake and give a quizzical “Meow.”

The two devices slowly levitated a few inches off the mattress, hung for a few seconds, then lowered back to their original locations. The purple glow suddenly left the two devices and changed back into a beam that fired into the mirror held by Pinkie.

Pinkie looked down at the mirror that was facing away from her. “Got it?” she asked.

“Got it.”

Mr. Mumbles trotted over from her pillow perch to swat at the two electronics briefly. When they didn’t respond, she trotted out of the fort under the foosball table entrance, in search of food.

Pinkie turned the mirror to see Twilight using her magic to project two sets of purple and white displays consisting of tiny circles, squares with dozens of lines jutting off in every direction; lines that made long, angled journeys across a land of hundreds and hundreds of tiny dots and shapes neither Pinkie nor Twilight had seen before.

Pinkie squinted. Geez! Look at all those labels! Twilight sure seems to keep thing orderly. Are they in some sort of code? The only thing she could understand was the giant words floating over either projection. One saying “Computer” the other “Phone” which pretty much summed where Twilight’s knowledge began and ended with either device, having had very limited exposure to either during her trip to her own human dimension (and having not much luck with the computers there).

“Pinkie…this is amazing!” Twilight said in…well…amazement.

“Ooh...pretty.” was Pinkie’s offering. “Are they, like…more magic symbols, or something?”

Twilight excitedly glanced between the two. “No Pinkie…I think they’re both some type of machine. Like the ones I use for analyzing and chemistry, but…oh my gosh…” Twilight was beaming with excitement at this point “…just way, way beyond anything in Equestria!”

Pinkie frowned, technology wasn’t her strong suit. Dan had spent hours and hours explaining the “television” the two had embedded in the side of Fort Dan Pie.

In Dan’s case, this meant hours of lecturing while Pinkie struggled to stay awake and Dan provided cross sections and excruciatingly tried to describe every minute piece. The whole experience left Pinkie with a desire to not concern herself so much with the workings of all the new pieces of equipment she’d never seen before.

Well, maybe Twilight explaining it wouldn’t be so bad.

“What is all that code you have there, Twilight?” Pinkie asked about the numbers and letters that both displays seemed absolutely littered with.

Twilight glanced back towards Pinkie, “I’m glad you asked!” Twilight said with wide eyed enthusiasm.

“You see Pinkie, my magic detection spell can only tell me things using my own frame of reference. I don’t know what many of these things are, because I’ve never seen them before. However, I do understand molecular structure and chemical compounds that can be used to create devices such as these!”

Oh no!

“What you’re seeing is actually a combination of my magic and understanding of the building blocks of all these components labeling all the components of the devices. In fact, my magic and brain are working in tandem to help me understand brand new chemical compounds never before discovered in Equestria!”

What have I done!?

“The ‘code’ you’re seeing is actually the string of periodic elements that compose all the myriad tiny elements of these devices. Furthermore, my knowledge can break these down into their atomic weight, electron configuration…”

Oh Celestia, please maaaaake it stop!

“…melting point, boiling point, vaporization p…”

“Howdy, Pardners! Hope we aren’t interuptin’ nothin’.”


Twilight turned, and Pinkie could make out from the tiny mirror that Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were approaching the large, stand-up mirror on their end.

“HEY EVERYPONY! IT’S SO NICE TO SEE YOU ALL!” Pinkie said with an uncharacteristically large amount of enthusiasm, even for her.

Twilight glanced at her three friends. “You four catch up. I’ve got science to do!” Twilight said, trotting off to another part of the very large shop she had set up in Canterlot Castle.

“Still haven’t figured out those computawatchmacalits, eh?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No.” Pinkie admitted. “I tried pushing every button, asking nicely, asking not so nicely, demanding, screaming, threatening, begging, pleading, shaking…”--Pinkie looked away for a second and tapped her chin-- “…trying to will a response with my latent, psychic powers,” She added turning back to the mirror. “So, everything, really!”

“So now, it’s Princess Egghead, to the rescue, eh?” Pinkie and Applejack shared a small giggle at Rainbow’s new pet-name for their lavender alicorn friend.

“Yep,” Pinkie said with a grin. “Twilight will figure them out for sure.”

“How’s that ornery roommate of yours treatin’ ya?” Applejack inquired.

“Much better than he used to, I hope,” Fluttershy added.

Pinkie smiled warmly. “Ah, he’s been nice.” Pinkie thought for a second and qualified, “As nice as Dan can be, at least.”

“I see the most awesome and amazing furniture/pillow fort ever still stands,” Rainbow Dash commented.

Pinkie smiled proudly. “Yep! Though, it’s sort of impractical,” Pinkie admitted.

“No way! Nothing that awesome can be impractical,” Rainbow countered.

“Well, with every piece of furniture in the apartment that wasn’t nailed down used in its construction, it’s sort of the only place Dan and I can hang out, so…” Pinkie trailed off trying to think of the most diplomatic way to describe the situation. “…almost every conversation is pretty intense with us almost always being within inches of each other.”

“Oh my! Sounds scary!” Fluttershy said. Pinkie had spent much time describing her exploits and conversations with Dan; each one seemed pretty terrifying to the yellow Pegasus. Dan had become a recurring nightmare in Fluttershy’s sleep that even Princess Luna was having trouble helping her with (Luna having recently discovered that being set on dream fire was probably every bit as painful as being set on real fire).

Pinkie waved dismissively with a smile. “You get used to it.”

“Really?” the trio of friends asked in unison.

“Yeah, you really do,” Pinkie said with warmth in her voice.

“Well, he doesn’t seem to be around much,” Applejack stated simply.

Pinkie’s expression went a little serious for a change. “I don’t think he’s used to living with somepo…imean…someone else,” Pinkie offered. “He’s used to having this place all to himself.” Pinkie thought on her daily battles with trying to keep the place tidy. It should have been easy with most of the stuff in the small apartment consolidated into a structure in the living room. Yet, somehow Dan would mess it all up within minutes of coming home, forcing Pinkie to start from square one every day.

To Dan’s credit, he seemed just as disappointed with his own inability to keep his place clean as Pinkie was, so Pinkie was managing to keep a lid on her frustration for the time being.

“Ah still would like to meet him and give him a piece of mah mind for the things he’s done ta ya!”

“I second that motion!” Rainbow Dash offered. “Whatsa matter? He too yello..”--Dash glanced at her pegasus friend -- “..chicken to talk to us?”

“Believe me,” Pinkie responded. “It’s not Dan’s reaction to you that worries me.” Eyes converged on Fluttershy who whimpered quietly in response.

“SO! How are things with you guys?” Pinkie asked, her smile returning as she changed the subject.

“My training at the Wonderbolts Academy is going aaaawesooome~!” Rainbow Dash answered. “Spitfire says that I’m the best trainee they’ve ever had. I’ll be the best Wonderbolt ever pretty soon!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “She also said tah work on that attitude of yours.”

“Hey! I am getting better!” Rainbow Dash insisted. “I didn’t say I’d be captain this ti…oops.”

The friends shared a laugh.

“How’s your wingpony handling things?” Pinkie continued.

“Lightning Dust…” Rainbow Dash thought for a second, “…well, she’s like me, you know?” Dash offered. “She’s not used to being second best.” Rainbow Dash paused and added, “...We’ll work it out.” with a hopeful smile.

Pinkie shifted her glance to her other friends. “Ooh! Ooh! Ponyville doing OK? Do ponies miss me! Do they talk about me! All good, I hope!”

Applejack smiled. “Yep! Your absence has been noted by everypony, but we keep sendin’ them your love. “Fluttershy and I are holdin’ down the fort. Keeping the apples goin’ and the animals in line.” Applejack added with pride in her voice.

“It is much lonelier, though…” Fluttershy added.

“Ahhh, it’s okay! I’ll be back soon.” Pinkie Pie assured, as much to herself as anypony.

“Ah hope so, sugarcube. With Rainbow Dash constantly at the academy, Twilight working here, and Rarity liking Canterlot so much she’s even moved some of her work here, Ponyville just ain't the same!” Applejack explained. “We wanted to bring her along, but ah think she’s at another garden party!”

“It’s okay,” Pinkie said. “She and I caught up yesterday. She tries to see me whenever possible.”

Rainbow Dash made a disgusted “Ugh” sound. “You mean she actually finds time away from her constant rubbing elbows with every fancy unicorn here?”

“Yep!” Pinkie giggled. “She even finds time to make her dresses and sell them at exorbitant prices to the ponies here! They can’t seem to get enough!” Pinkie leaned in close to the mirror and whispered, “Could you maybe tell her the next thing she needs to pay attention to is her sleep? I think she may be overdoing it a bit…

“Tell me about it,” Fluttershy said. “She took me to one of her fancy parties, and I had to hold her up nearly the entire time--”

“Hold up there, pardner!” Applejack interrupted. “Are you tellin’ me Rarity actually invited you to one of her fancy shin-digs?”

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. “She said my ‘grace and poise were perfect for high society.’” Fluttershy frowned. “It was kinda fun until one of those fancy unicorns recognized me from my modeling time…” Fluttershy shuttered with the memory of being crowded at the party, an experience that mirrored her brief and unpleasant foray into modeling. “They couldn’t leave me alone after that…”

Rainbow Dash grinned, “Heh, I bet Miss Fussy Hooves was pretty jealous.”

“Not really,” Fluttershy corrected. “I think her friends like her even more now that they know she’s best friends with an exmodel…plus she sort of passed out on the hors d' oeuvres table while everypony was hounding me.”

The four friends shared another big laugh.

Pinkie cocked her head to the side as she heard footsteps slowly approach the apartment door; a familiar, grumpy voice accompanying them.

“Ooh! Gotta go! I love you all! Give Ponyville my love, too, will ya!”

The trio waved through the small mirror.

“Will do, sugarcube!” Applejack replied as Pinkie shut the compact mirror.

Pinkie heard the door open as Dan walked in.

“Alright, I’ll tell her.” She heard Dan say.

She saw the familiar face of her room/fortmate lean down through the entrance.

“Get outta there, will ya?” Dan said. “We’re heading out.”

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