• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 10 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Interspecies Relationship: Epilogue

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 10 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Interspecies Relationship



“Holy Dragon Ball GEEEZ this thing is heavy,” Pinkie grunted out as she and Dan hefted her blanket covered mirror up that apartment steps.

“Well …huff… we should have made A.T.U. and Useless help!” Dan cried as slowly backed up the stairs.

Ehhh…A.T.U.?” Pinkie asked.

“Almost Totally Useless,” Dan explained as he stepped off the stairs and onto the apartment complex.

“I figure they had done plenty,” Pinkie replied.

Dan chuckled. “Heh... Well said…” He suddenly frowned. “Unless you weren’t being sarcastic, in which case shut up.”

“You two know we’re right here, right?” Elise said as she held open the door to apartment 8.

“Did I get a promotion?” Chris asked as he followed behind Pinkie.

“Yeah,” Dan said as he and Pinkie brought the mirror into the apartment. “You’re lucky you’re tall.”

Chris smiled. “Well, it’s good for reaching things on tall shelves or helping your friend set off sprinklers when being attacked by a slime monster and a group of murder hungry clones.”

Dan and Pinkie made their way through living room, into the bedroom, and deposited the mirror back in Pinkie’s closet.

“Aaaaand, DONE!” Pinkie declared as she quickly grabbed and slid off the blankets from around the mirror. With a casual toss the salsa, sour cream, and bean juice soaked covers drifted onto the her and Dan’s bed.

Dan sighed, “Goofball, I’m pretty sure we need new blankets.”

“Whoops, hehehe…”

Twilight offered a polite nod from the group as she continued to read a book that was set down in front of her. The numerous scrolls and books that had surrounded her for the last few days had been cleaned up and sent back to their respective places of origin.

“We can take them off your hands if you don’t want them…” Chris said.

“Chris,” Elise began, “we can stop and grab Mexican on the way home. You don’t need to eat blankets.”

“What?!” Chris protested. “I wasn’t going to eat them…”

Everyone turned to stare at Chris blankly, even Twilight looked up from her book to stare at the food obsessed man.

Chris sighed. “Alright, yeah… I was going to eat them…”

“Chris, I think you may have a problem…” Dan stated.

“Ywoo sway swomfing?” Chris asked through a mouthful of food covered blanket.

“Chris, spit that out!” Elise commanded.

“Whhoops…” Chris spit out the wad of blanket in his mouth. “…Sorry…”


The group looked towards the floor as Mr. Mumbles bounded into the room, Pinkie’s small compact mirror in her mouth. She made her over to Pinkie and began pawing at the pink haired girl’s dress hem.

“Oh, for me?” Pinkie said as she took the mirror and opened it up.

“Hello, my little pony,” Celestia greeted. She lightly chuckled. “…Or should I say, ‘human’?”

Pinkie Pie smiled at the alabaster alicorn. “Hello, Princess Celestia. Did you have fun at the Princess Summit?”

Celestia smiled warmly. “Yes. It was very therapeutic, thank you.” Celestia glanced over to Twilight. “Best one I’ve been to in centuries.”

“I just hope somepony else can supply the entertainment for next year,” Twilight said in an exasperated tone.

Celestia chuckle was suddenly heard in stereo as she walked into view of the larger mirror, a smaller, rectangular mirror floating alongside the princess. Twilight sat up and nodded to her fellow princess.

“Don’t worry Twilight,” Celestia said, “I’m sure next year you’ll get plenty of Twilight time to yourself… or whomever you want to spend it with…” she said with a wink.

“Yeah,” Pinkie chimed in, “next year you can just transform Dan and I into ponies and leave us that way…” she said with a mischievous smile as she stuck her tongue out.

“…Man, my life has gotten a lot stranger in the past couple of days,” Chris exclaimed.

Dan cocked an eyebrow. “You think you have it weird? Try being transformed into a pony.”

“Uh, point taken…” Chris replied.

“Speaking of being transformed into a pony…” Pinkie cooed as she walked up to Dan, wrapped her arms around one of his and stared out at Twilight.

Aaaand, I think that’s our cue to leave,” Elise said.

“That would probably be less mentally scarring for you two, yeah,” Dan said.

“Oooo! One second…” Pinkie said, she held out her pink compact mirror for Elise.

Elise looked down at the mirror in surprise. “You’re giving me the second interdimensional communication mirror!?”

Twilight chuckled. “Actually, it’s just a mirror. We can switch it to a different one when you get it home, if you like.”

Elise grabbed the compact as her face lit up. “You mean I’d be able to talk to you at home? Oh this is going to be so awesome!” Elise exclaimed as she brought her clenched hands up towards her cheeks.

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Sure…” Her smile suddenly turned sheepish. “But let’s start with some more controlled experiments, first…”

Elise chuckled. “Sounds good to me.”

Twilight looked up at Celestia. “Is that okay with you?”

Celestia closed her eyes and smiled. “Of course Twilight, I’m glad you’ve made another friend.”

Twilight looked at Elise and smiled. “Yeah, me too…”

“Alright, less talky more turning into ponies,” Dan said irritably.

“Goodness, someone is eager…” Celestia said with a smirk.

“I’ve learned to see the perks of being a different species,” Dan said nonchalantly.

Celestia chuckled. “I’m sure.”

Chris wordlessly began edging closer and closer to the door with a pensive expression on his face.

“Alright, Chris.” Elise said as she shook her head. “We'll leave the ponies to their… uh… pony stuff… which I know understand involves a lot less frolicking in meadows and going out on picnics as I would have once thought.”

“Oh, we do those things, too,” Pinkie explained, “it’s just sometimes those meadows get attacked by hungry wolves made out of wood and our picnics get interrupted by news that someone’s brother is getting married out of the blue, or by one of us having a meltdown.”

Twilight giggled nervously from her side of the mirror.

“Are you two still here?!” Dan cried.

Chris chuckled. “Love you too, buddy. See you soon. See ya, Pinkie.”

“Bye-bye Chris!” Pinkie said enthusiastically, “Bye-bye Elise!”

“See you guys later!” Elise said as she and her husband exited the bedroom and made their way out of the apartment.

Pinkie and Dan flashed Twilight a pair of eager, enthusiastic grins.

Twilight rolled her eyes as her horn glowed purple. In a pair of bright, lavender flashes, Pinkie and Dan where ponies once more.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehehe… thanks Twilight, you’re the be-WHOA!”

In a blur of grey, Dan was on top of Pinkie.

“Uh… see you soon?” Pinkie said in a somewhat nervous tone as Dan buried his snout in Pinkie’s mane and began frantically sniffing it.

Twilight chuckled. “I’m sure…” Her horn glowed once more as she closed the sliding door to the closest and put the mirror on mute.

“I hope those two don’t make a habit of that,” Celestia said, “that would be rather awkward for you.”

Twilight shook her head. “Don’t worry,” she said in a knowing tone, “Pinkie is probably going to learn that being in heat while locked in a small apartment with a stallion who only has eyes and a nose for her is not as fun sounding as she thinks.”

Celestia chuckled. “Oh my, well I best get going to let you keep an eye on the situation.” She smiled down at Twilight. “I had a little gift special delivered.”

Twilight’s face lit up. “Really?”

Celestia motioned with her large, white horn down the library and lead Twilight towards one of the rooms, a large box sat outside of it.

“I had a box of the finest Haygyptian cotton toilet paper delivered,” Celestia explained. She winked. “Just a little way of thanking you for having us here…”

“Uh… thanks,” Twilight said in an unsure tone. “I’m not quite sure what to say…”

Celestia laughed softly. “That’s alright Twilight, you can thank me later… Just remember you can always arrange for more to be delivered.”

“Erm… right…” Twilight said as she continued to eye the box with a confused eye.

“Oh, one more thing…” Celestia said.

“Yes, Princess?”

To Twilight’s great surprise, Celestia leaned down and wrapped an arm around Twilight. She gave the purple alicorn a great big, hug. “You’re such a good friend to the people you care about, they should consider themselves lucky to know someone as kind and generous as you.”

Unaccustomed to the display of affection. Twilight’s face began to flush red as she smiled weakly. “Uh, thank you Celestia.” Twilight frowned. “I just wish I was a better princess.”

Celestia broke her embrace, and shook her head slightly. “Don’t worry Twilight, learning about caring for others is the most important part about being a ruler. You’ll work out making the correct solutions in a timely fashion soon enough.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Celestia.”

Celestia made her way for the library door. “Take care Twilight, see you soon.”

“Goodbye, Celestia,” Twilight said as the alabaster alicorn exited the library.

Twilight tossed a glance at the box next to the bathroom door and shook her head.

I better keep an eye on Dan and Pinkie… Dan certainly seemed eager despite only having been a pony again for a few seconds…

Twilight went back to her book in front of the darkened mirror. Sometime later she noticed light shine through the mirror once more as she heard the frantic tapping of hoofs on glass.

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap!

Twilight looked up as Pinkie desperately tried to get her attention. In a purple flash, the word ‘MUTE’ was gone from the mirror.

“Hi, Pinkie,” Twilight said with a small smirk. Twilight cocked her head slightly. "Things not going exactly to plan over there I take it?”

Pinkie looked at Twilight and began to speak in a nervous tone, “Well… it was fun at first… really fun… but uh… I guess I know what Dan felt like for the last few days … Dan doesn’t seem to have an off switch at the moment… he’s a bit…erm… forceful?” Pinkie suggested with a nervous smile.

Twilight chuckled. “Yeah, I thought this might happen…”


Pinkie cringed as the door behind her began to splinter inwards.

Twilight’s smile dropped, “What was that.”

“Dan umm… Dan is currently chopping through the bedroom door with an axe…” Pinkie explained.

“I’m surprised he could even work one with his hooves,” Twilight commented.

CRUNCH!’ The sharp, chrome edge of an axe poked out from splinters on the door before it was quickly retracted once more.

“I’ve found you’d be surprised what you can accomplish if you want it bad enough…” Pinkie said in a worried tone.

With another loud, ‘CRUNCH!’, Dan had opened a hole big enough to stick his face through. “Here’s Johnny!” he announced with a crazed look in his eyes and a wide, toothy smile to match.

“Change me back! CHANGE ME BACK!” Pinkie pleaded.

“Oh, geez!” Twilight explained. In another purple flash, Pinkie was human once more.

Pinkie breathed a quick sigh of relief as she did a quick pat down of her own body with her hands to briefly confirm she was indeed human again.

Dan paused, the madness slowly eking out of his features. “Wow, you are a naughty girl,” he commented. “Just a few more swings and I’ll be through…” Dan said as he retracted his head back from the door.


Pinkie’s eyes flew open wide as she stared at Twilight.

Twilight shrugged. “It’s not like him being human ever stopped you…”

“You know… I think I’m done with either of us being a pony for a while…” Pinkie said.


“Are you suuuuure~?” Twilight purred.


Pinkie looked on in fear as her grey, pony boyfriend smashed his way through the rest of the door and shook wooden splinters from his mane. He stared at her with large, almost pitch black, ravenous eyes.

“I’m sure…” Pinkie replied to Twilight with a vigorous nod.

“Sorry Pinkie,” Dan said, “but you might have trouble walking for a few days after this…”

“Oh, Celestia!” Pinkie cried as her eyes went wide, “CHANGE HIM BACK! CHANGE HIM BACK! CHANGEHIMBACK! She frantically pleaded.

Dan leapt into the air.

In a quick, purple flash, Dan felt his body change from small stallion, to small human.

AH!” Dan exclaimed before crashing into a heap on top of Pinkie.

Pinkie’s heart beat rapidly as she held on tightly to Dan, his face buried deep in her chest.

“Uh… gwoofball?” Dan uttered out in a muffled tone.

“Yes Dan? Pinkie replied in an unsure tone.

“I lwove ywou, twoo… but it’s kwinda harwd two brweath hwere…”

Pinkie giggled and loosed her grip, “Ooops, sorry…”

“So… you two are good?” Twilight asked. “No more need for me to play love mage for a while?”

Dan nodded. “Yeah, Sparkler… I think we’re good.” Dan rubbed the back of his head. “Man those pheromones really grab the reins and don’t let go.”

Pinkie giggled. “Hehe… reins…”

Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled. “Alright, just try to keep out of trouble for a little while, okay?”

Pinkie and Dan shot Twilight a grin. “No promises,” they said in unison.

Twilight continued to smile and merely shook her head as she muted the mirror once more. She caught Pinkie affectionately rubbing her nose against Dan’s before the closet door slid closed once more.

Twilight put her book down and sat up. She made her way towards the bathroom where the same box Celestia had dropped off waited. With a glow of her purple horn, she ripped into the box and pulled out a fluffy looking, clean, white cylinder. She floated the roll next to her as she turned to the bathroom door and opened it.

“Oh heya, Twilight!” Spike greeted from the steaming bathtub.

“Out!” Twilight commanded.

“Awww, just five more minutes?!” Spike pleaded.

“You can’t live in the bathtub, Spike! OUT!”

“Oh, alright,” the baby dragon said reluctantly as he climbed out of the warm, bubbly bath water.

“Don’t think you’ll get to make a habit out of this, young dragon,” Twilight said in a somewhat maternal tone.

“Yeah, yeah…” Spike said as he exited the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He bee-lined for the kitchen. As relaxing as spending as much time as dragonly possible in a hot bath was, it made eating a bit of a challenge if no one was going to bring him food when he asked. He set about opening cupboards and the fridge to locate something that would make for a suitable snack to end his hunger.

“Oh… oh Celestia!” Spike heard Twilight cry from the other side of the bathroom door down the hall.

Spike quickly rushed back towards the bathroom. “Uhhh, Twilight?” Spike asked in an unsure tone. “Everything okay in there?”

“Have I… have I ever truly lived until this moment?” Twilight uttered out from the bathroom.

End Part 10

Author's Note:

Thanks to ILurvTrixie for the ongoing corrections. Especially the mammoth amount that came out of that last, huge chapter. Thanks to everyone else who keeps me on my toes, as well.

And as always, thanks for reading!

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