• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 35,558 Views, 9,852 Comments

The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings: Epilogue

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings



Dan sighed heavily and grit his teeth as he attempted to tune out the constant noise coming from the left of him as he sat in a hard plastic seat. It was bad enough that he quickly found ice theater near incomprehensible after he promised not to destroy the rink or attack the performers during the performance. No… On top of that, he also had to deal with the near constant chatter of his girlfriend attempting to explain the most rudimentary of concepts to someone over and over again.

Dan glanced at Pinkie who once again decided a new look was in order. She wore a longsleeved pink shirt which left her shoulders and collarbone exposed with her cutie mark on the front and yellow stripes on the arms. Below that was a pink-and-blue vertically striped skirt that went down to her knees.

How many times does she have to explain this?! How hard is it to understand that Pinkie is just the alternate dimension version of some person who lives here with the same physical attributes, except this Pinkie comes from a world where Equines are the dominant species living in a world full of magic and that she was transformed from a pink pony to a much less pink human when she shifted dimensions! Geez, does this moron need a flowchart or something?!

Dan leaned forward past Pinkie Pie to scowl at his world’s version of someone who was clearly Twilight Sparkle, if Twilight went through some sort of crazy spiked hair, rebellious teenage phase as an adult. And what’s up with that goofy spiked hair and combover?! What’s up with all the piercings, the spiked collar and bracelets, the torn skull shirt, that short flannel skirt, studded belt, SECOND pink belt, fishnet stockings, knee-high black-and-white striped socks that go up to her knees, and shin-high combat boots?! AND WHY DO I THINK IT ALL LOOKS GOOD ON HER!?

“So let me get this straight…” Twilight said as Pinkie finished explaining the situation once again. “You’re Pinkie Pie, but not the Pinkie Pie I know.”

Pinkie nodded her head. “Mmmmhmmm!

“You’re not from around here,” Twilight continued.

“That’s right!”

“You’re from another dimension.”

“Correctomundo!” Pinkie confirmed.

“A dimension where you’re a pony.”

“Right again!” Pinkie exclaimed. She turned around to face Dan. “She’s gooood!

Dan rolled his eyes. “Yes… She has the amazing ability to repeat things she was told over and over again. How bonkers.”

Twilight suddenly turned to her left and leaned forward, looking past Flash Sentry to shoot Trixie an accusing glare. “Trixie! Why didn’t you or Sunset tell me about this other Pinkie?!”

Trixie shot Twilight a bored look. “Sunset and I don’t even remember your other friend’s stupid names… We refer to them as ‘Apple girl’, ‘Rainbow girl’, ‘that girl that won’t shut up about dresses and stuff’, ‘the quiet one’, and ‘pink girl’.”

Dan’s expression softened slightly. “Ah, pink girl… that brings me back…” he uttered wistfully.

Twilight gritted her teeth. “You’re halfway there on three of their names! Also it’d be shorter to refer to the other two by name instead of the vague descriptions you two came up with!”

Trixie frowned. “Yeah well… You look like you just fused with a Hot Topic employee!”

“I didn’t dress myself like this!” Twilight cried as she motioned to her outfit. “Rarity treated me to a hair treatment at a spa and then she—”

Trixie frowned. “Wait, which one is that?”

Ugh… ‘That girl that won’t shut up about dresses and stuff’.”

Trixie nodded. “Right, so Rarara is the one who dressed you up like that…”

Twilight let out defeated sigh as she seemed to attempt staring up at her forehead before turning back to face Trixie. “She insisted my normal ‘frumpy librarian’ look didn’t suit my new hairstyle and dragged me off for a makeover! Everything happened so fast it’s all a blur. A weird, painful blur.” Twilight said as reached up to her two new eyebrow piercings with her right arm. She suddenly noticed the massive pink star design surrounded by calligraphy that covered just about her entire forearm. She cringed. “Reallly hoping this isn’t permanent.”

“Hey, I think you look great!” Flash said with a smile.

Twilight turned and smiled at the man sitting next to her. “Thanks Flash!”

“I think it looks great to!” Gibson chimed in as he leaned past Trixie and Flash. “Especially the neck tats.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as raised a hand to her neck. “I have neck tattoos?!”

Dan shot Twilight an irritated look. “How can you not notice getting tattoos all over your arm and neck!?”

Twilight let out an annoyed sigh as she stared up into her eyelids.


Twilight let out an annoyed sigh as she stared up into her eyelids, pushing a clear glass door in front of her as she stepped out into a bright sunlight lit day. She was quickly followed by a woman with shoulder-length purple hair, parted to the woman’s’ right that ended one in two large curls which hovered over the woman’s shoulder.

“But darling,” the woman said in a pleading tone, “you simply must change your look if you’re going to walk around with such an eye-catching hairstyle!”

A soft breeze caused two palm trees which flanked the women to sway ever so slightly. Unfortunately for Twilight, it also blew her new top-heavy hairstyle right down into her eyes and over the purple framed glasses that sat perched on her nose. “Rarity, I don’t know if I even want to keep this hairstyle!” Twilight said as she lightly used her fingers to lift her hair back into position.”

“But Twilight, you’ve kept the same ‘frumpy librarian’ look for so long!” Rarity insisted. “Why not at least try something new? Trust me, darling! It’ll change your whole world!”

Twilight shifted her annoyed look downward to the black vest over the purple tie and gray buttoned up shirt she wore. Under that, a long, loose fighting purple skirt danced slightly in the breeze, and under that sat a pair of grey socks and large black shoes. Well… This is a bit much for if it gets hot outside. Twilight felt herself began to perspire as she continued to stand in the hot sun. Like right now for instance.

Twilight stared briefly at what Rarity was wearing. In sharp contrast to Twilight, Rarity simply wore a light-blue buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, light gray mini-skirt, and light grey high-heels.

I have to admit… Rarity does know how to throw together a simple if stylish and pragmatic look. Still… Twilight narrowed her eyes slightly. “The last time I trusted you I ended up in a magazine with my panties on display! The least you could have done was tell me to pull my sweater dress down!”

Rarity tittered nervously. “But dearie, I sold ever so many full sets of clothing with that particular look, and the more clothes you show off the more I can add to an ensemble!”

Twilight narrowed her eyes further. “Okay, but showing off my panties?! Even I have limits, Rarity!”

Rarity gently placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “But I gave you 50% of the profits for that line and I made so much! You were able to put a down payment on that cute little house you like so much.”

Twilight frowned heavily and stared at Rarity. “… Alright.”

Rarity’s face lit up.

“But no publishing pictures with my panties exposed!” Twilight said sternly.

Rarity pursed her lips for a moment. “Hmmm… But what if—”


“Alright dearie, I promise.” Rarity said as she took her hand off Twilight’s shoulder and held it with the fingers pointing upwards and the thumb crossed in front of it like she was giving an oath. “I will not publish anything with your undergarments on display.”

Twilight nodded. “Good.” She frowned again as the simple gesture caused her hair to fall back down into her eyes.

Before Twilight could fix her hair, Rarity grinned wide and grabbed her arm. “Alright, dear! Let’s get to the boutique!”

“Gha!” Twilight cried as she found herself being yanked down the sidewalk. “Okay, but I don’t have all day! I have a date with Flash later and we’re going to see a skating show that hopefully doesn’t end with me getting punched in the face!”

Rarity tittered again to herself. “Believe me darling. By the time I’m done making you look scary, no one would dare dream of laying an angry fist on your face.”

“… That statement does not fill me with confidence.”

Soon Twilight found herself standing in front of a full-length, golden framed mirror and next to a wooden chair as Rarity fussed over her clothing, swapping in and out different articles with a speed most couldn’t accomplish dressing themselves, let alone another person. Twilight almost couldn’t believe what she was wearing. The ripped t-shirt, mini-skirt, fishnet stockings, and nearly knee high boots were all things she’d never dream of picking out for herself. Not to mention the studded leather belt that hung loosely from her waist.

“Oh yes, darling!” Rarity said as she walked behind Twilight. “I think we’re onto something this time.”

Twilight sighed. “If you say so! I can’t tell one outfit from the other at this point!” She looked down as Rarity fastened something around her waist. “Wait… another belt? I already have one and it does—”

Rarity was up and rummaging through a tray of small items before Twilight could finish her sentence.

“Twilight?” Rarity said. “I need you to sit down.”

“Oh, okay,” Twilight said as she sat down on the wooden chair.

Just as quickly, Rarity came back and clipped a couple of long, flat items to Twilight’s eyebrow.

“Wait… What are you doing now?” Twilight asked as she looked up at Rarity. “What are these things you’re putting on my eyebrow.”

“They’re just clips, darling,” Rarity informed as she walked back over to the tray, grabbed something, and came back, leaning over Twilight. “Close your eyes, dear.”

Twilight complied. “Why would—OW!” Twilight felt a brief, sharp pinch on her eyebrow. “What the heck was that?!”

“Oh that? Just a large pin that I shoved through your eyebrow for the ring.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight’s eyes flew open.

“I really need you to keep your eyes closed, dear.”

Twilight closed her eyes. “I just thought you just wanted to change my clo—OW!” She felt another pinch in her eyebrows. “Sonofabit—”

“Dear, you really should stop squirming if I’m going to get the full effect of your new look down.”


“Rarity works fast, okay?” Twilight replied to Dan.

“I think they look cool!” Pinkie piped up as she looked at colorful art that had been applied to Twilight’s skin. She pinched either side of her chest and held out her shirt slightly. “I’m thinking of getting my cutie mark tattooed on my flank. I kind of miss it, you know?”

Twilight gave Pinkie a blank stare. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Dan sighed. “It’s a stupid magic horse thing.” He turned to Pinkie. “You know to get a tattoo they’d have to stab you in the butt with a needle like a thousand times, right?”

Pinkie’s eyes widened as her pupils shrank to tiny dots falling into the endless expanse of her sky blue irises. Somehow she managed to maintain her smile even as her lips began to twitch slightly. She swallowed and let go of her shirt. “Maybe wearing my cutie mark isn’t so bad.”

“I agree with Pinkie,” Gibson piped up. “They really pull together the whole punk look you have going on.”

Trixie gave Gibson a small scowl and elbowed him. “Don’t encourage Twilight’s horrible new look! She’s supposed to look soft and inviting and not have spikey bits that might hurt if Trixie or Sunset fall on top of her from great heights!”

Twilight let out a heavy sigh once more

“Will all of you just shut up?!” Dan exclaimed. “I’m trying to watch this!” He cried as he motioned out to the group of skaters on the ice, all of them wearing white leotards and skating around two metal skeletal frames of six foot tall pyramid shaped items that had been placed on the ice. One group of skaters held up translucent purple sheets as they circled their own pyramid and the other group held up solid gray sheets as they skated around the other.

Pinkie turned to look at Dan. “I thought you hated ice-skating?”

“I do! Even more so now that I’m here!” Dan gritted his teeth. “But I’m trying to figure out all the symbolism behind this ridiculous jumping twirling, and holding up construction paper, and you all going on and on about bizarre punk rock fashion and other dimension garbage is distracting enough!”

Twilight leaned over and looked at Dan in disbelief. “You think proof of other dimensions is garbage?!”

Dan sighed. “Every dimension I’ve seen or have been to was horrible without exception!” He gave Twilight a serious look. “You should just concentrate on the dimension you live in and make the most of it.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Sunset Shimmer and Trixie are some of my best friends in this dimension,” she said in an annoyed tone. “How am I supposed to make the most of that?!

“Hey!” Dan protested. “I didn’t say you should just lay down even if your life sucks, which yours clearly does! Sometimes ‘making the most of it’ means getting rid of the people you hate the most!”

Twilight shot Dan a slightly befuddled look. “So you’re saying I should stop hanging out with Trixie and Sunset Shimmer?”

Dan shrugged. “Or kill them. Whatever!”

“Dan!” Pinkie said in a chastising tone. “Stop encouraging people to deal with their problems with murder!”

Dan turned to Pinkie and frowned. “But it’s so quick and efficient!”

Trixie frowned heavily. “Trixie is literally right here, you know!”

Gibson scooted closer to Trixie and put an arms around her. “Hey, I still think you’re great.”

Trixie look at Gibson and smiled. “You’re sweet, but Sunset and I need Twilight to land on if we’re falling, and also make her pay for our meals when we go out, and do our laundry and stuff. We really need her to stick around, look timid and unassuming, and also not murder us.”

Twilight sighed heavily. “I don’t know why I hang out with you two…”

And hand reached out and grasped Twilight’s, giving it a squeeze. She turned to looking into the smiling face of Flash Sentry. “Hey, things aren’t all bad,” Flash said. “You’ve got me.”

Twilight’s cheeks turned slightly pink as she returned the squeeze. “Well… I can’t argue with that.”

“See!” Dan said. “Someone to help you bury bodies! Things are looking up!”

Twilight let out a heavy, “Uhhggg!” and stood up. She turned and faced Flash. “Stay here. I need to go wrap my head around everything that’s happened today.”

Er, okay…” Flash said. “Are you sure you don’t need any company?”

Twilight chuckled she leaned down to grab a purple purse. “I’ll be fine. I just need a quick walk,” she said as she walked in front of Pinkie and Dan.

Pinkie simple leaned back with a smile on her face. Dan, on the other hand, let out an annoyed grunt and leaned his head over as Twilight momentarily blocked his vision.

“Dan!” Pinkie said as she excitedly pointed out into the rink. “Now they’re making walls for the two pyramid deelybobs out of the different colored sheets!”

Dan looked down at the rink and squinted. The skaters had indeed assembled two different colored pyramids. A single male skater with a lightning bolt across his chest suddenly skated onto the rink, heading towards the purple pyramid. Reaching it, he began to furiously snatch the purple sheets as the other skaters nearby broke off in a line towards the gray pyramid.

Gibson frowned. “I don’t get it.”

Dan frowned. “I think the new guy is an angry lightning god… Zeus… or maybe Thor… Shut up, alright? I’m trying to concentrate!”

Pinkie gasped and pointed. “Look it’s Sunset Shimmer!!”

Sunset Shimmer skated out onto the rink in a bright orange outfit covered in sequences that sparkled from the lights far overhead. Scattered groups of people around the rink began to cheer and clap.

Dan frowned. “She has weird orange sheets with her. But what does it mean?”

“Maybe she just has them for fun!” Pinkie suggested.

Dan sighed. “It’s art, Pinkie. No one ever does anything ‘for fun’! There’s clearly some deep symbolism going here that the creators are purposely withholding from the audience so they can lord their smug sense of superiority over everyone.”

Oh…” Pinkie said simply as she too began to stare intently at the scene in front of her.

Dan stared forward as he returned to gritting his teeth. “Man, I wish I hadn’t promised to not set fire to this place or attack anyone!”

The group watched in silence as Sunset began passing out her orange sheets to the other skaters.

Gibson suddenly stood up. “Yeah! Go Sunset Shimmer! You pass out that orange stuff! Woooo!

The group collectively stared up at Gibson with a confused look.

“Woo?” Gibson said as he looked down at the faces looking up at him. “So… no one else is going to cheer for Sunset?”

Pinkie frowned and looked back down at the ice rink. “I’m too confused about what’s going on now to cheer.”

“I don’t care that much,” Dan said.

Trixie nodded. “I also don’t care.”

Flash pulled his lips to one side of his face. “I’m still a little mad at Sunset, honestly.”

“Go, condiment lady, go!” a woman’s voice called out.

The group collectively looked across the rink to a trio of girls sitting in seats right next to the rink. All three girls wore hoodies with the hoods pulled up. A woman wearing a deep purple hoodie with a monkey shaped harness clinging to her back with its arms wrapped her torso. She waved her arms up and down as she cheered on Sunset Shimmer.

Gibson raised a hand over his eyes to block out the bright lights from above and squinted. “Wait… are those… Are those the Dazzlings?”

Trixie suddenly put on a dark look of jealousy. “Why don’t you just go over there and ask?! I’m sure those three already miss you ogling them!”

Gibson immediately sat down, and put his arm around Trixie. “Why would I do that when I can ogle you instead?”

Trixie’s cheeks flushed as she turned away and scooched closer to Gibson. “… Trixie is sorry…” she said in a small, begrudging tone.

Flash chuckled and gave Gibson a thumbs up. “Nice save, dude.”

Gibson smiled at Flash, “You learn quick when you’re dating Trixie.”

Flash frowned and looked back down at the rink, his eye’s focusing on Sunset. “I know the feeling.”

Dan suddenly stood up. “WHO IS THIS DOUCHEBAG IN BLACK?!” he cried angrily.

Pinkie eyes tracked a male skater in a black leotard who skated onto the rink as the skaters in white skating out. “My guess… Batman!

Dan frowned and sat down. “Okay, that makes absolutely no sense, but I’m strangely okay with this.”


Aria removed the hood to her green hoody in frustration, releasing her twin ponytails. “Okay… They have to be just making up random stuff at this point! What’s with this Black Panther dude?!”

Adagio sighed heavily as she removed her own lavender hoodie, causing her massive mass of orange curls to practically explode out in all directions behind her. “This is so easy Aria!” Adagio cried as she motioned out to the rink. “The regular skaters represent mankind and Sunset Shimmer is Prometheus bringing them the gift of fire after tricking Zeus into accepting the more attractive, but less desirable sacrifice of inedible cow bones and fat while humans keep all the edible parts!” Adagio continued to motion out to the skaters in the rink. “The guy with the lightning bolt and the guy in the black outfit that are lifting her up are Zeus and Hades respectively. They’re going to punish Prometheus for his transgressions against the gods!”

Aria glanced at the rink then back at Adagio. “How are you getting all this?!” she cried as she flung her arms into the air.

Wheee!” Sonata cried as the crowd watching began to cheer and clap. “Now they’re spinning condiment hair lady in the air!”

Adagio scoffed. “Sure, if you want to just see the literal interpretation of events.”

Aria frowned heavily. “You know what, Sonata? Let’s get some food. ”

Yay!” Sonata cried as she removed her hood and offered up the leash to her harness. “My favorite time of day! Anytime involving going to get food!” No sooner had Aria grabbed the leash Sonatas then threw open a metal door and scampered through it like an excited puppy.

“Whoa!” Aria uttered as the leash she held onto suddenly went taut and yanked her forward through the same door.

“You’re going to miss Hercules and the eagle that eats Prometheus’s liver!” Adagio shouted as the door began to close

“I don’t care!” Aria shouted back through the open door a split second before it shut behind her.

Adagio sighed. “Philistines…” she uttered.


Sonata excitedly jumped up and down on the bright white linoleum floor causing the her pony tail and the head of the stuffed monkey that tightly clung to her back to bob up and down as she listed off everything she wanted from the arena’s snack bar. “… and I want a hotdog, and some popcorn, and a large order of nachos…”

Aria sighed to herself and raised a hand to her face. “Why did I think this was a good idea…”

“… and I want an ice cream cone, and a box of M&Ms, and sweet tarts, and a soda—” Sonata suddenly stopped and gasped. She pointed forward. “And her! I want her! She looks so cool!”

Aria looked up and her eyes widened as she caught sight of Twilight Sparkle in her full punk rock glory. Twilight, on the other hand, simply stared down at the floor with her hand on her chin, a thoughtful look on her face as she seemed headed for nowhere in particular.

“Yeah, alright…” Aria said as her eyes lingered slightly on Twilight’s studded belt, spiked collar, and spiked bracelets.

Sonata cupped her hands under her chin and smiled at Aria. “For realzies?!”

Aria nodded. “She looks pretty cool. Let’s make her hangout with us.”

Sonata grinned as she and Aria quickly walked up to Twilight, and grabbed onto either arm.

Ah!” Twilight exclaimed as she jumped. She swallowed as she looked between the two girls who had suddenly flanked and grabbed hold of her.“Uh… Hello? Can I help you?”

Sonata grinned wide. “Hello new best friend!”

“I… what?!” Twilight cried in an alarmed tone.

“Just go with it,” Aria said as Sonata and her began to turn Twilight around towards the rink. “Sonata throws massive tantrums when she doesn’t get her way.”

Twilight swallowed. “Am I being kidnapped?”

Aria turned and smiled. “More like forced to hang out with a bunch of celebrities whether you want to or not.”

The tense look on Twilight’s face seemed to drain away at Aria’s words. “Oh… I get forced to hang out with people whether I want to or not all the time. Is it alright if I text my boyfriend and make him hang out with you two possibly against his will, too?”

Aria shrugged. “So long as the number to dial your boyfriend isn’t ‘9-1-1’ Knock yourself out,” she said.

Twilight reached for her purse and pulled out a smartphone.


Flash’s eyes widened slightly as a small buzzing noise came from his jacket. He reached into it and pulled out his smartphone. “Huh…” he said as he stared at the screen. “Twilight’s apparently being forced to hang out with celebrities across the rink...” He stood up and walked past Trixie and Gibson. “She wants me to come. Uh, sorry everyone...”

“Whatever, go!” Dan cried. “I don’t even remember your stupid name!”

“Bye! bye!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she waved at Flash. “Tell Twilight to call me sometime after she’s done being forced to hangout with famous people!”

Trixie glared at Flash as he walked sideways down the row of plastic black stadium seats. “Trixie knows someone famous, too!” she shouted after him.

“… Magnifico the Magnificent is a wad,” Gibson said simply.

Trixie hung her head and sighed. “Yeeeaaah…

Gibson leaned over towards Trixie and gently placed his hand on her chin, raising her face so he could look deep into her amethyst colored eyes with his chocolate ones. “Hey, you’re way cooler and better to watch than him anyways. Maybe you should try a few real solo shows, you know?” Gibson smiled. “Maybe to an audience a little bigger than a couple of cops and a few other people waiting in a hospital.”

Trixie leaned forward and pressed her forehead against Gibson’s, “Yeah?”

Gibson leaned tilted his head up, bringing his lips closer to Trixie’s, “Yeah…”


Gibson and Trixie jumped slightly and turned to face Dan.

“The shows about over,” Dan continued, “and I need to concentrate without feeling ill from watching you two eye each other the way a pair of hungry dogs stare at a sausage.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes at Dan. “If the shows about over, why do you need to concentrate?”

Pinkie bent down and picked up a massive bouquet of roses as a wicked grin began to slowly spread out from the center of her face until it had reached either side. “You’ll see…” she said ominously.

Soon Sunset Shimmer and her fellow skaters were raising their arms up to the happy cheers of the crowd around them as roses were tossed from the seats above onto the ice below.

“Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset looked up towards the shrill voice that called out her name just in time to witness a large bouquet of roses sailing towards her. With no time to spare, Sunset reached up and snatched the bouquet at the end mere moments before it would have smashed full force into her face. She smiled and looked up, chuckling as she wagged her finger up at Dan and Pinkie.


Sunset’s eyes widened as something black quickly flew towards her smashing into her face and unfurling around her head as she fell backwards onto the ice with a hard ‘THUD!’

HAH!” Dan cried as he lowered his t-shirt cannon. “I got you!”

Pinkie giggled. “Nice shot, Dan!”

Sunset merely groaned in response as she slowly raised brought her hands up to her face and lifted off the offending item that now covered it. A small black T-shirt that sported the word ‘JERK’ in bright bold letters greeted her.

End Part 17.

Author’s note:

And we reach the end of yet another arc. Hope you enjoyed it. Sadly, it might be the a little bit before the next update hits. Part of this is due to increased work demand in my professional life and the odd development in my personal life here and there taking up my time. Mostly though, there are several stories I want to blow the dust off and update or even finish. I hope I can start getting them on something of a schedule over the next few weeks and months until they’re to a point where I feel I can return to this story.

As this may come of a little shock considering I have had near constant updates for well over a year at this point. I have decided to answer some questions people may or may not have over this:

Do you need a break from The Wheel and the Butterfly?

Only in the sense that releasing it on a schedule while I get to everything else “when I feel like it and have the time” has meant I’ve gotten a bit ahead of myself with this story. I just need to reuse the time to focus on some of my other stories for the bit. Once several of them are to a point where I feel their release schedule can be slowed again (or they’re simply finished), I’ll hope to focus most my attention back to TW&TB.

How long will it take until updates start again?

I wish I knew, but I’m not entirely sure how long it’ll take to get out updates on all the things I want. Though, if I can somehow get back into a rhythm where I’m getting at least one chapter of something out once a week, it hopefully won’t take more than a couple of months.

Do you know what’s coming next?

Absolutely. In fact, the next arc will likely be one I’ve thought about and the most since beginning this store well over a year ago.

But what about Twilight?!

Geez, I know right? There’s gotta be some more crazy Dazzling shenanigans there! This will likely be covered in a side story or spin-off. Not sure if I’ll use some of this ‘break time’ to start this up, or what, but there’s definitely a story there that will feed well into an idea I’ve wanted to do for a while now.

Nuuuuuu! I’ll die without my Dan and Pinkie fix!

Hehehe, sorry! But I really need to give my other stories some much needed love. I hoped to be much farther along with many of them, but life had other plans. Maybe I’ll find time to get the next chapter of “Slice out of Life” out among the other stuff I want to get done.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. You’re some of the best readers an author can ask for and I look forward to returning to this setting and pumping out action packed craziness as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!

And now, picture references for the outfits.

Pinkie's outfit is the 'silly' outfit here: https://derpibooru.org/808060?scope=scpe5d338d505589fa3268947051f716b803f0afcaff

Twilight's "punk rock outfit" is depicted here: https://derpibooru.org/887410?scope=scpe6a1ece539af4be1311627bb3a51d1938023bce8b

Her ‘frumpy librarian outfit and Rarity’s outfit are both here:

And finally, Twilight’s sweater dress outfit (complete with panty shot :P ) is here: https://derpibooru.org/881596?scope=scpe5d338d505589fa3268947051f716b803f0afcaff

Author's Note:

And we reach the end of yet another arc. Hope you enjoyed it. Sadly, it might be the a little bit before the next update hits. Part of this is due to increased work demand in my professional life and the odd development in my personal life here and there taking up my time. Mostly though, there are several stories I want to blow the dust off and update or even finish. I hope I can start getting them on something of a schedule over the next few weeks and months until they’re to a point where I feel I can return to this story.

As this may come of a little shock considering I have had near constant updates for well over a year at this point. I have decided to answer some questions people may or may not have over this:

Do you need a break from The Wheel and the Butterfly?

Only in the sense that releasing it on a schedule while I get to everything else “when I feel like it and have the time” has meant I’ve gotten a bit ahead of myself with this story. I just need to reuse the time to focus on some of my other stories for the bit. Once several of them are to a point where I feel their release schedule can be slowed again (or they’re simply finished), I’ll hope to focus most my attention back to TW&TB.

How long will it take until updates start again?

I wish I knew, but I’m not entirely sure how long it’ll take to get out updates on all the things I want. Though, if I can somehow get back into a rhythm where I’m getting at least one chapter of something out once a week, it hopefully won’t take more than a couple of months.

Do you know what’s coming next?

Absolutely. In fact, the next arc will likely be one I’ve thought about and the most since beginning this store well over a year ago.

But what about Twilight?!

Geez, I know right? There’s gotta be some more crazy Dazzling shenanigans there! This will likely be covered in a side story or spin-off. Not sure if I’ll use some of this ‘break time’ to start this up, or what, but there’s definitely a story there that will feed well into an idea I’ve wanted to do for a while now.

Nuuuuuu! I’ll die without my Dan and Pinkie fix!

Hehehe, sorry! But I really need to give my other stories some much needed love. I hoped to be much farther along with many of them, but life had other plans. Maybe I’ll find time to get the next chapter of “Slice out of Life” out among the other stuff I want to get done.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. You’re some of the best readers an author can ask for and I look forward to returning to this setting and pumping out action packed craziness as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!

And now, picture references for the outfits.

Pinkie's outfit is the 'silly' outfit here: https://derpibooru.org/808060?scope=scpe5d338d505589fa3268947051f716b803f0afcaff

Twilight's "punk rock outfit" is depicted here: https://derpibooru.org/887410?scope=scpe6a1ece539af4be1311627bb3a51d1938023bce8b

Her ‘frumpy librarian outfit and Rarity’s outfit are both here:

And finally, Twilight’s sweater dress outfit (complete with panty shot :P ) is here: https://derpibooru.org/881596?scope=scpe5d338d505589fa3268947051f716b803f0afcaff

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