• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Guest Arc Dan vs SyFy: Chapter 5 Love vs Hate

Last Laugh raced back to the cave as fast as she could. She could feel the surge of magic, and knew that the ritual was complete. Light was spilling down from the stars of Ursa Major and Minor, flowing towards where she knew Chris stood. She could only hope that Dan, Pinkie, or Elise managed to get Chris angry enough to trigger the necessary transformation. The last thing she wanted to do was use her method...mostly because she didn’t want to relive the events she’d be referencing herself.

Unfortunately, her hope was not to be. As she reached the cave, she found Chris hunched over in the center of the magic circle, clutching at his head as brown and blue fur erupted over his body in patches before fading, and starlight continued to gather in the circle itself. As she got there, Dan shouted out, “Chris, if you don’t stop it, the Killi-TOK is going to destroy bacon ice cream!”

“Seriously?” Last Laugh called out as she reached the circle. “That’s your idea of making him get you levels of angry?”

“It was all we had left!” Pinkie whimpered back. “We’d already tried the bakery being destroyed, and D.H., and Ninja Dave, and Becky, and Amber, and Crunchy, and Wally, and all his other favorite foods, and Dan, and me, and Elise! It was all we had left we could think of!”

“Even telling him Killi-TOK planned to wear Colby as a skin to manipulate my parents into making me marry it didn’t trigger...whatever we’re trying to trigger!” Elise snapped out. “What else are we supposed to do?”

Last Laugh sighed softly. “I...have a way,” she muttered. “I didn’t want to use this one...mostly because I’m not sure we’ll be able to get him back under control once I do, and that could have long lasting negative magical effects...not to mention meaning we lose Chris.”

“Acceptable losses,” Dan muttered dryly, shrugging his shoulders.

“Dan!” Elise and Pinkie shouted out in a mix of anger and shock.

“Not...helping…” Chris growled out through clenched teeth.

“It made you angry, so I think it did,” Dan pointed out.

“Everyone just shut up!” Last Laugh snapped. Once she had everyone’s attention, she stepped up in front of Chris, and held out a tiny photograph of a little girl with maroon hair and blue eyes, smiling widely and reaching up towards Chris.

“Chris,” she began softly, “I’m from the future...and in that future, this was your little girl. Your angel, your cub, your daughter. You loved her more than life itself. She’d frequently turn into a bear, just so she could crawl into your lap and be cuddled like a teddy bear. Each night you tucked her in, you told her she was without a doubt the greatest thing to ever happen to you.” She watched, tears in her eyes as she saw Chris reaching towards the photo, a goofy smile on his face. “Her first word when she finally spoke...was Daddy.”

Without warning, she tore the photograph in half down the middle.

“A cry for help, as Killi-TOK killed her right in front of your eyes.”

She dropped the two halves of the picture.

“And you were powerless to protect her.”

Chris stared in disbelief as the two halves of the picture hit the ground…

“Or avenge her.”

...and burst into flame…


...as you do.

Chris’ entire body tensed up, tears pouring from his eyes as they became suffused by a crimson glow, his teeth grinding against each other as every tooth in his mouth shifted to pointed and razor edged. The world shuddered as he began to grow.

“Everyone out of the cave!” Last Laugh shouted out as brown fur covered Chris’ body as he turned into a bear...then grew even larger as the brown fur turned blue and stars appeared throughout his body as he absorbed the starlight in the circle.

As everyone escaped the cave, they watched as Chris continued to expand, shouldering the cavern aside as his fur turned from pale blue to deep purple, and entire constellations appeared within his somewhat transparent body. Pinkie shrieked in fear at the sight. “He’s turned into an Ursa Major!” she screamed out.

“Exactly!” Last Laugh called out. “That was the plan!”

As the transformation finished, Chris towered over nearby mountains as he glowered at Killi-TOK, who had broken free of the bubble of anti-time and finished its own expansion into immensity. Rearing, Chris tore at the very sky with his claws, ripping past the star filled fabric to reveal a river of light, curving away from the world. He then roared his defiance and fury, and the roar shook the vaults of heaven, dragging the river from its banks to spill light and magic into the world.


Chris vs


Dan stared up in disbelief. “Giant monster finale? Awesome! All that’s missing is epic music!”

Grinning, Last Laugh reached into the ether, threw a switch, and music echoed over the countryside.

Roaring, Chris lumbered across the landscape to slam bodily into the Killi-TOK, pushing it ahead of him across the landscape to slam it into and through the avalanche before coming to a halt again a massive mountain. Killi-TOK, for its part, slashed and punched the massive star bear attacking it, but no visible damage was being done. Chris then reared up and struck the massive bot in the face with his claws, ripping at the metal and leaving deep gouges that healed only slowly.

The Killi-TOK shifted its arm into a massive blaster, charging up energy to try and obliterate Chris, but Chris countered by closing his mouth around the barrel and biting down, teeth sinking into the metal. The weapon went off, and Chris’ belly briefly expanded before smoke poured out his ears. He then jerked his head, tearing the arm off and gulping it down in several mouthfuls before slamming the bot in the side with his paw to send it careening across the landscape.

“So...what’s keeping Killi-TOK from remote controlling his arm to kill him from the inside out?” Dan asked curiously.

“An Ursa Major’s stomach is a miniature star,” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “Anything it eats gets dumped into it as fuel for the magical-fusion reaction that keeps it alive at that size.”

“And the anti-magic metal?” Dan brought up.

“Most of the expanded body is nanotech,” Last Laugh pointed out. “The anti-magic metal and orihalcum aren’t that easy to replicate via magic.”

“And...the river of light?” Elise asked curiously.

“A Nexal River that didn’t have any active worlds along its normal path,” Last Laugh explained. “Chris’ transformation caused it to divert its flow, so this world is directly in its path, just like Equestria is directly in the path of another River.”

As they spoke, Chris grabbed hold of the Killi-TOK with both arms and lifted it over his head. With a roar of rage, he slammed it into the ground beneath him before jumping on top of it, briefly crushing it beneath his own weight. Killi-TOK converted its remaining arm into a blade and began slashing at Chris, managing to cut through the fur and make blood spill. Chris countered by tearing off a leg and devouring it. Killi-TOK desperately pushed itself back to gain some distance.

Chris, however, apparently was having none of it. With a frenzied charge, he lunged in and closed his jaws around the Killi-TOK’s head, crunching down and ripping it free before swallowing. As the droid stopped fighting back, Chris continued until he’d devoured the entire thing, before lifting his head to the heavens and roaring his triumph.

Last Laugh sighed in relief. “Alright, Killi-TOK’s gone. Now comes the hard part-”

Her words were cut off as a sound echoed through the entire multiverse from the Nexus, a sound only she and Dan could clearly hear.


“...oh…” Last Laugh murmured softly, looking downcast. “Or that...that works…”

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