• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week: Chapter 56: Terrifi-Guy Vs. Identity

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week

Chapter 56: Terrifi-Guy Vs. Identity


Terrifi-Guy rested his chin on his fists as he sat, slouched over on the curb in front of ‘Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins’.

He looked thoughtfully into open space, quietly lost in his own thoughts.

“Muffin?” A voice called from behind him.

Terrifi-Guy looked up and glared at the owner of the voice. “Steel Scorpion? Have you come to finish the job of your master?”

Chris chuckled. “Heh, I’m amazed you remembered me.” He said as he sat down on the curb next to Terrifi-Guy, holding out the muffin.

“Of course I remember you. Dr. Jerk and you where my greatest defeat.” Terrifi-Guy replied. He eyed the muffin suspiciously. “I assume there’s hot sauce hidden inside that?”

Chris shook his head. “Just trying to make peace and offer you some advice.”


“You see, the thing with Dan…”

“Dr. Jerk.” Terrifi-Guy corrected.

“Uh, sure…the thing is, Dr. Jerk often finds himself at odds with all kinds of people and things, countries, restaurants, esoteric concepts…you name it. Somehow, despite all odds, he often ends up ahead after all of it…”

“Go on…”

“…and now that he’s partnered with…uh Party Hard, it really seems like there’s no obstacle they can’t overcome together. I’ve learned when it comes to those two there’s really only two options; you can either join them or get out of their way.”

“So, you’re saying I should just give up?”

“Look…since you’ve got your powers back all you’ve done is break roofs and irritate people, all because you’re after Dr. Jerk and Party Hard. If you just went back to saving people and fighting crime, you’d probably be loved again.”

Terrifi-Guy pondered this.


“No.” He stated.

Chris blinked a few times. “No?”

Terrifi-Guy turned to Chris. “No. I shouldn’t have to do anything to be loved! I’m bullet proof, I can fly, I’m super strong! I am a god among ants, and people should be in awe of my very presence!”

“Uh, look…you may want to cut down on the comparing people to insects, I don’t think it’s helping…and with all this power, you really should get back to actual superhero stuff, I mean, with great power comes…”

“SPARE ME YOUR CLICHÉS! I see your game! Dr. Jerk sent you out here because he’s afraid of me and what I can do.”

Chris knitted his brow. “Uh…No…I don’t think he’s afraid of you at all.”

“…Wait, really?” Terrifi-Guy asked in surprise. “I mean… I can lift heavy objects into space…”

“Yeah…uh sorry, but not going to sugar-coat this; you got taken out by a girl that we’re simply amazed shows up to work dressed properly…and even then, we’re still not convinced she does it herself…”

Terrifi-Guy sighed and hung his head. “Maybe I’m no longer cut out for superhero work...”

Chris put a sympathetic hand on the Superhero’s shoulder. “Hey, you were a great superhero! You just need to let this whole vengeance thing go and get back in the game!” He insisted.

“…and then Dr. Jerk will be frightened of me?”

“Well…I’ve seen him charge people and things that we’re several times larger and better armed than him, I’m not really sure he’s frightened of anything…”

Terrifi-Guy’s eyes narrowed as his expression turned to dark determination. “Maybe it’s time someone taught him the meaning of dread.” He stated.

“Huh? Now hold on a second, you’re starting to sound…uh…kinda evil. I really think you need to step away from this before it gets out of hand…”

No! I know exactly what I have to do! Ever since I’ve gotten my powers back, it’s been nothing but people ignoring me and even cheering for my defeat! If the world isn’t going to love me, I’ll teach it to fear me, instead!” Terrifi-Guy snatched the muffin out of Chris’s hand and quickly smashed it against Chris’s shirt.

“Hey! Superhero’s don’t waste food!” Chris protested.

“That’s because I’m NOT a superhero!” Terrifi-Guy turned his back to the bakery, the occupants that had shunned him, and Chris; lifting off into the sky and laughing maniacally as he flew away. “Muahahahahaha!”

“Hey! I wasted part of my break coming out here to talk to you!” Chris exclaimed. He looked down at the squashed mess that was once a muffin that now occupied his shirt.

“…Jerk!” He muttered to himself.


“So…” Twilight began, having run out of sensible questions to ask such as ‘How was work’ and…

…actually she had only found one sensible question, and even that had netted her some weird answers. “Is uh…is that why you two are dressed like that?”

“Well, D’uh!” Pinkie replied. “You can’t go to war with a superhero without costumes!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled from the other side of the mirror. “Of course, I don’t know what I was thinking!”

Clearly, you weren’t!” Dan stated, sitting next to Pinkie on the edge of the bed.

Twilight ignored Dan’s comment, something she was getting more and more adept at. “For a second there, I thought this was some new er…bedroom game you two had discovered…”

Dan and Pinkie paused.

“IT CAN BE MORE THAN ONE THING!” Dan shouted angrily.

There was a heavy sigh from the Equestria side of the mirror as Rarity trotted into view. “You just had, to say something didn’t you…”

“Uh…er…sorry…” Twilight offered sheepishly.

“Hiya, Rarity!” Pinkie exclaimed happily.

“Hello, Pin…uh… ‘Party Hard’, was it?” Rarity responded, given her friend a small smile and nod.

Pinkie nodded her head up and down rapidly. “Yepper!” She grinned mischievously. “I’m now a twisted, evil femme fatale sidekick working for the malicious Dr. Jerk!”

“I’m surprised you’ve even had to change your behavior.” Twilight commented. “From the sounds of things, you two cause plenty of trouble in your day to day lives.”

Dan and Pinkie exchanged a quick glance.

“She has a point…” Dan said.

“Oooo! Oooo! Maybe tonight we can get the gang together and free some more animals from pet shops!” Pinkie suggested.

“Well…The Eco-Terrorist would be happy…” Dan replied.

“Twilight, sweetie?” Rarity chimed in. “Maybe this would be a good opportunity to stop talking for a while…”

“I said I was sorry!” Twilight insisted, her ears dropping as she caught her unicorn friend’s unusually amount of hostility.

“Uh…apologies darling, you’re right. You didn’t mean any harm, and I have been unfairly short with you, lately.” Rarity offered.

“Did you two have a fight?” Dan asked. “With magic!?” He added with a hopeful smile. “Did you level any buildings or kill anyone with your awesome, magic battle?!” Dan added the sounds of explosions and small screams of ponies being caught in unexpected magic rays to help give everyone present an idea of what an awesome, magic battle with lots of collateral damage might sound like.

“Uh…not really, no, no, and no, respectively.” Twilight responded. “I just sort of forgot to…erm…” Twilight trailed off.

“Forgot to what, Twilight?” Pinkie asked. She suddenly inhaled a large volume of air as her eyes widened. “Did you forget her half-birthday?!”

“Uh, no.” Twilight replied. “…that wasn’t it…”

“Oh Twilight, better we tell them than Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight winced. “You’ve got a point. Rainbow won’t exactly be delicate.”

Pinkie’s look turned concerned, obvious even under the mask she was wearing. “Tell us what?”

“Do you remember the night Twilight left the mirror with me?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie chuckled. “Hehe, Vividly.” She replied, reaching a hand over to Dan’s and resting it on top of his.

Rarity nodded. “Yes, I’m sure… well… Twilight left without showing me how to adjust the mirror, or mute it…and your closet door and blanket you leave on it don’t mute sounds well…so…”

Dan’s and Pinkie’s face flushed red as they glanced at each other.

Pffft…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The two quickly fell back onto the bed as they lost control of their laughter.

Twilight chuckled. “Well…they took it pretty well.”

Rarity gave a small smile and rolled her eyes. “Figures. I really don’t know what else I was expecting…”

Hahahahehehe, sorry….hehe…Rarity.” Pinkie offered, as she sat back up. She smiled. “Though, I’m guessing it wasn’t a totally bad experience for you.”

Rarity’s face flushed. “Wha…wha…what?! Whatever could you be implying?!”

Pinkie grinned. “Oh…you know…I kinda got the impression it was in your best interest, financially, that I followed your advice…”

“WHAT?!” Dan exclaimed. “Prissy profited off our love life?!”

Pinkie turned to Dan. “Well, I wouldn’t be too mad, she was the one that suggested I dress up.”

“Uh…oh…” Dan replied simply, finding being angry about the situation substantially more difficult.

“Oh…that…” Rarity tittered nervously as Twilight fixed her with a smirk. “Erm…however did you know…”

Pinkie giggled. “I may have caught an expression here or there while I was talking to you…”

Rarity and Twilight put on mildly surprised expressions.

“Wow, Pinkie… I’m a bit surprised you’d even notice something as subtle like that.” Twilight replied.

“I uh…I’ve kinda learned to pay more attention to people…and ponies too, I guess…when I’m talking to them.” Pinkie rubbed the back of her head. “It helps me figure out when someone thinks I’m a complete weirdo…” She said meekly.

The rooms in both dimensions went uncomfortable silent.

“Hey, you’re my weirdo.” Dan offered with a smile, placing an arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders.

“Awww, thanks Dr. Jerk!” Pinkie replied given her boyfriend a loving kiss on the lips.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Don’t forget we also love that about you.”

Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement.

Pinkie looked back at the mirror. “Thanks guys, you’re all the best.” She smiled wide and began to approach the mirror, dragging Dan along with her. “Interdimensional group hug!” She announced.

“WHAT?! No that’s redicu…” Dan sighed as he quickly found he was being forced to wrap arms around a mirror.

Twilight and Rarity giggled as they threw forearms around each other and also hugged the mirror on their end.

“I hope you’re all aware of how incredibly stupid this is.” Dan stated grumpily.

Twilight smiled as she nodded. “We know…”

“Can we go now? We have villainy to plot!” Dan stated.

Pinkie tittered quietly to herself as she released her hold on Dan and the mirror. “Heheh…plot…”

Dan sighed. “Please everyone do me a favor and never explain what that means to me, I don’t want to know.”

“Deal.” Twilight replied.

Twilight and Rarity also stepped back from the mirror a bit.

“We won’t keep you.” Twilight said. “Just uh…Don’t die, alright?”

Rarity raised an eyelash. “Don’t you mean, ‘stay safe’?” She asked.

Twilight turned to her unicorn friend. “I figured that was a bit…unrealistic.” She explained with a nervous smile.

“Ah…I see your point.”

Pinkie waved her hand back and forth rapidly. “Don’t worry! Dan and I have already taken this guy out three times! We’ll be fine!” She insisted.

“Well…I don’t really understand it…” Rarity replied. “But have fun you two!”

Pinkie grinned. “We always do!”

“Hey…uh…Dr. Jerk?” Twilight called out.

Dan looked at the mirror with an irritated expression. “What is it, Sparkler?”

Twilight smiled warmly at the man decked out in supervillain gear. “Thanks for taking care of Pinkie.”

Dan’s expression changed from irritation to surprise.

Rarity nodded in agreement with her purple friend. “You’re really doing a…uh…bang up job!” Rarity offered, swinging a forearm in front of her enthusiastically.

“Uh…right…sure…” Dan answered. “It’s what I’m here for…” He replied, not exactly sure what to say.

The two ponies on the other side of the mirror waved with their forehooves as Twilight’s horn glowed purple.

The mirror flickered briefly and returned to focus, the word ‘MUTE’ was now displayed in the center in a large, purple font.

*The next Day*

“I’m sorry, Dan!” Elise shouted cheerfully into the phone over the roaring sound of gunfire. “I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome Gatling guns are!” Elise sat in the car interior turned cockpit of a two story tall, black robot; its large, bulky arms were pointed straight ahead as bullets streamed from an opening at the end. Large silver pistons sat attached to past the elbows behind massive, black metal like shield attached to the arms. Under the cockpit was a silver grate that covered the torso, completing a look that made the robot appear like it was created from an old steam locomotive as opposed to a car.


“Your robot?” Elise answered smugly. “It’s not like it was your money that paid for it! And Pinkie said I could test it.”

“PARTY HARD!” Dan corrected forcefully.

“Uh…I thought I was?” Elise replied, as she released a trigger on the two joysticks in front of her.

“NO! Her supervillain name is ‘Party Hard’!” Dan responded.

“Oh…right. Look, I just need to add the big laser, and fine tune the rocket propulsion system.”

“I DON’T CA…wait? Rocket propulsion system!? It flies?!”

“Terrifi-Guy flies! What were you going to do if he just flew around shooting lasers at you?!”

“Well…I’D have lasers…” Dan replied sullenly.

“Yeah, but he’d have the entire sky to fly around in, while you’d just sit there and get pummeled.”

Dan paused. “…Dancing Shadow, I’m willing to overlook this transgression on the grounds that flying robots are awesome.”

Elise rolled her eyes. “Yeah, great…” She said sarcastically. “Look, I didn’t have to pull an all-nighter to get this thing ready…”

“Oh, please.” Dan responded. “As if you’re not doing this just so you get to play with a giant robot.”

Elise paused. “…Alright, you got me. Fine, I’ll finish with the rockets, the laser, and the other components and bring it over.”

“Great, I…wait…other components?! You’ve already got most the weapons working, as evidence of all the messaged from The Rack that you’ve done an excellent job trashing his secret, underground workshop…” Dan paused and pondered this, tapping a gloved hand against his chin. “Hmmmm…Note to self: get secret, underground workshop.”

“You really should, they’re quite handy.” Elise quipped.

“DON’T CHANGE THE SUBJECT! What else does the robot need!?”

“Well, I still need to add the cappuccino machine.” Elise answered.

Dan paused. “NO! I HATE COFFEE!”

“…Muffin Button?”


“…Stereo speakers..?” Elise asked, grinning hopefully.

“…Okay fine.” Dan replied. “But, you better bring it over as soon as you’re done.”

“Heh. Fine, Dr. Jerk. Dancing Shadow out.” Elise terminated the call.

Dan gave an irritated grumble as he reattached his cell phone to his utility belt.

“Dancing Shadow is still playing with the robot, huh?” Pinkie asked as descended a rope ladder that led up and out of the open bedroom window.

Dan put on a sullen look and glanced away. “Maybe…”

“I think I know something that will cheer you uuup~!” Pinkie sang out.

“…Death Ray?” Dan guessed.

“Well…I don’t know how to make a death ray, but I can make something pretty cool!” Pinkie responded, motioning for Dan to follow her up the ladder.

Dan pursued Pinkie up the ladder to the couple’s rooftop headquarters; which was mostly some furniture and random items from the apartment the two had dragged up to the roof.

Pinkie enthusiastically motioned out to an item that resembled a small, wooden helicopter she had painted with black and pink stripes along with her cutie mark on the side and the words ‘Party Hard’ on either side. “Neat, huh? It’s pedal powered!” Pinkie explained.

Dan looked at the gyrocopter, then back to Pinkie. “Wait…it’ pedal powered?! Okay, I’m not usually one for things that don’t require potentially dangerous fuel sources, but the fact that this probably violates the laws of physics is pretty awesome.”

Pinkie beamed in reply. “Wanna give it a try? Maybe we can fly it to Greasy Mike’s and you can pick up your robot!”

“Awww…” Dan gave Pinkie a toothy grin and reached up to pinch her cheek. “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”

Pinkie giggled. “I really am…”

Pinkie lifted the dome canopy, revealing a cockpit with two seats, on behind the other. Pinkie sat in the front, putting her feet and hands on a set of pedals and Dan sat in the back staring at a joystick with a trigger and a button on it. “Don’t tell me this thing has weapons…”

Pinkie shrugged as she lowered the canopy back down. “Okay!”

“…Uh…no, I meant… does this thing have weapons?” Dan corrected.

“Ooooh!” Pinkie smiled and nodded. “Yes.” She began pedaling, rapidly with her hands a feet, the wooden propeller began to spin rapidly and soon the device was airborne.

“… WELL?!” Dan exclaimed impatiently.

“Uh…well, what?” Pinkie asked, glancing behind her.

“WHAT WEAPONS DOES IT HAVE?!” Dan roared. “Geez! It’s like trying to communicate with a Cocker Spaniel sometimes with you.”

“Ooooooooh!” Pinkie responded as she shifted the pedals in her hand turning the gyrocopter. “I loaded the tee-shirt cannon with jars of hot sauce and rigged up a compressed air hot sauce cannon.”

“Huh…those should come in handy…How’d you build this thing anyways?”

Pinkie grinned mischievously. “Of you know… a couple of bicycles, a couple of ceiling fans stolen from a Lenny’s…some wood stolen from the walls of the same Lenny’s…a few vital support beams stolen from the same Lenny’s…also, we need a new Lenny’s to terrorize.” She added as her smile dropped slightly. “Our old one is all collapsy, now…”

Dan chuckled. “Shouldn’t be a problem, there are Lenny’s all over…HEY!”

Dan grabbed tightly to his seat as Pinkie and the device began to shake. “Ooops, sorry…Pinkie sense…huh…I wonder what’s going to fall…” Pinkie mused, looking towards the sky.

Dan frowned. “Eye’s up ahead, goofball. We got company.”

Pinkie looked forward to see a flying man in black tights and a black cape heading straight towards them. “Uh…is that Terrifi-Guy?”

“Do you know any other flying guys that would want to visit?”

“Uhh…Does The Eco-Terrorist fly?”

“Well…probably not the sort of flying you’re thinking off…” Dan refocused his attention to outside. “Huh, I guess I should do something about him.”

Dan took a couple, quick test shots with the joystick and hot sauce rifle, spraying a couple small streams of red liquid into the air. He took aim and unleashed a torrent of hot sauce directly into his target.

“Bull’s-eye!” Dan exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Ooooo! Nice hot sauce shooting!” Pinkie stated. “I’m kinda surprised you can hit so will with that but you can’t hit me with a snowball from a few yards away.”

“A childhood spent playing video games can probably explain both…Uh…he’s not stopping…”

“Oooo! Oooo! Try the hot sauce jar cannon!” Pinkie suggested.

Dan lined up his shot. “Say hello to my little friend.” He said, firing off a jar that successfully found its target.

“You have a tiny friend!?” Pinkie exclaimed. “Can I meet them?! Are they shy?”

Dan sighed. “Remind me you show you Scarface when we get home.”

Pinkie pouted. “I can meet him…or her now!” Pinkie protested.

“Now, you mor…” Dan looked outside and realized the hot sauce onslaught had done little to deter their attacker. “Hey, Pinkie…uh…how superhero proof is this thing?”

“Well…it’s mostly made out of wood, so…”


The two looked up to see the gyrocopter they were in no longer had a propeller.

Pinkie quickly pushed a large, red button that read ‘EMERGENCY CRASH PARTY’, the cockpit immediately filled to capacity with tons of bright, colorful balloons.


“…uh…some…somewhere between ‘not very’ and ‘not at all’.” Pinkie finished dizzily.

Dan growled angrily and attempted to push the many balloons away from him. “Yeah, I noticed.”

“Oooo! I just figured out what was supposed to fall from the sky!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Us!”

“Party Hard? Could you maybe stop talking for a bit while I assess how much trouble we’re in.” Dan asked.

“Right!” Pinkie replied enthusiastically. “Shutting up!”

With another loud crunch, the gyrocopter canopy was ripped off and flung into the street.

Dan quickly pulled out his phone and pressed a few buttons. “Hey, Dancing Shadow. Can you hurry it up with that robot? We’re somewhere in between Greasy Mike’s and our apartment, just look for the smashed gyrocopter in the street.” Dan paused. “Also, if we die, I just want you to know that it is absolutely your fault.” Dan terminated the call as he looked up at the muscular man in front of him.

The build of the man made it pretty apparent who it was, however the man’s face was completely covered by a grim looking helmet with a large, red colored lenses over the eyes. The tights had been replaced by some sort of flexible, but thick looking material. The cape, gloves, and boots remained, but they were now blood red in color. The large gold ‘T’ on the chest had likewise been replaced by a red one, and the gold ‘G’ on the belt with a red ‘M’.

“Hello, Dr. Jerk, Party Hard.” A deep, sinister voice called out, echoing slightly inside the helmet. “Let’s finish this.”

Author's Note:

Kudus to all who guessed that Terrifi-Guy would have some sort of breakdown and possibly turn evil.

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