• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings: Chapter 155 Pinkie Vs. Jealousy

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings
Chapter 155 Pinkie Vs. Jealousy


“Trixie has so many complaints about the current situation!” Trixie cried from what was a rather cramped back seat of a car.

Gibson sat next to her, sandwiched tightly between the magician and Pinkie who seemed to be glaring at the driver’s seat in front of her. Despite the tight confines, Gibson bore a slight smile suggesting he might be enjoying his current situation just a little bit.

“Save them for someone who cares,” Dan replied to Trixie from the passenger seat.

“I.E. no one,” Sunset chimed in as she sat in the driver’s seat and continued to drive down the city street. “So just keep it to yourself.”

Hah!” Dan cried. “Nice one.”

Dan and Sunset exchanged a quick fist bump. Pinkie glanced at the exchange, her eye twitching in response.

Trixie sighed and shook her head. She turned towards Gibson. “How’d you get caught up in all this anyhow?”

“He tricked me!” Gibson cried as he pointed to Dan. “He said you’d be here!”

“And yet here she is!” Dan said. “Think before you start throwing around allegations!”

Trixie leaned forward with an irritated expression on his face. “I’m only here because you tricked him! I should be having lunch while I hear how great I am! Not out doing… whatever ridiculous thing Sunset is mad about this time!”

“Tell me about it…” Pinkie uttered in an irritated tone from the other seat next to Gibson.

“It’s not ridiculous!” Sunset asserted from the driver’s seat. “This is the height of utter importance,” she affirmed.

Trixie leaned back in her seat and rolled her eyes. “It always is…”

Dan and Sunset looked out of the car’s massive windshield that extended from the front of the vehicle so far it composed some of its rather low ceiling. Their eyes drifted up to a billboard selling a bottled green beverage of some sort next to the phrase ‘Can I get a kale yeah?’

Sunset grumbled an obscenity under her breath as she saw the billboard.

Trixie looked outside and sighed. “Oh here we go.”

“Well it’s a pretty stupid f#&%ing slogan!” Sunset snapped. “Appropriate that they’re replacing the word ‘hell’ with ‘kale’, but still stupid.”

“Wait, what’s kale?” Dan asked.

Gibson piped up from the back. “Wait, you honestly don’t know?”

Dan turned to his side and leaned out of his chair a bit. “Oh, this is just part of my ongoing quest to waste everyone’s time by asking questions to things I already-OF COURSE I DON’T KNOW, IDIOT!” Dan snapped.

Sunset sighed. “It’s basically a leafy vegetable that’s trendy now.”

“… ‘Trendy vegetable’?!” Dan exclaimed. “That might be one of the worst things I’ve heard in my life.”

Pinkie winced. “That’s a pretty high bar.”

Dan let out an irritated growl. “And they’re forcing horrible, vegetable-related puns on the public! This is an outrage! The makers and producers of that sign should be arrested for public indecency then dragged into the street and shot to have an example made out of them.”

Sunset smiled. “No argument here.”

Trixie’s eyes went wide. “Oh no… there’s two of them…”

Dan continued to glare up at the sign as the car drove closer to it. “Sunset, I’m sorry but we have to stop and set fire to that billboard.”

Sunset paused for a moment, then smiled. “I’ve wanted to burn down that billboard for weeks.” She turned to Dan with a devilish smile on her face. “I have road flares and a gas can in the trunk.”

“Let’s do it!”

Yes!” Sunset said as she pulled over the car.

Pinkie puffed out her lower lip as her eyes went wide. “You’re… you’re committing arson with her?!” Pinkie cried as she motioned to Sunset.

As soon as the car had stopped, Dan and Sunset quickly undid their seatbelts as the top of the vehicle popped upward on a hinge at the front of the windshield.

Dan turned back towards Pinkie. “It’ll only take a minute!” he said before he and Sunset jumped out of their seats and out of the car.

“That’s not what I…GrrrrrrrRRRRRRR!”

Trixie sighed and undid her seatbelt. “Come on Gibson. We need to keep an eye out for the cops and distract them if need be.”

“Aw, man…” Gibson said as he undid his own seatbelt. “Can’t believe boss-man has me keeping look out on my days off, too.”

Pinkie shot Gibson a hurt look. “But… but I usually distract the police if they show up!”

Trixie shrugged. “Sorry,” she motioned to herself dramatically, “but the Grrrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie never passed up an opportunity for a potential street performance.”

Pinkie sighed heavily as Trixie and Gibson climbed out of the car. “I’ll just keep an eye on the car…” she said in a sad tone as she decided to stare down at her bare knees.

“Hey! I think they’re setting fire to that billboard,” a deep masculine voice called out.

Pinkie looked up as a pair of policemen, one sporting a long nose and a bushy mustache, the other clean shaven with a muscular frame and a chiseled jaw, walked down the street towards the billboard.

Pinkie reached for her seatbelt.

“Nothing to worry about, officers!” Trixie said, quickly stepping in front of the police. “Just a harmless magic trick.”

The mustached officer’s face lit up. “Why, the Great and Powerful Trixie,” he said with a slight Irish accent. He grinned at Trixie. “Out doing a little magic practice, eh?”

Gibson stepped up and pensively looked from the police to the billboard which had started to smoke.

“That’s right!” Trixie cried. “Now… does anyone have a coin?”

Pinkie whimpered and went back to staring at her knees while feeling sorry for herself.

Soon Trixie had wowed the pair of policemen with coin tricks, the ability to correctly guess cards, and a billboard that only appeared to be on fire. Meanwhile, Pinkie was practicing something she rarely did: not move a muscle as she looked on with a forlorn expression. She took no notice of the sound of another car pulling up behind the one she was in or the sounds of car doors opening and closing.

“Hi, Dan!” A male’s voice called out.

Pinkie suddenly perked up.

“Not now, Monkey-face!” Dan shouted back. “I’m righting vegetable-pun wrongs! The worst kind of wrongs!”

“Yeah, I can see that!” Chris shouted back.

Pinkie quickly undid her seatbelt and pulled herself out of the car, a low to the ground, red sports car complete with a massive finned yellow spoiler on the back, an exposed engine, and flames painted on the hood. A small smile replaced the sad look on Pinkie’s face as she saw two familiar people. “Chris! Elise! What brings you here?”

“Hi, Pinkie!” Chris greeted from the base of the billboard. “We were passing through and we noticed the billboard fire.”

“Hi, Pinki—Ooooff!” Elise uttered as Pinkie practically threw herself at the redhead and wrapped her arms around her. “Naturally we assumed you and Dan had something to do with it.”

Pinkie let go of Elise than let out a sad sounding gust of air and hung her head and arms in front of her. “More like Dan and that crazy ice-skating girl.”

Chris looked up, holding a hand over his eyes to shield it from the sun. “Oh, you mean that girl that beat up Amber and then got beat up by Gibson’s mom? So that’s who’s up there with Dan.”

“That’s the one.” Pinkie whimpered slightly. “She and Dan are getting on like a billboard on fire,” she added in a depressed sounding tone. Pinkie felt something well up in her chest. “They don’t need me for anything!” She added in a tone that was just a hair’s breadth away from sobbing.

“Oh, Pinkie…” Elise said in a sympathetic tone as she placed her hands on Pinkie’s shoulders. “As weird as it is for me to admit this, I think Dan loves you very much. I’m sure he just got swept up in the moment.”

Pinkie looked up at Elise, her eyes were puffy and small streams of tears went down her cheeks. “But Dan’s never clicked this fast with anyone before! What if she’s Dan’s soul mate and I’m… hic… and I’m… sob… not?”

Chris squinted as the nasally sound of Dan being angry combined with the vulgarity-laced speech of Sunset drifted down from the billboard. “I’m not sure I’d worry about that so much,” Chris said. “Looks like those two are already at each other’s throats… literally while everything around them is on fire.”

Pinkie looked up with an expression full of hope. “Really?!”

Chris nodded and turned towards Pinkie. “If anything, I’d say those two are more in hate with each other than love.”

Pinkie gasped and pointed at Chris. “You mean like Dan and Elise!”

Chris smiled and pointed back. “Exactly!”

“… WHAT?!” Elise cried.

Pinkie placed a hand on Elise’s shoulder. “It’s okay Elise. I bet if you remind Dan exactly why he hates you he’ll forget all about the hate he has for that Shimmer girl.”

Elise pulled a look that seemed to have gotten lost somewhere in-between ‘sneer’ and ‘complete face spasm’. “I am not going to compete with this woman over who Dan hates more!”

Ha! Radical!” Pinkie cried. She turned and looked up at the billboard. “Do you hear that Sunset Shimmer?! Elise doesn’t even think you’re competition!”

“That’s not what I… ARRRGGGH!” Elise cried in frustration.

Pinkie smiled at Elise. “I like your spirit, but you should really save all your vitriol for Dan.”

Elise smacked a palm against her face.

“Gee, that billboard is really burning,” Chris said as flaming bits of billboard began to fall, turning to ash on their way down.

Pinkie looked up. “Yeah, it really is…”

Gibson strolled up to the group. “… So is anyone going to help those two, or are we just going to let them argue until they catch fire?”

Pinkie’s eyes widened. “Oh, right.”

“They’re climbing down,” Chris said. He frowned. “At the same time… While still arguing and pushing each other…”

“Just wait your turn!” Dan cried as he attempted to descend a narrow metal ladder and fight Sunset at the same time. “A little fire should match your crazy hair style perfectly!”

“F######&% that!” Sunset said as she too tried to descend the ladder while shoving Dan. “You can wait and play with the fire!”

Trixie strolled up to the group below with a satisfied smile on her face. “Well, thanks to the efforts of the Grrrrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie, those police have completely forgotten about the billboard fire.”

“Hey watch it, condiment hair!” Dan shouted from high above.

You watch it, shorty!” Sunset shouted back.

Pinkie looked up with a slightly panicky expression. “They’re going to fall.”

Trixie shot the group an irritated look. “Don’t everyone thank me at once.”

“Sorry, Trixie,” Gibson said as he glanced at the magician, “but we’re a little concerned those two are going to fall to their deaths.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Sunset nearly falls to her death all the time, but we have a system in place for it.”

“Really?” Gibson asked. “What is it? Looks like we could use—”



Pinkie positioned herself and held her arms out.

Trixie positioned herself, then pushed Gibson a few feet.

“Hey!” Gibson cried. “Why’d you…”

“Oooff!” Dan exclaimed as he landed safely in Pinkie’s arms.


OW!” Sunset cried as she landed on top of Gibson.

“… Ooouch…” Gibson uttered from the hard sidewalk below.

Trixie looked down at Gibson with a worried apologetic look. “Sorry, force of habit… We usually have another girl around for this sort of thing.”

Gibson raised an index finger. “I have mixed feelings about this…” He announced in a pained voice from under Sunset’s rump.

“Nice catch,” Dan said as he smiled at Pinkie.

Pinkie pulled Dan close and nuzzled his cheek despite the rough stubble. “It’s what I’m here for.”

Dan chuckled and returned the affection. “Alright, alright, we’ll cuddle later. We have vengeance to commit.”

Pinkie sat Dan down.

Sunset stood up and brushed herself off. “At least your jailbait boy-toy is good for something,” she muttered to Trixie.

Gibson rolled onto his stomach and gave Sunset a confused look. “Jailbait? I’m both flattered and confused.”

“What’s to be confused about?!” Dan asked. “You’re under 18, ipso facto you’re jailbait.”

“True…” Gibson said as Trixie helped him to his feet. “But that’s a term usually used on underage girls.”

Dan narrowed his eyes at Gibson. “There’s no sexism in the Dan army.”

“Hah!” Elise cried derisively.

“The Dan army?!” Sunset cried. “Hey, this is my vengeance run!”

Dan took a few steps closer to Sunset. “Hey, you might be the one with the vendetta, but I’m the expert here!”

“Expert?!” Sunset said as she crossed her arms in front of her. “Trixie, tell Danny boy here about all the vengeance runs we’ve pulled together.”

Trixie shook her head. “I try not to commit details to memory. That way I have less to tell the court if I have to testify against you.”

Dan rolled his eyes. “Chris? Pinkie?”

Chris gave Sunset an unimpressed look. “Dan once got so mad at a kid selling milk-chocolate bars door to door that he declared war.”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “War on what?”

“Let’s just say the Person Scouts still have a mandate to bring Dan in ‘dead or alive’.”

Pinkie wrapped her arms around her and shivered slightly. “You get really good at dodging arrows when you spent a lot of time with Dan.”

Dan turned his palms skyward. “Children going around selling poisoned candy door-to-door has got to be a violation of the Geneva Convention! Someone has to do something if that useless United Nations is just going to turn a blind eye to it!”

Sunset gave Dan a confused look. “Alright, I hate those snot nosed little brats knocking on my door to sell me stuff as much as the next person, but ‘poison’?

Chris spoke up, “Dan’s lactose intolerant.”

“DON’T TELL PEOPLE MY WEAKNESS!” Dan cried. He pointed at Sunset “Especially not an insane girl like her who might actually use it against me!”

Sunset smirked. “It’s definitely something I’m committing to memory.”

Dan leveled an index finger at Sunset. “Is that supposed to scare me lady? Look, we could stand here all day while I tell you all the things I’m capable of, but need I remind you who my girlfriend is?” Dan said as he pointed behind him with a thumb at Pinkie.

Pinkie gave Sunset a mad grin and cracked her knuckles.

Sunset held out her hands palms forward. “Alright, chill. As long as we get the job done I don’t care.”



The group all took several steps back from a flaming piece of billboard which had just fallen onto the street next to them.

Gibson frowned. “We should leave before the police remember there’s a billboard on fire and come back…”

The group began walking back to Sunset’s red hot rod and Chris and Elise’s blue sedan.

Elise cocked an eyebrow. “Are you two on some sort of mad billboard arson spree?”

“Tempting,” Dan said, “but we have pop stars to deal with.”

“Any in particular?” Chris asked. “Or is your radio just stuck on the top 40 station again?”

Dan shook his head. “Naw, some group called ‘the Dazzlings’ edged Sunny girl there out of what is certain to be a mediocre ice-skating performance.”

“Screw you!” Sunset cried. “My performance is going to be fabulous once we make sure it happens.”

Chris’s face lit up. “The Dazzlings! I love the Dazzlings.”

Dan rolled his eyes. “Shooooocking… Well don’t get too attached. We might render them unable to sing.”

Pinkie puffed out her lower lip. “But I like their music, too!”

“Wait, that’s what this is about?!” Gibson cried. “Dude, uncool!”

Dan sighed heavily. “Does everyone just have really horrible taste in music?!”

Sunset nodded in agreement as she stepped up to her car. “I know, right?”

“Who said anything about their music?” Gibson said.

Trixie cocked an irritated eye at Gibson. “HmmmmmMMMMM?!”

Gibson looked at Trixie nervously. “I mean… You’re perfect and all other women are complete garbage compared to you.”

Trixie smiled and nodded satisfactorily.

Dan’s eye twitched. “Alright obnoxious teen, your desperate devotion might be cute to your girlfriend there, but you just shot straight up to ‘most expendable’ for this little mission after your girlfriend.”

“Hey!” Trixie cried. “Trixie is not expendable!”

Chris smiled as he walked past Sunset’s car to the blue sedan. “It’s going to be a good day.”

Elise sighed. “If Pinkie and Dan manage to avoid getting arrested for assault or even murder, that is.”

Chris pursed his lips. “Should we go with them?” He looked out over the group by Sunset’s car as Dan and Sunset found themselves entangled in yet another heated argument.

Pinkie smiled wide as she watched the quarreling duo, her eyes occasionally drifting over towards Elise.

Chris Continued, “I don’t think anyone else is really going to try practicing damage control.”

Elise put on a thoughtful look. “I don’t know if we should get involved…”

Dan walked past Chris and Elise, Pinkie bounding happily behind him. “Chris, Elise, we’re riding with you. That bright red eye-sore is now the sacrifice car.”

“SACRIFICE CAR?!” Sunset cried. “This automotive piece of art is worth more than everything you own combined!”

“Pinkie,” Dan said as he opened one of the back doors to the blue sedan, “remind me to purchase a tank… and a jet… or some sort of crazy jet-tank hybrid.”

Pinkie grinned as she skipped to the other side of the car and opened the door. “Of course, Dan.”

Chris smiled at Elise. “I think we just got conscripted.”

“Well…” Elise shrugged. “At least we get a chance to meet a few celebrities…”

Author's Note:

Forgot to mention it last chapter, but Pinkie's latest outfit is based off the "Angry" Pinkie below:


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