• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 35,558 Views, 9,852 Comments

The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 13 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Couch Hunt: Bonus Chapter Bakery Blues

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 13 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Couch Hunt
Bonus Chapter Bakery Blues

-ooo~~About a week ago…~~ooo-

Amber exited the driver’s side of her teal sedan and stepped out into the hot Southern California sun that beat down on her with an oppressive heat. She walked across the parking lot of ‘Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins’. Her pink cardigan was absent, Amber having decided her white blouse and long purple skirt being enough in the heat. Her normal chipper, or perhaps forced chipper, expression was replaced with a slight frown, and her shoulders were slumped, making her seem like an almost wilted version of herself.

Amber reached out towards the door of the bakery, but quickly retracted her hand as she noticed man in an apron quickly rushing towards it.

The man quickly threw the door open and rushed through the bakery parking lot screaming “I CAN’T TAKE IT! I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT!

Amber looked on with a concerned expression as the man beelined for the road in front of the bakery. She called out in a concerned tone, “WAIT! WATCH OUT FOR THE…”



Amber cringed as the sound of rubber trying and failing to slow a vehicle screeched out ensued by a loud and violent crash.

“… car…”

Amber watched as a tire rolled over towards the front of the store, made a couple lazy circles, fell over, and then caught fire.

As you do.

Amber rolled her eyes and opened the door to the bakery. She quickly took a step back as Dan stormed out, grumbling irritably to himself.

Uh… Hi, Dan,” she said as Dan walked past her. “I think one of your employees—”

I HAVE EYES, AMBER!” Dan shouted angrily as he walked towards the crash.

Amber sighed and shook her head as she walked into the cool bakery. A long line extended from the front counter almost to the door. She got in line and absentmindedly scanned the bakery full of customers sitting at tables, who munched on cupcakes and muffins and took sips from mugs.

She looked up as Pinkie quickly walked up from the front of the store, her eyes focused on the door.

Pinkie walked up to the bakery door, opened it, and brought her free hand up to her mouth. “DAN! REMEMBER TO CALL AN AMBULANCE THIS TIME!”

NO PROMISES!” Dan shouted back.

Pinkie smiled and rolled her eyes, turning back into the bakery. “Oh!” she exclaimed as she noticed Amber. “Hey Amber! How goes the job search?”

“Hi, Pinkie.” Amber forced a smile. She felt a blast of heat as the bakery door swung open again. “Oh… you know… still mulling over my prospects.”

Amber heard a chuckle from behind her. “That’s code for ‘laying on the couch, eating ice cream straight out of the carton, and crying to yourself’.”

Amber turned and shot Dan a glare as he grinned a devilish smile back at her. He held an apron that under his arm that seemed slightly singed.

What?!” Amber cried.I never said—”

Dan cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted into the bakery. “Chris! ‘Mulling over my prospects’ is jobless, loser speak for ‘laying on the couch, eating ice cream straight out of the carton, and crying to yourself’, is it not?”

STOP READING MY DIARY!” Chris shot back.

Dan smirked and motioned towards the source of the voice.

Amber glowered at Dan. “Yeah, well… shut up!

Pinkie puffed out her lower lip. “Is that true, Amber? Do you really feel down about not having a job anymore?”

Amber sighed and bowed her head. “A little…” she admitted. “It’s been so long since I’ve been without work, I almost feel like I should just find anything just so I’m keeping myself busy…”

“Well!” An unfamiliar, nasally masculine voice answered. “Welcome aboard!”

Amber looked up in confusion as she noticed a nearly bald, bespectacled man wearing a yellow shirt and red tie sitting behind a desk in an office she wasn’t in a second ago. “Uh… How did I…?”

The man chuckled. “Yeah, Pinkie does that sometimes.” He handed Amber a clipboard and a pen.

Amber frowned and began flipping through the sheets on the clipboard. “There’s a sheet for ‘next of kin’ in this job application.”

The man behind the desk nodded. “There sure is!”

Amber sighed and began filling the paperwork out.

-ooo~~A few days after that~~ooo-

A young man with spiky black hair, in a black Blink 182 t-shirt and jeans, stood in front of the bakery as he eyed a ‘HELP WANTED’ sign posted in the window. He peered inside taking note of the nearly completely full dining room and scrunched his brow slightly.

“Hello!” a cheerful voice called out.

The young man turned and noticed a cheerful looking woman peering out at him from the open bakery door. She peeked her head out just past her chin and smiled brightly at him.

Uh… Hellooo~…” The young man replied in a deep voice. He walked up to the woman and extended a hand. “Name’s Gibson. I’m…”

The woman grabbed the hand. “Are you looking for a job?”

“Well, yeah actually” The young man replied, his voice going up in pitch. I’m…” the man paused as the person’s whose hand he was holding seemed to change in a blink of an eye.

“Well hello!” A slightly surprised bespectacled man said from behind a desk. “You must be here for a job.”

Uh… Yeaaaah…” the young man said in a confused tone. “Where’d I go just now?”

The man behind the desk chuckled as he retracted his hand. “You must have run into Pinkie.”

“Oh! The girl with the curly pink hair?”

The man behind the desk nodded. “That’s her. She pretty much zips anyone even remotely interested in a job straight into the office then zips out again.” The man produced a clipboard and pen. “My name’s Wally, I own the bakery.”

The young man smiled and nodded. “Cool, my name is Gibson.”

Wally handed Gibson the clipboard and pen. “Just fill that out and you can begin working right away if you like.”

“Sweet!” Gibson said as he began filling the information out. “Just like that, huh? No drug test? No background test?”

Wally chuckled with just a touch of nervousness in his voice. “Just like that…” he answered. “Oh!” Wally motioned to a chair in front of his desk. “Why don’t you have a seat? While you fill that out.”

Gibson sat in the chair and began filling out the paperwork. After a bit, he handed the clipboard back to Wally.

Wally accepted the clipboard with a smile. “Here,” he said, “let me introduce you to the assistant manager.” He turned towards the open office door. “Dan!” Wally called out. “We have a new employee!”

A short man with short, messy black hair soon walked in. He wore a frosting-and-flour-covered apron over a black t-shirt and blue jeans, and carried a folded white apron under his arms. He wordlessly began looking Gibson up and down.

Uh… Hey… My name is…”

“Names are earned, new meat,” Dan interrupted. He grabbed the apron from under his arm and thrust it into Gibson’s chest. Gibson quickly grabbed it.

“Now put that on!” Dan demanded.

Gibson did as commanded and grimaced slightly as he noticed the apron he was given was already slightly singed, caked with batter and frosting, and also splattered with some reddish-brown stain he couldn’t quite identify.

Dan nodded satisfactorily. “Now go work the register with Amber and try not to die.”

A small smile began to grow on Gibson’s face. “Amber, huh?” His eyes widened as he fully processed Dan’s words. “Uh… die?” he asked as concern took an axe to his smile. “Wait…” Gibson stared down at his apron. “Is some of this blood?!”

“Dan, no employee has died here,” Wally said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief.

Yet, you mean,” Dan replied as a leveled an index finger at Wally.

“Dan!” Wally said adding a little force to his voice as dabbed at his perspiring forehead. “Please don’t scare new employees before they’ve even got a chance to begin!”

Dan rolled his eyes. “Fine!” He turned back to Gibson. “Please don’t suffer a mental breakdown and run screaming into oncoming traffic on your first day.”

Gibson scrunched his brow up. “I thought Wally said not to scare new employees before they’ve even got a chance to begin”

Wally nodded. “Yes, I did.”

Gibson turned and smiled at Wally. His smile quickly wilted into a frown as Wally remained silent and he realized there would be no follow-up comment.

Today new meat!” Dan cried.

Gibson’s shoulders slumped slightly as he walked out of the office, however he perked up immediately upon laying eyes on the long haired blond woman standing in front of the register. She wore a pink cardigan over a white blouse and a long salmon-colored skirt, Gibson could see the straps of an apron around her neck and waist.

Gibson strode up to the register with a smile on his face

The woman turned and smiled with red lipstick covered lips and extended a hand. “Hello! You must be our newest employee. I’m Amber.”

Gibson grasped Amber’s hand in his and rather than shake it, he held it and raised it to chest-level. “Well hellloooo, Gibson said, his voice dropping slightly. “Name’s Gibson. I’m a guitarist and a singer, and I must say it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Amber.”

Amber looked down at her hand which was being held by Gibson then back up at him. Her eyes narrowed slightly. “How old are you?”

Gibson frowned as he searched for a proper response, “Uhhhhhh…”

“I thought as much,” Amber said as she retracted her hand. “Just try not to have a nervous breakdown, alright?”

Uh… Alright…”

Amber nodded. “Good, now you can help by picking cupcakes and muffins out of the display case." Amber turned to take an order of a customer at the register. Gibson proceeded to search the display case for any baked goods that were requested.

“Who had the extra-large order of muffins?” A cheery voice called out.

Gibson eyes went wide has got a better look at the pink haired, curvy beauty that had grabbed him from the front of the store. She happily bounded past him, around the counter, and across the dining area as she balanced a large tray full of muffins.

“I think… I think I’m in love…” Gibson uttered.

Amber looked up to see who Gibson was talking about and rolled her eyes. “She’s in a relationship with Dan. They share an apartment a few blocks away from here.”

Gibson frowned. “The short, angry guy? No way she’s happy with a guy like that…”

Amber nodded. “Indeed… Euphoric is probably the closest word you’ll find in the English language.”

Gibson gave Amber a crestfallen look. “Seriously?”

“I’m actually wondering if I can leverage my research on those two to explore some previously undiscovered level of happiness and write a paper on it,” Amber explained. She sighed. “Lord knows I’ve read enough material on those two…”

Gibson knitted his brow and stared at Amber. “Uh… Are you serious or…”

WHAAAA! Look out!”

Gibson barely had time to look up before a barrage of colorful cupcakes landed on him and Amber.

Amber sighed and began picking off the baked goods from her apron and clothing. Gibson merely stared out at the blond-haired, crooked-eyed woman wearing a light blue shirt over a dark blue buttoned-up shirt, yellow tie, green skirt, and frosting-caked apron who had just accidentally rained cupcakes on him and Amber.

“Whoa… she’s cute…” Gibson muttered, a cupcake splattered against his cheek.

“Also married with a child,” Amber said flatly as she picked another cupcake off her.

Gah!” Gibson cried as he held hands tensed into claws up in frustration. He pointed out into the dining area. “Well what about her?”

Amber followed Gibson’s finger until she spotted the back of a thin-framed person with long-dreadlocked, blond hair, a green shirt under a purple vest, khakis, and sandals, and an apron. “That’s Crunchy—” Amber began.

Crunchy turned, revealing his pink glasses adorned face and chin scruff.

“—he’s a dude,” Amber finished.

Gibson shoulders slumped and he looked up at Amber with wide, puppy dog eyes as the cupcake slid off the side of his face.

Amber glowered down at him. “You look like you’re still in high school!”

Gibson smiled. “So you’re not married or in a relationship, then?”

“That’s none of your business!” Amber huffed out.

Awww come on!” Gibson said. “At least let me know what my chances with you are!”

Amber narrowed her eyes. “Not good.”

“You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?”

“I’d say more like one out of a million.”

Gibson’s face lit up. “So you’re telling me there’s a chance!”

Amber responded by smacking a palm against her face.


Wearing a green tank-top, green-and-brown camouflage pants, combat boots, and a sling over his right arm, Sarge walked across the bakery parking lot, his clean shaven head glinting as it reflected the bright Southern California sun.

Sarge smiled to himself as pushed the door open and walked into the bustling bakery. He made his way past the line to a register where a blond-haired woman was busily taking orders. She looked up at Sarge as he stepped up to the front counter.

“Yes? Is something wrong?” Amber asked with a concerned expression.

Sarge shook his head. “Actually, I’m here to see Dan. I kind of owe him something.”

Amber sighed, and turned towards the back. “Dan! There’s a large man with his arm in a sling who probably wants to beat you up!”

There was a beat of silence before Dan shouted back, “Cripple wants to beat me up!?

Amber rolled her eyes. “Dan! Crunchy stopped wearing the sling before I even started working here. Also he’s not that big!”

Dan emerged from the back. “Well then who—You!” Dan cried as he leveled an accusatory index finger at Sarge.

Sarge raised his left hand and waved. “Hey, Dan!”

Dan narrowed his eyes. “The thrashing at The Salvation Armed Forces not enough for you, huh!? Well you’ve got another baseball bat coming to the face if you think I’m going to let some thrift store goon just walk in here and—”

Sarge put up his hand defensively. “Whoa! I didn’t come here to fight.”

“You didn’t?” Dan asked in an unsure tone. “Arson then?”

Uh… No, sir,” Sarge replied. “I just came because I still owed you a handshake,” Sarge said with a smile as he extended his left hand. “Sorry it’s with my left.” His smile widened. “Some tough guy came and busted up my right arm.”

Dan stared at the hand suspiciously. “Is this some kind of trick? I grab your arm and then you bean me with your stupid bell?”

Uh, arm's a little broken for that, sir,” Sarge replied.

I bet that’s exactly what you want me to think!” Dan cried in an accusing tone.

“If it’s a trick,” Amber piped up, “he’s doing a very good job of disguising his body language.”

Dan glanced up at Amber.

“Well I have to do something with my doctorate in Social Psychology,” Amber said.

Dan knitted his brow slightly, then smiled. He extended his left hand and shook Sarge’s.

Sarge gave it a firm shake and smiled again. “Thanks for making me believe again.”

Dan smiled. “Happy to be of help.”

Amber scrunched her brow. “Believe in what?”

“Mr. Moneybags,” Sarge and Dan said simultaneously.

Amber looked at the exchange and blinked a few times as she handed a customer her change. “You get into the absolute weirdest messes,” she said.

“Oooo! Oooo!” Pinkie cried as she suddenly popped up from behind the counter.

Sarge and Amber jumped slightly at Pinkie sudden and unexpected appearance.

“Are you making a new friend?!” Pinkie asked excitedly.

Dan smiled as he retracted his hand. “Yeah… I think I am… Or at least a new minion who’d be great to have in a fight.”

Pinkie’s lips pulled open wide making an audible ‘squee’ sound.

Sarge chuckled. “Just don’t ask me to steal from any Salvation Armed Forces Stores.”

“So!” Pinkie interjected. “You came all the way here just to make friends with Dan?”

Sarge nodded. “And say ‘I’m sorry’ for hitting you in the head with a bell.”

Pinkie smiled. “Oh, it’s alright! I hit my head on stuff all the time! It’s no big deal.”

Sarge chuckled. “I’m happy to hear it.”

Pinkie frowned. “Hear what?”

Uh… that it’s no deal that I hit you with a bell because it happens a lot?”

Pinkie gasped. “How’d you know that?! Are you psychic?!”

Erm… No… you just told me, yourself.”

“Oh!” Pinkie replied. “Told you what?”

Dan smacked a palm against his face. He reached into an apron pocket and produced a small funnel. “Pinkie, amuse yourself with this.”

Pinkie gasped as she took the funnel and began examining it carefully. “Wow! It’s a thing that starts out big on one end and is smaller on the other! That’s incredizing!

Dan turned to Sarge. “So, just came by for a handshake and to apologize to scatterbrain here?”

Sarge nodded. “I’m afraid I’m on leave of absence from the Salvation Armed Forces until my arm gets healed up. Kind of hard to be on the front lines like this,” he said as he motioned to his arm. Sarge rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Tryin’ to figure out ways to keep myself busy, you know?”

Amber chuckled to herself. “Oh, here we go…”

Pinkie gasped and turned to Dan with a massive grin.

Dan chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Alright Pinkie, show him to Wally.”

Sarge’s expression went neutral. “Wally? Who’s…” He looked around with a confused expression as he noticed his surroundings suddenly shifted to an office containing a large, bespectacled man behind a desk.

From behind Sarge, Pinkie placed a hand up to her chest as she began breathing heavily. “Huff… Puff… So…. heavy!” she cried in a shrill tone as she walked out of the office.

Wally stared up at the large man and smiled. “So, looking for a job?” he said as he handed Sarge a clipboard.

Uhhh… Maybe?” Sarge said in an unsure tone.


Sarge peered out of the office to witness a wall-eyed, blond haired woman fall to the ground with a ‘Thud!’ and launch a dozen cupcakes that splattered over a young man in a black t-shirt, jeans, and apron.

“OH COME ON!” the young man in the apron cried. “That’s the third time today!”

“Sorry, Gibson,” the woman said as she sat on the floor, her hands propping herself up slightly. “I just don’t know what went wrong.”


Gibson sighed heavily as he trudged off towards the front counter. “Yes, sir,” he huffed out.

Sarge leaned his head back into the office. He grabbed the clipboard and pen and set it on the desk in front of him. He smiled as he picked up the pen and begin filling out the forms in front of him. “I’m home…” he muttered to himself.

Author's Note:

Thanks to OneOverTwo for getting me to think about Gibson's first day.Sir Crystal Stardust also said something in the comments that helped shape this chapter.

And with that, the bakery finally has a healthy collection of weird misfits to keep the muffins and cupcakes flying (literally sometimes). Sarge kind of grew on me a few chapters back. He should make for a fun addition to the cast.

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