• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*: Chapter 133 Dan Vs. Escape

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*
Chapter 133 Dan Vs. Escape


“HELEN!” Sunset cried as she and Dan* sprinted past the table she had been sitting at with the other girls a few minutes prior. “GO FIGHT THE GUY WITH THE GLOWING RED FISTS!”

“WHY ME?!” Helen exclaimed as she quickly sat up.

“BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT ME!” Sunset replied.


Helen was suddenly cut off as the massive camcorder Dan* had been using suddenly flew past her, sailing through the air before it collided with the back of Dan*’s head.


The camcorder exploded into shards of metal and plastic on contact.

AAAHHH!” Dan* yelped as he toppled over onto the concrete floor.

“Hey!” Dan exclaimed in a rather chipper tone. “Red glowing fists are super strong, too!”

Helen turned towards Dan, then back towards Sunset. “I am absolutely not fighting him.”

Sunset knelt next to Dan* as she narrowed her eyes and stared back at Helen. “SHE HELPED DELIVER THE EXPLODING TV!” she yelled as she pointed accusingly at Helen.

Helen’s eyes widened briefly before she scowled at Sunset. “Oh, you unbelievable bi—” Helen was cut off once more as she heard the sound of crackling energy and noticed that the red glow that was starting to get brighter. She quickly picked up the wooden chair she was sitting in moments ago and lobbed it at Dan.

Dan swatted at the chair with one of his hands, the chair ‘crack’ed on impact with the back of his hand and flew through the air, impacting with the metal wall with a ‘crunch’ as the already damaged piece of furniture broke and splintered into kindling.

“Are you okay?!” Sunset asked as she helped Dan* back to his feet.

Dan* stood up with ease, a smile on his face. “I’m fine! It’s going to take more than a camcorder to—”

INCOMING!” Helen cried.

Dan* and Sunset looked up just in time to notice the desk he had been sitting at flying towards them. Sunset quickly leapt out of the way as the desk collided with Dan* and then the floor with a resounding ‘CRUNCH!

Sunset landed on her hands and feet then quickly rolled over into a sitting position. She supported herself with her hands behind her as she stared at the mass of broken wood, a twisted hand sticking out of the wreckage almost as if it were trying to reach for something.

“Welp… that happened,” Sunset said as Helen ran up to her and helped her back up to her feet.

Dan wiped his still-glowing palms against each other as he looked at Sunset. “Aren’t you going to mourn him or get angry that I just clobbered him with a desk?”

“Well… I liked him, but I also don’t want to die. So… You know, priorities. Speaking of not wanting to die, now that you smashed your nemesis with a desk, can I—”

Helen glared at Sunset as she cleared her throat forcefully.

Sunset sighed. “–We go now?”

Dan narrowed his eyes. “You both helped deliver a bomb to my girlfriend and also kidnapped me, so no, not so much.”

Sunset frowned. “Okay, but if I told you I felt super bad about those things, would you let me go?”

“Oh what the heck!” Helen cried as she flung her hands out. “How can you be so cowardly?!”

Sunset motioned to the pile of wood and the mangled hand sticking out of it. “He threw a fricken’ desk through the air and I’m too gorgeous to die!”

Dan stared at the high ceiling briefly and thought about this. “You know… In my time I’ve performed what some might call some fairly drastic retribution for what those same people might call petty, or insignificant transgressions against me.”

“Oh?” Sunset replied raising an eyebrow.

Dan nodded. “And this is not petty by any stretch of the imagination, so you girls are pretty much in for a world of hurt.”

Swell…” Sunset grumbled out.

“On the bright side,” Dan said, “it probably won’t last all that long…”

Sunset and Helen’s eyes went wide with worry as Dan began to approach them once more, his entire body glowing with a faint red. Each step of his boots hit with a loud stomp’ that resounded through the mostly empty warehouse as he drew closer to the girls.

Sunset leaned over and whispered into Helen’s ear. “On the count of three… we bolt for the door behind us.”

Helen nodded.

Dan took another step.


“One,” Sunset said as she bolted for the door.

“HEY!” Helen cried as she turned and watched Sunset.

“This is what you get for trusting people!” Sunset cried back.


Dan reached the table the girls were sitting at before, picked it up and easily tossed it into the air. The table flew in an arc away from Dan and towards Sunset.

“Watch out!” Helen cried. She stopped suddenly as her concern gave way to an annoyed look. “Or get hit… I don’t even care anymore…”

Sunset turned just in time to see the table hurtling towards her. She attempted to duck, but lost her footing and slid on the concrete as the table flew overhead, brushing against her red-and-yellow locks of hair before it slammed into the door in front of her. The legs of the table seemingly punched holes through the wall and the flat surface neatly embedded itself into the metal of the warehouse which had bent inwards around the table.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” Sunset uttered as she stared at the table.


Sunset took one small slightly panicky glance behind her before she crawled over to the table. She began clawing for the edge of the table in a desperate attempt to pry it out of the way.

Helen quickly ran up beside her and also attempted to dig her fingers in-between the metal of the warehouse walls and the thick, wooden table.

“Helen!” Sunset cried. “I’m so glad you’re here to help me pull out the table.”


Helen looked down and shot Sunset yet another scowl. “You know I’ve tried twice to kill Pinkie with sharp weapons right? I mean…“


“…I know we might die here, and or whatever… but you’re really pushing the limits of what I’ll put up with before I start looking for something long and sharp.”


“Oh, just shut up and help me get the door open before that deranged lunatic makes his way up here.”

“Uh, Sunset…?”

Sunset sighed as she noticed her shadow cast on the table in front of her, curtesy of a red glow. She hung her head. “He is literally right behind me, isn’t he?”

“Do you even have to ask?” Helen replied.

Sunset raised to her feet. She and Helen turned to see Dan standing well within arm’s length of the two, staring at the both of them with an irked expression one might reserve for two girls who helped plant a bomb that could potentially hurt or kill one’s girlfriend.

Sunset gulped. “And I meant ‘deranged lunatic’ in the nicest possible way.”

Dan spoke up, “You know, I wasn’t actually offended.”

“Oh?” Sunset said.

Dan nodded and held a palm up. “I mean, it’s not like I’m under any illusions that I’m what most would consider ‘well-adjusted’.” Dan’s wide, toothy, and crazed looking grin returned. “Plus, I’m about to pound you both into jelly... I mean… sane people probably don’t do stuff like that.”

“Please!” Helen cried. “Kill her first!” she said as she pointed to Sunset with a thumb.

Dan paused and put on a slightly ponderous expression, as if seriously considering the request.

“What?!” Sunset cried as she angrily wheeled on Helen.

“I kinda want to watch her die,” Helen added.

“Wow!” Sunset cried. “Tell me how you really feel!” she growled out.

“Oh, come on!” Helen exclaimed. “You left me to die at least twice in the last few minutes.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Wow, Helen! Excuse me for having a personal interest in my continual survival and having trouble establishing emotional bonds with people!”

“That’s your excuse?!” Helen cried. “You encouraged me to fight a guy with super-strength because you have attachment issues?!”

Sunset paused briefly and stared up at the ceiling as she thought about this. “Mostly in that I’m attached to myself.”

Dan shook his head. “Wow lady, you are a piece of work, and as someone who’s big into grudges I totally get how Ms. Horrible Waitress feels and will grant her wish.”

Helen let out a small, happy sounding “Yay!”

Sunset turned and glared at Helen. “You suck so much!”

Helen shrugged. “Whatever, I’m still dying second.” She frowned. “Geez, this kidnapping, multiple-murder plot got dark quickly…”

Sunset sighed heavily. “I can’t believe that stupid sentence is going to be one of the last things I ever hear….”

Dan pulled back his fist. “Yeah, well… Life sucks and then you get murdered by the person you kidnap—”

Dan was cut off as the sound of wood being pushed out of the way was heard. The trio by the table turned and watched as Dan* emerged from the pile of debris which used to be a desk. Aside from his blue shirt and jeans sporting some new holes and his tie absent, he looked no worse for wear.

Dan* began to dust himself off with a smug smile on his face. “Oh come now, you’ll have to try harder than that.”

“Good idea!” Dan replied. “Just wait right there and I’ll try beating you to death.”

“Asterisk!” Sunset said cheerfully. “You’re alive!”

Dan* cocked an eyebrow at Sunset. “Your newfound enthusiasm for me surviving a desk being thrown at me has been noted.”

“Hey!” Sunset protested. “I was going to mourn like crazy once I got away.”

“You weren’t going to,” Dan replied.

Dan* shook his head. “Oh Danny boy, you can let those two go, can’t you? It’s me you want.”

“Technically I want all three of you,” Dan replied. “And I’m not picky on the order I get you, either.”

The girls pressed themselves against the door and closed their eyes.

“But they had nothing to do with this!” Dan* insisted.

Dan paused, turned, and raised an eyebrow. “Either you’re lying, badly I might add, or that desk did some pretty serious head trauma.”

Dan* sighed. “Sorry girls, I tried.”

“What?!” Sunset cried as she opened her eyes. “That’s the best you could…you could…” Sunset trailed off as Dan reached out for her jacket, grabbing a handful of leather in each hand and pulling her close to his bruised face.

Dan grinned wickedly. “I’d offer for you to say some last words, but since I have little intention of leaving enough of you to bury…”

“Wait!” Sunset cried. “I think I’m developing Stockholm syndrome…” Sunset smiled meekly and added, “…handsome.”

“You kidnapped me,” Dan reminded.

“I meant reverse Stockholm syndrome,” Sunset said.

Helen cocked an eyebrow. “That just sounds like you’ve learned to hate your captor.”

Sunset turned and scowled at Helen. “Wow, you really want him to thrash me, don’t you?”

“I kind of do…”

Dan* called out from across the warehouse. “If it makes you feel better, I’m sure I’ll avenge your dea— Uh-oh…”

WHA!” Sunset let out a startled cry as she suddenly found herself airborne.

Dan* shifted as if to get out of the way but froze mid-step as Sunset flew towards him.




“Hello, Sunset,” Dan* said with a sly grin to the woman lying on top of him. “Fancy you running into me here.”

Sunset arched her back slightly as she quickly gave herself a pat down. “I’d be getting on your case about that lame pun if I wasn’t happy to be alive and not too banged up—”

AAAAHHH!” Helen cried as she also found herself airborne.

Sunset frowned as she heard the cry. “Well this will probably su—”


Helen smashed into Sunset, who was still lying on top of Dan*. The wood under them clattered at the impact.



Oooow… I was right…” Sunset uttered as she looked up and rubbed her forehead.

“Hey!” Dan cried. “I can just beat you all to death with each other! Am I efficient at revenge, or what?”

From her position of being sandwiched face down between Dan* and Helen, Sunset looked down at the man underneath her. “Alright, I’m super happy you’re not dead and all, but please tell me you have a better idea than letting him throw stuff at you until he gets tired, because this isn’t really working out that well for me.”

Helen scowled at Sunset Shimmer and cleared her throat.

Sunset glanced above her. “No one likes an attention hog, Helen,” she replied.

Dan began casually walking towards the pile of people lying in a heap. “Alright, now just stay there. I think I’m going to take turns using you all as clubs to hit each other with.”

“Can’t we just make another break for it?” Helen suggested.

Sunset shook her head and stared down at the man beneath her. “No, someone wanted to make sure Dan had few escape options if he got free, so all the other regular doors have heavy crates in front of them and all the freight doors are locked.”

“Don’t worry,” Dan* said, “I called for backup.”

“Good idea!” Sunset cried. “They can break in then distract and get clobbered by Dan while we make our escape!”

Helen cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t seem to have a high opinion of your fellow teammates.”

“I’ve yet to see any of them pick up a desk and throw it like a piece of inflatable furniture!” Sunset replied.

“Help will be here any second now,” Dan* insisted.

Sunset looked down again. “By any second, do you mean any second amongst the next few?!” Sunset cried as she watched Dan walk into a few yards of the group. “Because I’ve just learned that being thrown at someone and having someone thrown at you is, in fact, as painful as one might imagine.”

Dan* smiled. “Don’t worry, Dan’s ran afoul of some pretty dangerous individuals and one of them is about to pay him a visit.”

Suddenly from behind Dan, a small square section of the floor lifted on a hinge revealing a hidden compartment just big enough for a man person to emerge.


Dan turned as a he heard a masculine voice shout behind him, too late to do much more than watch as a light blue ray slammed into his body. Dan let out a pained “Gahahahahah…” as electricity arched over him. He quickly fell to the floor.

“Hello Danny,” the voice said, practically cooing with devilish delight. “It’s been a while since you’ve scheduled a cleaning with me.”

Hoping for an angry and accusatory ‘YOU!’ Dan instead uttered a strained and slightly gurgled sounding “Ywouou…” as he looked up at the source of the blast.

A well-built man wearing white and purple tights, black, elbow-length gloves, black boots, a black belt with a red belt buckle stood tall. His malevolent smile flanked on either side by a white helmet that went down around the sides’ of the man’s face. A purple cape with a high collar completed the ensemble, and the man held what appeared to be a large version of a dentist’s cleaning tool. A yellow emblem that could have been a talon with three claws or perhaps a tooth with three long roots facing up was on the man’s chest, helmet, and belt-buckle.

Dan* turned and grinned. “See ladies? I had it under control.”

Sunset glanced over. “What… was he supposed to make some grand entrance during you talking to Dan, or something, and then Dan was going to be all shocked and surprised?”

Dan* nodded. “Indeed, Dan just acted…” Dan trailed off slightly as if searching for a specific word. “… erratically… so things didn’t quite go to plan.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “That’s a funny way of saying ‘I had no idea Dan had superpowers and could clobber everyone here’!”

“Who is that?” Helen asked as she pointed to the man in tights.

“Some supervillain that also used to be Dan’s dentist,” Sunset explained.

“Wait… Did Dan drive him to a life of evil?” Helen asked. “Because I can totally see that.”

Dan* spoke up, “Actually Dr. Pullum was already a supervillain before he met Dan.”

Sunset looked at the woman on top of her in annoyance. “So now that we’re far less likely to be killed, do you mind getting off of us?! I have things to do that don’t involve lying in a pile of broken desk sandwiched between a boring idiot and an overconfident doofus!”

“Whoops…” Helen said. “I mean… ‘Hey’!

“Oh, just get off already!”

Helen gave Sunset a dirty look as she rolled off of her and onto her feet.

Dan* frowned at Sunset as the two also got up out of the pile. “Sunset, I am hurt to the core,” he said as he brushed himself off once more.

Sunset folded her arms across her chest. “Oh please, like I haven’t called you worse.”

Dan* chuckled to himself as he looked across the warehouse at Dr. Pullum. “Well doctor, I’m guessing our mutual friend has been neutralized.”

Dan attempted to push himself up onto his hands and knees. His arms gave way as they slipped on the concrete below. “Gwonnwa… gwonnwa smwash ywoua all…”

Dr. Pullum opened his lips wide in a smile, revealing a set of teeth that looked unnaturally perfect. “He won’t be able to feel a thing for quite some time. It’s doubtful he’ll be able to put up much of a fight.” He frowned slightly. “Which is a bit of a shame, actually I meant to go to work on his teeth without the use of anesthetic to pass the time…”

Sunset cringed slightly. “Ouch… Well that sounds unpleasant…”

“Well, Danny here ruined my life’s work of a villain's lair and my plans of world domination,” Dr. Pullum explained.

“Dwon’t call me… Dwanny…” Dan said angrily as saliva began to drip down from the left corner of his mouth.

Uh… wow…” Sunset says. “That’s rough…”

Helen turned to Sunset and grinned at her. “Well? Aren’t you going to tell Dr. Pullum here that Dan’s girlfriend won a non-official figure-skating contest you had entered?”

“Shut up!” Sunset snapped. “I was also left for dead by her and my boyfriend!”

“Oh right,” Helen said still grinning. “I’m sure that’s right up there with having your life’s work ruined.”

Sunset glared at Helen. “You’re just lucky I already have plans to beat up someone I hate more than you tonight.”

“Whatever,” Helen said waving her arm about dismissively. She looked over at Dan as he continued his attempts at standing. “What did you hit him with?”

Dr. Pullum grinned as he placed his staff-length dental tool on the ground and held it upright. “I thought that was obvious.”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t honestly expect us to believe you shot him with Novocain, do you?”

Dr. Pullum frowned slightly. “Well… it’s more of a ray that causes the entire body to go numb.”

“Ah,” Sunset said simply, “so you just named it that because of your whole weird dentist theme.”

Dr. Pullum narrowed his eyes slightly at Sunset. “Oh please, don’t tell me you’ve never named a device or special move or whatever it is you use after the sun or fire, or whatever your theme is supposed to be,” Dr. Pullum retorted as he motioned out at Sunset’s outfit.

Helen laughed to herself as Sunset looked down at her chest and outfit. “What?! This isn’t a supervillain costume! I always dress like this.”

Dr. Pullum cocked an eyebrow. “You always wear knee-high, black leather boots with purple flames?”

Sunset glared at Dr. Pullum angrily and raised her index finger. “I… you… shut up!” she cried indignantly.

Dan* shook his head and motioned to Sunset. “You’ll have to excuse Sunset, she’s not big on making friends.”

Sunset turned towards Dan* with an angry look and opened her mouth as if she was about to snap at him, but stopped as she and everyone else noticed the red glow that emanated from Dan’s body increase in intensity.

“Stwop…stwop ignowring meee…” Dan growled out angrily as he laboriously pushed his body up. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he stared intensely at his arms.

“Wait,” Helen said. “What if rays and stuff just make Dan more angrier, and therefore, more dangerous? You know, like the Incredible Hulk.”

Sunset’s eye twitched. “You could have just said angrier.”

“What?” Helen replied.

“You said ‘more angrier’,” Sunset pointed out. “You should have said ‘more angry’ or better yet ‘angrier’. Geez, how can you be so stupid and boring!”

Helen glared at Sunset. “There’s an angry man who is glowing red, is super strong, and is trying to kill us, and you’re playing grammar nazi?”

Sunset shrugged. “If I’m going to die, it might as well be doing what I love… pointing out when other people are being idiots.”

“Girls, girls,” Dan* said as he held his palms up. “We’re perfectly safe! Dan can’t even lift himself, let alone his fists to hurt any of us.”

Dan shot an expression of pure rage at his double, the left side of his mouth opening slightly in a sneer as a small trickle of drool escaped. He slowly leaned his body back and pushed off with his hands, nearly toppling backwards, however he suddenly lurched forward and woozily balanced his torso on his bent legs. He stared downwards and slowly straightened his legs, the light from him slowly increasing as he stood up to his full, though admittedly short, height.

The group went quiet and stared as Dan raised his hands in front of his face.

Sunset Shimmer broke the silence, speaking in a sort of detached monotone despite the worried look in her face. “He’s standing and lifting his fist up as if he wants to hurt us.”

Dan* nodded. “Yes, that does seem the case,” he said simply.

“You said he couldn’t do that,” Sunset added.

“Hindsight is always 20/20, dear,” Dan* replied.

“Don’t worry,” Dr, Pullum said as he lifted his hooked weapon and adjusted his grip on it. He held it not unlike a baseball bat as he positioned it behind him and took several steps closer to Dan. “I can apply more local anesthetic.”

Dr. Pullum swung his ‘staff’, the back of the hook on a collision course for Dan’s head.

Dan swatted behind him at the metal weapon as it approached. With a loud ‘clang!’ the metal hook bent.

Dr. Pullum yelped a startled “Ah!” as the weapon in his hands suddenly twisted out of his grip on contact with Dan’s hand. The item clattered to the concrete floor. Dr. Pullum took a few cautionary steps back away from Dan.

Sunset continued narrating events with the same monotone and same panicked-looking face. “He just disarmed the supervillain,” she said.

Helen shot Sunset an irritated look. “We’re right here! We can see what he’s doing!”

Sunset continued to stare at Dan. “I’m just waiting for someone to do something that makes it so I probably won’t die in the next few seconds…”

Still woozy on his feet, Dan knelt and straightened his still glowing hands. He thrust his fingers into the concrete in front of him. The solid material cracked and gave way easily as his hands then arms sunk in with a ‘CRUNCH!’ almost as if Dan had thrust his hands into crunchy, opaque, grey pudding.

“He’s tearing into the concrete,” Sunset said, her voice almost monotone.

“Yes, I can see that,” Dan* replied.

The ground cracked in front of Dan forming a ragged circle a couple feet across. Despite obviously struggling with numbness, Dan began to lift the piece of the floor up as he rose back up to his feet.

“He’s picking up a chunk of it…” Sunset added.

“Definitely noted, dear,” Dan* replied.

Helen and Sunset soon found themselves huddling close to Dan* as the red glow intensified. Dan held stood back up to his feet and held the chunk of concrete above him.

“Girls, girls,” Dan* said. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. He can’t feel anything! How is he supposed to hit us?”

“It’s very large and we’re not that far away!” Sunset pointed out.

With a grunt, Dan heaved the heavy object in his hands. The group all looked up as Dan’s throw went a bit high. So high in fact that the chunk of concrete flew upwards, destroying a light fixture and some ducting above Dan before tearing through the thin metal ceiling with a CLANK!

“See!” Dan* said as he happily motioned to the large hole in the ceiling of the warehouse. “He can’t aim to save his life… literally…”

Sunset stared up at the hole. “I’m not sure whether to be scared or relieved that that chunk of rock might have achieved orbit and won’t be falling back on us…”

Helen’s mouth simply hung agape.

“Quickly!” Dr. Pullum cried. “To the escape hatch!”

Dan simply shot the three people in front of them a hate-filled stare as they shifted a bit, then broke into a sprint, running past him. Soon all four were heading for the hatch that Dr. Pullum had emerged from.


The group looked up as the chunk of concrete fell back through the roof, knocking down piping before continuing its decent…


… onto the escape hatch. The four threw up their hands and arms as the concrete shattered into dust and gravel, peppering them with errant pebbles. Once the dangers of taking a rock to the eye had passed, everyone lowered their arms and stared into the now dusty area they were heading towards. When the dust had cleared, the four could see the result of the solid object coming back down. The escape hatch was now closed, cracked, and warped, wedged solidly to the floor around it.

Helen and Dr. Pullum turned to glare at Sunset.

“WHAT?!” Sunset cried as she held her palms up and flung them downward “It’s concrete that was just thrown into the air! How was I supposed to know it could hear me!?”

“Don’t worry!” Dan* said. “I have a cunning plan.”

Sunset sighed. “Oh, this ought to be good…”

Dan* smiled. “Oh ye of little faith, all we have to do is dodge what Dan throws at us until he creates a hole we can all escape from!”

Helen spoke up. “But what if all this tearing at the place causes the warehouse to collapse on us?”

There was a brief uncomfortable silence.

Dr. Pullum coughed.

Sunset narrowed her eyes as she stared at Dan*. “You’re not that great at thinking on your feet, are you?”

“No… no I am not…” Dan* admitted sheepishly.


The group looked back up as Dan began to tear up more of the flooring.

“Uh… Doctor?” Dan* said. “Any ideas?”

Dr. Pullum shook his head. “He’s already completely numb… Anything else I could do to him is reliant on him feeling pain.”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “Wow, you’re really committed to this evil dentist thing, aren’t you?”

“Sunset, dear?” Dan* said. “Could we maybe hold the snark until we’re safe?”

“Fine!” Sunset snapped. “Let’s just… I don’t know… spread out on the count of three so he can’t take out all of us with one hit.”

The other three people around Sunset nodded.


Everyone around Sunset scattered.

Sunset looked around her and sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t see that coming…”

Dan cleared his throat, or rather, tried to clear his throat, the sound he produced containing a bit more gurgle on account of the unusual amount of drool pooling up in his mouth.

Sunset looked at Dan as he held another chunk of concrete over his head. She locked her aquamarine eyes with Dan’s emerald ones. Despite the fact that Dan’s body wobbled and teetered slightly as if he would collapse at a moment’s notice, his eyes were as sharp and as clear as ever.

Sunset scrunched her brow and widened her stance slightly, her expression caught somewhere between a determined focus as she considered dodging and an unsure look as she wondered if she was simply better off staying put and hoping the next throw went wide again.


Sunset heard a masculine voice call out a command and saw a green bottle hit the ground in front of Dan, a colorless liquid poured out from the open top. She smelled something rather sweet before the scent became sour and overpowering. Her vision blurred and she began to feel her legs give out from under her as the rest of her senses dulled. She looked up to notice Dan fling his arms forward, and the chunk of concrete he was holding surged forward.

…And then Sunset Shimmer’s world went black.


Uh… Pinkie?” Chris said tentatively as he looked at his obviously irate passenger.

Pinkie scowled at Chris from the passenger’s seat. “I still have one more shoe,” she growled out in a warning tone.

“Okay, it’s just… you left the door to your and Dan’s apartment wide open,” Chris informed.

Pinkie looked up through the windshield up at the apartment door and let out a low, exasperated groan as if the act of getting out of the car and walking back up the stairs to the apartment required some herculean effort. The groan turned into a phlegmy sound as Pinkie dragged it out. “Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhchchchchchchchc…

“Look on the bright side!” Elise said. “This way you can go up and change your skir—”

Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhchchchchchchchchchch I thought you wanted me to go to the frickin’ hospital!” Pinkie cried.

Elise nodded. “Well yes, but I’m going to feel a lot better knowing you’re not exposing yourself to everyone around you with your torn skirt there.”

“Fiiiiine!” Pinkie huffed out. “Guess I’ll go change because you’re all obsessed with my crotch!” Pinkie cried as she threw open the car door and stepped out.

Chris stared out blankly into space. “I don’t… I don’t know how I’m supposed to respond to that…”

Jean spoke up, “I’ve found it’s best to pay no mind to Pinkie wearing or not wearing clothes. It makes for far less awkward conversations.”

“SEE?!” Pinkie cried as she began ascending up the apartment complex’s stairs. “Jeany knows what’s what!”

Chris sighed and placed his arms against the steering wheel, followed by resting his forehead against his arms. He noticed something on the floor and reached down for it.

Chris quickly opened his door and held up a black sneaker. “Pinkie, you forgot—GHA!” Chris cried out in alarm and held his hands in front of his face as another shoe was lobbed at him.

“STOP BUGGING ME ABOUT CLOTHES!” Pinkie shouted back.

The black sneaker bounced off Chris’s arms and fell to the ground below.

“See!” Jean said.

“Chris, I think we should listen to Jean,” Elise said. “He seems to have a lot more experience in this area, and I don’t think we should be agitating Pinkie when she’s in such a volatile state.”

Chris sighed and bent down to pick up the shoe that was just thrown at him. He retreated back into the car and placed both black sneakers on the floor of the passenger side.

Soon, Pinkie emerged from the apartment wearing a pair of blue jeans and holding Mr. Mumbles as she continued to scowl out at anything in front of her with a grumpy expression. She cradled Mr. Mumbles in one arm and reached out for the apartment door with her free hand, quickly slamming it shut behind her as she swiftly walked down the apartment walkway towards the stairs.

Pinkie made her way down the stairs and back to the open passenger side door where she promptly sat down and flashed a sour look across the car occupants.

“There!” Pinkie said as she lifted one of her blue-jean covered legs up. “Will you all stop bugging me now!?”

Chris stared at Mr. Mumbles quizzically. “Well, we’re certainly glad you covered up a bit, but what’s with Mr. Mumbles?”

“My plans require an army!” Pinkie cried as she held up the furry gray cat.

“Meow!” Mr. Mumbles chimed in.

Elise spoke up, “But didn’t you say this guy was expecting you to show up with everyone? I mean, aren’t you afraid you’re playing right into his hands?”

“I DON’T CARE!” Pinkie shrieked as she lowered Mr. Mumbles to her lap. “I WANT TO RALLY THE TROOPS AND WRECK THE SMUG JERK THAT STOLE MY SMUG JERK!” Pinkie’s left eye twitched as her teeth quickly gritted against each other. She narrowed her eyes, paying no notice to the spasm. “He may have his plans, but we have a whole mess of crazy on our side!” Pinkie wrung her hands together. “We’ll see just how well his plans go when we throw a cat into the works.”

Mr. Mumbles titled her head up at Pinkie and hissed in protest.

Pinkie looked down. “Not literally.”

Jean smiled. “Hey, maybe it would help if I gave Mr. Mumbles the ability to shoot radioactive beams from her eyes again.”

“Meow!” Mr. Mumbles said in an excited tone.

Pinkie sighed heavily and scowled out into open space.

Elise’s eyes lit up. “Wait, you actually know how to do that?” she said as she turned towards Jean.

“Sure!” Jean said happily. “I mean… I did it once, I can easily—“


Jean and Elise’s faces flushed slightly and they sat back in their seats quietly.

Chris’s face went pale briefly before his brow knit in confusion. “Wait, you said ‘avenged Dan’—”

“No, I said ‘AVENGED DAN!’” Pinkie cried.

Chris frowned. “I just said that that’s what you said!”

Pinkie narrowed her eyes. “No, what you said was what I just said was a lot quieter and stupider-sounding.”

Chris sighed. “Anyhow, shouldn’t you have said—”

“You know… probably because you’re stupid!”

“Hey…” Chris protested in a slightly sad tone. “I just thought you’d be a bit more focused on rescuing Dan, and not avenging him.”

“We’re going to do both!” Pinkie insisted. “But this is Dan we’re talking about! I mean… D’uuuuh! He’d want us to avenge him!”

Chris paused and thought about this, his eyes widening slightly as realization set in. “Okay,” he replied, “but I mean… I don’t think his kidnapper is going to be thrown off if we bring Mr. Mumbles. I mean… he probably expects—”


“OW!” Chris rubbed the side of his head that was just visited by the now, rather familiar, underside of a black sneaker.

“HEY!” Pinkie cried. “Is that the sound of a car just sitting there?!” she asked. “Maybe you ought to get on that, monkey-face!”

Chris sighed heavily and shook his head as he started the car. “I miss Dan…” he uttered as he drove the blue sedan away from the sidewalk and onto the street.

Author's Note:

Some of you may have noticed updates are coming a bit less frequently. I mentioned this elsewhere, but some of this is intentional so I have more time to work on other on-going fics. Though, some of this is or at least was unintentional as I got hit with a work week that was a bit more demanding than usual. Also, allergies have been way worse this year than last. It’s took me pretty much all of spring and most of summer to figure out how to deal with them without feeling like I’ve been chemically lobotomized. It seems Claritin taken around dinner time or even later keeps me close to my usual, rather functional self.

I’m hoping to still get at least one chapter out once a week. Though, the change isn’t all bad for TW&TB as I’ve noticed my chapters tend to be a bit longer when I give myself more time to write. In an odd way, the amount I write still seems to be roughly the same, it’s just coming out with a little less frequency in bigger chunks.

Anyhow, thank you all for sticking around and reading as we all continue this mad journey together.

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