• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings: Chapter 157 Gibson & Trixie Vs. Tacos

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 17 Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Dazzlings

Chapter 157 Gibson & Trixie Vs. Tacos


Gibson couldn’t help but stare at the striking, yet oddly adorable-looking, woman in front of him. His eyes started by taking in the sight of her gorgeous blue hair which was tied in a large pony tail. They then drifted downwards to admire a maroon shirt with metal clasps that held it shut with rolled up sleeves. His eyes lingered slightly on the pink spiked wristbands she wore, which when combined with the shirt made for an oddly cute but dangerous look. A pink skirt that went halfway down her thighs and pink boots with white toe caps completed the ensemble.

Gibson tilted his head back up and found himself looking into the girl’s eyes. Her stunning magenta eyes had the look of… the look of… Alright, they had the look of a small child who was trying to figure out why her parents were watching the TV when they knew this was time for ‘Tavi the Traveler’. But the rest of her was great to look at!

“OW!” Gibson exclaimed as he felt something jab him in the ribs. He looked down to see Trixie glaring up at him, almost as if she was trying to melt his eyeballs right out of his sockets with her own. He couldn’t help but feel entranced by her blue-silvery hair that seemed to shimmer no matter where it caught the light. His eyes wandered downwards as they tried, and failed, to avoid tripping into the small crevasse between the soft gentle slopes of the top of Trixie’s breasts. Gibson’s eyes fell downwards, sliding down the gentle curves of Trixie’s body, down the sides of her blue shirt that hugged the sides of her body, and down yet still onto her jeans that practically seemed painted onto her thighs.

Gibson’s eyes fell all the way to Trixie’s boots and then slowly climbed their way back up her body, taking a break on her chest for a little bit before traveling upward on Trixie’s cheeks which had turned slightly rose colored. Finally, Gibson’s eyes made it all the way back to Trixie’s eyes. Eyes like liquid lilac colored pools that seemed to get calmer and more inviting the longer he stared into them.


Gibson and Trixie flinched slightly and broke eye contact, turning back to their surprise guest.

Gibson fumbled about, wringing his hands together nervously as he attempted to come up with a response. He motioned to the blender and its brown sludge contents. “There was… a problem.”

The blue haired woman looked at the blender suspiciously, then marched right up to it. Gibson and Trixie parted, allowing her to walk straight up to the appliance. She pulled off the lid of the blender jar and smelled the contents.

Gibson and Trixie took a few steps back, maintaining their close proximity to each other as they observed the strange woman with the blue hair.

The woman held the blender jar up, opened her mouth, tilted her head back, and allowed the viscous brown mess to slide straight into her mouth.

Gibson and Trixie looked on with a mixture of awe and disgust as the woman practically chugged the substance as if she was simply consuming a fruit smoothie.

“I think I’m going to be sick…” Trixie said as her face turned slightly green.

Gibson, on the other hand, simply kept staring with the same disgusted, yet somewhat curious look on his face.

Trixie shot Gibson an irritated glance and nudged him slightly.

“What?!” Gibson cried. He motioned to the woman. “It’s impressive… Sort of revolting, but impressive.”

“Well that was pretty good,” the woman said as she wiped her forearm across her mouth and set down the blender jar. “But not as good as a taco.”

Gibson shuffled his feet nervously. “Yeah… We sort of don’t know how to make a taco.”

“WHAT?!” the woman snapped as she suddenly rushed up to Gibson and stuck her face right under his. Despite the fact that Gibson was a full head taller than the woman, he felt himself shudder a bit in place. Something about her eyes let him know that his life was, in fact, in danger. “HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE TACOS?!”

“It’s our first day,” Trixie said with a shrug.

The woman’s face softened slightly and she took a couple steps away from Gibson who took a relieved breath of air.

The woman sighed and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a chef’s knife next to a number of vegetables lined up neatly on a stainless steel counter.

Gibson and Trixie felt their bodies tense as the woman turned, holding a knife in one hand.

The woman grabbed a tomato. “Let me show you how it’s done.”


A purple, platform boot tapped in a bored rhythm against beige carpet. Above the boot, purple pants hugged long legs that want up to a crisscross belt with a silver five-point star belt buckle. Above that, a white shirt curved inwards slightly going up to a teal shirt with the arms torn off. Finally, above the clothing was a woman’s face surrounded by purple hair with neon-blue streaks in it as if the hair was a frame for the very picture of ‘grumpy’. Two double-stared headbands held the woman’s long hair into twin ponytails. Her dark amethyst eyes continued to stare at one of the white walls of the large, well-furnished hotel room, almost as if the wall itself was angering her.

Ugh! What is taking her so long?!” The woman demanded.

Irritated orchid-colored eyes tore themselves from a large flat-screen television to stare at the woman. This pair of eyes belonged to a woman lying on a queen-size hotel bed. A layer of puffy orange hair was sandwiched in between her and the pillows she had propped herself up against. She wore a small lilac jacket that hugged the sides of her chest, a purple playsuit that left her shoulders exposed and ended a little bit down her thighs, and finally lilac colored leggings that went down and over her feet. A pile consisting of purple boots and a gold belt sat on the floor in front of the bed.

“Seriously Aria?” The orange haired woman replied to the grumpy woman. “We’ve been given this fleeting gift of quiet, and not only do you sully it with your whining, you actually want the little moron to come back and completely destroy it?”

“I’m hungry, Adagio! Tacos should not take this long.”

Hmmm… True… Room service is definitely a bit slow tonight,” Adagio mused as she tapped her chin. She smiled. “Still, if it means a little peace and quiet for a change, I’ll take it.”

Aria frowned and went quiet for a second, just long enough for Adagio to turn back to the T.V.

“Do you think she got lost?” Aria asked.

Adagio let out a pained groan. “I’m sure she tripped into a laundry chute, broke all four limbs on the way down, and is now bleeding to death in a cart full of hotel-soiled blankets. Can I please just watch this movie?!”

“Dagi!” Aria snapped. “That’s not cool! We at least need Sonata to sing with us.”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Look, God willing, they’ll find her dead in aforementioned laundry cart, or with her neck cut because she smashed her entire head through a vending machine when she forgot how glass worked, and then we’ll find a replacement and our lives will be that much more fulfilling.”

“Hey, that childlike idiot drives me up the wall too, but it’s not like we have another pretty girl on standby who knows all our songs.”

“Who says we need a new girl?” Adagio asked. “We get a sack of turnips, put a blue wig with a pony tail on it, set down a recording of Sonata’s lines, maybe sprinkle some taco crumbs on it. NO ONE WOULD KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!”

Aria narrowed her eyes. “We do dance moves too, Adagio.”

“Oh my god, Aria!” Adagio cried. “If it’s not Sonata trying to get me to play Barbies Vs. Laser Bears, it’s you whining to me about something! If you’re hungry, just go to one of the vending machines or go to the kitchen or even just find Sonata so you can have a tearful moment as you two idiots confess your love to each other before she dies because of hand soap overdose.”

“… Okay, Sonata is dumb, but why would she eat hand soap?”

“Because they put pictures of fruit and stuff on the front!” Adagio snapped as she threw her arms in the air. “Sonata’s just dumb enough to think she’s drinking liquid oranges or something.”

“… That’s called ‘orange juice,’ Dagi.”

“And Sonata is just stupid enough to think people keep orange juice just sitting next to kitchen sinks! What’s your point?!”

“They don’t even keep soap like that in hotel bathrooms, Adagio!”

Adagio rolled her eyes and waved a hand about dismissively. “Whatever, all this time you’re standing here bugging me while your chance at final kisses that taste of taco sauce and soap are slipping away from you!”

Aria gave Adagio an irritated growl. “You know what? Fine! Just sit here and starve while you watch your stupid rom-com.”

Adagio narrowed her eyes as Aria walked towards the hotel room door. “You just don’t understand that deep subtext going on here.”

Aria rolled her eyes as she opened the door. “Right, Dagi. Dave Cook is just sooooo deep.”

One of Adagio’s eyes twitched. She quickly sat up and grabbed one of the pillows she was lounging on. “GrrrRRRRAAAAAAH!


The pillow bounced harmlessly off the hotel door as Aria closed it behind her. She trudged down the hallway with an irritated grumpy expression on her face.

“Aria…?” Adagio called out in a somewhat desperate-sounding tone. “Can you please come back in here and give me the pillow I just threw at you…? I don’t want to get up. Aria…?”


Sunset Shimmer gritted her teeth as she watched a massive pile of expensive-looking clothing stumble into the lobby on a pair of red pants-covered legs. The pile slowly made its way to an even larger pile of clothes on the floor, before falling and dissembling into the mass revealing the curly pink-haired woman in the bellhop’s uniform who had been carrying the pile.

“Third floor’s finished!” Pinkie announced cheerfully as she walked over to the hotel’s front desk and set down a green bottle and rag.

“Good work, Pinkie,” Dan said as he leaned over the counter and tilted his head up to plant a small peck on Pinkie’s cheek.

Pinkie giggled. “See! I told you this plan would be better than setting fire to the hotel!” She motioned to the clothes. “And we get prizes this way!”

Chris had already made his way to the clothing pile and began rummaging through it. “Yeah, too bad they don’t all fit us…”

“Hey! No complaining, monkey-face!” Dan snapped. “There’s still five more floors to go.”

One of Sunset’s eye’s twitched. “Why are you just knocking out everyone in the hotel?!” Sunset demanded.

Dan shook his head. “Sunset, Sunset, Sunset… I’m afraid you don’t understand basic math.”

“I can add and subtract just fine! Thank you!”

Dan gave Sunset a smug look. “Well, if you know about subtraction, then you’d know about the process of elimination.”

One of Sunset’s eyes twitched in irritation. “I’m going to regret hearing this, aren’t I?”

Pinkie gently placed a finger against Sunset’s lips and pressed her cheek up against one of Sunset’s. “Shhhhhhh… Shhhhh, shhh, shhhh…. Dan will explain it.”

Sunset gritted her teeth. “I think I’m going to go back to hating both of you…”

“Look,” Dan began, “once we’ve knocked out everyone else in the hotel, all that will be left are those stupid pop stars you’re angry at!”

Sunset began to massage her temples as she glared out at the hotel entrance. “That is so convoluted and stupid, I think I feel an aneurysm coming on.”

From the other side of the front desk, Elise looked up from her computer monitor. “Well, maybe instead of just hovering around and griping the entire time, you can help clear out the floors! We still have four more before we’ll even get to the one the Dazzlings are on.”

Chris sighed and shook his head. “Oh honey…”

Elise’s eyes widened. “Oops…”

Dan shot Elise an angry glare, which Elise replied to with an awkward, apologetic smile.

“You know what floor they’re on?!” Sunset shouted as she stomped up to the front desk and glared at Elise from over the monitor.

Elise leaned back slightly and shrugged. “More or less…”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Just how much more?”

Chris pulled a dark green suit jacket from the clothing pile and held out either arm as he examined its size. “We actually know the exact room number.” He turned towards Elise and showed her the jacket. “What do you think, beautiful?”

Elise smiled. “I like it! It brings out your eyes.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset cried. “When did this happen?!”

Elise shrugged. “Oh, about thirty seconds after I hacked through the employee verification system. I mean… It’s not like the Hotel register GUI is exactly hard to figure out.”


Elise grinned. “Honestly, I was enjoying watching how this whole thing would pan out.”

Pinkie interjected, “To be fair, she told everyone else here.”

“HOW IS THAT FAIR?!” Sunset said as her face exploded into a rage-filled glare.

Pinkie dwelled on this for a minute. “Huh… I guess it’s not, really…”

Dan placed a hand on Sunset’s back. “Look, if it makes you feel better, we thought about telling you, for like… a second. But then we decided this outcome resulted in the most fun for the most people. You know… Sort of like a utilitarian party, if you will.”

Sunset took an about-face and focused azure eyes overflowing with burning hot hate at Dan. “RARRRRRAAARRRAAAAGHHGHRAAAAAAAAAAA!” she screamed point blank into Dan’s face.

Dan shot Sunset an irritated look as he raised a pinkie to his ear and stuck it in, turning it a few times. “Alright, calm down, miss abominable condiment woman. You’re still going to get what you want at this rate.”

Elise yawned and stretched an arm straight up, pulling on her elbow to straighten it further. “Look, if you guys don’t need any more not-really-secret hotel information, I think I’ll take a walk.” Elise stood up “It’s starting to get a bit heated in here.”

Pinkie smiled. “Okay Elise! Have fun having almost half the hotel to yourself.”

Elise walked in front of the counter. “I will.”

Sunset turned and leveled an index finger at Elise. Her mouth hung open, stuck in a position of a rage-filled scream, yet no sound came out.

Chris looked up from the clothing pile and smiled. “Want some company, beautiful?”

Elise returned the smile. “Only from a tall, handsome man.”

Chris snickered and extend his elbow. “Well, guess we better go find one.”

Elise chuckled as she looped her arm around Chris’s.

Dan cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted after the pair. “Hey! If you two could knock out any guests or hotel staff you come across on your walk, that would be great!”

Elise simply replied with a simple wave as she and Chris strolled out of the lobby and into a hallway.

Sunset’s face changed color to match the red in her hair. FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU…!”

Elise simply shook her head and laughed quietly to herself as she walked away, arm and arm with Chris.

Chris looked down with a concerned look. “You don’t think Sunset will flip out and attack Dan and Pinkie, do you? They’re both pushing her pretty hard.”

Elise looked up and smiled. “They’ll be fine. Pinkie can take her easily.”

“Oh right!” Chris replied. “Also, Dan has his rage powers if he needs them.”

Elise felt a shiver run through her body. “Thanks… I had just managed to erase that info from my mind.”

Chris gave Elise a pensive grin. “Sorry beautiful, I just—”


Chris and Elise looked up to see a woman with purple hair in twin ponytails glaring daggers at them.

“Just what the hell is going in in this hotel?!” Aria demanded.

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