• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 35,558 Views, 9,852 Comments

The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 14 Pinkie Vs. N.A.R.F.: Epilogue

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 14 Pinkie Vs. N.A.R.F.


“So really...” Dan said in an irritated tone. “No one thought to get into another elevator?!”

Becky spoke up, “It’s not like you thought of it either, dude!”

The group found themselves once again crammed into what seemed to be the slowest elevator on the planet as it slowly raised up to the surface. This time however, each member of the group found themselves face to face with someone else of their ranks.

“It’s okay Dan!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she stood firmly pressed against Dan. “Look at the bright side!”



“… AND THAT IS?!” Dan snapped.

“And what is?” Pinkie replied.

“What’s the bright side of this situation?!” Dan cried.

Pinkie stared blankly at Dan. “Oh, I didn’t have a follow up or anything, I was just suggesting to keep a positive attitude!”

Dan’s eye began to twitch as he stared at Pinkie angrily.

“No wait! I got it!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Your hands are firmly on my butt!” Pinkie said with a grin.

Dan’s angry expression quickly changed into a toothy smile. “Okay yeah, that is pretty great!”

Chris shook his head. “I can’t believe you even suggested the butt buddy system…”

“Look!” Dan cried. “It was either we bring order and stability to this elevator ride full of butt touching, or we all die in a tragic and probably avoidable elevator fire.”

Chris looked down at Elise and smiled. “Oh, I wasn’t complaining.”

Elise looked up at Chris and smiled.

Chris turned towards Dan and continued, “I just can’t believe you suggested it.”

“Hey,” Dan said, “this way we get to ride without rampant, unchecked butt touching.”

“You’re brilliant, boss man!” Crunchy said happily as he stood pressed against D.H.

“Hurray for butt buddies!” D.H. cried.

Ninja Dave smiled at Becky who was pressed firmly against him and the elevator wall behind her.

“I know I’m happy with my butt buddy!” Ninja Dave said.

Becky looked up at Dave and grinned mischievously. “I’m just happy we made it out without anything bad happening to—”

Dave quickly leaned down and placed his lips against Becky’s. Becky’s eyes widened slightly but she soon leaned into the kiss.

Dave leaned back, separating his lips from Becky’s. “Nice try,” he said with a wry grin.

Becky grinned. “Oh, I’m pretty sure I just won for losing.”

From across the elevator, Pinkie emitted a high-pitched exclamation of exuberance. “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Ow…” Dan exclaimed. “Goofball, I know you’re excited, but can we keep the octaves below what’s used to torture dogs?”

Oops… Sorry, Dan!” Pinkie said. She grinned. “It’s just… everybody’s happy!”

“…I’m not happy,” Amber uttered.

“Right… well… Amber isn’t,” Pinkie said.

“Oh, don’t tell me Amber is upset!” Dan exclaimed as he rolled his eyes. “Shock and alarm! And you’re normally a bag full of sunshine, too!”

Pinkie glanced over at Amber. “You are setting some sort of longest running Debbie-downer record over there!”

Amber scowled out at Dan and Pinkie. “There’s a sixteen-year-old with his hands firmly placed on my butt and I can’t decide if I want whatever is poking me in the thigh to be a gun or not!”

Gibson smiled. “It was the puppy dog face, wasn’t it? I told you I had an awesome puppy dog face!”

Amber scowled down at Gibson. “Actually, it was the pathetic sobbing.”

“Hey! It worked, didn’t it? I mean, you felt sorry for me, right?”

Amber rolled her eyes. “Actually, I just couldn’t take that obnoxious, high-pitched wail, and figured a few minutes with your hands on my posterior would be far more tolerable than that noise in my ear.”

“Way to go, Amber!” Pinkie cried. “Way to take one for the team!”

Gibson smiled. “But you also get to touch my butt.”

Amber sighed heavily. “‘Have to’ would be more accurate…”

Dan grumbled irritably. “Anyone else want to moan about their butt buddy? Wally? You like to complain!”

Face to face with Sarge, Wally glanced past the large muscular man and smiled. “Actually, I’m just happy to be included.”

“Oh…” Dan said. “Well then…” He smiled as he looked over the elevator occupants. “You know what? For once you band of crazy, barely functional psychos pulled through! Pinkie’s alive—”

“And how!” Pinkie cried cheerfully.

“— I get to spend the rest of the evening painting nails —”

“Lucky!” D.H. exclaimed.

“—And I guess that means no one died! Good job not dying, everyone!”

“Whoo-hoo!” Pinkie cried.

“Hurray for living!” D.H. added.

Crunchy smiled. “Congrats, all!”

“That’s it?” Amber asked. “… That’s your congratulatory speech? We participate in excruciating tests, dealt with wild animals, a killer obstacle course, and a room full of obnoxious customers and all we get is ‘congratulations for living’?”

“Gee Amber,” Wally said, “you really are a downer these days.”

The elevator erupted into a healthy chorus of laughter.

Amber sighed heavily.

“Speaking of the wild animals,” Elise said as she turned to Chris. “Where did you take those bears to?”

“Oh! Sarge found a nice room for all the animals to be kept in!”

“Yes, sir!” Sarge replied. “We secured all the animals safely away in a large spacious room with plenty of furniture to keep the animals entertained.”

Becky leaned sideways past Ninja Dave and stared at Sarge. “You put all those wild cats and the bears in some random room?”

“Sir, yes sir,” Sarge answered simply.

Chris smiled. “A random, well-furnished room!”

Becky and Elise looked at each other quizzically, shrugged, and uttered dismissive “Huh”s.


The trio of council members walked down the hallway, flanked on either side by wooden doors and framed photos of them either sitting with serious expressions or out and about enjoying a recreational activity together.

“Well that was more enjoyable than usual!” Balthazar said.

Feh,” Melchior responded dismissively. “No one died.”

Balthazar rolled his eyes as Caspar grinned.

“True,” Caspar responded, “but you have to admit this group kept things interesting. Certainly you can appreciate that we have a new large group composed of some very skilled individuals at our disposal?”

Well, I can’t argue that is a bit of a dark side to this whole evening,” Melchior replied as the group of three stopped in front of one of the doors.

Balthazar raised an eyebrow. “I think you meant ‘bright side’ there.”

Melchior chuckled. “No, I didn’t.”

Balthazar gave out a small sigh as Caspar chuckled.

Caspar reached for opened the door and frowned as a low, warning growl drifted out.


Balthazar frowned. “The lounge is full of wild animals, isn’t it?”

Still smiling, Caspar closed the door. “The lounge is absolutely full of wild animals.”

“Well, what do we do now?” Melchior asked in an annoyed tone.


The trio of council members all jumped slightly away from the door as a bear claw smashed through though the center. Splinters flew out in all directions as the claw grasped out from the new hole, the bear reaching for any of the three men standing in front of the door then retracted its claw.

Caspar threw Balthazar a sideways glance. “You just had to get hollow-core doors for all the rooms.”

“Well how was I supposed to know some group would go and put animals into any of them?!” Balthazar snapped back.

Caspar folded his arms. “You’ve got to expect the unexpected…” Caspar sighed. “And you’re usually so good at thinking outside the—”



The three turned with concern as the claw broke through more of the thin wooden door and the claw extended out farther this time, the wood around the initial hole.

Caspar turned to Balthazar. “Race you to the cupboards,” he said with an oddly excited-looking grin.

Balthazar gave the door a serious look as he began taking off his robes. He stood up straight, seemingly growing a foot in height as his clothing fell away revealing a well-toned, muscular body and green shorts with a gold trim.

“No…” Balthazar said. “I think I’m going to show this bear who keeps the peace down here.”

“Suit yourself,” Caspar said with a shrug. He turned. “Melchior?” Caspar frowned as he witnessed Melchior already halfway down the hallway and running away.

“Hey! No cheating!” Caspar cried as he sprinted after him.

“Fortune favors the bold!” Melchior shouted.

“I don’t know if that even applies!” Caspar shot back.


Gibson smiled as he stared at the woman across from him in the driver’s seat of the car they shared. Past her through her window was a two-story tall adobe house.

“Well, I’m home,” Gibson said to the woman, dropping his voice a few octaves, “but that doesn’t mean I have to go in right away.” He waggled his eyebrows up and down for added effect.

Much to Gibson’s surprise, Amber suddenly leaned over placing one hand on the transmission hump on the car and the other down by his waist.

Amber flashed Gibson a quick smile, but the glint in her eyes made it seem anything but pleasant. “Gibson? You know gun accidents are the third-leading cause of injury-related death in the US?” She said, pulling up a rectangular pistol by the handle and simply holding it in her hand.

Gibson swallowed. “Alright, no goodnight kiss then… Just leave the safety on please.”

Amber blinked a few times and stared at the gun. “The safety’s on?”

Gibson nodded. “It’s the little fins on the back… you flip them down to turn the safety off.”

Amber looked at the gun thoughtfully and handed the gun to Gibson.

“You’re letting me keep it?” Gibson asked in a surprised tone as he reached for the weapon.

Amber nodded. “Sounds like you have a better idea what to do with it.”

Gibson chuckled. “Oh, I never play with guns. Just the hearts of beautiful girls.”

“You know what? Give me the gun back.”

“I’m going, I’m going!” Gibson said as he placed the gun back in his waistband and got out of the car. Before he closed the door he leaned in. “So… see you at work?”

Amber’s lips pulled up in the barest hints of a genuine smile. “See you at work.”

Gibson closed his door and Amber sped off in her light-blue sedan.

Gibson turned to his house and sighed. “… And here’s where I’m grounded for life…” He trudged up to the door of the house, fished out a set of keys from his jeans, and unlocked the front door. Gibson stepped in announcing a half-hearted, “Uh… Hey… I’m back and not dead or wasted on drugs or alcohol or anything…”to a dark room.

Uh… Hi, Gibson,” Chip said sheepishly.

“Hi, Honey! Don’tturnonthelight!” Love Tap said.

His fingers millimeters from flicking the light switch, Gibson immediately froze it in place. He caught a glimpse of glowing bands in the darkness as well as the silhouettes of his parents heads poking up from the front of a couch.

Gibson lowered his hand from the light switch. “I’m just going to believe you two are throwing some sort of very dark rave in the living room…”

“That would be best…” Love Tap said.

“… Gibson,” Chip said, “why the heck do you have a pistol in your waistband?”

“WHAT?!” Love Tap cried.

Gibson looked down at the handle of a gun sticking out of his jeans waistband. “Uh… How about we do each other a favor and not ask any questions about what we did tonight…” he suggested.

“Sorry,” Love Tap said, “it doesn’t work that way… Did you kill anyone?”

“No, mom.”

“Are you going to kill anyone?”

“No, probably not… Well… I guess it depends on if I get any orders, or something… ”

“Wait, WHAT?!” Chip cried. “Did you join a gang?”

“Uh… more like a shadowy group of foodservice workers…”

“Oh! The N.A.R.F.,” Love Tap exclaimed. There was a brief pause before Love Tap began shouting, “…WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THIS SOONER?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!”

“Sorry!” Gibson cried. “Pinkie’s life was in danger and everyone in the bakery just kind of got swept into it! We all lived through… ”

“Wait…” Chip said. “How do you even know about this?!”

“Oh, I joined back when I was working part time as a line chef!” Love Tap said.

There was a brief pause.

“… Did you have to kill anyone?” Gibson asked.

There was yet another pause. “Hey! Here’s an idea,” Love Tap said. “Let’s talk about how grounded you are for participating in a life-threatening test.”

“Wait…” Chip cried, “are you dodging the question!?”

“I eruh…”

“Mom?” A young voice called out. “Did you rescue Gibson from that Corp yet?”

Uh… Of course, Button!” Love Tap said sweetly.

“… What?” Gibson said flatly.

“Gibson!” Button said excitedly from the bottom of a set of stairs. “You haven’t been brainwashed and used as some sort of battery for an evil hover-squid robot!”

Uh…” Gibson replied, “I think you just mixed sci-fi settings, squirt…”

“Uh, Gibson, sweetie?” Love Tap called out. “Could you take Button back up to bed? Mommy and Daddy are a bit busy, uh…

“Rekindling the firewall,” Chip suggested.

“Yeah! That!” Love Tap cried.

“… How not grounded am I for putting Button back to bed?”

“WHAT?!” Love Tap cried. “I don’t think taking your little brother upstairs makes up for the potential life-or-death situation you put yourself in!”

“Wow!” Button exclaimed. “Sounds like that Corp was tough!”

Gibson replied to his mother, “And just how unable are you to move from that spot until Button and I leave?”

There was a pause.

“…Alright, fine, you’re not grounded, but we are so talking about N.A.R.F. and this gun thing in the morning!”

“Deal!” Gibson replied.

“And put that gun somewhere safe and out of the way!” Love Tap cried. “You are not coming home from a series of deadly tests just to do something stupid like accidentally shoot yourself!”

“Alright, mom!” Gibson said back.

Gibson walked up to Button. Button smiled up at his brother and turned to walk up the stairs as Gibson got up alongside him and placed his arm on Button’s back.

“So was N.A.R.F. the name of the Corp?” Button asked.

“Absolutely,” Gibson replied.

“And you have a gun because you had to shoot your way out?”

“Totally,” Gibson said with a smile.

“Wow Gibson!” Button said. “You’re like the coolest person ever!”

“Heh, thanks squirt,” Gibson said as he smiled slightly to himself. “Thanks…”


“… Hello?” Helen cried out in the pitch black darkness. “Balthazar? Caspar…? Melchior… are you there becoming one with the darkness?”


Helen let out a heavy sigh. “… Pinkie?”

Silence was her only answer.

“Great, just great…” Helen uttered to herself. “I’ve got two dislocated shoulders. My body feels like one giant bruise… I think I have a concussion and I’m stuck here in the dark until someone comes and gets me!”

“Oh, whine, whine, whine.”

Helen flinched slightly as she heard a feminine voice in the darkness.

The voice continued, “So you got beat up and left to pass out in the dark at the bottom of some stone stairs you fell down a bunch of times. I got dumped and left to die of hypothermia in the dark! Beat that!”

“Huh?! Who’s there?!”

“Ha!” The voice cried derisively. “You can’t, can you?”

“Hey!” Helen cried out in irritation. “Pinkie harassed me over the course of months! She shot me with a weaponized pancake launcher, for crying-out-loud!”

A flashlight suddenly turned on in the darkness, illuminating a woman’s face framed by red and yellow hair. The woman narrowed turquoise-colored eyes. “Dumped… by my boyfriend while I was in freezing water!”

“Pinkie once held me in place so her big friend could punch me in the face when they drank, like… 20 bottles of syrup.”

The woman sneered. “…And Pinkie beat me at the thing I was best at!”

Another woman’s voice called sounded out in the darkness, “Oh, give it a rest, Sunset! It’s not a competition.”

“No one frickin’ asked you!” Sunset snapped.

The other woman giggled. “The way you go on you’d think that girl burnt your house down with all your pets inside, or something.”

Sunset glared off into the darkness. “Trixie, don’t make me hurt you.”

“She does have a tendency to wail quite a bit, that one, doesn’t she?”

“Oh don’t you start too, fairy girl!” Sunset said harshly as her eyes darted another direction. “I don’t care how magic you are! I’ll Doomtrain Suplex your magic face right into the ground!”

“My, my,” the ‘fairy girl’ responded, “someone sure sounds like they took a bite of cereal after someone relieved themselves in the bowl.”

Trixie giggled. “That was actually a little nicer than what I was going to suggest…”

“Just how many people are down here, anyhow?!” Helen cried.

A masculine chuckle cut through the darkness. “As cathartic as I’m sure this all is, why don’t you girls light things up so our potential member can see us all?”

As soon as the voice finished speaking a couple of lights lit up the area. A magician’s wand began to glow, and illuminate the area around it. The wand was held by a woman with silvery-blue hair wearing a dark blue body-suit that hugged her torso, fishnet stockings, black high-heels, a purple cape covered with blue and yellow stars, and a large, pointed hat with the same design as the cape.

From the woman’s left, Sunset turned off her flashlight. She was wearing a leather jacket over a magenta top with a sun-motif on the front, an orange skirt with a yellow and magenta stripe going down the side, and large black boots with purple flames on the front.

On the other side of Sunset was a woman with long, flowing red hair, and an elegant green dress. She held up a finger that glowed softly providing more light.

Finally, a short man with a well-kept black hair, a triangular soul-patch, blue button-up shirt, and jeans smiled at Helen.

Sunset looked down and grinned. “Sunset Shimmer,” she said simply. Sunset looked down with a devilish smiled. “I’d shake your hand, but it looks like you’re having a little trouble with your arms there.”

Helen attempted to right herself. She gritted her teeth and let out a few pained sounding grunts as she attempted to lift herself despite her dislocated shoulders. With one last exasperated huff, she slumped back down to the ground. She blew a frustrated gust of air up at her blond bangs in response.

Sunset smiled. “Though I got to admit, you’re pretty coherent for someone with two dislocated shoulders…”

“Pure rage and anger is keeping me sharp,” Helen quipped.

Sunset nodded. “I think the last person I saw with two dislocated shoulders was the same… It didn’t help her at all, either.”

Helen growled at Sunset in irritation.

The man shook his head. “You sure know now to make an impression on people.”

Sunset smiled at him. “It’s what I’m here for.”

Trixie smiled wide. “Well, though I’m sure no introduction is necessary,”—she motioned to herself dramatically and announced even more dramatically—“I am the Grrrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie!

“Never heard of you,” Helen said as she shook her head.

Trixie slumped her shoulders. “Really?”

Sunset chuckled. “That’s because she’s better known as ‘Magnifico the Magnificent’s latest attractive assistant’.”

Trixie glared at Sunset. “You just had to rain on my parade!”

Sunset smirked. “You’re the one running around like you’re already famous!”

The ‘fairy girl’ chuckled to herself. “You two argue more than most the fae I know… and that’s sayin’ a wee bit.”

Sunset and Trixie merely scowled at her. “Mind your own business,” they cried in unison.

Fairy girl chuckled again. “You two are just lucky I like your cheek, otherwise you’d both be stricken with a horrible curse.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “OoOoOoOoOoOoO~! A fairy curse!” She said derisively. “We’re so scared! You going to make our beds itchy at night with fairy dust?” Trixie grinned and elbowed Sunset. “Sunset, be sarcastic with me, you’re so good at it.”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “Fairies can drive you insane and steal your soul and stuff… Let’s not poke the glittery bear too much.”

“What?!” Trixie cried. “Where did you hear this?!”

Sunset sighed. “There’s these things called books, Trixie… Sometimes they have information that isn’t in movies.”

Trixie frowned. “Disney lied to me!” she cried as she clenched her fist.

Sunset smacked a palm against her face. “How can you be magic and not know this?”

Fairy girl chuckled. “You two should be havin’ yer own series or somethin’, yer a laugh riot.”

Sunset and Trixie both exchanged glares before Trixie stuck out her tongue and turned away. Sunset just rolled her eyes.

Fairy girl chuckled again and looked down at Helen. “Well I guess you can jus’ call me ‘Fairy Girl’. I mislike all this runnin’ around jus’ offering up yer true name.”

Sunset shook her head. “Like it’s so hard to figure out…”

Fairy Girl tossed Sunset a sidewise glance. “Aye, well donna be tellin’ the whole world, less I really do curse you.”

“Oooo!” Trixie exclaimed excitedly. “Trixie wants to know her name! Tell me! Tell me!

Sunset grinned. “I’ll tell you, but it’ll cost you.”

Trixie slumped her shoulders and sighed. “Nevermind…”

Helen’s eyes drifted over to the short man in the group “And how about you?” Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the man. “Wait… You look like—”

Sunset sighed. “Here we go…”

“—You look like that obnoxious pink-haired girl’s boyfriend!”

The Dan lookalike chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve been getting that a lot lately.”

“You could be his brother, even!”

Dan* smiled. “I get that one a lot too. Rest assured that I’m not related to that psychotic maniac.”

Sunset turned towards Dan*. “Was that a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, I just heard?”

Dan* gave a healthy guffaw. “Hahahaha… Oh Sunset, Sunset, if your wit was any sharper, it could cut through solid stone.”

Trixie smiled. “Well too bad for her it can’t. Hence why you needed some grrrrreat and powerful magic to get inside!”

“Speaking of which,” Fairy Girl said as her skin began to change in color to match her dress. “Do ye’ mind hurryin’ this little song and dance along? We’re uninvited and I’m gettin’ a wee bit ill just standin’ around.” She raised a hand up to her temple to steady herself.

Dan* nodded. “Hmmm… Of course, my superbly dressed comrade.” He turned back to Helen. “The fact of the matter is that Dan and Pinkie have been a thorn a quite a few people’s sides, and I decided to get a group of likeminded people together to put an end to their reign of terror.”

Helen’s face lit up with interest. “You’re going to take out Pinkie and her jerk of a boyfriend?”

Dan* nodded. “That’s the plan! We’re probably even going to take out a few of their friends.” He gave a light chuckle. “I mean, there’s certainly one or more who would miss the short misanthrope and his hyperactive, violence-prone girlfriend and think to channel that grief into aggression.” He grinned. “So that’s why I formed the ‘League Against Pinkie and Dan and Also Needs Chris Erased’.”

Fairy Girl chuckled as Sunset groaned. Trixie looked back and forth between the two with a confused expression.

“What?” Trixie exclaimed. “It’s just sort of really long? Is there something I’m not getting?”

Sunset grumbled to herself. “I’m not even going to dignify it by explaining it!”

Helen looked over the group. “So this is all about taking out Pinkie, her boyfriend, and their friends?”

Dan* nodded. “Oh yes, and you’re perfect for our ranks. Combat-ready, stalwart, angry at one of our targets, and dare I say… a feast for the eyes?”

Sunset rolled her eyes.

“And if I say no?” Helen asked.

Dan just smiled back. “Hmmm, well I guess we just leave and you wait until someone comes along to take you to a hospital…”

Helen narrowed her eyes. “You guys are cold…”

Sunset smirked. “Yeah, we’re not the nicest outfit. I mean… we’re kind of devoted to making the lives of two people miserable before we end them and probably a handful of others.”

“Alright, I’m in!” Helen said. “Anything, to get back at that pink-haired bimbo.”

Dan*’s already smiling lips began to spread apart further as a wicked smile surfaced. “Perfect. Seems the League Against Pinkie and Dan and Also Needs Chris Erased is growing into quite the army!”

Sunset sighed again. “Seriously… that’s a worse name than NARF!”


Dan smiled to himself as leaned at the foot of his and Pinkie’s bed and admired the light blue shade of nail polish he had just finished applying to Pinkie’s toes. He blew lightly on the nails before he returned the cap to the small bottle of nail polish.

Dan looked down, picked up a furry gray cat, and placed her on the bed. “Didn’t I do a good job, Mr. Mumbles?” he asked.

Mr. Mumbles looked over the nails and gave a happy “Meow” in response.

“Can I look yet?!” Pinkie asked with an excited tone. A purple blindfold was wrapped around her head and over her eyes.

Dan smiled. “You can look now.”

Pinkie quickly reached behind her head and undid a knot at that held the blindfold in place. She quickly whipped it off her face with one hand and brought the other up to her eyes. “Oooooo!” she exclaimed as she admired her own nails. “This is a nice shade.”

Dan smiled. “I thought you might like it.”

Pinkie nodded her head up and down as Dan crawled up onto the bed. “Oh, I do, I do, I do!” Pinkie turned and smiled warmly at Dan, stroking his stubble-covered cheek affectionately as he approached her. “But I think what I liked more was you going out and spending time with all our friends!”

Dan grinned as he sat back in the bed next to Pinkie. “Well, okay… It was sort of fun hanging out with a bunch of my minions. Especially since they all proved to be useful in some way or another…” Dan sighed. “I still can’t believe mouthy teen is some sort of math whiz…”

I can’t believe how great of a human shield Wally is! He was on fire and everything and he was just complaining about being a bit singed afterwards!”

“Yeah, he did do pretty well taking that fiery explosion, didn’t he?” Dan admitted. “Even if he did whine about it afterwards.”

Pinkie giggled. “Maybe I should make him a cake or something, just to show him how much we appreciate him.”

Dan frowned. “Well… I guess being a human shield and having your back set on fire is worth a cake.”

Pinkie continued, “That way he’s less likely to blow us all up!”

Dan put on a ponderous expression. “Huh… Wally does have a little bit of a dark side to him, doesn’t he? Alright, make him a cake. I somehow have grown attached to showing up at work without the fear of being blown up…”

“Sounds like a plan!”

Dan said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around Pinkie and drew her close. Pinkie smiled affectionately at him and snuggled up to him in response.

“Still,” Dan said. “As surprising as it was that I enjoyed spending time with everyone, I think I’m mostly happy just to relax back home… just the three of us.”

“Merow!” Mr. Mumbles said happily.

“You mean the four of us~!” Pinkie sang out.

Inside and outside the small Southern California apartment, everything was still and quiet for a brief moment, aside from the quiet hum from ‘Casa Paradisio’s’ neon light sign.


“Yes, Dan?”

“Please, take the freaky skull puppet out of bed.”



Pinkie sighed. “Fine…”

End Part 14

Thanks for reading!

Author's Note:

News: Still on vacation with very limited access to internets. So expect another delay for the next chapter.

Some good news: I have a few one shots in the works on top of my ongoings that are also in the works. So more stories are on the way!        

Also, thanks to Hesitant Brony for the name to Dan*'s little group. I changed one thing, but it's mostly the same.

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