• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part  7 Dan Vs. Love: Chapter 41 Pinkie Vs. Unemployment

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 7 Dan Vs. Love

Chapter 41 Pinkie Vs. Unemployment


Dan slowly opened his eyes to the sounds of birds chirping. Sunlight shot through the blinds in bright bands of light across his face, and over the light blue blanket he was under. He scowled at the bright light as it assaulted his vision.

“Stupid Sun.” He mumbled. The sun, like many things, had a near permanent place on his list. Mostly because attempting to launch water balloons at it with a giant slingshot only resulted in a collection of soggy, unconscious cyclist and pedestrians.

He felt a something warm pressed against his chest and arms wrapped around his body. Likewise, his arms were also wrapped around the pink haired, pink pajama clad girl. Dan sighed at the thought of getting up and giving up his current, comfortable place on the bed; his head apparently resting against a puddle of pink cotton candy.

Alright, plan, plan, I still need a plan…

Flowers? Bleck, Too pedestrian, too many stupid metaphors that can go south.

Ah, ha! Spell out ‘I love you’ by setting fire to large stretches of Los Angeles and sneak Pinkie onto the highest floor of the U.S. Bank Tower! Hmm… Well, the sneaking part wouldn’t be hard, but I’d probably be arrested or shot long before I was even done with the word ‘love’…

Poison her and only give her the antidote on the condition she loves me…sure if I WANTED her to fake it and kill me in my sleep a few days later…

Why does making someone fall in love with you have to be so dang hard?!


Dan felt a light push against his nose and looked down to see a feminine hand with pink nail polish attached pajama clad arm lead down towards the smiling face of the woman he was currently holding. His heart skipped a beat as he looked into the blue eyes framed by an adorable face all surrounded by luscious, pink curls.

Pinkie giggled. “Sorry! You looked so lost in thought! I couldn’t help myself! First you were thinking! Then you were happy,” Pinkie smiled,” but then sad,” Pinkie frowned, “but then happy again,” smiled, “and then sad,” frowned, “and then you got that look on your face like you were about to set fire to something,” Pinkie grinned evilly, “but then really, really, really sad” Pinkie pouted and quivered her lip, “and then you looked frustrated. So I was wondering…watcha thinkin’ about?”

“Uhh…nothing…shut upI mean I was thinking about how much I enjoy sleeping in this position…with you.” Dan said.

Nailed it!


Pinkie looked surprised for a second then blushed slightly as she nuzzled her head into Dan’s chest. “I’m glad. I’m really happy here, too…”

Dan smiled to himself and tightened his grip.

“…aside from the fact that I really, really, really need to use the bathroom and you're squeezing is making it worse…” Pinkie added.

“Oh, uh…sorry.” Dan released Pinkie and she quickly gave him a quick, sheepish smile, hopped off the bed, and bolted out of the bedroom into the nearby bathroom.

“Stupid, lousy bladder.” Dan muttered as he rose out of bed, the blankets falling off of his bare chest.

“Hmmmm…” Dan mused to himself.

“Date at a fancy restaurant? …No, either there would be something weird going on and/or we’d end up burning it down…”

“Romantic movie? Grrraa…I think I’d rather try setting fire to L.A.”


Once again, the two roommates found themselves on the couch, staring inquisitively at each other. Pinkie having changed into her red, floral pattern shirt and jean shorts, with a pair of pink flats that bared her cutie mark, Dan wearing a fresh pair of the outfit he wears pretty much every day.

“Sooo…” Dan began, “What do you want to do today?”

Pinkie’s face lit up. “Three Pinkie Pie days in a row!? Wow Dan, you must really like me!” Pinkie said, cocking her head and fluttering her eyelids.

Dan’s face flushed as his expression turned nervous.

“Actually…” Pinkie said hesitantly, “…there is something I want to do.”

“Yeesss?” Dan asked raising an eyebrow.

“I er…want to talk about something with you.” Pinkie said putting her hands on Dan’s.

Dan’s heart immediately began to pound in his chest.

Uh-oh…this can either go very, very well or very, very bad.

She just put her hands on mine, though! That’s a good sign! Right? Right?!

Dan swallowed. “Yeah?”

“You’re um…you’re probably going to think I’m crazy…” Pinkie said.

Dan raised an eyebrow.

“Well…crazier!” Pinkie clarified.

“Just spit it out, already!” Dan demanded.

“Okay…” Pinkie inhaled deeply. “I think I need a job.”

Dan rapidly shook his head and his face changed to shock. “What?!”

Pinkie sighed. “I knew you’d respond that way…”

Dan paused and attempted to control his temper. “What I meant was, why do you need a job? You have a wallet that gives you all the money you want and you still have tons of Vegas money.” Dan reminded.

Pinkie sighed, and raised her hands, taking Dan’s with them and intertwined her fingers with his. “I know…but I’m starting to feel anxious sitting here all day, every day.” She explained.

Dan released one of his hands to motion out with it, “What are you talking about?! We go out practically every day!”

“I know, and it’s a lot of fun! But, I still feel kinda empty inside…like I could be doing more with myself, you know...”

“Uh…no, not really.” Dan admitted. Dan’s heart began to beat faster. “Wait…you’re not trying to get away from me, are you?!”

“Of course not, silly!” Pinkie said, reaching out for Dan’s hand again. “I love spending time with you!”

Dan’s heart skipped a beat at the word ‘love’.

“But, I really think this is something I have to do!” Pinkie said, locking serious looking sky-blue eye’s with Dan’s green eyes. “Besides, sooner or later the cops are bound to catch up with us.”

Dan thought about this. “Honestly, we probably could get away with another few months of this before we actually got caught and charged with anything.”

Pinkie grinned. “Seriously though, I need to do this.” Pinkie’s eye’s turned pleading. “And I don’t think I can do it alone.”

Dan look deep into her eyes.

Like I could ever say ‘no’ to those…

Dan sighed. “Alright, Pinkie. I’ll help.”


“But for the record, I think this is both stupid and idiotic.” Dan added.

Dan felt arms encircle him. “That’s okay, Dan. I’m just happy I have you here when I need you.”

Dan smiled, and returned the hug. “Sure Pinkie. Anything for you…”

The hug was all too fleeting as Pinkie broke it, kissing Dan’s forehead on the way up as she stood. Dan’s face turned red with warmth at the gesture.

Pinkie held out a hand. “Come on, Dan! We’re burning daylight!”

Dan smiled and took Pinkie’s hand as she helped him up.


“My basic principles of being against employment aside, have you thought about this?” Dan asked from the driver’s seat of his red hatchback. “I mean, you have a fake ID that Elise made for you and that’s it!”

“Don’t worry Dan, I’m sure I can find someone who wants to hire me!” Pinkie said optimistically.

“Where do you think you’d even get a job at?” Dan said, frantically waving a hand about. “Don’t tell me you’re going to settle for burger flipping or office work.” Dan said, knitting his brow at Pinkie. “I doubt your co-workers would put up with you singing orders to them for hours upon hours on end…and, no offense, but I found office work tedious and boring! I couldn’t imagine you lasting a few hours before you have a mental breakdown and start constructing some sort of fort for yourself out of stolen office supplies.”

Pinkie shook her head. “None taken. Besides, there’s only one job that would make me happy!”

“Clown?” Dan guessed.

“…Okay, make that two jobs…”

“Party planner?”

“…Three jobs.”

“Wait, so if it wasn’t that, then…Fortune teller?”

“OH! I can do that, I have done that…I mean, stop giving me ideas!” Pinkie insisted.

“Right, sorry.” Dan said, turning back to the road.

“No! I know what this town needs and it’s a baker!” Pinkie declared.

“Uh…we have those.” Dan reminded.

“Yeah, but almost everyone bakes with fake dyes, and imitation this and that, and just all kinds of crazy stuff that makes no sense to me and makes me want to go on…like…I don’t know,” Pinkie’s expression darkened as she held her hands up as frustrated claws around her face, “some sort of uncontrollable rampage where I just run around and set fire to everything and laugh and laugh and laugh as mankind is brought to its knees because of its reliance on fake baking ingredients.”

Dan paused. “You know what? Let’s do that!” He said enthusiastically. “That sounds way more fun.” He grinned evilly. “You can carry around way more gasoline if there’s two of us~!” He sang.

“Dan! I can’t burn down all the bakeries! Where would I find a job if I did that?!”

Dan paused. “You could always start your own!” He suggested. “And, hey! No competition!”

“I’d probably end up in prison if I actually did that thing I just said.” Pinkie said, cocking an eyebrow.

“Details, details.” Dan said, waving his hand about dismissively.

“Anyways,” Pinkie continued, “I don’t really know a lot about running a business. I mean…I can manage a shop by myself okay, but actually doing finances and all that icky sounding taxes stuff?! I’m a party pony, not a money managing pony!”

Dan raised an eyebrow. “Is that actually a thing in your world?”

“Well, d’uh! Who do you think runs all the giant chain stores and corporations and stuff?!” Pinkie asked.

“Uh…I don’t know…I guess I just thought you all took breaks frolicking in pristine meadows and throwing parties for each other in between fighting terrifying creatures that seem to attack on a near monthly basis…” Dan responded.

“Well…yeah, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have businesses!” Pinkie exclaimed. She looked out the window. “Wait…is that our apartment building?!” She turned to Dan. “Are you just driving around the block over and over again?!”

“Well it’s not like you actually told me where we’re going, or anything!” Dan complained, motioning out to the road with his hand.

“Just drive! I’m sure something will turn up!” Pinkie insisted, pointing out towards the road.

Dan sighed. “Fine! But it’s not like we’re just going to drive past a bakery that has a big ‘Now Hiring!’ sign in front of it, or like…just opened and has a pushover owner that’s going to let you change everything!”

“What about that place?” Pinkie asked, pointing to a small building that read ‘Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins’, complete with a ‘Grand Opening’ and a large ‘Now Hiring!’ sign posted in the window.

Dan paused, blinked a few times, sighed, and pulled the car into the almost completely empty parking lot. “Stupid, insanely lucky roommate.” He muttered to himself.

Pinkie merely flashed Dan a dazzling, toothy smile.

Dan furrowed his brow at her. “Okay, but it’s not like the owner is just going to let you start throwing out ingredients and start making your own stuff.” Dan insisted. “Wait…” Dan took another look at the bakery’s title ‘Wally’s’?”

“Oh! Like the guy who runs the Emporium of Hardware and Explosives?!” Pinkie said, her face lighting up. “He’s super nice to me!”

Only because you buy so many explosives from him…and you always pay in cash!” Dan looked back to the store, narrowing his eyes slightly and rubbing his chin. “Still, it doesn’t seem like two Wallys would name their store practically the same thing.”

Pinkie threw open her door, exited the car, and excitedly began hopping from one foot to the next. “Well?! Are you coming or not! This is going to be fun!”

Dan rolled his eyes and twirled an index finger in the air. “Yay, job hunting.” He responded sarcastically as he exited the car.

“Ahhh, come on!” Pinkie said with a smile. “At the very least, I’m sure Wally will be happy to see us.”

Dan sighed and trudged after Pinkie who began bounding towards the store entrance.

Pinkie grabbed the glass door by its metal handle and swung it open, causing a small bell affixed to the top to ring. “Have no fear, your new baker is here!” Pinkie announced to a room full of empty seats and tables. “Uhhh…” Pinkie darted her head from side to side, attempting to find someone, anyone.

Dan leisurely walked in after her. “Yeesh, this place is deader than my grandma.” He commented.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “How dead is that?”

“The sort of dead you confirm with a pulse check and a few, hard kicks to the torso just to be safe.” Dan replied.

The two paused as they heard a noise from behind the counter. A large, balding, overweight man emerged from a back room; wearing glasses, a yellow shirt, brown pants, red tie, all covered by a white apron; and stood in front of the register.

“Oh! Hi, Pinkie! Hi, Dan.”

“Hiya, Wally!” Pinkie responded, enthusiastically waving.

“What’s with the bakery?” Dan asked with suspicion in his tone. “Are you closing down the hardware and explosives emporium…again!?”

“Oh, my no! The explosive business is booming!”

Pinkie and Wally shared a giggle while Dan folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

“Mostly due to you two, though.” Wally added. “In fact, business has been so good, I’ve decided to expand!”

“Like you need to get any bigger...” Dan mumbled. “OW!” Dan rubbed his arm, courtesy of hard punch Pinkie delivered into it.

“Dan! Be nice!” Pinkie whispered.

“Yeah, yeah…”

“So, what brings you two in today? We have both cupcakes and muffins for all your baked good desires.” Wally stated with a smile.

Dan raised an eyebrow. “And by, ‘we’ you mean…”

Wally sighed, “I mean me.”

“I was about to say, I’ve seen fenced off archaeological dig sites with more activity than here…” Dan turned towards Pinkie and quickly put his hands up defensively. “Don’t hit, it’s true!”

Pinkie lowered her first. “Okay…well…you still shouldn’t be so blunt about these things.”

“It’s okay, Pinkie, he’s right. I’ve been open a few days and the customers have really dried up in that time.”

“Well, I know what will cheer you up!” Pinkie declared, taking her wallet out of her Pink bag and pulling out a $5 bill. “One cupcake, please!”

“Oh, what kind?” Wally asked with a small smile.

Pinkie gave Wally a closed eye smile and shrugged. “Surprise me!”

Wally grabbed a chocolate cupcake from the display case and handed it to Pinkie.

Pinkie took the cupcake with a smile and began to take a bite.

Dan walked up to the counter and leaned his back against it, supporting himself with his elbows. “Big mistake, buddy.”

“What?” Wally turned to Dan. “She doesn’t like chocolate?” Wally asked.

Dan shook his head. “She rarely likes anything she hasn’t baked herself. I think Ninja Dave is one of the few bakers or would-be bakers I haven’t seen her chew out. We’ll be lucky if she stops screaming within an hour.”

Pinkie swallowed the bit of cupcake in her mouth. “Oh, it’s okay Dan. I won’t scream at Wally.”

Dan raised an eyebrow. “Wait, so you actually liked it?”

“Uhhh…no, not really…” She looked back at Wally. “Sorry…” She said with a pensive grin.

Wally sighed. “It’s okay, I’m still learning...”

“Wellll,” Pinkie began. “The cocoa powder is of substandard quality, it’s too sweet, probably because the chocolate chips have more sugar than necessary; you clearly used fake vanilla extract; and the egg content is a little light.” Pinkie explained.

“Uh…you can tell all that just from a bite?” Wally asked skeptically.

Pinkie smiled wide as she set down the partially eaten cupcake. “Yepper! And that’s why you should hire me!” Pinkie said, enthusiastically smiling until all her teeth where visible.

“Hmmmm…I don’t know, no offense, but you two buy an awful a lot of explosives from me…”

Dan raised an eyebrow. “You ever use that mini-nuke on the in-laws?”

“Uhhh….point taken.” Wally said, toweling at his brow with a handkerchief. He turned back to Pinkie. “Do you have any experience?”

“I used to work and live at a bakery!” Pinkie responded cheerfully.

“References?” Wally asked.

“Oh well, I can grab my mirror and I’m sure Twilight could grab one of the Cakes to mphp hmphfff hmm…” Pinkie glanced down at Dan who was holding a hand over Pinkie’s mouth.

“Just hire her!” Dan insisted. “You’ll never find a better baker.”

Wally held his chin in thumb and forefinger and considered this. “Well, maybe if you come back some with something you’ve baked…”

Pinkie happily produced a rainbow colored cupcake as Dan removed his hand from her mouth.

“…Where did you pull that from?” Wally asked.

“I have no idea!” Pinkie responded merrily.

Wally eyed the colorful cupcake suspiciously and tentatively took a bite.

“…then we’ll pass out fliers! And once we’re back from the farmer’s market, I’ll spend the next few hours creating dyes and baking goodies while Dan decorates outside!” Pinkie said clapping her hands excitedly.

Wally shook his head, clearing away a euphoric sensation that was completely overwhelming his senses.

“What just happened?!” Wally asked.

Dan raised an eyebrow, having returned to his spot against the counter. “You went into some sort of ecstatic, cupcake coma.”

“I did?”

“Yeah…then you hired Pinkie on the spot and agreed to everything she said.” Dan explained.

“Oh dear…is that why the display case is empty?”

“Yeah…Pinkie closed shop and pretty much trashed everything…including a fair amount of your ingredients.”

Wally sponged at his perspiring forehead with his handkerchief. “I hope she knows what she’s doing.”

Dan shrugged. “Usually she doesn’t.” Dan stated “But she spends hours baking almost every day, so you’re probably fine. Gha!” Dan felt something grab is hand and before he knew it, Pinkie was dragging him towards the door.

“Come on, Dan! We got a lot of work to do.” Pinkie dragged her roommate out the door, and turned back to Wally.

“But farmer markets are full of hippies!” Dan protested.

Once Pinkie had dragged Dan outside, she turned back to Wally. “Bye-Bye, new boss!” She said with a smile.

Wally offered a small wave as Pinkie closed the door behind her. “I’ll er…just stay here, then…”


“Come to Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins! All natural ingredients and the smiles are free!” Pinkie said, enthusiastically passing a flier out to a Farmer’s market attendee.

“Come to Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins or you’ll die alone in a gutter…sooner rather than later.” Dan said, grumpily passing out a flier.

“Hello! You look like a man who’s desperate for quality baked goods!” Pinkie said, passing out another flier.

“Hey, you…yeah, winner of this year’s worst dressed competition.” Dan said to a large woman wearing a white t-shirt and bright pink, zebra striped sweatpants. “Come to Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins or I’ll string up that goofy looking dog by its harness.”

The woman shot Dan a glare. “That’s my child!”

Dan handed her a flier. “Whatever! My threat still stands! Go to the cupcake shop, fatty! You know you can’t pass up sugary baked goods.”

The woman sighed. “Well…you got me there.”

“All natural, baked daily muffins and cupcakes at Wally’s!” Pinkie said, enthusiastically passing out another flier.

“You look like a filthy tree hugger.” Dan said to a large man with a large, brown beard, long brown hair, and a tie-dyed shirt. “Come to Wally’s and eat of nature’s goodness, then gloat to all your friends that you’re eating better than them and therefore are better than them!”

The large man happily took a flier. “Finally, a place that understands me!

“Come to Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins.” Pinkie said hanging out a flier. “Wow, you’re actually pretty good at this!” She exclaimed to Dan.

Dan shrugged. “You just gotta learn the right leverage with people.” Dan turned to another farmer’s market patron.

“You! Come to Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins, or one night you will hear something from your closet in the middle of the pitch black darkness. You’ll dismiss it, of course, because hey,” Dan put up his hands in a small shrug, “monsters don’t really exist. But you’ll be wrong, dead wrong. And as you drift back off to sleep, your eyes will shoot open and the last thing you’ll see is my grinning face as I hold an axe aloft in my hands. As I bring it down on your terrified, screaming face, your last thoughts will be: ‘If only I had purchased a muffin.’”

Sniff…sobMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!” A young boy with brownish red hair sitting under a red, white, and yellow beanie with a green propeller screamed.


Dan felt something fast and hard impact his face and he tumbled to the ground.

“Button, sweetie! Are you alright?” The brown haired woman who had just delivered a haymaker to Dan’s face asked, lowering herself to the crying child’s level.

Pinkie helped Dan to his feet. “Err…that seemed a bit…excessive.” She said to Dan.

“What! Aggressive marketing, baby!” Dan insisted, rubbing his cheek as it began to swell.

Mooooooooom, I need a muffin!” The boy wailed.

Sigh…Of course sweetie…”

Dan handed the woman a flier. “Best muffins in town! Guaranteed to keep the axe murders at bay!”

The woman angrily snatched the flier and jabbed Dan in the nose.

“Ow!” Dan exclaimed, rubbing his nose as the woman stormed off.

“I mean, I really, really, really neeeed a muffin from Wally’s Emporium of Cupcakes and Muffins!”

“Of course dear…” The woman said in an exasperated tone.

“See, Pinkie? Leverage!” Dan said motioning out to the woman and her child. “So, we done yet?” Dan asked.

“One more!” Pinkie said happily holding up a flier.

“YAY! MUFFINS!” A blond haired, cross-eyed woman exclaimed snatching the flier from Pinkie’s hand before said woman careened into a nearby farmer market’s stand with a startled. “Wah!”

“Now are we done?” An impatient Dan asked his pink haired roomie.

Pinkie smiled. “Not quite! Now we have to actually get ingredients!”

Dan sighed. “Joy” He said sarcastically, as Pinkie grabbed him by the hand and dragged him off to a nearby stall.


Dan wiped the sweat from his brow and descended a tall ladder, hammer in hand.

Dan surveyed the large ‘Grand reopening banner’ surrounded by balloons then looked across the parking lot. Likewise, it was covered in balloons, not to mention streamers, and all sorts of bright decorations.

“There,” Dan said to himself. “It looks like a kid’s birthday party collided with a circus and left no survivors. Pinkie would be pleased.”

“Hey, Dan.”

Dan turned to see Wally approach him from the store and hand him two $20 bills.

Surprised, Dan took the money. “Wally…are you paying me?!”

“Well, sure.” Wally said. “You worked really hard today.”

Dan looked around the lot. “Uh…I guess I did…”

What the heck is that woman doing to me?!

Wally gave Dan a small smile. “Thanks Dan. You two really came through today.”

Dan rubbed the back of his head. “Don’t mention it.”

“No, seriously! This place looks great!” Wally insisted, motioning out to the parking lot.

“Really, don’t mention it.” Dan said, narrowing his eyes slightly. “This is starting to feel weird.”

“Heh, sure Dan.” Wally said turning back to the store. He raised a hand as he walked away. “See you around.”

Dan sighed, stuffed the money into his wallet, and started walking to his car.

“Dan! Wait!”

Dan turned just in time to get a front row seat to a pink blur crash into him with a crushing embrace. “You weren’t going to leave without saying goodbye, where you?”

“Uh, of course not.” Dan said, returning the embrace. Dan took a look at what Pinkie was wearing and sighed. “I’m covered in flour now, aren’t I?”

“Oops…” Pinkie held Dan at arm’s length. There was a Dan shaped imprint on her apron and half of Dan’s face as well as his chest was now covered in white powder. “Sorry, Dan…”

Dan simply shook his head. “It’s okay, I’ll clean up when I get home.”

“Hey…” Pinkie said, leaning in and giving Dan’s cheek a quick peck as she reached for his hands. “Thank you for helping make this come true for me.” She said, with a warm smile as she gave Dan’s hands a squeeze.

Dan’s face flushed. “Of course, Pinkie.”


I’m gonna! Just…give me a minute.



“Yes, Dan?”



Shut up, subconscious! This isn’t as easy as it looks!


Dan began to lean in and up towards his roommates face, closing his eyes as he did so.

Pinkie smiled and leaned down, also closing her eyes.

The two pursed their lips as Wally threw open the door to the shop and shouted. “Er, Pinkie? One of the ovens is beeping.”

Dan and Pinkie synchronized smacking palms against their own faces.

Pinkie moved her fingers to stare out at Dan. “Hey, come see me if you get lonely, okay?”

Dan removed his hand and chuckled. “Lonely? I finally have time to catch up on T.V.” He joked.

Pinkie giggled and gave Dan’s hand a squeeze. “Still! You know where to find me.” She said as she bounded off towards the store, waving as she went.

Dan waved back.



Heh, alright kid. You got moxie, I’ll give you that. I’ll leave you to it.


Dan sighed. “I wish I just knew how…” he muttered to himself. “Ask my neighbor for a love potion? No, knowing him, Pinkie would grow 50 feet and probably have to fight a giant radioactive lizard…Kill all her enemies and present their heads to her on pikes? Wait…Pinkie doesn’t have enemies.”

Dan shook his head as he walked to the car.

This is going to be harder than I thought…

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