• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,791 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Previously on Comet the Colt of Steel.

Spike gazed deeply into the emerald in his claw. His thoughts drifted back through the events of the past couple of days as he watched the moonlight shimmer across its many facets. As compensation for having to go through what did, Rarity gave him an extra helping of gems and even a kiss on the cheek. It should've been everything he ever wanted. So why did he feel so empty? Try as he might he couldn't get the image of Apple Comet writhing in pain on the ground out of his head.

In hindsight, he felt like he probably should've noticed it sooner. Of course, the Diamond Dogs showing up when they did hadn't helped matters. But still, he wondered how he could not have seen it right before him. It was that crystal that made him sick. But how? And why did it only affect Apple Comet and not him and Rarity, or the Diamond Dogs? He pondered whether or not he should tell Twilight about it. Would she believe him if he told her a space rock made Apple Comet sick? He felt a sense of guilt circling deep inside him. Rarity may have found it, but it was he who dug it up. He wondered what Apple Comet would think of him. Would they still be friends?

Spike's POV.

"Come on where is it? I know I put it here somewhere." How could I be so careless, of the things I could've misplaced it just had to be that fire ruby. Figures, I find a perfect, flawless, delicious fire ruby and I go and lose it. Just as I was about to lose hope, I spotted a glint of fire poking out beneath an emerald. "Ah hah." Brushing it I saw the fiery red of my birthday present. It was cut flawlessly into the shape of a heart. I had been aging it for the past few months, but it would all be worth it when I took that first bite. "No no, patience," I reminded myself. "The time has to be just right."

CRASH! Judging from that sound, it seemed like Twilight could use some help. With my birthday present in claw, I opened the door and stepped out to find piles of books spread across the floor. Twilight's horn popped through a spine as her head rose out of one of the piles. I couldn't resist.

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

"Spike what are you laughing at?" Twilight scowled at me.

"This little beauty is a birthday present to myself, it's a fire ruby. I've been aging it for months and it's almost ripe." I said as I struck it with a tuning fork to show her. "Hey, you took my advice! Just use the floor as one big shelf." Twilight scowled as we heard a knock at the door.

"Hellooo," That voice, could it be? The door swung open as Rarity poked her beautiful head inside. "Anypony home? Twilight..." she gasped as soon as she saw me. "Is that a fire ruby?" She was trotting right over to me. "It must be at least twenty karats. No inclusions, pristine facets." Her eyes shimmered as she gazed into it. If there was any pony in Ponyville who appreciated gems as much as me it was her.

"And totally delicious," I added.

"Hey, Rarity is everything okay in here?" A smaller white head with a short silver mane poked through the door. "Whoa! what happened here?"

"Apple Comet," Twilight sighed with relief. "Can you help me get out of here?" Apple Comet's eyes went lovestruck as he happily trotted over to Twilight's rescue.

"Of course, Twilight it would be my pleasure." I'd swear that Colt was walking on air if I didn't know any better. Not that I could judge him mind you."

"Anyway," Rarity continued. "I just came by to see if you had any books on historical fashion."

I couldn't help but grin. "Oh I'm sure we've got one lying around here somewhere, I said.

"That's not funny!" Twilight snapped.

Rarity's attention turned back to the fire ruby. "Did you say delicious?" She asked.

"Sure did. Next week's my birthday and this is my birthday dinner."

"Well Happy Early Birthday Spike." Apple Comet said picking a book up off the pile. "I think this is what you might be looking for Rarity."

"Thanks, Apple Comet," The beautiful white mare gracefully lifted it off his hoof with her magic. "I've got a feeling ruffled taffeta capes are going to make a huge comeback this season. And I want to be ahead of the game." She looked back at me. "I hope it's as tasty as it is beautiful Spike. I've never seen anything quite so stunning before."

"I'm sure Spike could think of something or somepony?" Apple Comet grinned slyly as he looked at me. A fire rose in my cheeks as I realized who he was talking about.

"Dude!" He was one to talk, looking at Twilight all googly-eyed. I had half a mind to stick this fire ruby where Celestia's sun didn't...

"Oh Spikey Wikey, I'm sure he's just kidding you." Rarity cooed before doing something that made the fire go wild.


Did I say go wild? I meant erupt like a volcano.

"Oh dear, you're burning up." We better get you to bed right away." She levitated me onto her back and carried me upstairs. I swore to myself I would never wash that cheek again.

A week went by and true to my word, I did not wash that cheek.

"Just about finished, Spike? Everypony will be here soon." Twilight said as she set the spoon in the punch bowl.

"They're perfect," I said. "Everything looks perfect.

The library had been decorated with balloons and streamers. The tables had been covered with cloth with food set out for the guests.

"Not quite everything." Twilight trotted over to me, washcloth held in her magic.

"A washcloth? I don't get it." She levitated it into my claw and leaned in. Then it struck me. "Oh no way Twilight, I said I wasn't going to wash the cheek Rarity kissed and I meant it." A sinister smirk spread across her face as she lifted the washcloth back up. I took off running with Twilight in hot pursuit.

"It's over Spike I'm cleaning that cheek!" Twilight fired up her horn teleporting me back in front of her. I took off again only to run face-first into something.

"Ow." I rubbed my head, looking up to see what I had hit.

"Apple Comet?" Twilight gasped as I looked up to see Apple Comet looking concerned over me. "Are you alright?" She teleported over to check on him.

"Yeah, I'm fine Twilight," He said sounding none the worse for wear. Meanwhile, I felt I'd tried to butt heads with a minotaur. The rest of Twilight's friends entered soon after including Rarity.

"Oh goodness, gracious!" She exclaimed. "What happened?" Twilight levitated me up and began wiping my cheek.

"Nothing Rarity, Spike just needed a reminder of the importance of good hygiene."

"Ow ow ow!" Pain erupted across my jaw as Twilight removed the lipstick mark. "Stop! It hurts." I yanked the washcloth forcefully off covering my jaw with my claw.

"Spike," Twilight said. Her aura wrapped around my claw to pull it away. But then Apple Comet stepped forward.

"I think he's hurt." His eyes looked guiltily at me. Immediately Fluttershy galloped into action.

"Show me where it hurts."

I lifted my claw away and pointed to my lower jaw.

"Hold on I've got a hoof mirror." Rarity opened her saddlebag and levitated it out.

"Thank you," Fluttershy said as she took the mirror in her hoof and opened it. "Now say ahh."

"Ahh," Fluttershy lifted my lip and held the mirror close.

"Goodness." she gasped.

"What, what is it?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy reached down to the floor and picked up something white and pointy.
Everypony let out a collective neigh of shock.

"It seems the collision chipped one of Spike's canines." Wait what? I looked in the mirror and saw where the tip had broken off. I could see these red and blue worm things sticking out. I reached a claw in to touch when Fluttershy grabbed it and pulled it back.

"Careful Spike, you don't want to touch those nerve endings," Fluttershy warned me. "They're susceptible to pain.

"Don't worry Spike you're a dragon," Twilight assured me. "You'll grow a new one in about a week. "

"A week? Oh no! My Fire Ruby!"

Fluttershy's ears folded back. "I think it would best to wait until your new fang grows in."

"I'm sorry Spike." Apple Comet apologized. Man, he looked pathetic. And yet hitting him felt like running into a brick wall.

I clenched my claw into a fist and raised it. Apple Comet took a step back in hesitation. "Apology accepted, Bro Claw?" I smiled, and he smiled back. "Bro Claw?"

"Bro claw." We clawed or rather I clawed he hoofed, the point is I forgave him. Twilight's friends let out a collective aww."


"Ain't that sweet," Applejack said.

"This is great and all, but aren't you supposed to get presents on your birthday?" Rainbow Dash reminded us.

"Well, actually this is my first birthday in Ponyville..." I said. "Usually I get one present...from Twilight...a book." Apple Comet did not look amused.

"Speaking of presents, this is from my new line of taffeta capes. I'm going to make one for each of you." Rarity levitated out a magenta cape and hat. Everypony else was less than excited.


"They're great,"

"I already have one."

Man, I wish I'd gotten to have my earlier birthdays in Ponyville. I got more presents than I knew what to do with.

"Applejack I can't thank you enough for this great blanket, I really needed a new one." It was so soft and comfy.

"C'mon Spike you already thanked me fifteen times. Ah, 'm starting to get a little embarrassed." Applejack blushed.

"I know I keep thanking you guys, but I'm just so grateful. I wish this party could last forever."

"Well duh, the party can't last forever. Pinkie Pie said bouncing off a popped balloon. "Because you have to go to Sugarcube Corner 'cause the Cakes said they have a special surprise for you, 'cause it's your birthday!"

"No way!" I sprang out of my blanket and took off running out the door. As I swung it open I heard Twilight call out.

"Spike wait! Your fang!"

"I said the party couldn't last forever. Not that it has to end right now." Pinkie hollered. But I didn't care I was too excited.

I burst the front door of Sugarcube Corner with the speed of a dragon sky-high on cake and soda.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake." I greeted them, too excited to worry about trivial things like shortness of breath. As the initial surprise wore off they both smiled at me.

"There's the dragon of the hour. Happy Birthday, Spike!" Mr. Cake said as Mrs. Cake reached under the counter.

"Thanks!" I said.

"When we found out it was your birthday, we couldn't resist trying a new recipe. Sapphire."

"Wow!" My eyes gazed in awe at the succulent mouth-watering tasty temptation of mineral and frosting laid before me. This birthday just kept getting better and better. I eagerly licked my chops in anticipation.

Um...Spike? what's with your tooth?" Mr. Cake pointed out. Oh, no I'd forgotten all about that."

"Oh uh, that? It's fine," I quickly said. "It happened a few days ago, I'm expecting to grow a new one any day now." The Cakes looked at each other.

"Well...okay," Mrs. Cake relented. "Just be careful okay." A wave of relief washed over me.

"Oh, I will Mrs. Cake, don't worry."

"Thank you so much!" I said as I walked out the door. "Man, first I get a bunch of great presents from my best friends, and now an amazing sapphire cupcake." I was on top of the world. "Ha ha, what a day!"



Not looking where I was going I bumped into something sending the cupcake flying from my claws. My muzzle exploded with pain from where I had chipped my fang. "Yeowch!" I looked up to see Ms. Cheerilee sitting in the street her eyes spinning in circles. She shook her head and looked down to see the groceries she'd been carrying scattered on the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Spike!" She apologized rushing over to help. "Are you okay? I waved her off fighting through the pain to get to my feet.

"I'm fine...I just need to get..." I froze as my eyes fell upon the sight of a cupcake lying upside down in the grass. "No!" With a burst of speed, I rushed over but it was too late. "No no no no no no no. Nooooooooooo!" My eyes began to well with tears. Ruined. My special Sapphire birthday cupcake was ruined. This was the worst birthday ever.

"I am so so sorry," Cheerilee apologized placing a hoof on my shoulder.

"I-It w-was a p-present, sniff, for m-my b-birth-day." My fang ached as I stammered out a response. Stupid Apple Comet, this was all his fault. If he had just stayed home, none of this would've happened.

"Birthday!" Cheerilee recoiled. "Oh Spike I am so so sorry, I wish I had...wait." She rushed over to the grocery bag she had been carrying and dug deep within. "Aha."

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I turned around to see Cheerilee holding a white hat with a red hatband. With a smile, she placed it on my head. "Here, I know it's not a substitute for a cupcake, but I want you to have it as a way of saying I'm sorry. Hope you have a great birthday." With that, she gathered her groceries off the ground and went on her way. I ran a claw around the brim of the hat. It was mine, mine." I heard the sound of bouncing. Turning my head, I saw Lickity Split bouncing a ball around. A strange thought echoed in my head. 'Spike want!'

"Hmm...I wonder," I played it cool walking up to Lickity casually, "Hey there Lickity Split, that's a cool ball you got there. Did you know it's my birthday?" Before he knew what hit him, I was out like the wind. "This is unbelievable," I laughed.

"You're right, I can't believe it." A voice said from behind me.

"Gah!" I yelped, the ball bursting in my claw as I jumped back. Apple Comet trotted up to me, looking like I'd never seen him before. His eyes glared at me like two balls of fire. "What were you thinking? Taking some pony else's things? Where'd you get that hat from?"

I stood frozen for a moment, I'd been caught red-clawed. I'd never seen this side of Apple Comet before. The stern expression on his face, the tone of outrage in his voice. Was this the same mild-mannered colt who liked to come to the library and go all gooey-eyed around Twilight?

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow scoldingly.

"Umm...Ms. Cheerilee gave it to me, you know, for my birthday." My scales began to glisten with sweat as Apple Comet looked down at the tattered remains of my ball. Mine.

"For some reason, I'm having trouble believing that." I felt a rush of anger surge through me as he said that. He had made me do that.

"Yeah, well if you hadn't chipped my fang, I wouldn't have dropped my cupcake in the grass! It was sapphire Apple Comet Sapphire!" Without thinking, I took a swipe at him, my claws barely missing the top of his mane as he ducked. "

"Spike!" A shrill voice cried out as I felt myself lifted and pulled away. "What do you think you're doing?" Twilight stared at me. Her face was a mix of shock and barely restrained anger.

"Ahh! Twilight I was just...it..."

"Save it!" She said icily as she set me gently on the ground. "We'll discuss it back at the library. With that, she trotted over to Apple Comet.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I-I'm fine, he didn't get me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"I am so, so sorry. I don't what's gotten into him."

I looked down at my hand claws outstretched. Had I just attacked one of my friends?

I got a major talking to from Twilight when we got back to the library. As if that wasn't enough, she made me clean up after the party as punishment. It wasn't fair, that cupcake was supposed to be mine, and that ball was supposed to be mine. Instead, ssstupid Apple Comet had taken both from me. But the worst thing was when I went to take a bite of my Fire Ruby.

"Yeowch!" An explosion of pain shot through my mouth as the ruby fell to the floor.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight burst into the room. She looked at me and then at the Fire Ruby. With a sigh, she teleported it away. "I'm sorry Spike but you're gonna have to wait until your fang grows back before you can eat this." With that, she turned and walked out of the room. Great, first Apple Comet cost me my sapphire cupcake, then my ball, and now my Fire Ruby.

I went to bed hungry that night, no cupcake, no fire ruby.

"Spike want, Spike get!" The voice in my head whispered. "Spike want, Spike get!" I tossed and turned as the voice continued. Pony hurt Spike, Pony make Spike lose gems, Spike make Pony pay!"

My eyes shot open as I sat up. I looked over at Twilight's bed to see she was still asleep. Without thinking, I threw my blanket off and carefully climbed out of bed. Creeping over to the door, I glanced back again to ensure Twilight was still sleeping. Then with slick deftness, I opened the door ever so slightly and slinked out through the gap. My mind was foggy, I knew where I was going but I didn't know why. I crept down the stairs to the library and made my to the basement door. My mouth watered as I turned the knob opening the way to Twilight's lab. My Fire Ruby had to be in here somewhere, I could smell it. I could also smell something else. Something different. Was different good?

"Spike want," the voice whispered in my head." Different was good. I followed the scent to a heavy box with a latch. Checking over my shoulder to ensure the coast was clear, I lifted my claw under the latch and lifted it. It opened with a satisfying click. My tongue ran across my lips as I lifted the lid to reveal an eerie green glow. "Spike want!" I said as I reached to pull out a glowing green gem. My pretty gem, my preciousssssss."

The next morning I was awoken by a startled gasp and the clatter of something falling.


I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, my entire body feeling a little cramped. Rising I felt my back ache as I sat up "What happened? Twilight stepped back with a look of fear as I stood up, her eyes were at the level of my chest. Was it some kind of shrinking spell?
"GAAH!" I leapt back to the wall feeling like I was standing on stilts. I pulled off my hat and looked down at my legs. My feet were a lot bigger and further away than they normally were. I examined my claw next to find both it and my arm had grown too. "What's happening to me Twilight?"

"I don't know," she answered worryingly. "Think back to last night, did something happen? What did you do after I saw you?"

I scratched my head trying to remember. "I went to talk to..." I glanced over at the globe. Such a nice globe.

"Spike!" Twilight called out.


"You went to talk to who?"

"Um...I don't remember," I said remembering more important things. "Hey, can I have that globe? You're not using it right?"

Suddenly it levitated upward leaving to fall face-first into the floor. Instinctively I reached for my mouth expecting to feel a jolt of pain. Instead, I felt nothing. Reaching inside I felt where I had chipped my fang yesterday.

"Hey, my fang grew back, Oh well." I looked over at Twilight's bed where she had piled up everything that was in the room.

"That's strange," Twilight said. "Normally it doesn't grow back for at least a week.

"What about this book?" I asked. To which Twilight levitated it and me up.

"Spike I'm worried about you, you usually aren't so... grabby." What was her problem this morning? She wasn't using any of this stuff.

"My arms aren't usually this long either," I said realizing how lower my voice was. I sounded like Fluttershy that time she touched Poison Joke. "What's happening to me?"

The air was tense as we waited in the examination room. Twilight turned her head away. The perfect opportunity.

*Slap!* Okay, too slow, next time.

The door opened as Dr. Horse stepped in. Twilight was distracted, now was my chance.

*Slap!* Ow, okay she was faster than I expected *Slap!*

"Well, now what seems to be the problem?" The Doctor asked.

Twilight sighed. "This is Spike, *Slap* and there's something wrong with him. *Slap!* He used to be half this size, *slap* and he keeps trying to take things that aren't *slap* his." She was proving to be a most worthy opponent.

The doctor trotted up to me and looked me in the eye. "Alright then, let's just have a look-see shall we? Little Guy not fewwing so good? Who's a brave little boy huh? Who's a brave boy?" I had never felt the urge to find out what a pony tasted like until just now. Before I could ponder further, I felt a familiar sensation in my gut.

BUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!" A burst of glowing green light illuminated the Doctor's office.

"What just happened!" Twilight whispered in astonishment. She was standing on the back of her hooves, her back arched like a scared cat.

"I believe that was a belch," The Doctor explained. "Although a bit more combustible than usual."

"B-but it was glowing green!" Twilight argued.

"My fire's always been?" I stated.

"But not glowing. It was just like..." She paused her mouth hanging open in shock. She raised a shaking forehoof and pointed it at me. Okay, now I was starting to get scared. It wasn't like Twilight to pause in the middle of speaking. "...Y-Y-Your eyes."

"My eyes?" The Doctor was looking at me weirdly too. I saw my reflection in that shiny circle thing he wore in his head. I saw myself gazing back with eyes of glowing luminescent green.

"Y-yes well, The doctor stammered. "I-in any case d-dragons are beyond my area of expertise. Y-you might have better luck at the vet." With that, he dashed out of the room like his tail was on fire.

"Spike?" Twilight glared at me with suspicion. Did you happen to eat a certain space rock last night?"

"Um...I can't recall." I said scratching my head. Twilight groaned and illuminated her horn. My stomach lit up as she hit it with an X-ray spell. Sitting there was the glowing green rock Rarity had found that day.

"Well done Spike, well done," She scolded. "You've gone and eaten a one-of-a-kind mineral specimen."

"Would it help if I said I'm sorry?" I smiled embarrassingly.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? You saw what it did to Apple Comet. What if this is what's causing your strange behavior? Blah blah, blah blah blah blah," Her voice slowly faded away as my eyes drifted toward the candy dish.

"Spike, are you listening to me?" She telekinetically turned my head towards her.

"Uh, yeah I heard you, and I'll water the plants as soon as we get home."

With a groan, she facehoofed.

Apple Comet's POV.

"What took you so long?" Apple Bloom asked as closed the front door behind me.

"Just wanted to make sure I had everything," I said as I walked over to the Crusader's wagon.

"You're just going to the library," Scootaloo pointed out impatiently. "What could you possibly need?"

"Well the book I have to return for starters," I said with a smile as I fished it out of my saddlebags to show them.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes at me. "Ugh, you are like the biggest egghead I know."

"I'll take that as a compliment, I said as I climbed into the wagon.

"Whatever," She shrugged. "Everypony hang on." Scootaloo pushed off with her hind leg and we were on our way.

As we rolled down the road, my thoughts drifted back to Spike. He hadn't seemed like himself yesterday. Stealing from other ponies and slashing at me with his claws. It just wasn't like him.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I turned to face Apple Bloom.

With a deep breath, I answered. "Spike, he was acting strange yesterday."

Apple Bloom tilted her neck, "Strange, how?"

"I caught him trying to steal things from other ponies," I explained. "When I confronted him, he slashed at me."

"He slashed at you? Apple Bloom gasped taken aback. "That don't sound like Spike to me. What happened?"

"If you're asking why he was stealing, I don't know. When I caught him in the act, he told me he'd gotten them for his birthday."

"Now that definitely don't sound like the Spike A'h know." Sweetie Belle leaned into my other side. The Spike A'h know is small and sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Look out!" Scootaloo cried as she jerked the scooter hard to avoid hitting the large purple dragon standing in front of us.

"Spike?" My mouth dropped in surprise. The dragon before us was much taller than the baby I'd seen yesterday, easily the size of a Diamond Dog. His arms were long and gangly with long meaty claws. His legs while gangly were much thicker. A thick powerful tail trailed behind him.
"Spike want!" He said through a mouth of long sharp teeth. His emerald eyes gazed hungrily down at us. Without thinking, I grabbed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle by the barrel and leaped out of the cart.

"Scootaloo run!" I shouted as I dashed to the end of the street. The orange filly stood there, eyes wide in astonishment.

"Uhh...hi Spike," She smiled a nervous grin. The dragon reached down with his grasping claws and grabbed the back of the scooter. "Hey! Whoaaa!" Scootaloo tumbled as Spike shook her off but she dusted herself and grabbed the other end. "Hey, that's mine!"

"Wait here," I said placing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle a short distance away. I galloped headlong toward the greedy dragon. I didn't know what was happening, but I wasn't about to let it continue.

"Spike!" I called out, the purple dragon turned his gaze toward me. An expression of anger on his face as took a deep breath.

"Uh oh!"


I dived right of the gust of fire, the heat washing over me as I rolled into the grass. Despite having missed me, my body felt like it had been bathed in the flames. My legs suddenly gave out and I found myself unable to stand.

"Spike! What have you done?" I craned my neck up to see Twilight looking at Spike with horror. I felt her magic wrap around me before she teleported me to her side. "Apple Comet, are you okay?"

I managed a pained groan in response. My entire body was still burning from my close contact with the glowing heat.

"Sweet Celestia," She muttered. "How could you do this Spike? Don't you have any concern for anypony else?"

"Spike want!" He growled looking at her with glowing green eyes. I felt a bolt of fear run through me as I remembered where I had seen that green glow before. Deciding he had no further reason to be here he took off with a scurrying burst of speed.

"Spike!" Twilight called out before she noticed my head brushing against her hind leg. "Girls get next to me." She said to the CMC. Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded before galloping up next to her. With a flash of magenta light, we were gone.


The next thing I felt was the sensation of floating in Twilight's magic. She set me down gently on soft sheets that smelled faintly of her.

"What's going on?" Scootaloo asked.

"No time to explain girls, I have to find Spike. Stay here and don't go out until I get back." With a pop, Twilight disappeared once more leaving the four of us in the bedroom.

"So, want to explain what happened back there?" Scootaloo asked as I fought to stay awake in the comfort of Twilight's bed.

"The only time Ah've ever seen him look like is when he was around one of those glowing rocks." Apple Bloom said what I was thinking."

"You mean the one that made you switch powers?" Sweetie Belle inquired.

"Or the green one, he found with Spike and Rarity," was Apple Bloom's response. "But it didn't affect either of them."

"Unless he ate it," I said as I raised myself into a sitting position. Apple Bloom reached out with a forehoof, but I gently brushed it aside. "I'm okay, It's wearing off. I need to find Spike." I reached into my saddlebags for my matrix only to be stopped by Sweetie Belle.

"No you don't," she squeaked. "Your job is to lay down until your powers come back." I wanted to argue but the truth was I still felt drained from the effects of Spike's fire.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered. Scootaloo said with an excited grin. "You aren't the only one with powers remember?"

I smiled back at her. "Just be careful out there okay? I'll try to catch up as soon as I feel better."

"I'll be waiting at the finish line." She quipped before disappearing in a streak of light and color.

Spike's POV.

More, more, more, more apples, more leaves. So many must have them all.

"Twilight, get my rope!"

What was that? Hrrm...orange and purple pony, trying to trap Spike. Spike trap them.



Hur hur, that show them.


What was that?



"ROOOOOAAAAAAAR!" You make Spike drop hoard, make Spike mad.

"What in tarnation is that?"

"I don't know, I've heard some ponies talking about sightings of an orange flash, but I didn't know what to make of it."

Grr Flash make Spike drop hoard. Spike make Flash pay.

"Well whatever it is, Spike sure seems angry with it."


Scootaloo's POV.

"That's right Spike just keep following me." All things aside this was pretty awesome! I felt just like Rainbow Dash right now. Saving the day, man I bet Apple Comet was gonna be so jealous that he missed out on this."


Spike continued to bound after me, his heavy footfalls shaking the ground. I figured if I kept him running, he'd eventually tire himself out. I didn't know how long that would be, but it couldn't be too long right?

"What's the matter slowpoke can't keep up with me? Ha, I don't blame ya. I'm the fastest filly alive! The schoolyard speedster, the...


"Ow." Once again Apple Comet's words about always watching where I was going echoed through my ringing head. Of course, I would be fine, every since I got my powers I'd been healing a lot faster. Still, I was glad Rainbow Dash hadn't been here to see this.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Spike's booming laugh echoed from behind me. Peeling my head from the tree I turned around to see him pointing and slapping his thighs as his belly shook at what must have been pretty funny for him.

"Yeah, yeah very funny!"

"There he is! Get him!" Both of us looked over his shoulder to see Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash standing there. My embarrassment instantly doubled. Spike took off running with Applejack and Twilight in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Dash flew over to check on me.

"Hey Squirt, are you alright?" She asked me. I rolled to my hooves and stood
up. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Don't sweat it, I've flown into things more times than I'd like to admit. Did you happen to see which direction the streak went?" The streak?" She hadn't seen me crash? Do I tell her it was me? Or do I do what Apple Comet would and keep it a secret?


"It's fine, don't worry about it." Dash stopped me. "Right now I gotta catch up with the others." She took flying after Twilight and Applejack. It looked like my identity was safe for now.

Apple Comet's POV.

"Are you feeling any better?" Apple Bloom asked me as I sat up in Twilight's bed.

"Much better," I answered. "I think it's almost gone." My strength had almost returned to its normal level,

"It must've been the soup I made." Sweetie Belle said with a cheery grin of satisfaction. I glanced over at the soup bowl filled with bubbling blackened broth and chunks of soot that I assumed had once been letters.

"Right...the soup." Reaching my saddlebag once more I fished out my matrix and placed it against my chest. With a bright flash of light, I was costumed once more.

"Do you think it's okay for you to go after Spike again so soon?" Apple Bloom looked at me with concern. A shrill siren answered her question as we all dashed to the closest window.


Sweet Celestia, it was the Ursa Major all over again. Spike had somehow grown even larger, to the point that he resembled a full-grown dragon and was standing in what remained of Sugarcube Corner.

"Well, I guess that answers your question huh?" Sweetie Belle stated matter of factly as I trotted over to the balcony door.

"Apple Comet?" I turned around to see Apple Bloom looking at me with concern. "Be careful okay?" I nodded silently at her, then opened the door.


The streets were filled with pandemonium. ponies galloping left and right trying desperately to escape the enormous dragon who let out a deafening roar.


There was a crunching metal, followed by roaring water. A tidal wave roared down the street swallowing up everything in its path. With a sigh, I dove down to rescue the ponies who had been swept up.


Before any of them knew what just happened, they were standing on a nearby rooftop, soaked but unharmed. Spotting the town water tower, I noticed the tank was missing. "Well, I guess that explains where the wave came from.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaah!" Ears twitching I snapped my head to Spike only to see what looked like a pink balloon plummeting towards a lake. Inside were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, wrapped up and holding onto each other for dear life.

"Oh, no!" Streaking across the sky, I arrived too late to prevent the two pegasi from splashing into the lake.


Taking a deep breath, I dove in after them. Grabbing the cloth with both my front hooves, I flew up to the surface and gently deposited them back on the ground. The two pegasi emerged from the cloth and shook themselves off.

"Hey Comet, thanks!" Dash hollered out to me as I ascended. It felt kind of jarring hearing her call me that.




Suddenly above me, I saw three pegasi dressed in bright blue and gold jumpsuits.

"Hey, it's the Wonderbolts!" Dash called out. Great, one more thing to worry about.

"Look at the size of that thing," One of them a yellow mare with a fiery orange mane called out.

"Blaze cut the chatter!" The lead flier, a light grey mare with a poofy dark blue mane said. "We need to focus." At the moment they seemed focused on Spike who was clutching the tank from the water tower in his claws and Rarity coiled in his tail. The dragon's eyes shifted back and forth as he faced this new challenge. They widened as they fell upon a distant mountain... Spike smiled a fanged grin and began lumbering toward it.

"Well, at least he's moving away from town." I thought out loud as Rarity continued to scream for help.

"Flight Leader, I think someone's following us." The three Wonderbolts turned to face me.

"It's the Red Comet!" The third one a white mare with a golden yellow mane said. "What's it doing?

The flight leader looked at her, then me, then Spike. "The same thing we are, I think," she answered. Good, it sounded like she had a level head. I fell in behind the lead. I had to admit, I was never really a fan, but this was kind of exciting.

Spike proved remarkably fast for how big he was. He reached the mountain before us and quickly began climbing, with Rarity shrieking all the way. I couldn't help but feel like I'd seen this somewhere before.

'Okay, I need to get Spike down, get Rarity out of his clutches, all while avoiding his radioactive breath. But how? I thought back to all the other oversized opponents I had faced. All of them had one thing in common. I always ended up coming to blows. Despite everything that was happening, Spike was still my friend. I'd already hurt him once before. I didn't know if I could do it again.

"Help! Help!" Okay, first things first I had to save Rarity.

"Hey, where's it going?" I heard one of the Wonderbolts say as I broke formation.

"Forget it," the Flight Leader said. "Focus on the mission."

Rarity's eyes lit up as soon as she saw me. Spike's tail had her wrapped in a python grip. "Yoo Hoo, Comet! I hate to impose but if you could see to getting me out of here I'd really appreciate it." Spike looked down as he realized what I was doing.



"GYAAAAAAHHHHH!" Rarity let out a scream as his tail barely missed me.

SNAAAAAAP!" Luckily the Wonderbolts provided a timely distraction, allowing me a second chance. I grabbed the tip of his tail and began unwinding it. Rarity let out a shriek as she slipped out. I let go as I raced after her.

SLAM! Spike slammed the water tank down embedding it into the side of the mountain. He looked down at us with fury in glowing green eyes. I swooped under Rarity, catching her across my back.

"Oof," She cried as her momentum came to a stop before shaking her clear. "Thank you so much, dear. If you could take me back to my boutique, that would be great."


Spike roared in fury at the sight of his prize being stolen from him. He slid down the mountain, his claws carving deep marks into the side of the mountain.

"Look out!!!"


With a thunderous crash, Spike landed on his feet and began charging after us.

"Um...excuse me?" Rarity tapped me with her hoof. "If isn't too much trouble, would it be possible to go a little faster?"


"AIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE! Must go faster! MUST GO FASTER!!!" Spike was gaining on us fast.

"Look out!"

FWOOOSH!!! A jet of glowing green fire erupted from Spike's mouth. Immediately I banked hard left to avoid it. Despite missing us by a wide margin, I felt the heat wash over me. In an instant, my entire body was racked in excruciating pain and fatigue. My coma flamed out as every muscle in my body screamed in agonizing pain. My head was overcome by a wave of pain signals as I felt gravity take over. The last thing I remembered before blacking out was Rarity's screams as we both fell back to Earth.

Spike's POV

Hur hur hur Stupid Comet think it can take Spike's treasure. Spike show stupid Comet. Hur hur hur.

Spike watch as Comet and Rarity fall from the sky. Mine! Spike catch Comet and pretty Rarity. Pretty Rarity scream at Spike and go to sleep. No matter, she Spike's once more. Spike look over at Comet, no not Comet, but Colt. White Colt...wearing funny clothes. Wait Spike recognize Colt from somewhere. Colt with Spike and Rarity when taken by Diamond Dogs. Colt get sick. Glowing gem make Colt sick. Spike eat glowing gem. Gem make Spike fire glow. Spike fire make Colt sick.

'Sweet Celestia! He's burning up!'

'He's coughing up blood!'

"APPLE COMET? OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE?" I suddenly felt very strange. It was as if my entire body was a rubber band somepony had just released.

The next thing I knew, I was falling.


As we hurtled toward the ground, I looked at Rarity and Apple Comet. Both were unconscious. Apple Comet was dressed in some kind of blue costume with his cutie mark on the front. A red cape fluttered behind him. He almost looked like a character out of the Power Ponies.

And Rarity, sweet beautiful Rarity. I'd never be able to tell her how I felt about her. At least she and Apple Comet wouldn't feel anything when we landed.


I looked off into the distance to see a rainbow speeding toward us, leaving a series of rings in its wake! A sonic rainboom! That meant..."Ooof" The three of us landed unceremoniously in a bright pink fabric.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash said.

"We did it, we actually...oh my," Fluttershy said noticing Apple Comet's unconscious form. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she gazed upon the Comet on his chest.

"Can't say I was expecting that."

We touched down safely on the bridge, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie were waiting for us.

"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked.

"Spike's okay, I think, but Rarity and Apple Comet are both unconscious. Rainbow said.

"Apple Comet?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, while Applejack began sweating buckets.

"Oh my!" Exclaimed Fluttershy, "He's burning up! We need to take him to the hospital."

"No!" Everypony turned to face Applejack as she trotted forward with a defiant expression.

"What did you say?" Twilight asked. Applejack took her brother's forehoof and placed it on the symbol of his costume. Immediately the costume and cape lit up with red and blue light before disappearing.


A small silver diamond-shaped object clattered against the stones. It had Apple Comet's cutie mark engraved on it. Applejack quickly picked it up and tucked it under her hat.

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Nothing for you to worry about Sugarcube," Applejack responded defensively.

"Let me see," She grasped the hat in her magic, but Applejack's hoof held firm.

"A'h said no Twi!" a back-and-forth tug of war ensued.

"You've known the whole time haven't you?" Rainbow Dash fluttered forward. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because it weren't my place to." Applejack fired back.


"The biggest mystery in all of Equestria and you didn't say anything. So much for the element of honesty."


"It ain't dishonest to protect family,"

"Girls!" Everypony paused and looked at Fluttershy who was fanning Apple Comet with her wings. "Now is not the time to argue," Our friends need our help.

Applejack looked at her friends with nervous uncertainty. Then she said, "Fine, y'all can take him to the hospital. But nopony breathes a word about this, ya hear me? Pinkie Promise."

"Loud and clear cavalier!" Pinkie Pie said. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." We all stared at her.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye," Fluttershy said.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye," I said.

"Hrmph, cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Rainbow groaned.

Twilight sighed. "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. I expect an explanation for this later Applejack."

Applejack took a deep breath and exhaled. "I think y'all best ask Apple Comet when he wakes up. It's his secret to tell, not mine."

I felt a pang of guilt as I heard her say those words. Looking out at the destruction I'd caused around Ponyville. torn off roofs, overturned carts, and water-soaked streets. My eyes gazed down at a massive claw print in the earth. Had I done all that damage? I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as the reality of what I had done sunk in.

Author's Note:

And so another chapter is done. I'm sorry it took so long, my mind has been on so many other things, that I just haven't found time despite being unemployed. I got my driver's license. I went on a trip to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon and I've been going to online therapy. Plus my motivation seemed to leave me for a time. But I'm back and with a shocking twist end. What will this mean for Apple Comet? Will his secret be exposed to all of Equestria? Only time will tell. I'll try not to make you all wait so long for the next chapter.

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