• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,791 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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A Visitor from Canterlot

My Name is Apple Comet, I am ten years old and I live in Ponyville with my Grandmother, my older siblings Big Macintosh and Applejack, and my little sister Apple Bloom. I like studying astronomy and astrology and reading about stars and planets.

At first glance, I probably seem like just a normal ten-year-old earth colt. But looks can be deceiving, I'm really an extraterrestrial from the planet Kolton. I'm serious, my birth Mother and Father put me in a rocket ship and sent me to Equis when I was just a foal to escape the destruction of Kolton.

My ship crashed at Sweet Apple Acres where I was found by Ma and Pa. Even though they already had two children and a third on the way, they took me in and raised me as one of their own. They've both passed on since then, now it's just me, Granny, Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.

But it gets even crazier because I'm a Koltonian my body absorbs mana from Equis's sun. What does this mean you ask? It means I'm faster than a bolt of lightning, more powerful than a Timberwolf King, and I can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I can see through walls and over vast distances, and hear sounds that are miles away. I can exhale with the force of a hurricane or even freeze things solid. I can fire solar mana from my eyes and even fly.

Okay, that last one might be a bit of a stretch. During a jump two years ago, I discovered I could telekinetically alter my mono-directional gravity field. My only problem was controlling it so that I didn't crash into something. Which, needless to say, I had a bit of trouble doing. Thankfully I'm impervious to injury, however, the same couldn't be said for the outhouse I crashed into. Since then I've decided to leave the flying to the Pegasi.

Now at this point, you're probably wondering if you can really do all these things, Then why aren't you the most famous colt in all of Equestria? Well, the answer is simple, outside of my immediate family, nopony knows I'm an alien and I plan to keep it that way.

"Apple Comet!" Speaking of which, turning around I saw my big sister Applejack standing in the bathroom doorway. "y'all still aren't ready? The rest of the family will be here any minute!"

"I'm almost done," I said. "Just having trouble with this one bang that won't uncurl."

"Y'all have been having trouble with the one kiss curl since y'all had hair." She chuckled. "Leave it, it looks cute on you."

I sigh and set my comb down in defeat. "Someday I'll win," I muttered to my reflection as I stepped down from the bathroom stool.

It was a very important day in Ponyville, The Summer Sun Celebration. Every year all of Equestria celebrates how Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony a thousand years ago and saved the Kingdom from eternal night. This year the celebration was being held in Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres had been tasked with catering the event. Members of the Apple Family from Appleloosa, Dodge City, and even Aunt and Uncle Orange from Manehatten had come to Sweet Apple Acres to pitch in.

One by one, family members pulled up to the farmhouse with carts full of food and drink, ready to be served. We shared our hellos and hugs before pointing them over to the picnic tables. So far so good, that was until...

"Where are those two adorable little ones of yer's Gerty?"

Great Auntie Applesauce and Apple Rose showed up.

"There they are!" Apple Rose said as she pointed us out. Apple Bloom and I both froze in horror as the two elderly mares trotted up to us.

"Oh my goodness gracious, let me take a look at you two." Auntie Applesauce said before she proceeded to squish my face together like a constipated foal. "Oh Apple Comet, You've gotten so big since A'h last saw ya." I cringed as her wrinkly lips pressed against my cheek. It's probably important to mention that Great Auntie Applesauce used to go by another name before half her teeth fell out. I don't want to sound mean because she is family and I love her, but when she kissed me I could feel her dentures shifting back in forth inside her mouth.

"It's nice to see you too Auntie Applesauce." I winced, I could already feel the lipstick she'd left sinking into my coat. Looking over I could Apple Bloom futilely trying to squirm her way out of Aunt Apple Rose's cheek pinches. But there was no escape to be found. All we could do was wait until they decided to let us go. Then we could spend the rest of the day stuffing our faces with dessert to try and forget the horror we'd been through.

"Oops, sorry about that dear." She said noticing the lipstick mark she'd left on my cheek. "Let me get that for ya." To my horror, she proceeded to lick her hoof and rub it into my chin. I shuddered as the smell of dentures wafted through my nostrils.
"There we go." She said making sure to pinch my cheek for good measure.

"Ugh...thanks, Auntie Applesauce," I said in as nice a tone as I could. I thought it was finally over, I was wrong."

"Let me see this handsome young colt." Aunt Apple Rose said pinching Apple Bloom's cheek one more time for good measure before turning her full attention over to me. My mouth stretched into a nervous smile as the realization that I was next began to sink in.

"My oh my, y'all seem to get more and more handsome each time A'h see yah." She said pinching both cheeks tightly in her hooves.

"Thanks, Aunt Apple Rose." Of course, since she was stretching my cheeks out, it came out sounding more like I said "Tanks Ant Appa Wose." This, of course, elicited a coo of "Aww" from all three mares. Thankfully at that moment, Granny decided to step in and put a stop to the torture.

"Well now that ya gals are here, A'h was thinking we have some tea and catch up."

"That sounds lovely Gertie." Aunt Apple Rose said releasing her grip on my cheeks. Auntie Applesauce planted a quick kiss on Apple Bloom's forehead before the three of them went inside. Apple Bloom and I breathed a sigh of relief, The nightmare was over. Looking back on everything that would happen that night, it was a poor choice of thought.

The adults wasted no time getting ready for the summer sun celebration. As soon as the first wagon was unpacked, they got to work. In just minutes they transformed the kitchen into a baking assembly line. Everypony had a part to play. The Stallions were put in charge of bringing in ingredients and loading the wagons with as much dessert as they could carry. Meanwhile, the mares split into two teams. One worked in the kitchen rolling, kneading, and baking while another led by Applejack gathered apples from the orchard.

While all this was going on the foals were given free reign to play outside, on the condition that we stayed in the backyard. There were games set up to make sure we didn't get bored. I wasn't in any hurry though, there'd be plenty of time to play before the day was through.

"That's funny," I said to myself noticing for the first time that the sky over Ponyville was covered with clouds. Whoever was in charge of the weather today was certainly taking their time.

"What's funny?" a voice from behind said startling me.

"Gah! Babs!"

"Well hello to you too cousin." She said letting out a snort as she laughed. "What are ya doing just standing here?"

"I was just watching the clouds go by," I answered Babs looked at me like she thought I was crazy or something.

"Are you serious?" She said. "Look around us, we've got the whole day to ourselves to play and you're looking at clouds? Come on let's go toss some horseshoes." She grabbed my hoof before I could protest.

"What color d'ya want to be, red or blue?"

"Uh, I'll be blue."

"Fine by me," Babs said handing over the blue ones.

"You wanna go first?" I asked her.

"Sure." She accepted. Her first toss landed about 9.75 inches from the stake.

"Nice toss," I said. "Gonna be hard to beat that." Not really, with my super intellect, I could calculate the trajectory, distance, and power needed to score a ringer in almost any circumstance. But the game wouldn't be much fun then. 8.97 inches from the stake would suffice. With the strength a normal pony might use to lift a teacup, I made my toss.

"Looks like yours is closer than mine cuz." Babs conceded. Looked like Granny's practice was still paying off.

"Guess I'm going first," I said as we headed over to retrieve the shoes. I still had to concentrate a lot, but I'd gotten much better at controlling my strength.

Still, there was the occasional accident now and then. A plate would get scrubbed too hard or a door knob would get yanked out of its socket. It felt like living in a world made of cardboard. Always having to be constantly careful not to break something or somepony. But like they say, practice makes perfect.

"Alright, here it goes," I said winding up for my first toss, making sure to use only the minimum of my strength. It landed about 8.03 inches from the stake. My second landed about 7.56 inches to it.

"Not bad Cuz not bad, Ya might wanna put more into your throws. ." Babs said stepping up to toss. Her first landed 8.75 inches behind the stake, while her second nearly got a ringer. "Darn, I almost had it that time."

"Looks like you need to control how much strength you're using." I chuckled as I headed out to retrieve the shoes again.

"Apple Comet can I ask ya somethin' personal?" Her request sounded somewhat hesitant.

"Sure what is it?"

"You got your cutie mark when you were younger right?" She avoided direct eye contact with me instead choosing to glare at her flank. "Do you remember what you got it for?"

Our family never spoke with others about what I had done that day, even to relatives. Granny wasn't sure how they'd react to us telling them it was the family crest of an alien species. So to my big sister's consternation, we came up with a cover story.

"Oh, I was stargazing one night when I happened to spot a comet in my telescope. The next thing I knew, I felt a tingly feeling on my flank. I looked down and there was the comet I'd seen. I showed it to Granny Smith and she told me about how her Ma and Pa would watch the stars to determine how to plan their harvest."

"I've heard that story before." Babs said, "So then your special talent is stargazing?"

"Well, the correct term is Astronomy but close enough." I corrected her.

"You use a lotta funny words when you talk, y'know that?"

"Heh so everyone tells me." I laughed. Why do you ask?" Babs turned and looked away.

"Oh no reason, I was just curious that's all." She said quickly changing the subject. " Jus forget it let's get back to the game."

'Well, she certainly seemed eager to change the topic of conversation.' I thought to myself. Deciding to ask her about it later, I lined up my next shot in preparation for my next swing. It was still too early in the game to score a ringer, so I settled on 6.21 inches from the stake. One...two...three...

Clang a lang a lang a lang "SOUPS ON EVERYPONY!" Applejack's holler threw off my concentration for just the fraction of a second needed for me to screw up. I looked up long enough to see the horseshoe leave my hoof, soaring majestically before landing perfectly around the stake. A perfect ringer. My disappointment was cut short by the sound of stampeding hooves behind me. I turned around just in time to witness the entire family come charging out of the house, carrying plates, baskets, and even whole tables of food.

Before I could ask, Apple Mint shouted "LUNCH TIME!!! and the rest of my cousins burst out of the gate leaving me in a cloud of dust, which flooded every orifice on my face. Thinking quickly I burned it from my eyes with my heat vision, then took in a deep breath. But luck decided it was not going to be on my side that day as I felt a sudden sneeze coming on.


Third Pony POV.

"Howdy there Ah'm Applejack." Twilight Sparkle stared uncomfortably as the orange farm pony stood next to her and Spike

"Why don't A'h introduce Y'all to the Apple Family?" All eyes were on her, a feeling the unicorn wasn't used to.

"Thanks but I really need to hurry......


Twilight Sparkle was suddenly cut off by a sneeze that was as loud as a full-grown dragon in allergy season. Everyone looked up to see the clouds suddenly disappear into puffs of fluff. The weather vane on the roof of the house continued to spin violently, swaying back and forth as it turned. For a moment the orchard fell silent. The Apples began to whisper amongst themselves. Finally, Spike asked the question that was on everypony's mind.

"What was that?"

Applejack smiled sheepishly. "Oh, just...just the wind is all?" She said but Twilight wasn't buying it.

"Are you okay? The unicorn asked. "You sound a little nervous."

"Me nervous? Pshaw." The Applejack scoffed with a wave of her hoof. "Ah was just startled was all, on the count of how sudden it was."

The orchard fell awkwardly silent. Twilight noticed a bead of sweat running down the side of her host's head."Um, are you sure? She asked as delicately as possible. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything but you acting a little funny?"

"Funny? Funny?" Applejack said before erupting into a fit of giggles. "Oh, of course, Sugarcube, If there's one thing we Apples enjoy it's a hearty helping o' good humor. A real funny farm that's us, yes indeedy. Which reminds me Ah said Ah was gonna introduce ya' to the family and A'h hasn't done that yet. Ah, am so sorry. Why am Ah still rambling? Stop Rambling AJ and introduce her to the family!"

Comet's POV.


That had almost been too close a call. At the last second, I managed to tilt my head upwards so my sneeze would hopefully disperse in the clouds. Not that there were many clouds left, but it seemed to have done the trick. Unfortunately, it had not gone unnoticed. My hearing picked up the sound of voices coming from the orchard. A whole crowd's worth. A glance through my X-ray vision revealed the rest of the family lined up in the orchard in front of a single table. Seated at the table were two ponies I didn't recognize. One of them was a light purple unicorn with a six-pointed star on her flank. Her mane and tail were indigo with a magenta-purple streak running through them. Her eyes were two gorgeous pools of the most beautiful violet that I'd ever seen. The other wasn't even a pony at all. Based on what I was able to study at the library without arousing suspicion, I deduced he or she was a dragon. We didn't get a lot of non-ponies around Ponyville, so they kind of stuck out like a sore thumb.

The Unicorn asked Applejack if she was feeling okay. Applejack replied as only a pony who was trying to cover up a murder could. Before immediately going about and introducing the two of them to the family.

At this point, I decided it might be best to rejoin the family before anything else happened. Be it Applejack acting stranger or yours truly causing another weather anomaly.

"Apple Comet, Over here." I looked over to see Apple Bloom at the back of the line. Waving to me while balancing a platter of cake on her butt. Okay, then

"What's going on?" I asked trying to avoid staring at the cake on her butt. "Why is there a cake on your butt?"

"Where's, yours?" She asked me.

"My butt cake?" I giggled as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Just grab the plate with yer mouth and help me carry this."

"You want me to grab the plate sitting on your butt with my mouth?"

"Hurry up and grab it." She snapped. "Applejack's almost to the end of the line!"

"Okay okay keep your bow on."

I decided it was better to grab hold of it from the side. Gently as I could, I locked my jaw around the plate and lifted. As soon as it was free Apple Bloom stepped up from under and grabbed hold of the other side. The dishes were piling up on the table. It was practically a small mountain by the time we got up there.

"Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp." Applejack paused a moment to catch her breath. "Big Macintosh, Apple Comet, Apple Bloom...AND....the wisest of all the family Granny Smith."

My heart beat faster as we set the cake down in front of them. She was even more breathtaking up close.

How the scent of her mane wafted in the breeze. The way her eyes sparkled like two shimmering stars when she looked at me. The way she gagged after swallowing an entire slice of pie whole.

"Well, Ah'd say yer already part of the family. Applejack complimented as she put her hoof on the Unicorn's shoulder.

"Well I can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way."

"WHAT!? BUT I NEVER EVEN GOT YOUR NAME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Everypony stopped what they were doing and stared at me. "Err...I mean you only just got here heh heh."

"My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my assistant Spike." She said gesturing to the dragon next to her.

"My name's Apple Comet, I know my sister already introduced me, but you seemed a little confused.

Twilight smiled at me. "Well, it's very nice to meet you Apple Comet." She said my name, She actually said my name. Unfortunately, as much as I'd love to stay and talk to you, I've got a lot of work I need to do today so we'll just be going now. Come on Spike."

A collective aww of disappointment fell upon the orchard.

"Aren't cha least gonna stay for brunch?" I looked to see Apple Bloom pulling out her sad face. Bingo.

Twilight sighed "Fine." The family erupted into a chorus of cheers.

I turned to Apple Bloom. "How do you do that?" I asked.

She closed her eyes, smiled at me, and said: "It's all in the delivery."

"So yer a dragon, what's that like?" Spike looked at Apple Bloom with a smug grin on his face.

"Meh, it's pretty cool I guess." He said closing his eyes and throwing his claws up as if to say yeah whatever. "What's it like living on a farm?" Oh, brother if he only knew.

"E'h it's nice but it gets boring from time to time, having to do the same old chores over and over." Apple Bloom replied not knowing how lucky she had it, what with getting to do chores all the time and not having to worry about keeping her powers in check.

Much to my disappointment, I ended up having to sit at the foal's table with Spike and my cousins while Twilight sat next to Applejack and Big Mac. I was frustrated not knowing why I felt this way, Twilight Sparkle was a complete stranger. Why did it matter that I couldn't sit next to her or talk to her? Why did the idea of talking to her feel so..good? I thought as I took several nibbles from my croissant. Why couldn't I get her out of my mind? This feeling, I'd never felt this way about Granny or my sisters or anypony at school. What was it and why was it driving me up the wall?

"You okay?" Spike asked me. "You've been staring at the grown-up's table for fifteen minutes." I sighed and set my croissant down.

"Yeah...I'm fine, Just overwhelmed with excitement is all."

"Y'all look like something's bugging ya?" Apple Bloom said.

"It's nothing Bloom honest."

"Doesn't seem like nothing?" She said raising her eyebrow in suspicion. Spike took another glimpse at the adult's table where Twilight was rubbing her stomach which had noticeably become distended.

"Oooohhhh." She moaned holding up her hooves as Applejack offered her some apple turnover. "No more, I couldn't eat another bite, Oooohhhh, Somepony get me a bucket, I think I'm gonna throw up."

"No problemo new friend," Applejack said dashing off to retrieve a bucket.

"Wait a minute..." He pondered for a few seconds before turning back to me. His cheeks were puffy and his lips shrunk into a puckered grin before he fell out of his seat laughing. Everyone at the table stopped what they were doing and looked at the dragon rolling around the floor holding his sides.

"What's so darn funny?" Apple Bloom asked. Spike sat up and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Your brother likes Twilight!" He said pointing at me as he burst into fresh peals of laughter.

A collective "Oooooooooooo!" spread across the table.

"What's not to like?" I said sounding like a clueless idiot. "She seems like a nice pony.

"No no no no no," Spike said shaking his head back and forth. "Not like you just like her, like you like her, like her." He winked in my direction.

"That sentence makes no grammatical sense." I shot back.

"No no your still not getting it," Spike said. He was really starting to annoy me. "Look you like Twilight right? I saw you reacted when she said we were leaving."

"Everypony saw that." Apple Bloom said with a mouthful of apple chips, causing the table to erupt with laughter.

"Yes." I groaned placing my hoof to my face.

"And you've been staring at her since we sat down here right?" I watched as Applejack returned with a bucket for Twilight, who promptly buried her face in it before proceeding to loudly empty the contents of her stomach.

"Yeah, so what?" I noticed Spike's face change from smug to disgust.

"So I'm gonna just go check and see how she's feeling right now." He said getting up from the table. A sly expression crossed his mouth. "Of course, you're more than welcome to come with me if you're concerned about her."

I shot the dragon a glare so sharp if it was a sword it would've impaled him before turning my gaze back to Twilight. Applejack was holding by her mane while the Unicorn continued to expel her brunch into the bucket.

"Feeling better?" Applejack asked, to which Twilight lifted her head, burped, and said "A little." Applejack gazed down at the puke bucket in front of them.

"Looks like ya need to cut back on the... Eww! Mac, did ya see who brought apple corn chutney to the banquet?" She hollered out.

"Eenope!" Mac replied reaching down for the bucket.

"She seems fine, probably just ate too much," I said Spike raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"How do you know that?" he asked me.

I smiled smugly and said. "Let's just say I've seen this before."

"And you can tell from way over here? Yeah, I'm not buying it."

"Apple Comet's good at noticing things." Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Oh, what can he see through walls or something?" Spike chuckled I almost choked my croissant

"Don't be ridiculous," I said smiling nervously. "I'm just very observant is all."

Spike squinted at me. "You're starting to remind me of Twilight and it's creeping me out." With that, the Baby Dragon got up from the table and walked over to where the grown-ups were.

"You don't really have a crush on Twilight do ya?" Apple Bloom asked me. Immediately a course of giggles broke out at the table.

"Don't be silly Bloom, of course not," I answered placing my hoof to my chest confidently.

"Yer not scared are ya?" Red June teased.

"Of course not, I just think she seems very nice," I said taking another bite of my croissant.

"If that's so why don't you go talk to her?" Apple Squash asked me.

I swallowed my croissant hard and looked down at my now-empty plate. I looked over at the grown-up's table where Spike was talking to Twilight. I felt my heart race as I gazed into her nauseous eyes. Even looking like a balloon stuffed with pie, she was still beautiful.

"Well, are ya gonna do it or not?" Apple Mint asked.

"Why are y'all being so pushy for?" Apple Bloom asked indignantly. "What's it to you if Ma'h brother likes somepony?"

"Come on Apple Bloom." Red June said. "We're just having a little fun."

I decided I'd heard enough. I grabbed my plate and got up from the table.

"I'm gonna go get myself some apple tart before it's all gone."

"Apple Comet wait!" Apple Bloom called out to me.

"Don't worry I'll be right back," I reassured her. As soon as I got some one-on-one time with our guest. Okay, super senses time to go to work.

"You try these apple cider cookies Twi? They're delicious." Spike said munching on an apple cider cookie.

Twilight's face turned a pale shade of green. "Ooooh For the love of...Celestia Spike,...Don't...mention...ulp...apples."

"She's fine," Applejack assured him. "Just needs to learn to pace herself is all."

Twilight opened her mouth as if to say it was you who was force-feeding me but only managed to let out a "BRRRUUUUHHHAAAAAHHHHHHUUUURRRRRRRP!!! Ooooh! I think my heart just stopped."

"Whoo Wee!" Applejack complemented Twilight even as she tried to waft away the smell with her hat. That could peel paint off the side of a barn! Looks like we might have a new contender for the belching contest later Don'tch'a think Mac?"

Big Mac took out a small scorecard that read 9.3."

"I-I think she's trying to say we've really enjoyed the food but that we've really got to get going. Spike said taking Twilight by the hoof. "We'll see you at the celebration tonight.

"Well Twilight, it was sure nice to meet cha Hope Y'all are feeling better soon," Applejack said giving Twilight a hearty pat on the back that elicited a yelp from the Unicorn.

"Let's get out of here Spike." She hissed through her teeth.

She was leaving, this was it, it was now or never.

"TWILIGHT WAIT!" Twilight let out a moan as she turned around to face me. "Oh, it's you." She said. I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked into her eyes.

"I-I just wanted to say..." I swallowed hard and took several deep breaths. My throat dried up, my leg tensed up "I-I just wanted to say that....I-I t-think your mane is pretty?"

What little self-esteem I had left at that moment boiled away. I hung my head low folded my ears and turned to walk away. "I just wanted to tell you that," I whispered. I blew it, my last chance to tell Twilight how I felt and I blew it. I should've known it would end this way. What did I have of telling her something I didn't understand myself? This feeling, When I first saw Twilight I felt happy like really, really happy. Like my heart was flying around inside my ribcage. But I when I got the chance to talk to her, I suddenly felt nervous and now that I'd blown what might be my last chance to talk to her, I felt sad.

What was wrong with me? I'd never felt this way about anypony before. I'd never really bought into the whole fillies are gross talk the other colts at school spouted. They didn't seem any different from us. So why was I suddenly feeling about a mare who was at least five years older than me?

"Thank you." I turned around to find Twilight smiling at me. "I appreciate the compliment." She said. "Yours is pretty cute too with that kiss curl in the front."

"My face turned flush as her words entered my ears. My lips contorted into a dopey grin. I probably looked like a sick mule, no offense to any sick mules out there. She walked up to me and took my kiss curled into her magical aura. I swore to myself I would never cut it off.

"You like Astronomy or something?" She asked noticing my cutie mark.

"Umm...Yeah, I-I have a telescope in my room."

"Really? What's your favorite topic?"

"That's easy Comets."

"Which ones can you name?"

"Let's see there's Mareley's Comet, Comet Hackney Bopp, Comet McDraught, Comet Lusitanjoy, Calabrese's Comet. Those are the ones I name off the top of my head."

"What four parts make up a comet?"

"Come on Twilight, there's no need to....." Spike tried to object before I cut him off with...

"The Nucleus, the Coma, the Tail and the Jets."

"How often does Mareley's Comet pass by Equis?"

"Every 74 to 79 years."

Twilight smiled and clapped. "Very good, It seems like you really know your stuff. I bet you get really good grades in school."

I blushed when she complimented me on my grades. The truth was I was top of my class. But I wasn't about to brag.

"Well heh heh yeah."

"Well I'd like to stay and chat, but I really must be going. It was very nice meeting you and your family."

"The pleasure is all ours," Applejack said offering Twilight another hoofshake, which She hesitantly accepted. Fortunately for her, it was much more gentle than the last one. "Feel Free to drop by anytime."

"Oh, I will," Twilight said nervously before motioning to Spike with her head to leave.

"Wait! Before you go, will I see you at the celebration tonight?" I asked her.

"We'll see." She said sounding strangely sad for some reason "I've still got a lot of things left to check on before the festivities." My stomach went hollow at the thought of never seeing Twilight again.

"Well...If I don't see you again, Then I want you to know I enjoyed having you over."

"Heck we all did," Applejack added. "In fact," Applejack took off her hat, reached deep inside, and pulled out a fresh hot apple pie. "Take some pie with ya for the road."

The smell of fresh pie wafted into Twilight's nostrils, her eyes rolled back, her face turning green as her legs gave way before she proceeded to faint on that very spot.

"Huh guess she couldn't handle her pie," Applejack noted.

"Eeyup." Big Mac Concurred.

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