• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,792 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Apple Comet's glasses (Deleted Scene.)

(This was supposed to be the opening scene to the next upcoming chapter. I was going to have the Black Sands give Comet a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and mess up his vision so that he would recognize Bloom-El and Kom-El on a count of they both attended the same school. The schoolhouse is also a two-story building in this scene. I was gonna have two classrooms and two Cheerilees teaching both Apple Comet and Bloom-El in separate classes. Finally, I decided it was just easier and made more sense for the Black Sands to create two different schools in different locations instead of putting Apple Comet and Apple Bloom in the same school. So no more glasses in the finished chapter. I just wanted to get something out to you for being so patient with me. Enjoy.)

Apple Comet's POV. (Deleted scene.)

"Hey, Apple Comet? Wake up, we're here." A'h awoke to the feeling of Apple Bloom's hoof prodding at my shoulder. A'h must have dozed off in my seat on the ride over here. A'h opened my eyes to the sight of a yellow pony-sized blur in front of me.

"Gah!" A'h gasped shrinking back at what looked like a two-headed filly with eight legs and four eyes on each head.

"Quit fooling around and put your glasses back on, we're gonna be late." It's two heads said to me in unison in my sister's voice.

My glasses? What was this thing talking about? What was it? Why did it sound like Apple Bloom? Frozen in terror I could only close my eyes as the creature reached toward my face with its many arms. I could feel it rubbing its hooves on my face. The fur on its forelegs even smelled like Apple Bloom.

"There, Y'all ought to be more careful. These things are expensive." It said taking its hooves off of me. A'h tepidly opened one eye to see the two-headed creature was gone. In its place sat Apple Bloom looking rather unsettled.

"Apple Bloom? is that you?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do y'all mean? Of course, it's me. You feeling alright this morning?" A feeling of relief washed over me. A nightmare or an early morning mare A'h guess. A'h took it as a sign of no more desserts before bed.

"Y-Yeah, Ah'm fine now. Just a bad dream A'h guess." Bloom still seemed unsure but she rolled her eyes as she stood up.

"Well then let's go, if we hurry we can still make it to class on time. And try to keep your glasses on your muzzle, Y'all are blind as a fruit bat without 'em."

"My glasses?" A'h asked suddenly noticing for the first time the black-rimmed lenses sitting on top of my muzzle. Where had these come from? A'h didn't remember having these earlier this morning. A'h was suddenly very confused. How long had A'h needed glasses? When did A'h get 'em? Before A'h could ask about it, A'h was suddenly pulled out of my seat by my hoof.

"Come on let's go!"

"W-Wait!" A'h staggered clumsily onto my three remaining legs as Apple Bloom led me to the door. The other students laughed and chuckled as she pulled me by the hoof. "Quit dragging your hooves, we're gonna be late!"

"U-Uh Y'all g-go on ahead, Ah'll catch up with you before..." The tolling of the bell cut me off before A'h could say, "Class. Ugh...never mind." With a sigh, A'h shrugged and joined the herd of my fellow students heading for class.

It was the darndest thing, A'h could've sworn A'h didn't need glasses earlier this morning. And yet the evidence was literally right in front of me.

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