• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Just an Average Colt

Author's note. This chapter takes place when Apple Comet is about 5 years old. Since he's about 7 months older than AppleBloom I'd say it's about 6 years after the Sonic Rainboom.

My name is Apple Comet. I am five years old and I live in Ponyville with my Pa, My Grandmother, My older siblings Big Macintosh and Applejack, and my baby sister Apple Bloom. I guess you can say that I'm just an average colt, at least I was until today. It started just like any other morning. I was in the bathroom combing my mane when.....

"Apple Comet! Are ya almost done in there? Granny says breakfast is ready!" My Big Sister Applejack called out. She helps my Pa and brother with bucking apples out in the orchard. Now if I just get this one hair in front to not curl...there, perfect.

"Oh Come on!"

Hrrm... I could never get that one hair to not curl. Oh well, Granny was serving eggs and hay! I knew I'd better hurry! I made it about halfway down the stairs before I realized I was staring straight through the floor. I could see and hear and even smell everything as if I were in there with them! To be honest this isn't the first time something like this has happened. I was playing hide and seek with Apple Bloom the other day and I found her in the barn hiding in a haystack. It's not that I found her randomly that was strange. It was the fact that I heard her breathing in there from outside the barn. And just last week when Apple Bloom lost her doll, Ms. Apple Worth. I found it in Big Mac's room under his bed without having to look under it. I still don't have a cutie mark yet so maybe I'm supposed to be good at finding things. I wonder what a cutie mark like that would look like.

"Is yer brother still up there?"
I could hear Pa talking to Applejack in the kitchen. Wait I could see them talking in the kitchen through the stairs. Granny was making another plate of hay and eggs and Apple Bloom sitting next to my usual. And right next to her Big Mac was studying for his algebra test today.

"Ah'll go check on him," Applejack said.
She got up from the table to look for me. And it's just now I realized that I've been looking through the stairs for the last minute.

"I'm coming I'm coming.....WHOA!!!! Oof ow oomph!"
In my haste to get down the stairs, I accidentally tripped over my hooves.

"Apple Comet! Are Y'all okay?"
Applejack rushed over to check on me.

"What happened?" I heard Pa say followed by the sound of hoof steps and a cane coming from the kitchen.

"Apple Comet fell down the stairs Pa!" Applejack said.

I shook the cobwebs out of my head and looked up to see the whole family looking over me.

"Big Mac get the first aid kit."
My brother nodded and went to the first-floor bathroom to fetch it.

"What happened, son?"

"I don't know Pa I felt kinda dizzy for a moment and I tripped on my hoof."
He looked at me with a worried expression.

"You say ya felt dizzy are ya feeling alright this morning? Where are you hurting?"

"I'm okay, really Pa I feel fine.."

I know it doesn't sound right a colt falls down a flight of stairs and doesn't get hurt. But as Applejack finished checking me over and Big Mac returned with the first aid kit she realized I wasn't fibbing. Her eyes went wide with surprise.

"Ah can't explain it but I think he's right Pa. Ah've looked him over from head to hoof and A'h can't find one cut, scratch, bump, bruise, or scrape."

"Guess I was just lucky or something," I said looking up to see looks of astonishment on their faces. Finally, Granny Smith reached over to feel my forehead.

"Huh, ya don't feel warm to me. Have you been getting enough rest? Maybe something you ate?"

"No, it's not that Granny," I told her. "I feel fine now." I slowly stood back up making sure not to trip on my hooves again.

"You sure you don't want to stay home from school for the day? A'h can whip you up a home remedy for dizzy spells."

"I'll be fine," I reassured her.

"Well, you be careful going up and down the stairs from now on." She told me. "Next time ya might not be so lucky."

"Thanks, Granny," I said as I rubbed my head. "I'll try to remember that."

I've had a lot of accidents around the house. Usually, it's something I've broken or knocked over. but I've never gotten hurt from it, not even a scratch. Guess I'm just lucky I suppose. Anyway, there were more important things to think about. Like Granny's hay and eggs.

Since Ponyville Elementary only has one classroom the teachers from each grade took turns using it throughout the day. Apple Bloom and I got to go early in the morning while Applejack and Big Mac went much later in the day. Pa usually sent them out to start their morning chores while we got ready for school.

"Goodbye Apple Comet. Goodbye, Apple Bloom."

Granny gave each of us a goodbye kiss and sent us out the door. I didn't know it at the time but this day would be one that changed my life forever.

The ride to school started like any other morning. Apple Bloom and I took our usual seats in the middle of the cart. She looked over at me with doubt

"Ya sure, you're feeling alright Apple Comet? That was a bad fall Y'all had this morning."

"Yeah I'm fine" I reassured her but she didn't look convinced.

"Y'all have been acting kinda funny lately."

I raised my eyebrow in surprise. "Funny how?"

"Well, Y'all haven't been paying much attention in class or when it's time to do chores. Pa says you've got yer head in the clouds or something like that."
Maybe she was right, maybe there was something wrong with me.

"Well to tell you the truth I've been feeling kind of different lately," I said.

"Different...how?" She asked me.

I looked over the hills into town. Even from this distance, I could see the townsponies were starting their daily routines getting the town ready for another day.

"Well, I can see Mr. Rich is just opening up Barnyard Bargains."

I turned my gaze over to the clock store.
"And Doctor Hooves is talking to the new mailmare about a broken package. She should really watch where she's going."

Apple Bloom gave me a look of confusion. "Y'all can hear what they're talking about all the way over there?" She asked.

"I know it sounds strange but I can hear them. I can even see their cutie marks from here."

"Yeah right, Apple you're just making stuff up."

I looked over next to Apple Bloom to see one of our classmates. It was Diamond Tiara her father Filthy Rich was one of Sweet Apple Acre's biggest business partners. Sometimes Mr. Rich dropped her off to play whenever he came by to do business.

"There's no way you can see that far away!"

"How do you know he's making it up, Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom said coming to my defense.

Diamond Tiara smirked smugly and said, "Because nopony can see that far away so clearly." I looked back up at the clouds to see that the pegasi were gone. "They're gone now."

"I don't know what you're doing Apple Comet but it's really weird WHOA!!!!!"
The cart jostled as we passed over a rock. Diamond Tiara lost her footing and tumbled out of the wagon.

In an instant faster than I'd ever moved in my life I caught her tail in my mouth and pulled her back in. The sound of Diamond screaming brought the cart to a halt as the driver unhitched himself to check on us.

"What happened, what's going on?" He rushed over to check on us. For the next few seconds, there wasn't a sound, everyone just stood still their eyes fixed on the shaken pink filly and the white colt in front of her. Finally, Apple Bloom spoke.

"Wow, Apple Comet that was incredible! How did you do that?" The other children quickly joined in.
"Yeah, that was awesome!" Rumble said.

"It was amazing!" Twist said.

"How'd you move so fast?" PipSqueak asked.

I didn't know what to say, everything had happened so fast. I just sat there with my mouth agape as my classmates bombarded me with questions. Finally, the driver managed to silence everypony and get them back in their seats. The rest of the ride to school went on without incident although my ears could pick up what my classmates were whispering to each other. Figures my day had only started and I was already the topic on everypony's lips.

"Good Morning class." Our teacher said with a warm smile. She was nothing like I'd imagined her to be on my first day, A crotchety, uptight olf mare with no tolerance for horseplay. Ms. Cheerilee was kind, and helpful, and I don't mind saying it pretty, She didn't mind horseplay as long as it wasn't in class. Woe to any foals who did not heed that dire warning, Ooooooo!

"Good Morning Miss Cheerilee."

"Now today I thought we'd pick up where we left off yesterday on the subject of vowels and consonants."

I sat in the middle with Apple Bloom not paying attention to any of it. I couldn't think about anything else except what had happened this morning. The events kept playing back in my head in clear detail. Maybe I was coming down with something? Except what kind of illness makes you see and hear through walls and move that fast?

"Apple Comet? Apple Comet?"

I looked up to see the entire class staring at me and Ms. Cheerilee looking at me with concern.

"Are you alright?"

"He doesn't look so good." I heard a brown colt whisper from the front of the class.

"He's been acting funny all morning." Silver Spoon said. Diamond didn't say anything, she only looked at me with puzzlement.

"He looks like he's going to barf." Snips whispered to Snails

"Apple Comet are Y'all okay?"

I looked down to see Apple Bloom's hoof bone on top of mine...wait.....WHAT!! I pulled my hoof away as I looked up at my little sister or rather her skeleton. A shriek escaped my lips as I looked around the room. There were skeletons seated at every desk in the classroom, their eyeballs staring at me through their bony sockets their organs moving around inside their barrels.
"Do you need me to call the school nurse?"

I looked up to see Ms. Cheerilee's bony face looking down at me. I dived out of my desk and bolted straight for the closet door slamming it so hard I heard the wood splinter.

"Apple Comet?"

I looked through the door to see Skeleton Cheerilee reaching for the knob. I grabbed onto it for dear life determined not to let them get me.
"Apple Comet open the door right now!"
I could feel the knob jostling as she tried to open the door but I held on as tight as possible.

"I promise I'm not mad at you, I just want to know what's wrong with you."

"You can't fool me you Monster!" I screamed out as I held onto the door. "I'm not gonna let you turn me into one of you!"
I felt a warm sensation flash through my eyes as I held onto the door followed by the sound of Skeleton Cheerilee yelping with pain as she released her hold of the knob. I could tell she was struggling to remain composed as held her hoof in pain.

"What's wrong Ms. Cheerilee?" Twist asked The rest of the class had gathered around her. I could see their little skeletons laughing and giggling behind her at this predicament.

"Students please take your seats and let me handle this." Most of them went back to their desks, A few tried to stay behind to watch but Ms. Cheerilee quickly shooed them back to their seats with the rest of the class.

"Ms. Cheerilee can I please try talking to my brother?" I saw Apple Bloom had raised her hoof.

I blinked my eyes when I thought I saw she was back to normal. No Skeleton no eyes sticking out of the sockets. Just normal regular everyday Apple Bloom. I felt my heartbeat begin to calm down, I let go of the knob and rubbed my eyes as she approached Ms. Cheerilee.

"If you think you can reach him then you may. Just don't touch the doorknob okay? It might still be hot.” The teacher replied.
She had regained her coat and mane as well. I looked through the wall at the class to discover that all the skeleton colts and fillies were gone replaced by my normal classmates.

"Apple Comet it's me."

I could see Apple Bloom standing on the other side of the door. Her voice was choked with sadness.
"Y'all can tell me what's wrong can't ya?"

I looked up to see the doorknob had turned red hot and was beginning to melt under the intense heat. I had done that, I don't know but I knew I had that. I felt overcome by so many emotions. Embarrassment, fear, guilt, regret. It was just too much for me to take. I finally sat back against the door, buried my face in my hind legs, and cried.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice Bright Mac," Cheerilee said as she sat down at her desk. The classroom had emptied save for Pa, Apple Bloom, and myself. the rest of the class had been given recess early so we could have a bit of privacy. Apple Bloom sat next to me while Pa was content to stand up. Given his stature there just weren't any seats big enough for him.
"It's no trouble at all Miss Cheerilee. As soon as A'h heard what happened A'h dropped everything to head right over. So what's been going on here."

"Well it's the strangest thing," Cheerilee explained. "The whole morning he seems distracted like his mind was on something else. When I asked him if anything was wrong He just screamed and started looking around like he was seeing things. Then he ran to the closet door and held it shut."

I looked over at the door. The doorknob had finally cooled down enough to be used again, Well at least the inside one had. Still, I don't know how I did that or why I didn't get burned by it.

"Is all of this true son?"

Pa looked down at me with a stern look in his eye. I knew that look, there was no lying to it.
"Ah'm not gonna be mad at you, I just want the truth."

"Yes, Pa that's the truth." I sighed and sunk deeper into my chair wishing this would all be over soon. I felt something on my shoulder, I looked up to see Pa's hoof on my shoulder.

"It's okay A'h understand, Y'all had a rough day It happens to everypony sometimes."

"But Pa!" Apple Bloom interrupted. "How does that explain what happened to the doorknob?"

"That doesn’t concern you, Apple Bloom," Pa said.

He turned back to me. "Although A'h is mighty curious about that mah self."

"I don't understand how it happened Pa. When I heard Miss Cheerilee sounded angry something just happened."

Cheerilee's face softened. "That's alright Apple Comet, I'll call a repair pony this afternoon. You've had a pretty hectic experience. Why don't you go home for the rest of the day? I'm sure you'll feel much better tomorrow."

"Thanks, Miss Cheerilee," I whispered back. My gaze went down to the bandages covering her burnt hoof.

"I'm not mad at you Apple Comet." She said with a warm smile. "It's my fault for not remembering about doorknobs in fire safety." She said with a chuckle. I found myself grinning a little at her response.

"Don't you worry Miss Cheerilee," Pa said as he headed for the door. "Ah'm gonna talk with him as soon as we get home."

The walk home was uneventful for the most part. I managed to keep my weird spells to myself by keeping my head low to the ground and just following the sound of Pa's hoof steps.

‘Just keep my head down and don't look around I thought to myself not wanting to see any more skeleton ponies or see-through walls.

"Y'all have been as quiet as a dormouse since we left school. You sure you're not coming down with something?"
I looked up to see Pa looking at me worriedly, Apple Bloom standing just beyond his massive legs.

"I'm fine Pa honest I am," I said as I shook my head to clear out the surrounding noise. To the average pony trotting up the road to Sweet Apple Acres that day they probably would have only heard the faint of cartwheels on the cobblestone streets mixed with the distant sounds of the birds singing. For me, the sound of Ponyville's sleepy hustle and bustle was like it was being echoed through a wide cave.

"Ah can tell when yer lying to me." His voice boomed. "Whatever's going on Y'all can tell me."
His eyes gazed at me like two large yellow moons. I realized it was pointless to keep it from him and Granny forever.

"Well I've just been feeling kind of strange lately," I said.

Pa raised an eyebrow, his curiosity intrigued.
"A'h had a feeling something was up when you fell down the stairs this morning. What's bothering ya?"

"Apple Comet says he's been seeing things!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Pa looked down at her crossly. "What did I just get through telling ya earlier bout interrupting others when they're talking?" He said in a stern tone. Apple Bloom turned her head away, Her ears drooping low.

"Sorry Pa," she said. Satisfied he turned his attention back to me.

"So ya say Y'all have been feeling strange but when we offer to let ya stay home from school suddenly Y'all say yer are fine. What gives?"

"I guess it's like Apple Bloom said. I've been seeing through things and hearing through things too."

"Ya say Y'all have been seeing and hearing through things huh?" Pa stroked his chin with his hoof. "Ya mean like an X-ray or something?"
I thought back to the skeletons of my teacher and classmates staring at me like they wanted to eat me and what happened with Diamond Tiara that morning. "Y-Yeah something like that." I stammered out.

"How long has this been going on for?" He asked.

"About a month or so," I replied

Pa burst out laughing. "So Y'all are saying you've been seeing and hearing through walls for over a month and Y'all didn't tell no one?"

"Sorry Pa, I figured I was seeing things that weren't there at first and I just thought it would go away or something."

"Well if it comes back ya let us know right away."

"Apple Comet? Can just ask y'all something?" Apple Bloom asked softly.

"Sure I guess," I replied with a shrug.

"What about what happened with Diamond Tiara on the cart today?"

"Something else you're not telling me?" Pa asked suspiciously. "You didn't cause any trouble did ya?

"No, it's not like at all.” I raised my hooves in defense. "We hit a bump in the road and I caught her before she could fall out. That's all."

"What are y'all mean that's all?" Apple Bloom said. "The whole class saw ya snatch Diamond Tiara out of the air like a bolt of lightning!" She looked at me like I just set the world record for the fastest filly catch or something.

"I don't know how I did that Sis?” I responded. "When we hit that bump it was like everything around me just slowed down."

My super-hearing, yes that was what I was calling it now picked up the sound of splintering wood in the distance followed by something heavy tumbling down.


Even from the bottom of the hill, I recognized that voice!

"Granny!" I cried out bursting into a full sprint!

"Apple Comet?!!! Apple Comet?!! Where are ya going?"
I heard Pa cry out from behind as he and Apple Bloom gave chase. There was no time to waste I had to get to Granny before it was too late. I felt hooves kicking up dirt and dust as I continued to pick up speed. I was already traveling as fast as a professional derby runner and I wasn't breaking a sweat. Faster and faster I ran the dirt road quickly becoming a blur as the farm came into view at the top of the hill. My super senses kicked in immediately, I saw Applejack and Big Mac were working in the west orchard, but there was no sign of Granny Smith. I had to find her fast.

"Come on where are you, Granny?" I cried out as I frantically searched for her. My X-Ray vision was going into overdrive as I looked through the farmhouse, the barn, the silos, the orchard, and the well but there was no sign of her.
"Just calm down and listen for her," I said to myself as I closed my eyes.

Granny's voice echoed through my ears. It sounded like she was trapped somewhere underground.

"The Cider Cellar!" I exclaimed.
There was no time to lose, every second meant the difference for Granny.
"GRANNY!!!" My voice was as loud as a dragon's roar. "Hold on I'm coming!"
I reached the Cellar door in no time flat and tore the heavily padlocked door off its hinges like it was made of cardboard.
"Granny, are you in there?"

"Apple Comet? Is-is that you?"
Her voice was hoarse from shouting for help. I soon saw why. Toppled barrels littered the cellar floor, their contents gushing everywhere, and lying there with her hind legs pinned underneath a heavy barrel full of cider was Granny Smith. Her wrinkled face was white with fear and her mane was drenched in sweat.

"It's me, Granny, I came to save you."

"I-It's no use child." She said gloomily. "It's too heavy f-for somepony yer age to lift. G-Go f-find your Pa and siblings h-hurry!"
I took a quick look with my x-ray vision Fortunately I could see that her legs weren't broken but the barrel was too heavy to move without hurting her. There was only one thing to do.

"What are you doing?! Apple Comet?!"

I drew my hoof back and bucked it straight into the head of the barrel. The wood splintered instantly on impact drenching me in a torrent of apple cider. It was working I could feel the barrel getting light enough to move without hurting her.

"Rrrgh! Granny I've almost Grrgh got...it AAARGH!!!"
With one final heave, the barrel was high enough for Granny to wriggle her legs out.

"Celestia...be praised." She said as she looked at her eyes wide in wonder. I slowly set the barrel down. Without all the cider it felt like it weighed almost nothing. I quickly rushed over to Granny's side.

"Are you alright Granny?" Faster than even I thought I could move she embraced me, Tears of relief flowing down her cheeks.

"Apple Comet...*pant* *pant*...you saved my life. A'h was afraid Ah'd be trapped down here for days until somepony found me if anypony did at that. How did ya know where A'h was?"

"A'h heard ya from the bottom of the hill," I told her. Her eyes went wide with surprise.

"F-From the b-bottom of the h-hill, ya say?” She stammered. “But t-that's impossible!"

"I can't really explain it myself, I'm just glad you’re okay," I said as I hugged her, being gentle so as not to break her in half.

"I'm glad too young' in, Tonight Y'all are getting an extra big helping of pie for this."

I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in the back of my flank. I turned around to see a bright light glowing from it. The light faded as quickly as it came. In its place was a fiery red comet streaking across the night sky set in a red diamond shield.

"Well, would you look at that," Granny said to me. “Y'all have gotten ye'r cutie mark."
"I-I-I did? I did! I got my Cutie Mark!"

My cutie mark, every colt, and filly ask their parents about them as soon as they learn to talk. Whenever a pony figures out who they are and what they're good at a cutie mark appears on their flank. Some ponies get theirs early, For others, it can take years to get. Guess I was an early bloomer, But what did it mean? My thoughts were interrupted as my ears picked up the sound of voices coming from outside.

"What is it?" Granny asked.

"Apple Comet? Apple Comet?!"


"Pa, Apple Bloom what's going on?" I heard Applejack shout. Having sort of gotten the hang of it by now I put my super awesome vision into action. Within moments I could see Pa and Apple Bloom trotting up to Applejack and Big Mac. Pa looked exhausted, His coat was matted with sweat. Apple Bloom lay sprawled out on her stomach having run out of strength to stand. I felt sort of bad for her. I hadn't planned on her running after me.

"Did....either....you two see... yer brother run past here?" Pa asked as he took off his hat and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"No... Ah didn't saw anypony run past here." Applejack answered.

"Are Y'all alright Pa? Ya, look mighty winded." Big Mac asked.

"....Ah'll....be fine Son...A'h just need to find yer brother," Pa said as he placed his hat back on his head.

"Sounds like Apple Comet gave ya both a run for yer money," Applejack said.

"It's Pa and the others!" I exclaimed to Granny. "I kinda forget I left them behind."

"Well let's not keep everypony waiting shall we?" Granny said with a smile. “I'm certain they're going to they're gonna mighty impressed when they find out whatcha did for yer little old Granny."

I felt proud of myself for the first time that day. After all, everything that'd happened it felt nice to end on a high note.

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