• Published 13th Jan 2017
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Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Can't this town be big enough for the both of us?

Throughout my young life, I have come to expect the unexpected. Finding out that I'm an extraterrestrial from a doomed planet? Check. Finding out I'm a living solar battery with abilities beyond the rest of my adopted species? Check. Leading a secret double life as a day-saving mysterious phenomenon? Check. Fighting literal Gods to save the day? Check. Finding out I have a fan club? I'm going to have to get back to you on that.

It was the weekend, which meant it was time for the first weekly Rainbow Dash fan club meeting. The decorations were set up, the speaker's podium was in place and everypony was dressed in their official fan club merchandise.

"Attention everypony! Attention!" The room fell silent as Scootaloo approached the podium wearing a rainbow wig. "The official Rainbow Dash Fan Club will now come to order. Let's get right down to our first order of business. I motion that Rainbow Dash be declared the most awesome pony in Ponyville."

"I second the motion," Snails said raising his lanky hoof. "And might I add that if you looked up awesome in the dictionary it would have a picture of Rainbow Dash."

The rest of the club murmured in agreement.

"I think the word awesome is played out," Snips argued. "Rainbow Dash deserves better. I motion we declare her the most stupendous pony."

Scootaloo was not impressed. "Stupendous? Is that the best you got? I motion that we declare her wonderiffic."





"Eavesdropping," I said with a sly grin as I looked through the wall at the surprised cyan pegasus hovering outside.

Eventually, it was decided that Rainbow Dash would be declared the awesomest most stupendous, wonderiffic, astonishing, breathtaking, astounding, bedazzling pony in all of Ponyville. Unfortunately, the decision took the club over an hour to reach. By which time the meeting was adjourned. Well, there was always next week's meeting.

I closed the door to my bedroom and exhaled. "Time for a little one-on-one with my books. What will it be today?" Luna's Tapestry? Cosmos A Pony's Voyage by Carl Sable? Astrophysics for Ponies in a hurry?" Read that one more times than I could count."

"Help! Help! Help! Help!" My ears twitched as they picked up a distant cry for help. I raced to the window and threw it open. My eyes followed her cries over the fields toward a distant well with a broken cover. Penetrating the earth and stone, I saw Aura, one of my classmates standing at the bottom.

"Aura! Hold on I'm coming," With a flash of light, I donned the attire of my homeworld and took off out the window. Adrenaline surged through my body as I raced towards the well. Just had to dive in grab her and fly out easy right? Suddenly a cyan streak dove from the sky crashing through the well cover. A few moments later it rose from the well carrying a dirty and messy filly on its back.

"Rainbow Dash?" I thought as I watched her come in for a landing. Other ponies who saw what happened gathered around them.

"Um wow, what's with this crowd?" Rainbow said bashfully as the crowd cheered for her. "Uh, thanks everypony, it was really no big deal."

"Look it's the Red Comet!" Aura pointed at me as I passed over. Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Looks like you were too slow this time!" She hollered out. I couldn't argue with her there. But at least Aura was safe and sound!


A blood-curdling scream turned my attention to a steep hill. My blood ran cold as I saw a foal in a stroller speeding down the hill toward a cliff's edge.

"WHOOOSH!" In the blink of an eye, I closed the distance. I grabbed the handle tightly only for it to snap off in my hooves. Time was running out. Below the gasps and screams of gathering bystanders reached a peak as the stroller reached the edge only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare panted hard, her coat drenched with sweat.

"MY BABY! IS SHE ALRIGHT?" Her mother cried as she sprinted down the hill.

Rainbow peered inside the stroller only to find..."Huh? She's gone?" The crowd gasped in shock. Then somepony pointed up at the sky.

"Look!" The crowd looked up to what must've been an incredible sight, A comet carrying a foal through the air.

"CREAM PUFF!" The mother screamed as she watched a celestial object carry her daughter away. Meanwhile, Cream Puff continued to bawl and squirm in my hooves, not knowing how to react to this new unknown.

"Shh shh shh shh, It's okay I got you," I'm not going to let anything happen to you," I said soothingly as I searched for a safe place to deposit her.


A splintering sound echoed in my ears, followed by shrieks of terror. I turned my head to see a group of elderly ponies trapped on a balcony now seconds from giving way.

"Hey wait up!" I turned around to see Rainbow Dash closing in on me. Perfect. I slowed down to match her speed, then passed Cream Puff to her. "Hey, what are you..." With my forelegs free I was off once again racing against time as the balcony tilted sending the trapped seniors tumbling toward the railing. Ponies below gasped in horror as the balcony leaned further and further until finally, it gave way with a sickening snap sending those trapped plummeting to certain death. Or it would have if I hadn't caught it in time.

"What's happening?"

"Let me adjust my glasses."

"Are we in Elysium?"

"Sure seems like it."

I looked up through the floor to see four senior citizens staring in awe as the ground beneath the balcony drew further and further away. From their increased heart rate, I could see their ordeal shook them, although thankfully it looked like none of them had sustained any injuries. Still, at their age, they would need medical attention. I beelined for the hospital taking it slow to ensure no more unnecessary excitement.

After setting the balcony outside the hospital entrance, I decided to head back home.

"Look! Up in the sky!" I heard a filly shout pointing up. "It's the Red Comet!" A chorus of cheers and hoof stomping rose from the crowd.


"Three cheers for the Red Comet!"

"Hip hip."


"Hip hip."


"Hip hip."


"Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet!"

"Well, this is certainly new," I said scratching my mane dumbfounded. In just a few minutes, I'd gone from astronomical phenomenon to town hero. Still, stranger things had happened in my life.

The next day began like any typical day. I woke up, had breakfast, did my morning chores, washed up, and had lunch. I was rinsing my plate in the sink when there came a knock at the door.

"Ah'll get it," Apple Bloom said. Behind the door, I saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "Hey Girls," Her expression changed as she realized her friends weren't their usual chipper selves. "What's up?"

"We need to talk with Apple Comet," Scootaloo answered irately.

"What about?" I asked as the two of them stepped into the kitchen.

Scootaloo reached into her saddlebag and removed a folded-up piece of paper. She unfolded it and put it on the kitchen table. "See for yourself, hero."

I turned off the sink and trotted over to the table. What I saw I was not prepared for.

Join the Red Comet Fanclub Today!
Sign up outside Sugarcube Corner hours 12 to 5 Free glow in the dark cap and t-shirt with sign up. *Must wait two to four weeks for delivery. Limit one per sign-up.*

"Okay, since when do I have a fan club?" I asked scratching my mane.

"Since this morning," Scootaloo rolled her eyes while Sweetie Belle smiled awkwardly at me. "They're all over Ponyville. Do you have any idea what this could do to the Rainbow Dash fan club?"

"No not really," I answered with sincere honesty.

"A'h honestly don't see what the problem is Scoots," Apple Bloom said in my defense. "So my brother has a fan club too. A'h reckon Ponyville's big enough for the both of them."

"Yeah, it's not like every member of your club is gonna up and quit to join Apple Comet's..."Sweetie Belle said before Apple Bloom muzzled her. "Mmmphhh mmmphhhh...."

"Not helping."

"Thank you. Look Scoots, I'm just as confused as you are right now. I think the best thing we can do right now is head to Sugarcube Corner and get some answers."

The trot to Ponyville was filled with awkward silence broken only by the sounds of our hoofsteps. Scootaloo led the way, her face etched with a frustrated frown, while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hung back. I took the opportunity to study the flier with my telescopic vision further. The impression and texture of the ink removed any doubt in my mind that they had been made in a printing press. The color red was also an interesting choice given it was an uncommon color for printing. But one somepony might go with for a stylistic choice like this. Strangely whoever had printed them hadn't bothered to trademark or incorporate the name. That meant it was probably a foal doing it out of admiration like Scootaloo. In that case, where was their connection with the merchandise? And where were they printing these fliers? 'Patience one thing at a time.'

"Oh, Wow!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. A line of ponies foal and grown-up alike had lined up outside the bakery. All of them were holding fliers.

"Looks like we're in the right place," Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo let out a snort and flicked her tail before stomping up to the front of the line.

"Alright, who's in charge here?"

"That would be me," A familiar gaunt yellowish face answered. Featherweight hovered out from behind the stands. His wings efficiently carried his bony frame over to us. "What can I do you for?"

"Featherweight?" Apple Bloom said. "Ye'r the one who started this club?"

"Well actually, no, I'm just helping set up fliers and sign up new members." He admitted.

"But you know who is right?" Scootaloo continued.

"Yes, but they have asked to remain anonymous for reasons unknown. And I will respect that." Featherweight affirmed.

"Well, I guess we're back at square one huh girls?" I said.


Everypony stopped what they were doing and looked up. A shriek of terror pierced the air.


A hot air balloon had burst and was plummeting back to earth. Inside the basket, Cherry Berry frantically hollered through a megaphone. With the crowd distracted I was free to to do my thing. I dashed down the closest alley and took off.


As I raced toward the falling balloon, another figure fast approached in the distance. "Rainbow Dash."

The Element of Loyalty was streaking headlong toward the falling balloon. She was making good speed, but not enough to catch the balloon in time. The crowd below watched with bated breath to see what happened next.

Within seconds before the basket hit the ground. I caught the bottom and carried it away. Cherry Berry fell back as the balloon's canvas turned into a wind sock whipping in the breeze. The crowd below cheered as we passed over them. All except a certain Orange Filly.

I carried the basket to an open field and set it down on its side allowing a dizzy and disoriented Cherry Berry to tumble out. Shaking her head she stood up on shaky legs like a newborn foal and looked up as I took off. As soon as she saw me she smiled and grabbed the megaphone from the basket.

"Thank you!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" A chorus of screams from a distant hill caught my attention. A wagon filled with tourists careened out of control around a corner and towards a steep hill.

"You have got to be kidding me." Unable to believe the odds, I sped off once more.

As I flew off, I heard Rainbow Dash call out to me. "Hey Comet wait up!" I didn't have time to wait for her, the cart had already reached the edge of a hill and plunged sharply sending its passengers hurtling towards a cliff.

"Okay, Apple Comet you can do this, it's just a foal stroller but bigger."

As I raced toward the hill one of the passengers a mustachioed stallion in a tropical shirt and visor pointed me out.

"It's the red comet!" The other passengers paused their full-throated screaming to peer their heads out. As soon as they saw me, their screams turned to cheers. Now I had even more pressure to succeed.

VOOOOOOM! Suddenly a cyan streak zipped past me sending me into an uncontrolled spin. Righting myself, I followed Rainbow Dash as she threw herself in front of the cart and tried to stop it with her hind legs. Her hooves kicked up dirt as she tried in vain to slow the runaway cart's momentum by beating her wings. But the momentum was too great for her. Her legs gave out and she fell beneath the cart landing flat on her stomach as it rolled on.

I caught up to the cart as it reached the end of the road. Pressing my front hooves into the dashboard, I closed my eyes and concentrated. The cart's momentum began to slow despite the groaning protest of the wheels. When I opened my eyes I was met with the flash of a camera bulb. "That's one for the scrapbook. The stallion with the mustache remarked.

With the day saved again, I flew up the hill to check on Rainbow Dash. Luckily my x-ray vision showed she was none the worse for wear. The cart's undercarriage was high enough for her to pass through with little more than a few scrapes and bruises.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," She said brushing the dirt from her coat. "But you and I need to talk."

Right on cue we both saw a plume of smoke rising in the distance. Zooming in, I saw it was coming from a crane at a nearby construction site. Suddenly the boom swung wildly sending a wooden beam it was carrying high into the air.

I'd seen enough. Ignoring Rainbow's calls I raced toward the impending disaster. Realizing what was happening several of the workers jumped from the building as the beam swung back.


Like a wrecking ball, the beam slammed into the frame of the building collapsing the floor above and sending the upper half tumbling down like a house of cards. Most of the workers had already fled but a few remained caught in the path of the falling debris.

"Run Away!" One of them a mare shrieked as two halves of a broken beam fell toward her. Fortunately, I was able to reach her just in time and carry her to safety.

Another worker found himself caught in the open surrounded by falling boards and cinderblocks. I dropped off the first worker then I flew back in, weaving and dodging past falling debris to carry him back out.


"Gah!" Another Stallion gasped as the rope holding up a pallet of bricks snapped sending its payload down toward his head.


With just seconds to spare Rainbow Dash swooped down tackling him out of the way in time.


Without wasting a second Rainbow threw the astonished stallion onto her back and carried him over to where the others were. A still quiet fell upon the remains of the construction site. Thankfully while there were a lot of shaken nerves there weren't any injuries. I carefully hoisted the stallion I had saved off my back before taking off once more. Ponies were already gathering around the remains of the construction site. Including a certain orange pegasus. Slowly the shock began to wear off. Then somepony let out a cheer.

Others immediately joined in as the crowd began stomping their hooves and chanting.



"Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet!"

Scootaloo stared up at me with eyes burning with anger. She let out a low growl, gritting her teeth before turning and stomping off. I wanted to tell her I was sorry. That I wasn't doing this for fame or popularity.

Third Pony POV.

SLURRRRP! *burrrrrrp!* Scootaloo set the empty milkshake glass in front of the others. "The nerve of that colt!" She snorted pounding her hoof on the table. "Who does he think he is?"

"He was just trying to do the right thing Scoot," Apple Bloom said in her brother's defense.

"Yeah, it's not like he was trying to make his fan club more popular or..." Sweetie Belle paused as she Scootaloo's grayish-purple eyes glaring daggers at her. "I'm just...gonna...shut up...now."

Beyond the Crusader's corner booth, the rest of Sugarcube Corner was bustling with business. Not surprisingly the topic on everypony's lips was the way the Red Comet saved the day again. Outside the line in front of Featherweight's stand stretched around the block.

"Everything okay over here girls?" The Crusaders looked up as Mr. Cake spat a tray onto the table.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo and each other. Finally, Sweetie Belle answered, "Err...yes everything is just fine."

"E'yep, just three fillies enjoying their milkshakes," Apple Bloom chimed in. "Nothing going on here."

The orange Stallion raised an eyebrow and began clearing their dishes off the table. "Oookay. Quite a bit of calamity in town earlier wasn't there? That Red Comet sure is something eh? The Missus and I can certainly sleep better at night knowing it's around. Can I get you girls anything else?"

Both fillies glanced at Scootaloo, the orange pegasus's teeth ground back and forth angrily inside her muzzle.

"Nope, we're good," both answered in unison.

Apple Comet's POV.

The next morning, I trotted into the kitchen to find myself on the front page.


At a press conference yesterday afternoon Mayor Mare announced that Ponyville will hold a parade this afternoon in honor of the Red Comet. In a statement released to this paper, the Mayor said quote. "We do not know what this comet is or where it came from. What we do know is that it has saved the lives of many of our citizens on more than one occasion. The least we can do is show our appreciation."

The Comet which has averted five major emergencies in the past two days has recently won the heart of Ponyvillians with its heroic deeds. Turnout is expected to be high with many local businesses joining in on the festivities, including Sugarcube Corner which will be hosting a comet party. Barnyard Bargains will be offering discounts on Telescopes and other astronomy-related items for ponies scanning the skies for a glimpse of the Comet.

"Good Morning," Granny Smith greeted me as I took my seat. "You made the front page again." I looked at the photo showing me streaking across the sky.

"Lucky me," I sighed and picked up my fork.

"Well, ain't y'all excited about it?" Applejack looked at me curiously. To be honest, under different circumstances, I would've been. For so long, ponies had looked at the Red Comet as either an omen of disaster, a supernatural phenomenon, or a spreader of falsehoods about spoiled rich fillies. Now they saw me as something to celebrate.

"Why?" I asked simply. "It's not like I'm gonna give a speech or be given the key to the city."

"Alright, Sugarcube what's really going on here," Applejack cut straight to the chase.

I swallowed the bite I was eating and set my fork down. "We found out yesterday that I have a fan club. Well, technically it's for the Red Comet and Scootaloo is not happy about it."

"Why? Because of the Red Comet stealing Rainbow Dash's thunder?"

"Exactly, wait how did you know that?"

Applejack smirked. "A'h was in town, A'h saw the whole thing play out. Well not the whole thing exactly but A'h saw and heard enough. Besides Dash was acting more ornery than a rooster locked out of the henhouse." She chuckled. Apple Bloom let a giggle.

I sighed and rested my head in my hooves. "What am I going to do?"

Applejack's expression softened. "Hey, A'h know y'all didn't do what you did to show up Dash or upset Scootaloo. And y'all didn't do it because it makes you famous or loved. You did it because helping ponies is part of who you are. Just like me and my friends."

"Eyup," Big Mac said from behind his newspaper.

"Why don't cha both talk to Scootaloo this afternoon? A'h'm sure y'all can put this all behind you."

I looked down at my flank, the red and orange comet streaking through the air. Applejack was right, it didn't matter who was in the limelight, what mattered was my friendship with Scootaloo.

By the time we arrived at the parade grounds early that afternoon, it was packed. Ponies had gathered flank to flank in front of the stage. Some were holding up signs and banners showing the Red Comet. Others had brought cameras and telescopes hoping to catch a glimpse of it. Well unless another major emergency happened which was fairly likely given the last two days, they were in for a disappointment.

"Any sign of her?" Apple Bloom asked. My eyes and ears scanned through the crowd.

"Daddy, do you think the Comet will appear today?"

"I hope I brought enough film in my camera,"

"Hey down in front, I can't see!"

"Um excuse, excuse me, could somepony let me through? I need to use the bathroom."

"I'm telling you man, that comet is not really a comet! It's a spaceship man! Piloted by faceless green-skinned bipeds! They want to meet us but they think they'll blow our minds!"

"No sign of her so far," I said.

"Maybe she didn't come?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Mares and Gentlestallions, it is my pleasure to introduce our Mayor, her Honor Mayor Mare." The crowd fell silent as the Mayor

"Ahem, thank you everypony thank you. Welcome to Ponyville's first but surely not last thank you parade for Ponyville's greatest hero, The Red Comet."

The crowd cheered in appreciation waving signs as streamers and confetti drifted down. As the Mayor continued her speech, my eyes drifted to the sounds of hoofsteps beneath the stage. Peering through the floorboards, I gasped. "Scootaloo!" The orange filly crept out from behind the planks and tiptoed her way to the stairs. Suddenly she galloped onto the stage.

"Not so fast!" The crowd gasped. "Aren't you all forgetting somepony?"

"What is she doing?" Apple Bloom whispered.

"What about Rainbow Dash? She was there too. But I don't hear anypony talking about her. I guess because you're all too busy talking about how great the Red Comet is!"

"Ha ha," Mayor Mare awkwardly tried to laugh it off. "Has anypony lost a young filly?" By this point, I was already making my way through the crowd.

"Excuse me, coming through, excuse me," Squeezing my way through the last two ponies, I galloped towards the stage. "Scootaloo, Scootaloo!"

"Hey! Wait up!" Apple Bloom hollered out behind me."

Scootaloo turned to face me. "Apple Comet?"

"Scootaloo!" The murmuring of the crowd stopped as more and more eyes fell on me. I reached the front of the stage panting to appear out of breath. "Scootaloo, wait. You don't have...to do this." Scootaloo looked at me angry but also confused. I looked up at Mayor Mare. "Your honor, could I have a word with my friend here?"

The Mayor looked at me perplexed, then simply sighed and said. "If it gets you foals out of my mane. Make it quick though."

"Thanks, listen Scootaloo, I know why you're upset and you have every right to be. I know how much the Rainbow Dash fan club means to you. But you don't have to worry about other ponies forgetting about it. There's room in this town for both Rainbow Dash and the Red Comet. And even if everypony left the club, you'd still have Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and myself. We're your friends and friends put friends before popularity."

Any anger or resentment the Orange Filly had left melted away. Scootaloo's eyes glistened with tears as she galloped down from the stage and threw her hooves around me. I was all too happy to return the feeling. The crowd awed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came galloping up, accompanied by Applejack and her friends. Scootaloo and I looked at each other for a moment before awkwardly releasing ourselves.

"Ahem," The Mayor cleared her throat. "Well if you two are done here, we have a parade to hold. So if you wouldn't mind,"

"Oh right, of course, Mrs Mayor."

Third Pony POV.

The sun was setting low over Ponyville, painting the sky shades of yellow and orange. Scootaloo lay across her bed, her eyes perusing an extreme sports magazine.

"Scootaloo? There's someone here to see you." She heard Auntie Holiday call from downstairs. Scootaloo jumped down from her bed and scampered downstairs.

"Hey Squirt, what's up?" Scootaloo came to a sudden stop. Rainbow Dash was standing in the doorway next to Auntie Holiday.


"I just stopped by to say I thought it was pretty awesome what did at the parade. You really do care about me huh."

"Well, next time I just hope she shows her appreciation in a less disruptive way." Auntie Holiday interjected.

Dash looked away for a moment uncertain. "Listen Scoots don't anypony I said this, but these last couple of days I've kind of been feeling less than awesome. Everywhere I went ponies were talking about Red Comet this and Red Comet that, and I guess it kind of, slightly, made me feel well you know."

"Jealous?" Scootaloo guessed.

"Just a teeny bit," Dash gestured with her wing. "But then seeing you run up on stage to defend me reminded me of something important. Loyalty. It made me realize that there's more to being a hero than fame and popularity. It's being there for those you care about.

Without a word, Scootaloo threw her hooves around Rainbow's neck. Rainbow smiled and embraced her in her wings.

"Today you were my hero Squirt."

Author's Note:

Hey everyone I'm back, sorry it's been a while. I've been trying to take my life in some new directions. Trying to get my license, trying to get out onto the dating scene, trying to find a new job, going to the doctor for visits, and seeing a therapist. It's been a rollercoaster these last six months and my motivation has been in flux for a while which is why this took so long. I don't know how long it will take to get the next chapter up. I still enjoy working on this when I can, but I also got other responsibilities in my life to handle. If my prose seems a little off just remember I'm getting back into the swing of things.

Anyway, it's good to be back and hopefully I'll have some more content up soon.

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