• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,791 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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Little Big Bison Finale.

Author's Note:

Just a quick update before you start reading. This chapter begins with a scene that follows one that was added to the end of the previous chapter. If you go to the chapter list, you'll notice Little Big Bison Part 3 has a few more words added to it. This last month has been extremely crazy for me and I haven't been able to focus on my mind on writing as much as I would like. With everything that's going on in the world, I just can't clear my head enough.

What I thought would be good for the start of this chapter actually turned out better as the cliff ending for the last one so if you want this to make sense, go back to the end of the last chapter and you'll see what I mean.

Comet's POV.

I walked out of the hidden passage with my head hung low. I'd really gone and done it this time. I left a young buffalo outside an abandoned temple, went back to my cousin's house like it never happened, came back, and found she was gone. What was I expecting? I'd searched every part of the butte with my X-ray vision and found nothing. No hidden passages, no more secret chambers, no Little Strongheart.

"Why did you have to leave her alone out here you idiot." I scolded myself. You should've taken her back to her village or town, or anywhere but here. Now she's gone Faust knows where and when the Chief finds out she's gone, he's certain to take it out on the town."

I paused at the exit to the temple as I saw Rainbow Dash standing outside looking around.

"I'm certain this is where the comet landed." She said as her head panned back and forth. She paused and looked down at the food wrappers left on the ground. "What's this?" She trotted over and picked one of them up. "Sweet Apple Strudel? That's made by the Apple Family. What are they doing here?" She turned and looked at the doorway where I had been standing a moment before. "Maybe I'll find some answers there."

"Oh no, not now, not now." Fast as I could, I darted back inside searching for a place to hide. The flittering of Rainbow's wings told me she was right on my tail.

"Whoa, looks like I was right, something did a number on this wall," Rainbow said noticing the hole I'd made. Thinking quickly, I darted behind one of the columns and leaned against it as tightly as I could.

"Wow, a secret room!" She peered her head through the hole and looked around. "Looks like this place was built by buffalo. I gotta tell the girls about this." I fought back the urge to sigh with relief as she turned around and galloped back outside.

"Phew, that was a close call." I wiped my forehead with relief. This entire night was turning out to be one long cat-and-mouse game. I watched and waited as she picked up one of the food wrappers, then flew off presumably to rejoin the group. Once more I was alone or so I thought.

Without warning, a violent tremor outside shook the temple knocking me off my hooves. Dust poured down as chunks of the ceiling rained down. I looked up in time to see the column I had been hiding behind falling toward me. I threw up my hooves and caught it, then carefully dropped it to my side.

"What in Equestria was that?" Rolling to my hooves I ran out of the temple's entrance charging through the fallen rubble in my way while ignoring the falling debris that shattered against my back and head. Reaching the entrance, I gasped in astonishment.

Standing in front of me was the enormous black hooves of a gigantic buffalo. Craning my neck upwards, I saw he was as tall as the butte. The tip of his horns seemed to pierce the moon and his black coat covered the sky like a curtain.

With a series of thundering tremors, the gargantuan buffalo took several steps back. He lowered his head pointing his horns at the butte.

"Just when I thought tonight couldn't get any worse."

Third Pony POV.

Rainbow Dash banked sharply as the enormous cloud of smoke appeared. As soon as she was clear, she turned around and gasped in shock.

"Holy Celestia! What is that?" Wasting no time, she raced back to warn the girls. She found them along with the rest of the search party in the same state of shock.

"Rainbow Dash! What's going on?" Twilight asked her as swooped down into a hover.

"I don't know, that huge buffalo just appeared out of nowhere," Rainbow said completely dumbfounded.

"It is Gnaskiyan!" One of the buffalo said. "The bringer of havoc and destruction."

"That's bad right?" Rainbow asked. In the distance, Gnaskiyan charged the butte sending the entire top tumbling over the side.

"Yes, very bad." The buffalo confirmed. Sheriff Silverstar marched up to Chief Thunderhooves.

"So this was your plan all along huh?" He pointed his hoof in accusation.

"Our Plan? I knew nothing about this?" Chief Thunderhooves snorted.

"Yeah, right, y'all were probably planning on sending this big galloot to flatten Appleloosa!"

"Oh, please if we wanted to flatten your pathetic little town, we'd have done it ourselves."

"Uh, guys," Twilight called out to them, but neither paid her any notice.

"So you admit it then? A'h knew we couldn't trust your kind."

"The feeling is mutual." Chief Thunderhooves replied, his large face nearly nose to nose with Silver Star.

"Guys," Twilight spoke once more. But they continued to ignore her.

"GUYS!" A piercing shriek silenced the argument. The entire group turned to look at Fluttershy.

"Um, I think Twilight has something she'd like to say," the yellow pegasus said softly. "Go ahead Twilight."

"Uh, thank you Fluttershy," Twilight said still somewhat in shock at the volume of her normally shy friend's voice. "Ahem, listen, this is no time to be arguing amongst ourselves. If we're going to have a chance at stopping this," She turned to the buffalo that had spoken earlier. "What did you say his name was?"

"Gnaskiyan," He answered simply.

"Right thank you," Twilight nodded her head in gratitude. "If we're going to stop Gnaskiyan, we're going to have to work together." She narrowed her eyes at both of them. "That means this whole land dispute ends now. Got it?"

Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves both looked at each other. Neither looked completely comfortable with the idea.

"Fine," Silverstar turned his head away.

"Sigh, very well." The Chief sighed. "So what do we do?" Twilight smiled and turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash, head back to Appleloosa and warn everypony what's coming." She said. "Then find Spike, we'll need him to contact Princess Celestia so she can bring the Elements of Harmony to Appleloosa.

"On it!" Rainbow saluted and took off in the direction of the town.

"Fluttershy go with the Chief back to the village and warn the rest of Buffalo."

"Okay," The yellow Pegasus nodded and flew off.

"The rest of you stay close to me, we're gonna try to find a way to slow him down if at all possible."

"Twilight, dear how are we going to do that if you don't mind me asking?" Rarity eloquently inquired just before another deafening crash filled the air. Everypony and buffalo looked up to see another section of the butte come tumbling down from Gnasiyan's striking it.

"I, don't know yet, but I'll do my best to think of something." Twilight reluctantly admitted.

"Ooo," Pinkie Pie bounced up and down waving one hoof in the air. "Why don't we let the comet help?" She suggested.

"And what makes you think it would want to help?" Sheriff Silverstar asked doubtfully. Pinkie Pie grabbed his head in her hooves and pointed it upward.

"Because it's right there silly," She giggled. From the rising dust cloud emerged the Red Comet streaking into the sky. Sheriff Silverstar's jaw hit the desert floor.

"Just don't ask Sheriff, trust me," Twilight said.

Comet's POV.

I can with utmost certainty that I was not expecting to be facing a buffalo the size of a mesa when I decided to sneak out of bed tonight. But I suppose that's what I get for sneaking around the adult's backs. I wasn't sure where he had come from or what he wanted. But I couldn't allow him to destroy that mesa while Little Strongheart might be inside.

Banking into a 180-degree turn, I raced toward him aligning my trajectory with his head which was big enough to fit onto the side of a mountain. As I closed in, I cocked my hindlegs inward and pivoted on my outstretched foreleg aiming for the side of his face.



Immediately his head snapped back as he staggered to his left, his knees struggling to regain balance. To my surprise, however, he quickly steadied his stance and shook his head. He glared at me with burning red eyes and snorted a cloud of black smoke from his nostrils.

"What trickery is this? A flaming star?"

A sinister grin as wide as Appleloosa's main street spread across his face as he let out a booming peel of laughter.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Is that the best you can do Great Spirit? A firefly? The buffalo's faith in you has clearly waned if this is the extent of your resistance!"

"What gives? That blow should've knocked him on his side." A closer look with my aura vision revealed why. His massive hooves were drawing in lines of magic from the rubble he'd knocked down from the cliffside. "He grows stronger each time he destroys something. If he gets to Appleloosa...Well, I'm not gonna let that happen." I charged forward like an angry wasp, hitting him with blow after blow from every angle. Hoofjabs, uppercuts, double hind flying kicks, every attack I could think of. The titan staggered and stumbled, the bones on his necklace rattling with every blow, but his hooves stayed firmly planted.

ENOUGH!!! He roared with such volume that it threw me into a tailspin. I grow bored with your annoying antics! I will swat you like the horsefly you are! Then I will turn this land into my stampeding ground!"

He raised his forehoof out summoning forth a black staff as large as a tree. He raised it high above his head in front of the moon. The black gem set in the head began to crackle with arcs of lightning as dark clouds formed around it. It looked strong enough to scorch this entire area to ashes. As the lightning began to build stronger and stronger I raced toward it, my eyes frantically surveying the. surface for just the right spot. If I could find its softest point and strike it with enough force, it would hopefully shatter into pieces rendering it useless. Before I find it, however, the Buffalo cried out



A shower of bolts washed over me, blinding me with their brilliant light. The current raced through my body causing my mane and tail to stand on end and leaving the rest of my body feeling like it was only fire. The deafening crackle of thunder rippled through my ears as I struggled to regain my senses.


Then I felt a wall of gemstone hit me across the side sending me plummeting into the ground like a meteor. When he said he was gonna swat me like a fly he meant it. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't going to go squish so easily. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't going to stop him from trying as his house-sized hoof came down on the crater I was in.


Third Pony POV.


"Wake up! Wake up!" Braeburn pounded frantically on every door he passed. He didn't bother to wait for somepony to answer. He just galloped on to next door. In a short amount of time, he had managed to gather a considerable crowd of irritable sleep-deprived townsponies onto the main street.

"First of all, Ah'd like to apologize for waking you all up at this hour. A'h wouldn't have done it if it wasn't important."

"Well, out with it then," An impatient stallion demanded.

Braeburn took in a deep breath and exhaled, only to be cut off by a blinding flash of multicolored light followed by a rumbling boom. All eyes turned to the sky as a rainbow appeared from the explosion heading towards the town. It passed above the main street and then stopped suddenly above the crowd.

"Listen up everypony, Rainbow Dash said in her authoritative tone, we need to evacuate Appleloosa right now."

Several townsponies gasped in shock, while others muttered to those standing closest to them.

"Evacuate Appleloosa? What for?" Braeburn asked. At that moment, a distant flash of lightning illuminated an enormous black shadow across the side of a butte.

"That's what for," Dash answered.

"Little Strongheart sat next to Miracle Star in front of the ruins of the fallen statue. The fallen half of its broken face stared back at her with one eye. The young buffalo looked back, guilt written all over her face.

"It's all my fault," She bemoaned. "You told me the trial was one of temptation, and I gave in."

"No, it's all your fault young one." Miracle Star said. "Part of the blame lies with me."

"For thinking I was worthy of taking the trials?" Little Strongheart said believing what was on the spirit's mind.

"No," Miracle Star replied sharply. "For not telling you the whole story."

Little Strongheart looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"That name and voice Gnaskiyan used, White Lightning Cloud. He was my twin brother."

Little Strongheart's jaw fell open. "Your brother?" Miracle Star nodded her head silently.

"From the day we were born, we were inseparable," She said with an air of sadness. "We did everything together, He wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend in the world."

Little Strongheart looked away, her ears drooping as she looked into the stone eye of the statue's face. "What happened to him?" She finally asked. Miracle Star closed her eyes as if reaching into a painful part of her visible soul.

"On the day we both came of age, the then champion came to our village. He was old and grey and he knew his time was soon at an end. He told the Chief that he had recently had a vision that showed him that his successor was in our village. Every buffalo gathered in the center of the village. The champion walked around looking at everyone he passed by. Then he stopped, his old eyes fell upon my family. He looked at my parents, and then at my brother and me. Then he raised his forehoof and pointed at me. 'This one,' he said, 'She is the one I saw in my vision. She will take the trials.' I didn't know what to say. Every buffalo in the village was so excited, they all wished me luck."

"As you might expect, I ended up passing the trials and when I returned home it was a cause for celebration. My parents, our Chief, the village elders, everyone congratulated me and told me how what I was chosen to do was a great honor. The only one who wasn't celebrating was my brother. When I asked him what was wrong, he simply shrugged and said 'nothing."

"I didn't realize it at the time, but White Lightning Cloud was envious. He felt betrayed and left behind. As tales of my deeds spread throughout the Badlands, his feelings of neglect and inadequacy grew. Finally, he came here searching for some way to become as powerful as I had. And unfortunately, his hatred and envy attracted the attention of Gnaskiyan.
He made my brother a deal, In exchange for becoming his vessel on this plane, he would become more powerful than I."

Ghostly tears fell from her eyes, rolling down her until they fell off and dissipated into smoke.

"And my brother...accepted. He became an unstoppable force of destruction that caused death and devastation wherever he went. And as champion, I knew it was my duty to stop him."

"What ended up happening?" Little Strongheart asked hesitantly. Miracle Star closed her eyes and took in an ethereal breath.

"At the time I did not know of my brother's actions. I just knew that as long as Gnaskiyan was free, the world would remain in peril. I fought him while the previous champion prepared a ritual that would seal Gnaskiyan up. The ritual succeeded at the cost of his own life. It was only afterward that I learned of what White Lightning Cloud had done. He became a pariah in our village to the point that our parents disowned him. Meanwhile, I was celebrated as a hero. I could not stay there anymore." Eventually, when my time came close, I received a vision as well. A pair of siblings, one of whom would be my successor. I could not bring myself to separate them the way I had been from my brother and so I passed on without taking a successor. As punishment, I was condemned to haunt this place until a worthy successor came."

"Wow," Little Strongheart said. "I never would have imagined your life would've been so painful. I'm not saying that spirits don't have feelings because you do but..."

"It is okay, young one. I understand what you are trying to say. What matters now is stopping Gnaskiyan, that is if you are still up for it?"

"Stop him how?" Little Strongheart asked incredulously. "He destroyed the bracers and the jar."

Miracle Star smiled slyly. "The magic of Tatanka does not flow from the bracers, but into them." She pointed at Little Strongheart's chest. "From the purest heart."

"No no, that can't be right." Little Strongheart shook her head protestingly. "I gave into temptation, I failed the trials, I can't be pure of heart."

"You fell for Gnaskiyan's deception out of a desire to help my brother. That does not make you impure of heart, just naive of mind." Miracle Star said knocking on Little Strongheart's head with her hoof. "Besides, I believe every creature deserves a second chance to make amends for their mistakes."

Little Strongheart still wasn't quite convinced. "What if it doesn't work? What if I'm not worthy."

"There is only one way to know for sure," Miracle Star said.

"And that is?" Little Strongheart asked. The White Buffalo walked forward and turned to face her.

"Stand up straight, hold your head up, and stomp your forehooves like this." She raised one knee and stomped. She did the same with the other leg, then the first one again. Her hooves stamping out a rhythm. "Now you try."

Little Strongheart raised her knee up and hesitantly brought it down. She repeated this with the other leg.

"Okay it seems you have the rhythm down, Now this time do it with your eyes closed and repeat after me."

Little Strongheart closed her eyes and listened as Miracle Star performed a chanting. "Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk"

"Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk Inuk Chuk!" She repeated after her, the sounds of their hoofsteps on the stone hammered out the beat as Miracle Star began to chant faster.

"Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk, Inuk Chuk," Little Strongheart followed her stamping her hooves faster her hind legs instinctively joining in the beat. From the ruins of the statue, an ethereal white light shone from inside the rubble. The stone beneath shifted and fell as the light rose from the ruin in the form of a ball. Like an arrow, it homed in on Little Strongheart.

Immediately the young calf felt a surge of warmth rush through her body. Every nerve tingled as she felt it race through her body. Unbeknownst to her, her coat was changing from brown to white. Bands of light enveloped her shins forming a pair of silver bracers with turquoise stones. Another band of light enveloped her neck forming a silver necklace with a turquoise pendant. Her muscles bulged and expanded as she felt the ground beneath her shake with every stomp of her growing hooves.

"Yes, you are doing it!" Miracle Star cheered. "Keep it up!" Little Strongheart gritted her teeth as she felt the magic inside her building, reshaping her body.

"Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk! Inuk Chuk Inuk Chuk!"

With every stomp, the bulging feeling grew stronger, the crashes louder. She could feel whatever force was holding back the magic growing weaker. Her voice deepened as it neared critical mass.


With one final surge the dam holding back the magic burst. Little Strongheart clenched her teeth as she felt herself rising higher and higher into the air even as her hooves remained on the ground. Her heart raced faster and faster as every bone lengthened and every muscle swelled. Her horns grew longer, curving outward as her head sprouted further and further upward. The flooding sensation continued for what felt like an eternity but suddenly faded as quickly as it came. Little Strongheart opened her eyes and looked down to find the ground was a lot farther away than it was before. Two enormous tree trunks covered in white shaggy hair stretched down from her vantage point. The debris left over from the statue closer resembled the smaller replica that was once inside.

"WHOA! What just happened!" Her voice several octaves deeper echoed through the air.

"I believe you just proved yourself worthy," a small voice squeaked. A tiny puff of white smoke rose on her snout revealing the tiny figure of Miracle Star. "My you certainly got big didn't you, almost as big as I was in my day."

"Ugh, my head feels really sore," Her voice rippled through the air as she reached out to rub her horns. Little Strongheart's eyes, already the size of telescope lenses, bulged out as she ran the length of her fully-grown horn.

"My horns! They grew too!" She cried out a step in astonishment as she stumbled backward. She heard something crumble beneath her hind leg.

"What was that?"
She turned around slowly and looked down to see a massive hoofprint driven into the stone floor.

"Whoops, sorry." She blushed and grinned sheepishly. "Guess I'm gonna have to practice watching where I step."

Miracle Star laughed heartily. "Oh ho ho don't sweat it, I caused my fair share of collateral damage back in my day. You'll get used to it. Right now though, we need to focus on stopping Gnaskiyan."

Little Strongheart's ears drooped down as she thought about what that entailed. Being a headstrong calf she was used to butting heads with others both figuratively and literally. But Gnaskiyan was something else entirely.

"What's wrong?" Miracle Star asked, noticing her uncertainty.

"I don't know if I'm ready to," The colossal calf admitted in her booming voice. "I mean yeah I passed the trials and I transformed and everything, but it still feels like I'm not ready yet."

The White Buffalo Cow placed her forehoof on the bridge of Little Strongheart's snout.

"Young one, no one is ever completely ready. I wasn't, nor was the champion that came before me. Not even Tatanka when he became the first champion. There's no number of trials to prepare you for everything life gonna throw at you. No amount of wisdom will tell you how to shoulder your burden. You've just got to learn to take what life throws at you. And when you get knocked down you get right back up. But I believe in you because you already showed me you possess the most important attribute of a champion. A strong heart."

Little Strongheart's enormous face lifted into a grin of determination as she held her head up high.

"You're right, it's time I stop doubting and start believing in myself."

A twinkling smile spread across Miracle Star's tiny muzzle. "Now that's the spirit of a true champion. Now just close your eyes and focus on where you want to go."

Little Strongheart did as instructed. The turquoise stones in her bracers shimmered as clouds of white smoke erupted from beneath her hooves. They spread up her towering legs and wrapped around her barrel covering her gargantuan form in thick smog. A flash of lightning illuminated her form before the smoke cleared leaving no sign of either of them.

Comet's POV

Darkness filled my vision as I felt the weight of a cliff bearing down on my shoulders. Every muscle in my body ached as I held back the massive black hoof that was threatening to plant me in the ground.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" The thunderous voice of the Black Buffalo boomed down on me.

"It seems you have some fight in you after all little star! But you cannot resist me forever!"
"Oh yeah, watch me," I said as I bent my hind knees into a squatting position. I could feel my energy building up inside me, coiling like a spring as I dug down deep. All those barrel-squat exercises were about to pay off.


With one powerful thrust of my glutes, I launched myself into the air pushing the hoof upward with such momentum that the Black Buffalo was thrown off balance. He stumbled backward on three hooves, his staff falling from his grip before tumbling over onto his back with a thunderous crash.


Now was my chance, as his weapon fell to the ground like a fallen tree, I charged hoof outstretched at the gem on top. I could see the soft spot. One hit would shatter it hopefully into harmless. Before my hoof could make contact, however, the staff suddenly flew away of its own will, leaving me with nothing to hit but the ground.


"Nice try little star! KENAHKIHINEN!"

I shook the dust out of my mane just as another bolt of lightning surged through my body pinning me to the ground. Every nerve felt like it was on fire. I could not move or stand, my hooves fused to the ground as the current passed through them. When it stopped, my entire body fell limp. What was wrong with me? I'd taken magic spells plenty of times before and they never left me drained like this before. The only other time I could think of was when I fought Nightmare Moon. But that was in my dreams, this was reality.

My thoughts were interrupted as a dark aura suddenly enveloped my body. Before I could comprehend what was happening, it levitated me off the ground and into the air. A snaking trail of magic tethered it to the staff pulling me closer like a fish on a line. The Black Buffalo rose to his hooves using his staff as a crutch. His smile gleamed with triumph as he brought me in closer. His already gigantic face seemed to only grow larger as he brought me in closer.

"What sorcery is this?" He said with a mix of surprise and fascination. His fiery red eyes bore into me as he studied me. "A pony inside of a flaming star? Clothed in strange garment no less. Fascinating! Tell me, what is your name, and how did you acquire such power?"

As the reality of my situation began to sink in, I realized there was no way for me to escape his grasp. Still, I wasn't about to give up so easily.

"I could ask you the same question," I said in defiance. His lips folded into a grin.

"A clever comeback." he said. "Very well, I will indulge. I am Gnaskiyan and this world will soon be my stampeding ground! Now tell me who are you?"

"I'm the colt that's gonna kick your hairy smelly butt when I get out of here," I said to his astonished face. His eyebrows each the size of a normal buffalo curved upward as his eyelids opened wide. He let out a booming laugh that rattled my eardrums.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I admire your spirit, and how exactly do you plan to do that?"

I closed my eyes and knelt my head. "Like this,"


I unleashed a flash of heat vision across the surface of my eyes, stunning Gnaskiyan in his tracks. His concentration broke as he threw up his foreleg to shield his eyes from the blinding light. His aura vanished freeing me from his captivity. I flew over his head and along his back. "Have to hurry, it won't be long before he regains his eyesight." I ascended into preparing to strike the stone one more time. "What the?" Suddenly a massive cloud of white smoke appeared out of nowhere, covering the area like a shroud. Claps of thunder echoed across the ground as another gigantic figure stepped forward out of the smoke. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw who it was.

Third Pony POV

"Little Strongheart?" Chief Thunderhooves's jaw hung open in disbelief.

"N-Not so l-little any-more." One of the buffalo standing next to him stammered in fear.

The Buffalo Princess stood as tall as a mesa butte, her coat as white as the clouds. She wore a pair of silver bracers on her forelegs and a silver pendant around her neck.

"Well, looks like we found her," Twilight said.

"And I must say she's certainly become a much snappier dresser," Rarity complimented. "I mean the way the silver and turquoise meshes with her new coat color is simply fabulous." The entire group stared at her. "What? I can't help if I have an eye for fashion."

"Gnaskiyan! I have come to stop you!" Her deep voice echoed across the badlands. Gnaskiyan still blinded by Apple Comet turned in the direction of her voice. As his vision slowly cleared he saw Little Strongheart standing before him with a determined expression. His face fell in astonishment.

"No, it can't be! I thought I destroyed those accursed artifacts!"

"Your rampage ends here!" She said with a snort as she lowered her head. "I won't let you terrorize this land!"

"Bold words for one so young! Very well, I will indulge you with one final defeat!"

With a wave, Gnaskiyan's staff vanished from his hoof in a puff of smoke. The Black Buffalo lowered his head to meet his opponent. He pawed his hoof and flared his nostrils. Little Strongheart looked back, her face unflinching. She wasn't intimidated by his display.



With a thunderous crash, their skulls met. Their towering legs kicked up enormous clouds of dust as the two fighters vied for dominance. Gnaskiyan held a clear size and strength advantage. Try as she might, Little Strongheart could not push him back. Her hooves carved deep trenches in the earth as she dug her heels in. With a raise of his head, Gnaskiyan threw her off balance and sent her crashing onto her side.


But Little Strongheart lived up to her name with her tenacity. As soon as she touched the ground, she instinctively rolled out of the way and rose to her feet. Without wasting a moment she charged her wither into Gnaskiyan's side and wrapped her forelegs around his. Using leverage and momentum, she shoved him off balance, sending him to the same ground he'd thrown her on.


"Wow, she's good," said Twilight.

Chief Thunderhooves sat back and smiled with pride. "I always told her those wrestling lessons would pay off someday." He said as he watched his gigantic daughter drive her knee into her opponent's exposed stomach. Gnaskiyan roared in pain as he thrashed about trying to get free. Little Strongheart seized the opportunity to deliver several more blows before the Black Buffalo threw her off. Once more he charged at her, but this time Little Strongheart was ready. This time instead of meeting him head-on, the Buffalo Princess pivoted on her forelegs delivering a powerful buck to his chin.


Gnaskiyan staggered as his head snapped back. Little Strongheart charged forward delivering a headbutt to the side of his head, sending him to the ground once more. Unfortunately for her, one of Gnaskiyan's hooves kicked out as he fell striking her in the side striking her in the jaw. Little Strongheart winced as struggled to keep her balance. Sensing his chance. Gnaskiyan lunged driving his head into hers. Still reeling and with her guard down. Little Strongheart was unable to stop his momentum and was driven into the side of a butte.

" An admirable effort child!" He said as he butted her deeper into the side of the rock formation. "But you...do not...stand...a chance...against...me!"

Little Strongheart gritted her teeth as each blow struck. She did her best to try and block the strikes with her forelegs, but with each blow, her footing weakened and she slumped back deeper into the butte.

"Oh, no Little Strongheart!" Chief Thunderhooves cried out as she slumped down on her side. Gnaskiyan continued his relentless assault goring and kicking her while she was down.

"We have to do something, she can't fight back!" Twilight shouted.

"Look, up in the sky!" Pinkie Pie pointed excitedly.

"It's the comet!" Rarity exclaimed as the comet flew towards the battle.

"No, no, no," Pinkie shook her head. "You're supposed to say the whole thing."

The others looked at her confused, but then just shrugged. Just Pinkie being Pinkie they thought.

Apple Comet's POV.

As soon as the shock of seeing Little Strongheart the size of a butte wore off, I flew up to a higher altitude to get a better view of the situation. Luckily, Gnaskiyan had forgotten about me for the moment as he focused his attention on his new opponent. The two of them fought. Their hoofsteps shook the earth beneath them. Gnaskiyan eventually gained the upper hoof driving her sideways into a butte. Realizing she needed my help, I dove back into the action. Gnaskiyan too busy headbutting his target didn't notice as I zeroed in on his left eye.


"GARRRGH!" The Black Buffalo let out a cry of pain as he brought one hoof up to his eye. With his one good eye, he glared daggers at me.

"You again! You'll pay for that!" He raised his hoof into the air, summoning his magic staff once again. I had him mad, that was good, now all I had to do was come up with a plan in the next 3.7 seconds before he started blasting.

"'XO-LOT-TAL!" The head of the staff erupted as a ball of fire flew out. It missed sailing right past me, then suddenly turned around to follow.

"What the?" I said as the ball of fire began to catch up.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha! Now you know what it's like to be pestered by an annoying fly!"

He held his staff outward again. "Here, have a few more." At his command several more flaming spheres appeared. One by one they flew towards me.

"Whoa!" I dodged as best as I could, but they easily matched my every move. It soon became obvious I was surrounded and outnumbered. Like Hydra's heads, they snaked around me simultaneously attacking from multiple directions. Their patterns formed a circular cage that was getting tighter with every pass. All the while, Gnaskiyan continued to add more.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha! That's right fly, fly around all you like. But pretty soon you won't have anywhere to fly. And when that happens..."

Unfortunately for Gnaskiyan, he was so busy gloating that he forgot the important lesson of not turning your back on your opponent. Giving Little Strongheart ample time to rise to her hooves.

RAM! With a thunderous charge, Little Strongheart slammed her head into the evil buffalo's err...backside. He cried out in pain, his forehoof releasing the staff from his grip as he stumbled forward. As it hit the ground the balls of fire dissipated.

Not wasting her chance, the buffalo princess jumped onto his back and grabbed hold of him by the horns. With her hind legs wrapped around his barrel, she shifted her weight forward to the side.


With a tremor that could be felt as far away as Appleloosa, the clashing titans hit the ground. Gnaskiyan thrashed his head violently trying to break his horns free of Little Strongheart's grip. Determined not to let her opponent escape, Little Strongheart held on tight, shifting all her weight to keep on his side.

"NOW, DO IT!" She called out.

"Is she talking to me?" I wondered out loud. regardless, I knew what she was referring to. And judging from his reaction, so was Gnaskiyan.

" NO!" The black buffalo roared as he saw flying head-on towards his staff. He thrashed violently struggling to free himself. Little Strongheart held on desperately with all her might. But eventually was thrown off by her stronger heavier opponent. Gnaskiyan rose to his hooves and reached out for the staff. Little Strongheart desperately struggled to stand as she saw his toes reaching for his weapon. By sheer adrenaline, she managed to stand and charge. But Gnaskiyan had already seen her coming and drove his head into her jaw. His horn plunged into her cheek turning her white coat red with her blood. In the distance, I heard the terrifying voice of Chief Tunderhooves call out his daughter's name.

"Little Strongheart No!" With blood pouring down the side of her head the buffalo princess fell to her knees.

Satisfied with his violent deed. Gnaskiyan pulled his blood-soaked horn from her face and reached down for his staff. He grasped it in his hoof and raised it high. As he pointed it in my direction, Little Strongheart in the throes of shock made one final charge. Her legs stumbled as drew close and her head missed Gnaskiyan. With a snarl, he turned and bucked her in the side of the head with his hind legs. Tired, beaten, and bloody, Little Strongheart fell to the ground. With a smirk, Gnaskiyan turned back to me. but his sadistic satisfaction turned to horror as my hoof made contact with the staff's headstone.


Third Pony POV.

Little Strongheart wearily lifted her head as the flaming star collided with Gnaskiyan's staff. The stone shattered into countless shards as the magic within exploded outward in a ball of blue lightning engulfing the flaming star. Out of the flash, the star emerged. Its fire extinguished it crashed into the depression she had left in White Horn Butte.

From the smoke rising from the head of the staff, Gnaskiyan's eyes burned with a barely contained rage.

"I must admit, I underestimated you two." He seethed tossing his now useless staff to the ground."Unfortunately for you, it did not change the outcome of our battle. His massive head leaned in close to her.

"Out of pity, I will let you live a little longer. So you can watch as I stampede everything you know and love into the earth. Unless of course, you are foolish enough to try and stop me."

He turned his back delivering one last kick to her barrel. "Let that be a reminder. Farewell Champion."

With that he galloped off, his towering legs shaking up clouds of dust from the earth as he stampeded off in the direction of Appleloosa.

"Everyone huddle together!" Twilight yelled as loud as she could. Her friends as well as Sheriff Silverstar and the Chief did as instructed. Twilight's eyes and horn lit up as willed her magic to reach out as far as she could.


With a flash and a pop, a dome of magenta magic engulfed the search party vanishing them into thin air just as Gnaskiyan's locomotive-sized hooves flattened the ground they had been standing on. The black bison paid them no mind and continued on his path of destruction.


"Phew that was close," Pinkie Pie said wiping her brow with relief.

"He's headed straight for Appleloosa!" Sheriff Silverstar cried out. "We have to stop him!"

"And how do you propose we do that?" One of the buffalo asked him.

Twilight Sparkle turned her gaze over to the fallen form of Little Strongheart. If anyone stood a chance at stopping Gnaskiyan it was her. "Follow me," she said before teleporting with another pop.

"Holy Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed understandably taken aback when she saw how big Little Strongheart was up close. The buffalo princess's head alone was the size of Applejack's barn. Her barrel resembled a hill covered in white hair. The pupils of her eyes were each as big as a full-grown buffalo.

"Ulp...h-hi there," Twilight offered up a trembling hoof wave. "L-Little Strongheart wasn't it? M-My name is Twilight Sparkle and m-my friends I was just wondering if you're gonna be okay?"

Little Strongheart slowly raised her head causing Twilight to step back. Her entire body felt sore up and down.

"That wound looks pretty serious," Twilight said noticing the gaping hole in the side of her face.

"We need to operate immediately," Pinkie Pie said suddenly appearing from behind dressed in a nurse outfit. Twilight reared back and let out a surprised neigh.

"Pinkie when did you get here?" She turned around to find the rest of the search party standing behind her.

"You aren't the only one who can teleport darling," Said Rarity as she stepped forward to take a closer look at Little Strongheart's injury. "Oh, dear look at what that horrible brute has done to your face!" She levitated a needle and spool from her saddlebags. "I'm afraid this is going to be nowhere near enough."

"I, have an idea, Pinkie said as she bounced over to Little Strongheart's chest. She withdrew a pair of candy cane-striped hedge trimmers and began furiously trimming away clumps of the giant buffalo's coat. Once she had enough she put the shears back inside her mane and tied the hair she had gathered with two large rubber bands. "Here try this," She said presenting the hair to Rarity.

"Hmm, a little unorthodox I must admit," the fashionista said examining the thick strands. "But it just might work. The only problem is whether or not my needle will be enough to pierce her skin.

"I gotcha," Twilight's raspberry aura took hold of the needle. With a poof, the needle had grown to the length of a rapier.

"Thank you Twilight, now I need you to hold the ends while I suture them together." Rarity said threading the hair through the large needle. Twilight seized the openings of the wound with her magic and brought them closer together.


Suddenly a bright red beam shot out of the mesa onto Little Strongheart's face. It quickly drew across the open wound cauterizing it shut as it went.

"What the?" Twilight turned around the beam finished its sweep.

"Chief look! the wound is gone." One of the buffalo pointed to the spot on Little Strongheart's cheek now just a scar on a burnt patch of bare skin.

WHOOSH! Out of the butte the red comet flew high into the sky.

"The flaming star!"

"It's going after Gnaskiyan!"

"Gnas...kiyan!" Little Strongheart winced as she tried to stand. Her sudden movement sent everyone running for cover.

"Where does she think she's going?" Sheriff Silverstar asked once they reached the safety of a field of rocks. Chief Thunderhooves regaining his composure stepped out from behind the rocks.

"LITTLE STRONGHEART! DAUGHTER! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" He shouted at the top of his voice.

"You don't have to shout Father," She whispered as she pushed herself up off the ground.

"Oh, sorry," He quickly apologized as his gigantic daughter slowly rose to her hooves."Listen to me..." he paused feeling suddenly uncertain of what to say.

"Father now is not the time for one of your scoldings. Besides, we both know you can't punish me right now."

Chief Thunderhooves felt a lump form in his throat. Seeing his daughter standing at her full height looking down on him with her enormous eyes bearing down made him realize how small he was next to her. He couldn't exactly send her to her tipi anymore.

"I-I." He felt himself shrinking under her gaze. "You're right, I can't. " He finally admitted. "You're not my little calf anymore. You're growing up."

"And up and up and up," Pinkie Pie added with a snort.

"You've clearly proved that you're ready to stampede your own trail in life. I just want to say, that I'm proud of you and I love you my Little Strongheart."

A single tear fell down Little Strongheart's cheek, hitting the desert ground with a splash.

"Thanks Dad, now stand back everyone, I've got some stampeding to do!"

"That's my little...er, I mean big girl."

Little Strongheart pawed the ground kicking up piles of earth. She snorted and let out a low bellow, then took off galloping. The thundering of her mighty hooves echoed through the night.

Apple Comet's POV.

I was still feeling drained after crashing through Gnaskiyan's scepter, but I couldn't stop and rest knowing Applejack and Braeburn were in danger. As long as I had my power, I wouldn't let any harm come to them. Catching up to Gnaskiyan had been the easy part. I had just followed the crater-sized hoofprints he'd left. Stopping him would be the challenge. After all, do you stop a rock formation with legs?

It was a question I didn't have time to ponder. Appleloosa was just over the next hill. The mood on the town's main street could best be described as panicky. And honestly, who could blame them? With a bison the size of a butte headed straight for them who wouldn't be? Ponies crowded into stagecoaches and carts, anything with wheels that could carry them as far away from the stampeding menace as possible.

It was now or never, I had to stop him here. Drawing upon every ounce of power I could muster, I rushed to close the gap. I locked onto the knee of his right foreleg and cocked my hindleg back.



With everything I had, I delivered a powerful flying side kick to his knee, sending the gargantuan goliath flying head over back into the hillside.


Every window in town shattered. Every shelf spilled its contents. Carts and wagons jumped into the air. In the orchard, apples rained from the branches covering the ground in their harvest. The evacuation of the town was brought to a complete halt as the townsponies looked up at the enormous clouds of dirt rising from the Macintosh Hills.

I managed to glide my way back to the orchard with my coma flickering like a candle in the wind. By chance, I happened to land beneath Bloomberg. To my shock and amazement, I found Applejack still sleeping soundly under the tree.

"Consarnit Bloomberg, how many times have A'h told ya not to go playing with dynamite?" She muttered to herself in her sleep. Ignoring what she had just said, I grabbed her wither and shook her.

"Applejack, Applejack wake up it's me Apple Comet. We need to get out of here right now."

She let out a deep yawn and proceeded to roll over onto her side. "That's nice Apple Comet, y'all can tell me about it in the morning."


The way things were going, Appleloosa wasn't going to make it to morning. Out of the rising dust, the long shadow of the black bison fell upon the orchard. His red eyes stared at me with the fury of a forest fire. The earth beneath me shook violently with every step as he lumbered forward slowly. I grabbed Applejack and threw her across my back. Unfortunately, she was much heavier than she usually was. I was only able to take a few steps before my legs gave out pinning me under her.

"APPLEJACK FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA WAKE UP!" I shouted as loud as I could. Applejack began to stir.

"Mmmm, y'all don't have to shout," She mumbled as her eyes opened. "Apple Comet, what in tarnation are y'all doing under there?" She looked up and noticed the obvious giant buffalo stomping toward the orchard.

"WHOA NELLIE!" She exclaimed.

It seemed hopeless. Gnaskiyan was headed straight for us. My solar energy was all but gone and by sunrise, Appleloosa would be nothing but a trail of hoofprints and rubble.


Suddenly, the enormous white figure of Little Strongheart appeared out of the dust. Gnaskiyan turned around just as the buffalo princess slammed her head into the side of his.


Caught off guard, Gnaskiyan could only stumble sideways as Little Strongheart followed up with a double kick off her hind legs.


The Black Buffalo tumbled sideways, his mass shaking the orchard to its foundation as he fell. The crackle of splintering timber and the rustle of falling leaves echoed all around us as the impact uprooted many trees. Little Strongheart wasted no time pinning Gnaskiyan to the ground.

"YOU'RE FINISHED!" She roared as she pointed her horns at the talisman around his neck.

" NO!" Realizing what she was about to do, Gnaskiyan kicked out violently with all fours.

Little Strongheart flew off landing on her back in the middle of the orchard. Her ridged back flattened the trees beneath her like a meteorite.


"WHAAAAAAAAAA!" Applejack cried as we were both sent airborne by the shockwave. Luckily Bloomberg was there to break our fall with his branches. "What did A'h miss?" While Applejack and I recovered our senses, Gnaskiyan staggered triumphantly to his hooves.

"Wrong calf, it is you who is finished. You and the rest of this pitiful world will be trampled beneath my hooves."

With bloodlust in his eyes, Gnaskiyan charged forward. His black and shiny horns pointed at Little Strongheart's neck. The Buffalo Princess reached for something dangling on one of her horns. Cusping it in her hoof she held it out in front of her as if it were a ward against evil.

" Including...this?" She asked holding up the talisman he had been wearing around his neck.

As soon as he saw it, Gnaskiyan's enormous face froze with terror. He tried to stop but his momentum was too great.


Like a battering ram to a gate, his horn collided with the object unleashing a massive flash of eerie green light that lit up the entire orchard.
"NOOOOOO CURRRRRSSSSSSE...YOUUUUUUUUUUUU...!!!!" The evil shaman screamed as the talisman's magic engulfed him. Everywhere for miles around the sky, the hills and the buttes were bathed in the ethereal glow.

And then it was gone. All that remained was a single ball of light that ascended into the sky and then vanished in Luna's tapestry. All was silent, Except for fields of hoofprints and the swath of destruction carved through the orchard, there was no sign of either of the giant buffalo.

"LITTLE STRONGHEART!" I cried as leaped out of the tree. I stopped only long enough to change out of my costume. Then I ran for the orchard as fast as I could muster. For the second time in my life, I knew what it meant to be physically tired. But I pressed my weary legs onward and kept on galloping. "Little Strongheart! Little Strongheart!"

"APPLE COMET WAIT UP!" Applejack called out behind me. But I kept on running and calling out to Little Strongheart.

"Little Strongheart! Little Strongheart! Little Strongheart!" I don't remember exactly when I lost consciousness. I just know that at some point, my legs gave out and my body followed suit.

Third Pony POV.

"Little Strongheart, wake up. Wake up." The Buffalo Princess slowly began to stir. She opened her weary eyes to find herself lying in a field of lush tallgrass. Standing above her was Miracle Star and a brown bull that seemed oddly familiar to her.

"M-Miracle Star?" She asked puzzled. "Where are we? What's going on?" She turned her attention to the bull. "And who are you?"

"Patience, patience all will be answered in due time. For your first question, I suggest you stand up. You can't see very much when you're lying down."

Little Strongheart rose to her hooves. She found that the aches and pains she had accumulated over her battle were gone.

"Whoa!" Beyond her, in every direction lay endless green plains stretching seemingly into the infinite. Everywhere she looked she saw buffalo. Herds upon herds upon herds of them. Some stampeded or butted heads, while others were simply content to graze and drink. "What is this place?"

"The Happy Grazing Ground." Said Miracle Star. "The reward promised to the buffalo who lived a virtuous life."

"So...I'm...dead?" Little Strongheart asked with hesitant dread.

"Dead? Hahahahahaha," Miracle and the Bull both laughed heartfully. "No of course not,"

Little Strongheart breathed a sigh of relief. "Then why am I here?"

"We just wanted to congratulate you one last time for completing the trials." Miracle said.

"And to thank you for all you've done." The Bull added. Little Strongheart swore she had heard his voice before.

"Have we met before?" She asked him.

"We have spoken," He said. "But my tongue was not my own. I'm White Lightning Cloud."

Immediately everything clicked. "You're her brother, but I thought that you were..." She stopped when noticed he appeared uncomfortable. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"No it is alright, I understand." He said. "You have a right to feel distrustful. I just wanted to thank you for freeing me from Gnaskiyan's possession. You have no idea how it feels to finally be free after so many centuries."

Little Strongheart smiled and said, "I forgive you. so what happens now?"

"That is up to you now," Miracle Star said placing her hoof on Little Strongheart's wither. "This is where we say goodbye. The role of the champion is yours now. I know you will do us and your tribe proud."

Little Strongheart knelt her head down. "I'll try to do my best." She said.

"That's all the Great Spirit can ask of you," Miracle Star smiled and said. "Farewell Little Strongheart " The two siblings turned and slowly walked off into the distance. Little Strongheart felt exhaustion overtake once more and she fell onto her side.

Comet's POV.

I awoke the next afternoon to the sounds of intensive labor. As I threw off the covers, I found myself surrounded by a conical canvas wrapped around wooden poles. I was inside a tipi. I looked down to find the bed I'd been sleeping in was little more than I blanket and pillow on the floor. As I examined the pattern on the canvas, my X-ray vision suddenly returned. A pair of work ponies were tying a rope around the trunk of an uprooted tree.

"Okay pull 'er up." One of them said to a buffalo holding the rope indicating the rope was properly tied. The buffalo nodded and pulled the fallen tree upright. Around the rest of the orchard, other groups worked removing fallen trees, planting seeds, and repairing broken fences.

As I stood up, I noticed Applejack walking over to my tent, carrying a tray with a plate of eggs, haycon, toast, and a glass of apple juice. Deciding I could do with a bite to eat, I made my temporary bed and stretched my legs.

"A'h good y'all are awake," Applejack said settling the tray down in front of me. "A'h was just coming to check up on you."

"What's going on Applejack," I asked. "How come the buffalo are helping rebuild the orchard?"

Applejack just winked at me and said, "Why don't y'all come out and A'h'll explain everything. After you've had some grub of course." My stomach couldn't argue with that logic.

One clean plate later, we were heading back to Braeburn's house. Along the way, Applejack explained what had happened while I was out.

"So in the end, both sides reached an agreement. The buffalo would help us rebuild Appleloosa and provide tipis to those whose homes were damaged during the battle. In return, we agreed to clear them a path through the orchard for them to stampede."

"That's great," I said. "What about Little Strongheart? Did anyone find out what happened to her?"

Applejack noticing the concern on my face placed her hoof on my shoulder. "She's alright Sugarcube. The Buffalo found her early this morning." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where was she?" I pressed further.

"Believe it or not, asleep in the Chief's tipi. Back down to normal size too. No one knows quite how she got there."

I smirked and shook my head. Whatever, just one more unexplainable phenomenon in a day filled with them.

The town's main street was abuzz with activity. Buffalo and Ponies working side by side to clean up the mess. Construction crews worked on repairing the damaged buildings. Those that were condemned were knocked down by the buffalo to be replaced. Wagons would haul away the debris when they were done.

Local businesses pitched in to help as well. The Town Doctor had moved his practice outside and was treated on-the-job injuries with what looked like a buffalo medicine cow. The Saloon Keeper was giving out buckets filled with sasparilla, probably baled out of his flooded cellar. The General Store Owner was donating his inventory to those who had lost valuable possessions. The local Undertaker was very busy. Thankfully his caskets were only being used for spare wood.

"It's amazing," I said breathlessly. "Both sides are coming together to help one another."

"Eyup," Applejack said with a hint of pride from seeing folks working hard together. "Soon as Twilight heard about what had happened she got everypony and buffalo organized." Up ahead the purple unicorn and Spike were supervising a group of work ponies rebuilding the schoolhouse. "How's everything coming along Twilight?"

"Great," She said with much enthusiasm. " So far, everything's running on schedule, I can't wait to file my report to Princess Celestia."

"One job at a time," Applejack chuckled. "Let's focus on fixing the town up first."

"Oh, right, of course." I felt my heart flutter as her violet eyes looked at me. "Apple Comet you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, um, fine, just fine, fit as a fiddle in fact," I answered in the most awkward way possible.

"Are you sure? Spike asked gesturing to his cheeks. "Your face looks a little red to me." His pointy baby teeth flashed a knowing grin. So that's how he wanted to play it huh? Luckily at that moment, Rarity happened to be walking by carrying a roll of tapestry in her magic.

"No more than yours," I said pointing over to the fashionista. He looked over and immediately got that lovey-dovey expression on his face. His scaly tail swished back and forth.

"Well, that's good to know," Twilight smiled and said. She turned back to Applejack. "If you'll excuse us, we need to get back to work. We can catch up later. Come along, Spike." The drake followed her but his head stayed over his shoulder following Rarity's curly tail. He ended up walking head over heels into a trough.


We ended up staying in Appleloosa for another three days due to the railroad being out of service. That didn't bother me that much since the work helped to pass the time. Because of my age, I was stuck doing chores with the other foals as well as a few buffalo calves. I made friends with many of them. The most popular topic was Little Strongheart and the Flaming Star. About how they saved the town, and how cool they were. They would often take turns pretending to us. One buffalo calf even jumped in a barrel of flour to look white. She ended up being chased by an understandably angry baker. I joined in a couple of times. It felt strange pretending I was enjoying reenacting a battle that had been anything but fun for me.

The day before we left, Pinkie Pie threw a party for everyone in town. The main street was decorated with banners and balloons. Tables and stands were set up with all sorts of delicious food. And a large stage was built at the end of the street.

As the sun began to set, a crowd began to gather at the front of the stage. Behind the curtain, the crew was working feverishly to get everything ready.

"Y'all set to go Braeburn?" Applejack asked. Braeburn had been given the honor of giving a speech about what everyone had supposedly learned from these last few days.

"Ready and rooting," He answered. "Got my speech right here," He reached into his vest pocket only to find it empty. "Huh that's strange, maybe A'h kept in my hat."

"Uh, Cousin Braeburn, did you check your other pocket?" I politely suggested. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out a set of papers.

"Oh right, thanks Cousin Apple Comet," He said embarrassingly putting his hat back on. The crowd cheered as Chief Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silverstar introduced him.

"A'h thinks that's your cue," Applejack said nudging him with her knee. "Chip a hoof,"

Braeburn smiled and straightened his hat one more time. With a confident trot, he walked out past the Sheriff and the Chief.

"How is she?" The Chief asked as soon as he and Silverstar were behind the curtain. His normally surly face looked concerned.

"Still the same as before," Twilight answered looking over at the dressing booth door.

"Hmm, I see." He said before walking up to the door and gently knocking. "Little Strongheart, Meadow Lily is everything alright in there?"

"Sigh, Father would you please not call me that? It's so embarrassing." She groaned.

"Oh, sorry," He said looking away bashfully. "Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?"

Little Strongheart took in a deep breath and rested her head in her hooves. "I don't know if I can go through it," she admitted. "All those eyes watching me."

"Not go through with it?" He replied incredulously. "But you're the guest of honor everyone's expecting you."

"Ughhhh! You're not helping!" Chief Thunderhooves cautiously backed away. It was clear this was a job for someone who knew how she felt.

"Umm...excuse me, Chief?" I said in my most innocent colt tone of voice. He looked down at me. "I was wondering if I could say something real quick to her." His expression told me he was unimpressed.

"Look, kid, you seem nice and all, But now is not a good time."

"I'll be really quick, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye." He still didn't look convinced.

"What was that?" he asked.

"It's a Pinkie Promise!"

"GAHHH! Both of us screamed as Pinkie Pie poked her head out of Chief Thunderhooves' headdress.

"Pinkie Pie! Where did you come from?" I asked. The door to the dressing room flung open.

"What's going on out here?" Little Strongheart asked.

"I was just coming back to check how things were going and I overheard somepony making a Pinkie Promise." The Pink Party Planner said. "So I thought I'd help explain."

"Would you please get out of my headdress?" Chief Thunderhooves asked gruffly.

"Okie Dokie," Pinkie Pie leaped out of the headdress landing on her front hooves and transitioning into a cartwheel.

"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it," I told him.

"Make it quick," he said shaking his head as he walked away.

"What did you want to tell me?" She asked me. We'd already met earlier the day before when Appleloosa and the Buffalo signed a treaty agreeing to share the land.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving the town," I told her. "I know you probably heard that a lot already. It's just my cousin Braeburn's house is right next to the orchard." Her eyes widened in shock. "You're the reason he and the rest of the settler ponies could be here tonight to celebrate." She ran her forehoof across the scar on her cheek.

"Thank you," she said softly, her cheeks turning rosy red.

"I thought it was pretty cool how you kicked Gnaskiyan's butt," I continued. She smiled softly and looked away.

"Yeah, well I had a little help from a friend," She admitted. "I'm gonna be honest, ever since all this happened, I've been praised by everyone who walks up to me. Father's always going on about how proud he is of me. And the same with ponies as well. They all walk to me and shake my hoof. Tell me how I'm a hero and how great I am. It's gotten to the point where I don't know who I am anymore." She stopped when she noticed Chief Thunderhooves standing behind me. "Father."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," He said looking with a look of guilt. "I came back to see if you were feeling better and well I...umm ."

Little Strongheart huffed and turned her head. "You overheard huh?"

"Daughter, I'm sorry. I guess I was so proud of what you'd done, I never stopped to think about how it was affecting you. I just want you to know that none of it changes anything between us. You may be the White Buffalo, but you're still my daughter, and I love you."

Little Strongheart turned around, a tear running down her cheek. "Father,"

"Can you forgive an old stubborn bull?" He asked. Without hesitating, she threw her forelegs around him in an embrace.

"Of course I can." She said as he put his foreleg over her. The two laughed heartedly as the crowd applauded.

"Everything okay back there?" Braeburn asked as he walked through the curtain.

Chief Thunderhooves and his daughter both looked at him.

"Everything's just fine." He said.

"Oh, well that's good," Braeburn said relieved.

"And now the moment you have all been waiting for, here she is, Little Strongheart!" The crowd whooped and hollered with excitement.

Little Strongheart looked up at her father and smiled. "I'm ready she said. It looked like my work here was done. I quickly made my exit.

Third Pony POV.

Little Strongheart quietly stepped out from behind the curtain. She smiled and waved graciously before trotting over to the podium. The excitement of the crowd more closely resembled a concert rather than a speech.

"Ahem, testing 1,2" She tapped the microphone with her hoof. The feedback echoing from the speakers brought the cheering down to anxious whispers.

"Thank you, I'm not one accustomed to really being in the spotlight." She looked up at the spotlights hanging from the rafters.

"These last few days have been...really hard to describe I'm not gonna lie." She let out a nervous laugh. Several in the crowd laughed along.

"We've faced events that seemed so strange, it felt almost like a dream. We've seen our homes and livelihoods damaged. Our way of life was nearly brought to an end. But we also realized something else. Before all this happened, we were locked in a bitter feud over this land on which we stand.

Our differences seemed irreconcilable. Until we were shown how small we really are in this world, myself included in case any of you were wondering. Over the past few days, I've seen buffalo and pony come together in the face of hardship. We've sheltered neighbors who lost their homes. We've mended fences both figuratively and literally. But most important of all, we've built a friendship where there was once animosity. That friendship is something that stands taller and stronger than either Gnaskiyan or me.

In closing, I'd like to leave you with some words of wisdom someone once told me. No one is ever completely ready. I wasn't when I became the white buffalo. Neither was the one who before me or the one who came before her, and so on. No number of trials will prepare you for everything life gonna throw at you. No amount of wisdom will tell you how to shoulder your burden. You've just got to learn to take what life throws at you. And when you get knocked down you get right back up. But I believe in you all because you all have shown me that together this town possesses the most important attribute of a champion. A strong heart. So stand tall, stand strong, and most importantly stand by one another. In doing so you will tower above all obstacles. Thank you."

The crowd erupted into uproarious applause. The thundering of clapping hooves shook the ground. Little Strongheart watched as the sun dipped behind the distant hills.


At that moment, a fiery streak of light suddenly appeared overhead.

"Look! Up in the sky!" She heard somepony cry out.

"It's the Flaming Star!" She heard a young buffalo say as the object changed its direction toward the orchard.

Little Strongheart smiled as she looked up at the shimmering trail it left behind.

"Thanks for the strudel, friend." She said.

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