• Published 13th Jan 2017
  • 3,791 Views, 339 Comments

Comet The Colt of Steel - Stallion of Steel

Rocketed to Equis from the dying planet Kolton a young foal is taken in by the Apples. As he grows to maturity he discovers he has powers far beyond those of mortal ponies. Join him as he learns what he is and what it truly means to be a hero.

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The Comet, the Dragon and the Owl.

To say my life was turned upside down after I was released from the hospital, would be an understatement. While I was out, news had spread all over Equestria of the colt who'd been 'abducted' by a comet. The doctors and nurses had to keep the press out and limited visitation to family members only. To make sure my recovery went undisturbed. This did not stop them from questioning me about it. Every time I stuck to my story about not remembering anything. The doctors eventually chalked it up to an acute stress-induced loss of consciousness. While the other patients in the foal ward quickly settled on alien abduction. Ugh, I never wanted to hear the word 'probe' in a prepubescent voice ever again.

"It's not funny Apple Bloom!" I snapped as we trotted down the hallway toward the entrance. My younger sister begged to differ as tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks. Her legs wobbled and swayed as she tried her hardest not to fall laughing.

"Bu-huh-huh-huh-ut it ha-ha-is, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" I let out a groan of frustration and rolled my eyes. Such an outdated stereotype. Never in my life had I felt the urge to abduct somepony just so I could insert a scientific instrument into their lower gastrointestinal orifice. Applejack and Granny Smith barely suppressed a chuckle while Big Mac just rolled his withers and kept on trotting.

The moment we stepped hoof into the reception area my eyes narrowed. Like many reception areas, there was plenty of reading material on hoof. Unlike most reception areas, however, the ponies that were forced to sit and wait were interested in what they were reading about.


Mayor annouces comet curfew for foals


City remains on high alert


Erratic flight pattern baffles experts


Exclusive interview with all the gruesome details Pages 2-8

The last one, which was from The Equestria Enquirer showed an altered photo of me standing next to a tall faceless green-skinned creature in a suit. Eyes bugged out, mouth hanging open, mane and tail standing on end. Crudely pasted above me was a flying saucer inside a comet's body. My eyes glowed red as I grit my teeth in anger.


"EEEEEK" Lyra Heartstrings let out a shriek as the tabloid spontaneously combusted, the ink and paper turning to black ash. My eyes reverted to normal before anyone saw me. The reception area fell silent. Everypony stopped what they were doing and looked at the mint green unicorn staring down at the ashes falling to the floor. Bulk Biceps slowly and nervously folded and slid the newspaper he'd been reading back into the rack.

"Let's just go," I hissed venomously walking toward the exit with my head hanging down and my ears pointed back.

The ride back to the farm was uncomfortably silent, to say the least. I kept my head down the entire ride, buried in Applejack's hat. Not a very convincing disguise, but fortunately luck was on my side as the gossip-hungry populace of Ponyville had collectively buried their muzzles in whatever publication about me they could get their hooves on to notice us.

"I always had a bad feeling about that comet Mootilda," I heard Daisy Jo say.

"I know what you mean Daisy," said Mootilda. "I still shudder when I think about what happened that day."

"Filthy Dear I'm worried," Spoiled Rich huddled close to her husband. "What if the comet decides to abduct our little Diamond next?"

"Not for all the bits you're worth," I muttered under my breath.

"Not to worry dear," He assured her, "Our daughter is perfectly safe right where she is in the family panic room. "

I chuckled a little at the thought of Diamond Tiara locked in a concrete box bored out of her skull from having nothing to do.

"I heard ponies say it's the beginning of an alien invasion," Daisy whispered to Roseluck. "What with the big meteor shower coming up soon."

Aw, ponyfeathers! I'd forgotten all about the meteor shower. Of all the times for my powers to go into overdrive.

"Yeah, the comet was probably just a scout ship for the invasion fleet that's coming," Rose said in agreement.

"We're doomed I tell you DOOMED!" Lily shrieked before promptly fainting.

"Calm down, Apple Comet, calm down," I told myself. "This is all just hysteria, everyone will forget about it once the meteor shower passes. Then everyone in Equestria will see it was just a meteor shower. Nothing more than chunks of rock and metal drifting through space. Hahahahahaha!" My left twitched violently as if to tell me I was full of manure.

"Are y'all alright Apple Comet?" Apple Bloom lifted the hat to get a better look at me. She gasped as soon as she got a look at my face. In her eyes, I saw the reflection of a colt smiling at her like a giggling twitching idiot.

"Oh, I'm fine Sis," I said in a sing-song voice. "Just fine, everything is fine, yep I haven't got a care in the world."

Apple Bloom wisely put the hat back down and scooted a seat away. "Oo...kay, good to hear that."

🎢 "Just another day in Ponyville, a regular day in Ponyville, a beautiful day in Ponyville, where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens."🎢 "Aw, who am I kidding?" I buried my face into my forehooves and proceeded to cry my eyes out.

"Apple Comet?" I felt Apple Bloom's hoof touch my shoulder. I looked up to see her looking at me with concern. I proceeded to gently pull her in close to me and hold her like a teddy bear. Her hooves wrapped around my neck as she patted me on the back. "There, there, it's okay, Ah'm here for ya," The scent of fresh apple blossoms in bloom filled my nostrils as she nuzzled me.

"Ah don't want to alarm anypony," Applejack said. "But A'h think we're starting to draw a scene." I looked up from Apple Bloom's shoulder to see several ponies in the vicinity staring at us. It made me feel even more vulnerable than yesterday.

"Hey isn't the colt from the newspapers?" One stallion asked.

"Hey, it is," A mare said instantly making the connection. The crowd drew in closer chattering amongst themselves with excitement. I hid my face behind Apple Bloom's chest.

"Mac, get us out of here!" Applejack hollered. Big Macintosh reared up on his hind legs, let out a loud neigh, and took off galloping as fast as he could. The crowd not satisfied with the amount of dignity they'd managed to strip from me, took off after us.

"Hey Wait!"

"Come back!"

"I just wanted to ask you a few questions about the spaceship!"

It was my worst nightmare come to life. The herd was relentless, hounding us like a pack of timberwolves. Fortunately, Big Macintosh was fast enough to keep them comfortably behind us. Except for the Pegasi of course.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Hearing the telltale clicking of a camera shutter, I looked up to see a trio of pegasi above us snapping pictures. My feelings of humiliation turned to a boiling rage. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

Before I could do something regretful, a cyan streak swatted the camera from one of the would-be paparazzi's hooves. It fell to the street where it smashed to pieces.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Hovering in front of them was the Element of Loyalty herself Rainbow Dash, looking as angry as I'd ever seen her. Startled Big Mac put the brakes on bringing the cart to a jerking stop. The mob that had been chasing us froze in their tracks. The street fell silent as everyone looked up at the pegasi floating muzzle to muzzle.

The stallion whose camera was smashed looked down in disbelief at broken bits and pieces lying on the ground. Then turned his attention and his anger toward Rainbow Dash. "What's the big idea? That camera cost me 500 bits!" He poked her chest with his hoof. "Ulp." He stopped when Rainbow grabbed him by the neck.

"That'll be nothing compared to your hospital bills if you don't leave right now." Rainbow's icy stare sent the stallion's heartbeat racing. His adrenaline levels rose as his pores began to sweat with fear.

"Alright, alright I get the message."

"Good now get." Rainbow released him and the stallion flew off as fast as he could. Rainbow Dash stared down at the other two.

"You can threaten us like this, we're the press!" One of them a yellow mare shouted at her.

Rainbow Dash leaned her face in eyes narrowed. "I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you. If I hear about you or any of your paparazzi friends bothering the Apple family, You'll wish you'd heeded it. Got it?" The yellow mare swallowed nervously and nodded to her. "Good, now get lost both of you!" The two pegasi nodded and flew off. Rainbow looked down at the crowd. "What are you all staring at? Go, get out of here!" The crowd dispersed. At that moment, I felt a flood of relief. My lips curled into a smile even as tears continued to flow down my cheeks.

Rainbow turned and fluttered down to the wagon. A concerned look in her eyes but a warm smile across her muzzle."You okay there sport?" She asked spreading her forelegs out. I happily leaped up and threw my legs around her like a teddy bear. Her sky-blue coat felt cool to the touch

"Thank you," I whispered shakingly. She gently ran her hoof down my back as our cheeks nuzzled together.
"No problem," She shrugged it off. "Just looking out for my friends is all."

"Couldn't've said it better myself," Applejack said.

"E'yup," Big Mac replied in his own way.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up. How about I take you to the library? I'm sure Twilight will be happy to see you." The smile on my face spread from cheek to cheek. I turned back to face my family.

"Go on," Granny Smith said. "You've more than earned some time to yourself. Just be back before supper,"

"I think I would like that very much," I said.

We touched down outside the front door of the library. Much to my disappointment, I saw Twilight in the basement frantically drawing notes on a large chalkboard. Underneath her twitching eyelids, her pupils were fully dilated and her mane was covered with split ends. The nearly empty pot of coffee surrounded by used coffee mugs clued me in.

"Oh boy,"

"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"You just said oh boy." The sky-blue pegasus raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh... yeah as in...oh boy I'm so excited to be here?" I said giving the most obvious fake smile. Rainbow stared for a moment then proceeded to knock on the door.

"Coming! Coming!" Spike called out as he ran down the stairs to the door. A hooful of gems in one claw, a rolled-up comic book in the other. "Apple Comet!" His eyes widened when he saw me. "When did you get out of the hospital?"

"Just this morning," I answered. "Is Twilight around?"

His eyes darted to the sides as he tried to figure out how best to explain the lavender mare's caffeine-fueled behavior. "Uhh...now's not a good time. Twilight's been acting kinda...how to put it delicately?"

"Egg-heady?" Rainbow guessed.

"Well, not the word I would've used." His claws scratched behind his head. "She's been down in the basement for a day and a half now."

Rainbow Dash and both looked at each other and said "Oh, boy."

"For the last time, I am not jumping to conclusions Ms. Smartypants. I'm just saying the timing of the recent celestial events with the upcoming meteor shower is suspect that's all."

Twilight Sparkle glared daggers at the stuffed button-eyed doll slouched on the table. Her left eye twitched violently.

"No, you're the one who's acting sleep-deprived!" She looked up as she heard a knock at the door. "Urgh...come in,"

Spike opened the door. "Rainbow Dash and Apple Comet are here, I just thought you should know." He said. The purple unicorn's weary face lit up. With a *pop* she teleported to the top of the staircase.

"Apple Comet!" She leaned her neck down gazing at me with heavy red eyes. "Just the colt I wanted to see. How'd you like to help me with a little research?" Before I could answer, Rainbow stepped in front of me.

"If it's about the comet forget it! He's been through a lot today and from what I can see so have you. When's the last time you slept?"

"I..." Twilight paused, "honestly I can't remember."

"Last time I counted about thirty-six hours fourteen minutes twenty-three seconds," Spike said.

"When was that?" I asked.

"Breakfast this morning," Spike answered.

"Look Twilight you've been working very hard," Rainbow said delicately. "Why don't you get some sleep?"

Twilight's eye twitching reached a fevered pitch. "Get some sleep?" she snapped indignantly. "How can I sleep with everything that's going on? The comet's acting strange, Princess Celestia is indisposed, And the meteor shower is in just a few days! Coincidence? Oh...I think not!" It finally dawned on me that coming over at this time was not a good idea.

"Okay settle down Twi," Rainbow raised her hooves in defense.

"It's up to something, I don't know what, I don't know why, but when I find out, I'm gonna...I'm gonna...YAWN!" Her eyelids slammed shut and her legs collapsed sending her to the floor like a bag of oats. "...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz"

"Decaf," Spike said. "From now on she's drinking decaf."

"So, I'm guessing this isn't the first time something like this has happened huh?" I asked Spike as the two of us tidied up
Twilight's lab.

"It happens from time to time," He admitted. "But she's been making a consistent effort to better control it." I looked up through the ceiling at the purple unicorn sleeping soundly in her bed. She seemed so peaceful and serene, like a sleeping princess from a fairy tale. The way her barrel rose and fell with every breath. My eyes glanced over the reversible chalkboard covered with numerous equations, graphs, charts, times tables, and calculations. I noted that over time, her work became more and more illegible, a sign of her sleep deprivation. The word 'comet' was substituted with coffee in more than a few places. And Saddle Arabia was spelled Saddle Arabica.

From what I could make out, Twilight had been plotting my course marking the time and locations of comet sightings around the world, then using them to calculate my rate of speed and trajectory.

"So this was what kept her awake so long?" I said playing up the appearance of innocence.

"Yeah," Spike confirmed. "She's convinced the comet's behavior is somehow related to the upcoming meteor shower." My eyes turned to the bulletin board on the wall which was covered with cutout newspaper articles thankfully from reputable sources. Rubber bands strung between pushpins connected the pieces of the puzzle.

"Like a scout ship for an alien invasion," I said coming to the grim but logical conclusion. If I was correct, it would most logically result in nationwide or even worldwide panic. And while it would inevitably recede, I had a feeling I'd never be able to show my face in Ponyville ever again.

"What made you come to that conclusion?" Spike raised an eyebrow.

I flicked my tail and sighed. "I don't know, maybe all this comet hysteria is starting to rub off on me."

Spike scratched the back of his head. "I guess you aren't interested in reading about astronomy then huh?" He said.

I laughed heartily at the irony. "No thanks. I think I'm just gonna head home instead."

"Are you sure?" Spike asked concerned. "I can help you look for a subject if you want."

I turned my head around and said, "No thanks Spike, you were right, this wasn't a good time for me to come over."

As soon as I got home, I told Applejack about what I saw in Twilight's lab. A family meeting was called and eventually, it was decided I would stay home from school until the meteor shower under the guise that I wasn't feeling well. Apple Bloom would bring my schoolwork and homework home to me and keep me in the loop on what was happening at school.

On the second day of my hermitage, there came a knocking on my bedroom door. I looked up from my schoolwork to see Applejack and Spike standing on the other side of the door.

"Come in," I said. The door opened and Applejack stepped in.

"Howdy Sugarcube, hope a'h ain't interrupting but y'all got a visitor." The purple dragon was carrying a stack of comic books that went up to his chin His slitted eyes peering just over the top.

"Hey, Apple Comet, I heard you weren't feeling well, so I thought I'd come to cheer you up."

"Spike?" I had to admit, I did not see this coming. "What have you got there?" I asked him.

"Just a little something..." His arms strained as he carried the stack into the room. "That I like..." The stack fell to the floor collapsing like a house of cards. "...To read."

Ah, 'll leave you, boys, alone."Applejack said closing the door.

"So what do you think?" Spike held his arm out in presentation. His sharp-toothed maw beaming with anticipation.

"Uh...I dunno Spike, I've never really been into comic books to be perfectly honest." I admitted.

"Have you ever read one before?" He said with a mildly irritant tone.


"Then how can you know whether or not you like them?" He argued. "Look, all I'm asking is for you to give them a chance. If you don't like them, you don't have to read them.

I looked down at the vibrant covers around me. Each one bearing a name that promised excitement and adventure. Action Comics, Detective Comics, All-Star Comics, All Equestrian Comics. Nearly all of them depicted ponies in colorful costumes with different powers or gimmicks. Among them was a red pegasus in a lightning bolt cap. A blonde-haired earth pony mare dressed in a black outfit. And a unicorn dressed in a red and green outfit wielding a glowing green ring on his horn.

"Okay Spike, I'll try it." Hesitantly I reached down and picked one of the Adventure Comics, depicting a unicorn stallion dressed in a red and green star-themed outfit. "The Amazing Star-Stallion?"

I wasn't sure what to expect when I opened the first page. The story was about a unicorn astronomer named Starry Knight who witnesses a meteorite impact. He arrives at the site and upon examining the meteorite with his magic, he accidentally releases stellar energy that was trapped within. It merges with his magic greatly strengthening it to the point where he can control it not just with his horn but with his eyes and hooves as well. One page showed him rescuing a train from a collapsing bridge by levitating it into the air. Then he constructed a set of tracks by projecting them from his eyes, set the engine down on it, and off it went. All while standing on a starry disc projecting from his hooves. Admittedly a lot of the dialog was cliche and the story glossed over the details of the hero's personal life in favor of adventure. But I found myself enjoying it. By the end of the story, I was eager to read the next.

We spent the rest of the afternoon reading comic books. By five o'clock, I'd breezed my way through every issue with Star-Stallion, as well as several issues featuring other heroes like the Scarlet Speedster, Black Swan, and the Green Signet.

"You are a fast reader, you know that?" Spike said as I placed the last comic in its stack.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "Eh, what can I say? When I find a subject that interests me, I jump right in."

"So I take it that means you like comic books now?" We looked each other square in the eyes. A sly grin across both our faces.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda do," I said.

Spike ended up coming over every day for the next week. We read comic books and talked about things that interested us. We became more than acquaintances. We became friends. I found having someone to talk to in between my chores and schoolwork to be very cathartic.

Eventually, Saturday came, and with it the meteor shower. Throughout Equestria, ponies cleared the streets, taking shelter in their homes and businesses. The armed forces were placed on maximum alert. From Cloudsdale, the Wonderbolts maintained a constant aerial patrol. As night fell Equestria waited with bated breath for what would come next.

The next morning, when I peered through to the kitchen to read the headline in Mac's hoof.


It felt like a block of dark matter had been lifted off my back. Maybe now I could to my relatively normal life.

I came downstairs with a skip in my step and a smile on my face.

"Good morning everypony," I said elatedly.

"Well, somepony's certainly in a better mood," Granny Smith said as I sat down.

"Why wouldn't I be? The meteor shower came and went without incident." I crowed. "I can't wait to tell Spike all about it." I picked up my fork and knife and dug into my breakfast. The lightly salted and peppered taste of Granny's eggs sunnyside up was made only sweeter by the taste of vindication.

That afternoon, Applejack accompanied me to the library. As we walked through town, I overheard conversations that other ponies were having.

"Oh, Mootilda, I just feel so foolish for believing that alien invasion nonsense." Daisy Jo lamented.

"Well, at you can you say you weren't alone in that department," Mootilda said comfortingly.

"I can't believe I spent twenty-five million bits on a comet shelter." Filthy Rich muttered irritably.

"There there, Filthy," Spoiled caressed his shoulder. "We can always sue them out of existence."

He sighed and slumped his shoulders. "Yes, I suppose we can."

"Ponies these days will fall for any mass hysteria," Roseluck said hypocritically.

"I know right, I mean one pony yells out invasion, and then everypony around them suddenly loses all rational thinking skills," Daisy said in agreement.

"Y'all sure have spent a lot of time with Spike lately," Applejack said as we got closer to the library.

"Yeah, well it's been kind of nice having someone to spend time with who's more like me," I answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Well, it's just...we share several similarities."

"Oh, like what?" Applejack smirked interested in where I was going with this.

"Well for starters we're both orphans who were adopted. We both know what it's like to be different. To feel like we don't always fit in."

"You two talk about that sort of thing?" She asked.

"No," I shook my head. "Those are just some things I've noticed while we were spending time together. My eyes blinked as I spotted an unusual sight before me. "Hey, Applejack, when did Twilight get an owl?"

"What in tarnation are you talking..." She paused as she saw the librarian standing outside the library. Her friends gathered around staring at the owl perched on her back. "...about."

"Hi Applejack," Twilight greeted as we walked to her. Her violet eyes glanced down at me and immediately looked away with embarrassment. "Oh...uh...hi Apple Comet."

"Hello, Twilight, you're looking rather rested today," I said. Suddenly a pair of baby blue eyes appeared in front of me.

"Apple Comet!" Before I knew it, I was scooped up in Pinkie Pie's inescapable embrace.

"I've been super-duper worried about you this past week. What with you being abducted by a comet and ending up in the hospital? I wanted so so badly to throw you a sorry you were abducted by a celestial object party. No offense to Princess Celestia of course because she's our princess and she's a great princess and I forgot where I was going with this but oh yeah. But then Applejack told me you weren't feeling well, so I tried to visit you in hopes of cheering you up. But then she told me you were feeling really really unwell and that I should wait until you were feeling better and now you are feeling better which means we can finally have that party." She finished her long-winded assault on my senses by placing a party hat on my head and a blower in my mouth.

"Is that all?" I asked her impatiently.

"Yeppers Peppers!" She confirmed releasing me from her grip.

"So Twilight, ah've been meaning to ask, what's with the owl?" Pinkie Pie drew in a breath only to be muzzled by Twilight's magic.

"If it's all the same Pinkie, I'd prefer to tell her myself," Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie replied with a muffled "Okey-dokey." after which Twilight released her.

"Well, last night I was writing down my findings on the meteor shower when all of a sudden I heard a tapping noise coming from the balcony door."

While Twilight continued her story, my ears picked up noise coming from one of the windows.

"Psst, Apple Comet." I looked through the tree to see Spike standing at the slightly open window.

"Spike?" I whispered.

"Meet me inside, we need to talk," He said. I looked back to see Applejack and the others were enraptured by Twilight's tale.

"Ahem," Twilight paused her story and looked at me. "If anypony needs me I'll be inside."

Twilight smiled at me and said, "Sure Apple Comet." She immediately resumed her story as the others fawned over the owl.

"There you are," Spike was waiting for me at the top of the stairs as I closed the door behind me. "You saw it didn't you?"

"The owl?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that dirty feathered beak-faced job stealer." He scowled coming down the stairs.

"I feel like I'm missing a step here," I said.

"That owl shows up out of nowhere and thinks he can just take my job as Twilight's assistant." He said pointing his claw into my chest. "Well, we're gonna show him he's got another thing coming."

"And how exactly are we going to do that? If you don't mind me asking?" I was still way out of the loop on this.

"Simple, we just have to show Twilight that birdbrain out there is no match for me." He pointed his thumb into his chest.

"Spike," Twilight looked up from her reading. "Can you fetch me that book called Two-headed Myth..."

"Mythological Mysteries, I know where it is," He called out.

Luckily so did I. Grabbing a nearby shelf ladder I pushed it into position by the time Spike got there.

"Thanks, Apple Comet, he said as he scampered up the ladder. Unfortunately, the ladder didn't go up high enough. So I climbed after him and slid myself between his legs.

"Quick, stand on my shoulders," I said with a quick wink. He winked back and stood on my shoulders. I raised myself onto my hind legs and wrapped my fetlocks around his ankles.

"Easy, now, easy." His claw reached for the title spelled across the book's spine. His fingers made contact and pulled it free. "Got it!" He said as he held the book up in triumph.

"Hoot!" Just in time for Owlowiscious to snatch it up in his talons.

"What? Hey! Give that back!" Spike lunged for the owl.

"Spike no!" I called out as he slipped from my grip and fell forward.

"Whaaa!" His face just inches from the floor, my hooves holding on tightly to the barb of his tail. Meanwhile, Twilight politely thanked Owlowiscious and turned her attention to us.

"Spike, what have I told you about horsing around in the library?" She scolded. "You or Apple Comet could've gotten seriously hurt." She turned back to the owl. "Would you mind getting me Ferrets of Fairyland too?"

"Hoot." Owlowiscious flew off once again.


"Shoot." Twilight cursed.

"Yes sir." Spike rushed forward eager to help.

"My last writing quill is broken." She held the quill and its broken-off tip in her magic.

"Never fear! Spike your number one assistant is here! Quill...quill...where is it?" While Spike searched around the room, Owlowiscious let out a hoot and then calmly reached down toward one of his wings.

Where am I going to get a quill?" Not finding a quill downstairs, Spike raced upstairs to Twilight's bedroom.

"Spike, wait! Wait!" She called out as Owlowiscious presented her with one of his freshly plucked feathers.

I went upstairs after Spike but stopped when I noticed the 'intimate' contents of the drawer he'd decided to search. Which was made more awkward by what Twilight said next.

"Apple Comet, could you see what he's up to?" My face turned redder than Big Mac's as I saw the drake inspecting a lacey saddle blanket.

"Uhh...umm...uhh" A thousand thoughts raced through my head. 999 of them involved Twilight wearing the saddle blanket. Not even my super-senses could alert me in time when Spike came barreling back downstairs.


A flash of magenta magic brought me back to my senses. In front of me behind a shimmering barrier sat Spike, rubbing his head.


In a flash, Twilight teleported us to the bottom of the stairs.

"Spike, what were you thinking running around the library like that? You almost ran into Apple Comet. You could've both fallen down the stairs and gotten hurt."

Spike immediately went into panic mode. "I-I-I was just trying to find a quill for you. C-Cause the one you had broke."

Twilight exhaled and placed her hoof on her forehead. "I tried to tell you before you started turning the place upside-down. Owlowiscious gave me one of his feathers to write with instead." She held up the owl feather in her magic. Spike looked like a volcano about to erupt.

"RAARRRGH!" Without warning, he suddenly lunged for Owlowiscious. "Why you little...!" The owl flew up while Spike crashed headlong into Twilight's desk, knocking over the inkwell and spilling ink all over the scroll Twilight had been writing.

"SPIKE! What on Equus has gotten into you today?" She shouted looking angrier than I'd seen her since the Pinkie sense.

Spike shook his head and rose to his feet. "I could ask you the same question," he snapped. "But a better one would be when were you going to tell me you were planning on replacing me with freaky feathers here?" He pointed a claw accusingly at Owlowiscious.

"Replacing you?" Twilight stood aghast but kept her composure. "I don't know where you got such a ridiculous idea, but it's no excuse for acting like a jealous monster! This is not the Spike I love."

Spike's anger shattered into a thousand pieces. His eyes welled up with tears. He looked crushed.

"Y-You d-don't l-love me a-anymore?" He stammered in a trembling voice.

Twilight's jaw fell. "What? No, I never said that!"

"Yes, you did!" Fresh tears flowed from his eyes as he pointed a claw at her. "You said it right to my face! Well, I hope you and Owlowiscious get along great together because I quit!" He wiped his arm across the mucus running from his nose. "You won't have Spike the Dragon to kick around anymore!" He bolted out the front door, his face flush with tears

"Spike wait!" Twilight cried out but he ignored her and continued running through the streets. The entire time, I had been watching in stunned silence. But I couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"I'm going after him,"

"Spike, wait up!" I called out to him. He looked back at me and just kept on running. "Listen to me!"

"Go away!" He shouted defiantly. Running as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. I decided to let him tire himself out before talking to him. He gave up on running after a block, but continued to ignore me and just kept walking forward.

Eventually, when he couldn't ignore my presence anymore, he turned around to face me. "Will...you just...stop...following... me already?" His face twisted into an angry snarl.

"Not until you hear what I have to say," I said sternly. He snorted smoke from his nostrils and crossed his arms angrily.

"Alright, what is it?" He said impatiently.

"Spike, I know why you're upset. What Twilight said to you back there was wrong. You have every right to be angry with her." His anger softened slightly as he wiped the snot from his nose. "But running away isn't going to solve your problems, it's only going to make things worse. Believe me, I know." Tears built up in my eyes as my thoughts drifted back to that night. I closed my eyes and inhaled. "Come with me, there's something I have to tell you."

We ducked behind a building, out of sight of everypony else. After a quick check with my x-ray vision to make sure the coast was clear, I let loose. "When I was about five years old, I...got into an argument with Pa one night. I said some things I really regret and ended up running away from into the Everfree Forest."

Spike wiped his eyes and looked up at me. I continued, "It didn't take me long to become lost. I was scared, it was dark, and I didn't know how I was going to get home. Then I ran into some timberwolves." The dam broke as I felt tears run down my cheeks. "I ran for my life, calling out to Pa, Big Mac, Applejack, Granny Smith, anypony I could think of. I ended up running into Pa, who'd come out looking for me. However when he saw the Timberwolves...He...he...only one of us made it out of the forest that night."

At that point, I expected to collapse into a pathetic sobbing heap. Yet something inside me spurred me onward. The more I talked, the lighter the weight on my conscience felt. "He's up on a hill overlooking the orchard...sniff...buried right next to Ma...sniff. Not a day goes by...sniff...that I don't think about him. That I wish I had done things differently. But I can't change that. Pa is gone and it's partially my fault. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did."

Spike's eyes glistened through tears as he gazed at me. His arms fell to his sides as he slouched his shoulders. Without saying a word, he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. His tears dampened my coat as he sobbed into my shoulder. I hugged him back. "It's okay, buddy I'm here for you."

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed with relieved excitement as she galloped over to greet us. Her horn lit up as she telekinetically pulled him toward her embrace. " You had me worried sick. I went to all my friends asking if they had seen you."

Applejack and the others stood behind her, their faces lit up with joy and relief.

Spike put his arms around Twilight as she held him close. "Twilight, I'm so sorry for running away like that. Can you ever forgive me?"

Twilight lifted him in front of her face and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Of course I can, after all, you are my number one assistant." Hearing that, Spike's eyes bulged with joy.

"Thank you Twilight! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

"Not so fast," Twilight interrupted him. "We still have to discuss your punishment for running away."

To her surprise, Spike simply shook his head and said, "I don't care about that, whatever it is, I'll take it. I'm just your still alive."

Twilight looked at me confused. "Apple Comet, what did you tell him?" I looked over at Applejack and smiled. She smiled back at me.

"Just a personal experience, Twilight," I said.

"Hoot, hoot," Spike looked up at Owlowiscious who was pointing to a spot he'd missed with one wing.

"Yeah, yeah," He muttered dusting it with his mop. As punishment for trying to run away, Twilight had him reorganizing and tidying the library from top to bottom.

"Look at it this way Spike," I said placing some books back onto a recently dusted shelf. "You got to keep your job." He looked back at me, shrugged his shoulders, and sighed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," He admitted. "Anyway, thanks again for talking me out of running away. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Hey, what are friends for?" I said. He didn't smile at me. Instead, he looked almost guilt-ridden. "What's wrong?" I asked him. His gaze slowly drifted towards my flank for some reason.

"I was just...thinking, about what you told me yesterday. You know, about your Pa?"

"Oh," I replied.

"I was wondering, how do you do it? I mean if something happened to Twilight because of me, I don't think I could live with myself."

"You mean how do I go on living with the knowledge of what I did?" I felt the familiar pain of loss rising in me. But it was not alone.


I reached down deep within myself. "It wasn't easy at first," I admitted. "Heck, it still isn't easy sometimes. I cried more times than I ever had before or have since. I blamed myself, secretly wishing I had been the one taken instead. What ultimately got me through it was my family. Even, after all, I put them through by running away, they loved and supported me even when I felt like I didn't deserve it. They taught me the true meaning of forgiveness. It's one thing for others to forgive you for the things you did. It's another to forgive yourself. There's still a part of me that still carries that guilt. But my family has shown me I don't have to carry it alone. That's how I'm able to go on living."

"Sounds like somepony just learned an important friendship lesson." Twilight emerged from the basement carrying a broom, dustbin, and wastebasket.

"Gah, Twilight!" Spike gasped and proceeded to begin dusting the closest shelf. "We weren't slacking off, I swear."

Twilight let out a chuckle. "Relax Spike, you've got all day to finish." Her gaze shifted to me as her ears folded down.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I overheard what you said on my way up here. I thought it was very brave of you to come forward with that experience of yours." She knelt her head down and planted a kiss on my cheek. Instantly my ears stood erect and my eyes popped out.

"Hoot, hoot." Owlowiscious let out the owl equivalent of a wolf whistle.

"You said it, man," Spike said in agreement.

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